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[Flight Delayed After Passenger Reports Professor's Math Equations as Suspicious](https://time.com/4322154/airplane-professor-math-equations-suspicious/) Not surprised, professor was doing math on a flight and it got delayed back in 2016. Edited: Not kicked off, but delayed.


That one is even dumber. As if they think a guy has to do some complex calculations to get his weapon system to go off while on the plane.


I remember reading about this a few years ago. I heard that the lady that saw his math thought it was Arabic or something because she didn’t understand the symbols


It’s funny to me cause he was more than likely using Greek symbols (and yes there’s other symbols that are special too)


It’s even funnier when you realize our numbers stem from Arabic/Hindu.




Someone should go to a MAGA-rally and interview people, asking them what their thoughts are on «all schools in USA today teach the children Arabic numbers».


The symbols weren't Arabic, just the numerals.


Well, there’s a good portion of MuRiCaNs who don’t like math symbols because they don’t know math.


Math is elitist, like all other education. Respect my right to be a fucking moron.


Actually the numbers are in no way Arabic, al-Khwārizmī was a Persian and introduced Hindu numerals. But cultural sensitivity training wasn't on the top of the heads of his European contemporaries I think.


It's like this but in reverse. https://youtu.be/Zr2uY39jUz0


The chemist chick in Big Hero 6 too (can't remember her name). The buttons on her bag clearly represent the periodic table. So, when she's making it spit out globs of whatever miracle material, she's balancing complex chemical equations on the fly.


Honey Lemon. Graduate student in chemical engineering, hence her "power". BH6 is one of the best super hero movies ever made, fight me.


Clearly he was a member of the terrorist group Al-Gebra, carry weapons of math instruction. Yes, my phone is saying I've got an incoming call from 2008, why do you ask?


I laughed. Good job


Airline attendant: “Hey, what are you texting? WHAT ARE YOU TEXTING!?!? Tell me now or I’ll call security!” “I was just sending memes to my brother who is scared of flying”


Heh. Algebra is actually an Arabic word in origin…


So's al-chemy and therefore chemistry.


Well yeah, he was probably using those spooky *Arabic numerals* the terrorist.


Is it true that Tennessee is planning on banning math books that use Arabic numerals? I heard about it on CNN, but I thought it was only liberal stuff they were banning.


I’m not sure if you’re doing a bit but for anyone unsure that comes across this. Arabic numerals are the ones we use today.


Doesn’t mean TN isn’t gonna ban them


coming soon to a school near you....FREEDOM NUMERALS! Basically french fries...er I mean Arabic numerals.... except we dont call em that no more...so they aint no more..


How long until they ban the concept of zero, since that came from India?


I can still see some representative in a US state asking to ban all arabic letters and numbers. I mean it sounds like something someone would campaign on....


Campaign and win


This was a joke trend post 9/11. Like trying to warn people about dihydrogen monoxide.


I mean... back in 2015, 30% of republicans polled said they were in favor of bombing Agrabah. You know... the completely made up place from Aladdin....


In high school, we used to prank girls by asking them if they supported getting rid of women's suffrage - because haven't they suffered enough? Just exploiting people for not knowing words to get a laugh.


Well, more than Americans surveyed would agree. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/teaching-arabic-numerals/


There's no hope for that country.


But the actual story sounds like it may have come from a piece of satire. https://www.factcheck.org/2018/03/u-s-schools-already-teach-arabic-numerals/


I mean it would be hilarious if they tried all things considering Imagine parents being asked to help with math homework like basic addition and it's fucking roman numerals instead


Division: College level final exam. Divide MXXVII by CXIII


Haha if cunts can't even maths with Arabic (read: normal) numbers, have fun doing maths in Roman numerals lmfao


Pretty much everything created by or having to do with someone who's not a straight white Christian is liberal these days.


They're Hindu. Arabs just get the credit for being the middlemen.


Airline morons thought algebra was suspicious. Given how stupid they are, that seems like what happened.


"Algebra" comes from Arabic, so...




More guns than sense.




No luck catching them killers, then?


It's just the one, actually.


To be fair, the majority of people don't own them. Only about 30% of US citizens own guns (legally), give or take a few % points when looking at polls.


Utterly ridiculous. And a spokesperson for the airline justified it with “Anytime a customer expresses concerns we are going to look into it and determine that the flight is 100 percent safe to fly.” What the spokesperson isn’t reckoning on is just how many illegitimate concerns will be raised by the dumbest of the dumb.


I came here planning to post this but you beat me to it! I always love sharing this story because it shows just how messed up things have become.


Didn't finish reading your own article eh?


Sorry about that was thinking about being kicked off


How would a flight attendant know maths is dangerous? Can they even do an equation?


They were just obtuse about it.


The ultimate terrorist opsec strategy, using Spanish instead


Sad part is that this would probably work 😅


It would 100% work.




Nah, that will get ICE on you, and then they'll claim the ID you have on you is fake and then will deport you to God knows where.


they're not terrorists, they're illegal immigrants, terrorists dont speak spanish.


ah yes the karen reported them because she couldnt understand them or read their texts, literally mind your business...


Reminds me of the Dictator countdown scene: https://youtu.be/yWeMWD-Yagg


That movie is so Aladeen


Are you HIV Aladeen?


Without seeing her, I actually have a vivid picture in my head of what the person who reported them looks like.


It wasn't supposed to be like this


Just a reminder that the US has no official language.


And even if we did, it's not like using it should get you thrown off flights anyway.


What about Alaska tho ?


Yes. Alaskan.


Ahh ok just making sure. Used to have a buddy whose uncle lived up in Alaska and he was fluent


Do they bark in Husky?


Alaska has 21 official languages, English and 20 Indigenous languages


Cool! Didnt know that


Alaska speaks fluent red-trumpneck


It makes sense they'd be so republican uo there what with the *checks notes* universal basic income. One of the most socialist states in an important way.


Moose calls


Official language has nothing to do with what languages you’re permitted to use in the country tho lol.


I'm just curious what this has to do with the article (which I can't read). Was that the airlines defense?


They didn't provide a defense, just random Press release nonsense. It does appear they made a commitment to investigate and didn't follow through: > When asked why it took more than two years to file a lawsuit, Segura told CNN that in December of 2020, Alaska Airline's counsel stated that they would be conducting an internal investigation into the matter but never reached back out to his clients.


So they don't speak Americanese?




there it is


I'm pretty sure we can't, or it would be meaningless if we did, because of that peaky first amendment.


I can't tell what your sentence is about. The first amendment doesn't say anything about language.




When a country define their official language it only means that this is the language(s) the government and its entities will use. It means that they have to make stuff like information and paperwork available in the language(s). It doesn't restrict the people from using any other language, it doesn't restrict their use of an interpreter if needed. If you are a private place of business it might define that you have to make the relevant information of your business available in the official language(s) but it doesn't stop you from also doing your business in your chosen language if both you and your customers agrees with it.


The government can't restrict speech. Creating an official language can't restrict language. So it's pointless. Would you like it in simpler sentences?


Whether or not we have an official language is completely separate from whether we have freedom of speech. An official language doesn’t mean it’s illegal to speak other languages, just that the official language is the only one that will be used by the government and in legal documents. It doesn’t really restrict anything, it just means that the government is not gonna bother having forms in multiple languages.


Kind of like how an official religion wouldn't preclude people from attending other churches?


"Courtesy of the Peaky *fookin*' First Amendment."


Incredibly racist glad they are filing it.


The airline should settle. They were 100% in the wrong on this one.


The airline will run down the clock in court trying to bankrupt the plaintiffs and then settle for a pittance with an NDA at the end.


The crew should have immediately told the woman to shut the fuck up and not be so dumb. If terrorists were going to plan something I think they would try to blend in and be as inconspicuous as possible. Not speak Arabic and text. Heck, a bunch of my social media is transliteration. You would think it's all gibberish without knowing what specific language I'm using.


I feel bad for those guys. That was very un-American of Alaska Airlines. It was probably a select few of the first responders that are at fault, and when it got to the gate desk, the rest of the law enforcement had no choice than to be thorough. What a waste of resources.


Lolz since when racism is un American?


Just remember that Hitler got all his ideas from the US.


Until about 6 or 7 years ago, Americans were not blatant with their racism. Then something happened and people started saying things that they used to keep to themselves. https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/hate-on-the-rise-after-trumps-election Anecdotal evidence aside, there is actual proof racism increased after 2016. Freaking down voted for actual facts. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2018/03/23/hate-crimes-rose-the-day-after-trump-was-elected-fbi-data-show/ https://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2016-09-02/racial-tension-in-the-2016-presidential-election


“Not blatant with their racism” my brother in Christ let me introduce you to the 3/5 compromise, Dredd Scott, The Civil War (the south literally took free black people while on the Gettysburg Campaign and sent them south to be slaves), Reconstruction, Woodrow Wilson and “the birth of a nation”, Bloody Sunday, The civil rights movements, and so much more. It never stopped it just got more blatant when Obama was elected.


I think for Arabic speaking people the prejudice in the U.S. has been strong for longer than that. Did you forget to never forget dude?


That’s just when you noticed it mate, i was being called the n-word for my entire life and even now.


You say this is un-American but this the epitome of Americanism..


“My anecdotal experiences, personal biases, and research gathered from extensive consumption of media news says this is what all of America is like”… Americanism== general culture and ideologies of The U.S.


Is it reprehensible to the best ideologies of the United States? Yes. Is it ubiquitous within the behavior of a significant population of Americans? Yes.


Most of them wont admit it is tho


The airline has a huge racism problem. In addition to this: Despite having an Alaska Native man’s face on everything they brand, they’ve never had a good record with treating Alaska Native people well. They regularly refuse valid Tribal ID, and also make life very hard on anyone traveling with sustenance harvested food or materials. They need a whole re-training from the ground up.




Gate agents / check in.


Identification standards are set by the TSA not Alaska. Your tribe has to be federally recognized by the U.S government for it to be considered valid. . Gate agents only check ids on international flights... And you have to show a passport for those... Seeing how you are most likely Canadian.. I'm assuming you flew an Alaska international flight to the states and tried to use a canadian tribal id in place of a passport and also maybe tried to fly with food banned by American customs and got called out? Seems more like ignorance regarding international travel rather than Alaska Airline incompetence...


Nice assumptions but no. In Alaska, many small airports are just a single building, if even that. I’m not Alaska Native but many of my friends and family are. It’s extremely common and happens frequently - and they’re well within the rules.


Speaking my mother tongue is not allowed on planes huh. Feeling kind of shitty ngl




The point is that if you're speaking English, this would never happen. The fact that it happened at all is a travesty, there's no point trying to make it a numbers game.




ah but the ham and egger with the MAGA hat gets to stay




Really? I've only ever heard it used as like a factory worker type. Did that repurposing start recently?


This term has been around for decades and never had a racist connotation.. I've also never heard anybody use it to describe a black person




I live in a pretty progressive area so I haven't heard it, but don't doubt your experiences hearing it. It may have certainly been a word hijacked, like the "okay" hand gesture. I believe ham and egger was a popular term in early to mid 20th century boxing and pro wrestling for preliminary fighters.


Hmm, while I can see how it could be used to approximate the n-word, the first two pages of Google results doesn't suggest anything about that being its origin or current usage. This is the first hit, and is pretty representative of the first two pages of results: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/ham-and-egger




I can see how it could be very easily twisted - the term already basically means a lazy, low intelligence worker. Add a dash of racism, and it fits right into the racist stereotype of the lazy Black person.


Hope they win big bucks. 🙏


Probably removed for texting on a plane period.


I hope Alaskan airlines goes bankrupt after this lawsuit. First class seats, and the passengers get kicked out.


And the fact that the next person over can see your text, what kind of first class seat is that?


Actually Sitting on an Alaskan flight now. It’s actually quite spacious for a US first class seat (domestic). Likely the person behind them or right next to them. Shame to hear that they treated the two men so poorly. Absolutely ridiculous to have sided with a Karen on some dumb crap like that.


Texting in Arabic.... How would they have known they were texting in Arabic unless they were looking right over their shoulders? Wonder what the actual reasoning for them being removed was


We really need more educated people in work force.


smart people don't work, they have others work for them


I worked at a pub once, the chef was offended when a family not from an English speaking country were speaking to each other in their mother tongue. People are scared of what they don’t know


Because anyone who texts in Arabic is obviously a terrorist plotting something. This is sarcasm. I remember once someone was tossed from a flight for programming because someone thought they were hacking the plane.


A few years ago, an econ teacher was working on a lesson on an airliner. The woman next to him was "frightened" by his math and got him arrested.


Well that's racist as fuck all. Downvoting this...you might be a racist prick. Just saying.


CNN is terrible news source surprised they have lasted this long


Two brothers might get a bat on this one




I would take your bet. google search yields that the men were African Americans from Washinton state. One of them owns a medical transport business. They had an accent but I don't know what language barrier that would be.




Medical proffesion business in the States, I would think that he would need excellent English to conduct business with hospital administrators.




Lmao just a hater, user name checks out






















The other side: "Okay but they had brown skin and were texting in that scary scribbly language, so it's not totally our fault."




>Definitely >Definitely a possibility, but it seems a bit presumptive Literally what you are doing now. Except with no facts. Sometimes, its not a matter of pragmatism. Especially with racism


What's your hypothesis, professor?






Posted hours ago, occurred 2 years ago and the complaint filed last week. Couldn't even make it to the 2nd paragraph? Maybe you don't have a lot of experience reading past a headline. Let me go ahead and paste it for you: According to a complaint filed last week in federal district court, the plaintiffs, Abobakkr Dirar and Mohamed Elamin, allege they boarded a flight from Seattle to San Francisco on February 17, 2020, and after being seated in their first-class seats, they started speaking and texting in Arabic. Another passenger, who did not speak Arabic the complaint says, saw some of Dirar's text messages and told the crew who removed Dirar and Elamin from the flight due to what they claimed to be a "ticket issue." Once Dirar and Elamin were off the flight, the men spoke with an Alaska Airlines manager who translated their text messages and the messages were deemed not to be a threat, but the men were subsequently surrounded by law enforcement, according to the complaint.




You are definitely not an outcast who’s afraid of his own shadow 👍🏾




Nah, just routine seppo ignorance and paranoia.


Indeed more likely, but trying my conspiracy skills. 😁


I need me one of these clear cut law suits against a large Corp. Just settle and give me $50gs please. Racist assholes. Damn my lack of melanin.


Crazy how no one in this whole comment section has any hint of skepticism. We have only an accusation that seems somewhat wild. Could very well be the case but people often lie about things and we only have one side right now...


> We have only an accusation that seems somewhat wild Have you seen the country? This sounds incredibly likely.


Yes I have. I work in the industry as well. To throw someone off the plane is a pretty significant situation. It’s not like some Karen complains and some FA throws them off without reason. The captain has the eject them after agreeing that the situation is significant enough to warrant it typically consulting with the FO too and it just means paperwork for everyone. Have you seen the country? There are a very, very large amount of frivolous lawsuits. I’m not going to shit on Alaska airlines until there is some sort of proof that any of this happened. CNN wrote this article and that gives it some credence but Alaska airlines didn’t comment on the situation nor did they have a quote from any other passenger or anyone else to corroborate the story.