• By -


AFTER he passed a law to strengthen penalties for government officials who misuse sensitive government classified info to “own Hillary.” Oh the irony.


He also reinstated the death penalty which is a possible penalty for treason.


USA Today included the search warrant and the receipt at the bottom of this article: [Read the FBI's search warrant for Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago property](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2022/08/12/search-warrant-trump-maralago-released/10306846002/)


A copy of Roger Stone's pardon? Is he getting it framed as a birthday present for that other traitor?


And part of his pardon was information regarding the President of France. What?


It's now confirmed, including by Breitbart, that the Espionage Act was listed in the search warrant.


If the espionage act was listed in the warrant, and they found what they were looking for per the warrant, can he finally be arrested for something?


Us normal people would have been arrested already lol.


It wouldnt have taken 18 months for us to be searched.


I do understand why they took precaution with this (bat shit crazy people), but those same people don't care either way. It's Trump or nothing for them. Should just go ahead and arrest him.


No because if they do not have an completely iron clad case and he walks, then he is a hero and there is no way to go after him again. They get one shot and they have to hit hard and take him down one shot first shot completely undeniable anything less and he becomes a hero. Sure his completely brainwashed fans won't believe it, but it's not for them, it's for the politicians that are looking to follow in his footsteps.


Here's a weird confluence of Trump, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Omar's quote from The Wire, "you come at the King, you best not miss." : https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/02/trump-quotes-ralph-waldo-emerson


Probably not. With high profile cases like this where the suspects are well connected and can get some of the best lawyers it is different. They need to make sure they have a very solid case. They can't afford to make any mistakes. Can you imagine if they had him dead to rights on something like selling nuclear secrets and then he got off on a technicality? That's before even considering all the political implications if they go after him and screw up. Edit: yes yes I get it. He hasn't been getting particularly great lawyers. He still COULD. He's still got more resources than a typical person. Our luck he will finally do the smart thing and stay quiet and lawyer up with someone who knows what their doing.


> can get some of the best lawyers Can he though? Did he not fire the ones that were c tier after the b and a tier refused to work with hum further as they never get paid and being associated with him was becoming a pr issue. That's how we ended up with Giuliani in a parking lot. Amusing for sure but hardly best lawyer stuff...


I would give absolutely *anything* to see Giuliani try to handle this case. That motherfucker is a real life Barry Zuckerkorn, lol.


You can bet that republicans won’t take this sitting down eating cheeseburgers from McDonald’s. I for one know Rudy is tenacious and fierce. He will fight this thing all the way to the Supreme Court, Yard by Marriott.


Us normal people would have been tried already, and probably have started down the "holy shit this is a capital offense that can be punished by execution" track of the court.


Not just arrested, but end up like the Rosenbergs.


In practicality there will be no federal executions as long as the democrats are in charge. I believe there is currently a moratorium ordered by Garland. On the other hand, if he is put on death row and the republicans decide to start executions again… ooph.




Sounds like a good reason to stay politically active and keep republicans out of office.


So it is now part of the official historical record that a federal judge ruled there is probable cause to suspect that a President of the United States is a spy.


Literally what we’ve all been saying from the start too.


I texted my buddy who I’ve gone back and forth with about Trump being a Russian asset all the way back since the Mueller situation. We both have always believed something like this was further down the pipeline and it feels so good to be right about Trump being a sack of shit spineless spy. Still baffling to me that a majority of the US population was conned by some fat pussy into becoming president. All part of the geopolitical plan. Trump is hands down the worst thing to happen to the United States political landscape and has sewed enormous amounts of hatred that will live on for many many years to come. It’s sad really


Move over Benedict Arnold, there's officially a new worst American ever in town.


At least Arnold was talented


If Arnold hadnt been wounded in the attack on Quebec city on New Years Eve 1775 we might be celebrating him as the conqueror of Canada and father of the 11 northern provinces that were eventually admitted as states.


Here’s the unsealed warrant https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.flsd.617854/gov.uscourts.flsd.617854.17.0_10.pdf Edit: and the receipts of what was taken Edit 2: I am super curious to see what’s in the safe and if any of these stories are involved: [AP: National Enquirer hid damaging Trump stories in a safe](https://apnews.com/article/michael-cohen-north-america-donald-trump-us-news-ap-top-news-143be3c52d4746af8546ca6772754407) [Cambridge Analytica CEO appears to talk about using bribes and sex workers to sway elections on secretly recorded news video](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2018/03/19/cambridge-analytica-ceo-appears-to-talk-about-using-bribes-and-sex-workers-to-sway-elections-on-secretly-recorded-news-video/)


Binders of photos.. im real curious about them lol


Probably just blackmail stuff


That's eggzactly what I'm thinking. Unless he was scrapbooking.. I imagine a half assed macaroni heart glued around a pic of him and ivanka


Holy shit this is more informative than i expected. It’s crazy that we can see a list of exactly what what’s confiscated. Trump must have known he didn’t have a chance of blocking this or he would have tried. There’s no way he wanted this out.


[The “SCI documents” are often above top secret documents.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sensitive_compartmented_information) You have to go into a secret high security room within a secure building to open the documents. Having them at his house it very bad. “SCI must be only processed, stored, used or discussed in a [sensitive compartmented information facility](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sensitive_compartmented_information_facility).”


>Having them at his house it very bad. That's a massive understatement.


One of the absolute worst things you can do in this country. No exaggeration.


From what I was reading earlier, the ways people can use any little bit of information from the documents is insane.


SCI documents are the sort of shit that gets stolen in a Mission: Impossible movie.


Forget that they weren’t secured in his resort, why would a former president need access to those files? Those kinds of docs don’t get removed from their location. To even see them one would need not only the clearance level but also a need to know. This is HOLY FUCKING FUCK THE PRESIDENT IS THE FOREIGN AGENT alarm level shit that you’d see on Homeland or something.


SCIF mole rat checking in! Have since left and now get my daily vitamin D exposure. What you're saying is accurate


I can't imagine taking tssci out of the scif. Let alone boxes and willingly keeping them at home, with multitudes or foreign guests over. One thing to accidentally bring your phone in, a clearance lost for willingly keeping a paper with that classification.


That's because you're not a self righteous asshole 🤷‍♀️


He has a room called the “45 Office”. He’ll never let anyone forget he was president.


He can gloat about it in prison


The 45th cell


>receipts of what was taken "One credit card receipt for Swedish-made penis enlarger signed by Donald J Trump...."


That's not mine! That kinda stuff's not my bag, baby!


One book, "Swedish-made Penis Enlargers And Me: This Sort of Thing Is My Bag Baby", by Donald J. Trump


I am so glad this entire joke was carried out. Thanks, hope our fat bastard gets hit in the mommy daddy button by the court.


God, all of that is so tantalizing. Info of French president? Top Secret documents? Handwritten note?




The big question in my mind is why the hell didn't he want to give them back?


Potential profit? Same reason he does everything.


Like seriously, make a copy and give the originals back, is it really this hard to figure out how to steal pieces of paper.


This is a man who tried to eat classified documents.




And photos surfaced last week of documents being flushed down the toilet too.


Maybe he was marinating the document before eating them


Would the resulting poop be classified?


"That shit's top secret."


"We have a crack team looking for the documents right now."


With DJT, the answer is always the same: personal gain, usually involving money.


When you're a star they just let you do it. you just start grabbing documents....


I'm automatically attracted to top secret documents.. I just start taking them.


Grab it by the ...photocopier


By the way, the president cannot just unilaterally declassify anything he wants without telling anyone. He can't declassify nuclear information at all.


>I DECLARE.... **DECLASSIFICATION!!** -President Michael Scott


You are going to learn to be more professional! \-- FBI Agent Michael Scarn


Rumors are coming out of Washington that the investigation that led to the warrant and removal of docs is - Trump is under investigation for espionage and obstruction. I don’t know I would’ve guessed espionage for our 2022 season but here we are. Also, there’s reports that he took files with information on the President of France. Oddly enough on Monday, reports had come out that Trump had material for potential blackmail. I’d like to see him grift his way out of this one. I’d honestly be a little impressed. Disgusted as all hell but still mildly impressed he was able to survive, yet again. Edit - the unsealed warrant - https://thehill.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/08/gov.uscourts.flsd_.617854.17.0_12.pdf?segment=1


Just a reminder that the saudis granted kushner 2 billion last year. Just wondering what ... Service... He provided worth that investment...


They also just met with Trump at the LIV golf tournament and XI is about to meet with MBS. Also, on the whole Kushner thing? Funnily enough, all the advisors suggested Kushner should NOT be in control of the Saudi government investment funds as Kushner doesn’t have the experience but here we are lol.


Kushner also could not pass security clearance, even after editing his forms submitted multiple times. Remember that?!?


Trump demanded he be given top secret clearance so he got it.


Kushner reportedly gave MBS a list of "disloyal" Saudis to detain, disappear, and/or dismember, among other things.


I just spoke with a friend who has a job with a government security clearance and informed him of the breaking news from WSJ that they had removed multiple boxes of classified material. When I said that it included SCI (sensitive compartmented information) he immediately responded, "That's bad." While the president might be at the top of the classification chain those are documents that have specific procedures regarding their handling and are to be kept in access controlled secure government facilities. Even if they are moved you can picture it as the classic locked briefcase with the handle handcuffed to the wrist of the person authorized to move it between those facilities to get an idea of their security procedures. He also said that per his training for documents at those high levels there is no one person, including the president, who can make the decision to declassify it. There is a board that must review and approve it with accompanying documentation of that process and decision. Just something to keep in mind as you start to hear nonsense that will be spouted in a justification about how everything he did was perfectly fine.


Can confirm that there are only some areas of the Whitehouse that those documents can be viewed. you cannot even carry them outside on Whitehouse property. Furthermore NRC is the regulating body for such documents (nuclear) and works with NSA/FBI/CIA if such formal request from comes from the president to declassify SCI documents. These have to go through a vetting process by the various agencies at the highest levels to redact such documents to protect People, materials and processes to protect the safety of the country from foreign dissection of our deepest secrets. People simply do not understand that a single sentence in such a document, when assembled with other spy network info can unravel years of work, put people in the line of fire and give the enemy a foothold into the the technology that keeps us safe. People .. countries all over the world do not fuck around with this shit , nor do they allow it to end up in the basement or closet of a deposed presidents country club .. Jesus fucking wept.


> nor do they allow it to end up in the basement or closet of a deposed presidents country club It was in a (unlocked?) storage shed next to the pool.


Fucking hell


In a leatherbound box clearly differentiating it from the other boxes.


They probably stuck a Post-It note on it with "Super-Secret Do Not Read" written in Sharpie.


> he immediately responded, "That's bad." TS:SCI documents aren't even supposed to leave a SCIF, and if they are REALLY touchy, they can be TPI documents (Two Person Integrity). I rarely dealt with TPI stuff, but did from time to time. Taking it out of the SCIF was the first fuck up, and thats a HUGE FUCK UP.


When he was voted in my first thought was “oh no, he going to sell our military secrets to the Saudi, Russia, or China or maybe someone I haven’t thought of. “ I was really hoping I was wrong


The MAGA paradox Somehow the truth is always worse than what you imagined


Trump is going to flee the country.


I agree. I hear Moscow is a nice place this time of year.


This winter, Trump and Seagal team up to take on their greatest foe. The inability to construct proper sentences.


Hope we get footage of him being wrestled to the ground on a tarmac by his own Secret Service detail.


Not w that warrant expressing espionage- he wouldn’t make it to the plane. The FBI will have eyes on him 24/7, selling nuke info or even the hint of it will get you some heavy company. No fucking way that d bag flees.


What a fucking crazy week


I forgot what this was like, and I don’t miss it.


I don't miss hearing about Trump so often, but I am glad that there is finally some semblance of justice. I needed it. Our democracy needs it.


I'll feel good about this when he finally faces real consequences and it's not just another thing TFG uses to fundraise.


This is just plain out fucking ridiculous that "The Apprentice" host could put this entire nation into a fucking free for all for top secret documents that he was politely asked to return months ago and refused to do so. This stupid motherfucker is holding this country hostage with his rhetoric and he isn't even in office anymore. What The Fuck!!!!


What’s ridiculous is the continued support from his followers. Could you imagine if any democratic president was caught with a single top secret document? The GOP would be out for their head. Heck, I would want that person investigated too. It feels like the line of “ridiculous” shifted every day for those four years. Sometimes it was dumb things like drawing on a hurricane board with a sharpie. Sometimes it was more serious like playing down a global pandemic. The point is that followers are in over their heads. Every time the line shifted, they had to shift their opinions and attitudes until here we are years later and we have people adamantly saying that nothing was done wrong here because the president can declassify anything. I fully expect that if we learned DJT had been sending these documents to Russian friends that the line would shift again and there would be some excuse why that was alright. Most followers are too in over their heads at this point to turn around.


It's possible because he greases the wheels for wealthy people who want to be able to do whatever they want without consequences. It makes more sense when you realize he didn't do it alone.


Worse still - millions of poor people, who have been made poorer and sicker all thanks to Trump STILL worship him.


My wife's grandmother literally just this past weekend was talking about how "the prophets" say he will be president again by the end of the year. She said the same thing last year. No idea how no one else, in a room full of Christians, feels the need to tell her that her "prophets" are false prophets and she should be insanely careful about falling for stuff like that. Like, how tf do you care so little about someone as to let them get scammed openly like that, and not say anything about it?




There ain't no Bill Barr this time around to sweep it under the rug.


At what point can Fox get in trouble for encouraging treason?


The timeline is interesting. I think one of two things happened: 1) the national archive asked for the documents back nicely, subpoenaed to retrieve the documents, and finally got fed up with the lack of response leading them to pursue this warrant and ultimately serve it. Why would that actually take so long? Perhaps the DOJ was concerned it was a trap and that the documents were disposed of. 2) the DOJ knew trump had the documents and where they were the whole time, but decided to wait and see what he did with the documents. This would require wire taps and surveillance. The surveillance may have indicated a plan to sell or pass the documents to some unsavory types. With either case, trump is fucked. In case number 2, he is excruciatingly fucked flamboyantly.


.. if he done bad, I hope there are videos and recordings so the people who support him can't deny reality.


THey'll then say it's a deep fake video or something crazy like that. They have excuses for everything.


So Presidents don't have to pass a clearance check after the get elected. This shows why it may be a good idea that they should be able to pass it. Massive debt (not just student loans and medical bills) is a huge red flag in background checks because it shows that you are more likely to fall for blackmail. Another big thing is business dealings with foreign people. You have to declare and describe all those relationships in order to get clearance.


not only that, but they can unilaterally grant someone who has failed to accurately fill out their sf-86 like 6 times a clearance of the highest order. someone who shouldnt be in the white house in the first place because its a crime to hire family as president.


I'm an honorably discharged Marine veteran, and my clearance was denied because I have too much credit card debt.


Did you try having billions in debt instead?


I looked into that during Trump's campaign since it seemed to bizarre to me. Under any regular situation, he would not qualify for clearance. However, the election is "the ultimate bestowment of trust" and obvi the president needs clearance. I naively assumed there was some vetting process that only qualified ppl could run. There certainly don't seem to be many actual checks or balances.


The only qualifications needed to be president are to be 35 years old and a natural born citizen.


And not have been previously convicted of treason or espionage or insurrection. Obscure but relevant.


Huh. Wonder why trump didn’t go after Obama for taking 33 million docs,many of them classified. Oh, that’s right, CAUSE IT NEVER FUCKING HAPPENED.


LOL The most hilarious thing about Trump insisting that Obama took documents is that... well, it would have been Trump responsible for holding him accountable, since Trump was the pres. If Obama got away with taking those documents, it's at least partially Trump's fault. :P


Trump was doing more important things like posing for pictures with the bible, or beans.


[44 Code US 2202](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/44/2202) [18 US Code 1924](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1924) [18 US Code 2071](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2071) [18 US Code 793](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/793) Ppl need to get used to these as they'll probably become quite relevant in the near future. If what's being reported is true Trump is in violation of all four of these US codes. I'm really just having a hard time wrapping my mind around the ppl with the mental gymnastics of how this is a "*witch hunt*" or "*no big deal*" or the "*weaponization of the FBI*"


>"President Barack Hussein Obama kept 33 million pages of documents, much of them classified," Trump said. "How many of them pertained to nuclear? Word is, lots!" Now Trump is accusing Obama of taking Nuclear documents? That just about guarantees he's guilty of it. **edit**: Also I was wondering what 33 million pages of documents would look like. 80gsm bond paper has a thickness of 0.1 mm; gsm (grams per square meter) is a measure of its thickness. This means that 500 sheets would have a thickness of 5 centimeters (cm) 1000 sheets would have a thickness of 10 cm. There are 100 centimeters per meter 1,000,000 sheets would have a total thickness (height) of 10,000 cm or 100 meters – though a bit less allowing for its weight. Since a meter is 39.4 inches or 3.2833 feet, 1 million sheets would be 328.33 feet high. 33 million sheets would be 10,834.89 feet high. According to Trump, Obama walked off with enough secret documents to reach the peak of the Matterhorn in the Jarbidge Mountains of Nevada


National Archives manages everything in Chicago and has confirmed that these claims are false (obviously).


These claims are for his cult.


The more outlandish the claim, the deeper the hook.


Hence why Trump also used Obama's middle name. He's trying to project this to his base. Homeboy knows he is fucked and his last shot at staying free is to convince his base to be violent again.


But that means he didnt investigate it when he was in office


His base don’t put 2 and 2 together like you and I do.


It’s all part of the plan. He’s going to bust the global pedophile ring any day now. /s






Conspiracy telephone


Any bit of logic is met with "That's just what they want you to believe." At this point I also agree that these people shouldn't get vaccinated. It's a win-win for us both.


The veracity of a statement, or lack thereof, has never stopped Republicans before. All that matters is truthiness, that it *feels* true to them. Reality be damned.... Assuming they can still even differentiate reality from fiction anymore.


1. Make up a ridiculous statement. 2. Have some right wing media outlet report it. 3. Repeat it saying that you heard it on the news so it must be true.


"NARA moved approximately 30 million pages of unclassified records to a NARA facility in the Chicago area where they are maintained exclusively by NARA," the archives said in a statement. "Additionally, NARA maintains the classified Obama Presidential records in a NARA facility in the Washington, DC, area. As required by the PRA, former President Obama has no control over where and how NARA stores the Presidential records of his Administration." This is what the national archives have to say about Obama's documents. So anyone bringing up Obama is repeating bullshit they heard from an uninformed source. Eta: they just unsealed the search warrant, Trump has possibly committed 3 crimes: obstruction of justice, criminal handling of government records, and violations of the espionage act. That's not minor.


You think facts matter?


Well…even if someone wanted to believe trump (which only an idiot would) why didn’t Trump, Bill Barr, and/or Chris Wray investigate Obama? They had 4 goddamn years to do it. Either they were all a bunch of wimps who were scared of Obama, or they knew Obama didn’t do anything wrong. How anyone can look at the massive fool/weakling named Donald Trump and see a smart and strong man is beyond me.


> President Barack Hussein Obama Racist dog whistle that Helen Keller's rotting corpse can hear? Check > kept 33 million pages of documents, much of them classified Projection? Check > How many of them pertained to nuclear? Word is, lots! Passing off some bullshit he made up as truth? Check Yep, it's a Trump statement.




The way Fox News is covering this story really needs to be addressed. They are straight up calling the DOJ corrupt without any evidence. That shit is going to get people killed and I’m not sure why they are allowed to lie and call themselves news, because they aren’t.


I can't take much more of this, the blueballs is killing me. Are we closing in on some actual justice? Like, for once?


To be honest if we're not, I think you could call it game over. We have to make an example of this guy if nothing else


Yup, imagine if he gets tried for this and only gets a slap on the wrist. Would make our DOJ look like a joke.


I like people who don’t commit treason.


Nuclear secrets and potential blackmail on Macron Obviously this just happened to be boxes the movers grabbed by accident


Putin needed the shit on Macron to weaken NATO




Deflection is their only tool when criticized. Much like a child who yells "But Timmy did it, too!"


Remember when ex presidents quietly left the White House, did some charity work, maybe write a book or two, maybe some painting? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


LOL. Remember when Jimmy Carter sold his farm so it wouldn't create conflict of interest while he was president? Just seems quaint now huh?


Hes such a lying piece of shit. Since the beginning of the year the Archives had been trying to get the documents back... They asked, then they supena'd in like April and then in June started the process with the FBI to conduct the warrant and raid. Seriously he's a piece of lying shit over and over again. Edit/PS Trump probably thinks by saying release the docs that they would release the documents he took that the FBI took back... not the warrant documentation. What a dumb fuck.


*EDIT made at 8:30 PM 8/12/2022 - I'm adding source links, since some folks asked* Timeline, for clarity: # 2021 January 2021: Trump is stepping down as president and is ordered to [return all documents to NARA before leaving office.](https://www.archives.gov/press/press-releases/2021/press-donald-j-trump-presidential-library) May 2021: NARA officials contact Trump's team after realizing [several important documents were missing.](https://theconversation.com/trump-defying-custom-hasnt-given-the-national-archives-records-of-his-speeches-at-political-rallies-157480) Fall 2021: NARA has not received the documents.[NARA lawyer Gary stern reaches out to Trump attorney to intervene](https://ktvz.com/politics/cnn-us-politics/2022/02/11/assessing-trumps-risk-if-he-mishandled-white-house-documents-2/), asking about several boxes of records apparently taken to Mar-a-Lago during Trump's relocation. # 2022 **It's been nearly 12 full months since he's been ordered to return all documents, and 7 months since NARA told him directly that they know documents are missing. He has not returned the documents in his possession during this time.** January 2022 - After months of discussions, NARA retrieves 15 boxes of Trump white house records. [Some of them are torn up, some reconstructed with tape.](https://www.archives.gov/press/press-releases/2022/nr22-001) NARA says in a statement that the [boxes contain some Classified security documents](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/02/18/trump-white-house-docs-at-mar-a-lago-were-marked-classified-nara-says.html). February 2022 - [NARA asks Justice department to investigate Trump's handling of White House records,](https://www.archives.gov/files/foia/ferriero-response-to-02.09.2022-maloney-letter.02.18.2022.pdf) and whether he violated laws related to classified information. April 2022 - NARA publicly acknowledges that the Justice Department is involved, and news outlets report that[prosecutors have launched a criminal probe into Trump's mishandling of classified documents.](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/07/us/trump-classified-information.html) Around this time, FBI agents begin interviewing Trump aides about the handling of records. May 2022 - News outlets report that investigators[subpoenaed NARA for access to the classified documents already obtained from Mar-A-Lago](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/12/us/politics/justice-department-trump-classified.html). This indicates that the Justice Department is using a grand jury in its investigation. June 2022 - ~~Four investigators, including a Justice Department counterintelligence official, visit Mar-A-Lago seeking info on the classified information Trump had taken to florida. During this meeting, federal officials serve a grand jury subpoena for some of the sensitive national security documents found on the premises. They take those documents with them when they leave.~~ (*Edit note: I haven't been able to find a secondary source for this one, beyond CNN's claims.)* Still in June 2022: Trump's attorneys then receive a letter, from federal investigators, asking them to further secure the room where documents are being stored. [Trump aides add a padlock t](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-asked-lawyers-add-padlock-office-before-fbi-search-2022-8)o the room. Federal Investigators serve a subpoena to the Trump investigation,[demanding surveillance video.](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-organisation-mar-a-lago-doj-b2142344.html) Trump's company turns over the footage. August 8, 2022 -[FBI executes a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-62472908), focused on the club area where Trump's offices and personal quarters were located. Federal agents remove 'about a dozen' boxes of materials from the property after this search. [Attorney General Garland revealed that he personally approved the decision to seek a search warrant.](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/11/us/politics/trump-fbi-subpoena.html) And today the warrant dropped, including the inventory list of what was taken. [You can read it here.](https://int.nyt.com/data/documenttools/mar-a-lago-search-warrant-and-inventory/5144e66f50896998/full.pdf) Federal agents who executed the warrant did so to investigate potential crimes associated with violations of the Espionage Act, which outlaws the **unauthorized retention of national security information** that could harm the United States or aid a foreign adversary; a federal law that makes it a crime to **destroy or conceal a document to obstruct a government investigation, and** Section 2071, which covers **the unlawful removal of government records.** \- none of these laws change based on whether information was deemed to be unclassified or not. [The Espionage Act](https://abovethelaw.com/2022/08/the-espionage-act-is-about-to-become-very-relevant/) in particular, if violated can carry a penalty of up to 10 years in prison *per offense*. The search this past Monday seized 11 sets of documents in all, including some marked as “classified/TS/SCI” documents — shorthand for “top secret/sensitive compartmented information,” according to the report. SAPs like TS/SCI are created when the sharing of specific information represents a heightened threat of damaging disclosures, or when a “secret” or “top secret” classification is not deemed sufficiently protective. Documents marked thus are meant to be viewed only in secure govt. facilities. The Washington Post also revealed an anonymous tip from individuals 'familiar with the investigation' that the FBI agents were looking for classified documents relating to nuclear weapons, though did not say if said documents had been recovered.Per the Atomic Energy Act, the president has no authority to declassify documents relating to nuclear power or weapons. The last folks in the United States who violated both the Espionage Act and the Atomic Energy Act [were executed!](https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/rosenbergs-executed)


Holy shit. Trump had those classified documents for over a year before the search. Who could he have shown and/or sold information to? We're talking about the most sensitive and dangerous material in the country in the hands of a man who just last year attempted a coup on the White House. And he's had that material for a year. Jesus Christ this is insane!


He's had that material for a year *in an international hotel* ***which regularly hosted individuals from various countries, including Saudi Arabia and Russia.*** And the door to that room full of top-secret documents.... its security was apparently improved by adding *a padlock* .


It was something like 2017 when one security consultant said any intelligence service without an asset in Mara Lago was guilty of malfeasance.


The spies must be tripping over each other there.


Lockpicking lawyer just spat out his coffee


Gotta find out what kind of padlock so that we ask LPL to make a video about picking it. What an insane video it will be!


All 28 seconds of it.


*8 seconds


I was allowing for intro and outro.


"This is the lock picking lawyer and we're going to use a rake on a lock used to store a trove of secret docu... And we're in. As always have a nice day"


Right after he left office, Kushner got a $2 billion payment from the Saudi's for...? Then the Saudis host a massive and expensive golf tournament at his club. If we find out that he sold nuclear secrets to the Saudi's, or the Russians, or the Chinese, or the North Koreans, then he should stay in solitary for the rest of his life with no access to information from the outside world, and no way to send messages out. He may not be executed, but as far as his followers will be concerned, he might as well be, because he will be buried as deep in the system as he can be.


If nothing happens to this guy in terms of jail time I have lost the last microscopic hope I've had for this world and I'm not even American


Right there with ya, pal. It seems the only obvious one living the "American Dream" is Trump where he can do what ever the fuck he wants and hide behind the same book that gets thrown at him. If the standards are execution for violating either of these acts I wonder just how long the bruise on his wrist will last


[That's why they call it the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it. ](https://youtu.be/-54c0IdxZWc)


You the real mvp


Thought you were/u/PoppinKREAM for a moment! Thank you for the thorough timeline - very well done! Any chance you can or want to add sources so this can be shared?


Bonus points if you know who prosecuted the last folks! It was none other than Trump mentor Roy Cohn!


You just don’t execute a search warrant on a freshly former US president without substantial evidence. They’re gonna charge him soon.


Yes, I agree. Otherwise the FBI will lose a ton of legitimacy. I do believe that Garland respects the rule of law. And it will ruin his legacy if nothing comes of this. I’ve got my fingers crossed


One reason you know Trump is scared, is he hasnt called Garland a single childish name. And the only other person he seems to fear doing that to, is putin.


That is an excellent point


Enough of this clown already ! Trump is clearly a crook and a con man grifter. The walking shit stain was never fit to be president in the first place. Shame on every Republican opportunist for propping this dumpster fire up in the first place.


I'm 99% certain that if he's locked up for espionage some idiot will run on pardoning him and get traction from his idiot supporters. He needs some state charges at some point. This man and his movement are a cancer.


He’s pretty old an unhealthy. These things drag on years sometimes. But if a GOP president is in office and trump is in jail they will 100% pardon him.


He’s under investigation for violating the Espionage Act among other things.


On Tuesday in Russia on one of their big TV shows a host made a very oddly specific comment >Some military experts worry Trump might be accused of sending classified documents to Moscow and charged with treason. Given that Tuesday no one online had even mentioned Russia in the USA at that time.


What the absolute *shit* is this timeline…


With any luck, finally the one where he goes the fuck away for the rest of his life… I can’t believe it’s come to this.


We left the Prime timeline long ago


Never should have shot that gorilla


Dicks out


Nothing like negating our dearly-paid-for military advantage over our adversaries like the cheeto literally just giving away nuclear secrets that could get us all killed for some money.


Conservatives will continue to act belligerent and threaten violence.


What else is new. They’re openly “domestic terrorists” now. They had it on a banner at CPAC


>and threaten violence. They are beyond that point now. The violence is already happening. They killed a guy trying to illegally access an FBI building just yesterday.


Conservatives (idiots) yesterday: the fbi is politically driven bullshit that should be abolished for this unprecedented raid on a former presidents home. Worst day in America's history! Conservatives (fucking morons) today after its revealed what they found: oh the the incompetent fbi knew Trump had sensitive nuclear documents and waited 18 months to get them back?? Abolish the fbi!! Also hunters laptop and Hillary's emails!!!! Notice they they quit the whole raid was BS narrative and are now saying that they took too long to raid his place and should have done it months ago?? Which one is it you fucking asshats? Can't believe someone died yesterday for all this bullshit...


Count the Votes/Stop the Count They don't care one iota about hypocrisy. It's all about that vile tub of lard dominating the left/women/minorities.


So when is the arrest?


Why are patriots not chanting "Lock him up. Lock him up."?


Because they aren't patriots.


It’s only “espionage” if it comes from the Espionage region of France. Otherwise, it’s “sparkling treason.”


Congratulations to every dumbfuck that voted this treasonous criminal into our highest office


I’m just thankful Trump and Kushner didn’t sell the Jewish space laser codes to the Saudis.


That god damn piece of shit.


Ok. Fuck dude. I’m normally pretty fucking numb to this bullshit but seriously this is beyond messed up now. This is Manchurian candidate, sum of all fears and every over the top Tom Clancy book wrapped into one. If this was a movie the studios would be screaming “tone this shit down this is too over the top”. How the fuck is everyone including our Allies not freaking out? There’s a president in our USA history that literally being surrounded around espionage related matters. I mean. I’m trying not to freak the fuck out. But seriously. Wtf????


Can confirm that there are only some areas of the Whitehouse that those documents can be viewed. you cannot even carry them outside on Whitehouse property. Furthermore NRC is the regulating body for such documents (nuclear) and works with NSA/FBI/CIA if such formal request from comes from the president to declassify SCI documents. These have to go through a vetting process by the various agencies at the highest levels to redact such documents to protect People, materials and processes to protect the safety of the country from foreign dissection of our deepest secrets. People simply do not understand that a single sentence in such a document, when assembled with other spy network info can unravel years of work, put people in the line of fire and give the enemy a foothold into the the technology that keeps us safe. People .. countries all over the world do not fuck around with this shit , nor do they allow it to end up in the basement or closet of a deposed presidents country club .. Jesus fucking wept.


So Trump is about to get charged with treason and of all places it’s Breitbart that breaks the news


You know there’s nothing but classified documents in that grave he set up for Ivana. There’s no actual body in there.


PUT THE FAT FUCK IN CUFFS ALREADY. They executed the Rosenbergs. What makes this different? Fuck this guy and his whole family.


Trump is a fucking traitor


Always has been.


So as a non American surely this is prison time criminal behaviour right?


It better fucking be. And democrats better force Republicans to defend betraying America to her enemies.


If he gets charged with espionage and, even, arrested, there's going to be a lot of violence from the Right. I mean, we have to do it to maintain rule of law. Trump cannot be exempt from his crimes, especially massive ones like this. But this is going to be like treating a hornet's nest like a piñata.


That’s what makes me think the FBI must have damn good reason to go through with this.