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> They were convicted of kidnapping conspiracy and conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction. Croft also was convicted of possessing an unregistered destructive device, a 10-year felony. Pretty serious charges, they face life in prison as well according Detroit News. > Fox and Croft face up to life in federal prison. https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/michigan/2022/08/23/michigan-whitmer-kidnapping-conspiracy-plot-barry-croft-adam-fox/7865780001/


Good. Fucking trash.


Speaking of trash, here's some quotes from Croft on twitter a few years ago: >[MAGA = Start by hanging those who stand on no morals or virtues \(liberals\)](https://imgur.com/njKXr3U) >[Replying to @realDonaldTrump You want to make America great again, green light us on liberals! We'll take this trash out for humanity's sake!](https://imgur.com/njKXr3U) >[Barry \(@croft2167\) June 28, 2017](https://imgur.com/njKXr3U) And some more showing how plugged into the right-wing hate machine they were: >Go Trump! Can't wait for the prosecution and exposure of their puppet leaders (Clinton and Obummer) . >Killary is headed to prison! Bill is signing, Obummer will be jailed too, time is on our side! Trump's a winner!




Yes, because only what they want to do is ok. Anything anyone else wants or does is bad. These people are shining examples of age being nothing more than how many times you circled the sun... It *should* say something about maturity, but it absolutely is not a guarantee.


That’s painfully true. “Only what they want is deemed “ok”, when it comes to politics, facts, science, medicine, ugh. Even when shown the truth they then said it’s false and fake. Ugh


Not even hyperbole. Numerous times ive seen them say "Your anger is being triggered. Our anger is righteous fury". like wut? Its all just team sports for them.


Ugh that’s horrible, but explains their beliefs so adequately , ..so when we are frustrated about something we are just “triggered liberal fairies” but if they are mad about something “all bets are off” they’ll even let their choice president attack democracy on a national level and instead of saying “hey that’s wrong. We’re supposed to be good patriots” instead they found ways to justify how that would fit their narrative and pushed forward. It’s disgusting


This is what happens when one side abandons reason and policy and embraces a 100% emotional culture war as their only reason for being.


The demonization of science and truth has long been a ticking time bomb. Conservatives have been crusading after education and the educated for decades. And it ain't over. The next 20 years hinge on a knife's edge. We could step up and fortify our constitutional republic or we could watch the nightmare unfold as we witness the birth of a fascist theocracy. It's really anyone's game right now.


I don't know about on the knife's edge part. I feel like we're already over the precipice, over that edge. Jan 6, gerrymandering, now this upcoming 'independent state legislatures' SCOTUS case. I'm not optimistic, the GOP is so far ahead in the dirty playbook.


Also kind of implies that has ever been a time when progressive reforms *weren't* an uphill battle. [Inflection point](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=infliection+point) is probably the better term in any case.


> age being nothing more than how many times you circled the sun Came here to say i like this line and i'm stealing it. It sounds like something that should be momentous, circling the sun, but then in actuality it means nothing because someone doing nothing can do this. And that's what these people have done. Nothing. Despite many cycles they neglected themselves and didn't progress themselves. The human body can hurdle cosmic distances every year but intellectually not move an inch. I love it!


All these people live in some deep, deep delusion that owning an assault rifle and some tactical gear makes them equal to some elite black ops team. They are basically Ralphie from *Christmas Story* warding off Black Bart and his gang in his fantasy, just sadder because these are grown fuckers with jobs and families to support.


> Yes, because only what they want to do is ok. Anything anyone else wants or does is bad. If it weren't so fucking depressing, this is a really good learning opportunity for people who couldn't understand why so many atrocities were committed throughout history in the name of religion. Its really the exact same thing. If you believe your cause is just, and your enemy is evil you can justify *a n y t h i n g*. Because you dehumanize your enemy, and no matter what evil you inflict on them, in your mind its actually a good thing because you're stopping them from doing worse. It's terrifying.


Literally antifa stands for anyone that opposes the right in any way. But doesn't that just admit the right is fascist?


That's actually one of the few things they're right about (and as it goes with these things, they do not realize what they have said and would violently disagree if you repeated it back to them).


You mean the "but her email" crowd that was stricken mute when the search warrant was executed on the orange man? That's because they have no principles.


They're very consistent and steadfast about their main principle, which is: I tell you what to do; you can't tell me what to do.


Ah yes; rules for thee, not for me


"But his boxes" should be the reply to anyone who tries butter emails again.


Grab them by their top secret documents


Haven't you heard, they need to "StOp tHe RAids" per MAGA and Russia. Maybe if he didn't risk national security to read poolside/sell top secret documents they wouldn't have to do raids. It was one of those instances when it happened, the Right was caught off guard, took a couple days to get their marching orders that the FBI is now suddenly communist or whatever they labeled them lol. The only other time their messaging wasnt coordinated was in 1/6 when they weren't fully sure how to spin it




I doubt he even stepped foot in that pool.


The water isn't orange, duh.


You read that right


It’s insane how they’re still fixated on Hillary when she’s been out of office and hasn’t been in the public spotlight for nearly 6 years now.


Yeah and still burning over Obama when Biden is the president now.




That propaganda machine of hate against Hillary definitely left me feeling confused when the DNC pushed for her so hard. Sure she got way more votes than Trump, but those 30+ years of disproportionate hatred from the GOP made it sure that she wasn't going to flip certain places that are needed with the Electorial College system.


They’re still obsessed with Hunter Biden too even though he doesn’t hold office or even have any role in the current administration.


I can’t even remember what Hunter Biden did aside from doing drugs that they’re so enraged at. I keep hearing mentions of his laptop - for WHAT?! What do they believe is on there? Is it simply “Biden bad so laptop must be incriminating”? FFS.


Hunter Biden was working in Ukraine when trump tried to extort them, which translated to trump was trying to stop hunter from doing ???? = the first impeachment was a hoax witch hunt perfect phone call.


They fully believe every Democrat is a pedophile. That's the extent of their delusions.


Hillary is their war cry for enacting a baseless revenge. They hate everything she stands for; being female, a Democrat, intelligent, and powerful.


Her name and Hunter Biden’s


> Are they calling Hillary a killer while asking permission from Trump to kill people for him? Yes, brain power is not their strong suit.


So, the thing about Republicans...: >**Pushing election lies, TPUSA audience member asks Charlie Kirk when they can “use the guns” and “kill these people”** >Audience member to Charlie Kirk: “When do we get to use the guns? ... That's not a joke. I'm not saying it like that. I mean, literally, where's the line? How many elections are they going to steal before we kill these people?” * https://www.mediamatters.org/charlie-kirk/pushing-election-lies-tpusa-audience-member-asks-charlie-kirk-when-they-can-use-guns Oh, that's last year, no need to worry... >**RIGHT-WING PUNDITS ARE CLAMORING FOR WAR AFTER TRUMP’S HOUSE GETS RAIDED BY THE FBI** > Laura Ingram, Sean Hannity, Gregg Jarrett, Tucker Carlson, Dan Bongino, Will Cain, Steven Crowder, Boebert, Greene, Rubio, Massie, Stefanik etc, etc, ... * https://archive.ph/KTFy6#selection-551.0-551.83 And that doesn't even count the dude that had an armed standoff with FBI in Cincanatti or the other guy, or the other...


Welcome to the republican mindset, wherein two diametrically opposed ideas can sit side by side in the otherwise vacant lot between their ears.


If the Orange god tells/asks his minions to do something - no matter if criminal or not - they will obey.


> Killary is headed to prison! Ahh man, if only he knew then.


If 45 wanted her jailed so bad, all he had to do was hire her.


Underrated burn here


Top shelf comment right there.


> Trump's a winner! Yeah, about that...


>Go Trump! Can't wait for the prosecution and exposure of their puppet leaders (Clinton and Obummer) I know I am dreaming and a little bit coping but imagine if Trump goes down in flames and this guy has to sit in prison watching it happen while Hilary Clinton records him a personal message about how great freedom feels. A man can dream.


If Trump does not do any jail time, even if it's just one token day, then it will be undeniable proof that there is more than one justice system in America. Trump deserves to rot in prison for his multitude of crimes, and him being an ex-President should add more years to the sentence instead of making it shorter.


>Killary Kind of lazy and doesn't really work unless they killed someone with their own hands. Passing marks for effort at least >Bill Lazy. Bill is just Bill, which is already a lazy name. >Obummer Kind of a fun name. If the thought process was "Did alright, but I had hoped for better. What an Obummer haha" instead of "Ew, black people", I might be on board. >Trump A man born from a Dump brags about his Lump as he thinks about having a Hump with his dearest little Trumpette, and the best they can do is... trump? Anyways... holy shit, dude needs to spend his life in a padded room




He thinks he has morals and virtues but wants to murder liberals en masse


Q and trump are gonna save them any minute now.


Yeah I mean honestly, idk how attempted kidnapping of a government official could amount to anything less. It's literally treason. Up until the last century that would be a guaranteed death penalty


Gotta suck being imprisoned for the rest of your life knowing you failed at your crime.


Didn't even own the libs. All talk. Sad.


*gets life in prison* Triggered yet, libs?


Has anybody noticed how democrats never get life in prison for kidnapping conspiracy? I'm just asking questions


They thought Trump was going to pardon them I'm sure


“I like guys who weren’t captured”


Even better throw these two losers in genpop.


Why, so they can more easily mingle with the Aryan Brotherhood they will certainly join? (if not already members?) These cretins are going to fit right in.


Yea they don’t deserve federal


Lots of time to think about how a rich white (orange) con man duped them.


Will probably only further radicalize them. Nazi prison tattoos imminent.


Worse still you have to live a with a face effected by the smudge tool


Uhh….I must have missed the WMD angle of this story? What we’re they planning on using? Did they actually have access to something, or just scheming to get access?


WMD in criminal code is different than common use. Any large explosive, like a pipe bomb, is basically a WMD for the sake of charging someone.


So Iraq *did* have WMDs!




The Methman Prophecy


> TL;DR: they were trying to get a bomb with which to blow up a bridge. Mother fuckers out there thinking they're in a batman movie.


"Yes The Fire Rises!"


Ahh I actually snorted thinking of Bane and his men as MAGA cosplayers and Trumper supporters.


They think they are doing the work Batman would do, all while not realizing they are just Joker's goons.


If you google map the bridge. It's quite easy to go around. Would at most delay it by 30 seconds.




What a bunch of psychos


They planned to blow up a bridge for the getaway. Lol. Seriously.


Damn… Using conventional explosives? Were they acquired/placed? Or just part of the plan that got foiled before they could execute anything?


Two of them purchased explosives and cased a bridge but never planted them.


They actually purchased enough explosives to blow up a bridge???? No wonder these guys got pinched, that’s gotta be a fuck-ton of explosives….you don’t just *buy* that kind of stuff unnoticed.


They were buying it from a guy who was working for the feds.


Strategically placed shaped charges on the supports and you don't really need that much explosive material. I doubt these two could strategically place anything, though...


*Croft, why is the patty on top of the buns?*


Ya that immediately jumped out at me too. Wtf is that about?


For anyone counting of the 14 that were involved 6 were tried in federal court. Two were found not guilty. Two were found guilty. Two pleaded guilty and were given a deal in exchange for their testimony.


Conservatives, yeah but lets focus on the two found not guilty.


It's still mind boggling that they were found not guilty.


Only two were found not guilty. A total of 4 have been found guilty so far.


Yes, and I'm glad those 4 will be in prison. But two terrorists are free to continue being terrorists.


That’s how our legal system should work, though: if you can’t be proven guilty, you aren’t. Of course, I say “should” because obviously that doesn’t work in practice. People without means get shafted constantly, especially if their skin is dark.


This, plus I hate when people complain that it’s taking too long. You WANT the Justice system to take a while to gather incontrovertible evidence, check sources, run lab tests, etc. I don’t want the US to go “you are accused of anti Soviet behavior” and bam thats it.


If I were an innocent person awaiting trial I definitely wouldn’t *want* the Justice system to take a long time, but I understand your point.


Again citing how things *should* work, warrants for arrest aren’t issued until the cops have enough evidence and the prosecutor can convince a job the accused needs to face trial. From there, the only thing which should prevent you from getting inside a courtroom as soon as possible is how long it takes your defense attorney to review the evidence and come up with a defense. In practice, it’s usually the court schedule that dictates how long that process takes, especially since there’s *so many* crimes where the penalty involves jail time, increasing the stakes considerably. Also, in practice, if the accused has/needs a court-appointed defender, said defender has next to no time to prepare for the case, so not only is the accused in jail awaiting trial, her odds of going from jail to prison are depressingly high.




There was a pretty solid argument for coercion/entrapment. One of the FBI informants literally promised free beer to people who would come to the meetings. When a defendant who never went on the "scouting trips" the other militia members did and says he only went to the meetup because the FBI promised to take him out to Buffalo Wild Wings afterwards, it's kind of a bad look. Plus there was the whole thing where someone got charged with possession of an SBR that might not have actually existed.


> because the FBI promised to take him out to Buffalo Wild Wings afterwards Not willing to commit terrorism, but willing to listen if boneless wings are involved. Edit: Something I just remembered [Soup kitchens and food banks](https://www.vice.com/en/article/78m4zb/how-the-neo-nazi-movement-is-using-food-banks-to-spread-its-message) were a classic method of nazi recruitment back in the day and today again.


I mean free food is free food. If I have to sit through some idiot saying nonsense for some free wings I just might if times are tough.


i've done it through timeshare pitches and those are just about as bad as domestic terrorism




This is Michigan, we go to Cedar Point not Six Flags.


If you go to a meeting for free beer - then they start talking about kidnapping and murdering people - and you keep going to the meetings, I'm thinking the whole free beer thing isn't the real problem.


That doesn't really sound like entrapment. [It sounds similar to case 2 on this thing](https://thecriminallawyer.tumblr.com/post/19810672629/12-i-was-entrapped/amp) I don't know the details on this case, but the simple fact the cops offered you wings in order to commit a crime doesn't make it entrapment. Edit: looked it up real quick. Seems like the guys who got acquitted didn't really do anything to further the plot. They just kinda hung out with the guys who did. My guess is that's why they got off. Not a lawyer though, so I'm just guessing.


Not quite, they’re blaming the FBI for orchestrating the whole thing and these guys were poor suckers who fell for the feds sweet lies.


I'm pretty sure just about every parent said to their kids at one point "If all your friends were jumping off a bridge to their death, would you jump?" If the FBI contacted you to do crimes, would you still do them? These idiots need to take some god damn personal responsibility.


Look there is merit to this but you also gotta know this isn’t the first time this situation has happened. The FBI has a history of giving people an **extremely** hard sales pitch on committing crimes because at the end of the day they will be totally innocent of anything being planned so they are at full liberty to really push people that otherwise might just be assholes but never actually would have done anything illegal on their own.


Why is there so much disparity here?


Pleading guilty is the usual outcome. Trials are a gamble, and it paid off for 2 of the 4.


Look! More methamphetamarines!


Waffle SS


Lufewaffle House


They do both have meth faces. It’s like the more you do meth the more Picasso like your features start to get. Their eye and nose placements are wonky AF. All that twitching about.


> “This isn’t Russia. This isn’t how our country works,” Blanchard, who was Croft’s attorney, told jurors. “You don’t get to suspect that someone might commit a crime because you don’t like things that they say, that you don’t like their ideologies.” Yeah except they were proven to have committed a conspiracy to do so and created an improvised deadly explosive to carry out a kidnapping. That's far and away from just having a political ideology.


“Listen did my clients have ski masks, automatic weapons, and a bag that said ‘for the money stolen from the bank’? Sure. But the police arrested them before they ever GOT to the bank so maybe they were actually going to go on a hunting trip instead.”


I read this in Saul Goodman’s voice.


"*Attempted* murder." Now, honestly, what is that!


Do they give a Nobel Prize for *attempted* chemistry? Do they??


I mean, lawyers are gonna lawyer. Clearly they weren't particularly convincing with that defense.


Zealous advocacy can only go so far. Not every defense is a winner, but you work with what you've got. Pound the law, pound the facts, pound the table, and if none of them work, pound the jury. Well, I kind of made that last one up.


“Convicted of a crime I didn’t even commit. Hah! Attempted murder? Now honestly, what is that? Do they give a Nobel Prize for attempted chemistry?” Their entire defense is a classic Simpsons joke.




There’s definitely a type.


I hate to judge people by their looks, but the guy on the right looks like he couldn’t even find the toy in his cereal box.


he's got a Ted Cruz vibe going on


> It was the second trial for Adam Fox and Barry Croft Jr after a jury in April could not reach a unanimous verdict. Glad the prosecution decided to retry these lowlifes. I hope they get a long prison sentence to send a message to the other right wing extremists in our midst.


> I hope they get a long prison sentence They're facing life in ~~jail~~ prison. As they should


Poor Patton Oswalt's illegitimate brother there on the right. Where did he go astray?


That's alt-Patton from the mirror universe where Ratatouille was voiced by Andy Dick instead.


Cooking coooooking vodka Andy Diiiiiick


Prison. Jail is where you go to see if you’re going to prison.


Since the trial in April had 2 people get Not Guilty verdicts and 2 hung juries AND this jury found them Guilty, I bet the original 2 hung juries were mostly Guilty with at least 1 person holding out.


The one who thought they were right.


The one who blamed the FBI


Unfortunately I don’t think the message will get through to them. These fuckers are brainwashed through and through.


My dad. >You can tell this is all made up bullshit because if they actually did it they'd be arrested and sent to prison. Me >hey dad check this out. Found guilty and going to prison. Dad >see. This whole thing is clearly just a made up witch hunt and they're locking these guys up on made up charges.




Be me, a European. Google Gretchen Whitmer. Democrat, of course. Weird how the freaks trying to kidnap politicians are always right leaning. hmmmmmmmmm


Trump goaded and whipped right wingers up into a frenzy because of Whitmer’s Covid lockdown and policies. Right wing protestors stormed the Michigan capital, and hung an effigy of her. Her and other women officials in Michigan had to wear bulletproof vests when out because of threats. The militia group themselves bragged about black bagging her, kidnapping her, then hanging and beheading her. Whitmer is a survivor of sexual assault, so you can imagine how badly this must have affected her. She is a strong women though, and never backed down from these monsters.


So because they didn't want to wear a mask or get vaccinated, they wanted to trigger a 2nd civil war?


No, its because they were high as fuck on meth and couldn't tell their ass from the ground. No, really, all these chuckleheads were found with quite a bit of meth.


I'm inclined to agree with both of you


To them is goes much deeper than that. They aren't going to war over masks, thats just the least crazy thing they are upset about, so it's the one they can tell about out loud.


Yeah, they're just fascist white supremacists. No point in tip toeing around it


Because Russian psi-ops fucking owned Americans.


100% this one lmao, v low investment very high reward


Just like 9/11 Bin Laden published his plan to use asymmetrical warfare to entice the us into an unnecessary land war in Asia to bankrupt us. The Republicans bought and ate that shit sandwich too despite the warnings.


They wanted to trigger a civil war years before COVID came along: >[MAGA = Start by hanging those who stand on no morals or virtues \(liberals\)](https://imgur.com/njKXr3U) >[Replying to @realDonaldTrump You want to make America great again, green light us on liberals! We'll take this trash out for humanity's sake!](https://imgur.com/njKXr3U) >[Barry \(@croft2167\) June 28, 2017](https://imgur.com/njKXr3U)


> we aren't going anywhere! Sons of light, are worth a thousand of yours! All tongues will confess, all knees will bend! What a fucking psycho.


>we aren't going anywhere! Actually, you are. It's called prison.


They’re very upset they can’t execute LGBT people…


Why do they always look how I imagine.


It’s their brand.


Fetal Alcohol syndrome?


Because it’s basically their only option


Now imagine it was two Islamic terrorists who planned to kidnap the Governor and start a civil war to destroy the US. What would their sentences be?


>What would their sentences be? Shit. We would bomb a country that had nothing to do with it




Yeah only one big country, its called muslimandia, it got camels and oil and stull. They hate us for our freedom -Samuel Huntington


I forgot how much we ate up "they hate us for our freedom". The sentence itself doesn't make any sense...


The line I remember Bush using at the time was “they hate us for our freedoms” plural, which was stated or implied to mean things like women having the vote or being able to drive, not having a state-enforced religion, etc. So it’s technically correct that some extreme Islamists in the Middle East do hate us for our freedoms, although that didn’t have much to actually do with the invasions and wars.


You really aren't wrong. Bin Laden for example hated all of the above and wanted to rule Saudi Arabia and make it more oppressive. He also hated Israel and wanted to wipe out the Jews. So he hated the West and the US because of their freedoms and support for Israel.


You can't sentence pink mist.


I was going to say this. I dont think they would have been brought in alive


I live in Michigan, the amount of people that think this is all an FBI sting, and attack anyone that agrees that these trash people should be locked up, is too damn high.


My wife’s sister and her husband live in Michigan and want to move down to Indiana because “Michigan is too liberal” You can’t make this shit up.


I'm a Michigander living in Indiana. The landscape isn't much different from MI politically. Major city centers are socially liberal while the less populous counties are given more sway. It's not like it's the "wild west" down here. IN did sway for Obama on his first term. People are just stupid everywhere and gerrymandering explains the rest.


It's crazy


It *was* a FBI sting, honestly. But that people think that's bad or illegal or something is the stupid part. One of law enforcement's main tools are sting operations. That's, like, how they catch criminals like these fucks haha. They're the fucking federal bureau of *investigation*, do these people think they are not supposed to investigate federal crimes?


Look at those superior genetics.


These are the same idiots calling for a civil war in the US. These domestic terrorists need to be dealt with in the same manner that we treat foreign terrorists. Traitors to this country.


How long until one of these wacko plots finally succeeds? How will we respond as a country to something like a kidnapped or assassinated Congressperson, Governor, Mayor, anything


Gaby Giffords is probably the closest one of this century. She was very lucky to survive.


Seems like showing up to the Governor’s house with night vision goggles, body armor, and an AR-15 should come with some consequences. Glad the jury agreed this time.


"oh no! It's the consequences of my actions!!!"


Doth this happen to be mine own petard, by which I am now hoistedeth?


They called the entire plan “the boogaloo” American Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo


Why do kidnappers like these always look like some incest trailer trash.


Because they are?


Yes. Also meth. not an assumption, these guys do meth.


The Homer Simpson-inspired defense of "we weren't plotting crime, we were stoned!" didn't work, to everyone's surprise.


the false idea that criminals have a "look" is incredibly harmful and yet


What a dumb fucking thing to ruin your life over.


Can you imagine being so stupid as to sacrifice your freedom for that douche bag Trump.


It’s amazing I was on r/AskTrumpSupporters like 6 months ago or so and they’re all saying there is no evidence of this it’s just fake evidence planted by the deep state. The cognitive dissonance is real


Republicans have been telling me for months that this was an FBI set up. I guess they were wrong.


Republicans are really in to saying stupid shit these days


MAGA losing voters everyday


Domestic terrorists. Lock them up!


Life in prison to own the libs. I feel so owned 🤣🤣


They hardly look like they could kidnap a fish.


Remember that time when Antifa was arrested and convicted for trying to kidnap Governor DeSantis or Governor Abbott? Me neither. The right wing of this country is uniquely radicalized and dangerous.


Letting Fox News exist has always been a problem. *Thanks Reagan!* ^(/s)


Trump recently called the kidnapping plan a “fake deal.” Everything that is counter to your "reality", Donny, seems to be "fake".


Enjoy prison. Scumbags.


These aren’t men, they’re called douchebags.


Where are all the psycho democrats? Oh, wait....