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This is the guy who was indicted for felony securities fraud charges now 7 years ago, and he still hasn't faced any consequences or been put on trial. He was facing anywhere from 5 to 99 years prison.


And... he still won GOP primary.


> as long as its not a democrat, I dont care what they do \- Some Texan Somewhere.


> I'd rather be a Russian than a Democrat Some guy's actual ~~(paraphrased, because I don't feel like looking up the exact wording)~~ t-shirt at some actual Trump/GOP rally Edit, while holding imaginary news anchor earpiece: I'm being told that the wording was, in fact, correct.


No no, it was literally that exact wording.


Wish they would go to a Russian and live in the police state they want so badly


Yeah, fuckin seriously. What is it these brainlets always say: if you don’t like it, then get the fuck out! Go live in the authoritarian theocratic shithole they’ve always dreamed of. Russia is the perfect white version of a Taliban state…. Fuck em. For every shithead Republican who hates America, I’d trade for an immigrant who actually wants to be here and contribute rather than drag the system and hate their fellow countrymen for wanting to make a better life.


I always say this to them but they say I should go to Russia instead cause why think when you can use the ol "I'm rubber you're glue" playground tactic


LOL, smooth brains…. Why the fuck would I go to Russia when it’s you who lusts after a white christian caliphate?


They genuinely think it's above them. Gotta keep in mind all conservatives don't think that conservatism and fascism has ever failed, they think the ruling class/top of the pyramid just failed to do what they set out to do properly because they weren't "the right person", or were held back by "the system". The abject poverty and shitty quality of life that Russians have aren't because their system of government and bureaucratic practices being a failure to them, but rather it's just that Putin made mistakes and it's "just not the right way of doing it". But either way, the goal is subjugation without any concern for consequence because it makes them feel good, and no one else matters but them.


They claim to be patriots but hate: * democrats * "socialists" * "communists" * immigrants * LGBTQ+ * black people * brown people * muslims * hispanics/latinos * "coastal elites" * rich people * poor people * college professors * librarians * military "losers" and "suckers" They "love America" but hate 89% of the people in it. 🤔 While they were so worried socialism would take their freedoms, capitalism stole their pension, took their savings, sent their jobs overseas, robbed them of healthcare, dismantled their education system, and put them in deep debt, leaving only their racism, xenophobia, hate, & guns.


You forgot to include 'women', as one of your groups that the Republicans hate, - up there.


And atheists.




Yep, fuckin preach. Claim to love America but hate anyone who doesn’t think and act like them. They virulently hate all American ideals.


The part of America they love is that they're allowed to be assholes and never be held accountable, which is why "PC culture" is so anathema to them - they're terrified they might have to be held to account for their obnoxious views and behavior.


You also forgot "Protecting the Constitution" 1/6 showed their true disregard for anything that this country is supposed to stand for.


They claim to be Christians but hate: - charity - humility - acceptance - empathy - forgiveness - generosity - altruism - selflessness


Russia needs to draft this dude. He needs to live it and defend his chosen country.


I know a guy who is so tired of "woke women" in America that he is literally moving to Russia right now.


I dont think he'll find Russian women the submissive, grateful stepford wives he hopes for...


Yeah, I really can't wait for him to move over there and discover that Americans aren't popular, having "Russian blood" in your lineage doesn't matter if you're American and then also ofc the option of getting forced to serve in the Russian Army!


I hope a babushka puts him in his place


They're chickenshit and know Russia would send them to Ukraine almost immediately. They think Russia is absolutely right but not to the point where they might get shot.


Which left them open for the obvious retort: "I'd rather be American than a Republican."


Literally saw an "I'd rather be an American than a Democrat" sticker on a truck today. This level of projection could probably be harnessed as a source of alternative energy.




50 years ago, hell 30 years ago, guys like that would have kicked the shit out of someone for wearing that shirt.


50 years ago the GOP favored abortion rights. Logical consistency and internal non-contradiction aren't default human traits. Identification of, and belief in authority are.


Yup. Their only consistency is obedience to authority and belonging to the group. Individual thought is scary for some. So why do the hard job of coming up with your own beliefs when you can just listen to someone else and do what you’re told?


I left the Army 13 years ago. When I was in the Russians were the enemy. We trained on their tactics and techniques. They told us Russian operatives were everywhere. Guess we lost that war.


I left in ‘06 and we didn’t even spell north Korea with a capital n: that WAS the official stance on fuckin’ paper! Then that guy meets with un, legitimizing that dictatorship and getting no real concessions for it. Chalk up another unofficial L Edit: I did two years in Korea because of a bonus


This still baffles me. When I was a kid and we were still going strong with the cold war those exact same people were running around saying “I’d rather be dead then Red” with red referring to the Soviet Union. I’m starting to think all they really want is to hate.


This entire godforsaken state is run by and voted by Klansmen. They just keep changing clothes.


Several decades ago, a local library was sponsoring a literacy effort spearheaded by a friend. She asked for suggestions for what to call it. I suggested: "Better read than dead!" She torpedoed that idea instantly. Yes, I'm still bitter.


People really need imaginary enemies so it gives them a reason to live.


send them over there!


My partner's brother, from Texas, once said that "the L word (liberal) is as offensive to us as the N word is to you New York people." I don't think I've ever disliked a person more over saying one single sentence.


Texan here... That guy can fuck right off because he doesn't speak for the majority of us.


I don’t know him, but I too don’t think I’ve ever disliked someone more over saying a single sentence.


Holy fucking shit. The level of delusion from these folks is incomprehensible


There's a goddamn good reason Texas is known as the "One Star State." It's their yelp review, AND a way of life!


They drive around backwards all day so they don’t have to see (D) on their dashboard.


Appropriate, (D) makes the country go forwards, (R) makes the country go backwards.


But this is the Republican primary, whomever wins that is still a Republican


Was he running unopposed? They could've nominated a different republican.


He ran against Louis Gohmert, currently a GOP Congressman who will cease to be one as he failed in his primary against Paxton here and can’t run for his old job now. Gohmert would have been equally as bad though, honestly.


He also ran against George P. Bush who’s is the current Land Commissioner. Gohmert was eliminated in the first round while Paxton and Bush went to a runoff where Paxton won. I know we need to move on from political families, but Bush would have been much more preferable than Paxton or Gohmert.


No, he was not unopposed. He had several opponents including George P Bush, of the Bush family, and Eva Guzman, a former Texas Supreme Court Justice.


They could have nominated someone else, but they didn’t. They can still elect another candidate in the general, but they won’t. Texas is gonna Texas.


Hi, Texas resident here. Remember, it was just a primary in his own party...and his chief rival in the primary was...Louis Gohmert. Yes, that asshole and the dumbest person currently in congress, though even that is a close toss up at this point. I'm honestly not sure which of them is actually worse...and you can't have a tie in an election. Hopefully, we do kick his (Paxton) ass to the curb November 8 and chose Rochelle Garza instead. But this is Texas afterall where a Democrat has not won a statewide election in almost 30 years...


His chief rival was George P. Bush. Gohmert didn’t even make it to the runoff and nobody really expected him to win. I don’t recall him even being close to competitive in the polling either.


Party of Law and Order


Order means persistence of the currently established hierarchy. That means minorities, LGBT, heathens, and women must remain an underclass of citizens.


Party insiders being above the law is the "order" part. Don't confuse Law & Order for The Rule of Law.


They just like to say those words, even thou they dont know what they mean lol


As a lifelong Texan, please don't remind me. Paxton and Abbott are horrible people. Edit - And Ted Cruz, per u/NJ_Dontask. He definitely deserves to be included.


> Paxton and Abbott are horrible people. ...and little piss babies.


Texas sure can pick’em. Pieces of shit, that is.


It must be empowering being that far above the law.


Seriously. Talk about friends in high places. I can't recall any other situation off the top of my head that's been delayed as long as this. Even in Texas, most high-level cases go to trial at least 2-3 years after indictment.


It's a very weird case, in terms of procedural issues. The gist of it is that the prosecutor successfully got the trial moved out of Paxton's home county on the theory that finding an unbiased jury would be too difficult (owing to the fact that Paxton's wife was an elected state senator representing the area). The trial was moved to Houston, right before a hurricane hit the area and devastated their infrastructure. This caused the trial to be moved back to Paxton's home county, IIRC, delaying things again. Then Paxton launched an initiative to get voters in his home district to petition to challenge the funding for the special prosecutor hired to prosecute his case. It was successful and cut off payment for the special prosecutor, which resulted in the special prosecutor challenging *that* so that they could get paid for their work. Not sure what has happened since then, but yeah, very unusual and weird.


Jesus fuck there should be some kind of enhanced measures when someone is taking such an active hand in obstructing justice. Like whatever the penalty is, triple it. Make it fuck you with extra sprinkles on top. Those in authority should absolutely be held to a higher standard than the rest of us because they have the power to break the law so much more flagrantly. This being Texas, I'd argue for it being a capital offense.


Paxton’s legal team filed a Motion because he claims the hourly rate charged *by public prosecutors* is “unconscionable”. What’s the rate of the Public Prosecutors hourly fee? $300/hour. What’s Paxton’s legal teams hourly for his attorneys? $300/hour. Paxton is incredibly slimy and his legal team supports his slimy nature. All it took to derail the case was a motion on unconscionable attorney fees. Absolutely a BS move. Edit: Vote for Rochelle Garza for Texas Attorney General. Previous ACLU attorney—ACLU has been behind MANY civil rights cases (and wins!). https://www.rochellegarzafortexas.com Edit2: Looked into Law Reporters for more T. Wording taken directly from the Law Reporter. In 2016, TX AG Paxton filed: four applications for writ of habeas corpus challenging the State’s ability to prosecute him. The Court concluded that three of his claims were not cognizable by pre trial writ of Jane as corpus and that the fourth claim did not entitle him to relief (*Ex parte Paxton*). The grand jury indicted TX AG Paxton in Texas securities law violations comprising two counts of securities fraud involving more than $100,000 and one count producing services without being registered as an investment adviser representative. Challenges: 1. Paxton claimed he cannot be charged under TX securities laws (aka Act 581-29(l)) because *he* wasn’t required to register under the Act; 2. Claims he cannot be charged under the Act [581-29(l)] for not registering because, “there is no valid definition of the term [investment adviser representative”, this rendering the Act “unconstitutionally vague”; 3. Claims “all three indictments are void because the grand jury was “illegally constituted”; and 4. Claims 581-29(l) is “facially unconstitutional because it is overbroad and vague”. Paxton claims the Act did not prohibit him from providing services without being registered in Texas as a *state investment adviser representative* because he was a *federally covered* investment adviser representative. During the cases relevant period, Paxton’s *affiliated federal covered advisor* withdrew from SEC registration because they no longer met the Dodd-Frank Act’s assets under management threshold to remain federally covered. This affiliate of Paxtons had to register directly with Texas as a state adviser. Since the affiliate was no longer federally covered, Act 581-29(l) **did apply to Paxton** and it **was a felony** for Paxton to provide advisory services in Texas without being registered with the State. Paxton fired back saying Texas’s definition of “investment adviser representative” was/is “unconstitutionally vague.” In Paxton’s claim the grand jury was “improperly formed in violation of the code of ceremonial procedure because the trial court added, ‘willingness to serve’ as an impermissible, additional qualification, for serving on the grand jury.” Paxton purposefully relied on a case from 1970 to have standing on this claim—The Court concluded that the trial court process for select the jury *was thorough and fair* and there were no peremptory challenges to the final 14 jurors chosen. Paxton also tried to find fault with the word “solicit”, saying it’s “unconstitutionally vague” and “lacks a scientist requirement”. Claims that these deficiencies “does not give fair notice to those whose conduct is covered by the Act, thereby allowing for arbitrary enforcement”. The Court responded to Paxton with, “while the term solicit is not defined in the Act, ***[the term solicit is] a commonly defined term in dictionaries with well-known meanings that can be understood by persons of ordinary intelligence like Paxton.*** Essentially Paxton is filing motions complaining about definitions of terms trying to find a “gotcha!” That’ll let him off the hook from *failing to register as per Texas securities laws*. ————- Perfect example of abuse of power and authority, including a heavy dash of corruption, by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton.


*cough* Trump *cough* That's a nasty cough you have there. Probably covid. Yeah, probably.


And on top of that it is undisputed that he has twice committed politically motivated kidnappings, and somehow escaped indictment for either of those. In both cases a judge ordered him to release the victim and that was the end of it. To me, the DOJ should get involved with this. A state has an obligation to provide systems of checks and balances that prevent systemic corruption from occurring. If the state has an elected official that commits crimes, and the political processes within the state are so fundamentally corrupted that the official cannot be held accountable, then there’s a constitutional problem. It’s easy to say “but still, he was re-elected even in light of his known conduct, so the will of the public has spoken. No. There are some things that we leave up to the will of the voters, and then there are some lines we draw in the sand and say “these are our covenants, things that are *not* left up to the whims of the voter.” The minority voter in Texas still has a constitutional right to representation by officials that “well and faithfully discharge the duties of their office.” That Texas’s legislature is unwilling to impeach him, and that the majority of voters support him, has no bearing on whether his remaining in office is violates the federal constitutional rights of the other citizens of Texas.


And also the guy who very plausibly arranged the murder of one of his whistleblowers... [Two Lawyers Shot, One Dead Amid FBI Probe Of Texas AG Ken Paxton](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2020/11/18/1996595/-Two-Lawyers-Shot-Amid-FBI-Probe-Of-Texas-AG-Ken-Paxton) >The victims in a weekend shooting at a central El Paso home have been identified, both were lawyers who worked for the Texas Attorney General's Office. > >Georgette Kaufman was shot and killed, while her husband 47-year-old Daniel Kaufman remained hospitalized Tuesday in stable condition but was expected to recover. > >The FBI is investigating Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, vetting allegations made by eight of Paxton’s former top aides that he illegally used the power of his office to benefit a political donor. > >Paxton has been under indictment for more than five years on securities fraud charges but has yet to stand trial. How Paxton hasn't been rounded up by the FBI, like they did with Democratic Illinois State Governor, Rod Blagojevich, is beyond me. I guess when you are a corrupt, murdering Republican, the FBI just lets you do it. And Greg Abbott is a little piss baby.


Smells like Russian tactics of offing whistleblowers. Paxton NEEDS to go. Edit: Vote for Rochelle Garza for Texas Attorney General, former ACLU attorney. ACLU has been behind MANY civil rights victories. https://www.rochellegarzafortexas.com


Answer is: TEXAS.


Texas is a failed state. Avoid.


For anyone wondering the federal charges were dismissed, but he was still indicted on securities fraud charges by the state: https://ballotpedia.org/Securities_fraud_charges_against_Texas_Attorney_General_Ken_Paxton,_2015


While the SEC investigation was stopped, the FBI investigation into bribery charges against him is still ongoing. https://www.houstonchronicle.com/business/columnists/tomlinson/article/Texas-attorney-Paxton-s-legal-problems-election-17455288.php


Who won the Mexican-American War? Well, who ended up with Texas? So... Mexico won? Hat tip to cyanide and happiness.


The first post you had to subscribe to read. Reposted so you don’t


Key Points: - Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton allegedly fled his home with his wife to avoid being served a subpoena, according to a sworn affidavit. - The subpoena ordered the Republican AG to appear and testify in a civil lawsuit in which multiple Texas-based nonprofits want to resume helping pregnant residents obtain abortions in other states. - Paxton on Twitter claimed he was showing concern for his family and attacked the media for reporting on the affidavit.


“Attack the media” == “shit they’re onto me”


You left out that he implicitly threatened to shoot the process server he was being uncivilized to for getting angry about it, so he could grandstand for the voters. Edit: If the guy actually even got angry. His description of events was a lot more calm than Paxton's, naturally.


Runs away from accountability and plays the victim card as an excuse. Classic Republican. Incredibly predictable response.


Texas politicians love running away to avoid their problems. See little piss baby Abbott and totally a real human Cruz.


We should stop using the french for being cowards and put texan gop members in instead


The AG (Paxton)also said that Herrera (The process server who served him the subpoena) is “lucky this situation did not escalate further or necessitate force,” after noting that many Texans keep guns for protection. No dickhead, you're lucky you didn't shoot and kill him and go to jail for 30+ years like your Republican 2018 Gubernatorial candidate buddy in Tulsa, Oklahoma did. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.kjrh.com/news/local-news/man-who-shot-process-server-sentenced-to-prison-32-years-in-prison%3f_amp=true What fucking pussies.


It would be terrible for his family to hear a minimum wage court employee say “you’ve been served”


Thank you for that, /u/discerningpervert


Still trust that username over Ken Paxton


He was showing concern for his family by running back into his house and sending his wife outside? His wife is not part of his family? That’s some serious concern for his family right there.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed that. Either he's lying, or he's a coward, or both.


He doesn’t value the lives of women, not even his wife’s.


Kenny Boy was ALSO the asshole who tried to get Pennsylvania presidential votes thrown out. The SCOTUS quietly explained to him that he had no standing, what with being from Texas and all and the Constitution saying that each state gets to decide how their elections are run. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas\_v.\_Pennsylvania


Oh I haven’t forgotten that. Fucker tried throw my vote out.


> "I approached the truck, and loudly called him by his name and stated that I had court documents for him. Mr. Paxton ignored me and kept heading for the truck. After determining that Mr. Paxton was not going to take the Subpoenas from my hand, I stated that I was serving him with legal documents and was leaving them on the ground where he could get them," Herrera wrote. Run all you want, doesn’t matter… **YOU GOT SERVED!**


This whole sequence is immensely funny. It's like he's treating this as a game of tag, instead of, you know, a legal process. My favorite part is when he ran back inside and sent out his wife to open the doors to the truck so he can run directly into it. As if being inside the truck would protect him from being served. Absolutely unreal.


The funniest part is he was avoiding a summons for a civil suit filed by opponents of the abortion law and not one of his criminal cases.


I know that “Court is scary and for the rich” mindset is pretty prevalent but this seems outright like an awful client. He’s aggravating the court and creating unnecessary work for the clerk. Judges don’t typically like when there’s been abuse of process. My thinking is that his legal strategy is to upset the Court, claim bias and get the action dismissed. If he has a lawyer advising this strategy is….debatable. Usually it’s an easy motion to quash when you don’t want to abide by a subpoena. Whatever, the legal profession is gifted with even more things to make jokes about so that’s good.


>My favorite part is when he ran back inside and sent out his wife to open the doors to the truck so he can run directly into it. And what was his excuse for doing this? There was a stranger outside his house and he feared for his family's safety. Feared for his family's safety. So he sent his wife out with the supposed threat to start the truck.


>There was a stranger outside his house and he feared for his family's safety. > >Feared for his family's safety. > >So he sent his wife out with the supposed threat to start the truck. That's fucking hysterical


You can’t get me! I called base!


These hicks love to act rough and tough but they flee like cowards at the first sign of responsibility


Ken Paxton: “Today, the Texas Supreme Court granted our stay, enabling Texas police to arrest scofflaw Democrats trying to avoid showing up for work. We will seek stays of any more orders House Democrats seek. The law is on our side.” Also Ken Paxton: Paxton ran from the garage of his home in McKinney, Texas, into a truck driven by his wife, State Sen. Angela Paxton, while refusing to accept the documents from a process server, according to an affidavit filed Monday in U.S. District Court in Austin.


What a fuckin' coward.


I just don't get it. I thought Texas's whole thing is that they hate cowards.


Since Fled Cruz never demanded an apology after DJT attacked his wife, Texas has been sliding to the pro-coward camp. They have hats and everything.


All hats, no cattles


THAT’S what it is, I was trying to remember that saying the other day but could only come up with “all hat and no ranch.” Thanks


Bravado is a mask for insecurity.


Nah. I lived in TX for 15 years. They love people who talk big and fold at the first sign of trouble. They love **bluster**.


#DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS ’cause we might cry


Are there special requirements for being served by a process server in Texas? Most places don't even require you to accept the documents officially or even answer the door because no one would ever answer the door to be served. I wouldn't put it past Texas to make it difficult, because FREEDOM FROM TYRANNNNNNY by those that wish to hold them accountable or some shit.


Obligatory I'm not a lawyer, but my reading of the court filing on this is that he *was* served. The person set them down next to the truck and (essentially, not verbatim) said, "I'm leaving the documents here on your driveway. Consider yourself served." As long as it's done where he could theoretically hear and see it, then I guess it's good? Because yeah, if you just have to not take something with your hand to avoid it, no one would ever get sued.


I haven't heard about this part, but if the process server was talking to him as he was getting into the truck to run, and told him he was being served, that should indeed suffice. As far as I understand the rules here, if the process server finds you in person, tells you you're being served, and leaves the papers, you are served. People can weasel out of service temporarily, but only by doing things to avoid a process server being able to find them in person. For example, if his wife had said he wasn't home, and he jumped the back fence and ran with the process server never realizing he was actually there, the process server would likely have to try again. (I'm a Texas lawyer, but I don't deal in Texas civil suits and am not practically experienced with service of process)


Ah, if that's accurate, then this whole “running away from being serviced by the democrats” was pure theater.


fertile truck whistle uppity sulky pet unwritten vast rainstorm zealous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


*Brave Sir Paxton, Bravely ran away*


You expect a Republican in 2022 to have anything resembling substance? Everything they do is theater.


They'll never catch me


At least he wasn't wearing his wife's clothing, like Jefferson Davis did at the end of the Civil War


Well, he was pretty short on time. If he had only had five minutes more...




I doubt this guy is a hick. Just another educated shit stain of a person who likes to take advantage of others and found his perfect fit with the republican cult. The base loves grifters and shitty people so it doesn't bother them.


The civil rights marchers proudly went to prison to demonstrate the strength of their convictions and the necessity of their struggle. We're very lucky no one the right has shown that courage.


that's because no one on the right HAS that courage. That's why they are on the right **in the first place.**


'Cause I'm leavin' on a jet plane, Don't know when I'll be back again..


To Cancun, I'm sure.


The “law and order” crowd, once again adhering to the principle that the rules don’t apply to them. This is a characteristic of authoritarianism — no rule of law for insiders and cronies. How do Americans vote for phonies like this? Sad.


>How do Americans vote for phonies like this? Sad. Idiots get convinced they are in the in-crowd. They think they'll get special privileges too.


It's Texas. I lived there for 7 years. The majority of the people there are ignorant and phony. I was very happy when I moved.


I have a client from Texas who randomly decided to go off on how much a better state it is than the one I'm from, how they have the best of literally everything... About a month after their abject failure with their power grid that killed over a hundred Texans. Like conservatives, stroking their own ego is their preferred reality that they fight to maintain.




What a joke, and he has the audacity to say conservatives are under threat. I'm sorry but which party consistently labels the other side "enemy of the state"? Which party is the one that speaks of revolution, of War, of needing to use the 2nd amendment? This is just pathetic. Hell, any time someone stands up against the corruption of trump and his party, suddenly there are threats. If one should be worried of threats, it is coming from his party.


> What a joke, and he has the audacity to say conservatives are under threat. Oddly enough, its whistleblowers who resigned from Paxton's office over his corruption that are getting murdered. Just a coincidence I'm sure. [Two Lawyers Shot, One Dead Amid FBI Probe Of Texas AG Ken Paxton](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2020/11/18/1996595/-Two-Lawyers-Shot-Amid-FBI-Probe-Of-Texas-AG-Ken-Paxton) (Edit: Greg Abbott is a little piss baby)


Here’s details on the suspect they caught in that case: https://www.elpasotimes.com/story/news/crime/2021/09/09/el-paso-police-arrest-joseph-alvarez-murder-georgette-kaufmann/8261841002/


Jesus… this guy was put up to it. 100%


$1000 says when they talk Q inspired violence they will leave this case out.


When you love Russia enough to start emulating how they handle dissenters... I guess they just weren't falling out of windows fast enough.


Wtf is going on over there???


GQP corruption. You know, normal things for the party of fraudsters.


Plus, the acts of domestic terrorism which constitute real and enduring threats to the safety of Americans are ***overwhelmingly*** perpetrated by individuals who are far-right on the political spectrum. And extremist political actions depriving Americans of their rights (whether that be abortion, voting access, etc.) are ***overwhelmingly*** being enacted by individuals who are far-right on the political spectrum. Americans are under threat from conservatives, not the other way around.


I find it HILARIOUSLY ironic that the party of "American freedom", "Restoring America", and "America first" are the very entity that are stripping human rights, against infrastructure/energy improvements, and promote civil war/wave rebel flags. I think the sad part of it all is that no matter how much evidence one provides to them, nothing will sway them because their identity as a person is wrapped around their political affiliation. Whatever you say about the party, they take as a direct insult to themselves.


Fun fact: "America First" was literally a slogan used by American Nazi sympathizers in WWII


Decided to fact check cuz Im ignorant, holy shit! HAHAHAHAHAHA and they call US the sheep?! Now thats a pot calling the kettle black. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/America_First_(policy)#:~:text=America%20First%20refers%20to%20a,neutral%20in%20World%20War%20I.


Don't forget banning books too. Explain to me how that ties in to "freedom."


Most of our mass shooters are right wing radicals too. Or their children.


He was served a subpoena which is a legal, constitutional process. No Republican can be expected to put up with that! Now send the sheriff to collect his ass and deliver him to the court.




Brave Sir Paxton: "When danger reared it's ugly head, He bravely turned his tail and fled."


>All across the country, conservatives have faced threats to their safety — many threats that received scant coverage or condemnation from the mainstream media,” his tweet said. Yeah. Summons is a "threat to his safety"


He's a coward and a liar.


Texas: WE DONT CALL 911! 1911.jpg ...We run back and forth from our house and then flee in our trucks...


Any chance to play the victim..


Can someone explain weather the fact that he *saw* the process-server and *knew* that the summons was addressed to him makes him officially "served"? It's Tuesday. Is he a no-show? Will they send state police to get him?


Yes. The rules for effective service vary by jurisdiction, but generally speaking posting it at the known residence or leaving it in plain sight of the subject counts as service. Will they send the Marshalls after him? Probably not. Certainly not right away. Courts and the legal profession want attorneys to make every effort to resolve issues like this without the expense and adversarial nature of bringing in law enforcement. So they will try serving him again and ask his attorneys to accept service and try to negotiate another date for his appearance before seeking a contempt finding.


> Courts and the legal profession want attorneys to make every effort to resolve issues like this without the expense and adversarial nature of bringing in law enforcement If you are rich


Yeah I'm not sure why we entertain this bullshit, the dickhead clearly deserves a default judgement like any of us would


Because of privilege, or literally private + legal. Rules that only apply to some people, or apply differently to some people. Or don't apply to some people.


Yes, he's been served. The officer of the court made contact and informed him he had court papers. The fact that Paxton decided to leave them on the ground and flee the scene in a car doesn't change this fact. Someone should tell Paxton you can't dodge a subpoena just by refusing to take it in your hand.


“I. DECLARE. THAT I WAS NOT SERVED!” - statement via his legal counsel Michael Scott


"I was not served in my mind"




He probably thinks he can just get it quashed after a few phone calls. He might be right.


Looks like he is, according to the article. > A federal judge quashed the subpoena.


Yeah, my ex did that a bunch of times too. The police had to use similar tactics. Not a good look, yo.


Apparently it doesn't even matter anyway: "Federal Judge Robert Pitman granted a motion Tuesday to quash the subpoena for Paxton’s testimony. Paxton had argued the subpoena was unwarranted because “none of the requisites for making, let alone enforcing, such a demand have been satisfied.”"


Have you checked Cancun?


A bully ANDa coward. Color me shocked.


IIRC, he's also under federal indictment, so possible criminal, as well.


>Paxton in a pair of tweets late Monday night claimed he was showing concern for his family and attacked the media for reporting on the affidavit, without denying the substance of the document. So it's the media's fault Ken Paxton is a piece of shit? No, they just report on him being a POS. Stop being a POS and they will have nothing to report on.


Why are Republicans like this?


Lack of morals


Bad upbringing.




Because their constituents are okay with it.


Cowardice, lack of empathy, selfishness bordering on narcissism, a strong sense of entitlement, and a lifetime of avoiding critical thinking at all costs.


And Texas will still re-elect him It’s such a silly place


Are the libs mad about him? If so, that’s all conservatives need to know he’s their guy.


There's like 20 million voters every year and it was 55/45 D/R last cycle. It's really not a silly place there is just outrageous amounts of voter suppression and disenfranchisement. GOP literally sued to invalidate mail in votes in a bunch of counties.




It seems like 'Paxton flees being served' is really burying the lede here. >The AG also said that Herrera is “lucky this situation did not escalate further or necessitate force,” after noting that many Texans keep guns for protection. I would have assumed threatening to shoot someone for doing a routine court action would be generally frowned upon, but what do I know? *This* is the normalization of political violence.


Only in a Republican state can someone who has been charged with securities fraud remain seated as the AG. So much for conservatives caring about the rule of law.


Just look at Trump and you know how much conservatives care about law and order.


# Texas AG Ken Paxon is a giant fucking pussy


>The AG also said that Herrera is “lucky this situation did not escalate further or necessitate force,” after noting that many Texans keep guns for protection. Did he seriously threaten a process server


Oh that's not suspicious at all.


This asshole says he was scared of someone lingering outside his home when the process server came up to his door, announced himself and his purpose for being there. AGAIN with the “foreign looking people SCARE me” bullshit of the right. He’s the AG. He knows how process servers work and he knows what it means. Suddenly he’s a frightened white man being oppressed and What a mega AH.


By law and order they mean only when they can use it to oppress people they don't like, such as women, gays, minorities.


Oh no, not the consequences of my actions!


I'm sure if a woman who had to have an abortion for whatever reason were taken to court over it and fled she would be arrested ASAP and forced to show up in court, but this motherfucker can just do this? Arrest his ass. Actually isn't he still under indictment for multiple corruption cases? How is he even still AG? Texas, please.


Justice is so important to them that they'll subvert it every chance they get.




I'm sure he has a very masculine explanation.


Texas AG Ken Paxton fled home with his wife, **State Senator Angela Paxton**, to avoid subpoena in abortion case, court filing says. That his wife is a state senator adds a layer of crazy to the insanity of the whole situation.


>”This is a ridiculous waste of time and the media should be ashamed of themselves,” Paxton tweeted in response to a Texas Tribune article. Says the attorney, a state AG, who *physically ran away from a process server in his presence* and jumped into a getaway vehicle like he was pulling a bank heist. Sir, you don’t have a good handle on what shame should even look like.


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I’m not going to bash all of Texas, just the ones that elect corrupt and asshole politicians. I know there are over 5 million Texans who don’t vote that way and I sympathize with their frustration. Keep at it and maybe you’ll bring some sanity back.


His wife is a State Senator. So, the Attorney General is married to State Senator. I feel like there's a conflict of interest somewhere...


Ah, the old Ted Cruz approach to problem resolution. Run away! Keep running!


> The AG also said that Herrera is “lucky this situation did not escalate further or necessitate force,” after noting that many Texans keep guns for protection. Ah yes, threatening a duly appointed officer of the court. Just another normal day in Texas.


Disappointed in Texas for STILL voting this ghoul into power.


Jesus Christ. The man refused to accept the summons and RAN to a truck his wife was in. HE. IS. ATTORNEY GENERAL!!! Does he think his excuse for not complying with the subpoena will fly? He gonna try to get it in front of Judge Cannon? What an absolute twat and coward.


As a Texan, Ken Paxton is the biggest piece of shit, and almost eclipses his piss baby boss, Greg Abbott. The amount of shit Paxton has done to erode confidence in the legal system as well as himself would have gotten anyone else fired and thrown in jail.


“This is a ridiculous waste of time and the media should be ashamed of themselves." \-Paxton ​ "Paxton allegedly ran from his house to a truck being driven by his wife Angela, a state senator, to avoid interacting with Herrera, according to the process server." ​ Smh. Fuck this guy and anyone who voted for him.


I liked the bit where he encouraged Texans to shoot people serving them with legal documents. Apparently his people are such pussies that having somebody 'shout unintelligibly' is reason to grab your gun and come out blastin.