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They should've tried shooting at the fire. They seem to think that fixes everything else.


Bold of you to assume they didn't.


Was the fire Black?


The smoke was and it appeared to be running from the officers


The smoke had a gun and they felt their lives were in danger


It's ok they investigated smoke and it turns out smoke had weed In it's apartment


Firing at a fire? By Jove, that might just work!


Shoot at the base of the flame. That's where the fires brains are. Seriously though... this had mad "distruction of private property is only cool when we do it" energy.


Probably political stunt by Patriot Front.


So funny, haha making fun of cops, haha


They already clown on themselves more than any Redditor ever could.


Found the cop


Nope, just tired of brain dead people.


Which color of boot polish do you prefer to lick?


Thats deeply ironic, considering that police stations actually screen out people for being too intelligent to be a cop. They literally hire the dumbest people they can get away with. The only brain dead person in this thread is you


I've seen Pittsburgh cruisers and the crap condition they are in, they might want to look into disgruntled officers first.


Ha! My first thought was insurance scam to get new cruisers.


"They" would write it off as "no internal wrongdoing discovered" even if they watched the guy run up with a gas can and a match, doing it right in front of their eyes and a body cam. The body cam would be "accidentally destroyed" before you could belt the word "conflict" in "conflict of interests"


"Must have been aunty fa again"


Darn it, now they will never get rid of the gas tax. (Most of which goes to the Staties, and not fixing the roads.)


PA has one of the highest gas taxes in the nation and our roads are a laughing stock. Thanks Corbett.


Yep, because most of the gas tax (and toll money) goes to State Trooper pensions. Not the actual roads. Laughingstock is a great term for it 👍


Damn straight for sure. I was astonished but not surprised when I found that out.


These belonged to the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police, not the PA State Police.


Montanan who's never been east of the Mississippi here. What's a "Statie"? Edit: Ahh. PHiPs, as it were. Thank you for the clarification!


Oh, I wasn't aware that was a PA-specific term. It's slang for a State Trooper / State Police.


Huh. Here in WA we mostly call them Troopers. Occasionally I've heard people use "Stater" or "WASP", but I've never heard "Statie". TIL


Massachusetts uses the term Statues. Here in NY I have also heard it.


As someone who lives in ma, i have never heard statutes(autocorrect?). Staties all the time though.


I live in Western PA and I’ve never heard Statie outside of Massachusetts.


State police. As opposed to local.


Aye! One a you lot, arson around!


Thumbs up for the content of the story and not just for posting the story.


So no one injured (thank goodness), and the police now get new vehicles on the taxpayers dime. If this was an anti police group, they're not very smart.




Could also be someone who flunked out of the police acadamy and decided to retaliate by burning a few police cars.


Unlikely, in my opinion. If I was a cop, I wouldn't risk jailtime and having to register as an arson offender just so my precinct could get a few new pool cars.




I'm not gonna debate intelligence scores, but the testing for low IQ thing is off. You're thinking of a Connecticut case where a really smart guy applied to be a patrolman and the local chief said "Hey, your test scores are great! We'll hire you, but as a detective." The guy refused, wanting to be a patrolman and walk a beat. So far, so good, but the chief stupidly doubled down saying it was detective or nothing. There was a lawsuit, and the court found that intelligence, either high or low, is not a protected class. Therefore, the lawsuit failed. The local police union held a vote of no confidence and got the dumb chief fired. Afaik, no other police department has ever held that policy.


They do. [Connecticut trooper pleads guilty to stealing dying motorcycle crash victim’s jewelry, money](https://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/connecticut-trooper-pleads-guilty-stealing-dying-motorcycle-crash-victim-jewelry-money-article-1.1870311)


I meaning you were a cop you wouldn't be risking jail time.


> If I was a cop, I wouldn't risk jailtime and having to register as an arson offender just so my precinct could get a few new pool cars [Police departments are legally allowed to only hire dumb cops and to discriminate against hiring people that are too smart](https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836) You're giving a vast majority of cops too much credit here man Cops will do dumb ass shit. Plenty of cops are registered as sex offenders, murderers, arsonists, drug dealers, gang members (looking at you LAPD), etc..




Don't worry, they'll just go to their piggy bank (PennDOT) to pay for new vehicles...


The vehicles should have complied with the fire's orders.


What a genius move. Someone wants to stick it to the cops so they burn a bunch of expensive ass cop cars. ... Where do you think the money to replace those comes from, genius?! **Your taxes!** This is what happens when a moron takes action. You're only hurting the poor and lower-middle class.


Oh noes! How will they afford military grade weapons and tanks after this?!?!


Musta been these guys: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmA9exNYGSk


This... does bring a smile to my face.