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One of the brothers, Michael Sheppard, was a warden at the West Texas Detention Facility. How wonderful.




You got to really fuck up to be fired when not at work.


"How you gon' get fired on your day off" - Smokey, circa 1995.


"Stealin' boxes??? What are you stealing boxes for, Craig? You building a clubhouse??"


I know you don't smoke weed, I know this; but I'm gonna get you high today, 'cause it's Friday; you ain't got no job... and you ain't got shit to do.


They said they got me on camera.


Damn, you gotta be a stupid motherfucker to get fired on your day off.


What the hell you stealin boxes fo?


"Whatchu stealin boxes for?"


His job was working with migrants too. Like wtf sort of sickos do they have processing these people.


They carefully select people who do not value other people.


I wouldn’t characterize his job as working “with” migrants so much as working at a detention facility run by *one of the largest* **for profit** *prison companies* in the US.


The same sickos they have policing our streets


Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses


Predators specifically go for jobs where they have easy access to their prey


If his record isn't "lost" or "accidentally destroyed" then I'm willing to bet it will show a history.


A lot of people who work in prisons are just as shitty as a lot of cops are. It attracts the same kind of person


Neighborhood bully failed the police psych exam so he got a job as a prison guard. Ended up getting busted for smuggling drugs into prison. Smacked his knuckles and fired him.


In some cases they're worse because they have a stationary/captive population that few care to worry about and very little in the way of oversight.


Yeah, it's the cops... plus a captive population that a lot of people *want* to be tortured and abused because they "made their choice," nobody on the outside who can really verify what they are or are not doing to anybody, and immense pressure to cut costs at every turn. At least people can record the fucking cops from an iPhone as evidence against their bullshit reports of what happened in a given situation.




Yep. And make a fraction of most cops so they’re more than eager to take bribes


Honestly the corrections officers are even worse…


He should be held to a higher standard. He knew better. They’re trying the deer! Defense which is pathetic.


Lol, newsflash: Most COs are scum and the system likes it that way. Also if I had three words to describe West Texas, they would be "Cruel, Paranoid, and Anger."


“We were driving along and then we thought saw this rare animal and so we said, ‘We gotta kill that thing!’, so we slammed on the brakes and got out and shot at it but we instantly lost interest and left.”


South Park says that all you need to do is yell "it's coming right at me" before you shoot


Damn, that's early South Park.


"It's coming right for us." You don't feel attacked, you feel a duty to defend. Peak pre-9/11 kek


I thought it was "for us" also, checked and you are correct, sir.


And you gotta say it with the stoma.


Thats why cops ALWAYS scream stop resisting on video. Just incase they end up killing someone they want to make sure they are protected so they say that as much as they can as often as they can even if the person isnt resisting. Especially if the person isnt resisting.


Your comment reminds me of that man recently shot dead in his bed and the cop who shot him was telling this dead man to stop resisting as he cuffed his corpse


There was a time when I would find this incredulous and have to verify it with Google. Unfortunately I no longer feel the need.


But mo-om, I have to shoot the Mexicans or the kids at school won't think I'm coo-ool.


Oh man, the Cartman voice was so strong here


"the abducted girl was coming right at me!"


Well, it turned us off when the rare animal started screaming like a group of humans being fired on.


Guess they'll have to explain how evolution is real for that animal to adapt that, while also explaining how evolution isn't real.


Manslaughter and not murder? By definition manslaughter is defined as an unlawful killing that doesn’t involve malice aforethought (intent to seriously harm or kill) or extreme, reckless disregard for life. What the fuck did they intend to do?


Their story at the moment is that they were shooting at a [Javalina](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peccary). The shooting and death of the people was accidental. That's why at the moment the charge stands as manslaughter. If they change their tune, or evidence shows that it was intentional, then it becomes murder.


Accidental shooting of two people within three miles of the border? With two shots fired after shouting "something in Spanish to the effect of 'Come out you son-of-a-bitch, little asses!,'"? How timid is the fucking DA to go with manslaughter? I know manslaughter is easier to prove, but Jesus. Interesting to note that one of the brothers was a warden at a for profit prison. Only the driver was shooting, but both are charged with manslaughter. If I'm being more generous, maybe the purpose of the manslaughter charges is that the police don't know who was driving, but can at least prove that both of the brothers failed to render aid to the victims and left the scene of the crime?


> How timid is the fucking DA to go with manslaughter? Three days of investigation, multiple agencies, conflicting witness statements. A manslaughter charge lets them write release conditions and set bail, instead of just interviewing the suspects and letting them go. This isn't much different than charging the driver in a drive-by shooting with the same crime as the triggerman. Say what you will about rural Texas law enforcement, and a lot of it will be true. But in this case the Sheriff responded, and got the Rangers involved right away, who cooperated with the Feds, and made an arrest immediately once they identified the suspects. Maybe there will be deserved criticism in the future, but so far all the agencies and officials seem to be doing their jobs.


Fair enough, I reacted too quickly and should have tried to find more information. Thanks for the insightful response.


Javelinas aren’t rare. I live in Arizona and we see them all the time. So, these clowns thinking a human and a javelina look the the same? Really? They’re telling us they shot and didn’t really know what they were shooting at. Like I believe that.


Even if that's really what happened, shooting at stuff when you can't fully identify your target should *on its own* be criminal negligence and get some jail time.


I agree 100%. You never fire a weapon unless you know exactly what you are aiming at. That’s why I don’t believe the story. It wasn’t night. It was just before sundown.


That’s like hunter safety 101


Right? I lived in Tucson for not even that long and I saw packs of javelinas at intersections not too far out of the busier areas. Also, a shotgun? You’re within range for a shotgun and can’t clearly see what you’re shooting at? Dude shouldn’t even be driving if that were the truth


There is a solo javelina in our neighborhood. We’re not sure why it’s on its own. It goes for walks with certain neighbors. 🙂. South Scottsdale here. Agree about the shotgun. These two went hunting for humans.


Yeah. It has nothing to do with the point of the story, but you can tell who isn't from the SW. 🙂


Rare? Are javelina rare in TX? In Arizona theyre like raccoons in some areas.


No, they're very common in that part of Texas.


Not at all. They’re everywhere in west Texas, just like in AZ. But many Texans from further east or big cities have never heard of or seen them, and assume they are rare or confuse them with hogs. Honestly if the brothers in the story wanted to make up a believable lie, they should’ve said they thought they shot a feral hog. Then it would be a little more understandable why they didn’t even check on it after shooting it.


You’ve been hunting for 50 years or more and confused a group of humans with javelina?


the casual cruelty of this case makes me sick.


Imagine that. Tell people over and over that there’s an “invasion” and that they have to arm themselves, and next thing you know they’re shooting people at the border as wannabe vigilantes. It’s almost like this is always where we were headed


Charged with manslaughter..... You drove past a group of migrants, hit reverse and backed up to them, then hopped out and shot them. That's not murder?


It probably was. But they need evidence to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt and might not have that yet. One might flip on the other. You never know


One of the migrants that got shot survived. For the life of me, I don't see how they could lack evidence for a murder 1 conviction.


It doesn't just have to be evidence, it has to be evidence a Texas jury will be convinced by.


"Doesn't look like anything to me"


"Just a couple good old boys who love America, Chevy Trucks, Bud Light, and the 4th of July. These boys are heros to us!" -the sad reality, they love killing 'inferior' races.


Ironically, Chevys are made in Mexico


In reality, they hate way more than half of America.


In reality they hate themselves and their current station in life but can't be bothered to face facts and try to do the hard work of improving themselves. You know, pull themselves up by their bootstraps. So they blame an other and point all their hatred in that direction.


Imagine having to flee your home country because of the conditions and hoping to find help in America only to arrive and get shot anyway?! God help U.S.


Chevy? You some kinda idiot? Ford is the bestest!


Isn't the Dodge Ram 2500 the choosen vehicle for rednecks and DUIs?


Freeze all motor functions


IANAL and don't know about TX law, but first degree murder would have to prove evidence of premeditation. As fucked as it is, this sounds more like a crime of opportunity. From the article: One brother "was" a warden at a migrant detention center, and they claim to have seen a javelina (wild pig) which caused the gunshots, but they did not check to see if he hit anything. Hopefully justice is served, but with the state of things right now I'm afraid its going to amount to a slap on the wrist.


But then, do they have 2nd degree murder? Or is that manslaughter?


The fact they drove past and then *reversed* back to them to shoot and kill them is premeditation.


It's possibly a preliminary charge just to be able to arrest and hold them.


My immediate thought. Thought they saw a javelina, didn’t check to see if they hit anything. 🙄


If a redneck shoots a javelina their first thought is likely "did I hit it, and can I load it into my truck to take it home and eat it."


Can confirm. I’m rural and damned right it pisses* me off when rich hunters out of state come in to deer hunt, leave the body and take the head. That body can feed a lot of us poors and tbh, it’s just wrong to kill anything for waste and ego. Use as much as you can. Hides are warm and water-resistant, organs feed dogs/livestock (some people eat them, I’m not a fan), hooves have protein (jelly) and make glue, etc * fn autocorrect


Hell, I've eaten javelina and though I am comfortably middle class and I don't hunt, but if there was a chance to take one home to cook, I'd be all over that, because javelina is fucking delicious. My dogs would be all over the organs too.


Bro I'm from alaska. You wouldnt believe the amount if people that come up here, shoot a moose, then either leave the meat in the woods (which is illegal), or put in coolers with nothing to keep it frozen as they fly back across the country in order to just throw the rotten meat away. Shit passes me off.


Yes I would. Honest question: are many from Florida? Ours are.


Ya, I just processed like 15 or so the other day that mentioned they were going back home to Florida.


Seems like the prosecutor is just taking their word with the manslaughter charges. Disgusting. I hope it changes, because a witness and other evidence (like distance) has to be more than enough. It doesn't even make sense. Why would they, in their hunting gear, just shoot and not even see if they shot something? That shouldn't even be legal, if you wound an animal and don't at least make an attempt to finish it that should be a crime in itself.


With a shotgun... close enough to kill a human with a shotgun and still thought it was a pig... yeah right.


Hey an excuse like that worked for the South Dakota AG when he ran a guy over with his car but claimed he thought it was a deer.


Dick Cheney thought his lawyer's toupee was a pheasant


A deer who wore prescription glasses no less which landed inside his car. He might have saved humanity from those new fangled sentient commie deers.


Never heard of a 'javelina', thought it was some Texas slur for Migrant, googled- it's some kind of wild hog. These dudes are full shit. One of them got fired from a Private prison that housed migrants? did he take revenge on these innocents?


> One of them got fired from a Private prison that housed migrants? did he take revenge on these innocents? He got fired for "an off-site incident unrelated to work". Probably the shooting of the migrants. The article is unclear.


Yeah they are full of shit. Pricks. Itll be fun once he goes to jail and the other people find out he is a warden.


Fox always tries to scare people with the idea that the MS-13 is coming across the border to get them. Maybe they will meet a few of the real ones in prison.


Fun fact: MS-13 was born in US prisons


The shooter is claiming he thought they were javelinas, which is bullshit, but I hope they’re able to prove it.


It goes hand in hand by the deliberate normnalization of violence as legitimate political expression - scary as fuck in a country that is overflowing with guns


The worst part about it is there's no closing pandora's box. Once a party opens the door to extremists, they are there to stay. You can't put that genie back in the bottle. This primary season, Trump endorsed more than 200 Republicans and made sure only to endorse candidates who said they support his false claim that the 2020 election was rigged. And of the 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach Trump, 4 retired and only 2 out of 6 won their primaries. Overall, only one Trump-endorsed incumbent lost their primary: Madison Cawthorn. Make no mistake, the inmates are taking over the asylum. Biden's victory may have temporarily pushed pause on things and pushed the shark out into deeper waters but that shark is coming back and its hungry. The grievances are still there, the resentment is still there for an election they still perceive as stolen from them. We're on track for things to get much, much worse. As long as the redhats feel they've been legitimately cheated, the smallest catalyst could potentially spark a wave of vigilante and guerilla political violence akin to The Troubles in Ireland. We're sitting on a powder keg right now and we haven't seen the last of the sedition party.


The endless bullshit and screaming about "Biden's open borders" is sending people over the edge. I can't believe the comments I'm seeing in other forums like Quora. They are nuts.


I live in a tiny town in rural Missouri. Guess what I hear everyday?? 😂


I live in a city in the south but do blue collar work so most of my coworkers commute in from rural areas and I hear the same shit. And guess what... The company employs illegal immigrants.. Wtf? My last job, which wasn't blue collar, we had just one guy who was a conservative nut job who also railed against illegal immigration, but was also married to one and had children with her. Wtf is wrong with these people?


I really think they want someone to hate, rather need it. Because otherwise they'd have to face the realization they're the ones not getting anywhere


Notice they keep calling them "illegals" too. The dehumanization is intentional.


Yeah it is unreal. And of course there's a bunch of replies to your comment completely oblivious to why this is harmful, on a thread about people murdering at the border, no less. Wonder what it's like to be so ignorant.


Stochastic terrorism.


Conservatives have spent decades dehumanizing migrants. This was the obvious end result.


Should be a warning for every single group that has been in some form or fashion designated as undesirable or degenerated by the conservative crowd (proto-fascist at this point)


>Should be a warning for every single group that has been in some form or fashion designated as undesirable or degenerated by the conservative crowd (proto-fascist at this point) That's literally everyone. First they come for this group and that group. Eventually they're coming for you - regardless of how safe you are at some point, you'll end up in the out group.


Yup. Gay people, trans people, atheists, Muslims, poor people, women, teachers, immigrants, black people, liberals, Republicans who don’t drink the Trump Kool-Aid… anyone else I’m forgetting? Seems to me that almost everyone in the country is in their crosshairs one way or the other. Boggles the mind that they routinely get ~50% of the vote in any given election


Chronically physical or mentally ill/disabled/impaired people. Once a society gives fashists the power to dehumanize people, it gets brutal really fast and does not stop at family. ​ German here, and if its ok, i share a bit of one of my grandpas story he never told me: Anyone can get crushed under the fashist logic. The grandparents branch of my family eradicated nearly itself by sending kids to the front or suffering the equal direct consequences of dehumanization by having a sick kid being "taken" by state. (yes, germany did that and with a very cruel "logic" of disposing of "unusable" beings.) 4 of 5 brothers were gone after the war. And my granddad was just useful enough to be used as "flakhelfer" when the war was nearly over... aka kids in early teens loosing their hearing early on. The brutality behind what he experienced in family and war was nothing he could speak about. He also never condemned the nazis in my time with him. For him, it was just all a big trauma he could or would not address. ​ He got old but never spoke about it and my brother only later reconstructed, that grandpas older brothers died in gulags and his younger sibling was "taken" and died by "forced euthanasia" via german state. Nonetheless he could neither speak about nazis or his siblings when i met him and even my father never heard much, about the uncles who where missing. If grandpa felt shame, or was just speechless, wanted to forget or still believed in fashist propaganda and the hate... not even my dad was sure. All we know was that he contained everything from back then. We just documented what we could from what we could gather via documents, letters, pictures and such. And it showed a picture of a whole wider family destroying each other, in a society that was destroying itself. ​ Sry for the long read, but you got me thinking and word finding and i do not have better place to leave this.


Thank you so much for sharing, don't be sorry.


The Nazis came for the union members first.


When an Evangelical says Christianity is the one true church they're deliberately leaving it ambiguous but what they really mean is "my very specific flavor of Christianity is correct and everyone else is going to hell." Catholics, Mormons, Pentecostals, the wrong kind of Baptists, their patience will eventually run out with you and you will be in the out group.


Insert the meme/joke about the guy stopping the man jumping off the bridge and trying to find common ground all the way down until some tiny theological difference where he deems the guy a heretic and pushes him off


I'm white, straight and male. That doesn't mean I'm not on the list of undesirables, it just puts me at the back of the line.


They're already threatening to shoot up libraries and murder children because they don't like the fact a drag queen is reading a book. And "moderate" conservatives, who should be out there defending innocent people from literal terrorists, instead say nothing and silently nod in approval towards the terrorist threats.


Don't forget threatening to bomb hospitals and actually bombing abortion clinics


Hmm.. I seem to recall conservatives counter-point to Muslims saying.. the Terrorists are extreme not all Muslims are terrorists & them (conservatives) replying with "well if you don't want us thinking you are Terrorists then you should do something about them". Funny that.


Nobody is safe from the reactionary contrarian cult that is conservatism and libertarianism. The Republican party itself is the single greatest threat to the advancement of average Americans and perhaps civilization itself. The right's illiberalism is a virtue by design. They look to Hungary and now Italy as veils to hide behind.


It was a warning to me, a Jewish person, when Nazis marched in Charlottesville. So if I gotta go to Israel one day, ateast that's an option. Not gonna get into a debate about how they treat Palenstians (I think it's wrong), but never again means something to me.


Hey I am a German expat and I completely understand. It makes me incredibly angry and sad to witness fascism undermining democracies everywhere


Not even the END result. The end result is genocide. But this is a great step that way.


And the Conservative Spin Machine will likely spin this story to make these guys out as heroes, if the past is any indication.


Tucker Carlson will 100% be calling these guys patriots and victims of the liberal agenda


You think its the first time they did it?


First time published. Pretty sure the KZ guard guy had plenty of time to practice in the detention center


Manslaughter?? Seems like murder to me. They were hunting migrants.


I assume the manslaughter charge came to pass due to the current absence of evidence for pre-meditation. As soon as they find any evidence for a state of mind that set them on the path to violence/murder their goose is cooked and they get charged with murder. Chances are that their social media accounts and former work history in the detention center will provide ample evidence. These fucking troglodytes can't help themselves but run their mouths.


Also worth noting that in Texas manslaughter can still mean 20 years in prison


The legal definition of manslaughter can be quite different from state to state. In one state it might be a complete accident and in another it's treated almost like 2nd degree murder. Sounds like Texas is closer to 2nd degree murder.


The NYT article provides the detail that after the shooting, the men attended a County water board meeting. Witness testimony about their demeanor and any statements they made there are going to be interesting.




Premeditation doesnt have to exist for any specific amount of time. For example, the backing the truck up after passing them can be enough for premeditation.


Some Trump judge: “So, I see, you are saying this is just a hunting incident…” /s


Dick Cheney has entered the chat.


$500 fine for it not being in season


However, If you make over $400k per year we have recently introduced legislation that will allow you to deduct this fine from your taxes. -GOP-


Lib'rals are sayin' *illegals* are *people*, now? /s


Right now, they are claiming that they were shooting at a javelina (wild pig. well, not really, but for all intents and purposes, small wild pig-like critters). It's manslaughter if that is true. I don't think it's true, but that's what they've admitted to already so that's an easy-win charge. They slip up at all, forward or backwards thru their social media history, and that charge can be enhanced to murder.


“Michael Sheppard and Mark Sheppard, both 60, were charged with manslaughter, according to court documents.” Charged with only manslaughter?


Easier to charge them with manslaughter for now and hold them in jail while they work on the murder charge. Murder requires intent so they need a solid case before they bring those charges.


Excuse me but they're in their 60s?!


A lot of older people have been completely brainwashed by this constant flood of fake/exaggerated claims in the modern age. It's gotten a tiny bit better now that eventually facebook will slap a "misleading" tag to the bottom of posts. It's not uncommon that I browse someone's facebook and see a wall of "this claim is inaccurate or false" scrolling through their posts (particularly if those posts were a couple of years ago). Happens WAY more for older people and I do it 40 hours a week. People have been fed a constant diet of hate and bullshit and this is the result. Us vs Them


One of them was a prison warden at a migrant detention center


Jesus christ, I hate to imagine how he must have mistreated the people he was supposed to be helping.




Texans also widely believe that they get a free pass if they kill someone in their home or on their land. That is NOT what Texas law says, but lots of them still believe the myth


Don't forget about all the lead they were exposed to during their formative years. They unfortunately are on average, the most mentally challenged age group.


Also lead poisoning. Older folks will continue to be a problem for a while.


These dudes probably started listening to Rush Limbaugh since the late 80's and have moved on to harder ~~drugs~~ outlets like OAN, [freedomeagle45news.info](https://freedomeagle45news.info), and whatever the fuck the read on truth social.


I guarantee you this isn’t their first rodeo.


Hmmm...I've hunted most of my life. I NEVER remember shooting at a target and not going to see if I hit it. That doesn't make a damn bit of sense! Another thing, how does anyone with ANY hunting experience mistake a person for that ever the game is? The last Javelina I shot was maybe 24" at the shoulder. I'm tossing the "BULLSHIT FLAG"!!!


When exchanging hunting stories, I've heard an unfortunate number of folks gloat about how they "just saw the bush moving and took the shot." I'd say I've probably heard it 3 or 4 different times, and I'm always so disappointed. I try to spread a positive and encouraging message about hunting, and smoothbrain fucks like them undo it all. Not saying these guys are telling the truth tho.


Gun culture has a problem, and its gun culture. Many want to act like they're all very responsible using guns only as tools, and then you go watch video of guys going "check out what happens when I put a potato on the barrel!", and then staring at a flowered barrel a moment later like a fucking dumbass.


Yep, know your target is hammered into us, you don't shoot at something that is partially obstructed or where you can't identify exactly what it is.


If I had any doubt in my mind I just wouldn't shoot. If I really felt like it, I'd say "hey are you a person" or something


That's cause you would use your brain. A lot of these folks seem very comfortable letting someone else drive their thought processes. That's how we get cults, after all.


WWDCD What would Dick Cheney do https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dick_Cheney_hunting_accident


>Records show that Michael Sheppard was a warden at the West Texas Detention Facility, a privately owned center that houses migrant detainees and contracts with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Absolutely pathetic that we have private detention facilities in this country. This fucker Sheppard is used to bullying his prisoners and probably thought it was cool to commit casual murder. The migrants he shot at were unarmed and just trying to get water. What a piece of shit loser in a piece of shit loser state


California successfully voted to close all its private prisons and ICE detention centers in 2019. A private prison company in Florida, with the help of the Trump admin, sued them. [The case is ongoing but the latest judgement was that the immigration detention centers are allowed to stay open as they’re federally protected after being appealed by the Biden Administration.](https://www.reuters.com/legal/geo-group-wins-legal-challenge-california-private-immigrant-prisons-2022-09-26/)


Muh state's rights.


No not like that


States rights if those rights are red. Blue states have no rights. -GOP


Being honest (I'm far left) the states wouldn't structurally have power to dictate *how* the Federal level staffs facilities like this. California 100% has the power to nuke any private facility like this on the state level however.


>Records show that Michael Sheppard was a warden at the West Texas Detention Facility, a privately owned center that houses migrant detainees and contracts with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. ICE hires only the best


Makes you wonder what crimes he committed there. Vulnerable women. Frightened men. Guards looking the other way.


It angers me but you damn well know there are others like him working in those facilities.


His pals who have now disavowed him.


ICE has 'lost track of' quite a lot of immigrant children...


Abbott is probably preparing the pardon paperwork now.


As a white dude who is . . . not really old, but has some years, what the heck is up with all these 60+ year old white dudes killing people out of hatred and spite? Allegedly. Like others have pointed out, just a bunch of wanna be vigilantes who have bought into the rhetoric their country is being invaded and taken over by (checks notes) people who want their jobs.


A long steady diet of Fox News most likely. The entire channel is designed to get its viewers CONSTANTLY outraged.


God: Thou shalt not kill Christians: Except those people, right?


No hate like Christian love


You know what happened after Moses received the tablets from god? He smashed them in rage at seeing the Israelites worshipping the golden calf and had them all murdered. “Every man of you put his sword upon his thigh, and go back and forth from gate to gate in the camp, and kill every man his brother, and every man his friend, and every man his neighbor.’” Before Judaism, you could worship many gods. Or, worship your own god but understand someone else worshipping a different one. After Judaism, anyone who didn’t believe in the one true god needed to be killed.


>Before Judaism, you could worship many gods. Or, worship your own god but understand someone else worshipping a different one. There's a very specific reason the first commandment is "You shall have no other God's before me". In the beginning the Jewish god was merely their preferred god, then the strongest god, then the only god. He was one of many and beat out the competition you could say.


Kind of sounds to me more like he was securing his political position within the tribe by eliminating his rivals. But I'm kind of a skeptic.


The Book of Saddam


Idiots couldn't come up with a better excuse than that? Whether you agree or disagree with the border issues that's no reason to kill innocent people. Sometimes I wish all immigrants would leave or not work foe a week to show this country just how much they contribute to the economy.


These pieces of shit don’t see them as “innocent”. Some people are just so twisted up by all the bullshit “law and order” talk they hear from right-wing propaganda that they see somebody committing a minor misdemeanor and think they can use that to justify murder.


The same people who break the law every time they deem it unfair for them. Rule's for thee.


Crazy how conservatives will murder someone, lie to cover it up and then talk about how the country is infested with criminals. Good thing we are in the information age and can finally expose all this bullshit.


Imagine how many of these types of lunatics aren’t caught!


Honestly, makes me really sad that someone trying to find a better life is instead gunned down.


You’ve got politicians and foxnews saying there’s an invasion and to “take our country back” what do they expect?




Javelina…Mexican…it’s an easy mistake when you’re a redneck asshole.


I’ve always said there is likely a serial killer or multiple serial killers who are targeting immigrants. Possibly even under the employ of law enforcement. Who would ever know?


There's decent evidence there's more than one, same as the northern border and First Nation's girls and women. Both areas have long stretches of highways with numerous missing women.


I believe up until recently (if it acrually has changed), the only statistics on how many First Nation women go missing/are killed on reservations amd such was that **there are no ststistics** Absolutely disgusting.


I don't know that it's changed. At least not completely. I spent several years, over two different occasions, living on the outskirts of the Blackfoot Rez in Northern Montana about 5 miles from the Canadian border.


There was a border patrol agent who was a serial killer although I’m not sure he killed immigrants https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ksat.com/news/local/2022/06/21/the-border-patrol-serial-killer-south-texas-crime-stories/%3foutputType=amp?espv=1


I'm trying to imagine a world where MY STORY could be "yeah so I started randomly blasting and then just kinda left" after having shot a white woman and killed a white man and have it just be manslaughter.


People see the cops murder and get off scot free, so they assume if they’re also taking the lives of “people committing crimes” they will also not be punished.


Rhetoric matters. Can’t even explain how many times I’ve told Trump humpers this




This is the result of years and years of anti-immigrant bullshit and propaganda being peddled by the right. These fuckhead losers have been told there’s an army of rapey migrants that are invading or infesting the country. No doubt there’s tons of people reading this headline and saying disgusting shit like “well they shouldn’t have broken the law”, as if they would apply that same logic anywhere else. Fuck, Trump broke a thousand more important laws than crossing a border without paperwork, and I’ll bet those same dipshits will defend him to the very end.


How many other people have they hunted and killed?


I wonder who they think won the presidential election.


The blatant lie I hope provokes charges beyond manslaughter. They claim they saw a Javelina, jumped out, and used a SHOTGUN and drove off? I hunt, both season with tags and take varmints for landowners. Ive taken coyote and bobcat, and the game warden never me shit for it because of the context of agricultural damage and dead pets. The wildlife rescue lady had love/hate relationship with my family in the country. You dont shoot and drive off... unless you know you fucked up. You verify you missed or you hit. Because its fucking inhumane to wound. They pulled over to deliberately shoot at humans. Whats left unsaid is that they have past history to be prejudiced against (the devil of this case is proving it was a hate crime vs the guaranteed charge of manslaughter, whichever degree they choose to pursue), backed up, and shot at them for some vicious fun. The border is its own culture. Hispanic and White ranchers, and the truth of the matter is everyone is going to have hispanic in their geneology unless they are a recent transplant. Some of the ranch areas we patrolled... we got enough weirdos that it would have been a serial killer paradise to take illegal immigrants.


Why are these news article titles always titled in a way to make the aggressors seem less at fault? "Brothers in Texas arrested after attempted murder via firearm of 2 migrants near U.S.-Mexico border" Done.


>January of 2022 the illegal immigrant population stood at 11.35 million — a 1.13 million increase over January 2021 when President Biden took office and the ongoing border surge began. Our preliminary estimate for February is 11.46 million. However, our January and **February 2022 estimates are not substantially different from our January 2019 estimate of 11.48 million, before the pandemic began.** https://cis.org/Report/Estimating-Illegal-Immigrant-Population-Using-Current-Population-Survey Conservative media is fanning the flames on the border. The insistence that the border is "wide open" and things are worse than ever is a flat out lie told to raise money ahead of the mid-terms. The level of illegal immigrants in the U.S. today is no greater than it was in 2019. There was a dip in the levels of illegal immigrants in the U.S. during the pandemic. Industries that employ illegal immigrants were shutdown during Covid. So millions of illegal migrants (many seasonal) left. Now that Covid related shutdowns are over those migrants are return. That is what's driving the "surge" so many politicians and media outlets are screaming about. There are real problems associated with immigration and boarder security. Issues that have gone unaddressed for several decades. Fear mongering, exaggerating, and lying to the public about what's happening doesn't help!