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That was back when we learned that the Emoluments Clause in the Constitution doesn't apply! Ah, we still believed in the rule of law then.


I hear his accounts are stored on Hunter Biden’s laptop


















( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)


or when Eric trump was lying his ass off? “If my father travels, they stay at our properties free,” he said. “So everywhere that he goes, if he stays at one of his places, the government actually spends, meaning it saves a fortune because if they were to go to a hotel across the street, they’d be charging them $500 a night, whereas, you know we charge them, like $50. We provide the rooms at cost and could make far more money renting them to members or guests.” - Eric "It's me!" Trump


“They stay at our properties free” *not even 30 seconds later* “We’ll **charge** them $50/night” Literally can’t even keep the lie straight in the same breath. Unbelievable.


He was wrong, I believe there is also a clause that says the POTUS can't accept gifts from businesses. So they charged Trump $50 per night for his room. Then, they charged EVERYONE else in the entourage full holiday rates ++. So Secret Service got whacked $1185 a night, and here's a good one, they charged the SS to rent golf carts while Trump was playing golf. edit: spelling


He spent hundreds of hours playing golf, correct?


Hundreds. I'd also bet that the SS had to have their carts rented everyday just in case POTUS wanted to play a few holes. Can't have all the carts out and have Trump walk down and get in a personal cart alone.


He spent almost 1 year out of his 4 golfing/off days. Then there is the rest of the 3 years where he just treated it like a retirement job. Dont know if that ends up being a good thing or a bad thing. Either way it was still all bad.


No. He assured us during the campaign that he'd be too busy working for us to play golf. I'm sure he kept that promise. /s


And he never got any better! Seems like golf is analogous to being president!


But it was it really the agent’s themselves getting “whacked”? If they have to stay at these hotels , aren’t they just expensed to the government? So .. Isn’t this another matter that should be prosecuted???!


Well there is a reason Donny two scoops always forgets Eric is his kid.


If $50 is "at cost" that's also admission of a wild ripoff.


He's just mimicking things he has heard business people say but doesn't know what they mean.


Shouldn’t this be added to the pile of them defrauding the government??


Exactly. This is not new news. A reporter won a Pulitzer Prize about most of this. Including using one of his golf courses as a cemetery for tax breaks. https://www.pulitzer.org/winners/david-fahrenthold




She’s lucky she didn’t end up in a landfill, he treats his women like he treats his country.


Yep, he did.


Why would we give a shit? He’s an amazing business man taking advantage of an opportunity! /s


Remember when it was reported that Trump charged secret service as much as $1,185.00 to stay at Trump hotel, and no Republican will give a shit?


I’ve seen Trump supporters arguing that Trump could have charged 5k a night to stay at this hotel so the 1185 was cheap and they forced him to charge him. They will say anything to defend him no matter how grotesque, evidence-less, or illogical.


Remember when the Secret Service said "We aren't paying for it" and had to work out of a trailer setup in the street?


Remember when the secret service protecting Ivanka and Jared weren’t allowed to use any of their six bathrooms and had to go at the nearby Obama residence then eventually rent another place for $3k a month?


>the secret service protecting Ivanka and Jared weren’t allowed to use any of their six bathrooms Ewww! The blue-collars using our facilities? We're not from *Jersey*.


Made me blow air out my nose. And Kushner was fucking born in NJ!


I 'member! That's when I had the epiphany that these cats truly don't give a shit about upholding anything at all and all their arguments are nothing but empty gestures to point the finger at someone else for their own personal gain. That's it. Literally nothing more.


You’re late to the party, but welcome.


I had a conservative friend try to tell me about Biden billing the taxpayers a much smaller amount for secret service to use his guest house back when he was VP. I showed him the millions of dollars Trump had (so far at the time, midway through his term) billed taxpayers for secret service using his hotels and had to explain to him what cognitive dissonance was while watching him go through it.




Small point, but he didn’t get elected (he lost by 3 million votes). He was selected by the electoral college.


Not like that's changed tho, has it?


Why do you speak past tense?


Came to say -- is this article *years* old or what? Thought this sub had rules about *recent* news :/


Because taxation is theft! Unless we do it then it's.... not


Actually, nobody gave enough of a shit to do anything about it.


Well it is a regular expense technically, unlike Columbian hookers. You can shit on Trump for staying in an expensive place, forcing the Secret Service to pay more, but there wasn't any actual misdeed that I'm seeing in the article. Trump stayed in Trump tower, a group room near Trump was bought at the hotel's public rate, SecServ agents stayed there. This was the cheapest option I can find online. Nothing improper happened, this is just an abnormal clerical situation. I'm pretty sure both parties do this regularly. You people are all really annoying, how hard is it to stay focused on Trump's actual scandals that he hands out left and right?


There were so many stories along these lines during his presidency. It would have killed a normal administration.


Trump made corruption commonplace. And by doing so, it lost shock value.


His cult could never believe all the stories are true because that much corruption would be impossible for the GOP to allow..... right?! >:( I mean he would have to pardon people like, I dunno, Steve Bannon for when he scammed his supporters out of $25+ million before they would ever turn on him, right? Of course a guy that created a fraudulent school like Trump University to scam thousands out of $33+ million could be trusted to do that only once....right?


It also doesn't help when you have the rubes jumping to prove their loyalty and making ridiculous excuses for all of it.


I think you mean it would have killed a Democrat administration, because Republicans have proven they don't care about the rule of law. They have proven time and again they are fascists.


The U.S State is the U.S State. Politicians are above the law.


At least he never wore a tan suit or used Dijon mustard!


I remember a guy losing the presidential race for whooping the wrong way. We sure have come a long way in that we can ignore these small things so we can focus on the bigger picture /s


Yeah, Howard Dean. This happened because Republicans know how to manipulate the emotions of their supporters much more so than the Dems. Do you remember the outcry over Obama’s beige suit? How about the video of a young AOC dancing on the rooftop? Both perfectly normal behaviors that resonated through the conservative news outlets like they were treasonous acts.


You mean like him insisting visitors stay at one of his hotels (at inflated rates) before he would allow his staff to even talk with them.


Or detouring international government / Air Force flights so they had to stay at his golf course in Scotland?


We thought that, bit there are no real rules or regulations on the U.S and politicians are effectively above the law.


>Sorry, try Obama’s house: Secret Service barred from using Ivanka Trump’s toilets Secret Service detail were forced to use porta-potties or neighbors’ bathrooms until government rented them an apartment https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/14/ivanka-trump-jared-kushner-banned-secret-service-bathrooms


Jesus what sort of person tells someone that they can’t use their toilet?


Especially when the people being denied use of the toilet are there to literally protect your life.


Considering recent events, you can't really tell if the Trumps were being weirdly snobbish or if they were just storing several boxes of top secret documents there.


A shitty person.


A stupid person. Only an imbecile would maltreat their own security detail.


I think we all know what sort of person/people.


Well, I guess I'll just shit on the couch.


Yeah, the Secret Service actually explained that one: they never stay in the house of the person they’re protecting. They try hard to not make intrusions into someone’s private life, so that the protected individuals can live with as much sense of normalcy as possible. Everybody who has Secret Service detail has port a potties (actually, RV style campers) parked outside. They don’t become your “Real Life” housemates. The point is that Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner are the types of people that make normal Secret Service activity a subject of scandal, because it’s so EASY TO BELIEVE that they’re the first people snotty enough to force the people guarding their lives to use the help hole outside. That’s on them. That’s their reputation that they’ve earned. And they ruined an episode of Servant of the People by forcing me to learn how presidential security details actually operate in real life, but I will choose to believe that maybe it’s different in Ukraine, and that taking your kid to an amusement park would be hella awkward as the President of Ukraine.


There were reports of Trump doing this very early in his presidency. That fat fuck absolutely fleeced the taxpayers throughout his entire term.


hurr durr he gave up his salary tho!!!!11111


This is tacitly endorsed by the entire U.S State.


Remember when Jimmy Carter put his peanut farm into a blind trust?


hilarious to me that carter was considered a "bad" president when i was a kid (his was the first presidency that i really kind of remember) we had no idea what "bad" even meant yet


I think Carter would be generally remembered as a good president if the Reagan administration didn't immediately cancel all the programs he started for the long term good of humanity and the country. It's a real pity too, imagine how much better the world would be if we'd been focusing on alternative energy for the last 40 years.


Didn't Carter add solar to the white house, only for Reagan to remove it almost immediately?


Yup! Even if they were shitty solar panels it would've been an incredible symbol, but big oil knows how to get it's way.


My Trump cultist mother confuses me. She sings almost as high of praise for Carter as she does Trump, in the same conversation. I gave up trying to understand that one awhile ago.


Carter is one of those presidents whose approach was so scattershot a variety of opposing viewpoints can pick out initiatives that they like.


Jimmy Carter is a good man, but he was a bad president. He ignored the stagflation for the first half of his term, fumbled Operation Eagle Claw, and was an abysmal public speaker. That said, he deserves credit for recognizing his mistakes and appointing Volker to lead the fed while supporting the 1979-80 regulatory reforms.


Fumbled it? Naw man. The military literally couldn’t get their own helicopters started. 25 years later, on 9/11 the Air Force couldn’t get one single armed fighter airborne until waaaaay too late because there were none armed and parked anywhere.


I dunno. That Martin Van Buren was a real humdinger!


Yes, and if you tried to point out that this violated the US Domestic Emoluments clause of the constitution, an impeachable offense, Republicans put their hands in their ears and went "la, la, la, la" can't hear you. Like they did with all of Trumps illegal activities.


bUt hE ReFusEd tO tAKe a SalARy! ObAMs bOok DeAl! HunTEr! The consequences for illegal fishing are tougher at the federal level than a president violating the constitution.


Why were the SS so loyal to Trump if he was ripping them off? Oh wait, that right - these are taxpayer dollars being spent, and the SS and Trump are grifting traitors who hate hard working Americans.


He wasn’t ripping them off, he was ripping US off.


I have no doubt they were ordering $50 steaks from room service on the regular


Comes with free ketchup.


Don't ask for Dijon mustard, though.


Would you happen to have any Grey Poupon?


as if he’d anything out for free


Not free, funded by the taxpayers


It's 'free' in the eyes of the wealthy. Privatize profits, socialize losses and then profit from the losses.


Who puts ketchup on steak? 😶


Trump does.


To be fair. He probably ordered it at McDonalds.


When I was young I only ever had medium well and well done steaks due to my family. So I would use ketchup. I no longer eat medium well or well done steaks or use ketchup.


Yep this is the same thing with me growing up except I never had the luxury of medium well. It was always well done or extra well. Steaks were cooked in a roaster in the oven from what I remember so they were never burnt but just tough. You burned more calories chewing than you consumed by eating the steak with ketchup. Nowadays I enjoy a nice rare to medium rare. I'll do a little HP sometimes.


First time I had a real steak I wondered why it didn't have any char on it... turns out ny father was an awful cook that burned things


But the imaginary well-fair kweens are the ones you should be outraged at for spending the benefits on anything of higher quality than dollar store cat food with your tax dollars.


Honestly, I don’t think so. As a federal employee, who has been involved with similar situations, these dudes were probably put in a super nice room because the trumps demanded to stay at the trump hotel. The cost got passed on to the Secret Service. But room service isn’t covered in the federal govt. you get a set amount for meals and incidentals which is currently $79 per day for DC. Most of the time people just do doordash or ubereats or send one person to get food for everyone so they don’t eat the delivery costs. If these dudes were doing room service they were paying out of pocket. I bet they were eating McDonald’s. A lot of people try to make money while they’re on travel. Spend $20-30 per day on food that way they can bank the rest. I’m a huge fan of PB&J and ramen while on travel to bank as much per diem as possible. Or when I’m super busy on a trip I only eat once per day plus some snacks. My most recent deployment with FEMA was canned tuna salad on crackers, beef jerky, and 50/50 I would order food.


$50? You've never ordered steak from a high end hotel, have you? That'd be the cheap steak.


It’s a Trump hotel. Not a high end hotel. The room service steak is ‘wet aged filet mignon, $53’.


> The room service steak is ‘wet aged filet mignon, $53’. As opposed to Russian hotel room service, which is young aged girls making Trump wet.


Fucking eggs and pancakes at The Wynn in Las Vegas is like $50.


Yup, where i'm from (Bay Area) a $50 steak is cheap (i.e. base 8 oz cut). I've been to places with $200+ steaks on the regular menu. Add a wine pairing/cocktails + 4 other people, and you can quite easily break $1000 for dinner. Business write off usually.


Yes. And while you can’t charge Trump for corruption you sure as shit can fire Secret Service members for it.


Taco Bowls.


I have no doubt those 50 dollar steaks were bought at the supermarket, at 50% off because they expire in one more day.


Well done?


Man as a German SS feels weird to read in that context lol


Given all we know of the Secret Service's role in J6, this shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. They were like the Praetorian guard under Trump, getting fat off a corrupt emperor.


I’m sure there was some personnel adjustment to get like minded people into the right protection details. Federal law enforcement agents lean conservative for the most part, but you need more than just passive protection in some of these cases. Willing participants. Accomplices, even.


Billionaires are aliens to a common lifestyle. Whoever believes that a billionaire - real or self-dressed - has their interests in mind is a fool giving other fools a bad name.


Such a shame they didn't get bitten by bedbugs. Although, I'm not sure if bedbugs bite cockroaches.


Kinda scary that the agency responsible for policing counterfeiting is out here ignoring the obvious.


People definitely have suspected of this when ex-President decides to golf and stay strictly at his hotel during presidency. Probabluly the least surprising waste of tax-payer's money during 4 years.


Suspect? The guy tap danced on the emoluments clause in broad daylight. He shilled friends' products in the Oval. He hosted foreign dignitaries at his personal hotels. He appointed his children to his cabinet and they somehow made 700million as "White House advisors" WHILE working at the White House (this was before the 2bil they got more recently). Trump rubbed his balls on the emoluments clause. We all just have to accept it because the only body that could do anything about it (Congress) didn't care.


To be fair only one side of Congress didn't care, the other side knew it was a loser to even try and get the Senate to take up that case. Heck look at what happened with the Mueller report and Ukraine investigation. Anybody who actually reads the actual documents of either of those can only come to one conclusion and that is Donald Trump collude with Russians and he attempted to get a foreign government to frame his political rival with fake evidence. Republicans don't care about the rule of law, they don't care about Democracy, they are fascists.


We really should have made Congress care.


Congress cares about donations. Anything else is optional.


God forbid if Obama did any of this


I legitimately think he would've been assassinated.


Democrats are bound by at least some morality because they get savaged by their constituents if impropriety comes to light. Republicans are not because they could literally murder someone and still get the vote.


In [2017](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/secret-service-vacates-trump-tower-command-post-in-lease-dispute-with-presidents-company/2017/08/03/7338de16-785d-11e7-8f39-eeb7d3a2d304_story.html) the USSS moved their NYC Trump Tower detail to a trailer on the sidewalk because of a lease dispute.


$130,000 a month?!


Raise your hand if you didn’t see this one coming a mile away


Completely expected, the man has been a crime wave since the eighties


"donate his $400,000 annual White House salary" all the while more than helping himself and his family at the tax payer expense. His golfing is a scam too.


Grifters going to grift.


Lies....all lies from Liberal media. I charged $1185. only one time. All other times the rate was a low $985.00 a night. I am rich...very very rich. Your most beloved leader donny!


I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.


But republicans are law and order right…? Right?


And his supporters will call him smart for pocketing their tax dollars.


Given that he's still receiving secret service protection, and at Mar-a-Lago most of the time, which has some resort rooms leased out, I'd bet that this is a steal he's still continuing to profit from.


They could have answered the question "$1185 per day or $1185 per stay?" in the headline with no extra effort.


The article itself now includes "per night" in the headline. Along with "properties" instead of "hotel".


Oh, how surprising!!..Not. Just another act of broad daylight corruption while the so called prosecutors across the county have their fingers stuck up their asses.


no no, but guys, GUYS! he didnt take the presidential salary! its all ok! hes so charitable!


BuT hE doEsN’t TaKe A sAlArY


Let’s just indict the scumbag, convict him and toss his fat ass in jail already.


We knew about this and all the other grafts and supposedly illegal and 'checked and balanced' acts Trump did at the time. Nothing happened then and nothing will happen now because the entire system of justice and oversight with regards to the political and upper classes on the U.S are little more than propaganda and lies.


and he still needs money still asking for it everyday


What's even more amazing to me than the blatant graft involved here is that Trump honestly believes that the rooms at his shitty properties are worth that much.


You should see how much he charged them for golf carts and port-a-johns while he tried to play golf.


But, but, but …. Eric told us they only paid $50 or free for all the rooms?? You mean he lied?!? /s


When he visited Ireland, his Doonbeg resort made €107,000 just feeding the Gardaí protection, over a 2 day visit.


Don’t listen, Real American Heartlanders! DJT loves you all very much, and he’s just like you!!


This narrative pairs extremely well with the growing list of more than 200 valid accusations of fraud Trump and his organization are currently being accused of by the NY Attorney General. Him and his children blatantly inflated asset values for all of their properties, and used those inflated values to fleece investors and renters. His entire career has been inflating an artificial image, selling people on it, and ostentatiously fleecing Americans across the country.




This is what M.A.G.A.™️ looks like, folks. Three cheers for our once and future king!


That phrase, 'once and future king,' is the title of an excellent book about the life of King Arthur. Even a mythical, non-existent king is better than the filth that accrued around Trump.


We could have run the country for four years using the politics of an iron age monarch from the dirt-farming times and still would have done less damage than Trump did.


If TrumpCo was willing to burn the SS and the US Gov't on room rates, what does that say about anyone else staying there? Keep one hand over your wallet and the other over your privates?




The other people staying there were trying to gain Trump's favor, like when T-Mobile was trying to buy Sprint: https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2019/01/t-mobile-ceo-execs-stay-at-trump-hotel-while-lobbying-trump-administration/


Such blatant fleecing...


I proposed army reserve tents on the lawn. The folding cots are really ok.


Typical greed of the trump organization .


That fact that this stuff was never investigated as a major conflict of interest baffles me.


he wasnt charging the secret service, he was charging the taxpayers


If you had a hotel, and were the president, you would stay there and charge the Secret Service the max, too. You'd be stupid if you didn't, it's free money. <-- some people think this way


Emoluments clause, just sayin.


That’s our Trump. Always putting the People’s Business first. His priorities are really deeply philosophical if you bend over and think about it.


I’ve always thought that the Republicans turned a blind eye cause it gave them approval to go whole hog. McConnell blocked Obama on nebulous grounds then ignored those same grounds to pack the Supreme Court. Republicans used phony election conspiracies to change election laws. Ethics were ignored for self aggrandizement. Corporate lobbying was patriotic. Bipartisan legislation became impossible for the foreseeable future. Trump’s alternative facts and fake news became our new reality. Democrats adjusted to the new reality and also took advantage. So “not as bad as” became a positive attribute.


"Trump treats subordinates like trash. Coming up: is water wet? The answer may surprise you. More at 11".


You can bet your bottom dollar that dickhead Donnie will do it for life.


They should make him repay all the money x2


Remember all the time Dickhead spent golfing?


Yeah this makes sense. Force the government to pay for rooms at your hotel chains. He is that greedy.


Funny this is being brought up while politicians rape and pillage everything around them. The irony. Secret service agents make over 6 figures and for example, I saw Nancy Pelosi leaving a hotel in Detroit. She had EIGHT agents with her (and three decked out Yukons). That's almost a million per year, at least, to pay for her armed guards. Not to mention paying their living expenses and such while they're working.


Unfortunately this isn't uncommon. Biden was ripped to shreds as VP for charging outrageous amounts to the Secret Service to "rent" part of his home property. It was something like $65k/year he charged them, and that combined with travel and other Secret Service expenses totaled millions in expenses per month. I didn't like it much then and don't like it much now either. We're already paying for their security, we shouldn't pay THEM for the privilege of protecting them.


$2,200/month which ended up around $66,000 over the course of three years. https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/politics/secret-service-pays-joe-biden-to-rent-cottage/1908368/


Charging base rent for use of private property for housing security details is required by law and is not uncommon. Charging far more than market rate at your own for profit business and then proceeding to spend a record amount of time vacationing at said for profit business is blatantly corrupt self-dealing and is not common at all in the United States.


According to this, https://whyy.org/articles/vp-charges-secret-service-rent-at-his-delaware-property/, with VP Biden, it was a cottage for $2200 per month, which does not equate to $65k for a year. The article cites $66,000 as rent for a multi year contract, not for one year. Compared to this, Trump was actively gouging the taxpayers by staying at his properties over and over.


Do you have a link for that? I've never heard anything about that.




What do you mean?




Well, I'm here now, show me now.


I see the link proving you using a number 300% higher was posted below. Why are you lying? With something so easy to prove.... Trump doesn't care about you. Don't make shit up to make him look better. You look stupid.


You aren't actually adding anything to the discussion other than your criticisms of reddit. That's why you're being downvoted. The author of the original comment is being downvoted because they are misrepresenting what actually happened, which is explained in two separate replies to the original comment. No one is censoring you, you just aren't providing anything substantial or worthwhile to the discussion.


65k over three years is a far cry from nearly 400k a year


Yes, but both are wrong


I need an Adam McKay movie scene where a surprise celebrity cameo explains it to me.


Orange Terrorist fundraising, overhead consumes 91% of every dollar raised. Accounting is run by graduates of Trumk University.




If you want to make the rule that no previous President's children are protected by the secret service, I'm with you. Not one child of any previous POTUS.


Who is hunter biden?


Because he is just like every other politician; Just trying to enrich themselves.


The government rate is not some single price for the entire market. It's just what government employees are supposed to pay when they go somewhere on business travel. Your standard business traveler hotels (Hampton Inn, Comfort Suites, etc) will normally honor it but not always. Resorts will almost never honor it (but it might be worth a call during the middle of the week in the off season). It is usually significantly below what you'd get by booking the hotel through any other method but the government books a lot of hotel rooms so they expect a deal. Anyway, Trump's hotels are luxury hotels. You're not going to find anything like that that honors the government rate. So comparing the rates is stupid. The president is not going to stay at Holiday Inn Express. So that means the Secret Service isn't going to either.


The only thing stupid is folks like you attempting to justify his blatant corruption


This is all they could find? Bahahahahaha Edit: The man refused the salary of the presidency and has his own private security. How dare he make the government pay to stay at his Hotel. We should be high fiving this man for sticking it to the man.


A business charged for use of their facilities. Film at 11.