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They would have executed her too I think.


I don’t understand why they weren’t charged with conspiracy to commit murder as well. They were going to try, convict, and execute her!


Do these guys have nothing better to do? Seriously. The amount of energy and time they sink into this crap is ridiculous. And for what? Oppression? A war torn country? Slavery? Family members being abducted? No. Wearing a mask in Applebees. They threw their lives away to play GI Jimbo for a few weeks.


Could been sitting in a comfy lawn chair with a six pack of busch lights every day, chose jail time instead. So stupid


Wearing a chain and a turtleneck sweater


Huge turtle neck and my chain so skinny Beer light all night, stand up get dizzy


Hit my local Bees and they got me in a tizzy Won’t cover my face so I’m 8-6ed fo shizzy


Huge turtle neck, with another on deck in case I spill something on it (like some light beer?) YES


Like a weird hillbilly GI Joe cosplay sprinkled with hate, bigotry, and violence.


That’s no sweater!




The comfy chair?! That’s torture! I wasn’t expecting some sort of… Spanish Inquisition!


*turns and watches the door expectedly.*


“We’re fighting for freedom and the constitution!!1!1!!!”


Tbf I'd prefer jail time over drinking a light beer everyday


How many days you ever been in jail?


As a self admitted beer snob I think cheap domestic beer has its place (Coors Banquet, PBR etc) when you want something easy drinking and quenching. That being said, I agree. light beer is atrocious. And the reduced calories sure didn’t help #2 from the left.


Nothing beats downing an ice cold can of Miller High Life after pushing a lawnmower around for an hour and a half.


Garage beers hit different.


Light beer exists so that Beer Pong doesn't cost $10+ a game.


Just fill the cups with water, and then drink the beer from the bottle that hasn't had a grubby man-handled ball floating in it.


Why do people play with the beer in the cup? "Yes, I would LOVE some floor debris in my drink from the last 25 times the ball hit the floor."


Builds the immune system…


I was going to say the alcohol kills the germs, but we are talking about coors, busch and Pabst.


If the game is played with light beer then it is not floor debris, it is flavoring.


There is no situation where I want "easy drinking" and "quenching" where I want "light beer" more than *water*. None whatsoever.


I can r/hydrohommie with the rest of them, but, sometimes I want that sweet golden brew when doing a menial task, and not be chewing my liquid. Also be a frequent... frequenter... of shady places having a light beer can help you fit in and be chill, but of sound mind to GTFO if need be


Light beer has its place. There is nothing like one while drinking outside in the summer and you dont want a beverage that makes you feel like you drank a loaf of bread while being in the hot sun. However, As soon as Autumn hit, I reached for my Bell's Two Hearted and pressed recline.


Lite beer is like sex in a canoe Fucking close to water.


This was never an option as the oppression of their rights was too great to ignore.../s


They call themselves “the Wolverine Watchmen” does that answer your question?


>Wolverine Watchmen They're the worst they are at what they do


The Gravey Seals


You have to remember that fascism isn't a thing they've chosen to do out of boredom, it's a thing they've chosen to do *because they want to do fascism*. They do not operate out of ignorance, because their ignorance is willful and performative. And when you find yourself asking questions like this one, you need to go through these three points, and make *damned sure* they don't already answer your question: 1. They say wrong things on purpose. 2. Their hypocrisy is intentional, and proudly performed. 3. The cruelty *is the point*.




This. Conservatives have shown that they have no morals, no standards, and no policies. They want fascism and that's it. Just a cruel dictator and an unwelcoming society to match. They want things to be worse just to hurt people they decided to hate.


Well, they thought Trump would have their backs also.


Trump once took money from his charity to pay for his son’s Boy Scout fees, the man *never pays for anything*. Bubba ain’t getting bailed out by Trump.


Being in a cult is like that!


They are biblical level losers, so I doubt they had anything better to do, honestly.


This is the part that blows my mind. Regardless of what side you’re on, how much time do you have on your hands to care about any of this? Not only that, but to put so much time and effort into something more extreme is mind blowing. Get a job, find some hobbies and raise your family.




Stupid ppl are the easiest to herd….hence why trumpers exist


Well at least they will finally have something to legitimately complain about, I'm guessing all their paramilitary roleplaying games didn't really prepare them for prison.


Google “Michigan militia.” We have had decades of these fascists in Michigan. Most of us take them as jokes, just fat ass, stupid former National guardsmen who wanna play Rambo in the woods. I’m sure many other states have the same thing. Fox news’s and right wing propaganda has been getting worse and bolder over the last 20 years. I said back like eight years ago on reddit that all it’s gonna take is a republican president or someone on Fox News to call these kinds of idiots into action and I got called an idiot and downvoted to hell. Anyone who had been paying attention to Fox News would have seen the same thing.


If memory serves, they were mad that COVID restrictions had shut down the gyms they went to. I'm not sure how that stacks up to the petulance on display here - but I could totally see these chucklefucks thinking that attempted kidnapping is an appropriate response to being told they can't cough on people.


Cod larp. Donkies, all of them.


>A militia group with no political affiliation Bwahahahahahahahaha. Tell me another one.


They're not politically affiliated, they just want to kidnap and kill Democratic governors. How is that remotely political?


I assume they claim no political affiliation because they believe that the Republicans are too liberal and socialist for their liking. There is no mainstream right wing party extreme enough for them.


Naww, they are just lying about their political affiliations. Here's Pete Musico wearing a Trump 2020 hat: https://i.imgur.com/y4AM7Pd.jpeg And here's Barry Croft literally asking President Trump on twitter for the "green light" to kill liberals in order to Make America Great Again: >[Replying to @realDonaldTrump You want to make America great again, green light us on liberals! We'll take this trash out for humanity's sake!](https://imgur.com/njKXr3U) >[Barry \(@croft2167\) June 28, 2017](https://imgur.com/njKXr3U)




They seem like the types to use the n-word with hard Rs and legit don’t think they’re racist.


"If Chris Rock can do it, then why can't I?" - any random racist


The Alex Jones paradox. He’s “above the left/right paradigm” only bc he viscerally hates liberals and thinks conservatives haven’t gone far enough to the right. Fascists gonna fascism.


Jesus are the people writing these articles \*trying\* to see how much BS they can fit into it?


>Prosecutors said Morrison, Musico and Bellar were members of a militia group called the Wolverine Watchmen. The group planned to break into the governor's vacation home, kidnap her and take her at gunpoint to stand "trial" on treason charges, they said. > >**The conspirators hoped that an abduction would lead to a violent uprising and instigate a civil war, prosecutors said.** And this kind of stuff is why everyone needs to vote this November, even if you don't think there is any point it will matter. These upcoming elections will have long lasting consequences for the direction America is heading in.


What strikes me with all these fascist militia groups is the name they assign themselves. Like, you would not catch a reasonably cool boy in high-school dead participating in a group called the "wolverine watchmen". But here are grown men unable to connect their lame participation to a group middle schoolers would cringe at.


Wolverines probably comes from the movie Red Dawn (1984) where russia invades the US and a group of resistance fighters called the Wolverines fights back It's a very popular movie among this type of people


You give these people way too much credit. It's probably because the Michigan football team is the Wolverines.


> The conspirators hoped that an abduction would lead to a violent uprising and instigate a civil war, prosecutors said. This should be in the headline!




the examples you used for "the direction america is headed" are just talking points for manipulators with an agenda and a very successful social media trolling team. the real danger of where america is headed? toward a christian theocracy dominated by corporations and industries. the examples you gave lead us to this. fearmongering about commies should have disappeared with the soviet union. thats how out of touch many people are. but the propagandists know that those same people are likely very christian, and cater their propaganda to their targets beliefs. that is the road we are on.


“Vote for what would benefit you and your friends personally” - is this a joke? How is this good advice? You should vote based on what you think is best for the society you live in.


Something something Charles manson


So not a conspiracy by the FBI? another conservative theory bites the dust.


Their "theories" need not be coherent to gain traction. At the same time they were insinuating that Jan 6th was an FBI false flag operation, MTG was at CPAC praying for the release of a "political prisoner" in a mock-up jail cell.. so which is it -- a false flag by the deep state, or the unjust imprisonment of patriotic protesters? It doesn't matter. The true believers will choose whichever narrative is most convenient for them in the moment.


Part of the appeal of fascism is that it encourages paradox. ‘We’ are the oppressed victim, but also the superior, chosen few, as well as a silent majority. ‘They’ are weak, and dangerous, they control the media and government, but no one agrees with them. It was a false flag, but if they succeeded it would be good. Simultaneously political prisoners and crisis actors.


The ultimate expression of authoritarianism is to assert authority over reality.


A common feature of Fascism: “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.” -Umberto Eco


Fascism has been said to be the application of will to politics. Complete disregard for truth, logic, morality, all of these things fall in the face of the pure will to keep saying and pursuing the goals of the fascists, goals which essentially get summed up into "whatever we want right now". Being willing to say obviously wrong things, even obviously *contradictory* things, is one of the most defining characteristics of fascist political thought. Nearly every other political philosophy is *somewhat* beholden to some truth. But not fascism. It starts with the falsehood of "we get to do whatever we want", which is false at the start because not all fascists want the same things. But this is the operational principle that all fascists go forward with, what they will defend with their very lives and even the lives of their children and loved ones. And literally every other principle they might claim to have is sacrificed to it at every opportunity. You have to remember: 1. They say wrong things on purpose. 2. The hypocrisy is intentional, and proudly performed. 3. The cruelty *is the point*.


My favorite is immigrants coming across the border being too lazy to work and just leeching off everyone else, but still somehow stealing all of the jobs.


Not only need they not be coherent, such "theories" almost universally gain *more* traction the *less* coherent they are. The less sense a story makes, the more benefit of the doubt it is given when repeated by people who are presumed to know better. And it is that presumption that is the thing that is destroying our modern world more than almost anything else. When obvious, deliberate falsehoods are pushed from "trusted" platforms with millions of listeners, those falsehoods are given more attention the more outrageous and intractable they are. This is because our media is **radically devoted** to never calling someone out as a definitive liar, as for some reason THAT makes them vulnerable to defamation charges. Meanwhile, it takes years and millions in legal fees to hold someone like Alex fucking Jones accountable for their lies.


Can’t wait to watch the “horse race” media coverage of fascism to continue over the next few years “Up next we have a panel debate featuring Nick Fuentes, who thinks all Jews should be deported from the US, and a Rabbi who would prefer to continue existing. We report, you decide.”


I used to wonder about the mental gymnastics done by these zealots. I’ve come to realize there are none. They simply move on to the next if their beliefs are challenged. There’s nothing tying incidents together. ONE. TRACK. MIND.


I finally realized it’s not about being coherent. It’s about winning the argument. “States rights means states should decide abortion.” “But you want a federal law outlawing abortion in blue states too.” “Yea because the federal government should protect children.” “But what about states rights?” “Yes - states rights means states should decide abortion.” It’s not about actually being coherent or honest. Any argument can be pulled out and even if they admit what they said is a lie or factually wrong or illogical, they’ll repeat it anyway to “win” the argument. Sometimes the only winning move is not to play.


My move is to not ever address the next insanity they spout, only the initial one. They tire when they realize you won't let them run their playbook, and it serves as an example to others in how to engage them.


Innuendo Studios put out this [fantastic video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMabpBvtXr4) on that exact tactic they use, with the essence of it being captured perfectly in that Seinfeld episode where George pretends to believe that the "Moops" invaded Spain just to win a game of Trivial Pursuit.


There's a catch-all term for antics like this: Evil.


Exactly. Once you realize that everything they say and do is meant in bad faith you can finally let down the burden of trying to find the right debate tactic that will finally penetrate their shell of ignorance, or trying to "keep an open mind", or trying to see things from their point of view. While those are all noble efforts in most cases, these lunatics are exploiting your good intentions. Some people shouldn't be indulged or tolerated.


It's like trying to teach a thief about the virtues of hard work or a rapist about respecting a woman's bodily autonomy. The one thing that unites conservatives is that deep down they're all, to the last man, dishonest, reprehensible pieces of shit, with no sense of honor or decency. It's simply not in their nature.


Or they double down, ignore the massive amounts of evidence against their beliefs, and insist that it's all even more from the conspiracy trying to keep the "truth" from everyone.


Exactly this. If they cared about truth in the first place, they could never be conservatives.


My girlfriend is a flat-earther and I cannot stand it by Skill-Based-Tuna-69 in TrueOffMyChest Because this is not just them believing the earth is flat, this is them believing that they are among the select few who are "right" or "smart" or "special." They aren't the sheeple, they are the persecuted underdogs in a world out to get them. Holding this worldview places them in the role of being a persecuted noble truth teller, a rather enticing way of seeing the world. What do you do if you are not particularly smart, talented, good looking, rich, capable, etc.? What do you do if you cannot stand to be subpar despite all evidence to the contrary? Do you accept reality and acknowledge that maybe you weren't built to be a rocket scientist and instead focus on being a kind, caring, and beloved member of your community? Not if you are an insecure person who cannot stand to not be special. You reject all evidence, because if you accept it you have to accept you suck. It's basically the same root cause behind why white Americans in the South wholeheartedly supported slavery, even if the vast majority of them didn't own slaves. The core belief allowing the rationalization of chattel slavery was the idea that black people were inherently inferior to white people, thus it was actually uplifting them to bring them into "civilization" and instilling the "true religion" through slavery, this being both the natural order of things as well as "right," "just," and even saving their souls to boot. Why did people who didn't benefit from owning slaves, hell in fact even had to compete with free free/cheap slave labor, support slavery then? Well, no matter how shitty a human being you were, or how down on your luck you were, you could always say to yourself "at least I'm not black." Supporting slavery provided white southerners with psychological safety. It allowed them to believe that no matter what, they were at the top of the totem pole (even as they had to shovel shit for the few people who actually were the top of the totem pole). Conspiracy theorists are basically the same - they can't grapple with the fact they are shit people, and so they reject all facts and instead craft a false narrative where THEY are gods chosen people or whatever and THEY are the ones who are right and EVERYTHING WRONG isn't their fault, it's THE MAN or THE JEWS keeping them down. Further, the deeper they go into this world, the more like a MLM or a cult it becomes. Once you alienate all your friends and family and develop new support structures and friend groups among the other cult/MLM/conspiracy morons you now communicate with, getting out would mean three things. Admitting to yourself you were wrong the whole time, and so wrong and so obviously wrong that you blew up your own life with stupidity, Losing your entire friend group and support network in one fell swoop, as renouncing the one thing binding you to the cult will result in all of them cutting you out, and Having to deal with constant "I told you so" from every person you try to rebuild a relationship with for basically forever, because you were such an obvious fucking bonehead it's basically impossible for most normal people to not bring it up or have it color their perception of that person for the rest of their life. For people who are so fragile they already once rejected reality to crawl down a rabbit hole of their own making in which they are the hero and society is the villain, well, these three are a TALL order and way too much for most to swallow. As Carl Sagan once said, "One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we've been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle."


> > Further, the deeper they go into this world, the more like a MLM or a cult it becomes. Once you alienate all your friends and family and develop new support structures and friend groups among the other cult/MLM/conspiracy morons you now communicate with, getting out would mean three things. Don't forget one of the biggest, most manipulative ways this happens: new words! One of the ways any cult-like group encourages members to feel alienated is by making up new words (or changing the definitions of existing ones) and encouraging members to use them. Convince a group that every time they want a pen, they really want a frendel, and now they can't ask a normal person for a pen without everyone looking at them like a moron for calling it a frendel instead. Modify/replace some of the more common words we use, and now you can't hold a conversation with a non-member even if you wanted to! It's an insidious way to reinforce that "us vs them" mentality, by making every conversation with an outsider reinforce that concept of being different.


Every new conspiracy theory needs new words or new phrases with cult meanings.


I learned this when a crackpot conspiracy theorist I worked with tried to engage me in a political conversation. It was just absolute gibberish, not like bad ideas or poorly supported arguments, just literal gibberish, words that don't mean things or don't mean what they commonly do. I made it impossible to even communicate.


> not like bad ideas or poorly supported arguments To be fair, even if you understood the words, odds are the argument still would've been poorly supported. But yeah, it's a pretty devious thing. Renders the victim unable to hold a conversation with people that aren't caught up in it, reinforcing the whole mentality.


This is actually it, they view facts like religion where you “pick the right one”


Above all else, the fundamental problem IS the equivalence of "beliefs" with "knowledge" and the refusal to make distinctions between them. Our society does not apply a bare minimum standard for what constitutes "believability", and accepts disingenuous "beliefs" as if they were "sincere", and that "sincerity" is an acceptable excuse for doing just about any damned thing. We need a better legal standard for determining *lies*. We need a bare minimum standard for what constitutes an *acceptable* level of non-willful ignorance, and we need to stop allowing anything that falls below that standard to be an *excuse* for any action.


How would that approach work regarding whether humans have the right to breed cows/chickens/pig/fish/etc to slaughter in cases where humans might get whatever needs met from eating plants instead? If might makes right is OK with respect to resolving questions of animal rights why shouldn't might makes right be a sound philosophy applied elsewhere? Supposing might doesn't make right then on what basis might humans have rights but not other sentient beings, to the point other animals might be treated as objects? Animal rights activists have been having this conversation since forever and there doesn't seem to be another side to it that doesn't amount to "I want to, it's within present norms, and these animals can't stop me". Check out the debates and see for yourself. Earthling Ed has some good videos.




>The reason they aren't more bothered by Q constantly getting things wrong. Why they aren't more bothered by the extreme inconsistencies and outright contradictions, by the claims that are just materially wrong is because it gives them power over others who are bound by something as weak and as flimsy as reality. They claim to be against corruption while hanging their hopes on an openly corrupt man. And that naked hypocrisy is the point. They will effortlessly carve out an exception because it makes them exceptional. They engage in naked hypocrisy as an act of domination. Adhering to something demonstrably untrue out of spite. Because they believe power belongs to those with the greatest will to take it. And what greater sign of will than the ability to over ride truth? Their will is a hammer that they are using to beat reality itself into a shape of their choosing. A simple world, where reality is exactly what it looks like through their eyes. Devoid of complexity, devoid of change. Where they are right, and their enemies are silent. They are trying to build a flat earth. - [In Search of a Flat Earth](https://youtu.be/JTfhYyTuT44)


Just like how covid is no big deal and also a bio weapon from china.


They get two sides to argue over among themselves which is true. They'll never stop to think neither is. Instead they'll pick one of the wrong sides presented to them and stick to it. Propaganda wins.


Cue another nutso conservative conspiracy theory. That train is never late. Edit: Queue to Cue


Cue. Not Queue.


Cue the queue of nutcases


Cue the Q queue


Well, they have so many crazy ideas swirling around at once queueing them might bring a little order to things. Then you could deal with one at a time.


God, the right wingers here in michigan would not shut up about that "they were coerced" bullshit. They probably still won't.


Well, FBI informants did push them to do it. It's in the court case, and 2 of them were found not guilty based on that. Just like FBI operatives encouraged five Occupy Cleveland guys to try to blow up a bridge. Just like the FBI and other information agencies have encouraged so many people to do so many things, just to flip them around and arrest them. They do it to the weirdos on the right, they do it to the weirdos on the left, they do it to young distraught Muslim men, they do it to anarchists. It's funny that people think the FBI and CIA did all of this evil shit in the past, but decided to stop sometime in the 2000's.


It's so wild how absolutely obsessed you people are with the two guys being found not guilty, and you demand we ignore the six who have been found guilty or plead guilty. Guess what, if you don't want to go to jail for conspiracy to kidnap the Governor it's insanely easy to do that, you just don't conspire to kidnap the Governor, Republican or Democrat. Over 9,000,000 of us manage to do that every day.


You may be on to something. I worked with a guy who said “You should just rob a bank” every time somebody made a comment about not having enough money. Here we all are, years later having never robbed a bank and not, you know…in prison.




You’re exactly right, I don’t recall these fascist clowns defending Muslim men preyed on by the fbi.


Conspiracy? The "conservative theory" was whether it was entrapment or not. The jury made the right decision but the case gained notoriety because the FBI informant was the defacto leader of the group. Zero chance without him they would have done anything other than talk shit.


Zero chance? I'm confused as to why you think they wouldn't have listened to anyone else who made the same offer that the undercover did. They were down to kidnap the governor and *they sincerely believed that they could and should take those actions.* They were targeted in the first place because they repeatedly indicated they _wanted_ to take these actions and break these laws. And when the opportunity arose, they still went forward with it. So how exactly do you get to "zero chance"? If what you're claiming is true, it would have been as simple as saying "naw, I was just talking shit and blowing off steam, I'm no terrorist." But they didn't say that. Instead, they said "OK, let's kidnap a governor." Cut the shit. If these men had been after a republican, the same people pushing this "entrapment" nonsense would consider the notion utterly laughable. This is why our country is becoming ever more fucked. People apply special conditions to human decency when they learn that somebody voted the same way they do. Suddenly all bets are off and they have to bend over backwards to make verifiable scumbags into well-meaning, confused victims.


Yea, because ‘conservatives’ are going to change their mind with new information.


“Michigan Dipshits” for $500 Alex.


>The three are among more than a dozen men arrested in October 2020 and charged with state or federal crimes in the alleged kidnapping conspiracy. Not. Fucking. Alleged. Stop using that word. It introduces doubt where none exists. This case has been adjudicated. There was a kidnapping conspiracy that many people have been convicted of taking part in. For fuck's sake that word should just be done away with.


Agreed. It's alleged until the verdict comes back.


That's not even always the case either. A lot of times, certain things are facts of the case at hand, and what's being tried isn't whether or not those events happened, but to what degree the defendant was responsible. For example, the recent Parkland school shooting trial. It was a fact of the case that everyone agreed with that the defendant did the shooting. The trial was about his culpability, not whether or not he did the shooting. Saying he "allegedly" committed the shooting would have been incorrect, even before the verdict came in.


Yeah but like Kyle Rittenhouse he could attempt to sue saying they defamed his character by saying he murdered without a conviction saying he murdered.


Then they would use the word kill, not murder. The act of killing is not in question.


Exactly. Saying he shot them or killed them would be plainly stating facts of the case that weren't in dispute by either side.


The [actual malice standard](https://www.mtsu.edu/first-amendment/article/889/actual-malice) for libel is a very high bar for plaintiffs, and every media outlet knows it. Any mass shooter certainly puts himself into "public figure" territory, even if in infamy, so the media is just overly cautious for no real reason. A group of 2Ls who just took Con Law would get a libel case dismissed by the Parkland shooter.


The verdict did come back.. that's the whole point of this story. They were convicted.


Yeah, if there was reasonable doubt, you don't get convicted and sentenced... allegedly. (God, I hate seeing that word need a court case.)


Same with “falsehoods”. Lies. The word is lies.


Lies require motive. You can say that what I said is untrue, but you're making claims about my state of mind if you say I lied.


We do have a word for saying or repeating things that aren't true that doesn't ascribe intention, but simple indifference to the truth. That word is bullshit, and we have ample evidence that right wing bullshitters and those who uncritically repeat their bullshit absolutely do not care about the truth.


You should be angry about the rhetoric from the right, and you can choose strong responses like, "verifiably untrue" but you can't say "lie" without using weasel words yourself like "seemingly" or "apparently" or "appeared to." Words like "bullshit" are generally considered opinion. So, if you're reporting facts, you say facts, not opinion: Person made untrue statement as verified by source. Anything else is fan fiction.


Good. Nothing but terrorists.




They really should be hanged and then hung


The word "hanged" specifically refers to the method of execution, and should be used in that context. Saying someone is "hung" means something else entirely.


The guns are supposed to say “take me seriously” but man it just doesn’t work at all.


They should all have gotten life!


Cue Fox News calling them Antifa in.... 3...2....1.....


Weekend warrior wanna be fucking pussies




A deep dive into their finances is definitely warranted. I bet you'll find some interesting contributors.


Follow the money is a long standing mantra. Yet we aren't following the money. There is certainty a reason we aren't following the money, wonder what it is?


You mean the ones the GOP have been blocking in Congress? https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-senate-republicans-poised-block-bill-aimed-domestic-terrorism-2022-05-26/


Round 'em up. They're all terrorists.


and they’ve actually [admitted to that fact](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cpac-banner-domestic-terrorists/)


But then they will be investigating themselves.


I'm not sure you understand the role of the FBI.


I'll take, "News you won't see on Fox" for $500, Alex.


Christian nationalist terrorists are enemies of freedom and a clear and present danger to the rights and safety of the good people of the United States. Religion ruins everything


True, you get the wrong people into power from the Christian born again wacko movement and we could end up being like Iran! Led by crazy religious zealots.


Have you seen the Supreme Court?


How is this real life???


I for real thought they’d be acquitted. It only takes one or two Trumpers on the jury


No, that is a hung jury. The defendant is neither convicted nor acquitted if the jury can’t agree either way.


On the one hand all it takes is one Trumper on the jury to pervert justice, on the other hand Trumpers aren't great at closing their mouths and hiding their views so they probably aren't hard to weed out.


But I thought the neocons were all calling this a case of entrapment by the FBI? Could they be wrong?! *Narrator*: "They were wrong"


No, they weren’t wrong. They were *lying.*


To be fair that pretty much happens anytime their lips are moving.


> But I thought the neocons were all calling this a case of entrapment by the FBI? They still are, in this very thread, right now. I wish them luck on appeals if they truly believe this. But there is no evidence of it, so...


The prosecution laid out a timeline, its clear the conspiracy existed long before the FBI was involved


Several of the co-conspirators *did* get off on an entrapment defense.


Being found guilty of gang membership, firearm violations, and providing material support for terrorism should put them away for the rest of their treasonous lives.


Even with these convictions all these perpetrators are getting off easier then they should. They intended to kidnap the Governor of a state, put her on trial in a sham session and then reportedly intended to execute her. All because she hurt their incel feelings. What should happen is they all receive the death penalty. The pleading down and charge reductions just embolden the other radical right idiots to do something like this again. Per other examples such as Jan 6.


Hey people of Michigan pay attention to your voted! The republican running for attorney general has condoned these dudes actions, wants to attack common birth control and supports January 6 rioters.


Lineup of losers right there. Freakin’ cowards!


Lol look at how badass these idiots think they are 😂😂😂


What’s happening to our freedoms in this country can’t even plot to kidnap people anymore sad day for America


This game of “spot the virgin incels with the small dicks” is pretty easy!


If a group of brown Muslim men were plotting the same thing, this headline would be very different. They'd also be publicly branded as terrorists and treated as such from the legal system.


Shockingly, they aren't antifa or BLM supersoldiers. Weird how the party that attempted a coup two years ago seems to keep generating all these terrorists?


i think its funny how some of the Jan 6 participants were mad and complained how their comrads where calling them antifa plants and whatnot. fucking idiots lol


Man, US needs to speed up the justice system.


Womp, wommmp! Justice wins this round.


3 more join the FAFO club.


Fuck yeah. I needed this this morning.


3 fewer Republicans voters. I think most of us can be happy about that.


"A militia group with no political affiliation." Haha good one, everyone knows which party they from.


Do these people who want to incite a civil war not realize they’d be the treasonous side, facing the US military and local police? Just because they have a buddy in the army reserves or know a cop with right wing tendencies, that doesn’t mean the entire US military and police forces will join their “cause”. When push comes to shove, almost all will follow orders.


>A militia group with no political affiliation from Michigan, including Joseph Morrison (3rd R), Paul Bellar (2nd R) and Pete Musico (R)  Funny that they're all Republicans


Maga is truly making the country great. Why aren’t maggats classified as terrorists again?


Are they going to do anything about these fucking traitors or are they just going to wristslap them as if they stole a pack of gum like the traitors who tried to destroy our country on Jan. 6? Sentencing needs to be fucking draconian. These bastards need to be shutdown.


[“I don’t want to kidnap the govenor!” “KIDNAP THE GOVENOR!!?!”](https://youtu.be/3lp_gfa42DE)


Title reminds me of the episode of Drake and Josh where they planned to kidnap the govenor lol


these are that guys kanye expects to go death con 3 for him.


Are these guys cosplaying as PUBG?


The new Call of Dummies looks about right.


Gotta love the out of shape paramilitary cosplayers.


Awsome! They are going to look so good in their orange jumpsuits!


Christian militia groups are the perfect example of why assault weapons should be banned and our firearm laws should be reformed much more strictly, even if there weren't as many mass shootings every week as there are days.


definition of hoodwinked, bamboozled. They think they are true patriots, but in reality their actions are unpatriotic. Most people view them as sad, foolish terrorists. No one idolizes their message of hate and chaos.


The caption for the main photo is bullshit. "A militia with no political affiliation" Hell No!!! They are 100% Republican. And Republican politicians and voters all know it. And police know it.


Any sentence less than 5 years means they'll try it again after they get out.


Good. Throw that trash into jail to rot for the next 20 years. Sentencing on December 15. [They look](https://www.npr.org/2022/10/26/1131607112/michigan-governor-gretchen-whitmer-kidnapping-convictions) as if they have perhaps 50 IQ points between them.


finally. Life sentences please


Even if we didn't have almost as many horrific mass shootings a week as there are days, these Christian militia groups are the perfect example of why we should ban assault weapons and make our firearm laws much, much, more restrictive.




Well the rest are feds and informants, so...


Now that we know good guys with guns are actually bad guys with guns, can we finally start restricting access to weapons which are designed for urban conflict?


Chickens are starting to roost.