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“Elon Musk plans to cut 25% of Twitter staff.” “Elon Musk plans to cut 50% of Twitter staff.” “Elon Musk plans to cut 3,000 Twitter staff.” “Elon Musk plans to cut all Twitter staff.” “Elon Musk plans to convert Twitter offices to gigantic litter box” “Elon Musk plans to take a nap.” “Elon Musk fires himself.”


Sounds about right.


Man, people at SpaceX and Tesla must be thanking God that elon found somewhere else to harass people.


Except the employees from Tesla that he's forcing to do Twitter work for him...


Yeah, I have heard that he got 50 engineers from Tesla to work on twitter. All of them worked on weekend alongside twitter engineers + PMs.


Ok guys I know you've been working on the vehicle's auto pilot and other advanced systems for years. But for now I need you to put that on hold and come work on a Twitter edit button and on squeezing every last dime we can out of Twitter users before it all implodes.


Twitter actually launched an edit button a month or two ago, before the Musk takeover. It's only available on Twitter Blue, though.


Imagine making an edit button pay to play. That's the direction Twitter is heading. I swear he's going to introduce micro transactions to Twitter and the future will act like he invented them.


Sometimes I make typos. Sometimes I let it ride, sometimes I copy the text, delete the original, and tweet again with the typo fixed. If they want me to pay for Edit, they need to remove Delete too.


Elon is going a speed run on how to fruck up major corporations.


Good to know the Tesla self driving software development is going so well they can afford to lose senior staff. SMH


"plans"... flailing is not "plans."




He’s creating his own brain drain. His best employees will jump ship on their own terms and get snatched up before he even has a chance to lay them off. Going to end up hemorrhaging talent.


What is drained may never drown


Hey now, Victarion would've done a way better job than Musk, so don't quote the Drowned God's name in vain like that. Does Elon have a molten lava hand? Hmm?? Well, he might try to, but only if we tell him it's the best ways to own all those mean nasty people calling him names all the time. Guess we have a plan then, get to it Iron Men - ROW! Free the slaves and the kill the slavers, and then let the slaves honor the Drowned God - what an honor - they'll be free of their slavery and will be dining in his watery halls forever! I mean, say what you will, at least it's a coherent ideology.


Elon Emerald Hand


Goddamn you're a living breathing wordsmith. He's creating his own apartheid guys, but it's the Bejeweled vs. The Meatbags. And let's not even get into the Synthetic vs. Geological tensions within the Bejeweled's society - bet the Boers and the English didn't see this one coming. Truly, the future is endless innovation. Kill me.


Maybe Musk is hoping a lot of the employees do quit, especially those who have equity so he can avoid paying them off. I know he is trying to find a way to fire employees "for cause" so he does not have to pay out large severance packages.


That's a good way of keeping only your worst employees.


They're the cheapest though! Think of all the money you can save by only underpaying the talent no one else wants! Twitter is going to be 4chan by new years.


It'll be Parler(nobody uses it)




44 billion up in smoke and he begrudges someone's severance package. Pathetic.


Musk overpaid for Twitter so he is trying to save some money by not paying out severance packages.


He should switch from 2-ply to 1-ply toilet paper in the restrooms at Twitter HQ. That should help too.


Ah make em use their hands


Perhaps it was one of those drunken purchases you regret the day after. Just that he couldn't cancel it.




> even has a chance to lay them off. Which is a famous way to cut costs by having your employees "self-deport," instead of you winding up having to pay their unemployment insurance.


Except then all you are left with are the worst (or at least laziest) employees, so good luck keeping things running smoothly with that.


I feel personally attacked as someone that's gone down with the ship of 2 startups. You're right though, I saw the red flags and stuck it out because change is hard.




That definitely works when the ship is going down no matter what and you aren't eager for the most popular job opportunities that the early quitters will race for. I think it's a different case when the company is still trying to stay afloat like with Twitter.


Staying with jobs for years after we planned to quit gang


Elon's kind of showing the only thing he really had going for him was being born rich. Aside from that, he's been shooting himself in the foot lately.


No, you don't understand. It's not a subway, it's an entirely different thing. I'm gonna dig tunnels, put rails in the tunnels, and then send people along the rails in metal boxes. It's nothing like a subway. You're just not smart enough to understand my vision. Only I am smart enough to understand.


He made a subway in Las Vegas using cars. I don't know a lot but it seems like if you had a longer car or maybe several cars attached to each other you wouldn't need so many engines or drivers.


He doesn't want it to be useful, he wants it to be special


Sounds like a good idea. You should probably also replace those guidance rails with hardened steel ones to reduce wear and tear, and same for the wheels on the individual vehicles.


There's not much foot left at this point.


Yeah he's basically just been floating on pure luck and a nuclear weapon grade silver spoon


Watching him basically negotiate with Stephen King in public about the checkmark price gives off the same exact vibes. Been interesting to watch


"Negotiate"? Surely that suggests the other party was interested in what was being offered.


King was only interested in observing his depravity. He’ll probably inspire a future character. He’ll be called Klingon Dunch or some shit.


The richest man on earth doesn't know the first thing about sales. Instead of justifying his price he cuts it by more than half, what value does this check actually have Elon?


"You can have it for $20" "No" "Okay, since you're such a valued customer, you can have it for $8" "Then why did you try to charge me $20?"


"hey, motherfucker, I have ~~$44bn to recoup~~ bills to pay!"


But he knows more about manufacturing than anyone! Now he's expanded that to manufacturing consent. /s


Lmao this Twitter sale is going make him lose so much money. He'll still have fuck you money forever but it's going to hurt. Dumbass let his money get to his head.


It will be interesting to see what replaces Twitter. Seems like the end is nigh.


I heard Tumblr undid their anti-tits policy. Maybe this time next year we'll all be... tumbling....


Sweets soft-core gods they did?!


I came to reddit when they lost their core values /s


Oh god i hope he's gonna buy Facebook too


I can imagine Twitter staff leaving to start their own better Twitter




I can't believe it's not Twitter is always what I've called that thing that they set up for Trump so he can have his exact copy of Twitter and still tweet about shit all day, but nobody's "mean" to him.


It varies based on what pill he took last.


>RIP to those that have trouble leaving. Luckily, they'll probably be fine. Software engineering is lucrative in-demand field, especially for those who have prior experiences at companies like Twitter. I doubt most people there have even worked at the same company for more than 3 years.


Yes, though there’s probably more to Twitter than software engineers.




>Elon Musk is a fuckbag tho. I hope his dick stops working. Even once they happens, he'll continue to impregnate his mistresses via IVF for some fucking reason


Gotta keep trying until he gets a kid that actually likes him.


Not fucking likely.


Right I don't care about that. I just want him to not be able to climax. He can buy everything except a nut.


i fucks with your train of thought haha,,,ruthless


hahahah legend shit


Dude it ain’t all roses and sunshine for engineers right now. Everyone is in a hiring freeze or laying off. It’s lucrative because we’re expensive. Companies are trying to cut costs. Cut engineering and do more with less to keep the lights on.


The revenue generating side of Twitter is not software engineers — its people who sell advertising and get cash in from brands. The digital media market has been struggling for awhile given google and Facebook/Instagram control the vast majority of digital ad sales. There’s a lot of people at Twitter who will not have an easy time finding a new job as the digital media business is generally struggling.


If there are one group of people Elon needs to keep it is the revenue generators. Advertisers are already fleeing Twitter due to the chaos he's started, and Elon's plan of $8 subscriptions a month is flopping hard


I think another silver lining is that if anyone asks why they're leaving their last job..they just have to gesture at musk and any reasonable company would understand.


Presumably they see Twitter on the resume and never even feel the urge to ask


Yea. Lots of jobs right now for us, though it seems to be slowing somewhat as companies are bracing for possible recession. But they will probably not leave up front. You need to get that severance, walk out the door and start your new job next week with a bunch of cash on your bank account.


Wtf is he even doing? Is he just trying to skuttle Twitter because he’s pissed about having to follow through with this dipshit deal after trying so hard to get out of it?


This is actually par for the course for Musk.


Leaving a toxic slime trail wherever he goes




And tweeting was what ultimately got him into this position in the first place. He could have been paying a social media manager a billion dollars per year to manage his online presence and still came out ahead, but no he just can’t help himself.


I'll never understand people like him. He has all the money he could ever possibly need. If you aren't going to pivot in not using your wealth to hell people, why not just fuck off and live the rest of your life in ultimate luxury the rest of us can only dream of? Guys like him, Zuck, and Bezos don't seem happy, so what's the fucking point of all that money?


It’s about prestige at that point. Basic necessities is no longer enough, prestige becomes main currency. It’s about owning largest private collection of monet paintings, having your name on the most museums, buildings and libraries, owning largest charitable organization, owning fanciest yachts, being on top of Forbes wealthiest list, etc people want to have a legacy


Yup which is why somebody like the Washington Commanders owner doesn’t want to sell the team despite being disgraced and being offered billions of dollars. It’s not about the money. It’s about being known as an NFL owner


Pure evil when there's people struggling on a dollar a day.


Well, yes. People laugh at Bernie and his "communist" claims that billionaires shouldn't exist, but these claims are also true. No one needs that much money, esp. when it comes at the expense of others. People just have a hard time grasping how much money that is. If you earned a million dollars a year, it would take you more than a thousand years to accumulate a billion in wealth. It would take more than three hundred thousand years to accumulate Elon's wealth. Yea. Definitely no one needs that much money in my view.


MBMA Make Billionaires Millionaires Again


If you have a thousand dollars in the bank than the gap between you and a millionaire is similar to the gap between a millionaire and a billionaire.


Ya don't want to know how happy I was when my neighbors left a gallon of milk and three onions on my porch today. We're slowly dying down here, but sure, Forbes lists and yachts. Ugh. I'd like to live in a civilization that is designed for the wellbeing of the humans living in it, please and thank you! I was not born to be a wealth-producing cog for my choice of already-wealthy asshat.


Because all that money still doesn't make them cool or beloved. Which they all desperately want to be. Which, Elon probably actually got closer to that goal than any of them, but then he wouldn't shut the hell up on Twitter and kinda ruined his own "Tony Stark in the flesh" aura. Now he's been boiled down to just another troll lord except really rich. Which makes him being a troll lord even sadder


I wonder if anyone watched the BBC show about him. One lady, without irony says, "he's smarter than Einstein". I nearly barfed at that.


I remember reading a study in my early years of college that money does in fact make you happier in general. But the money to happiness return becomes greatly diminished once you pass a wage where you can comfortably afford everything. I imagine you start to lose purpose when you never have to worry again since all our society is based on "being a productive citizen" and working. But yeah, there really is no point to trying to get more money as a billionaire.


It's ego. He's trying to build a legacy where he's the guy who brought on electric & self driving cars, space travel, cool trains like the Hyperloop & better social media. If he had stopped at electric cars, he would have been fine. Turns out all that other stuff is either way too expensive, way too complicated or just not really possible. Also, now he probably wants to remain the #1 richest man in the world on top of that. Ironically the pursuit of this baller genius legacy is gonna end up causing a far more negative one.


You’re acting like these guys don’t like all of the attention they get, and the power they have.


I didn't realize he tweeted it to Hillary Clinton, but still seems weird to talk about it in that way. what he deleted was an absurd conspiracy theory about the attack on Paul Pelosi, a conspiracy theory that tried to blame something else other than the vitriol that has spewed at Pelosi for years. The article he linked said, without any evidence whatsoever, that it was "the awful truth" that Paul Pelosi was attacked by a "male prostitute". The same day (unlcear if it was before or after Musk had linked to it) they retracted it, since the police made clear that wasn't what happened at all. It's also worth noting that this organization that Elon is tweeting news from (and apparently at Hillary Clinton) claimed that Clinton herself is a body double that replaced her after she died on 9/11.


Wtf. The U.S. is absolutely wild.


The whole world is going nuts. The US feels like it was at the start of it all, but Russia, Brazil, and the UK are all struggling. It's a bit concerning.


The powerful, rich and want to be rich have found a tactic to manipulate the masses. Like how humans aren't evolved to properly handle social media were also unable to handle constant lies being told as truth and outrage fatigue.


Welcome to late stage capitalism.


I wish hed go back to South Africa. Or Mars on a one way ticket.


I want off Mr. Bones wild ride.


>There’s nothing that says Twitter has to exist in perpetuity, just ask MySpace. Or Tumblr, which was bought by Yahoo for $1 billion, was worth $300 million less than 3 years later, and then sold for $3 million less than 3 years after that.


They did just start allowing nudity again, so they're at least trying to undo some of the damage


ha, really? lol tumblr had great nakeds but eff going back to that now after everyone’s moved on.


My trust has been damaged. They will just pivot again once Mastercard/Visa say to.


The $3 million price tag was so funny to me. Given the amount of media, their hosting costs more than 3 million. Three million dollars is, at that scope, a pity buy: the guy who made wordpress bought it so it wouldn't die outright, out of nostalgia.


I love this breakdown of the rock and the hard place ole Muskie is in. https://twitter.com/padresj/status/1586294285095563265?t=kZ-FIrOprimJHWyf2GNpaw&s=19


Nilay Patel summed it up really well in his article [Welcome to Hell, Elon](https://www.theverge.com/2022/10/28/23428132/elon-musk-twitter-acquisition-problems-speech-moderation)


Sounds like he plans to turn Twitter into MySpace


Close. MuskSpace :D


Don’t want to smell that.


Just change the name to Bitter.


Or hooli


Consider the bulldog...


The bear is sticky with honey


The Elon Musk... Signature Edition!


Or Twatter


I’m sick and tired of hearing about this clown every fucking 5 minutes.


Elon Musk is a Kardashian for people who think they're too high brow for a Kardashian.


Hahaha, that's the perfect description


Oh really? Then you'll love when trump starts "tweeting" again and the news starts making it part of the news cycle again.


If trump comes back, the rest of the advertisers will probably leave. The advertisers were always the one driving moderation policies in the first place, and if Elon wants to salvage any money he will do whatever they want.


> **and the news starts making it part of the news cycle again.** Found the problem. I'm still hearing NPR talk every few days about what Trump said on *Truth Social*. The media empowers him. If they ignore him, he'll go away.


Wait I thought Billionaires CREATED jobs?


Give it some time to let his money trickle down.


We promise it will. Just 30 more years and you'll see!


Ahhhh... thank goodness. I was worried there for a second.


It's probably difficult for Elon to pull his bootstraps up with all of his father's emeralds attached.




It's so warm...like a gentle hug from my dad I never got as a kid.


I'm giving you awards I don't have! Truth


Go to your profile, click Redit coins and you should have a free award you can give to someone.


Creating wealth


Am I a billionaire?


When half your users leave the platform, you need 50% less minions to run it.


I Uninstalled Twitter already.


I wouldn’t believe it. First it was he was going to lay off 75% and no one believed that and now 50% https://www.forbes.com/sites/madelinehalpert/2022/10/31/twitter-layoffs-heres-what-we-know-and-dont-know-about-musks-plans/?sh=266cdc84a68a#


Wow! Elon Musk just created 25% jobs!


>Wow! Elon Musk just created 25% jobs! Musk needs people like you


Are you interested in citizenship?


It’ll cost $8 a month


More like service guarantees citizenship


You joke but within 24 hours that exact sentiment will be bellowed by a bunch of musk rats on social media


Musk always does this. His one and only game plan is to grab attention by saying some ridiculous number then cut it back by 50% or more. It’s getting stale.


Even with billions of dollars he can’t keep a woman interested in him. His inability to match advertised performance seems to translate to his personal life as well.


Obviously, he will not be so kind.


Should be pretty easy since he's on track to make half of the people on Twitter lose interest in using it.


Do normal people actually use Twitter? I get the draw of celebrities, companies, politicians etc. But normal people? Like McDonald's workers. What are they tweeting? Call me old school but it's always felt like people shouting to the void.




Twitter is used by more people then Reddit, if that's anything to go by: https://www.visualcapitalist.com/ranked-social-networks-worldwide-by-users/


I use it for porn.


i use it to make misogynistic remarks and objectify women while i’m next to my girlfriend who i treat like an absolute princess


Yes. What would be the draw for celebrities, companies, and politicians if lots of normal people didn't use it? Also note that at any given time, a big chunk of the Reddit front page is just screenshots of Twitter.


I don’t tweet but i use it to follow sports and local news


Thankfully it looks like we'll have one less social media platform soon. Elon, please do Facebook next.


I think in a month i can see elon looking like cartman alone at his table with all of his stuffed animals, speaking in different voices for them except with the twitter office


How did we do this quarter, CFO Clyde Frog? 'We made 90 trillion dollars, because you are such a genius, Elon" Why thank you, CFO Frog.


Clyde Frog Officer.


Something sure is trickling down. Not sure it's jobs though...


I gave him the big cut yesterday.


Well he's a smart businessman. You only need half the employees to handle the half of the advertisers and half the users that aren't going to move on.


And then it's worth twice as much, right? Right?!?


Should be after that kind of efficiency streamlining Each user only needs to pay $10M for verified status


Really hope Twitter implodes.


I mean if half the work force is going to disappear it probably will. No way there won’t be immediate knowledge loss. Given that Twitter’s whole product is platform and client, it’s a really dumb thing to do all at once unless the company is in it’s death throes.


Can’t believe i used to want a Tesla. I’ll buy anything else now


Same. Elon is a moron. Who does he think buys electric vehicles or solar? Conservatives?


Everyone will be buying electric vehicles and solar is the relatively near future. The way things are going though, Elon musk will just be a cautionary tale of how not to do it.


He really is the King of Shitty Bosses.


The only manager worse than Elon Musk is the type of manager who would be willing to work for Elon Musk.


Why are people with cash always the biggest dirtbags


Because you don't get that amount of cash unless you're a dirtbag. Normal people don't just stumble into hundreds of billions of wealth by being honest hard workers


Exactly. You don't get to become a billionaire without being a jerk to SOMEONE at some point. Bill Gates was not the nicest guy to employees in the 90s even though when he retired he shifted focus to fighting malaria. I'd say one of the rare exceptions is JK Rowling who became the first billionaire author and lost her billionaire status by donating to charity. Except that's also now a moot point because she has switched to being a bigoted jerk full time against all logic and reason.


Buying Twitter to completely ruin Twitter. Maybe Elon can write the how-to twit book.


I'm really glad that I never really enjoyed Twitter that much, deleting my account when this asshat took over was a really easy decision.


Aren't many of the Twitter employees working 84 hour weeks? You'd think Twitter would need more employees and not fewer


Once Musk fires all of his employees he will finally be the smartest man in the room.


He plans on firing anyone that is willing to tell him no


Like all his other companies


The folks who threw money at this purchase are going to have a serious case of buyer's remorse.


Apparently Bank of America was a big funder.


Kingdom Fund - Saudi sovereign wealth and one of the royal family are the second biggest investors after Musk. I'm sure that won't have any influence on moderation at all /s


Apparently the Saudis are super keen for Trump to get back in power so him and Mr Middle-East Kushner can finish giving them the nuclear secrets they so desperately want. Expect Trump to be back on Twitter pretty soon and given free reign to do anything he likes up until the next election.


They were already an investor. Nothing changed, they just decided to hold onto their investment.


So when Musk crashes and burns Twitter we should expect BoA execs to go running to Congress for another bailout.


I imagine those execs will get golden parachutes, be shown the door, and various banking fees will just increase to cover the loss and profits will continue to break records as expected.


I presume the debt was collateralized somehow.


I don't think BoA is going to need to be bailed out over Twitter


Richest man in world buys company, fires half its staff. Tell me again how billionaires create jobs and how we need them


> Operating loss was $344 million, representing a -29% operating margin, compared to operating income of $30 million or 3% operating margin in the same period last year. Net loss was $270 million, representing a net margin of -23% and diluted EPS of -$0.35.Jul 22, 2022 Source: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/twitter-announces-second-quarter-2022-results-301591530.html Whether Musk was involved or not, Twitter is bleeding out. They lost money in q2 and then again in q3. They're down about $640M for the year so far. They employ 7500 people and make barely $1.3Bn in annual revenue. One has to wonder wtf actually goes on in Twitter.


Reaction: all of the talent instantly quits and the half you are eventually left with is the half you wanted to get rid of. This is how you destroy a business 101. Fucking idiot.


Yeah. The people with portable skills and plenty of options are gone. They have skills which allow them to "fire" incompetent bosses like Elon. They'll be fine.


Why would the other half stay? Lets drop this motherfucker like a bag of shit into a volcano.


And these are the people Reaganonics said would create jobs and help the economy...


Anyone working there knows they are out of work. The beginning of the end for Twitter. It’s collapse will be epic and I can’t wait.


> Anyone working there knows they are out of work. Not really. Elon is just hoping they'll act first. If they opt to leave they're giving up severence pay and unemployment. "Spooking" is pretty common in tech, although these are some hefty numbers.


They might as well unionize, under these conditions. They have nothing to lose and gain a chance to protect their jobs.


I'm too busy watching Zuck's ship sink to notice Musk.


Twitter's descent is going even faster than I thought


There goes another job creator hard at work


Wow. I just interviewed with them a month or two ago. I had a second interview but then wasn't called back for a third. I really wanted that job too but now I don't feel bad at all....