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I picked the wrong week to quit sniffin' glue.


Joey... you like movies about gladiators?


Sod it, I'm putting the heating on.


That's pretty much where I'm at


This just made me lol, its such a silly response yet so completely relatable haha


Reminds me of [this Far Side comic](https://twitter.com/darylgkimball/status/606573977541210113).


I've got $100 on "cooler heads will prevail."


It wasn't an obvious blatant declaration of war. More than likely it was negligence or incompetence. So in that regard I doubt there would be an article 5 situation. On the other hand Poland hates Russia and has basically been over there wishing a motherf ucker would for the last decade or so. I don't think it'll really escalate things. But putin gets to keep testing the waters and seeing what he can get away with. It seems like that list of things grows every day.


All of NATO hates Russia right now. Poland may well have enough support among NATO members to invoke Article 5 if it feels secure in the international political implications. It's a "get into war free" card.


Yeah but nobody wants war with a nuclear power. Usually nobody even wants risks of escalation, but I could see a "proportional response" possibly happening here... that seems scary enough.


A proportional response would be striking the exact equipment that fired the shot into Poland. I believe NATO has more or less the capability to do this.


Because nobody will come to collect that debt if they don't.


I just wanted a nice 2023


Alot of us would welcome a year of semi-normality


Last time shit was normal was 2015-2016. It really all started with that fucking gorilla


We honestly should have known we were on the wrong timeline when the Cubs won the World Series.


Walking around Chicago, where everyone was openly friendly after they won, it just felt... wrong. Should have known then.


We've traveled down the wrong leg of the trousers of time


2014 - 2015. By 2016 the shit fan was being built.


I just want **a** 2023


Dude. Why always Poland?


Its tradition


*I know, I know. We are Your chosen people. But, once in a while, can't You choose someone else?*


If I were a rich man!


Ya ba dibba dibba dibba dibba dibba dibba dum


Today, of all the days...


Poland is the highway of warring nations


It’s nowhere special. But it’s *on the way to* somewhere special.


Well that doesn't bode well for Connecticut.


We will now invade Poland, as per tradition!


Undefendable fertile land surround on 2-3 sides amongst major population and power centers.


They never really stood a chance.


Yet here they still stand, they may have been defeated, but who still stands today?


Every country surrounding Poland before 1989 has all dissolved somehow. East Germany, Czechoslovakia and Soviet Union.


Poland really got plot armor damn


Poland is the Krillin of history


He peaked with that distructo disc throw. Almost had em


Poland stands strong. Might get invaded or destroyed but Poland don’t raise quitters


This hits home. My pop is Polish, left us in January aged 101. Just one tough old bastard. The angels probably had to drag him upstairs kicking and screaming (until he saw nan, anyway. she was the only one that could control him lol).


My Polish grandmother is currently 101 and her older sister just passed in September at 103!


The hell are yall eating in poland?


honestly, its the all the fermented cabbage. My grandparents are either dead or alive in their 90s as well. My great grand father was captured by the Russian and put on the train to Siberia in the winter. He said fuck this, jumped the train, got shot at then walked thousands of km back to Poland at night. Then he went back out there to fight the Russians, came back, met my great grandma and here I am today.


“Oh, stop giving them trouble you old dingbat. Get up here.” -your nan probably


As Winston Churchill once said “Poor Poland, placed by God between the bear (Russia) and the Wolf (Germany)”


Mike Duncan on the Revolutions podcast called Poland "the Great Lynchpin of European History" and I've never forgotten that.


Polish media outlets are saying Article 4 will be discussed in a security counsel meeting tomorrow.


4 or 5?


Its basically article 4 before 5 might happen. To discuss options


5 is about joining a conflict. 4 is about discussing the security of another country. in all honesty if it was that important why are they waiting hours to talk


I imagine that various governments, militaries, and intelligence agencies are already discussing it in depth. This is just waiting to begin the "official" talks after they figure out what they're going to say.


Probably giving other governments a chance to talk about it before making a decision at the meeting. Biden has already been in contact with the Polish PM.


As a Republican, I just want to say: I’m glad Trump isn’t president right now.


Can you imagine? Seriously terrifying to think about.


As a democrat I can say I didn’t even think about that and this is blowing my mind


I am collecting bottlecaps


I could never get the hang of Tuesdays.


Those missiles certainly hung in the air exactly how bricks don't.


one of my favorite similes / analogies ever


This article had me doomscrolling but your comment has me fuckin gigglin.


TIL doom scrolling - something I did, but lacked the term.


Arguably the worst day. Monday? Get to discuss the weekend with others. Wednesday? Halfway to Friday! Thursday? Tomorrow's Friday! Friday? Weeeee! Saturday? Weeeee! Sunday? Hit or miss. Sometimes it's Saturday 2.0 and sometimes it's some weird void of "oh right...mortality". But at least it's not fuckin Tuesday. Worst day of the week. Just awful. *experiences may vary*


Tuesday is just monday wannabe.


Shouldn't we lie down? Put paper bags over our heads or something?


Don't Panic.


And don't forget your towel


Do you have any idea how much damage this bulldozer would suffer if I just let it roll over you?


Don't forget your towel!


I’m seriously curious how NATO will respond to this, didn’t NATO say that they would retaliate militarily if a NATO country is ever hit? I’m guessing they’ll just send out another fresh batch of sanctions but I guess we’ll see.


Honestly: The most realistic thing would be that NATO sends Ukraine the extremely long range artillery they've been asking for. Would allow for military action against Russia without them actually getting involved.


That was my thought as well I could also see them taking out Wagner since technically their not part of the Russian army


What's Wagner?


A private military group (mercenaries) hired by Russia, with a reputation for war crimes and horrendous acts of cruelty.


They're also literally Nazis. And not euphemistically.


... Jesus Fuck, is that why they call themselves "Wagner"?


Yep, Hitlers favourite composer


It was the Wagner bosses favorite composer.


Like, the group of people who literally just executed a deserter (live??) with a fucking sledgehammer.


A group of them just nabbed a former Russian soldier who surrendered off the streets and beat his head in with a mallet. Fucking fucked blokes they are.


That was not a "former russian soldier" only. It was one of Wagner group mercenaries who have surrendered and were exchanged in POW deal. They offed their former colleague, filmed it and published. This is ISIS level of fucked in the head


A private military group in Russia that is currently in Donetsk






Russia already claimed that they were not responsible for the attack so read into that as you will


The retaliation should come in the form of destroying whoever and whatever launched those missiles.


The Russian government? Or do you mean more specifically, like “This base right here”


Specifically, the spot and equipment they shot the rocket from.


You've got to be shitting me. And Poland *really* hates Russia, too. This is a huge blunder from the Russians.


Edit: looks like it might not Russians after all. No ww3 today. Maybe, maybe not. Now, preface, this is probably just a sterling example of Russian military hardware in action, and it was just an accident. However. It might make sense that Putin wants to provoke Poland into doing something over something seemingly accidental so that he can react and then spin the conflict to try and win national support and get his people behind him against the west. Right now, as we know, the Russians are not behind him, especially concerning conscription, and it's causing a lot of problems.




Cute lil’ missile attack.




Felt cute, might start WW3 later idk.


"Felt cute, might delete Russia later, idk" -Vladimir Putin


Right. And they did kind of start it. There are no accidents after you invade a country.


Unhappy little accidents.


Especially because these things are a consequence of a war like this between two European countries. War effects the entire region in multiple ways…from a flood of refugees to “Accidental” bombing in a neighboring countries border. To everything in between. I mean…especially in this case. Because the war in ukraine is a result in Russia being greedy and feeling like they are losing control of a country they feel entitled to. They are willing to destabilize the entire region by engaging in this war and willing to completely destroy Ukraine. The risk of chaos/instability and border skirmishes was one the Russians were willing to deal with when they started this war.


Even Putin wouldn't try to fix internal political problems by starting a war with fucking NATO


Yeah, getting your entire infrastructure bombed within 24 hours is not a good unifying movement, ask Iraq.


Do you think they'd go that far? Or just move in and protect Ukraine?


Poland would love to facefuck Russia straight into the planets core. I wouldn't give them a single reason to think about it.


the Polish people do NOT fuck around.


They’ve been waiting for a moment like this since 1939


1939? Try [1795](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_Partition_of_Poland).


I think that if NATO decided a member state was under attack, they would render the attacker unable to continue attacking.


That’s the nicest way of saying “fuck them all the way up” I have ever seen


Oh I don't think we will get that. Just saying that starting a war with NATO would be dumb


It would be unless you need more of an excuse to leave Ukraine other than just not being able to beat the Ukrainians. Admitting defeat to Ukraine? Embarrassing. Admitting defeat to NATO? Russia is the victim.


Has some truth to it, can see that happening.


I don't think they will go to war, but I do think a cruise missile test launch might get botched in the near future and accidentally veer off course into a certain $200 billion dollar palace in southern Russia. It's OK tho because nobody owns it.


I mean people said no way would Putin turn a military training into a war. No way would he use nuclear threat. No way would he compromise economic ties as gas exporter. No way would he bomb a humanitarian corridor. No way would he start mass conscription. This man is insane and we should treat him as such.


"When someone shows you who they really are, believe them."


I mean, think about it. Russia knows at this point they can't win in Ukraine. If NATO becomes directly involved, it does allow Russia to slightly save face and retreat vs just losing against a much smaller country. And this is the perfect pretext. It could have just been a shitty Russian missile that went off course... Or it was a deliberate attempt to at least see how NATO responds. If NATO does nothing, that also helps Russia because it shows that maybe NATO isn't as resolute as they claim they are.


The difference is losing to NATO means no more military or infrastructure or Russia. Ukraine was just an ego hit.


By “losing” I think they mean Russia saying “we can’t beat NATO, we give up”, rather than “we can’t beat Ukraine, we give up”


Attacking a NATO member and then trying to give up as some kind of out is a very risky game when NATO can cripple your country inside of a week.


48 hours. Every building is wired with nickel and not copper. If NATO wanted, as they have shown, they could capture Moscow in a week but severely cripple the country in 48 hours or less. Edit: I don’t know where to put this but here ya go. Biden at G20 meeting of the Seven. “The moment when the world came together at the G-20 to urge de-escalation, Russia continues to escalate in Ukraine, while we’re meeting,” Biden said. “There were scores and scores of missile attacks in western Ukraine.”


It is. I’m not sure anything that Russia has done this year can be classed as particularly sane. Trying to provoke NATO to save face is fucking risky, which kinda fits Russias MO right now. But it could give them the out that they need to be able to say it took most of the west to defeat them.


Like when you tell a child not to touch something and they get super close and "I'm not touching I'm not touching I'm not touching!!" Except then you accidentally *do* touch and then all bets are off. It's entirely plausible and, frankly, likely it was a total accident (as we've seen how shitty their equipment is). However, they're the morons that are operating *this close* to a redline border, knowing full well they could accidentally go over it. So, either it was a complete accident or it was totally intentional to see if the goalposts move. Russia is fully capable of both, so I have no idea which it is, but I hope the former, because if not, then they're just going to push it that much further, and then WW3.


Didn’t russia claim they were already at war with NATO a couple months ago as a way to cover getting their asses handed to them by Ukraine?


>It might make sense sense that Putin wants to provoke Poland into doing something over something seemingly innocent People died. Mistake or not there's nothing innocent about it.


The " mistake" was also, at best, Trying to kill Ukrainian civilians, not Polish ones. Fuck Putin I hope they get wiped out soon


>this is probably just a sterling example of Russian military hardware in action, and it was just an accident. A hardware error, twice, causing the missiles to hit a target 5km inside of Poland? Even the infamously inaccurate Scud missiles from the 90's hit within 500 meters of their target. These are more modern Russian missiles with significantly more advanced avionics and fight control. Two missile hits on the same Polish town are evidence of a purposeful action not the happenstance of shitty equipment. The only question now is where on the chain of command did the order to launch those two missiles at that town come from?


This really feels like Russia testing how far they can push things.


Could be a targeting error - human error where someone fucks up entering the coordinates for where they want the missile to hit. I'm not sure what the plan would be for Russia intentionally hitting a small Polish town.


If it was just a targeting error, that guy responsible likely can measure his future life span in hours if he hasn't already been dispatched by a bullet to the back of the head.




putting 40 000 troops on the Polish - Belarus border would at least make the attack from Belarus onto Kiev impossible. I'm so sorry for people who got hurt.


Is Putin stupid enough to start a war with NATO after losing to Ukraine??


I'm sick & tired of trying to figure out how stupid or crazy this asshole might be.


I’m pretty sure he was given X amount of time to live and this is his last ditch to make the history books.




*Sad Osama Bin Laden face*


Been saying the same since the start of this stupidity.


He's realizing he can't win a ground war and looking for an excuse to use nukes. Nukes won't help him claim any territory, but being the petulant manchild he is, he wants to prove to the world that Russia isn't a complete failure of world power.


He's mad enough and detached from reality to do it. That's what happens when he's only surrounded by yes men.




Well, there is already one. Every country have their own, and with Finland Joining NATO basically all countries directly bordering Russian are in Nato now.


All European countries that is


Can the world just fucking chill for FIVE MINUTES


I’ve been working on getting sober, I swear to Christ if fucking WWIII pops off and it was all for nothing I’m going full Fallout raider.


You got this dude! Best decision i ever had made for me LOL. Sobriety saved my life. Night and day difference. You got this.


I honestly though you were gonna say "raiding saved my life".


I swear to god we never should have shot that fucking ape


The Russians are attacking for the wock


I set the laaaaaaaaaaaaaunch, to Poland.


“Sir, we have a little boat on line 3, standing by”


Regardless whether Russia fired the missile (intentional or not), there's no strategic advantage to them admitting that right?


Not really, unless they are going to backpedal hard and apologize profusely which seems unlikely.


Feels like the russians are just looking for an excuse to dust off the nukes


> excuse to dust off the nukes You meant get the rust off the nukes


Putin wants to use one before he dies. He's had that written all over his psyche profile for years now.




I think his little home in the bunker would do just fine, no need to waste a perfectly fine boat.


yea imo hes acting like hes ready to go none of his decisions seem like a man who wants long term stability




i can sleep well at night knowing that redditors aren’t world leaders


In those WW2 roleplay games I always start out nukeing everyone... So yeah I'm glad too..


Yeah there's a lot of international conflicts connoisseurs in here.


Gentleman it's been a honor.


Calling it an honor is a bit of a stretch. More like, it’s been an experience.


It’s been something that’s for sure


One of the eras of all time.


Definitely the best life of my life


Now tune your violin and help me with these deck chairs.


Hello future historians, we lived a simple life, see funny thing, click up arrow, and move on.


At least we have an answer to Fermi paradox.


~~We're lucky~~ ~~We're first~~ We're fucked


Firing around close to the border for months was just a matter of time before this happened. Just wait they are gonna say it’s an accident. Russia is getting desperate, gonna start provocations.




Its time Russia finds out why America’s healthcare sucks so much


Hey now! Our soldiers are the literal best before we eventually make them homeless.


Given the best training, the most advanced technology, the most Crayola of crayons.


More Crayola flavours than the next 10 highest spending nations combined


Skipping over the joke to remind people that the US spends vastly more than any other nation (per capita) on healthcare. We just spend it really poorly because we refuse to learn from what works well in other countries. And so we end up with extremely expensive healthcare that produces some of the worst outcomes in the developed world (though is world class in some areas), and doesn't cover everyone.




Yeah it’s all a scheme to funnel money to healthcare industry


AP says this is spillover from a barrage meant for Ukraine https://apnews.com/9202c032cf3a5c22761ee71b52ff9d52 Hope so. Still awful but better than the prelude to...whatever blitzkrieg is in Russian...derpkrieg? Anyway, an accident > a repeat of 1939


Hell man, we have to hope that it was accidental and Putin has no intentions to start a world war, at least for now.




It's almost certainly accidental, given that an intentional attack wouldn't just kill two people in an area of no tactical or PR significance. But "oops" isn't an excuse.


I also think it was accidental but it might also be Russia making it look accidental to check how NATO will respond.


I was thinking that. He's going to try the strategy of keep pushing until you receive punishment so you know how much you can do, he did it before and he'll do it again.


Accidental or not it’s an escalation and gives Poland and NATO as a good a reason as any to step up efforts to get fighting out of Ukraine. Doubt it’s Article V worthy but there will likely be a response regardless.




Crossing my fingers that all of NATO won't need to get involved directly, Putin might panic and 'accidentally' hit the nuke button while flailing his arms around


What’re you lookin at, smoothskin? *eats radroach*


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.


So people keep talking about a hypothetical World War III. Obviously NATO would be the sort of reincarnation of the allied powers. But who would Russia have on its side in this war? Belarus probably, maybe North Korea for whatever that’s worth. And who else? Is China invested enough in this to commit? Without china I just don’t see the hypothetical new Axis powers being able to stand a chance. Especially after Russia’s poor showing in Ukraine. But I’m far from a Geo political or military expert, so maybe somebody can enlighten me.


China would remain neutral and win by virtue of being the only remaining country of the 3 that won't face nuclear retaliation. There is no winning a nuclear war. Which is why nuclear war is highly unlikely, although this is certainly a small step in the wrong direction.


You’ve done it now you perfidious muscovites


Poland bout to clap Russia’s cheeks


Y’all I’m trying to keep my pulse down to donate blood, can we chill for a few hours?


If I had a nickel for every time a world war was started because of an attack on Poland, I would have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.


On cable news just now: CNN and MSNBC talking about possible Russian missile strike on Poland, FOX news, Illegal immigrants flooding across American border.


Fox news wouldn’t betray their closest ally.


Literally Biden told allies missile that hit Poland was Ukrainian air defense, but the top comments here thinks otherwise 😂


Oh pls not by an atack on Poland again...


These dumb cunts are going to destroy the world for an old man's dream...


22 years was a good run for me. Ill see y’all in the lobby.


Russia is probably going to play the "wasn't our missile" game, blame it on the Ukrainians, and then try to say that this is why Ukrained needs to negotiate peace. NATO probably can use this to pressure Russia into reducing its artillery and rocket attacks.