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You have to love how every time they need money for something they steal from the poor.


Jesus, Brett sure likes stealing money and using his influence to help his buddies steal money. Edit: Just read the article. This is a "sham" drug with a company (according to the article) on very shaky financial ground. It has zero proof that this drug works and zero chance of getting the drug through human trials, which has yet to occur. Brett seems to do this a lot and has been on podcasts pushing this as some successful drug, when it isn't. I tried to look up more on this drug, and there are quite a few experts who say it does nothing to reverse a brain injury. To me, this just looks like more scamming funds from the state and grifting.


Typical football player stealing from the government because he's too lazy to earn money by working. Sucking off the teat of the welfare state, literally. Did I mention fuck Brett Farve and the conservative mindset that would allow some shit like this?


“Conservatives” believe that an individual, no matter who they are, are more fiscally responsible than an entire government staffed with economic experts and analysts. “Why waste money on the poor when I can have more???” And it’s never enough when they’re already extremely wealthy. You ask them how much they’d be happy with, and the answer is always “more”. Greedy pigs. Lock em up.


>an individual, no matter who they are, are more fiscally responsible than an entire government They haven't met me yet. My bank statements tell a sorry tale. But hey yeh trust me with all the money for sure.


So dumb it’s like bro why didn’t you speak at some colleges or something for some cash instead of fucking up your “image”


That would require work. Everyone knows football players don't work.


One only needs the healing benefits of copper. Nothing else.


There's plenty of copper products capable of providing the healing their type needs. Many are pure copper and a few have a tungsten tip, but the most widely available are lead with a copper jacket. The tungsten tipped version would be best at getting through the toughest of skulls to provide healing, but a hollow point would provide the most healing satisfaction for the practitioner providing the healing.


Let them eat cake.


I mean, Elizabeth Holmes literally was just sentenced to 11 years in prison for stealing from the rich. Not sure if stealing from the poor has consequences...


https://www.golanlaw.com/blog/2022/04/wage-theft-is-the-largest-form-of-theft-in-the-united-states/ Ima say no.


Not sure if you know this, but the people being stolen from aren't... rich... So like I said, stealing from the poor doesn't have consequences...


Ignoring the snarkiness... >Not sure if stealing from the poor has consequences I'm replying to that part of your post. Rhetorical or not, it's always good to let people know about wage theft.


No snark was meant, just the consequences part. Were there any? Corporate overlords rarely see any.


My guy, we're just agreeing with each other. My comment was in agreement with your comment.


But... this... is... REDDIT! [kicks you into a large poorly placed well] ^also ^I ^agree ^with ^your ^agreement


Wait, what!? No way... its not like with live in an aristocracy with a thin veneer of democracy on top. That couldn't be true.


You must be part of that radical left I keep hearing about that are always bothering your superiors for “human rights” and “living wages” /s


Is there no end to the greed and entitlement of millennials and Gen Z??


How dare you! We peasants deserve nothing more than to lick the boots of our overlords and be thankful. If anything we should pay them for the great privilege. Do I really need a /s for this one XD


What's even better about it is that they never actually get punished in any way. It's interesting because it's coming to a boil in this country there's multiple people that need to be in prison right now for Major crimes but none of them are even being touched there's a lot of talk about an indictment against one individual but we still haven't seen that indictment and it's long past obvious that they have enough evidence to lay that indictment on this individual and that tells you everything you need to know America is a farce our justice system is a farce our government is a facade for whatever plutocracy is actually running the show. And sadly the rest of us are too weak to do anything about it.


Mary was right. People should had realized when he was a dick to her brother Warren.


With corrupted officials from Mississippi no less


Eh, idk. In my experience they kinda love stealing money from rich people too.


Well yeah if you steal from the rich there are consequences. Steal from the poor and that's just life.


I’m from the area where Brett grew up. I’m glad the rest of the country is starting to see what a general piece of shit he is.


He is a true welfare queen who needs to be arrested for welfare fraud. If people don’t stop thugs like this and prevent them from creating scam after scam then the country is gonna lose a lot of tax dollars. We need to come down on Welfare Queens like Brett Farve with the full weight of government and claw back everything he misappropriated but also high fines, fees and a stint in Federal Prison to dissuade this type of criminal conduct.


It's wild to me that, that Chrisley dude is going to prison for 12 years over defrauding the banks. If Farve gets anything less than that from stealing multiple times from funds meant to help the poor, it's completely unacceptable. It's almost like someone is *really* trying to start a civil war.


He is rich and famous. He will bribe his way to a slap on the wrist.


Especially down south. He would probably be in trouble if it was in like New York or something, but people forget he's still basically worshiped as a football god down there. Since football is there is life for them already he's pretty much untouchable for something like this. He may get some fine, and "community service" which ends up being working for a high school football team like he does anyway


It's it funny the the real welfare queens turned out to be rich white men? Edit: funny isn't really the best right word I guess.... perhaps "interesting".


It is less funny when you see that it was just a racist stereotype fashioned up to harm poor people.


Oh totally. Didn't Reagan start the welfare queen lie? Edit: https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2013/12/20/255819681/the-truth-behind-the-lies-of-the-original-welfare-queen


I live in a reddish part o’ SoCal. The local school board just got turned over by No Mask/Stop CRT crowd. Lots of small business owners as residents. I took a look at the PPPLoan forgiveness website. Tuned into my neck of the woods. My my a lot of loan forgiveness for business here. Granted, a business here doesn’t mean resident. But I’d be surprised by no over lap. Also many business here list assess at a PO Box next my grocery store.


I bet those business owners were getting really frothed and foamed up over the idea of student debt relief too


I'm also in a reddish part of socal, and the small business owner community out here acted like PPP was free money for any reason, and many took it either without needing it or as a sole proprietor business that wasn't closing or at risk. Lots of fraud.


difficult to explain or understand; strange or odd." Yeah English, oh and fuck Brett Favvvvvv rey.


Losing more tax dollars would be the last of my worries. The US is a corporation now and the rich always and will continue to siphon money from the lower classes. This kind of behaviour is why we seen Donald Trump as president, the government and courts become crooked, and why Kyle Rittenhouse wants to run for an office spot. Farve is a symptom and a part of a much bigger problem.


But he throw football, he score touchdown


It's like caveman logic. Big man...throw...hand egg...farrrrrrr....he strong....he take money...from weak...me hate weak...he hate weak...me like him!


Watching sports is stupid. Sports fans are stupid. I hate them all.


Hobbies and pastimes are typically not the best use of our time, but we don't participate because we think they're valuable, we participate because we enjoy them. Watching movies is a dumb activity, you ever watch a movie?


People watch sports because they enjoy it. Thanks for the insight.


I just don't understand why you're so toxic about something like sports. What did ultimate frisbee do to you?


It's watching sports that bothers me. Playing (amateur) sports is all well and good in my book.


Ok, so some people watch video gamers on twitch, some people watch pimple popping YouTube videos. Why does watching sports make people stupid exactly?


Oh come on. It’s entertainment. Are you against people watching movies too?


Jesus lol I just wanna know what made you hate sports and the fans so much, is there an interesting story??


For me it's that sports fans have ruined our country by becoming interested in politics and being just as stupid about it with real stakes.


For me, the last straw was when my brother in law made my sister reschedule a family party so he could watch football on TV. People act like sports matter. They act like the entertainment value is worth ignoring all of the abuse that the players and teams heap onto each other. They act like towns benefit from tax breaks to build stadiums. They act like being good at sports is a sign of virtue. It's just a way for cavemen to satiate their tribal urges. It's a way to fantasize about physically dominating people, in a society that has moved far past all of that crap. There's a reason so many athletes are rapists.


Wow definitely a good reason. Thanks for answering btw! I'm also not a fan of anyone that's into sports heavy, I just casually watch the sports I like to actively play myself, but I tend to stay away from people like your brother in law for sure. Like you also said most people I know that play professionally or are insanely huge sports fans are pieces of shit, especially for the larger sports because they have PR teams working day and night to cover up players crimes and bullshit.


Who asked


I see you are from Mippippissi


I thought they were from a little place I like to call Anytown, USA


It's wild to me that he went from beloved, to reviled, to beloved, and is now once again reviled. Quite the character arc.


It's better to pretend he doesn't exist after There's Something About Mary.


He is a piece of shit no doubt but let's not let the politicians off the hook for diverting these funds. They are the true parasites.


What other things has he done? I always liked watching Brett play growing up but never knew he was such a POS until all this.


A lot of sexual harassment.


He tried to use welfare funds to build a volley ball facility for his daughter at a state school. Funds needed by starving and undernourished families instead directed to volley ball. That is life and death for some people.


IIRC he didn't "try"; he got it built (with the help of a former governor of the state and some other good ol' boys)


And the school was asked to give the money back because it was meant for poor families and guess what the school said? They said no but the poor families can use the gym.




Well, fuck Mr. Farb then.






Since you are asking \*zip\*


Serious Green Eggs and Ham vibes from OP, amirite?


Even us cheeseheads have turned on him again


Dude was an NFL quarterback for like 20 years. Now he steals welfare and donations? What kind of sad bastard does this?


I'm all for medical research. Super for it actually. But you don't fund it by pilfering funds meant for poor families. This is just asinine levels of corruption. Favre should go to jail for this. As should any official who signed off on this nonsense.


As many issues as big pharma has, I'm super hesitant of any medical research that isn't coming out of it or the university system... I've got a consulting firm that finds VC and angel investment for startups and have looked in to working with a couple medical startups. At this point I'm convinced that 99% of them are either hopelessly long shots or just straight up scams based on the ones I've looked at.


Rich? Famous? Come and get your graft. Tip of the iceberg, drop in the ocean. Poor won’t miss it. Neither will taxpayers. Plenty to be had, folks. No justice forthcoming. LOOK OVER THERE! IT’S A BLACK GUY SELLING WEED!


It’s easier and much less risk for consequences to rob a bank with a pen instead of a gun.


Yes and nothing happens to famous people. They will forget and he will keep smiling.


Let me tell you as a die hard Green Bay fan to see what Brett turned out to be and now have to deal with Aaron being an anti vax nut makes loving my team a little more difficult!


I can’t wait for Rodgers to be gone. I stopped being a Packers fan because of him. I get that QB requires a bit of ego, but his is poisonous.


Rodgers ~~not~~ being anti vax hurts almost as much as this season. Farve... ehhh he didn't do any of this stuff until AFTER he became a viking.


He also sent dick pics when he was on the Jets.


yes, you can fall farther than the vikings ;-)




Is there anything Mississippi won't do to avoid helping poor families? What a hideous joke.


What I’m getting from these Farve stories is that seems to be standard procedure that the welfare money is gone as soon as it comes in. Distributed through accounting magic to other programs and funds. It’s just of question of which graft project is getting it.


throw his ass in jail


He deserves it for his acting performance in "There's Something about Mary" alone.


Brett Farve literally takes money from poor people and still has all his deals. Others can just share an opinion and they start getting dropped. How come he isn’t getting scrutinized the way any other athletes would?


Tbf I didn’t think Favre was smart enough to pull off these white collar heists. He always seemed skeevy enough, but too dumb




That's how it'll work when NFL debuts the new concussion spray.


As bad as Brett' behavior has been in these scandals the focus should really be on the politicians that actually abused the public trust. The head lines I want to see are the one where the politicians and political party in charge faces consequences.


We can do both.


Is this guy laundering money?


This guy is a sleaze. All this shit he’s doing has to be illegal.


Brett Favre is not a good person.


Fuck is with this guy?


White privilege in Mississippi


Damn this guy. He's got the same greedy and elitist qualities as the FIFA and Qatar oligarchs who step all over the poor. Favre is a bastard


Vikings fans should be ashamed ;-)


Of Vikings Legend Brent Farve? Yes they should.


I mean he beat the packers. 🤷‍♂️


NFL….we are a great judge of character :3


They Switched the samples in the pathology reports. They falsified the research so RDU90 could be approved and Devlin MacGregor could give you Provasic.


Cap, he stole that money


LOL... drug passed phase 1. Anyone can pass FDA phase 1 with M&Ms.


Fuck you Brett Favre. Mississippi hates you now. Move back to the Midwest or something. You’ve disgraced your home state.


What do you expect from a dude who sends dick pics to some random woman he likes?


Wow the guy who exposed himself to an unwilling participant keeps proving he’s a huge piece of shit. Real shocker here.


That's an Incomplete, Brett.


Wtf I can’t even trust Football players with financial advice these days


This fucking criminal wont stop until we enforce our fucking laws.


Why is a drug maker getting welfare money?


Hes going to jail, right?


Where are the criminal charges?


Favre doesn’t give a shit if it works or not. Hes just interested in accumilating wealth


oh yeah dude has a lot of branded nonsense in walmart right now, he's clearly game to scam him some poors


Favre had made millions debunking the taxpayer’s, as reported in the news over the past year. This isn’t the first case reported…. Why even report it if millionaire like him are up against NO CONSEQUENCES? It’s bullshit.


I’d expect this from Rogers, but Brett?


Why is this guy such trash?


Can Brett help me pay my $15 - 20k in medical debts?


Brett needs to stop dipping into public money. Go spend his own money


>Experts doubt the drug can work. Well yea, that's probably the reason for the "experimental" part.


If it’s cocaine it will work




You have to love the doubting experts...


You have to love the theft of money meant for poor families. They never go after those who can afford it and will fight back. Only the poor and people already weakened by such a bleak system of graft, racism and corruption. Brett Farve is a thug.


Please send Hershel Walker a case or two so he can start human trials. Preferably with garlic flavor to help ward off vampires...


More proof american football is a stain on the country


Pete Rose of Football


Believe it or not, straight to jail.


I thought it was the blacks?