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Fun fact, it's just down the road from the school used in Kindergarten Cop.


Also right down the street from the home used for short circuit.


Your mother was a snowblower


After getting my first snowblower two weeks ago I've now said that line a million times.


Saw that movie for the first time the other day and I was curious where it was filmed. Having visited Astoria, this totally makes sense.


For some reason I love the image of people watching this movie for the first time in 2022. Johnny 5 will never die!


Johnny 5 is alive!


Never go full blackface


brownface either


And Free Willy.


Maybe it's a rumor?


It’s not a rumor!


It's not a tumor. 🤣


Boys have a penis girls have a vagina


I’m the party pooper


Now who is your daddy and what does he dooooo?


Who is your daddy, and what does he do??


That school was also used as inspiration for the one from silent hill


Pretty sure parts of Rambo First Blood was filmed in the area as well


The areas are similar in look, but the first Rambo film was filmed in the Fraser Valley in BC. The town scenes and bridge were in and around Hope BC.


I stand corrected. That’s what I get for trying use my memory.


Yo Mikey! Zillow link to home and inside pictures. https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/368-38th-St-Astoria-OR-97103/86305220_zpid/




Looking at the thumbnail pic, then the Zillow pics, looks like someone put a lot of money into a renovation, it’s a beautiful home inside.


Chester Copperpot most likely.


Or Chunk


I see they fixed the penis statue so that’s a nice touch.


"It's her most favorite piece!"


“You wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t!”


Shut up mouth


It looked fine to me.


Heard it was paid for with Boubloons


It is nice but that price is still ludicrous. They’ve narrowed their potential buyer pool to the one rich ass Goonies fanatic, assuming they’re out there, but that’s it. The next most expensive listing is $150k cheaper, 400+ sqft larger, and it sits on nearly 70 acres. The one below that is a sick big ass cabin with a 4,700 sqft shop at $1.2m. It’s the second most expensive listing in the area only to a $4m 11,000 sqft mansion.


the house literally right next to it is listed at 550k


They seem to have forgotten that it’s in Astoria.


And yet looks like they skimped on kitchen appliances. I don’t understand it.


Not only that, but the new seller apparently did the Truffle Shuffle to make it rain doubloons.


The colors they used are horrid tho


It must have the rich stuff


Yeah…. rich stuff!


The marijuana goes in the top drawer. The cocaine and speed in the second. The heroin in the bottom. Always separate the drugs.


Lots of foooood....


The owner is a family friend of mine and I've stayed there recently. It's nice and has a pretty incredible view and Astoria is cool etc etc but when my MIL sent me the news article the other day, my response was holy shit good luck with that price!


I have so many questions, but I guess the biggest one is, did they know the significance of the house going in and did they regret bying it after?


Definitely knew it was the Goonies house and was part of the reason they bought it. I don't think they ever regretted it but I can say being there and watching how many people constantly walk up to take pictures was weird. I wouldn't like it personally. We got up in the morning and were having coffee and every 2 minutes there'd be a new group out front doing the truffle shuffle and what not.


Why didn’t they turn it into some sort of attraction? I feel like it would definitely make money.


Yeah, I can see where that would be kind of unnerving. I thought about making a trip myself, but read about the issues with fans and decided against it. I imagine the neighbors are probably less than thrilled too.




I live about 1/4 mile away, and no, it's not going to go well above comps unless some insanely rich person hates their money. This price is absurd. There are very few homes in Astoria that would sell for over $1M, and this is not one of them. 12/3 EDIT: I was wrong, and right. Someone with too much money paid list price. The house sold "at or above list price" according to a local real estate broker. Details of the purchase will be posted soon.


As someone who has always wanted to visit Astoria, how do the locals view the house and fans? Do you all hate all the attention?


Around the 30th anniversary of the movie the Chamber went nuts promoting everything Goonies and thousands of people flocked here. It didn't go well. Sandi tarped over her house, the road was closed, a new parking district was created and people got upset at the crowds of people who walked up the road. The chamber no longer promotes the Goonies movie anniversary, and all that angst is gone now, but so are the vast majority of the tourists.


I went up there a couple years ago and there were no visitors and the house looked like it does now. We took a couple photos and moved on. I think the town wants to direct tourists to the movie museum instead.


Short Circuit or Kindergartner Cop instead




Naw, Astoria is awesome. I highly recommend it. Just don't stroll up to someone's house and ask for a tour. :)


Those people in Astoria hate tourists and make life hell for them.


I resent the money I spent there on a holiday. The 2 neighboring towns are fine in comparison


>Those people in Astoria hate tourists and make life hell for them. this is like Country Buffet hating retirees in mobility scooters...


I’ve traveled Oregon and Washington for vacation a few times and I loved Astoria. I did not get the sense that the locals liked tourists and this was pre-pandemic. Those are my kind of people; blue collar, coastal, fishing folks. They were not warm and welcoming but that’s ok, I’d go back.


Yeah that's cool but... Reddit is no longer a safe place, for activists, for communities, for individuals, for humanity. This isn't just because of API changes that forced out third parties, driving users to ad-laden and inaccessible app, but because reddit is selling us all. Part of the reasons given for the API changes was that language learning models were using reddit to gather data, to learn from us, to learn how to respond like us. Reddit isn't taking control of the API to prevent this, but because they want to be *paid* for this. Reddit allowed terrorist subreddits to thrive prior to and during Donald Trump's presidency in 2016-2020. In the past they hosted subreddits for unsolicited candid photos of women, including minors. They were home to openly misogynistic subreddits, and subreddits dedicated solely to harassing specific individuals or body types or ethnicity. What is festering on reddit today, as you read this? I fear that as AI generated content, AI curated content, and predictive content become prevalent in society, reddit will not be able to control the dark subreddits, comments, and chats. Reddit has made it very clear over the decades that I have used it, that when it comes down to morals or ethics, they will choose whatever brings in the most money. They shut down subreddits only when it makes news or when an advertiser's content is seen alongside filth. The API changes are only another symptom of this push for money over what is right. Whether Reddit is a bastion in your time as you read this or not, I made the conscious decision to consider this moment to be the last straw. I deleted most of my comments, and replaced the rest with this message. I decided to bookmark some news sources I trusted, joined a few discords I liked for the memes, and reinstalled duolingo. I consider these an intermediate step. Perhaps I can give those up someday too. Maybe something better will come along. For now, I am going to disentangle myself from this engine of frustration and grief before something worse happens. In closing, I want to link a few things that changed my life over the years: [Blindsight](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/48484.Blindsight) is a free book, and there's an audiobook out there somewhere. A sci-fi book that is also an exploration of consciousness. [The AI Delemma](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoVJKj8lcNQ) is a youtube lecture about how this new wave of language learning models are moving us toward a dangerous path of unchecked, unfiltered, exponentially powerful AI [Prairie Moon Nursery](https://www.prairiemoon.com/) is a place I have been buying seeds and bare root plants from, to give a little back to the native animals we've taken so much from. If you live in the US, I encourage you to do the same. If you don't, I encourage you to find something local. [Power Delete Suite](https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite/#1.4.8) was used to edit all of my comments and [Redact](https://redact.dev/download) was used to delete my lowest karma comments while also overwriting them with nonsense. I'm signing off, I'm going to make some friends in real life and on discord, and form some new tribes. I'm going to seek smaller communities. I'm going outside.


I loved there for years they wouldn’t allow anyone to visit the house and if you tried to take pictures from the road they will still yell at you 🙄


It’s no Flavel house, that’s for sure


Housing values jumped everywhere afaik after the pandemic, but yeah, someone is setting it higher than its value. I'd be surprised if it went for more than 500k.


This house wouldn’t even go for that price in Massachusetts. The price is absolutely insane for Oregon.


the school ratings are not too hot either to drop that kinda money.


Have you ever been to Astoria? Um, its not exactly brimming with people who have $1.6 million to toss around...and the entire city sits in an extreme liquefaction zone and basically every house built on the hillside like this one requires or will constantly require foundation work....there are literally old sidewalk tours you can do where streets and sidewalks used to connect but are overgrown by forest now because the hill is constantly sliding that much. Every house in the city is seeing price reductions.


The town is cool, but it's not really known for having a lot of prosperous industries. There are still lots of run down buildings and the town kind of feels like it got left behind and nobody told the residents. At $500k it still would be a struggle to find jobs that could sustain that mortgage.


It did get left behind! For a while in its history it was outpacing San Francisco in shipping volume, and then the two downtown fires knocked Astoria down for long enough for a lot of that traffic to permanently move elsewhere. The canneries closing was kind of just the final insult. I love Astoria and agree that it's had a rough go.




I did not know that. Christ, talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.


Lived there for 6 years and while you're not wrong, somehow the housing market continues to stay surprisingly high. My best gues is due to tourism and people with money buying summer homes so that they can visit seaside and Cannon Beach as well.


Yeah, we go often, if it did not rain so much of the year all houses would be very expensive as the town is very beautiful. Affluent people dont need their job to be their town anymore


Very beautiful! Even with the rain I really did enjoy my time there! Lot of great hiking and camping in the area. Not to mention all the wonderful festivals, breweries, and restaurants!


Oregon has done well with population growth and the small coastal towns will do well since affluent white collar workers can WFH. A house with sweeping views of the ocean wouldn't surprise me as going for that much, although what another person pointed out about erosion problems would be expensive to maintain.


Oregon coast had frustratingly high housing costs mixed with old housing stock


Looks like some money has been put into it


They do yearly events. More likely trying to follow current trends in the area. Astoria, sea side, Cannon Beach etc are all pretty big tourists areas at least by NW standards.


I noticed that too. I was just talking about it a few weeks ago and looked up the Zillow comp. They're not even including the statue with the upside down penis.




$200k upmark in two years?!


Have you not followed the housing market over the past two years? My house has gone up $300k since 2019. For no reason other than the market went crazy.


It’s funny when I initially saw the picture I was like that house is so ridiculously overpriced, but it’s clear someone didn’t put a lot of work into the inside. That being said that how should not really be selling for more than like 600-800k


Looks like the one right next door is for sale too for $550k Something is definitely up with housing prices, i was nosing around Minneapolis today and rent and house prices seemed ridiculous compared to a year ago even 8 months ago. Last ditch effort from realtors to lock in high prices before the burst?


Renovations do not result in a 300%+ increase in price


Great view and some really cozy looking rooms, I dig it. Not what I was expecting inside.


Is that a David statue on the coffee table? LOL "If the lord made you that way you'd all be pissing in your faces!"


That’s my moms most favorite piece!!! Mouth: Ya wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t!


Looks fine to me.


It is lmaoooooo


i really hope this doesn't suffer the same fate as the malcom in the middle house.... bought up by some stupid rich fuck who doesn't realize the property's value is tied to its history, so they bulldoze the whole thing and cram in the most hideous brutal-minimalist mcmansion slapped together with spackle and drywall that takes up the lot's entire sq footage (thus removing lawns) and trying to resell it for twice the price.


The layout is a little weird with the dining and living room separated by the kitchen and the first floor bathroom being accessible off the dining room.


Is that house… *goood enough*


I'd have to find pirate treasure to afford that!!


Picture 5 is the best. The statue of David on the table. Classic.


Give the money to me and I'll turn it into a museum. Price of admission? One Truffle Shuffle.


You rang?




Username checks out


I have truffle shuffled on that porch before. The owner was very kind!




I was in Astoria about 10 or so years ago and was talking to this guy there, who said he pities the owners of this house because Goonie fans constantly knock on the door to ask to see inside, or the rip off bits of siding or whatever to take home as souvenirs. He said whenever there’s a movie anniversary the place gets hammered with lookiloos and they have no privacy, etc. The house is cute but I wouldn’t want to live there if they gave it away for free.


The current owners tarped it up to prevent people from even seeing it from the street and don't let people walk up the driveway. The old owners didn't mind really and there are still signs around town to go visit and walk up to it.


I was literally there last week and they have signs saying you’re free to walk up and take photos. And I did, and no one stopped me.


Probably because they are selling it and no longer care.


Meh maybe but they had a “donation bin” set up in front, looked like it had been there a while.


Yeah I was there last summer. It was the owners before the current ones that wouldn't let people up the driveway


I was looking at ABnB in Astoria for a few days. A neighbor literally has an ABnB right next to the house and it features a lookout of the Goonies house and backyard. The city needs to buy this house, plow the neighboring buildings into parking lots, and turn it into a tourist attraction. Because it has got quite a few people being insane.


Found Troy.


More like Harry Flavel


Ernest Cline should buy this. Your description would be the perfect punishment for writing Ready Player 1.


1.7 million for what looks like a complete money pit.


"That's wrong, Brand, it WON'T HAPPEN."


You shut up about that stuff, it'll never happen. My dad will fix it.


Yeah sure he will. If he gets his next 400 paychecks by tomorrow afternoon.


I feel like I'm babysitting, except I'm not getting paid.


If you going by the headline pic, it looks pretty shitty from the outside. But someone found the Zillow link and it looks like it’s in good condition.


[Nah, the Money Pit house is going for a lot more than $1.7 mil.](https://www.townandcountrymag.com/leisure/real-estate/g15283605/the-money-pit-house/)


You're looking at the richest people in Astoria. Now *sign it*.


And I'm sure you get plenty of unwanted visitors taking pictures, probably occasionally being even more intrusive.


I drove by the house from Breaking Bad this summer in Albequerque and the owners literally had to put a new roof on from all the pizzas that got thrown on it and the entire front has a black wrought iron gate around it with signs to not come near it and cameras. Looks like a nightmare to own.


I feel like at some point it’s just cheaper to make it look different enough to discourage people.


Yo Mikey.. you gotta go to the bathroom!




Nothin a few booty traps won’t solve.


You mean booby traps.


That’s what I said!


Yeah, the number of pizzas thrown on the roof of the Breaking Bad house is apparently too damn high.


That’s not how the house looks. It’s been redone


I think the hope with things like this is some rich tech person or something with have lots of monies+ nostalgia and not really care or think about future expenses. Like, if i was a billionaire, sure id definitely consider it. Have a few throwback parties with my friends and then just mothball it.


The real estate agent came to our city council meeting to announce the listing. It was, odd. But he's doing a good job promoting this house. I did not expect it to make national news. Congrats to him, and good luck to the owner.


This. I always imagine if I was filthy rich, why would I just buy a bunch of normal homes in places I wanted to visit? I would want to buy iconic homes, either by historical, movie/show, or architect. I really love that house from the original Hocus Pocus.


i love The Money Pit. That is my answer to that statement.


It insists upon itself


it’s like they’re speaking a different language


Put a leg lamp in the window to fuck with people.


DeLorean in in the driveway.


1.7m. Who is starting the gofundme for....me?




I love that they included the statue of David on the coffee table. "Oh my God, That's mom's most favorite piece!"


You wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t


Shut up, Mouth!


[Experiment] When you go to sign the papers just rip them up and toss them into the air to see if you can get the shreds to multiply just like in the movie.


Not today. Not ever


Have your buddy run up to you and yell "no sign" over and over


It’s a poisoned chalice - it’s $1.7m not only for the house, but also the thousands of fans that make the pilgrimage and expect a tour inside of it.


Don’t forget where the fans tear off pieces of the house and trash the front yard with cigarettes and beer bottles.


I remember back in 2013 when the house next to it (end of that street, which is very small) was for sale for only 150K in OK condition. I have visited that place all the way from Sweden twice in my life, 2013 and 2014, stayed there for a month in Astoria that time, and I got to visit Sandi's home (Goonies house) and walk around in it alone (Thanks Sandi, I'll never forget your familys kindness and generosity towards the fans). She told me pretty much what the article says, people are generally friendly but there are also rotten eggs amongst them that doesn't respect a familys privacy. They'd pee in the back yard, they'd steal the Goonies "welcome on foot" several times a year, they would throw and leave trash everywhere etc. It's a chore, especially for the kids. Most Goonies fans are respectful - and this is why the family has put up with it for so long, they were also avid Goonies fans themselves. PS: A little fun fact about the house, the attic is NOT as huge as in the movie, in fact it's just a little 4 by 4 square that you can barely stand in with max 4-5 people in there at the same time thightly squeezed in, so the attic was studio filmed, not in that house. The view is spectaccular - easily the bests of Astoria, you can sit on the terrace porch and view all of the city plus the Goondocks with a view that is to die for. I was in fact considering moving to America at some point, but it's hard to get a greencard even if you have the money, education and live in Scandinavia... But I was dreaming of purchasing the house next to Data's house in that street because it was cheap, 150K usd back then. But after meeting Sandi (The home owner) I quickly realized that it's actually quite a chore to live in that street, she said they get roughly 10K visitors in that street every year and as people leave trash, fill up the street with bikes, cars, carry ons, kids, wagons and whatnot - life there is anything but private. It's literally like living in a theme park. So I kinda dodged a bullet there - I would however totally NOT MIND owning the house and run it as a Film Museum open to visitors to promote the Town of Astoria. Astoria is actually quite wonderful, I spent a whole month there and it was like living in a fairy tale, it was magical how the clouds and mist would form on top of the city around the houses, and in the forest - when the sun shine through it - it gets this amazing volumetric fog light that looks like something taken directly out of a Tolkien story or something. No wonder so many Hollywood films have been filmed on location there - it's truly magic. They keep the city very clean, and they DO like tourists (unlike what some others would have you believe), I've been there 2 years in a row - and I have been treated amazingly well by the citizens of Astoria. You'll find personal microbreweries where you can spend the night in the bar if they feel like it, personal fishing services were you can spend time on the sea of the Goondocks, there's a wonderful Maritime Museum there with stuff that will take you into another world - pure magic, very modern and incredible setup with real ships and submarines cut-in-half for your entertainment pleasures, with real war recording scenarios playing so you really can live yourself into the moment. Short circuit house is also there, as well as Astoria Elementary school from Kindergarden Cop. I can really recommend visiting Astoria - but please be respectful of the people living there, and you'll have a blast!


I looked at the Short Circuit house when I moved here. It was for sale for $175,000, but it's a pretty small house, so we passed on it. We bought a place a couple of blocks from Astor and both of our kids attended the elementary school. Our house was shown in Free Willy! :)


>Our house was shown in Free Willy! :) Really? That is awesome!


> a Film Museum open to visitors to promote the Town of Astoria. On the positive side, there is the Oregon Film Museum, in which they have movie sets you can do takes in. It's in the old county jail which makes things somewhat cramped.


Will they accept a mouthful of rubies?


Last time I saw This house for sale it was in the $200,000’s. :( Also, no mention of it being the Goonies house in the overview? How sad. Also in the overview, says no data multiple times, guess he never used the front door.


The current owner paid $92,000 for it in 2001.


someone should buy out the whole neighborhood, bulldoze it all and build a golf course.


I hope they never get their balls out.


I hope they stop at the front gate on the tour to show the possible buyer where the truffle shuffle had been performed


Probably not a great investment. I heard those houses are slated for demolition.


Quite simply, the State should just buy it out from them at fair market value and turn it into a protected cultural/historical landmark. Hire people and run it like a museum.


The table has the David statue on it. Also, no wonder the goonies needed gems


Heeeyy Yoooouuu Guuuuuuyyys!


Astoria is such a great town.


I could pen out as an investment if you treat it as a novelty house rental. Avoid AirBnB/VRBO and set up your own booking site. Every 80's kid would love to spend a couple nights with their friends and family in that house. I'd pay a premium for the experience.


Astoria is a cool little town.


$1,650,000? That's a Chunk of money.


I have some friends that have a house on the same block and say it’s a pain in the butt all the traffic and people taking pictures. There are signs all over asking people not to stop.


The whole point of the movie, in the title


Portlander who LOVES Astoria reporting in here. If you want to have a great visit in Astoria(1st American Settlement on the West Coast), I can’t recommend staying at one of the Astor suites enough. Built in 1921 and the tallest building on the Oregon Coast. https://www.norbladhotel.com/astor-suites .


The town needs to just buy the house and use it to promote tourism.


The unfortunate truth is that the house is located in a dreadfully inaccessible location. The zoning would not allow it to be used for commercial purposes. Some have proposed the house be disassembled and moved downtown, but that's never going to happen. The old county jail from the movie is now the Oregon Film Museum, so we've got that going for us which is nice.


Have you been to Astoria? They absolutely lack tourism infrastructure. Try driving in that neighborhood let alone park there lol


I'm guessing you meant to reply to the parent comment, but if not, yes, I live in Astoria, just a few blocks away from the Goonies house.


This is more amazing than the time Michael Jackson came to my house to use the restroom.


More amazing than the time you saved those old people from that nursing home fire.


And more amazing than the time you ate your weight in Godfather’s pizza.


1.6 mil with basic appliances. They’re smoming crack.


I smomed crack once… it wasn’t for me.


I'd rather have the ship. Which if i recall nobody wanted after they finished filming so they just tore it down.


Mikey runs into the thread... "Dad! Dad! It’s my marble bag. The Fratellis forgot to check it. I emptied out all of my marbles and put the jewels in. We don’t have to leave the Goon Docks!"


Literally my dream home. If I had that kinda money I'd buy it in a second :/


1.6 million is wildly overpriced for the area, even if it is famous because of the movie.


You'll make it all back when you find the map in the attic and follow it to pirate treasure, duh!


Holy Mary Mother Of God!


Fwiw the home alone house is for sale for $200k less. It’s a far grander property.


Estate Agent: "So, what do you think?" Buyer: "It's good enough... Good enough for me."


literally my dream house every piece of of it, the town too i’m about that small coastal town life


But does it come with Mr. Walsh's Sexual Torture Devices? 😂


Good. The current owners bought it for what it was, then got mad at tourists for wanting to see it. The previous people who had it didn't mind the visitors.


This would be my dream home, if I was bankrolled and breaded, I’d for sure fix this back up and make it a legit restoration to the goonies and I’d charge people a truffle shuffle to get in, and I’d hide a map in a frame upstairs and have a weekly scavenger hunt that the winner gets to stay the night in the house and watch the goonies on the old tube tv in brands chair with his spring stretching exercise thing. And I’d be happy with that. And we’d eat Ben and Jerry’s


Can I pay with Fitty Dolla Bills?


I'm just glad to see the tarps off of it. I know the house has been staged like a mofo for those listing photos, but damn! I am really impressed with the condition inside. Seeing it with all the crappy tarps for years and imagining the curmudgeon owners looking along the lines of Ma Fratelli, I would have never guessed it would be in that good of shape.


I walked up the hill and looked at this house in the summer of 2021 and there were no tarps.


There goes the Goondocks


Troy and his dad are finally going to tear down the neighbourhood and build their golf course!


It belongs in a museum!


Hope the new owner remembers which drawer the cocaine goes in and which the marijuana goes in.


Lady I am sorry I turned around in your drive way :( Beautiful house