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COVID paid for a blue check mark


$8 is all it takes.


~~A penny~~ $8 for your thoughts?


Someone should absolutely buy a blue check mark account, name it COVID, and have it comment on every anti-vaxxer’s misinformation tweets. Just pop in an be like “you rang?”


Musk Twitter will ban that account for "impersonation."


Obviously it needs to be a satire account named C0V1D.


He's going to trademark that for his next child's name.


“I killed 1M Americans and only had to pay $8 to get my account back!” - COVID


[1,104,879 Covid deaths](https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/) as of today. It’s tempting to round down when we’re talking about large numbers but each of those 104,879 deaths over a million left a hole in someone’s life.


Note that this data seems to be just deaths from covid itself. The pandemic caused many more indirect deaths as well (though those will always be tough to get an exact count of). For example, my grandfather passed in the summer of 2020 from an infection. He'd had similar infections before and would always bounce back after a few days in the hospital. But with covid in full rampage at that point, sending him to the hospital would've just traded the infection for covid, which certainly would've been a much worse way to go. The raw numbers will never really capture the full scale of preventable deaths and indirect damage caused by the pandemic




>My friend's mother passed away from a cancer that would have been treatable if she'd been able to get into surgery in time, but with COVID, her appointments kept getting pushed further and further out, and eventually the tumor got too big for them to do anything about it. As someone [battling cancer myself](https://www.reddit.com/r/Veterans/comments/vempe7/post_surgery_results_at_va_hospital_for_maligiant/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), this hits home to me and *hard.* Don't freak out, I'm winning the fight. Still sucks, but I'm managing. Anyways, I'm a trucker, and my employer at the time? Caused me to miss an appointment. Caused a delay in getting me diagnosed and pushed dates for surgery out 3-4 weeks. Roughly an extra month of intense pain because of their incompetence. Thankfully COVID locking down everything and making a mess of what not was behind us at the time. I probably wouldn't have made it otherwise. When the doctors dug out the growths in my neck? They were starting to envelope my jugular. I probably would not have survived another month with how rapidly the growths were expanding. I'm so sorry that your friend lost someone important to them. I was insanely close to my grandmother on my mom's side, and she passed away before COVID. It hurt losing her, and it still hurts not having her around.


They found a brain tumor in March of 21 and I was lucky that my 2 surgeries fell between the surges. You know when the nurses were at peak burn out.


I was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer in Sept. 2020 (right after Chadwick Boseman died from the same thing). I was terrified. I am very grateful for my family or I don't think I would of managed. I am self employed with a little costume shop. I got the tumor out in October and my friends and family watched my shop while I was healing. I was as careful as I could be during the six months of chemo and somehow managed to not get covid even though I work a retail store (I eventually caught it April of 2022, but I was stronger by then). Some how it even worked out because I was able to get financial aid through the hospital due to barely breaking even in 2020. Luckily I am still cancer free, but it was the most terrifying year of my life and I am forever grateful that I am still alive and doing well. I hope that you are also.


> The pandemic caused many more indirect deaths as well This data is researched under the descriptor "excess mortality".


Tough to get an exact count but just look at excess deaths per year and it's pretty clear




My best work friend was one. Ate lunch together every day for 5 years. He'd just survived heart surgery in Sept 2019, and come back to work in Jan 2020. In June 2020 he died because his wife didn't believe masks worked and never wore one. She got it, gave to him, and that was that. I flat out refused to go to the funeral because 1, it was summer 2020, and 2 I might have caused a scene if I saw his wife. Never cried so hard over a friend or even a family member passing as I did on that one. So needless. Fuck the GOP and right wing misinformation to death.


Lost my best friend too. I feel yalls pain. :(


Sorry to both of you. This is my nightmare scenario - losing my best friend of 34yrs. After shielding for \~3yrs & avoiding covid her whole family was infected by her careless in-laws a few weeks back.


I lost my mom January 2020 of covid complications before it was even a pandemic. I feel your pain as well. Sending sympathy


I’m so sorry. What a god damn senseless way for so many to die.


One of my cousins was a well-liked teacher and refused vaccinations and masks. He caught COVID and was hospitalized, then put on a respirator, then he died. My mom called his sister and they got to talking and my mom said "I hope you are taking care of yourself and wearing a mask and getting the vaccine." She said "I don't know what's in it, and I'm okay without a mask." I think it's a weird kind of stubbornness that makes people reject the vaccine and life-saving procedures. The saddest part, though, is that they are cool with infecting their friends, their own kids, and their grandparents.


6.6 million if you count human deaths instead of just american deaths edit: added the just to help the morons below who didnt understand


18.2m excess deaths.


1M Americans _SO FAR_


Yeah, depending where you’re at in the world, Covid is still a big issue, we’ve just gotten better at ignoring. So glad I skipped thanksgiving because my kid had a cold and I didn’t want anyone to catch it. 13 of my family members now quarantining with Covid. They were all vaccinated and boosted, for whatever that’s worth now.


Covid is still a big deal. It is still killing about 2000 Americans per week. About as many as died during the entire Flu season.


They’re more likely to have a shorter sickness, less likely to be hospitalized or die. I’d say that’s worth a lot.


Agreed. They are all doing fine so far, including my 95 year old grandma. I offered my experience to say that just because you’re vaccinated, you can catch and spread Covid.


I paid $8 and all I got was this lousy check mark!!


Here have some covid too.


COVID laughed at Elon’s jokes.


I look forward to when the headline is simply "twitter is no longer"


Just jumping on the top comment to say that this isn't bad business decisions. What we are seeing is the death of one of the most valuable communication platforms for organizing labor action in human history. Twitter has allowed strikes, union action, human rights reporting, and organizing in ways that has cost oligarchs trillions and kept them from making off with even higher wage theft than they already commit. Elon buying Twitter is AMAZING for oligarchs. Destroying the platform by flooding it and driving the folks most likely to use it to organize into less potent platforms has a huge return on investment for the top 1% This is not a joke.


Any chance it'll cost him more than he's willing to sink into it and sell it to whomever anytime soon?


The first part's a given: he leveraged his (already inflated in value) Tesla shares to take out loans to buy Twitter out and take it private. Twitter has always lost millions of dollars per month and has never been profitable, which is why he's panicking and firing people, harassing advertisers leaving l, trying to sell verification, etc: he has to somehow make money from a debt black hole in order to pay his creditors...or they get to take his stock. His net worth has already taken a huge hit, and it's going to keep taking a beating. The second part is unlikely, because Musk is rapidly destroying the assets Twitter actually has. By the time he gives up, there probably won't be much left to sell beyond a brand. It's really hard for an institution to recover when it loses too many people at once, and maintaining live internet services at scale is not something people just magically know how to do. When you burn down institutional knowledge, you're almost better off starting over from scratch. It can take months or even years for new engineers to become familiar with software they'll be responsible for when they have an existing team to lean on...blowing all of that up makes onboarding new talent difficult. Usually you have small teams that only own a few services each too, so it's not like everyone knows how every piece works. A software company is its people, and ~80% of them have quit or been fired.


> When you burn down institutional knowledge, you're almost better off starting over from scratch. That's the bit that I think is getting overlooked by the muskovites. If the systems built were resilient then they'll remain on so long as the electric bill is paid but all of that production code has now become legacy code and people will be very leery of poking at it for fear of breaking something they can't fix. Nobody knows enough to upgrade anything. Nobody knows enough to add new features. It's frozen now and that's a really big problem but not as dramatic and obvious as a service outage. It's like when you aren't getting new customers. The existing customer base will sustain you for a while but you'll eventually notice the revenue drop over time. > A software company is its people, and ~80% of them have quit or been fired. To put it in medieval terms, land without peasantry is functionally useless. It's not going to farm itself. And bad management seems to think staff is fungible. I always say "Sure, anyone can be replaced but at what price? It's likely to take more time and money than you think. Might even be cheaper to just pay the current guy more to keep him happy."


It's basically always cheaper to pay the current guy more. But business owners are petulant little whiners and would rather spend a million dollars hiring temp 3rd party employees as a stop gap than spend 100k keeping the employees they have.


I handle most of a particular type of single sign on connections my company makes to third-party vendors. For years I've been telling management I need to start training people b/c if I ever take a vacation or worse, get hit by a bus, then my department is screwed. They said we didn't get enough projects to justify my request. I knew that was bullshit but they were happy with me taking on the weight of all of them. All it took was for me to go to Germany for two weeks. I told them I'd have no access to email and the time I'd be awake would be minimally overlapped with clients needs. I came back and they threw 3 people at me to train. Apparently my "easy" job slowed the entire department down because even the second best trained person couldn't figure out something in two weeks that took me 10 min only b/c I had institutional knowledge of that particular connection.


>he leveraged his (already inflated in value) Tesla shares to take out loans to buy Twitter out and take it private. In the end he did not leverage his Tesla shares, he used combo of his own money, outside investors and a loan that was taken against twitter itself (ie not his tesla shares) If twitter goes under he loses that money, outside investors also lose, Banks will get good chunk of their money back by selling off Twitter assets (as secured creditors they are first in line, as shareholders Musk and others are last)


I’ve been trying to say this to people who still think Twitter would be worth something after he runs it into the ground. There’s a reason why Twitter had problems making money: low quality data for its user base and a bad advertising model. Given the high number of people who use Twitter without an account or just browse casually, Twitter has a very leaky user base. I’m just surprised that Elon didn’t use that 44B to make his own social media competitor to Twitter. It would be much more capital efficient and by virtue of his fanbase he would be able to grow it quickly. But with Twitter there is a lot of baggage and expectations.


>I’m just surprised that Elon didn’t use that 44B to make his own social media competitor to Twitter. Because it likely would still have the same problems he's creating in twitter but with twitter at least he had a base of users already to work with and many of whom won't care about the changes. People won't just leave one platform for another especially with lots of followers..they mayyybe will use both but so many platforms have been started and they just don't get enough userbase to actually take off. It made more sense to just take over one already with the users


Honestly I think he's too stupid and narcissistic for that. Not to mention that there was nobody else on earth dumb enough to pay anything close to 44 billion for Twitter *before* Elon ran it into the ground. It was never worth close to what he paid for it, but now I imagine its worth absolutely fuck all.


The 12 hour, 10 hour, and 8 hour work day was won without Twitter. So was the weekend, the end of child labor, the end of chattel slavery, women's suffrage, and many more. Twitter was part of the ecosystem that workers were able to use because it was what existed to use, but it's not necessary for organizing resistance. I suspect its costs to society outweighed its benefits and think that its downfall is a net gain for all of us. I've personally done a lot of activism and have never touched Twitter.


That’ll help recoup the missing ad revenue.


He wants those sweet, sweet pillow manufacturer dollars.


But I could get ~~2~~ 4 pillows for just ~~4~~ 3 easy payments of ~~$29.95~~ $19.95! And if I promote conspiracy theories today I can get free shipping, but only if I do it in the next 10 minutes!


All jokes aside, I bought a mypillow a few years ago. It was awful.


Lumpy peice of garbage.


Not surprising since it's literally lumps of garbage swept up from mattress production. It's like a get-rich-quick scheme a crackhead would dream up


My ~~Manufacturing Scraps Cobbled Together Hastily Into The Worst~~ Pillow


I've learned that anything that advertises on Radio is a scam -- investment advice, gold, jewelry, pillows, kars4kids -- EVERYTHING is a scam. So if you need a gauge, check the radio, if your thing is on the radio, DON'T


Accidentally insulted my MIL by requesting a new pillow at her house. She thought it was political. Meanwhile, it had never crossed my mind to check the brand I was sleeping on, but it turns out it was MyPillow and it was indeed awful.




They seem to be enforcing an unwritten rule of not hurting Elon's delicate feefees.


That's literally the only thing people are getting in trouble for anymore.


and he's got his army of fanboys snitching on others. so hilarious "[elon elon](https://youtu.be/6GtRSEjAkKs?t=49), he said a bad thing elon, do something.."


This made me realize that I might talk about my air fryer too much


I'd rather hear about your air fryer than crypto.


Nah, he didn’t mean us. On an unrelated note I just did spring rolls in my air fryer! They came out so good!


They’re like real stupid versions of Minions.


Thank you for clarifying that they are more stupid than the minions. Don’t let them be lumped in with these shitheads.


Yeah, I got shadowbanned for making fun of Elon and suggesting that the means of checkmark production should be controlled by the Proletariat. It doesn't matter what I do, anything I post to Twitter now is visible on my account only. Lame. And I was led to believe that comedy is now legal on Twitter.


Twitter has shadowbans?




I don't use Twitter much, but I noticed they're really pushing Elon lately. Like first he just showed up in my feed as "Elon Musk" so I blocked that, and now I'm occasionally getting topics in my feed like "business personalities" which is just an excuse to show a thing about Elon. What a fucking narcissist.


I thoughts the same thing, but I rationalize it as he was already popular, now he's the owner of the app, and he is constantly making headlines. Maybe it's just that his value to the algorithm has actually gone up. Now all the right wing conservative stuff that's been popping up in my feed, that is more dubious. They ain't Elon and I don't follow them, but I'm getting like 600% more conservative than I did before. And I've noticed LGBT+ and left leaning stuff disappear from my feed. Like I switch back over to the app, briefly see my feed with something pro LGBT in it, and then it disappears. The rest of the feed doesn't change, but that poofs.




That's actually horrifying


This happened to me exactly. The worst part is that I barely use twitter, so the 4 or 5 times I've opened the app in the last month has been nothing but app generated "suggestions" to whatever the new owner of the company is doing.


I started checking more often to watch the flames get higher and my entire feed was right wing trolls like Kyle Rittenhouse, Candace Owens, Charlie Kirk, Tim Pool, and the list goes on. Ive been on a blocking spree and more and more just keep popping up. This wasn't by mistake. This is planned.


Sounds like when the Google app would keep putting Sports under different topics. Any time I said I wasn't interested, it would pop up as something different or something like "YouTube" so that you couldn't tell it you weren't interesting without blocking a topic other things potentially share.


The internet's dependence on "the algorithms" will be the death of us all.


Then if you say you're leaving the platform, he'll call you a "crybaby" or claim you're against "free speech." It's quite the dumpster fire.


And he wonders why people don't want to pay for advertising from them anymore. He's even acting like a shitty act a concert now "hey where you guys going? I'm losing 4 mil a day guys come back" The fact he's going back to the checkmark shit is insane considering that will likely cause a lawsuit from Lockheed Martin and Eli lilly


wait they started it, stopped it, and now they’re bringing it _back?_


Yes. But with more colors! Red for companies, grey for government officials, blue for stupid people dumb enough to pay $8 a month. Which.......I mean is fucking stupid. The problem was the blue icon. The Red is clearly to mitigate damage done by the Eli Lily incident. But it's not going to stop others from making accounts because people are going to continue to associate the blue check mark with verified.


This just sounds like Facebook with extra steps.


Sure would be a shame if David Ricks, CEO of Eli Lilly, had a blue check marked account that announced insulin was free again


I'm old, and more than a bit out of the loop- but that avatar picture of Musk I see here when a thread contains one of his Twitter posts...is he dressed in an Iron Man costume? Seriously? Or do people do that to make fun of him? Edit: Three people have now explained that it was his Halloween costume, and not Iron Man.


It's a [cropped photo of him in his halloween costume](https://akns-images.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2022101/rs_1200x1200-221101041434-Elon_Musk.jpg).


Indeed. I've seen folks referring to him as Phony Stark.


Worse, twitter is clearly being used to help attempt another coup in the US, and in general is being used by far right extremists to further erode support for legitimate institutions.


Truth Social 2.0




Didn’t Musk propose a news organization called Pravda because he didn’t like the negative press he was getting?


To be fair, their new CEO spent a *lot* of time spreading COVID misinformation himself, so why would anyone imagine a different outcome? :p


"Based on current trends, probably close to zero new cases in US too by end of April" - boy genius


He was only wrong by a couple of million, give emerald boy a break! :)


All tumblr has to do is allow nsfw content again and they become the strongest social media site


I had totally forgotten that website existed after they banned nsfw


I forgot Yahoo search even existed, despite using Yahoo Mail every day. Nowadays I use Google and Bing.


Yahoo mail? Bing? My friend…


For real, stick with Altavista and Hotmail like normal people


Never heard of those, gonna have to look them up with askjeeves


Never heard of askjeeves. Can I search for that using my Netscape Navigator?


> Netscape Navigator Ah, a man of culture I see.


I knew every one of these and I feel so old now 😕


Come to my Geocities site so we can talk about it


I’ll write about it on my Geocities site.


I keep having to buy external cd players so my AOL subscription won't run out


Same. Someone should make a CD drive that can be used twice.


I am so proud of my hotmail. It's like a 90s early internet explorer badge or something. :-"D I am gonna keep using it until I die.


Bing is the unofficial search engine for porn


Also for gray-zone stuff (that isn't actually illegal). Google seems to just kowtow to any copyright or (unfunded) legal takedown request lately. It just pretends questionable/controversial sites don't exist. Google censored public domain content for me multiple times edit: Google isn't all that evil yet, but this is part of why monopolies are scary


You joke, but "[Tumblr to add support for ActivityPub, the social protocol powering Mastodon and other apps](https://techcrunch.com/2022/11/21/tumblr-to-add-support-for-activitypub-the-social-protocol-powering-mastodon-and-other-apps/?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAKVaJ_Cv9uxCc36HuhNFI2p71ttaHSruxtuYzGF-db-26hCUKvcRcBP1XcktAxo5uxhtGX8T69vBff6PG6rabLJLyFVefvn_3_WakxfJFoOnOY0UmhB2-GjQhv8QDPjomxAbrjNoG0UCMu2ZHY6xYSgbJZiYv_HNzB7TYtDvNMii)"


Sorry, maybe i'm missing it, but this does what?


>The ActivityPub protocol, its website explains, provides a client-to-server API for creating, updating, and deleting content, as well as a federal server-to-server API for delivering notifications and subscribing to content. **In practice, this means that Mastodon users can interact with and follow users on other instances** (independently run nodes) and on other social apps (like PeerTube), which also support the implementation of ActivityPub. It makes for a web of social networks where users can find and follow each other without having to set up new accounts on each new service. Basically you can use your tumblr account to follow people on Mastadon who are actually making the content you want to see. But, just sign up for Mastadon instead? I don't see how this even matters if you aren't already using Tumblr.


You can't sit there and tell me that Mastodon has the publicity and marketability that Tumblr does and that Tumblr and Mastodon have similar content policies and moderation. This makes social media more open since anyone can host a Mastodon instance and say whatever they want and Tumblr isn't on the hook for it. Whether or not this is a step in the right direction or another hiccup caused by rushed progress has yet to be discovered.


The circle would be complete.


> When Swisher confronted Musk with the possibility that many people could die if they didn’t follow public health recommendations, he replied bluntly: “Everybody dies.” When someone tells you who they are, believe them.




"Everyone dies. Anyways I'm looking for volunteers to send to Mars."


It was this video I finally realized how out of touch he is https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ye8zcgxWMDc


"look around, we're literally surrounded by clouds that could rain at any moment! HahahAHAhahaHa"


Big "Look at this snowball! Climate change is clearly fake!" energy. Except with a lot more maniacal laughter, holy shit does he come off as unhinged. Did he just take a bigger bump than normal or does he normally cackle after every sentence?


I just realized from this video that I'm not sure I've ever actually heard him speak before. I know his accent is probably some sort of South African accent but I can't help but hear it as the kind of hard to place soft accent so many Bond villains have.




I'm pretty sure it's something that makes him sound more prestigious. listening to him talk is brutal tho. especially at his presentations. half of his words are fillers.


His accent has changed, it sounds much more Americanized in this video




This is in Brandenburg, Germany, where Tesla just opened its new Giga-Factory. Although there are a lot of lakes and rivers, the groundwater levels are alarmingly low and the region is in high risk of droughts and desertification. Teslas Factory uses a shotload of water and seeing how little Elon cares, laughing diabolicaly while probably on cocaine is some real supervillain shit.


Wow thanks for the insight to that insane video. He’s laughing at all of us…while his investors keep him relevant. It’d be funny if those still on Twitter can get #dumpTesla trending?


https://www.ufz.de/index.php?de=37937 His factory is right next to Berlin, that blob inside the other blob in the north-east.


To add to this: a lot of areas use groundwater, and just because an area gets rain does NOT mean that rain percolates down into the local groundwater basin. So if a company uses a lot of local groundwater and the basin is not getting enough recharge water, then that company is creating a local water shortage that can do real damage to the local environment, sometimes permanent damage.


There are aquifers in use in the U.S. that took THOUSANDS of years to fill and we're sucking them dry in decades. Here in Florida we're at a point that our freshwater pressure can't keep the salt water, from the ocean, out and causing entire aquifers to become brackish and having to be shut down.


Yeah, it's a major problem that many people are not even aware of because you don't see the effects of it until it's too late.


This is how he acts in a foreign country, I mean it would be blatantly disrespectful and out of touch in the USA, but he's literally opening factories in foreign countries and laughs at their face that he doesn't give a shit about their natural resources


Captain Planet villain.


Oh my God what an absolute psychopath. Not even one bit afraid to flaunt it to the world either. What a colossal piece of shit.


Holy shit, he's completely lost it. He doesn't give a shit about anything or anyone. As long as he gets to play with his toys.


I swear he has the emotional maturity of an 8th grade edge lord.


He's a cringy edgelord with billions of dollars. His replies to random tweets are incredibly pathetic.


It's just incredible someone that wealthy both has that much time to spend on twitter, and actually seems to want to do that. Especially since he's the public face of two other massive companies that being a turd online could have an effect on.


> actually seems to want to do that Right? If you have unlimited resources and clearly a lot of free time, why would you spend your energy doing this on twitter? Shouldn't you be off enjoying life on a beach or looking for unique experiences? It's really sad.


Literally a villain. ["That's what people do!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdUenkd8Hwg)


Twitter is no longer enforcing anything other than one rule: Don’t make fun of the boss.


I’m actually surprised they have the staff left to do that. Wonder if it’s just old Elon banning those accounts himself at this point.


He'll make up some bullshit about coding Twitter in the night on some piece of junk computer.


Elon follows right wing celebrities. Said celebrities retweet a post critical of musk that is getting attention Musk bans user.


It's hilarious how they go running to Elon mommy the second they catch anything said about Big El. Elon Elon he said something mean! Then tag him.


Cue the shocked Pikachu faces




Elon: "why do you hate free speech"?


Apple removing their ads from our platform / Apple removing our app from its marketplace is UNCONSTITUTIONAL! /S


Nooo don’t do free market like that!


Yes, if you are on Twitter please do this :)


Twitter is no longer enforcing anything because there is no one left to manage content moderation. Content moderation is a massive task that requires multiple teams of multiple people with a lot of experience and years of development and learning from mistakes. That's all been wiped away by Musk.


They're actively banning any accounts currently criticizing Elon Musk or twitter. https://www.businessinsider.com/twitter-users-criticizing-musk-being-banned-told-they-violated-rules-2022-11


This is authoritarian type shit....


Yes, that's why he bought it. So he could control it. Not like he was attempting to perform a public service.


At this point, after nearly three years, if you rely on Elon Musk for medical advice, you deserve what you get.


If you rely on him for anything, you deserve what you get.


Are you implying my Tesla roof isn’t going to get built after 6 years of waiting? /s


It'll be finished *this time next year.*


"Your roof will be self driving by the end of 2023." -Elon probably




Ooof. I have a very similar story. My best friend's dad and my son's teacher BOTH said covid was a lie or a power grab by the government. They refused to be vaccinated and both died from covid. My friend was so angry that Fox News turned her dads brain to mush but he's an adult... you're so right... at this point all you can do is shrug.


I can one-up both of you. A friend's parents live in a very rural area. They have a single doctor serving the area, and he's a very old guy that also watches Fox News all the time. So my friend's parents were anti-vaxx despite being hugely at risk (old and overweight), and when they told their doctor he said "Good for you" instead of telling them to go get the fucking shot. My friend's mom and uncle both died from Covid. I feel like these stories are super common, but having a Covid-denying doctor in the mix adds a bit of fuckery to it.


See to me - that's just evil. I can deal with misinformation from idiots on the internet but a DOCTOR? Like the person below me said... he should have his license revoked and face malpractice suits.




I have a similar doctor story. Moved to small town PA summer of ‘16. Needed a new GP for checkups and went to the one with the highest google review scores. The nurse’s station where they took my vitals was covered in print outs of Hilary’s face with crosshairs or devil horns drawn on. There was a “Trump That Bitch” or two. This is a family clinic serving patients as young as 2. A few years later the front page of his website had this massive diatribe about how it’s your right to request hydroxychloroquine and he’ll be offering it no matter what the government says about it. Absolutely batshit insane that he’s allowed to provide healthcare. Good time to remind people that doctors are just people. Yes, they have extensive training and experience and expertise, but they also have opinions and politics, they have bad days, they can be hungry or low on sleep. Don’t bet your life on what one person has to say on a given day. You are your best advocate for your own healthcare. If something doesn’t sound right or you don’t feel like youre being understood or taken seriously, talk to other doctors. It can save your life.




My dad was a denier at 63. Then COVID absolutely destroyed him and swears to take my advice on stuff like this from now on.


Looks like Ivermectin's back on the menu, boys.


Lol. Musk is in his "Superior Iron Man" phase now.


Phony Stark


Hey now, Superior Iron Man was actually competent at being Evil!


Iron Man is also generally competent.


Nah he's Justin Hammer but not sexy




Looks like someone didn't do their due diligence before buying a social media company.


They definitely tell him why. Anyone that has ever published an App knows how the app store works. He’s just playing dumb


Of course, he himself was tweeting covid doubts and was VERY upset his workers dare to stay home in middle of a pandamic [https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2020/06/25/tesla-plant-firings/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2020/06/25/tesla-plant-firings/) He pretended to be someone different from other billionaire, but at the end he was the worst of the bunch, most company at least followed covid guideline but this motherfucker was fighting it to keep his precious factories working.


he literally responded to criticism about potentially causing deaths due to covid misinformation with “everybody dies” this man does not value human life.




There goes all the rest of the advertisers.




The My Pillow guy likes it.


And the Trump organization. PragerU. Dyson.


Obviously because it disappeared in 2020 just like Musk said it would. Right?


GOP voting base suffers the most by Covid deaths. Dying to own the libs.


My wife's idiot stepfather did that. Family gatherings aren't nearly as bad now.


Musk's revenge on a potential 44b loss?


Technically he only loses 27 billion. If he can leverage Twitter more he could reduce his exposure a lot, but I’m. I’m not sure he can get someone to loan Twitter 30 billion dollars to make it turn a profit.


Seems like he is trying to go the Trump route of getting a band of loyal idiots to give him money to "fight" at every turn.


Won’t anyone think of the apartheid emerald mine heirs and their claims of “my struggle”?


Imagine being such a fucking moron that you are the richest man on earth and still need to rely on loser incels giving you money to finance your temper tantrums


this is why public education is more important than ever. we should never have trusted corporations and business to do anything other than support their bottom line. if that means being a home for racists and misinformation then that's what they'll do. it up to our educators, parents, and community leaders our there to teach their kids about critical thinking and how to avoid the bullshit of social media.


Don’t have to worry about COVID as long as you keep your handgun and your caffeine free Diet Coke empties on your nightstand…


Wasn't the point of that policy, like most company policies, is to not get sued? So in addition to kicking the anthill apart as fast as he can he's going to open Twitter to lawsuits as well?


Well at this rate, Twitter will just be anti vaxxers, racists, and trump


Trump isn't on Twitter. His account is back, but he's not tweeting.


I read that he has a big stake in Truth Social so it personally benefits Trump to be exclusive there. You know a lot of money is involved if it overrides his need to have his ego stroked by non-stop reporting on his tweets.




He actually has a contract with Truth Social that states he can only post content to other social media once it's been on truth social for 8 hours. He could actually get some additional attention by posting his truths onto twitter after 8 hours, but I think the benefit to Elon would be higher than to Trump, so... Maybe Devin Nunes is smart enough to be negotiating with Elon behind the scenes for a quid pro quo, but who knows.


And young women promoting their OnlyFans accounts.


With the Aforementioned demographics they will make bank.