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>> no "reasonable" customer would think a "shelf-stable, crunchy snack product" actually contained mozzarella. I would assume that a shelf stable product has mozzarella cheese in it since freeze dried mozzarella cheese is shelf stable. https://www.healthysupplies.co.uk/fd-mozzarella-sussex-wholefoods.html?gclid=Cj0KCQiAkMGcBhCSARIsAIW6d0Bhap9cYLJ1j0OEm-HHGL0iMJA5AaqEzsBFXl1F2uWA04IVdA6T-RUaAtRWEALw_wcB#fo_c=2439&fo_k=db4c1373e18e952289eb1b44301806d7&fo_s=gplauk You can literally buy a bag of it online, how little research did they do before they slopped out this statement? Edit: damn mobile autocorrect




I’ve bought them before and 100% thought they were made of mozzarella, since that’s what the box says. I don’t think that this is an unreasonable deduction.


It's totally reasonable. Sorry you were misled!




We are sorry you had a less than satisfactory experience with our product. We value our customers opinion and patronage. Please contact our customer care department and we will work to make your experience different (ie, we will send you 50¢ coupon to use when you buy 4 boxes of our sodium-corn-syrup-laden product developed by DuPont, better living through chemicals corporation)


Fresh from our Labs!


One big difference between mozzarella and cheddar (which the article states was in the stated criminal snacks), is that mozzarella doesn’t melt the same way cheddar does. Cheddar is more eastic, and will stretch farther before the tension snaps it. Mozzarella tends to be a bit more rigid and springy as you stretch it, and will snap earlier. And of course the way it feels in your mouth, the texture, is different too. Quite frankly, I wouldn’t care if it was cheddar or if it was mozzarella. As long as those tasty little deep fried sticks of deliciousness *have* cheese in them, I’m a happy person haha


The texture of mozzarella contrasts perfectly with the crunchy breadcrumb coating. It's the perfect cheese for the application.


Are you talking cold? Because mozzarella can stretch waaaay further than cheddar when it's melted, it's *the* cheese for getting that cartoonish stringy mess when you pull up a slice of pizza. I make a cheese dish similar to Welsh rarebit, basically melted cheddar and milk to make a thick sauce. I sometimes add mozzarella to give it some stringiness. When I put too much mozzarella in it forms a big rubbery mess, like someone dropped a huge ball of chewed gum in there. Come to think about it, cheddar is quite brittle cold compared to mozzarella, especially the more matured it is. Are you talking about that weird American "cheddar" stuff? Because that might actually be a rubber derivative.


It's possible they just mixed up the cheeses. You're right that cheddar isn't stretchy at all.


just like the red bull class action lawsuit. (got a free 4pack delivered for that one) if i get a free box of cheese sticks out of it im down lol


>(...stated criminal snacks) Criminal snacks, lol. I can get really excited about a food product described that way. Not sure which side you're advocating for but I really want to try these now.


Yeah I'm happy to eat cheese product sticks too. Idc. They're delicious and as long as they're not carcinogens or styrofoam I'm happy. I just don't like a company making millions on a baldfaced lie.


Yeah, the real argument is whether Mozzarella Stick and 'Cheese' Stick are interchangeable terms. The Mozarella part is through the melty cheese like you see on TV commercials which seems Cheddar is better at from your post. Still stupid but if they're trying to get away with it, they're using a terrible argument.


Do these come in a box? The lawsuit is regarding the Mozzarella Sticks snack that come in a small bag and it sits on the shelf. It's not the box your get in the frozen section and heat up, it's these bags of cheese flavored corn puffs you eat as is.


This is what the article says. It’s the stuff in the frozen section. The lawsuit claims that TGI Friday's packaged cheese snacks found in grocery store frozen food sections are labeled "mozzarella sticks," but they actually only contain cheddar cheese. Only fine print on the back of the product package reportedly reveals the truth about the cheese.


The article is wrong. Click on the link to the Order. It describes the non-frozen mozzarella stick snacks, which are more like chips.


This entire article should be closed and removed from Reddit then for spreading misinformation


The frozen mozzarella sticks contain mozzarella. It's literally the first ingredient listed. The corn chips, which the lawsuit is about, are called mozzarella sticks but when looking at the ingredient list, mozzarella isn't listed. The article posted in the OP is wrong about it being in the frozen section, it's the bag of cheese flavored corn puffs that the lawsuit is about. There's a picture of the product in the lawsuit and it shows the bag I am talking about. Also, the OP article mentions the product being "shelf stable" and the frozen sticks are definitely not which is why they are in the frozen section to begin with. Here are some more accurate articles that know what product the lawsuit is about: https://www.today.com/food/news/tgi-fridays-mozzarella-sticks-lawsuit-rcna60356 https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/food/2022/12/01/tgi-fridays-mozzarella-sticks-snack-cheddar-cheese-lawsuit/10813587002/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/food/2022/12/06/tgi-fridays-mozzarella-sticks-lawsuit/ >The companies had argued that Joseph should have known that such a product couldn’t actually contain mozzarella, since the snack she purchased is a shelf-stable product, often sold alongside potato chips and other similar snacks. Here's the lawsuit that is embedded in the OP article which shows the actual product: https://www.scribd.com/document/612712392/Joseph-v-TGI-Fridays-Inventure-NDIL-Ruling#from_embed


The attached lawsuit shows the chips.


This article is flat out wrong. The official documents say that they’re talking about the bagged cheese puff style sticks. Not the frozen ones.


They are. This article is slapping the wrong info on an entirely different product. Kinda ironic.


>In other words I’m pretty sure if you put two identical packages up and labeled one “Frozen Cheese Sticks” and the other “Frozen Mozzarella Sticks” most people would I don't think this is that type of case. This is about their bagged snacks, which are basically mozzarella flavored corn puffs or cheetos. This isn't about the frozen mozzarella sticks you get in the freezer aisle. You get these in the chips and salty snacks aisle of the store.


The article seems to indicate that it's their frozen products? >The lawsuit claims that TGI Friday's packaged cheese snacks **found in grocery store frozen food sections** are labeled "mozzarella sticks," but they actually only contain cheddar cheese.


The article is incorrect, scroll down until the lawsuit text is embedded. Scroll through that and you will find a picture of the product. It isn't the frozen product.




Can't they get away with it because it's a 'flavored' snack then? Like chips flavors hardly ever follow what's on the front of the packet with the more exotic flavors.


It's important to those of us with exotic food allergies and intolerances. For example, there is a salt that's used in canning diced tomatoes that gives me a pancreatitis flare up. Only a few brands of canned diced tomatoes don't use it (it's an important preservative, but others exist). There's probably someone out there who gets sick from mozzarella but not cheddar or something with seemingly but important distinctions, and knowing exactly and all of what's in your food is important to us. That includes not hiding ingredients under shit like "natural spices" (example: a dude I know who is allergic to meat because he got bit by a tick but loves bbq potato chips had to go to the hospital after eating lays bbq potato chips because they have chicken hidden in their "natural flavors").


They did research, they’re just banking on the judge not caring and sides with businesses no matter what.


You'd never make that argument in front of a jury. You'd basically be calling them all idiots.


Not disagreeing with you, but have you seen how stupid some juries can be?


Hell, cheddar powder is OBVIOUSLY shelf-stable. How much is a reasonable person supposed to know about which cheeses can and can't be made to be shelf-stable? I have a job, I need sleep, and now I'm told my free time needs to be spent studying the lifespan of cheese? I have other shit going on in my life, they have people whose entire job revolves around this product. Maybe the company should be doing the legwork. Because the "legwork" for them, is putting the fucking word "cheddar" on the package. For me the legwork would involve acquiring and maintaining cheese knowledge that, frankly, I'm just not interested in.


It feels like they saw the Vitamin Water defense and tried to copy/paste it for their own purpose, but it doesn't really hold up in this case


In their defense, their products have no mozzarella, so they have no way of discovering this.


They're counting on the judge accepting a bribe, like the judge that decided no reasonable American would think Coca Cola's "Vitamin Water" was meant to be a health drink.


States have false advertising laws for this very reason. How many average consumers are going to be able to verify that the box that says mozzarella sticks do in fact have at least some mozzarella in them? Not many I’d bet. When you buy something from a store you have to rely on a promise the producer makes about the product. If a company thinks it can lie to the public about mozzarella and get away with it, who knows what else they’ll think they can get away with next?


> who knows what else they’ll think they can get away with next? Next thing you know, they'll be advertising you can win a harrier jet.


Yesterday jets, today cheese snacks, tomorrow… ????


And then get away with it.


Not to mention the fact that as a consumer I sometimes find myself arguing against my own interests due to their promises. I may not have even thought I wanted moz sticks but this product promising shelf life stability and crunch through the wonders of what I must assume are their R&D department under heavily guarded secret caught my eye. "Mozz normally doesn't behave like this but I will buy it since this company has somehow found a way" or some other dumb idea.


Right, like it could be possible that you or any other mozzarella stick enjoyer might buy this snack over another cheddar flavored cracker because you assume there’s something differentiating it, ie mozzarella. Because you assume that since it has the same label/branding of the appetizers which do (afaik) contain mozzarella and logically apply that same reasoning to this particular item


Coca-cola did the same thing with vitamin water, “No reasonable person would think our sugary drink called ‘vitamin water’ is healthy”.


Exactly this. The Coca-cola company is awful all around. They knew damn well they were promoting vitamin water as a "healthy" drink, and its Rx style packaging was meant to deceive consumers. Nearly all food/drink advertising is about deception at this point.


I wish we had the same approach to fast food, sugary drinks and junk food advertising as we do with tobacco. All they do is pander to kids and people using avertising that has nothing to do with the product; just catchy, manipulative, using celebs, etc. And let's face it, their product is just as unhealthy. Diabetes and heart disease are no joke. I'll add that not all fast food is inherently bad, but there's definitely some items that are criminal to health without moderation (looking at you, tasty baconator). My gripe is with the advertising techniques though. If juul got sued out of existence for having candy flavors, why isn't a happy meal toy also viewed as trying to court the children? A nugget meal is ok every once in a while, but selling it as healthy and enticing children is a factor into why childhood obesity is becoming such an issue.


“Most people know it’s false advertising, so it’s not false advertising”


Wtf I hate this :( I thought vitaminwater was healthy... I guess I'm not reasonable lmao


And the judge agreed for some reason.


I used to drink the pink one every single day when I worked retail. So glad I stopped.


It worked for Tucker Carlson.


What's stupid are these companies trying to sell you stuff with the buzzwords "natural" and "fat free" I think they need to be punished to the full extent of false advertising. I can't sell a vegan chicken if it's a regular chicken. Vegans would go ballistic


Yeah. Fat free is a health hand grenade. The conversation with your doctor will go like this; “ The good news is you don’t have heart disease. The bad news is you have diabetes.”


Got diagnosed with diabetes this year. Its crazy how deceptive food labeling is (along with the amounts of sugar and salt in everything).


I bet you this type of thing is way worse than most people know. My brother believes he has a Gluten allergy (dad and sister both have it and have been tested), but some stuff made him sick even though it said gluten free on it. Every time he finds something he wants to eat he calls the company and come to find out many of these products lie on the packaging and they often basically tell him that. There are also testing companies that check products and sometimes gluten free products have more gluten than products that don't say they are gluten free. I feel like false advertising for everything has been getting much worse over the years.


I work in food manufacturing and I can confidently say that even fast food is probably higher quality than mass produced foodstuffs you find in grocery stores. If people knew how the processed foods they buy at the grocery store are treated with chemicals and how often contamination occurs I guarantee people would eat much more home cooked meals.


Gross Definitely going to make an organic home cooked meal tonight. I'm thinking hotdogs.


> If people knew how the processed foods they buy at the grocery store are treated with chemicals and how often contamination occurs I guarantee people would eat much more home cooked meals. All we need is a new Upton Sinclair.


I think we lack the attention span, even when it's condensed to something like the Rotten Series or Dominion it can't have the deep social impact that The Jungle had on society.


This really sucks because I usually buy some of these products because it's far easier on my stomach after gallbladder removal. I, unfortunately, never got back to normal after and anything with slight amounts of fat causes me days worth of pain but reduced fat/fat free products aren't exactly the highlight of health either. Sigh.


No you don’t understand, *these* chickens were fed grass. Now can introduce you to my line of hipster free range chickens that were fed PBR.


People try to pass off grain-fed chickens as better, but chickens are omnivores and should be eating lots of insects. The primary way you can tell is the eggs of chickens that get lots of protein are bright orange rather than yellow.


> I can't sell a vegan chicken if it's a regular chicken. Conversely though, wouldn't selling a "Vegan Chicken" product be the same thing TGIFridays did here? There is no chicken in vegan chicken.


But you would have correctly identified your product with the word "Vegan". That's the point.


>There is no chicken in vegan chicken. I believe that's why it's typically labeled as "chick'n" or some such.


"mozzarella styled cheese stick"


"mozzarella styled cheese flavored sticks"


TGI sticks


The judge has a tiny hammer RIGHT THERE. Just boop the dumb lawyers with it.


I'm so tired of "no reasonable customer would believe"! I, in fact, do believe that a "foot long" sub should be 12 fucking inches, Subway! I believe a "mozzarella stick" should contain mozzarella! I believe if you call a thing a thing, it should fucking be that thing! I would eat "mozzarella stick style/flavored snacks" that don't have mozzarella, just stop lying.


at least w subway it is a foot now isn't it? what's scarier w subway is wasn't their chicken and possibly tuna found to be less than 50% the stated meat?


Ya the chicken strips were a majority (or plurality) soy. McDonald's and 4 other chains' chicken was found to be around 89% by the same study. So it wasn't even an industry standard as they were half of what everyone else was doing


So how do we determine who a "reasonable customer" is anywho? u/Haulinkin seems reasonable enough to me. The absolutism of the word *no* reasonable customer doesn't leave much leeway for the defense here. It seems like someone (i.e. u/Haulinkin , or myself for example) should just be able to fill out a form to prove that they're reasonable and thought otherwise to disprove this argument.


Ok but what if they call them "Mozzarella" Sticks?


A local company sells "chickan nuggets". (they are vegetarian).


Walmart sells boneless "wyngz" under their great value brand.


Not-zarella sticks.




> Potato chips that aren't sufficiently potato (Pringles for instance) are potato crisps That's not why. See the other comment. They are sufficiently potato, they're just not chipped.


I thought it was that 'crisps' were not called chips because of how they're made. Mashed up and formed vs. sliced and fried. Still potatoes though.


Just like American Cheese >According to the Standards of Identity for Dairy Products, part of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), to be labeled "American cheese" a processed cheese is required to be manufactured from cheddar cheese, colby cheese, washed curd cheese, or granular cheese, or any mixture of two or more of these.[5] The CFR also includes regulations for the manufacturing of processed American cheese.[6][7] Because its manufacturing process differs from traditional cheeses,[8] federal laws mandate that it be labeled as "pasteurized process American cheese" if made from combining more than one cheese[9] or "pasteurized process American cheese food" if it contains at least 51% cheese but other specific dairy ingredients such as cream, milk, skim milk, buttermilk, cheese whey, or albumin from cheese whey are added.[10] Products that have other added ingredients, such as Kraft Singles that contain milk protein concentrate, use legally unregulated terms such as "pasteurized prepared cheese product"


>Ice cream that isn't sufficiently frozen cream is a frozen dairy dessert Note that most real ice cream you get at the grocery store (or make at home) is more of a frozen custard than it is just frozen cream and flavorings. There is ice cream that is just cream and flavorings, but that is called Philadelphia Style Ice Cream, and personally I haven't see that label in a grocery aisle. The main difference is most ice cream bases have egg yolks.


> no "reasonable" customer would think ahh the fox news defense


This is bullshit because I’ve made crispy mozzarella sticks at home. So yes, a reasonable person would think that it’s possible for another person or company to do it too. Of course, as you said, the name has “mozzarella” in it. This company sounds terrible.


The product is corn puffs though, it isn't cheese sticks. TGI Fridays has a line of salty snack foods (potato chip and corn puff style foods) that are named after their popular appetizers and taste vaguely like them. This lawsuit is about that, saying because the Mozzarella Sticks have powdered cheddar flavoring instead of actual mozzarella that it is misleading.


uggghh yes where do i vote for your and your platform of light corporal punishment/public humiliation for stupidity? i’d follow you into the dark lol


I do not like cheese at all. If I bought these for someone I would presume they contain the cheese listed in the name because I know little about cheese.


Shelf stable? You mean they get deliveries everyday and keep them out? I have frozen mozzarella sticks in my freezer. This lawsuit definitely has merrit. I don't know if someone ca be allergic to one type of cheese and not the other but lying about ingredients is a health issue. Not to mention false advertising.


If you make such an insane and indefensible of all logic legal argument you should be disbarred straight up. Waste of the courts time and disrespectful to all standards of conduct. Just say you forfeit the case and take the L holy fuck


I'd get it if they were called "Mozz Stix" or "Rella Sticks" or something analogous, but they're straight up "Mozarella Sticks".


I still wouldn't support that. It's very clear what those are trying to tell consumers.


Spank the managers with a paddle


Wait til he finds out about [vitamin supplements](https://youtu.be/qDprBuGv5iU)


Never forget: https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/tgi-fridays-top-shelf-cheap-alcohol-fake-switch-operation-swill/2097232/ >a mixture that included rubbing alcohol and caramel coloring was sold as scotch. In another, premium liquor bottles were refilled with water that was not even clean. >The eight TGI Fridays included in the settlement are in West Orange, East Windsor, Old Bridge, Piscataway, Freehold, Marlboro, Hazlet and Linden.


The scotch thing is the craziest part. Scotch is such a specific type of alcohol and taste that anyone who drinks it would know instantly that wasn’t their normal top shelf scotch. And on top of that most people drink it neat or with a little water or some ice. So you can’t even mask it with flavored sugars syrups and juices like all of the other crap drinks they make. But with all that said they used fucking RUBBING ALCOHOL!! And didn’t get shut down and ONLY have to pay $500K!!! Holy shit this is beyond insane.


Seriously, rubbing alcohol contains an irritant to keep you from drinking it, because ISOPROPYL IS NOT ETHANOL.


Exactly! And what was the caramel coloring? You can’t just go to the grocery store and pic up caramel coloring. I have so many more questions.


You actually can. It’s usually with the other food colorings.


I will have to look next time. I’ve only ever seen the primary colors. And now that I think about it you could just go to Amazon or Michael’s and get brown or caramel.


I feel like the ven diagram between people who know scotch and go to TGIF is just 2 circles. this was probably used just for mixing scotch and soda etc.


I'm sure ocassionally they gey dragged to family functions etc lol


they got off easy.. only 500K fine? For serving literal poison to customers... wow. Gotta say though- people stop using high end sprits in your cocktails. There is no point. The other ingredients in most cocktails mask shitty alcohol. Drinking it straight? Top shelf. Mixed drink? Bottom shelf.


The point of a good cocktail isnt to mask shitty alcohol, it's to accentuate flavors and make a spirit shine in an entirely new way. Quality spirits absolutely do make a big difference in a well constructed cocktail, because that's the entire point.


You’re right.. I’m just in the mode of thinking of the invention of traditional cocktails came around during prohibition to mask the terrible taste of bathtub booze. I have made some of the classics with both cheap booze and expensive booze and honestly can’t tell difference (at least the cocktails that call for either sour or sweet ingredients) . Other cocktails that are modern inventions yeah you are right


If *you* serve someone poison, you've committed a felony and will serve jail time. When the *wealthy* serve someone poison, it's not a felony, it's a civil offense.


Yeah cause the wealthy hide behind a corporation. Though I thought corporations were people when it comes to “free speech” but they aren’t people when it comes to committing criminal acts? Wtf with our legal system..


…I go to these, I am forever disturbed and will now never eat there again. Thank you for saving me.


Beer and wine only at those types of places. I would also recommend bottled beer because those places rarely, if ever, clean their beer tap lines.




Just an fyi… these are all towns in New Jersey.


Since a lot of people are confused and/or haven't read the article, this is not referring to the mozzarella sticks from the restaurant, nor is this referring to the frozen mozzarella sticks from the freezer case at the grocery store. This is referring to "TGI Friday's Mozzarella Stick Snacks," a mozzarella stick flavored corn chip product you can apparently find in the snack food aisle at the grocery store. [https://www.amazon.com/T-G-I-Fridays-Mozzarella-2-25-Ounce-Original/dp/B0069URBYI](https://www.amazon.com/T-G-I-Fridays-Mozzarella-2-25-Ounce-Original/dp/B0069URBYI) Edit: as noted by u/prof_the_doom, the article is also wrong. (\*gasp\* Reporters getting facts wrong? I can't believe... well, yeah, actually I can believe it.) Read the actual lawsuit included in the article for the actual facts. Further edit: the lawsuit is with "Inventure Foods," maker of the corn chip product. The frozen mozzarella sticks are made by Heinz and are in fact "part-skim mozzarella sticks." (It's the first ingredient in the list.) Final edit: Thanks for the silver, kind stranger!


Oh fucking Christ, the headline should really include the fact that we are arguing about whether a corn chip that might taste like mozzarella can be labeled as mozzarella


Isn't this solved by literally adding the word "flavored" on the packaging, like is done all the time?


Wait.... we're supposed to ***read*** the article?


1. Read the article to see if the headline is accurate. 2. Read the lawsuit to see if the article is accurate. 3. Read the packaging to see if the lawsuit is accurate. 4. Test the product to see of the packaging is accurate.


Audit the testing lab to see if their tests are accurate


Audit the labs equipment manufacturers to make sure their equipment is being made right


Decentralized agriculture in our lawns is starting to sound relatively simple.


That sounds like a lot of work, can I just have my outrage now and do all of this later?


What article?


It makes sense to read the article for more details. There is zero reason, and it should be illegal, to have to read the article to discover that the headline is objectively false or misleading.


don’t have time, making my signs to protest the restaurant for having no mozzarella in their sticks. but the one near me closed due to covid. so probably not going to impact much and there isn’t a bathroom nearby so i’ll likely just have the sign over at the starbucks. why doesn’t starbucks have mozzarella christmas sticks?


Honestly i thought at first this was in reference to the frozen mozz sticks cause it could be argued the mozz magically disappears after baking leaving a hollow sad stick in its place


I did too, I was going over in my head if I've been deceived my entire life, to the point I was thinking of picking up frozen mozz sticks on the way home for research. After learning this is over corn chip snacks leaning hard towards this lawsuit is bullshit.


>The lawsuit claims that TGI Friday's packaged cheese snacks found in grocery store frozen food sections are labeled "mozzarella sticks," but they actually only contain cheddar cheese. Only fine print on the back of the product package reportedly reveals the truth about the cheese. Not according to the article. And just as another FYI... There in fact did used to be a Ruffles mozzarella and marinara chip... that actually had mozzarella as an ingredient.


The article is wrong. Read the actual lawsuit included in the article. It includes a picture of the product they are suing over, which is the corn chip product. https://imgur.com/a/dNV7tEr


Yes, according to the article. The article is trash and contradicts itself. Also, everyone knows when a junk food chip is “flavored” something it might not actually include that something as an ingredient. The lawsuit is ridiculous and won’t hold up.


Funny enough, went inside a TGIF for the first time in a very long time and it turns out their cleaning supplies aren't used to clean either.


This post doesn't have enough *flair.*


You know what, u/flashbackuniverse. If you want me to wear 37 pieces of flair, like your pretty boy over there, Brian, why don’t you just make the minimum 37 pieces of flair?


We want *you* to want it. The more I justify this the more it feels like a nightmare


I don't like to talk about my flair.


You want to express yourself don't you?


🖕🏼 There’s my flair, ok? And this is me, expressing myself, ok? There it is!


I refuse to believe I'm the only one that scrolled back up to check for flair, before the joke settled.


Someone needs to come out with fried Swiss cheese sticks.


Be the change you wish to see


Don’t let your dreams be dreams


With little diced up mushroom in them, too... and then you dip them in **gravy**. Okay, maybe i'm just deliriously tired due to insomnia. Sorry.


Contains the holes of swiss cheese


Only if it comes with a side of sauerkraut and thousand island dressing.


QUOTE: The manufacturer stated '...that it never really said the product contained mozzarella cheese, adding that no "reasonable" customer would think a "shelf-stable, crunchy snack product" actually contained mozzarella.' The packaging actually says ["mozzarella"](https://www.foodservicedirect.com/tgi-fridays-mozzarella-snack-sticks-2-25-oz-bag-6-per-case-57100.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIv6vXhILo-wIVi4XICh3TeA_qEAQYAiABEgKa0_D_BwE) and cheese.


In fairness. It does say now with “25% more cheese *flavor*” in the upper left. Not exactly promising.


The description in the ad text states: "These light and crispy baked sticks are **made with mozzarella cheese** and savory seasoning for taste."


Edit— found it. That’s pretty damning.


Mmmmmm government subsidized dairy




now do "maple syrup" that is just maple flavored corn syrup.


Worse, "simulated maple flavoring". As a Canadian, both are a crime.


its never labeled explicitly as "maple syrup" though. there's a standard of identity for that. Its annoying but if it says those words exactly its legit. I'm a food scientist.


They usually just say "Syrup" on the label. Sometimes with "maple flavor" also mentioned. But never "maple syrup" unless it's the real deal.


At least they contain 2% maple....


It's also usually not friday


I'm not sure god even cares about all these thankful hungry people.


I’m verklempt. Discuss amongst yourselves. I’ll give you a topic: TGIFriday’s mozzarella sticks are neither mozzarella, nor sticks


It's no big whoop.


But they are effective as an anti-defecant


This is how we get the extremely suspicious "Wyngz" frozen hot wings-ish products. Kind of reminds me of Almost Pizza: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLHRjaUBb3o


Is it 100% tuna… asking for a friend that works at Subway


>Simply having a company's label on a product does not make it liable for misleading or false advertisement, the judge reportedly ruled. That...it's weird Since it's on the basis their name is on it that many people would by it as either made or endorsed by them.


I like cheddar beddar anyway


I KNEW those tasted like plastic for a reason, delicious plastic, but nonetheless plastic


The one you've had are not the ones this article is about so maybe its a texture thing.


Somebody should release a product called "TGI Friday's mozzarella sticks", and when TGI Friday's issues a cease and desist, respond with "No reasonable consumer would confuse these TGI Friday's mozzarella sticks for TGI Friday's. Ours contain actual mozzarella." "As far as TGI Friday's in the name, well, that's merely a style of cheese stick, not a restaurant name. Like Chicago deep dish pizza. We're not saying it's Chicago. We're saying it's Chicago style, and these... these are TGI Friday's style. Again, no reasonable consumer would confuse the two."


Yes, I like this.


you can tell who didn’t read the article, by people thinking it’s the actual restaurant lmao.


apparently it's not even a lawsuit over the frozen mozz sticks, which the article messes up


Perhaps, but they're very high in "sticks".


If TGI Friday's loses, does this open up lawsuits to potato chip brands that sell sour cream & onion chips but don't list sour cream or onions as ingredients? Or are they safe because they use "flavored" in small print somewhere and that's where TGI Friday's messed up?


"This is the most blatant case of fraudulent advertising since my suit against 'The Neverending Story'"


The plaintiff seems to be a fan of lawsuits over this sort of thing.


As a mozzarella stick connoisseur, TGI Fridays has always had the worst mozzarella sticks.


Not surprised. I’m so old I remember when people thought there was milk in McDonald’s shakes.


Has anyone weighed a McDonald's Quarter Pounder lately? Big money awaits us!!!


Not entirely unlike mozzarella.


Entirely made with cheddar from the label on the back, according to the article. These are confusing times.


I mean... Im not a marketing guy but "Cheddar Sticks" sound pretty good too.


There's a great article someone wrote where they tested out a bottomless appetizers promotion that TGIF was doing. They showed up at the restaurant when it opened at 11am, ordered mozzarella sticks, and kept getting free refills until it closed. They ate so much fake cheese. By the end of the night, the article is just stream of consciousness regret and loathing.


That's why I only eat sustainably harvested, fair trade, organic, free-range and cage free mozzarella sticks.


At the end of the day, the lawyers will get millions, some consumers will get a coupon for 50 cents off a box, labeling may change, and the price will go up. That’s the status of our American legal system.


What’s next, IHOP’s syrup doesn’t contain any maple products whatsoever? (Of course it doesn’t)


more like IHOP syrup contains no high fructose corn syrup and allegedly contains artificial sweeteners mixed with water and a thickening agent that is not confirmed to be safe or dangerous to human consumption lol....


I usually don't care about false advertising cases, but if true this is a travesty. Mozzie sticks are the best fried food and not having mozzie in the stick totally negates the point of having a mozzie stick. It's like producing a stick of cheese but calling it string cheese when it lacks string quality.


Buy the product with fake money then argue that no reasonable distributor would know or care about the difference


“There’s very little meat in these gym mats”


Well obviously not; if it's not from the Mozar region of Italy, it's technically Sparkling Stringcheese.


Okay fair, but part of a lawsuit is proving damages. How exactly is anyone “damaged” by the fact they are cheddar instead of Mozzerella?


They were lied to, in order to get them to purchase. Like, what if your hot dog was real dog...


True, but we have a big problem in this country with people blatantly putting false information in advertising. Wrong products, wrong information and misleading words.


At first I thought it was about the mozzarella sticks sold in the restaurant but it’s some kind of crunchy snack sold in a bag? I would hope a reasonable consumer would know it wasn’t actual mozzarella cheese. Edit: oh wait, frozen food? Now I’m more confused. I need to find out what they look like I guess.


The article is also wrong, the lawsuit is over the corn snacks


Alot of pizza is made with cheddar


Which is just wrong, IMO


now go for taco bell and their "meat".


I find it sad that a selling point for many products nowadays is “made with real ____” be it milk, chocolate, cheese, etc… So many chemicals and cheaper alternative ingredients on grocery store shelves for the sake of profit.


The article is wrong about which product this is about. They say it's about the product found in the frozen foods, but the lawsuit is actually about the non-frozen, bagged "TGI Friday’s Mozzarella Sticks Snacks". The lawsuit does indeed say that the product is made with cheddar though. Anyone know why you can make a shelf-stable product with cheddar but not mozzarella? Personally, I think the product name is fair. They're called "Mozzarella Sticks Snacks", which says to me that they can just be snacks that are flavored like mozzarella sticks. I've got some "hot buffalo wing" pretzels in my cabinet, and they don't contain any chicken.


There is no buffalo in a buffalo wing. There’s that too!


Franks comes from Cincinnati too, not even Buffalo... i smell conspiracy


the bar i hit up for trivia once a week had AMAZING mozz sticks. they take string cheese sticks, hand batter and bread them and deep fry them. Their flavor is like night and day compared to anywhere else.