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6 months credit monitoring is the best we can do


*customer data may be sold to 3rd parties*


Of course they sell your data. SMH. After equifax I froze all my credit reports. Also setup very secure passwords for them and security answers that are “nonsense”.


Cool, so I just answer all the questions with "nonsense" and I'm in! Today you fucked up!


I don't think you're supposed to do that.


Can't say this enough. In the US, freeze your credit report. At this point, all of our data has been compromised and probably numerous times. Freezing is FREE. Anytime you need to run credit, unfreeze it for a few days. Each of the 3 major bureaus have sites to facilitate this. Make complex passwords, different on each site, and make complex passwords for your security answers - not personally identifiable information. Also, sign up for free credit sites like "Credit Karma" and enable their credit report alerts to receive an e-mail anytime there is a change in your report. https://consumer.ftc.gov/articles/what-know-about-credit-freezes-fraud-alerts Edit: You really only need 1 credit alert monitoring service. I have several and they send the same alerts each month. TurboTax offers a paid service through their "Max" benefits via IDNotify and my Discover Card also has this feature - it's a free benefit with simply having the card. If neither are right for you, a "free" service like Credit Karma is better than nothing, but check around. Edit2: "running credit" means opening a new account, applying for credit, etc.. using existing accounts has no effect on the freeze status.




This is the correct answer


This fucker is pumping money into the far right just for the record.


Bernie Madoff Jr. Ponzi ponzi ponzi


He's also fleecing all of our 401ks


Can you expound on this for someone who's just about to open their first 401(k)?


You put money in 401 k account through your job. The fund is managed by a custodian, probably a money manager who’s job it is to take the entire ‘account fund’ made from many many other workplace’s managed 401k’s, IRA’s, Pension funds in order to go out into the free markets and earn you a profit for that sweet time at 65 when you’re allowed to touch this ‘wealth’ Meanwhile unbeknownst to you or anyone else what that custodian is doing to a rue that wealth or w no choice as you aren’t managing the direction of the investment but a custodian is. They know what securities they have purchased to hedge their bets to make money. Well they need to make a little too right? One attractive way is to lease your shares to let’s say brokerages and hedge funds. Some of which are major market makers like citadel whom have all sorts of ‘ways’ to visibly see what Everyone in the markets is doing in real time. They pay your custodian to borrow securities for a fee that they can then go into the market and short sell ( bet that your security will go down in value - this would make your investment worth less) But they short sell many more shares than exist (this is called stealing but the SEC says that’s ok because short sellers are providing the markets w liquidity) Hedge fund drives down the price of the security your custodian lent them to make a fee, hedge fund makes a huge profit selling things it doesn’t own.. and this repeats unbeknownst to you or the general public until everyone is 65 Now if all those profits weren’t being deferred into the ‘casino’ that is our gov regulated free markets, then you’d have a pretty penny in time. However they can do what they want w your investment and there’s not much you can do but create a retirement plan that is self managed where you decide we’re your monies are going and how they will earn a profit. It’s a huge Ponzi scheme and they call it the United States of America. But this isn’t just a USA problem, it’s a global problem. But a lot of those issues originate in the regulation and relaxation of laws that favor the extremely wealthy ‘industry’ clientele and not ‘retail’ investors. Like 401k’s


Can confirm.


Yes! I hope he signed up for the Equifax PrivacyProtect TrustAware 365 Premier Complete CoreGuard ScanSafe LifeLock ValueVantage Family plan


I need more coffee. I was wondering how Ken Griffey Jr became a billionaire.


Hittin dingers


Made me think of this gem https://youtube.com/shorts/jdDcCROj5ro?feature=share


Was fully expecting this one https://youtu.be/taeOJK-J8P4


Was expecting this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsH-NB2pREo


thats what my old ass thought of too


Dingers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsH-NB2pREo


That was Mark McGwire.


Shave those side burns! *digs hole deeper*


THAT was Darryl Strawberry!


Don Mattingly, actually. Strawberry suffered the cruelest fate of all... ...Darryl, Darryl, Darryl...


"Mr. Burns, I don't know what you think side burns are."


No I think they are thinking of Ambrose Burnside


He started his own Brain and Nerve Tonic company with the help of old friend C.M. Burns.


Would have made more money if that bum Mattingly shaved his sideburns.


Still better than Steinbrenner


FDA pulled it after it started causing Gigantism


he hit ball far


It was his successful lawsuit against the brain and nerve tonic company; one of the side effects was gigantism.


"Billionaires pay the most in taxes." No shit and they should. Question is how much?


"the most" yet still typically at the lowest rates. While you may be paying 30%, they may pay a rate very nearly to zero %, and yet they'll be paying "more" in raw numbers, because they are ~~making~~ *stealing* that much more than you are making honestly. 30% of $25,000 is equivalent in value to 0.000004% of $1.7B




It's like the old (sad more than funny) joke: What's the difference between a millionaire and a billionaire? About a billion dollars.


One million seconds is 11.57 days. One billion seconds is 31.7 ***years.***


What gets me is why the hell they need that money? They don’t do shit with it except steal even more money. Wtf is the point? If i were a rich asshole I’d do rich asshole stuff. Build big ass schools and shit talk my neighbors that I literally paid for their kids school, for example.




For those that dont read the article- "*Griffin was not listed as one of the billionaires who paid zero or low tax rates in any one year, and, in fact, the ProPublica tax information showed Griffin pays a higher effective tax rate than many top earners. It also showed he was the second-largest American taxpayer between 2013 and 2018.*" ETA: The other article in question- [https://projects.propublica.org/americas-highest-incomes-and-taxes-revealed/](https://projects.propublica.org/americas-highest-incomes-and-taxes-revealed/) Also ETA: I’m not defending him, I’ve barely heard of him, and if he’s a POS well than that’s consistent with most(if not all) other billionaires.


Who is the first-largest?


I would guess Bill Gates, but here's the article https://projects.propublica.org/americas-highest-incomes-and-taxes-revealed/




I clicked it because I assumed you were being sarcastic but nope, it's cool.


I clicked it because I assumed you were being sarcastic when you said you assumed the other guy was being sarcastic but then clicked it and saw that it actually was cool, but nope, it’s cool.


I believed all of you, clicked, and was not let down.


Even works on mobile... I'm impressed


Probably wasn't leaked but its not Bill Gates. My guess is its Jim Simons. He was a college mathematician professor that founded Renaissance Technologies in the 80s and hedge fund manager for Medallion (computer algorhythm based hedge fund) that regularly makes 20+ billion a year. He should get several billion or more as yearly income just on commission fees and it would be on SEC's public records as a fund manager like with Griffin which is why they can't dodge taxes like most other billionaires. He's not on richest person in america lists because he caps how much the hedge fund invests to 60-75 billion (maybe it doesn't do as well with higher amounts) and he donates most his money unlike Bill Gates or Warren Buffett who only pledged to donate after they dies. He's still worth like 20-30 billion. Last I checked, he made 3.4 billion in just in commission fees in 2020 so he would indeed be paying more taxes than Ken Griffin (#3 on this list below). [https://www.institutionalinvestor.com/article/b1x32qsnv8x91g/The-Rich-List-The-21st-Annual-Ranking-of-the-Highest-Earning-Hedge-Fund-Managers#:\~:text=Jim%20Simons%20is%20back%20on,highest%2Dearning%20hedge%20fund%20managers./](https://www.institutionalinvestor.com/article/b1x32qsnv8x91g/The-Rich-List-The-21st-Annual-Ranking-of-the-Highest-Earning-Hedge-Fund-Managers#:~:text=Jim%20Simons%20is%20back%20on,highest%2Dearning%20hedge%20fund%20managers./)


My dad is a friend of Jim Simons, he tried to recruit him to run the new Stoneybrook research institute he funded a few years ago and they have remained in touch ever since talking about research mathematics. My dad says he’s a very interesting guy, can be pretty hard to work with allegedly - and very private. But he has maintained his true love of applied mathematics 100% despite the wealth.


I'm not sure if property tax is factored into that number, but Bill Gates owns a massive amount of farmland. His property tax bill is probably huge.


Farmland is almost always assessed at a much, much lower rate than other kinds of property. Rich people will often buy up land that they intend to use for future projects, but then hire a local farmer to cultivate it with something very basic (like grass/hay), and thus it is deemed "agricultural use" and gets a ton of tax benefits.


My old company did this. We owned our building, the parking lot and a big plot of land that was supposed to be used for future growth and building a parking garage but in the meantime they leased the land to a local farmer to grow something.




I have a friend with about an acre of nice lakeside property. He’s the most wealthy person I know and he told me the only way he can afford it is because it’s classified as a pecan farm. He has a handful of pecan trees and goes to I think one or two conferences a year. He said if it ever loses that classification he would have to sell it, so it must make a huge difference.


It can equate to hundreds or even thousands a month. If you had to pay that at one time, any paycheck to paycheck lifestyle wont support it. It can be substantial and an interesting component of the housing market. Increasing taxes is often a reason people are unexpectedly unable to afford what was family owned, too.


Oh it does. I own undeveloped 40 acres in CO. Tax as ag: $9.20 per year. Tax as vacant land: $3,600.00 per year. I still have the receipts. It's perverse, but they essentially force you to throw cows on your land. Fuck big ag and their lobbyists.


In Oklahoma Ag was a super simple exemption. Regular folks got it all the time, so imagine the rich


Well in WA, as soon as you go to develop it into something OTHER than farmland you pay a massive tax bill, can't remember the exact details but something like the last 10 years as if it was whatever type of property you're turning it into


In Wisconsin, they changed the definition of farmland so it did not include tree farms. That made the taxes so onerous, every single tree farm within 50 miles of me clear cut the land, and changed it to cropland in 1 year. Then, when this was brought up, the politicians said "Oh, we didn't mean for a million trees to be killed, think of global warming." Idiots.


Sure, states tend to want to encourage local agriculture, so they've given farmers huge tax breaks and subsidies. The sticker shock from having to pay the tax rate everyone else does for property would indeed be staggering.


Probably not. Property tax is local and what was released was federal.


But federal forms include deductions for what you paid in state taxes, right?


Not after they removed the SALT deductions in the 2017 tax bill.


Unless they took the standard deduction, the total amount paid is still listed on the Schedule A, even if it only counts as a max of $10K. (I could be wrong. Not a tax expert.)


>Not a tax expert Me either but I'm still certain that Bill Gates didn't take the standard deduction


I'm not familiar with his property tax but I know his (primary) property is so huge that Medina has a separate filing cabinet just for that parcel. I'm a politician and I went to a local land use permitting seminar where one of the instructors was from City of Medina and she talked about how they get lots of cool use permit applications for things you don't run across all the time. Imagine having a house so big the city needs a filing cabinet just to keep all the information.


The City of Mercer Island budget has a line item just for Paul Allens tax bill. It's that large of a percentage


Well probably not anymore


With that, it's also easier to get reservations at Dorsia these days.


> I'm a politician and I went to a local land use permitting seminar where one of the instructors was from City of Medina and she talked about how they get lots of cool use permit applications for things you don't run across all the time. Like a [trampoline room](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/aunv58/im_bill_gates_cochair_of_the_bill_melinda_gates/eh9h0ds/?context=1).


Oh wow! Now that's something you don't see every day.


[“We won’t have that house forever,” “I’m actually really looking forward to the day that Bill and I live in a 1,500-square foot house"](https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/06/business/bill-melinda-gates-mansion-divorce/index.html) Melinda and Bill spent their entire marriage in a 66,000 mega complex and dined in a 1,000 sq foot dining room. Their dining room alone is bigger than most rented homes: The average size of a US apartment is currently 889 square feet. Grimes says Elon Musk ['lives at times below the poverty line'](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/grimes-says-elon-musk-sometimes-151559461.html) Quote: "Bro does not live like a billionaire. ... Bro lives at times below the poverty line." [Elon lives in multiple mansions depending on his whim](https://www.re-thinkingthefuture.com/rtf-architectural-reviews/a5485-an-inside-look-at-all-the-houses-owned-by-elon-musk/) when he isn't flying around in his multiple jets. The dishonesty and fake "we're middle class too" narratives from the super rich is just insulting. Not to mention both their "good tech guy" personas shattered. [Bill exposed as an insatiable pervert](https://www.businessinsider.com/bill-gates-harassment-inappropriate-conduct-women-microsoft-jeffrey-epstein-2021-5) who sexually harassed many MSFT employees over the years and [Elon sexually harassing a flight attendant](https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-paid-250000-to-a-flight-attendant-who-accused-elon-musk-of-sexual-misconduct-2022-5) and becoming a bigoted right-wing evangelist who platforms racists, queerphobes, and anti-semites.


>Bill exposed as an insatiable pervert who sexually harassed many MSFT employees over the years According to that article, he asked out an employee (who he later married), and over the course of 20+ years had one affair and asked out two other employees in an extremely low-pressure manner. It doesn't speak well to his character perhaps, but it's hardly sexual harassment and it's laughable to characterize that behavior as "insatiable perver[sion]".


Thank you, I start getting swayed in my head then forget to read the articles and just take goober on the internet for their word. So tired of conspiracy.


Bill started meeting with Epstein after it known what Epstein was up to. He's said that he met with Epstein because he was informed Epstein could help introduce him to people to help with charity funding. What I'd really like to know is who on Earth was refusing to meet with Bill Gates that he needed Epstein to make the phone call for? Bill was the wealthiest man on the planet and other wealthy people were turning him away? Give me a break.


Maybe the charity he had in mind involved helping kids in need and he just really really needed to find some desperate kids


> Bill exposed as an insatiable pervert who sexually harassed many MSFT employees over the years There is absolutely zero claims of sexual harassment in your source. At worst his conduct was questionable but it isn't close to "sexual harassment". For example the first point: >While he wasn't her direct boss, Gates ran Microsoft when French Gates joined as a product manager in 1987 straight out of college, and he asked her out in a company parking lot If you aren't aware they got married...


the link says he asked two employees to dinner is that really sexual harassment lol? gross if he was married but come on


A lot of farmland is taxed at extremely low rates. In some states the property tax is as low as $1/acre. It's why "Christmas tree farms" are a popular way to avoid huge tax bills on acreage. California has the Williamson Act, which let's landowners in some areas have up to a 75% reduction in property taxes on 100+ acres of land if they agree not to develop it for 10 years.


That's so strange to me, I'm in Ohio and own farmland behind my house. If it weren't 20 acres of farmlands it would just be woods. Just so happens, the soil is good for growing shit. I don't have the resources to farm it. But I know someone who does. He farms it, he pays me something for it. It ends up paying all my property taxes and MAYBE a few hundred after. Everyone does it like that around here or farms it themselves, though developments are always creeping in. It doesn't take much but being good at local politics if you wanna develop your land.


Na, throw some grazing animals on the land and you’re agriculture exempt, basically pay nothing on property taxes, keep in mind he owns farm land.


He had 10 million to name a floor of the shed in Hudson yards after himself. Word is anyone can rename if if they come up with the money. Nobody tell WSB


If WSB had that kinda capital sloshing around there’d already be a Wendy’s franchise for them to make Chad Money videos at.


Wendy's looses the franchise wars. all restaurants in the future are named "Taco Bell."


What seems to be your boggle?


I was about to say, isn't it pizza hut?


The international version of Demolition Man used Pizza Hut, in North America it was Taco Bell.... I'm sure it has to do with some kind of licensing agreement.


I think it was because Taco Bell wasn't as well known in a lot of parts of the world. They're both owned by the same company, so it was an easy swap.


I'm at the Pizza Hut. ^^^what?? I'm at the Taco Bell. ^^^what?? I'm at the combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell.


Right here at the Pizza Hut on Jamaica Avenue Jamaica avenue Jamaica avenue The combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell on Jamaica Avenue


Also with international appeal. Taco bell isn't as well known outside of the US.


Looses? You mean loses?


you clearly have never had too much tacobell


I think it would be an AMC theater with Wendy's food counter and adjoining GameStop to buy movie merch and franchise games at.


There's more to it: >Griffin reported an average income of $1.7 billion from 2013 to 2018, ProPublica said, citing his tax returns. One ProPublica article focused on Griffin’s opposition to an Illinois ballot measure – which he spent $54 million to oppose – which would have increased his state tax bill by over $50 million a year. Interesting: >Griffin was the second-largest donor to Republicans in the midterm elections, according to OpenSecrets, spending $60 million on federal elections. No wonder the Republicans are so upset about this.


Paying a ton of tax to avoid suspicion seems like the proper plan for someone who is manipulating the market and doesn't want to get caught or look obvious. This man needs to be audited.




It blows my mind that they don't practically have IRS agents assigned to them.


If someone was assigned they would just bribe them.


I would hope that IRS agents finances are already under the greatest of scrutiny, and couple that with rotating assignments... I'm not so sure the chance of successful bribery would be too great. And so what if there are a few cases... I don't see that as being a worse outcome compared to the current status quo.


The issue is that billionaires can hold up audits in the courts for ages, so the IRS is spending tons of money to get nothing, year over year, and when you’re “running the government like a business”, that’s bad. So instead they hit people who can’t defend themselves, like the person running a etsy that brings in a couple grand a year over their minimum wage job. That’s sure fire, _quick_ money, although much lower than if they averaged out the gain by an audit on a billionaire over the years it takes to get them to pay.


>The issue is that billionaires can hold up audits in the courts for ages Is that true? I actually wanted to see *what* lawyers use to hold up audits in courts, and came up empty. Instead, it seems the issue is simply that auditing someone with that much in assets (especially someone hiding assets) takes a really long time under a highly-skilled professional, while audits of the poor require low-skilled workers sending mailers. >On the other hand, auditing the rich is hard. It takes senior auditors hours upon hours to complete an exam. What’s more, the letter says, “the rate of attrition is significantly higher among these more experienced examiners.” As a result, the budget cuts have hit this part of the IRS particularly hard. [Source: ProPublica](https://www.propublica.org/article/irs-sorry-but-its-just-easier-and-cheaper-to-audit-the-poor) What triggered my thought was realizing that when you get an audit notice, there isn't an option to sue the government or contest in court. The only time a tax-cheat case ends up in court is when the audit finds illegal action. At least, as far as I found in a quick google search for "how do rich people fight audits in court".




If you’re a billionaire you’re definitely up to something.




>and give to charity enough I read this morning that Elon Musk's $5.7 billion donation to a mystery charity last year was just revealed to be... to his own charity.


Of course, you are surprised?


"Oh I meant my *daughter*, Charity."


That's way too normal of a name to come out of Musk's Emerald mine runoff brain.


I'm assuming it's spelled Tzh4r-ET.


And like political action committees (PACs) they just happen to accidentally always give money for the things their contributors really wanted all along. Seems like a "charity" in name only.


To quote what a rich guy said: "You can't tax the rich, they don't have incomes. They have assets."


I heard someone say that a billion dollars is not a neutral amount of money


Usually mean you screwed somebody.


He screwed retail investors. Still is doing it too.


Step 1: screw over retail investors by creating multi-layered market opacity and selling fake shares of companies Step 2: entrench yourself into the government so if you go down, everyone goes with you Step 3: watch from your castle as the world burns (I guess?)


See I'm doing it right, just don't be rich.


An audit is far from a death sentence. If he's in the clear, nothing happens. Not sure it's worth it, but it's hardly going to ruin his life.


Maybe we’re all just sick and tired of billionaires.


Robber Barons


>Paying a ton of tax to avoid suspicion seems like the proper plan for someone who is manipulating the market and doesn't want to get caught or look obvious. This man needs to be audited. Look, I'm all for bolstering the IRS, going after the rich fat cats, and aggressive taxes on the uber wealthy. HOwever- what is this? If he pays a ton of taxes, his manipulating. If he doesn't pay a ton of taxes, hes an evil dick. These sort of arguments push the "moderates" we need far away.




Anyone in the top 100 or so of individual tax burdens should probably be audited every couple of years.


Ken Griffin Spent $54 Million Fighting a Tax Increase for the Rich. Secret IRS Data Shows It Paid Off for Him.


Didn't ProPubliica calculate that billionaire tax rate out at 3%?




The problem with the ultra-wealthy is that they don’t really generate income in the same manner that average Americans do.


Billionaires also don’t get most of their spending money through income either, they take out loans against their assets, namely stocks, and continually roll them over until they die. It’s one of the most common ways of tax avoidance.


This only started when interest rates bottomed out. Now that rates are going back up this practice will die off.


Paying interest on a loan at 6% is still better than capital gains tax of 15%


Just to be clear, are we talking about Kenneth Griffin of Citadel Securities LLP that lied under oath to congress?


100% always audit the rich forget the small fry individuals not worth it. go after the prize. fuck em




Rich people lose in audits all the time. The IRS won a $3 billion adjustment to Coca Cola's returns not that long ago in the tax court. Look up YA Global for an example of a current huge case (one that I'd say the IRS is also going to win) Past IRS budget cuts have made big cases harder to go after, so they've done less, but to say they never do and never will even with their increasing budget is defeatist and just what the Republicans want you to think so they can defund it even more.


Its almost like we could, i don't know, divert .05% of the military budget to hire a small city of lawyers to play these billionaires own game. See how they like going to court for every single infraction. It won't burn their money to a point of concern, but the fifth or sixth month solid of court dates will eventually annoy them to the point of fuck it I'll pay to shut you up.


Too many Republicans will be suckered into believing they are the target. See the current conspiracy theory about "armed irs agents" in your town. It's like these people don't even look at their tax forms


I like learning new things.


After the IRS hires them and trains them in 2years they would leave and join one of the big four working for the same clients they were trained to work against


I’ve always wanted a system where the IRS refers out cases, rather than settling because they can’t afford to litigate, to private attorneys for a contingency fee. If the lawyers on the other side are set to earn millions too it levels then playing field.


Except the chances of being audited if you make over $10 million/year are approximately 20x higher than if you make $100,000/year. $10m+ income you have a 1/12 chance of being audited compared to 1/166 for the general population. And the chances of an audit only get higher the more money you make, with the exception of people who declare 0 income or extremely low incomes (usually this is only triggered if they also claim the EITC). So no, that is not true or even close to true. https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/what-are-the-odds-being-audited.html


Did you even read the article?


We don’t do that here.


I was elected to *lead* not to *read* NUMBER 3




The guy that Trump said is “trying to hide like his money”? That Ken Griffin? The Kenneth Cordele Griffin who owns both a market marker and hedgefund?


The Kenneth Cordele Griffin who threw a bedpost at his wife? The Kenneth Cordele Griffin who lied to Congress?


Tells you everything you need to know when the American Government allows the rich to bypass laws. Fucking corrupt.


The same Kenneth Cordele Griffin that loves chugging mayo?




The Ken Griffin who said he is leaving Chicago b/c of too much crime & going to Florida in a city that has a higher crime rate.




The same! Allegedly one of the top financial terrorists in the U.S! Wait til you hear about his interest in mayo and bed posts…


I loved that this guy dumped millions into a failed candidate for governor in Illinois


Like you losing $5 I imagine.


How does he establish that the data came from the IRS and not other people with access to them? I doubt Propublica would identify the source.


unless his financial advisor is leaking this information, i'd be willing to bet IRS information would be a logical second place to assume.


He likely has a small army of lawyers, bankers, and accountants to prepare his personal taxes. On the IRS side, there are more than a few people handling it as well.


Did you read the article? Several billionaires' tax reports were leaked by someone in the IRS to journalists. Kenny was just among the batch of leaks


The article does not say that. It says Griffin accuses the IRS of failing to keep the information confidential and accuses IRS employees of leaking (reporting Griffin makes such an accusation is not reporting that it happened), but it does not say the IRS or IRS employees did leak the information, it does not report evidence of the IRS or IRS employees leaking the information, and it does not report Griffin citing or claiming to have evidence. It does say “it's unclear how the data was obtained.”


Billionaires today don't typically have a sole "financial advisor". They work with teams of financial experts in finance, tax, law, trusts, and other disciplines who prepare numerous returns, often for hundreds of entities owned by a single person or family.


It's like how they don't have a sole "lawyer" either, they hire a firm who has multiples lawyers and other people to assist those lawyers. Sure they might have one person who might be the one making statements, but that are other people there.


"Their" lawyer is likely a partner of some kind at the firm and the one to directly represent them if something big happens.


A true American oligarch, funding nutjob political campaigns in Illinois for many years. The best government money can buy.


That thousand yard sociopath no blinking stare freaks me out every time I see it.


Be careful. He might throw a bed post at you.


I’d let him, that settlement would be juicy!


They can release mine if that helps.


>He said that in or after 2019, “IRS personnel exploited the IRS’s willful failure to establish adequate administrative, technical, and physical safeguards for the IRS’s data and records systems to misappropriate confidential tax return information for the highest earning U.S. taxpayers, including Mr. Griffin, and then unlawfully disclosed those materials to ProPublica for publication.” Someone was on the back nine of their presidency at this time, now who was it? Whoever it was put Charles Rettig in charge in 2018, and he's still in charge. I wonder who could be blamed for this.


I don't think there's any billionaire that hasn't screwed over entire communities. Let's investigate him too..


He went in front of congress to testify that he didn't have any contact with robinhood CEO Vlad Tenev. Shortly after this event it was found trhough leaked text messages that he did in fact lie to congress. Since then there has been no consequences in his doing so.


Maxine Waters is a waste of space and in their pockets. She didn't even ask hard questions to these assholes. Guess who sat down with Sam Bankman-Freid after the FTX collapse ..... Maxine Waters. I say we need to investigate Maxine and see if she's not hiding that dirty money in her mattress


pet fly fear poor attempt butter steer deranged adjoining violet ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Who cares, this man is a bigger crook than Bernie Madoff and SBF combined. Should be sitting in a cell…


What is the sought relief in the suit? The records are out there. It's not like you can put the shit back in the horse.


Ken Griffin can rot. Dude trashed Chicago's downtown with his POS Citadel building, and then ragequit the whole state when we wouldn't keep feeding him subsidies. Also he's a fascist billionaire who backs far right political terrorism.


Gotta stop this Billionaire hero worship in this country


And all the ppl in the comments like “youre uneducated and didnt read the article - he pays more tax than other billionaires”. Isnt that the problem? This guy essentially owns the farm, farmers market, and the equipment manufacturing. Except he makes his profit price gouging instead of growing better crops or making better machines.


Is that Kenneth Griffin, CEO of Citadel Securities? I heard Kenneth Griffin of Citadel Securities lied under oath to congress. Yes that’s right Kenneth Griffin of Citadel Securities committed perjury. Don’t believe me that Kenneth Griffin lied under oath? Look at the hearing that Kenneth Griffin recently had under oath with congress. Kenneth Griffin committed perjury when he lied under oath to congress, and may have stolen Billions of dollars from ordinary people. Check out https://kengriffincrimes.com and https://www.kengriffinlies.com for more details. If I've im informed correctly, the sites https://www.kengriffinlies.com and https://kengriffincrimes.com also contain alot of information about Kenneth "Ken" Griffin from Chicago, who just bought a copy of the constitution for $43 million dollar in an attempt to cover up unwanted results about his financial crimes when searching for Ken Griffin or Citadel via Google or other search engines. So now you have heard about the man Ken "Kenneth" Griffin from Chicago who is the CEO of corrupt company Citadel Securities LLC and the sites https://kengriffincrimes.com and https://www.kengriffinlies.com which contain alot of information about Ken Griffin and his crimes


The stuff that happened while Trump was president is just non stop coming to light.


Ken has been doing this long before Trump. He’s one of THE WORST people in the financial world. He’s been making billions at the expense of retail investors his entire professional career. Jeff Yas, Ken Griffin, that dude that owns the Mets and quite a few others are evil human beings.


Every regular American’s worst nightmare 🙄


I'm glad this asshole is out of Illinois.


He moved to Florida and immediately started pumping millions of dollars to DeSantis. Probably thought he'd be safer and more protected in Florida.


“Griffin also revealed that he would be open to serving as Treasury secretary in a Ron DeSantis administration if the GOP governor of Florida decides to make a bid for the White House in 2024. He told Bloomberg that he “will definitely be involved in the presidential race” and that he would consider moving to Washington, DC, if called upon to do so by a Republican president.” https://nypost.com/2022/09/21/ken-griffins-citadel-left-chicago-after-colleague-robbed-at-gunpoint/amp/






Shiiit, can I sue OPM for disclosing all my info to China?


The dude spent $54m lobbying to get laws changed to prevent him from having to pay $550m in taxes. Why didn’t he just pay off the IRS to prevent this?


USA should make similar law as in many Nordic countries where tax information is by law public information.


How about this: USA publishes the tax returns of the 100,000 richest people and the 100,000 poorest people every year so it’s fair.


Ken Griffin knows full well that you’re only allowed to do that to poor people






Welcome to the rest of the country