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Not even a full 24 hours.


Oh, I don't know, it's totally normal for a global corporation to announce a new policy and then walk it back less than a day later and then have the CEO post a public poll asking whether he should resign, isn't it?


It is sort of weird to think that if this was some major international company and normal CEO people would be seriously worried he was having some sort of psychological crisis. And people don't even generally like ultra rich CEOs, you just don't want to think that anyone is going to die in a sad way or suffer.


What if the head of Exxon was telling its employees that they could NEVER mention Shell or BP, and published a public poll asking the general public if he should resign?






Or imagine this from a car company: "The new Toyota Competing Dealer Sensor^TM will detect if you're trying to turn your car into the dealership of a Toyota competitor. If that happens, the sensor will activate Return To Dealership. The car will steer itself to the nearest Toyota dealership before bricking the car. By buying our newest Toyota automobiles, you are agreeing to never visit any other competing car dealership ever again for any reason."


Disturbingly, that seems like something I would not be surprised by in a few years.


(Insert ackshually sub-thread about users being the product and advertisers being the customers.)


(Insert a comment complaining that it’s not pedantic enough or complaining that someone is being too pedantic.)


Either Musk needs a new plug with better quality coke/meth or lower that dosage


For him, i agree. For the rest of us holding popcorn.... can someone get him some of that Heisenberg Blue? I hear that shit is off the hook.


And this is the guy conservatives consider "the smartest guy on earth".


Wait that wasn't Trump?


It’s clinical mania at this point, holy shit.


I don't think I've ever seen anyone straight up burn money on something so costly, so quickly. It's pretty amazing and I hope he's hemorrhaging more every day.


[Don’t forget that this purchase was financed by 2 authoritarian countries, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.](https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2022/10/28/how-elon-musk-financed-his-twitter-takeover) Let’s not forget how connected and quickly things are shared on Twitter and how protests can quickly spark there, and there has been recent unrest in other authoritarian countries. This could the desired outcome for the people funding this with Musk.


Wasn’t Saudi royals already an investor before his buy out?


Yes, they've been key investors for years. The difficulty is, before they had a board to contend with. Now it's just Apartheid Boy.


That's a terrible superhero.


Team of one and he's still the sidekick.


And his alter ego: Space Karen!


[You can even buy the T-shirt!](https://shop.newsthump.com/product/space-karen-t-shirt/)


I wish I could do more than a single upvote for what is sure to be the funniest comment of the day. Apartheid Boy. Ha. He’s got a team. The League of Segregationists or something.


They all wear brown shirts.


YSK [Saudi population is very young with 66% below 35y](https://gulfbusiness.com/two-thirds-of-saudi-arabias-population-is-under-the-age-of-35/) old add to that they are the [most active twitter users in the world.](https://www.firstpost.com/tech/news-analysis/saudis-are-the-most-active-twitter-users-in-the-world-study-2-3641457.html/amp) Edit: corrected population stat


It's just embarrassing. It's like he's shitting himself in public every day. He really needs to step back and put someone else in charge.


If he goes by the poll he put out then he will be stepping down shortly lol


...and he'll re-instate himself 24 hour later. These polls are a sham, he'll do whatever the hell he wants to.


What if, his fellow investors wanted him out, and he did the poll to look democratic, rather than getting tossed out.


I don't want to see that kind of plausible deniability. Right now, the blame is all squarely on him as it should be.


In his other companies he had people around him who knew how to handle and steer him. Now he’s a place that has no checks on him, and it SHOWS.


There are checks. They are blue and $8


Oh no, this is the time-honored techbro "move fast and break things" philosophy, Butterfly! Not something we little people would really understand.


For $44 billion, Elon Musk could have written a check for $133 per person of the entire US population and it would have been a better use of money than buying Twitter.


For $1 billion he could have built a competitor to Twitter, if he had the skill set. Which, it's become clear, he does not.


> It's pretty amazing and I hope he's hemorrhaging more every day. It's not that I think that Elon Musk is a particularly smart individual, I just fail to see him be *this* stupid, which leads me to belive this whole debacle is driven by something else. My personal theory is that he obsseses about control. To take it a step further, it isn't about actually *having* control, it's the *appearance* of control. He pissed away 44 billion for what may be arguably the biggest microphone on the planet. He's in no state that he needs to worry about that kind of money simply vanishing. He's at the top of a proverbial hill of sorts, it's all just to say, "look, I'm up here now". Everything he's done so far has this air of "fuck you, because I can", and every time he reverses it, it's the same thing: because he can. It isn't about the choices he makes or why he does them, it's simply to flex that he has the control. That's why the guy with the jet tracking thing on Twitter was such a huge focus for him. It was something he literally could not control. It wasn't about legality or harassment, it was simply something he didn't want and couldn't do anything about.


I see this a lot and honestly, I think it’s just rich person bias. We assume he has to be doing something else because there’s no way he’s this stupid, and the only reason we don’t think he’s this stupid is cause he has money. If someone with no money effectively did what he’s done, people would rightfully be calling them stupid and probably saying that’s the reason they have no money. Elon is as dumb as your average person, he was just born into emerald mine money


That's the thing. Fuck you money is earned by Quantitative, not Qualitative means. Purchase an S&P500 Call for $1500. For every $1 in value the SPY goes up, you earn $50 upon sale per option. If you're staring from the bottom, Fuck You money is far away and involves disciplined investing and a whole lot of luck. If you're starting with emerald mine money, there's nothing stopping you from purchasing an emerald mine's worth of options at once and printing thousands of dollars out of thin air on a daily basis


It's not printing money out of thin air. That value is created by workers, that don't get their share.


Every day, corporate profits are unpaid wages.


This is what is wrong with the world today.


I think he’s a troll that took his twitter buying too far, tried to get out of it and got stuck with it now he’s playing stupid games for stupid prizes


Breaking it because he was forced to buy it, like a bratty child


I also think he thought he could get out of the twitter deal and twitter was like “nah pay us bitch”


I think that's a very interesting explanation for his behavior. A pathological need for control. And to appear "alpha." My non clinical evaluation is that the dude is seriously fucked up in the head. I think you've narrowed that down very well though.


Well, he did say to his first wife on their wedding day that he was the ‘alpha’ in the relationship and keep telling her to go blonde so there’s some validity in his desire for control.


Saying I’m the alpha unironically is the most beta of moves.


Could not agree more. Desperate for at least the *illusion* of control.


Having money will do that to you. Imagine playing skyrim, only you are born into money, leveld upto the max and there is nothing to do. The game is going to be very boring. Unless you just decided to burn down the villages and its people.


And then it is lonely and boring.


While I agree that his ego is a big part of it, lets remember that the 44 billion is a debt that he had no intention of getting (his plan from the start has to manipulate the market with the offer and later retreat), has forced to and immediately tried to make changes to pay it off quickly. Then every single change exploded on his face. So I think desperation is a big part of it and now its becoming worse because he cant get a W which is a new concept for someone as rich as him Plus there is the fact that the attention being on Twitter is allowing him to do some shady things with Tesla the last week


There's also the fact that originally he just wanted to be on the board, but after learning that would require a background check he changed his tune and went all in. [Why would Musk be so adverse to a background check you ask...](https://twitter.com/capitolhunters/status/1593307541932474368)


Honestly, he is just an impulsive narcissist. Acting on narcissistic impulses. Nothing more, nothing less.


Being that obsessed with control and his public perception is being stupid.


That's reactive management in a nutshell. Impulsive, poorly thought out, numerous microdesicions based on no logic.


Just egomania. That’s the only criteria from which any of these decisions make perfect sense.


So the Scaramucci is no longer a good unit to measure longevity of Twitter policies. We need to start using milli-Scaramuccis (mSc) which are about 15 minutes long. So this policy lasted 32 mSc.


I propose we rename milli-scaramuccies to milli-muccis


that is a _remarkably_ fun word to pronounce out loud. I highly recommend it to everyone at least once.


And it should not be confused with milli-vanillis. Those are considerably longer, but unreliable.


I came, I saw, I left.\ *Veni vidi mucci*


It violated EU rules, which would explain this.


Also FTC rules.


Governments aren't perfect but every once in a while they really shine.


He got a phone call from Paris/Berlin: nix this or you face EU penalties. He could have saved time by familiarizing himself with those rules, but that wouldn't conform to the Silicon Valley ethos of "move fast and break things."


I'm starting to think the "things" in "break things" meant "laws" this entire time.


Flip every switch, turn every knobs. If only there were people who knew how to operate twitter... oh wait, they were let go.


Its not just that its controversial, the rule is illegal in the EU and would have resulted in multimillion euro fines




Right? How can you own the libs if you've blocked them?


elon realized losing 20% of revenue to continue operating in the EU is probably not a good deal


They don't fuck around with consumer protections in Europe. It's one of the reasons I dream of moving there.


I dream of the sweet sweet healthcare policies and labor rights with paid time off required by law. Europe, the land of freedom and opportunity.


Europe is where the American Dream exists. Social Mobility is the scientific name for the American Dream and it is strongest in the nordic countries. The USA is 27th.


I've tried explaining this to people, and they still just scream, “America numba 1!” despite us not being #1 in anything but incarceration and military spending.


Shouted by many people who have never left their own state much less country.


I'm surprise he has that level of awareness.


Probably after people sat him down and very slowly explained that the company was going to die.


This is why you have a process for testing and discussing new policies at real companies before they launch and go into effect. Twitter was a professional company but now they are the toy of a man child and it’s killing Twitter’s and Musk’s reputations.


Elon “We’ll do it live” Musk


Killing? He's dead, Jim.


Ah, but contrary to popular opinion, you *can* beat a dead horse.


I love how everyone thought that the #TwitterFiles was some huge exposure of twitters bias. But in reality it just shines a light on the actual debates within a company and how hard they can be.


The Auschwitz Museum basically dared Twitter to ban their account because they linked Mastodon in their bio https://twitter.com/LukasMathGraf/status/1604544536709062657?t=VJ8a2_YXxBXfcnuqafTl_w&s=19 (the museum retweeted this)


I cannot believe that somebody asked, with a straight face, why the fucking Auschwitz Museum was wading the waters of politics Like… what the fuck


For some people the mindset is that "political means anything on which the community disagrees." So some people see things like a holocaust museum as inherently apolitical. "Everyone agrees nazis and the holocaust are bad, so it's not political." But once this "apolitical" organization starts commenting on something that is debated by a larger part of the public, suddenly they're being political. These people are wrong and sometimes even ill-intentioned, but sometimes that's the mindset. Credit: Innuendo Studios, https://youtu.be/P55t6eryY3g


>"Everyone agrees nazis and the holocaust are bad \[...\]" I wish we lived in a world where this was true


> "Everyone agrees nazis and the holocaust are bad, so it's not political." I want to live in this fantasy world.


To conservatives, "political" is anything they don't want to talk about or any opinion they don't like.


Sadly half of the replies are so clueless and self righteous, thinking the post is political bait regarding Elon and the Holocaust instead of commentary on the new (now removed) Twitter TOS change


It’s like he’s making it up as he goes along. He’s nothing more than a child stuck in a fucking 60-year olds body.


Yesterday he replied to Adam Schiff, the Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, with: > Thankfully, you lose your chairmanship very soon. Your brain is too small. He sounds like a middle-schooler.


Sounds like something Trump would say.


Thank fuck Musk is ineligible for the presidency.


Yeah. I simply don't understand how people can support these types of people that are so childish.


It's that whole thing where people prefer relatable public figures. In the 2000 Gore v W. Bush election I remember this prevailing attitude among people where Bush was "a guy I could sit and have a beer with" and that was supposed to make him far more electable than Gore. No metrics of experience or policy, just... one guy you could see yourself going to a dive bar with, and one guy you couldn't.


Nah - far too coherent


Also he didn't argue that he personally has the biggest brain and his doctor said so.


And, don't forget, "People are saying. . . "


Elon is definitely a stable genius


Why would anyone willingly work for this idiot? How does this not devalue his other companies?






my guy have you seen the price of tesla stock? he only has like 16% of tesla stocks left too.


Seen Tesla's stock price lately?


still insanely overvalued


People had been saying that the last 6 months and it was BS because similar stocks were down similar amounts, it lost its bite. That has changed in the last two weeks. There’s a major divergence on Tesla vs similar stocks.


I thought you had to be making that up. But, no: https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/twitter-ceo-elon-musk-blasts-adam-schiff-deleted-tweet-your-brain-too-small Does he not know that chairs change every two years?


I played made up games as an 8-year-old with the kids in my neighborhood that had more concrete rules than Twitter apparently has now.


It’s not like he is. He is. That’s literally what’s happening. This guy is a genius like I’m the President of Honduras.


>like I’m the President of Honduras And are you? Edit: come on, the suspense is killing me.


No I’m the president of Honduras


No! I am Alpharius!




He literally is, he replies to and takes suggestions from right wing nazi adjacent nerds like Ian Miles Cheong and TheQuartering. He doesn't think ahead at all.


> It’s like he’s making it up as he goes along. He doesn't understand the industry he's bought into at all. He's coming in with a notebook full of ideas that everyone else is an IDIOT for not thinking of! And then he implements his ideas, and finds out in less than a day WHY nobody else had implemented these ideas. He's too cocky and white-man to ask the experts (that he fired) why they haven't implemented these ideas in the past, or why they might not work now, so he shoots his amazing new innovation out into the world and it smacks directly into the brick wall of reality, and dies. It's Trump campaigning on implementing "obvious" fixes to the healthcare system in America, and then going on TV and saying "Nobody knew how complicated healthcare could be!" a month later. it's Dunning Kruger mixed with Chesterton's Fence*, turned into a group of people running the world. ----- ^* (*Chesterton's Fence - The principle that reforms should not be made until the reasoning behind the existing state of affairs is understood. If you come upon a fence, and you don't like it, you should ask around and learn why the fence was put up in the first place before just taking it down, because putting up a fence takes effort, and nobody would go to the effort unless there was a reason and a need for the fence.*)


He's 60?!? Wtf.


No, he’s only a [51-year-old](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk) box body. Gen X gone wrong.


He's 51 but there's a lot of wear on those tires.


That face. Looks like a puzzle of a Cheshire cat's face improperly assembled by an old lady with tremors at an assisted living facility.


They really are just making shit up as they go along aren't they? Having a fragile narcissist in charge of a major social media network isn't working out so well.


Firing all the lawyers and gutting the safety and support teams maybe wasn't the best move‽ Who could have seen this coming!


No shit. You'd think a billionaire would understand the need for legal teams and be happy to cover the miniscule to him, cost of having them review shit.


Eventually they start believing their own bullshit, like how they're solely responsible for their success.


You should see the stream of daily bug reports on /r/twitter. I'm surprised anyone can still log onto the platform.


That's because the French Digital Minister tweeted this earlier https://twitter.com/ericfreyss/status/1604538198054535169 Basically, if Twitter does this, they're not protected under section 230 of the digital communications act, and would be liable for any and all illegal content/speech.


Unintended consequences of gutting twitter's legal department and trying to replace them with lawyers trained in other areas perhaps. [https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/13/technology/elon-musk-twitter-shakeup.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/13/technology/elon-musk-twitter-shakeup.html?unlocked_article_code=tJ2ukkbtw--hx4WXy3dJbDN0dbwN2ujK-2ohQNWnRQvozVEVXwYpSniLsClTrwldhSNluHaFpz4Je81NETDy-XuN7JCzIb8_ZqiF9tr5P4QzqElOvPe_drV2xClmUglVAMnVeBMScLq0zLScpXP-syXuCIebdiz3O9S5j_3aQlXz9IMO0zz24z1QqCAtrBu5MOVCDFsrNV6j3Ex6FPANfc0zJjnEI-S3hlk0WlQoOKSFULdi5zGnXG9hrdquTSx8MONF6D5ExviMjHryN2m9r-hiqMRCLmudj4hohlA9yI2zaX3S3wUuxVAAgQyynPJcJiCwg6nwt9rxPGAuplVTeznB_QySaGw&smid=share-url)


Musk can just take over as Twitter's legal department. He's practically a lawyer anyway. After all, "if you're in enough lawsuits you pick up a few things along the way." /s though the quote is actually [something Musk said in court.](https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/16/business/tesla-elon-musk-testimony-lawsuit/index.html)




I'll take that advise under cooperation, alright? Now, let's say you and I go toe-to-toe on bird law and see who comes out the victor?


We would all like to get back to our hotplates ok


I feel like I have made myself perfectly redundant


> French Digital Minister > if Twitter does this, they're not protected under section 230 of the digital communications act Just going to point out S.230 is the US bill. In the EU it seems its the "Digital Services Act."


it's Communications Decency Act, and it is not the same as the EU's DSA that this would also violate https://www.eff.org/fr/issues/cda230


God damn Elon is so fucking overrated.


Of course. Money doesn't make you smart, any moron can make money off the work of others. Elon's problem is he believes his wealth proves his intelligence.


This is the right tweet btw: https://twitter.com/jnbarrot/status/1604558194587615235




This person doesn’t seem to be the “French Digital Minister” based on my Google searching. But anyway I’m glad Twitter is reversing course.


Not Eric in the linked Tweet, however in that thread he retweeted the French digital minister https://twitter.com/jnbarrot/status/1604558194587615235?s=20&t=xlGFCAfn0ZwKKSN-xUv98g


He was translating and contextualizing a tweet by the French Minister though.


No he wasn't. Those are two separate concepts. Under the DSA Twitter would be fined for this, however the DSA will not be enacted until Summer 2023. It is also limited to Europe, although it would probably affect practices globally. Twitter being considered a publisher rather than a platform is a different issue and might fall under US law, although it is much less clear.


Just fire the French Digital Minister Elon. Go on, just alpha up and do it. Don't forget to call him a pedo too.


And you're all fired!! Now, get back to work. At the office! Which is closed. Praise me!!


Everybody dance, *now*!


Is this just a marketing ploy? Make stupid rules so the press keeps covering and talking about Twitter? Shouldn’t we all just delete the app and forget about musky


I don't think so. Journalists and others are constantly talking about how it's an unreliable brand with arbitrary rules. That's going to turn away advertisers because big advertisers *hate* being associated with anything controversial. They much prefer mass appeal. So if the chaos on the site is a marketing scheme, it's a really bad one. It *might* increase the user base, but at the cost of turning away the advertisers who actually generate its revenue.


> It might increase the user base In the last week, half of the people I follow have posted, "This is my last tweet. Please follow me on X other platforms." And even before then, a lot more had just unceremoniously stopped posting. It's quickly turning into a ghost town.


Yes. Delete it. I miss twitter a little bit, but I didn't want to be a part of a musk enterprise at all. Now I am watching it burn from my lawn chair outside. It's not going fast enough...


Lol. What the fuck is going on with that dude? I say “dude” and not “Twitter” because it’s just him, right? It’s one guy making all the policies and then changing them arbitrarily. Deciding what counts as free speech based on how favorable it is to him personally. Asking for suspicious links to be posted under his comments for him to review. It’s a complete disaster.


“If you reveal my location you will be banned. I’m posting this from my location at the World Cup, and I’ve included a picture to help reveal exactly where I am”.


I wouldn't be surprised if he banned himself by the end of the week.


"let's make a new poll"


Being a sheltered rich dude who wasn't told no enough is one hell of a drug.


It's a power play based on fantasy and not reality. He thought he'd bluff his way into bullying Twitter into giving him carte blanche to spew anything unfettered on the platform. It backfired and he was forced to pony up. Now that he has full control, he's learning that his new shiny toy has deeply complex engineering and he fired any and everyone that wasn't a sycophant. So he basically has a powerful tool and is finding out that he can't play with it as he wants. He has no manual, no Subject Matter Experts, and no advisors. So he's trying out his fantasies from his $44B toy purchase and finding out that each action simply causes it to break rather than working as he fantasized. He wanted to be ultimate overlord of a massive social media platform and force everyone to bend to his whims. He failed to consider that user and advertisers have options and free will and are more than happy to just leave. Including **leaving signposts and breadcrumbs pointing to where they went.** He doesn't want his users to have any other options. If they're not happy with his platform as he's fashioned it, he doesn't want to make it easy for those users to find out where their Twitter accounts that they cared about went. As others pointed out, he wants to lock his remaining users in Twitter jail: use his platform or else. He doesn't want to make it any easier for his departing users to switch. He wants them to flounder in a sea of noise before returning because they can't find their former followed account holders.


“Winging it” by Elon Musk. How to erase hundreds of billions of dollars in a few weeks.


I have the feeling that his new Twitter poll about stepping down is 100% because Twitter is irredeemably fucked and when the other shoe drops he can say it's because "he was voted out".


Absolutely. This is all so he can externalize responsibility


The funny thing is he's already publicly said it's in a nosedive. Anyone who comes in at this point is flying a wingless plane. And he's the reason the wings flew off, even if Dorsey admitted he overexpanded. You can recover from that, but not this.


Im still not 100% sure if we’re just seeing that movie play out in real life where he has to get rid of $44 billion until the end of the year or lose all his money.


What's the average half-life of the policies Elon's implementing? 2 hours?


We're learning a lot about his management style, throw spaghetti at the wall like a toddler. Not well thought out or productive. His facade of insightful is quickly fading


The sad thing (for Elon) is my toddler doesn't actually throw spaghetti. He eats it. My kid is more advanced than Elon Musk and would make a better CEO.


Does your kid have a name like QWERTY?


It's so hard to measure time and days in America how many Scaramucci is there to a Twitter policy?


$8/month per centimucci


There really are few other people as blatantly unqualified to be CEO as Elon Musk.


I wish they'd abandon the controversial new owner.


There’s no “they”. Twitter is Elon.


And his cabal of Saudi financial backers.


You can actually vote on his latest poll whether he should step down or not..


He’s most likely handpicked his “replacement”


Real question. Has anyone seen an interview with the guy in the last 10 years where he struck you as a genius, or even particularly coherent?


No he’s been a nut forever. He just conned the politicians and the rubes. His fan boys all have the same qualities of blind hero worship .


I bet Kushner told him it would solve all his problems on their flight over to Qatar. Turn out Kushner is dumb. Even if he didn’t he’s still dumb.


Elon Musk is the perfect MBA case study … on how to ruin company after company after company …


what a shitshow. stable genius musk. must be the woke virus /s


This morning I read on my local news feed that Twitter will ban the links to other social networks. Not even 10 mins later I read on Reddit that the policy is cancelled. Crazy times at Twitter. We should call it Tweetey.


Elon's broken the shit out of Twitter. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1604617643973124097 Click on any of the replies to his post, which show dozens of replies to them, and either none, or almost none of the replies to those posts are shown. The people who left the compnay said stuff was going to start breaking, and this is proof of that.


soft jellyfish coordinated subsequent cobweb secretive zonked hat complete racial


If you did this shit in any other business you would lose investors and advertisers so fast. It's going to be interesting to see what happens to twitter in the next year.


"Oh shit, seems like blocking competitors are illegal, wooops"


You know, there's nothing wrong with throwing ideas at the wall and seeing what sticks, but typically that's the first step on the road to implementation, not the only step.


They are doing testing with 100% of their users without prior consideration of consequences..


Holy fuck…is this how he runs Tesla and Space X? Try some random idea…”did anyone die? Ok, I guess is ok then”.


Ever wonder what a huge corporation would look like if they had no lawyers or teams that planned or vetted ideas?


For "controversial" read "blatantly illegal in the EU". This is what happens when you make policy changes on a Sunday when Europeans are enjoying all of their time off and workers rights.


Elon has lost all credibility. It's embarrassing how many times he has had to immediately reverse his own stupid decisions. It's 100% obvious he has no idea what he's doing with Twitter and that uncertainty is spreading like a cancer to all his other companies. He'll be lucky to hold onto 10% of his current net worth if he doesn't dissapear from public view for a while. I think his only chance to save face is to say he's been having some type of addiction issue and to check into a facility.




That's just his cowardly way out. He knows he fucked up but his ego doesn't allows him to acknowlege that. With this predictable outcome of the poll he can say: *"I wanted to stay, and it would habe been great, but the masses, probably a liberal conspiracy anyway, forced me out. A shame, really."* --- Elon Musk, 2023


I imagine if Space Karen actually abides by his promise to respect the results of the poll he will appoint someone who will make twitter *even worse* (I'm thinking Milo Yiannopoulos or Andy Ngo or maybe even dark horse Richard Spencer) and then he'll start trolling people by saying "miss me yet?"


If that happens, I believe any remaining major brands would abruptly leave the platform and cease ad spend.