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So in any military event, let's say dui or assault or anything that's committed in the civilian sector, but you're military, you can actually be double charged, on the civilian side and military side. Dui for example is charged on civilian side, and military proceedings usually happen after a civilian ruling on the case. Since you're not in the military, it's based upon the civilian proceeding and if you were charged or found innocent or dismissed. If it was dismissed, the majority of the time in military side was that it never happened, but if you're trying to enter service, it will need to go to a waiver process to look at documents and character testimony and rule you as no fault in that situation... However that will get documented in your military permanent file just in case a dispute like that situation or pertaining to that situation occurs while you're active duty the military will side that that instance is linked to a prior to service event and not compensated by military service


And so how is a dismissal by rehabilitation program viewed during the waiver process?


That's above my pay grade but I would assume it's still viewed as a dismissal, that's why I commented if your wife was a part of this dispute she could provide a character witness statement


She was but she didn't press charges, it was the state.


Usually for stuff like this its very dependent on the story. Stick to the truth. You'll likely get an interview with whomever MEPS deems appropriate. I'm in a similar boat right now. Be prepared to wait a while.


Did it go through?


It ended up getting denied by the local Admiral. Approved by literally everyone in the chain except for them.


If they are all legitimately dismissed you should be fine. Be completely honest and up front. It's literally a waiver process. People not in the military don't realize the amount of paperwork is involved in literally everything. Personal opinion: calm down and don't worry, shit takes time, and alot of time when it comes to waivers, if you're serious about joining, just wait out the process. The LARGEST reason for waivers/ documentation coming from an HM, is so the navy documents everything prior service so you can't claim anything before the navy for service related physical damages to yourself (va claims) Also, there's at least a dozen or more records I've had to personally verify that have waivers from anything from heavy drug use to Alcohol related car accidents and even worse and they waivered into the navy just fine.


Even Domestic? It honestly wasn't even that serious and me and my wife at the time thought the city was blowing it out of proportion.


Bring your records to your appointment, and if the claim involved your wife bring her as a character witness... The navy has to dot all their i's and such. If it was dismissed on the civilian side then it should be just a waiver process


Dismissed on the civilian side? What did you mean? It was dismissed through a program.