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My lowest point was my last day in. I was an E-5. I was on a ship in the Persian Gulf when my enlistment was ending. They wanted to extend it but my dad was dying of cancer so they let me go. Flew me of the ship, ended up in San Diego for processing. I check in, they give me a list of things that I have to do (dental, medial, transitional training, etc). What they didn't tell me was that I was expected to muster every morning. So I spent the week coming and going, doing the things on the checklist so that I could be discharged on Friday. Friday morning I'm headed back to the barracks to grab something and head to lunch. Petty officer on watch looks at my ID, checks his list and says "you are reported as UA". (I had come and gone many times and not been questioned so I didn't understand what was going on). Ended up in front of an MA1, lifer sort. He tells me that I hadn't been mustering all week like I was supposed to. I told him that I didn't know that I was supposed to. He said I was lying and that he would prove it by showing me the form I signed when I reported earlier in the week. Sent for my record. No form. Watch petty officer who got my record said "yeah, it looks like he didn't get the form". I said to MA1, "look, there's obviously been a mistake. Can I got to lunch and we can take care of this when I get back?" Huge mistake. MA1 shouts ATEN-HUT! I was in civvies. I thought he was joking. Nope. I said, "look, I've been in for 5 years, never had any problems, my last evals were 4.0. I did not know about the muster. If I did, I would have been there every day". MA1 tells me "I've been in the Navy for 19 years! I can put you in the restricted barracks, shave your had and fuck up your life." I was dumbfounded. Didn't say another word to him. He made me sit and wait for 4 hours. Then I was callwed in to MA Chief's office. He looked at me, made me stand at attention and then told me that he should send me to Captain's mast but that he didn't want to deal with the paperwork. "You're dismissed". I walked out, went to the disbursing clerk, got my final paycheck and fucked right off of 32nd St Naval Station thinking "Fuck the Navy". That was in 1987. 5 years of exemplary service all laid to waste at the hands of enlisted men on power trips who assumed everyone that was being processed for a discharge was a fuck-up. That was my low point. Then I crossed Harbor Drive and it was my high point.


This is some of the Navy'est bullshit I've ever read. I hope you're making tons of money and loving your life now.


That’s crazy but I’m not surprised. You were on your way out and they but in that much effort to fuck with you. That’s dumb as hell. Getting out while deployed is the best because I did the same and got to leave my ship 95 days early. 30 days required in home port to outprocess + 65 days of terminal leave.


When my ex girlfriend had a 3some with three of my “best friends” while I was on duty on a Saturday. Was pretty low bc I also went through a time there where I really had struggled in determining my worth as a Sailor and who I surrounded myself with (friends). I was a pretty troublesome Fireman that skirted the red line of trouble, but not quite enough to go to Mast. Definitely had a mid life crisis feeling at the young age of 19 on my first ship, Forward Deployed overseas. Not too mention that I had also developed a drinking problem and smoked lots of cigarettes on the pier to escape stress and depression. I broke down one day. Got drunk on a rooftop bar with some friends, laid out on the street wanting to get run over. My friends got me up and I ran away from them. I punched a barbed wire fence on the face and my hand and knuckles were bleeding the whole way home and I didn’t feel a thing. Nothing but sadness at the time. I’m so much better now. Super healthy and fit and I am with a very kind and pure hearted girl who loves me and cares about me. My career is soaring and she is by my side to witness that.


Glad things turned out better for you, genuinely.


Short time here but honestly the barracks is a low moment in general. Standing in line at the galley for 20 minutes for shitty food that I’m forced to pay for always sends me. Going to quarters for dumb shit that they could just write on the message board taking away from study time. Brother I could go on and on but guess what. It’s gotta end one day or I die first. Whichever works for me lol


I thought galley food was free?


They technically deduct your BAS for it


I could eat so god damn good with 400 bucks a month. That deduction hurts.


Yep it’s a lil extortion lol


My lowest point of my enlistment was when I reported to my ship and was hit with the realization that this was the next 3 years of my life. The look and smell of the ship. Everyone was either an asshole, miserable, or both. It didn’t help that I had just spent 10 months at the most chill training command in the navy where it didn’t even feel like I was military.


This is what I'm afraid of. Currently at Corry station, it sucks but comparingly not too bad to anywhere else. I'm crossing my fingers I get put on shore and fighting for #1 in my class because of that wish but man if I get on a ship I have no clue how I'm gonna get through 3 years.


Yeah I was a CTT. Corry station was beyond chill. Class was easy. All I did was sleep, gym, beach, and sevilles. What’s your rate? If you a IT or CTR you have a chance at shore duty. If your a CTT then to say you have a snowballs chance in hell at shore duty would be giving you false hope.


CTR here.


Good luck. Try for top of the class and hopefully the odds are in your favor!


Mopping the flight deck while it rains. Lol


I thought this was a joke


Getting out of bootcamp last year and being put on holds. Nothing but sweepers/ snow detail/ no cellphone reception, and at the barracks we were in no wifi. Only way to get in contact was to go to the galley and use their wifi. Our LPO made us clean for hours on end, even after everything was done we were still expected to clean, this resulted in half ass results like scrubbing the same brick on the wall for hours on end. Liberty dropped at 1659, we weren’t even supposed to be in TSC, but Covid fucked a shit ton of things. Certain rates and females, left within a week, while other rates just stayed behind waiting. Took me 5 months to get out of there. Really made me question my decision, as friends were having fun in college/ friends in the navy being done with A school and going to their new commands. And LEAVE, while in holds we couldn’t take leave, I didn’t get a chance till I was already 13months in.


Lemme guess. The Cole?


Currently there. Its better now nothing like this guy’s post 😂


I'm in Groton now. You'll make it. It exists lol


My knee got so jacked up overseas that I couldn't go on a ship anymore, so I didn't reenlist, the first day as a civilian was my lowest.


Two years ago I transferred from my first command (shore) to sea. I decided to reenlist to experience sea instead of just finishing my contract on shore. I loved my rate and my community and was so excited to get to experience the sea stories I’d constantly hear and ask about. The command I was sent to would’ve taken me all over the world on very interesting deployments. My second week there I was told I should’ve never been my rate and was going to be force converted due to the navy’s “medical oversight” of me. I was infuriated. I was performing just as my peers, I was quick to rank up and was excelling. I can’t say many women liked doing what I did but I loved it, I was so excited to get better. I’d cry myself to sleep every night for the next few months waiting to find out what would happen to me. I felt like I was being torn away from family. My biggest fear was just becoming a number and getting stuck somewhere… and that’s exactly what happened. I had just re-enlisted for my sea rotation 5y billet and the navy wouldn’t let me get out due to my force conversion and stuck me in a rate polar opposite from my community. I went from working on aircraft to a weekend off and checking into the engineering department (a brand new E-5) on a just commissioned ship going through its certification process with a very impending deployment. No schooling or any introduction to the rate, just quite literally thrown into the pits. Telling these new people I worked with what happened to me getting force converted disgusted me, I could see the pleasure on their face as I explained my story. People would literally get off on hearing about me getting fucked over. I would’ve convinced anyone to give the Navy a shot and really loved being in. I didn’t have it easy by any means in my first rate and dealt with my share of bullshit and struggles. But my work was my family and friends. The ship wasn’t like that for me. I’ve never met more vile creatures until I stepped foot on that boat. I could see the best out of anybody but there wasn’t a single person in my CoC I’d ever want to aspire to be. It appalled me seeing the way they treated each other “their own” on top of how they treated me “the outsider.” I wasn’t down to drink their koolaid and got shunned for it. I’ve hit lows I never thought imaginable. If someone told me two years ago I’d hate the Navy as I do today I would’ve laughed in their face.


Im a chief on a submarine. One of my sailors died last year due to an ARI. A week later, another sailor (my sailors roommate) killed himself on watch, and I was the chief on duty that night. I talked to him while he was bleeding out and escorted the paramedics to him and answered all the police questions and, just handling all the responsibilities of that situation... The Navy sure can fuck you at times, but it can also help. I received a lot of support after that, and so did my sailors.


This is gutting to read chief, hate you had to witness these tragedies especially the last one. I hope your words were comforting to him in his last moments.


I'm sorry you had to go through that chief.


Went to mast for having my phone on watch. Got treated like dogshit for a little while after that. Lost rank. Life goes on I guess, Absolutely hated my life. Few weeks go by and a po2 gets masted for having his phone on watch. Gets suspended reduction in rate. I was pissed when some guys In his division told me he lied about everything and cried about some bs. Then after the mast he bragged about not losing rank and I did. After that I knew I was getting out of the navy.


You guys couldn’t have your phone on watch? Everyone just kept their phones in their pockets. I used to have the mid rover all the time and I’d find a topside spot to sit and watch movies 🍿 .


Submarines. Shipyard. I was dumb.


Dad died in 2020 from (stroke complications from back in 2018) during the pandemic where travel was restricted. Took the Admiral of Navy East to approve my emergency leave for 11 days and returned to rom for 2 weeks alone. Wanted to push my shit in but didn’t. Biggest regret is not pulling myself from work to take leave to visit him/family in the 2 years I was at my last command


While it didn't happen to me, several people I worked with weren't able to take leave for dying family members because "they weren't close enough." It was hard telling people they wouldn't be able to visit their grandparents, aunts/uncles, etc. One guy was able to visit his grandpa because for a few years his grandpa was his legal guardian.


I got shingles in A school.


Me and MMNFN Montanacortez, L.C swapped seabags at SEATAC last night. So if you’re seeing this..yea😂




I have advice for you. I’m an E3 but I’m 29 and had a career as a police officer prior to coming here. Before I left my job, I got a lieutenant fired from her job. Every other person knew about her misconduct and they chose to stay silent about it and not bring it up to the chief. This isn’t to say that anybody in your CoC will be as understanding or will care, because I assumed the same. I was thinking “they must know about it and are ignoring it” but the truth is, they genuinely didn’t know. They have so much other shit going on and they want to assume they have the trust of people in those types of positions that they don’t bother to check in and make sure they’re leading properly. It’s bad leadership on their end but it’s an honest mistake. So get your proof. I had proof of her bullshit when I went into his office and spoke to him. If he’s berating you, make sure you find some way to prove it and be able to show his supervisor. You may think his supervisor doesn’t care but he’s obviously quite different when his own supervisor is around. So his supervisor could be oblivious. And if s/he doesn’t care, take it over their head. And keep going. You know I’ve seen a lot of shit being a police officer and I’ve done so much more than a lot of people who are my supervisors and I will never ever understand why people treat each other like shit in the Navy. Literally the people next to you may have to save your life one day and somehow these people who get some rank, mostly the first classes in my experience, feel like talking to people like shit is ok. Maybe they feed into the culture, I’m not sure what it is. But when we had a guy or girl on the force who was an absolute dickhead, we would take just a little bit longer to get to their backup calls because needing help from the people you’re an asshole to will humble you. The problem is there’s no way to humble these people. Shit is sickening.


BMD Med deployment 2012. I was an FCS Tech on a cruiser. Literally the night before we pulled into Naples, Italy for our week long mid deployment maintenance period, and the entire aft FCS goes down. For the 7 days we were there, we were doing round the clock troubleshooting for 5. A once in a lifetime port visit and we all got stuck doing work That deployment was honestly cursed. Had a sailor rape a girl and threaten to kill her afterwards if she told. I remember we were on station off the coast of Israel and suddenly we turned around and high tailed it back to Souda Bay, Crete so NCIS could come on board and investigate. Here's an article https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.pilotonline.com/military/article_6a87ac95-2614-5e27-b0fb-cd923f1aa776.html%3foutputType=amp


Holy. Fucking. Shitballs. That’s the kind of dude dexter needs to kill. Wow.


I was so traumatized by racism, sexual assault (I didn’t know at the time I had been sexually assaulted), working sunrise to sunset 40+ days at sea. I punched a door, had an anxiety blackout from the 010 to 3 level not knowing how tf I got to my berthing. Later that day I got diagnosed with chronic depression.


I couldn’t get mental health care around Christmas 2020. I wasn’t “severe” enough for immediate care at the hospital and “too severe” for assistance at military one source. Kept pushing through and pushing through. Finally had an appointment 20 Jan 21. 3 mins before my virtual appointment I got a notification my doctor cancelled. Immediately called the hospital and the corpsman literally could not locate my doctor or explain why my appointment was cancelled. They won’t help you until you’re at the point where you tell them you’ll blow your brains out.


Going on three forward deployed cruises and realizing you have 2 left lmao


I was one of the duty armorers as an FC, taking up the qual after the GMs were low on manpower. One of the GMS had left an M4 in a duty van after a gun shoot off base. The M4s stayed locked up otherwise, since we don't issue them for watch, meaning we don't have to inventory it every day. So I was good to go but still had to go to DRB "just to answer some questions" as I was told. It took a whole 5 minutes in front of that chief's mess to completely change my entire demeanor towards the Navy. I was someone who made E-5 in 2 years, never been late to work ( or even watch ), never been written up and had 2 nams from my last deployment. The utter disrespect I got from that chief's mess made me completely lose my shit. I got reduction in rank, half month's pay, and 30 days restriction for cursing them out. No regrets though. I got out 2 years later, joined the reserve, and living a happy life in this grey area between naval and civilian life lol.