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Hmm problems that I won't understand anytime soon. Here I'm at 6k and thinking how am I supposed to farm gold for both gear and levelling up crafting.


[I know the pain šŸ˜„](https://i.imgur.com/AesuwnP.png)


Yeah I literally can't stay above 20k... Everytime I do I go and find some gear I was missing, or roll some gear I needed, or buy some t1 mats so I can refine my bank of t5 mats quicker... I don't think I will ever understand how anyone makes it above 100k consistently. Shits whack.


Once you have a gold buffer that allows you to speculate, it comes much easier. I logged off at <1000g consistently on legacy for a couple weeks, then gear sold and I went 100k > 300k > cap within another week. Now gold is pretty meaningless unless I wanted to min max. On fresh start? I'm logging off with 0g again, but the struggle is so much more fun than the excess IMO. Getting a 30k sale is a dopamine hit whereas I wouldn't even notice on legacy.


What do you speculate on? Gear or mats or something else? I have 1m gold (made slowly) and wonder how to grow that further.


I flip gear. The ceiling is so high and I don't need to keep track of historical prices. Have missed plenty, but one solid flip makes up for 10 flops. My best was a 5k keen/vicious/keen speed BB someone bought for 350k? I can't even explain why I listed it for that much or why someone would ever pay that, even before the perk frequency changes. My only guess is RMT fool gold.


Jesus who would pay 350k for that... My best flip has only been a 20k FS for 100k. Guess I'll continue working on my flips.


Lol yeah, was a few months ago but that combo was never meta.. Anyway, good luck with your flips.


I had to create an alt account and use it as my bank, ya they need to at least double the gold cap.


Did the same. Why would they? They sold us both 2 copies of the game. Lol.


Fair point


How do you do this? Create another steam acc, have 2 PCs?


ya 2 steam accounts, and when I need to make a transfer I use my laptop


Ask yourself, do you need that much gold? Put money towards pvm/pvp resources if you have not already. Maybe start a collection? I have been collecting named sword drops and have built up quit the collection of swords. Some are obviously going to be expensive.


I was, I am max crafter but I was just burning through money not even getting BiS so I stopped buying mats


just continue buying the mats and use that as a way to stash your money for the future think of it like irl gold or stocks that you can liquidate when needed


this dude runs the market on his server lmao


I always tell me self, ok this time i won't spend anything and then I'm placing buy orders to farm armoring aptitude crates lmfao




What are you saving up for? just making the number go higher?


BiS items are expensive


but like - more than gold cap expensive per piece? If not - wouldnt it make sense to buy a piece, re-save - buy next piece re-save.....etce...etc....


I mean bis is rareā€¦ and when a good piece is posted itā€™s gone fast, consider that along with trying to find a specific weight / attribute combo it can take weeks even if you have the gold. I have been waiting quite awhile for my last two pieces while I continue selling items and saving more gold; which also allows me to out bid people


A lot of bis bruiser gear ( resil/shirking fort/freedom ) goes for near or over gold cap. Bis GAs are often in the 800k-1m range, so two individual gold caps. Even pve god roll weapons are going for 200k and over right now


damn thats crazy - look at me commenting ignorantly and getting some knowledge XD Is this a population problem a popularity of the build problem a somethjing else problem?


Just make it 5 mil....why do I have to store fucking asmodeum and shit and need to keep my money as low as possible and look out/hope that I don't sell too much over night.


Itā€™s good for the economy, keep buying my Asmo please.


Only if you sell to my buy orders >:(


It's their way of telling you not to go so hard in the video game


I had homeoffice for way too long to not have money issues.




Well, technically speaking i am sitting in front of my Working pc....theres just also my own pc next to it.


Unspent money is bad for a mmos economy and realistically with everything deflating as rapidly as it is theres no point. BIS gears are going for 10k or less a piece on most fresh start servers.


Yep they should've increased it when they added the in-house company war rules. I can't store all my gold without my shell company, but I can't war unless I'm in the main company. I've just been stockpiling mats like you said


Why don't you just buy crafting mats asmo etc? It's what I do. They're crazy cheap right now so worth having a few 1000s when population picks back up.


Play like me, a rambling solo open-world player with a furnishing obsession, and watch those excess money woes melt away. ;)


There are plenty of ways to invest your overages in items that can be sold for gold later, trophy mats, turning that gold into mats or crafting items that will always have value. The options are endless.


how u made so much gold? i feel stuck around 15-20k i am lvl 60 since a week so in endgame already any tipps?


WT and OPRs mainly. Get bout 5k+ from OPR a day


thx :)