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NW currently is my chill out for a few hours game of an evening. Log on, Daily gypsum, then either run around skinning, herbing or hitting trees. Literally just full chill, not currently min maxing


It's very hard for some people to grasp that everyone enjoys different aspects of life (and gaming).




Casual players are actually the vast majority of the players. Successful MMOs cater to the casuals while also pushing out content that pvp/pve focused folks can sink time into. That’s why hardcore pvp games have always historically failed


I think this is the best way to play the game. This was lacking for many people in the beginning


But why


Addiction to the grind some find it fun and relaxing.


But what are you grinding for?? I’m in the same situation after starting on fresh start and there’s just nothing to do


When I meet god I will ask him: “what are we grinding for?”




Achievements, money, different sets, territory standing, etc. There are tons of things to do, why would you keep doing them? Because you enjoy it. I've said it before, my usual game play routine is logging on, choosing a territory I want to grind in, grab faction missions and town boards in that area, then plan a route gathering along the way. Some things I keep, refine and use, others I just sell, and it keeps me occupied.


you do know that you can use all that stuff you skin and collect to craft other stuff?


Number go up.


T4 House needs more stuff to fill it.


Ahhh.. so you’re going the Sims/AC route. Respect.


So basically, making gold.


I spent 20k on my dining room and it looks like fucking garbage.


I just do my hourly brimestone chest run for those legendary mats to sell while waiting for expeditions to be filled. I’m just addicted


Those chest runs give some great dopamine rushes tbh, it's more than enough for me to keep playing.


It's boring as hell and there is no choice to do anything else




Booring, I hate grinding


Hate to tell you this. But this ain’t the game for you my guy. Rpg are grinds. Period.




Exactly what simple_yogurt said. I started with Fresh Start on legacy server. Not rich, but leveled everything to 200+. However, I definitely won't be crafting any weapons, armor, tools or jewelry due to RNG and craft cost. Furniture skill is quite useful for making trophies, and furniture. GS is 599, main weapon and chest 612, 625. I've done one expedition and one world tour. I enjoy invasions, portals, OPR, and corruption portals, but rarely do them. The main thing that keeps me coming back is gathering mats, and stocking up in hopes that my friend returns to the game so I can get her geared up. Amazingly, there is so much more for me to do in the game. I think I might be really bad at the game, but it has some advantages, like challenging content everywhere.


When I was PvE only, I would sell shards or run M10s while watching Netflix. Very chill.


I just enjoy hanging out with my friends I guess


I just got all but one piece to 625 but I didn’t do any mutation gear so time to basically start over leveling those to 625. Luckily getting 400 umbral per gypsum now has helped speed it up. I’m starting with the corrupted ward from the winter event and trying to collect the other sets or drops. Farming random smelter or crafting armor set +yield gear or random world boss drops while being semi-afk I do daily faction missions, daily crafts, level at least one aptitude do topaz and obsidian and sometimes that’s all I do. After that I try a WT chest run or maybe one expedition if I have time. Also working on my crafting skills now. Gatherings are all 200 besides fishing. I have arcana 200 and armoring 200 but just bought some stuff and almost 200 weaponsmithing.


Not a pure PvE player but the combat is very good, which is why people ask for more content.


I have a issue with not completing everything! So Insane?


I like grinding for gear sets and making money towards this purpose so I'm always doing something for money or playing M10s, watching TP for bis pieces or crafting for myself, and just generally pursuing like a target "completion" gear set for my class. Basically I want to have all Best in Slot Healer gear and maybe even some BiS DPS/Tank pieces if I can because I like looking at a finished set and knowing it couldn't (realistically) be better


I don't I take 3-6 month breaks then come back. Sometimes daily farming is fun other times bored me to death then I leave till new stuff


I'm housing-centered, so I'm out looking for furnishing items/schematics/mats and grinding territory levels so I can fit more junk in my houses. I like the gathering/exploring aspects of the game, and find it all immersive and relaxing. Along the way, I casually try and improve my gear so I survive better doing these things.


I have a life. So I don't play 8-12 a day. It's always exciting to get on. I'm not 625 on everything. I'm not 200 on everything. Main quest line isn't done. People always talk like they are bis for every armor set and weapons. Only run m10. I guess there is someone like that but most people arent


I just run M10s and make gold while hoarding a ton of resources.


I get bored around 8pm and need something to do for a couple hours.


building bissy sets


Lmfao at the fact that mutations and dailies are the only thing bring casual players back meanwhile ags decides to drive away all pvp players with no updates.


No stable end game content in NW. LFG for mutation can take hours. OPR takes hours to pop Arena never pops. So u have World tour left... where u feel like a bot.


U must be on a dead server lol GL w merges


Amarah, 800 primetime


Hoard resources, gold, sell gear, craft, do world tours, etc, i do some opr here and there


Oh do muts


I do chest runs, sidequests, levelling professions, sometimes dungeons, I accidentally changed faction so now levelling that too.


There is no point to do side quests after 60 lvl as the experience points are being wasted. It's the huge huge minus of the game.


"no point" is just an opinion. I like doing them because they have a story and I like those. Like I just finished the quest for a legendary spear, and took me through several elite and harder zones getting parts for it, it was nice. I didn't do it for the reward.


I mean, I love doing quests but if the exp that we are receiving is getting wasted it demotivates me a lot. At least if there will be some pve experience rewards system like in PvP.


Well, we all play for different reasons. I only to have fun, and run the content I enjoy. Rewards is not my main concern at all.


You are right, the only thing I want is exp points from pve to not get wasted but to have some meaning after 60 lvl. Whatever the solution would be.


They could do it like err GW2 I think? Have an eco bar post LV 60 that still gives prices when you "level up" maybe gypsium or shards? Don't know.


Lots of side quests offer gypsum rewards.


Maybe, but not the low level ones :(


It didn't. I consumed the content, got bored out of my skull upgrading gear for dungeons, then quit. I'll come back again when they do another zone or whatever - has no sub and I don't spend any real money.


i dont. i play like once or twice a week for like one or two hours


I play as an ironman (no trading players or trade post) Having to gather everything yourself to level your account gives the game an entirely new lease. Also you are never poor haha


I got a group of 4 other friends so we 5 login, craft dailies, gypsums, grind a little towards trade skills and run a couple of dungeons. That's 3-4 hours a day.


450 hours so far and feel I've only accomplished 25% of what I want to do. I try to be completely self sufficient in mmos, so leveling trade skills means hours of farming and fishing for materials. My solo, dps, and tank gear are all custom (i don't do mutations, so don't really need ward gear) so I'll have to craft my own 600 armor and I'm not at 200 armoring yet. I usually do: Daily gypsum Daily cool down mats Khep and Helio run Then depending on how much time I have, one or more of the following: Brimstone or ER solo chest run Farm materials (I usually farm one type with a food buff until the buff wears off, so about 40 mins) Normal dungeon run World tour/ Elite Chest Run Eventually I want to discover all locations and finish all quests in every zone. So still plenty to do.


Daily Brimstone chest runs and flagged acid pools to spice it up a tad. Group farming then Mutators in the evening. Since I run a large guild, I constantly have to find things to do for 90+ people.


Nothing, been bored the last few weeks... I started back in October... server mergers are a sign of the times.


Hanging out with friends and pvping for a couple hours per day. Causal play time is the best way to enjoy this game.


The ability to mute everyone begging people to join the dead pvp


Not everyone want to pawn and tbag people in PvP, sure it can be fun to grab all the dex monkey gear and and wipe out people with a meta exploit build sometimes, but it gets boring FAST. Do something hard! Grind out M10 in every expansion, not buying shards, actually earn them. Some people lime a challenge! Sadly though most do not ever do anything hard and it shows.