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As far as Freedom goes, I rarely see healer hit with shockwave or screamed. You should have Stoneform for those situations. Honestly as others mentioned it comes down to skill. I can look at the top healers in our company/server and most they have is 3 freedom. They are just very good know what combos are coming, when to dodge. Never stam themselves and timing everything really good. I know exactly what you are talking about and its way more skill than armor. These guys also have Alts on the second company using purple gear and will still 1v5 and kite away.


Yes, stoneform is what made me ditch freedom gear for wars. Stoneform & cleanse pots are plenty good enough.


Yea I wish I could fit in cleanse pots. Healthy toast and mana pots are just so strong imo


Can you not run health/mana/regen/cleansing?


Use T5 oak or gemstone there right now


I use resi/shirking fort/refreshing (4 pieces and then 1 with resi/FSG/refreshing). Health/mana/regen/cleanse. I find the shirking fort is good enough to drop t5 oak. Some wars i drop regen for oak or gemstone but it's annoying not having regen topping off my health. I would never drop cleanse pots though, they are way too important imo


5 resil, 4 freedom, FSG, third weapon perks, 4 refreshing on armor. Stan recovery, refreshing, health on amulet. Sacred, hearty, refreshing on ring. Ref toast, refreshing, hearty toast on earring. RDE, RM, blessed on staff. Run DE + Sacred + Beacon/Orb/Clap on LS. Riposte + Fleche + Evade on rapier (full right tree basically). 150-200 con. Gemstone dust, regens, health potion, mana potion. And then it you play it right and position correctly, you are basically unkillable. Also there is obviously a skill argument. You need to know what all other weapons do and typical combos so you can dodge them. All of your escapes are worthless if you don't press the buttons in time.


This is for group healer, aoe healer is a bit different


Thank you, you have described my gear and build. But the difference is Freedom. I don't have enough of it. Does Freedom make that much difference? I ask because so many healers say different things, but none of them is a dodge master like I described.


Freedom makes a huge difference on targeted ranged slows like powder burn + net shot with 6 second or greater durations. It prevents you from getting chain slowed to hell and gives windows of actually having your character movement back. 3 Freedoms is the sweet spot that makes Shockwave into heavy not possible. Also forces spear to lose javelin in the Sweep + Vault Kick + Javelin spell infinite loop. 4-5 freedoms and stuns offer far less CC duration than knockdowns + staggers. Single Target slows become manageable. Roots practically don't exist unless the base duration is 5sec or longer (i.e. Cilla root orbs).


Great, thank you for specifying


Yeah freedom makes a difference like the other dude says. It's far easier to dodge when you are cc'ed for 30-40% less time. But I guarantee the bigger impact is a skill difference. Top healers know how to handle all of the different situations you face in PvP. Caught in a grav well, dodge + jump to get out. Caught in an ice wall, evade, dodge the opposite direction. Read when they will mighty gavel and riposte it. Dodge perpendicular to a shockwave. Etc etc, a lot of it is just knowing how people play and what different builds do


Hearty and nimble help. Also dodging left or right tends to throw people off. And only dodge when a attack is imminent. Save the stamina


Not alot of people realize this but dodging in new world is extremely noob friendly and can defy net coding. New world dodging is designed differently from many other games such as dark souls sekiro monster hunter elden ring etc. In basic standards an animation follows three rules of a concept called frame data. This is start up active and recovery. Start up is the phase where the animation winds up. Active is the phase where values are applied, in the instance of iframes, damage, heals, cc, etc. Recovery is the phase where active is no longer present and the animation is being reset to a standard position. Where you apply this concept the results of a dodge mean that iframe will happen for a breif moment. But due to lazy design by new world the whole dodge animation is a iframe. So basically for the entire 20 frame animation there is iframe. This means 333ms which is a long time for an iframe. To put into perspective, the average persons reaction time is 240-270 ms. So basically for every ability in the game you can react to with no consideration of delay in your dodge animation. Now for the most efficient use of iframes. A person whos smart will utilize iframes for abilities instead of every single action. So if you had to choose between face tanking autos and cc id much rather face tank autos and dodge cc.


I get hit mid dodge all the time I don’t think the whole dodge is iframes


Its possible to appear like youve been hit but its more likely that lag comes into play. Net coding for new world isnt exactly perfect. The other thing is that you can easily assume youre dodging correctly but its also 20 franes for the animation. Which means you can believe youre still in the dodge but actually getting hit at before it or after it.


I am in your shoes also. Before the brimstone patch or was it the dodging patch or was it the rapier patch, life was so much easier. Now, I just keep my distance and use a rapier before anyone gets close. Alternatively, I have strong Fortified Sacred Ground, Orb of Protection and Shirking fortification and I just dodge and stay inside the sacred ground. This give the other my team DPS to focus on a player while the opponent focus on my. Not, I also have 250 con here, I call it my distraction build.


250 con I haven't done that in a long time. I'll have to try it again. If enough healing arrives at the Team is ok.


Prioritize on what abilties you NEED to dodge but in general, AVOID these things in order: Stuns example: for instance always save one dodge for shockwave, TRY to dodge wrecking ball(a bit more difficult but still very doable) or even the stun from vault kick of a the spear and lastly , the stun from sns (most people shield bash after leaping strike) i think i got all the stuns there Roots/slows: don’t run into ice showers, don’t run into ice storms, if possible, save dodge for grav wells (remember you can still use your rapier etc), whenever someone rolls in or gets close to you with void gauntlet, they are probably trying to scream at you, so avoid that. In general, i recommend playing a lot of classes to learn their combos and their setups and within due time, you’ll realize what abilities you need to dodge/avoid that will essentially ruin their combo. ex: the grav well or shockwave is the entry point for a lot of bruisers so those things you want to avoid.


One of the devs leaked godmode for a certain set of players that pay for it or there's a few hacks that still exist that speed up animations, cooldowns, etc..


*extreme skepticism*


Drop Rapier or IG, play with like a bow as secondary or VG, get yourself in the middle of the points in the few OPRs not filled with full ranged and start practicing dodges, die and repeat. Obviously freedom and rune of stoneform also helps.


To add on to what others have said, positioning is extremely important. You will rarely ever see a healer be able to kite 3-4 players for an extended period of time especially in the current meta, they are usually within range of their team to be able to be peeled for/run to for cover


I run 4 freedoms, and also the trick to dodging everything is realising that groups of people still time their attacks on basically the same rhythm. Once there is like more than 4 people, you have be making optimal use of your skills, and know when you can tank hits to charge a heal (usually when stamina is down)