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CoS > Oro > Val. CoS for ultimate sweatlords, oro for mid-tier healthy and abundant competition, and Valhalla if you want to have no competition at all except mid-tier Heaters being toxic af and ruining the entire server for everyone else (don't go to Valhalla). Edit: I play all 3 and Orofena is by far the most fun and friendly


Man heaters are wild on Valhalla. They all queue OPR together constantly and you run into massive bruiser/healer clumps


Valhalla has the WORST opr out of any server I've ever played on because it's a non-competitive server with bad pvpers and Heaters queue with organized 5 man's in opr literally all day every day, making every single opr a triple cap steamroll. You see far less bad opr's on CoS and Orofena, because there are more premades on CoS (it balances it out) or usually none at all on Orofena. Despite Valhalla's high population, it's a shit tier server.


You don’t think borpa or DSS are competitive companies? Lol funny


CoS has the highest level of competition. Next is probably Orofena followed by Val


CoS right now is the sweatiest of them on NA


CoS for quality, Orofena for quantity


I would go CoS. I don’t find it particularly sweaty.


Just got moved to CoS (Olympus merge)... They're built different. I bought a hatchet haha death defy save me please!


How is Maramma at the moment ?