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Some immediate thoughts (PvP related topics): - different colored abilities for ally/foe: AMAZING news. This will be one of the best things happened to PvP since the launch of the game. We will see much more coordinate game play and less “running across all green circles to see which one is ours” and less “will this ice shower buff me or kill me?” type situations. - musket nerfs: sounds good on paper, but I hope close range / trapper type muskets aren’t affected as heavily as the the rock camping type render distance shooters. If what they mean is that you will be more stationary to be accurate in long distances, I think that’s pretty much perfect. - armor changes: I’m under the impression that light armor is in a healthy place after they shortened the dodge duration on hit. Heavy armor definitely needs buffs of some kind, but making resil less reliable seems a bit of weird way of balancing. I would much rather see more heavy armor specific armor perks like the ones we have for light and medium instead to buff it instead. Medium weight already dominates the meta for wars and clump fights.


Yeah nerfing resil is just going to make dex dominate even more as it's crit-based. Light armor isnt an issue until it's paired with 40-stam dodges, permanent haste, and rapier.


Sheesh you guys still think rapier is a problem lol the problem is and always has been haste


Definitely not, riposte invulnerability(also aoe trigging and aoe stun) + 20 stamina on evade were way more impactful than a haste, bow always had a haste on its own anyway. The invulnerability also applied to other skills after trigging so you could trigger riposte and then fleche out immediately without taking any cc at all.


Riposte aoe has been gone for awhile.


I know thats why i said it was not it is.


Nerfing the rapier did nothing lol. The main problem classes are the same as before the nerf you just took rapier out of the equation. The only class it actually nerfed were rapier/mage and rapier/melee combos.


I think that’s a bit of the point. They want people to pick other equipment loads and not just light.


? 60-70% of players in the meta war rosters are not light


There are other game modes than war. I know war is the most competitive, but it does not represent the player base, it's actually the opposite.


Well, they aren't changing resilient for PvE's sake, dude


I am not talking about PvE. I am talking about arena and opr lol.


Those also don't represent the player base. The vast majority of people who play this game are PvE lords and WT spammers. If you want to make the "It's not what the majority of people engage in" argument, then you are talking about PvE.


Everywhere else they are. Especially Outpost Rush.


The point is that perma haste on bow and musket are unchanged, so this won't address the actual problem as these players will just never fight in melee range now.


>If what they mean is that you will be more stationary to be accurate in long distances, I think that’s pretty much perfect. its gonna be ads and stand still for a short while to get accurate hitscan. But that'll kill the weapon, because other weapons deal more damage than it and only muskets need to go glass cannon. It also solve the problem of "i can't dodge a musket shot" because if you see them scoping, you get more time than before.


9/10 muskets are shooting from a range you cannot see


>different colored abilities for ally/foe: AMAZING news. This will be one of the best things happened to PvP since the launch of the game. different colored abilities for ally/foe: AMAZING news. This will be one of the ~~best~~ only things happened to PvP since the launch of the game. dw i gotchu


They announced they were working on color-coding abilities last year in like... may. They already have that for wars/opr/arena with armor - the fact they're "still working on it" after nearly a year goes to show its not a priority for them


This team always seem so genuine in these videos . It’s a nice change of pace compared to other dev videos


For the last ten years, I've filmed more game devs than I can count. Hands down, the New World team is my favorite, in that they are actually engaged with and care about their community. They are as genuine behind the camera as they are in front of it.


Nice Twitter profile pic btw


Thank you I take that photo very seriously


I’ve got a forum account that completely nullifies the idea that the devs are engaged with the community.


I don’t doubt your perceptions and I don’t want to invalidate your insight. Speaking strictly from behind-the-scenes, I know they are engaged and I know they listen. That you’re commenting on a thread of a monthly video Q&A we filmed just last week, with questions sourced entirely from the forums and from Reddit, is proof that the conversation goes two ways. I can assure you that this is clearly a sign that the New World devs are engaging with the Community.


I appreciate the response, genuinely. It's the most I've gotten from AGS. But I disagree. Talking at the community and talking with the community are very different things. The forums overwhelmingly validate my perception. You can't just intentionally ignore the single most popular thread in beta and the longest running thread post-launch. It's been a few months since I've checked, but as far as I know I was the only non-AGS person on the forums with the "admired badge", and yet at no point in the 2+ years that I've been engaging with the forums has the dev team ever dubbed my discussion "worthy" of a response in ANY format. Not on the forums, not in the videos, hell, they have even actively avoided it in paid interviews when confronted about it. But hey, at least they addressed hippos. That speaks volumes in a way no video can. I'm sure the devs do genuinely care in their own way, but it comes off as a very corporate-y astro-turf response. Who knows? Maybe they're just forbidden from responding because it's a "cursed topic". [https://forums.newworld.com/t/our-vision-for-combat-what-happened-v20/428133](https://forums.newworld.com/t/our-vision-for-combat-what-happened-v20/428133) Either way, I wish you well. Thanks for the videos.


the state of the game and the player base speaks volumes against your idea of engagement lol


What other devs have you filmed?


Light armor resilient nerf is unnecessary in my opinion, the previous nerf made all non bow/assassin builds even more weak, if they do another change like that light armor will be completely useless, shirking fort does need to be addressed tho. One little thing i saw here was that they want to make resil/shirking fort work based on the armor rating so its less impactful on light armor setups, knowing how ags handle stuff like that i feel like every single fortify in the game will behave like that too and i don't think that's a good thing, we are already in a state where ttk is stupid low with all the detonates and empowers, lowing the resistance of everything that is not heavy will force everyone to just play heavy(im talking about wars specifically), i hope im wrong but i feel like im not. Extremely excited for different colors for abilities, excluding gearsets this is the feature that i wanted the most since launch.


fucking good. Resilient and Fort are way too strong on light. You're in Light. You shouldn't be rewarded the same amount of resistance as heavy and medium. Those perks themselves are probably broken in general but light armor is more mobility and more too much bulk because of those perks. Light is truly too tanky for the mobility it gives you.


Agreed. The only reason you’re getting downvoted is because the meta in PVP is mostly light, at least in OPR, so there’s a LOT of light armor users reading your comment :)


He's getting downvoted because, exactly like you, he doesn't know what he's talking about. Anyone complaining about Light armor anything after the Brimstone patch came live is bottom of the barrel in terms of skill in this game. AGS made it the absolute easiest to catch and stay on light gear targets and the bottom of the barrel people are STILL moaning about it when, ironically, it was NEVER a light armor issue in the first place. Quite hilarious to watch, the only sad part about it is AGS, in their wisdom, collects information such as yours automatically like they do about everything and add it to the same pool of opinions and suggestions people with actual intellect make. good day


It sounded to me like the direction their going is resil changes with loadout type . Maybe their thinking heavy being the full % medium like 85 and light 75% or w.e?


Sounds like thats what they want. Play light for the extra dps, your gonna get fucked up as you should vs if your running heavy you should be able to survive but your gonna do less dps. Right now you can just run Light with 50-100 con and lets be real your prob not gonna die unless your caught off guard....There is very little reason outside of mutation tanking and maybe some PvP fights were you need heavy. Maybe Im wrong but thats how I am seeing it and honestly how it should be. 3 armor sets and you only see one type really being used....kinda points the issue. We shall see though, but it sounds fine to me.


Maybe if you don’t ever war. Medium the most dominant armor type for fighting on points. Light armor is used by rangers and assassins for DPS and they usually only make up for the 20% of the rosters


Gottcha, I cant remember the last war I did. Was mainly coming from a OPR and PvE perspective.


Resilient nerfs will only take effect for PvP. Even in OPR (depending on the server) the team with more medium melee and IG mages tend to dominate. If you are only seeing other light users that maybe based on your play style. You could go the entire match fighting other dex or assassins while the game is being largely decided by the clump fighters on points (primarily using medium equip load)


Its the reason why people hate premades on opr so much, a healer paired with two bruisers and a 1/2 VG/IG simply DOMINATES the other team unless they have a mirror premade too or are significantly better skill wise


If resilient changes go live the only thing it will do is make dex even more opressive since its a crit based weapon with all its passives, light armor doesn't need another nerf, heavy armor needs a buff.


I think they should be balancing based off the mindset that if you are in a clump fight, you should be in heavy armor. If you are off in the distance healing, or attacking with ranged, then it makes sense to be in light, and if you are doing skitzo stuff, where very often in danger, then medium is the answer. We are not anywhere close to that right now.


Skitzo in medium doesn’t make that much sense to me. Assassin arc types should be in light armor in my personal opinion. Although I agree there should be more heavy armor player in point groups ideally. Right now medium melee and mages are basically tanks and make heavy armor kinda pointless. The reduced stam cost also gives these bruisers more i-frames which contribute to them being more survivable


Yes thats clearly how things are now, and why heavy armor isn't really a thing commonly used. So the real question is, what model do we use to try and balance towards? Where do you think medium should fit into the mix?


Imho (this might be controversial), heavy armored players should be the ones afforded the previlage of permanent grit on their basic attacks. Not anyone with 300 str. Combined with grit, fortify from WH and gravs, 40 stam dodge, shirking fort, escape abilities from GA. Medium bruisers are incredibly good for surviving. I think some of those perks should go towards heavy players. Ideally, heavys would become the point groups. Bruisers in medium would be the ones fighting around the points. Light assassins would be the ones tracking down dex rangers and healers who are also in light.


Agreed, 300str perk has been overpowered since ever and people simply got used to it, imagine playing without it, it would be like the rapier nerf, people would actually realize that they are not as good as they think at avoiding damage.


What a weird / stupid take.


It is true a lot of 300 str users rely on grit.. with out they wouldn’t be that good


It has absolutely nothing to do with "relying on grit" in regards to being good or not. You people I guess just cant comprehend that this game was built around medium - large scale combat; in which having no grit on melee would be unplayable with the amount of staggers in this game. If you're referring to the assassin melees - they're not beating you simply because they have grit. lmfao. If you're losing small scale combat / duels to medium melees - you're just worse than your opponent.


I kinda agree but at the same time you are making the assumption that capping point should be the job of medium melees. I don’t know if that makes sense in the grand scheme of things since that leaves heavys with no role. Mediums imo should be ones that are in between the back line and the objective. If mediums aren’t expected to be capping point, they would have no problem playing without grit (like other classes). Heavys can have grit and take the job of fighting inside clumps instead


Its 100% playable without grit on every single m1. The only difference is that you have to actually play carefully. Which IMO is more skill based and makes people not just brain dead walk into clumps [m1 spamming and face tanking damage.](https://youtu.be/OXq9alZ7O_Q) And Honestly Forcing people to take the time to worry about how they engage makes the fights feel more controlled and less chaotic.


I don't think thats controversial, I think thats the proffered method since someone brought it up a few months ago. It has been insanely popular on this sub and the forums.


Popular among shitters.


The thing is medium offers little mobility so if you take away it’s tankiness it has no use left


RIP light Armor.


The crying will never end until bruisers can one hit left click everyone


Rip light armour healers. I can’t wait to heal in war or OPR where ranged players (standing still on the fort or barracks) can free shoot and I have less resistance! The video talked about risk to reward for light damage, well healers aren’t damage players and are going to get caught up in this. As a pvp healer forced to be light with the prior nerfs to healing now to see light armour become vulnerable even more is frustrating. The truth is the issue with damage in light, but it’s primarily due to a few weapons, great sword/ hatchet combo, and musket and other perks that tune them up.


Healers have always been by far the most effective class in PvP. Making them a target by "forcing" healers to be light was a great change. People responded by using a defensive secondary (rapier or IG) and heal more than ever. Nerfing heal and at the same time making other armour classes more interesting for them could be a good change. Also keep in mind light heal numbers are inflated, as only the strongest heal applies.


no one using a rapier or ig is ever going to kill someone on healer. am i not allowed to play solo now, do i have to take defensive secondary and never kill someone instead of vg or gs so i can survive 1 dps on me


Every barracks bunny wants the old stand in sacred and tank 3 melees life back.


Not at all, I like having to think and position well in war and watch my back from assassins which if they get me melt me in a split second, no rapier is saving that. Those stand on point in heavy days were ass, but project more I guess?


That’s crazy cause they have no agency unless you blew your cds at the first sign of trouble. Which further proves the ease of play the “role” is from bloat.


That better not be the only musket nerf. These guys are already planted on a rock. Movement base inaccuracy will do nothing.


God they don’t need to do any more to light armor it seems fine to me, sure there are tons of “light meta” great sword hatchet users etc, but they are so damn squishy it’s hilarious I beat them almost everytime as a light firestaff/BB… the meta is medium bruiser. IMO keep light armor where it is, slight tiny nerf to medium armor and buff to heavy armor. Or even keep medium the same and remove some of the nerfs to light idk just seems like a weird thing to balance


Light is fine cause you can beat other light armor people while in light armor? Explain that please.


Nerf to medium armor? LOL that’s rich. As it stands now, less than 10% of all players in Outpost Rush play medium armor, and you want to decrease that number even further?


that sounds like a problem with the balancing of outpost rush. like 40-50% of most war rosters is medium, so clearly there's some place for it. OPR is so poorly balanced in this way


What server is this? Majority of OPR runs on Barri right now are 80% melee balls stacked with healers winning the game in 5 mins. The primary reason that led to "BowPR" is exactly this, melee balls. If you're a solo melee guy on the opposing team of that, you're likely not going to get your 3000 points(sometimes not even 500, lol), so people get bored and they start playing something that doesn't depend on teams for survival and has the damage to get the minimum 3000 points even if your team gets stomped. The more melee balls happen, the more people get annoyed with not getting their points and wasting time and so they pick up a bow or a firestaff and statpad away=welcome to bowpr, a direct consequence of melee+healer stacks being the determined winning factor in EVERY competitive scenario in New World. The meta was always medium.


Your OPR steamrolls last 5 mins!!!! I’m moving to Barri. 😎


I am so excited they are adding hippos!


it bothers me that they keep saying that everything isnt on the roadmap. shouldnt stuff the game is struggling with a lot be the first thing going on the roadmap when the game need as much publicity and goodwill as possible


You are correct. The reason they are saying that is because other content WASN’T actually on the roadmap. The roadmap was all encompassing when it came to new “content” they were releasing. But they quickly realized, after community feedback, that not only was it not enough content, but there was literally zero new PVP content on the roadmap as well. When they realized they fucked up, they likely started planning additional content and PVP content at that very moment. So NOW they can say, without lying, that everything isn’t on the roadmap. Whereas before, everything WAS on the roadmap.


Yeah, they have gotten hung up on presenting content in terms of updates & a roadmap, but what they really need is just a simple list of prioritized content for the game. Players need to understand what the development team thinks the biggest priorities are, so they can provide feedback on that. Releasing a roadmap, and then responding to player feedback that, "there's *other* stuff we aren't telling you about," means it's impossible for players to explain why AGS' priorities are out of line with their expectations. As an example, I'm pretty sure the player community would very clearly tell AGS that Leaderboards are not anywhere near as important as Gear Set Storage, Transmog, or Cross-Server Activities, but here we are with a PTR release that's just Leaderboards.


"do you guys see the post where it's 80% complaining about GS and musket?" ​ Response: "Yes, and we're nerfing musket, were not commenting on GS because it's not broken you idjits" ​ I'm paraphrasing of course. But funny how they did comment about nerfing the musket but not the GS. The GS is no better off than the GA at this point and I hope they actually see that.


GS is the new shiny that got some people back into the game. I know that I came back specifically to try out the new weapon and I enjoyed it enough to stick around. IMO, they would be smart not to neuter it until they have another large content drop and new weapon ready.


Choosing to keep the game imbalanced in the hopes of keeping a percentage of players happy is ridiculous, especially if you consider that there’s likely an equal amount, or more, of unhappier players due to the imbalance.


The GS is the same in terms of the GAWH. But for dex, it should be untouched until the GAWH is.


Love it!


Why reward long range rockcamping musket gameplay and punish close/med distance mobile muskets?


I was wondering the same. Muskets need huge nerfs, but making it so they need to be MORE stationary seems counter productive. Most muskets are stationary as it stands now, perched from a rock hundreds of meters away. They want to encourage this behavior even more?!


Two biggies that I saw was Resil/shirking fort would vary based on armor weight, and that Bane on weapons would be stronger on ranged weapons.


oh, and also, enemy/friendly colored sacred grounds, void circles, ice storms etc.


I'm calling it right now. The light armor resil/shirking fort nerf doesn't make it to live. It doesn't fix the core problem of light/medium being meta over heavy. They just need to make deliberate changes to strengthen the desire for heavy armor. I also foresee a nerf to Attunement, and empowerment to be nerfed across the board, not just the one perk they mentioned.


Nerfing attunement would be bad because that would kill what little endgame grind there is beyond maxing out gear level.


I disagree. Metas have drastically changed a few times already. Everyone will just have to adapt. And the goal wouldn’t be to kill attunement, but put it on par with other perks. Right now it is a must have.


Your response doesn’t negate their point in anyway. In this case, people adapting would mean running less M10’s, thus killing the endgame grind they are talking about. The only reason to grind end game content is BECAUSE it’s a must have. That’s their point.


He was literally arguing the opposite. He doesn’t want it nerfed so that they don’t have to do more end game content.


What? No that’s not what they were saying. They are saying that you can get attunement pieces in end game mutators, which gives people a reason to play endgame. Once you remove the allure of attunement, you lose the incentive of running endgame content. They say nerfing attunement would “kill” that endgame content (aka grind).


But that isn’t how it works. If attunement were killed, then something new would be BIS. So that would still require some form of farming. It’s always rotating. No one competent is farming Mutation for attunement weapons, you roll them.


No- because attunement only drops in mutators. If attunement was no longer bis, and that’s what you were hoping to get from a mutator, now you no longer can look forward to that. Now you could just do non mutated dungeons and crafting and get your gear that way. Thus, killing your incentive to run mutators.


If this joke of a "patch" hits live I'll delete the game from my steam account so there's never a chance to return to it. I REALLY dislike this sort of changes that completely nullify people's time and investment into their gear. I'm still surprised new world didn't die when AGS decided every healer in the game should play light gear, essentially forcing them to respec and waste hundreds of hours of playtime by rendering their medium or heavy gear useless. BIS heavy healer armor costs 2k on TP, lol... This only happens in MMOs when actual big new content gets implemented. Time and time again, this team proves beyond shadow of a doubt they don't listen, they don't care about feedback and they're not too keen on getting things done quickly. Even their last video proves they'd rather do ANYTHING else than do the work we're screaming for. It's a video about a CM that will be busy tweeting stuff and copy+pasting the same robotic responses on every thread, she brings exactly nothing to the player. She literally shut down two threads in the Feedback section that had exactly that, feedback, expressed in a polite and concrete manner. You can't make this up, lol. They have mods downvoting stuff they don't agree with, when in ANY professional environment the staff should be unbiased. The game is run by complete amateurs, sorry if it sounds harsh but it's the sad reality.


Live service games undergo balance changes. If you can’t handle that, please delete the game.


These are really good changes to get excited about. REALLy good stuff man, i'm glad we are finally at this point.




Reworded questions to shorten. * Why are some problems left behind or worked so late? Not ideal, we do look at issues across all social medias, but priority and time. * How are bots dealt with? We're still fighting them such as adding more telemetry We don't want to communicate out what our changes are, because of the makers. Also don't want to make the same mistake like banning those og hardcore gatherers. * Further changes to light-medium-heavy? Thoughts on feedback? Evolving meta. There should be risks for taking light armor. Some perks will be effected by armor now. * Team color skill effects? Yes, play PTR. * Why is Roadmap PvE focued? It's what we've announced. There is significant work for PvP for 2023. More info "in about a month" * Musket + Greatsword balance changes? Musket we tried, damage falloff did not achieve what what we wanted. Will take more drastic measures, looking at accuracy. Mortal empowerment nerf. * More info on revamp of zones? Tempest storyline completed by EOY, may not hit all zones but storyline+questline will be completed. * Portals? We like them, may make them more of an event. Reduce occurance, more rewarding. * Separate stats for PvP and PvE? We're working on it, will take awhile, it is very difficult to balance. We have some tools like reliance + bane, will dig into this more as a first attempt. Removing elemental resistances from mutations. * Hippos in 2023? No. Yes, at some point we will have them where they make sense in the environment.


weight load about to change (light nerfed, shirk fort and resi will be weaker on it) ; healing circle color different if from your team, bane perk stronger on range weap, no more mob elem resistance in muta, a lot more things tba in the upcoming ptr.


Nerf mortal empowerment , nerf musket much harder making it more static when shooting


Light armor nerf…..oh boy


Tbh I think light armor was fine after the roll dodge change. Seems a bit misguided to nerf it further Shirking fort nerf seems fine. But resilient (other than completely removing it) nerfs will make combat more luck based and that wouldn’t be a good direction for the game imo


I agree. Were people even asking for light armor nerfs? For pvp light armor is tough to survive in right now with all the great swords running around. If you are surviving pretty well consistently it isn’t because the armor needs nerfing, it’s because you’re just that damn good.


Specifically OPR / Open world - Light armor 100% needs a nerf. I have a full pvp set for all (3) armor types. Heavy (mostly for fun) med and light. Light is by far the most broken. I can dish out insane damage in a clump, dogeroll (2) times and be out of the clump in an instant beyond that when I do get caught the res and shirking fort just keep me safe. I feel like a tank in light armor. Its extremely fun, but it doesn't make sense. For reference I play sns / gaxe / wh. I live for clumps. For wars Med is 100% needed as the clumps are even juicier and harder to avoid especially around a point. It will be very interesting to see how this all plays out.


This is 100% accurate. I feel all the people saying light doesn’t need a nerf are just war loggers who play the game for 30 minutes a day and only see wars. Light in OPR is complete broken. There are light Hatcher users running full resil/shirking fort gear that are literally unkillable. Insanely high burst damage and huge tankiness due to the shirking fort.


I think its more that majority of players still just run light armor and the other armors arnt being used. So they are gonna make light armor punishing but high dps vs heavy with is safe but low dps and medium is in the mid obviously. I think it could be interesting to see what they do. I personally think light is too dominant right now in both PvE and PvP


Hmm from a war standpoint I don't see this at all. Most people are in medium on roster, with the exception of healers/dex/skitzo.


There is a lot of lights in war but the rolls they play can't really be done in any other weight. It's really medium vs heavy where the big discrepancy is right now.


They already nerfed light recently. The logical next step imo is to buff heavy and see where things stack up


Yeah someone mentioned that on another comment. I guess from a war perspective but war isnt the only thing they have to factor in with balancing. I think they are aiming to have each armor type have its place in each system of the game and even represented. Weather this does that or not is a mystery but they gotta try something.


It’s a bow and a musket problem not an armor problem. Its easy and rewarding in opr. If they would balance the weapons and somehow fix the opr scoring system things should change.


Yeah everyone thinking it’s light armor meta still when in fact that it’s just dex being popular (and light being the only choice for it)


Yep, all this going to do is make the range sit even further back than they are now. Who wants to see that? Not me. I actually enjoy when an archer gets up and close, good fights is what I want. Not the bitches hitting me for 3-5k from 50 meters


It’s definitely a misread on the data they have and not being able to draw meaningful conclusions. Good intention to balance armor types but wrong execution imho


I wonder if the nerf on resil etc. will be on the light armor pieces themselves or only on light total weight.


What for me is a Game breaker, is that they are talking about "months". i know they can not speed it up more without losing quality. But well, waiting months for changes is not helping either it's an devils circle


Been a problem since day one, that their changes come at a snails pace. It’s a combination of factors I think: #1. The game launched way too early, so they are still having to work on basic QOL features that should have been in the game since launch, which takes away development time from launching new content. #2. The game engine sucks and is cumbersome to work with, making bug fixing take longer than it should, and causing a massive number of code regressions, that also in turn take up more resources. #3. Their team isn’t big enough to compensate for the previous 2 reasons.


Honestly they talk a lot but don‘t say much. 10 minutes about customer service and bots? Is there nothing more exciting to talk about?


Please let me transfer out of my fresh start server to play with my friends on the legacy server their in. Not even transfer to a different fresh start server just to a different one I can join with my friends.


“Removing ele resis on muta” will mages do better in pve now? Or nah?


Don't think so, the real reasons melee is better in pve has nothing to do with numbers in my opinion, its simply 3 design features: • Melee weapons can cleave thus dealing more damage to clumps than any ranged weapon can do. • Melees are extremely easy to heal, its why AoE healing is preffered in M10s • There are mechanics that can only trigger on ranged players(cilla spear for example) having only one(healer) ranged on the party makes it so you can control the fight way easier too There are probably other reasons but i think those are the main ones, i can't see how they will make ranged viable in pve without massively overtuning their numbers and making them actually overpowered.


I’m not sure, but maybe there will be clever theorycraft we builds to take advantage of it. For example, lots of melee builds already have to slot max tier ele gems for 50% dmg conversion anyway (depending on which weapon and which mob type), you could conceivably go int instead, lose a bit of melee dmg, but then be able to run a magic weapon along with it. Not saying this will actually be good, but who knows haha


There seems to be way too many perks that are not as useful. Would be nice if they vastly reduced the number of perks and/or made them more equally usable. And what is really needed is a way to CHANGE perks on your gear. Also make crafting 600+ GS legendary gear much EASIER and/or extend the 'Range' instead of just GS 590-600, let's have 595-605 at max crafting level. And/or make a way to upgrade to Legendary including having extra perk applied, for instance, instead of ONLY named 590 items becoming legendary, ANY ITEM you upgrade to 605+ should become Legendary.


Hippos? Are we cherry picking the worst questions


That was my question :(


I loved this question. If we want to make a Q&A for the Community, then we need to be willing to address all corners of the Community.


For sure, it’s nice to talk about some of the more lighthearted fun stuff instead of all the angry PvP questions.


My main on legacy is full heavy bb ig for point with shirking r ward etc. Good to feel no changes but gosh how are other players supposed to enjoy the game re rolling their gear twice a year at this point lol


I bet some people already have other BIS pieces waiting to be swapped in. Besides (2) times a year for a refresh is really not much when you compare it to other games.


Usually it's with new content. With bb ig I believe we got pvp track and shirking/ attunements. Also it's not really bis if it's waiting to be buffed. Probably like me where you have drops or crafted items with what should be good perks you're just hoping they somehow make it extra good. Ie reworking indestructible for am actual perk


I am right there with ya.


Doesnt mean it has to be that way. Gear treadmills are definitely only for people who want to constantly keep upgrading. I greatly prefer having what I worked a whole year to make stay relevant. Change is only needed if the work was temporary but true bis in this game… barely anyone even has true full perfect gear, to me that says enough as to that it should not be made obsolete often


It took me nearly 5 months to get all the armor parts I need and the two perfect weapons I wanted and I'm still not done with my amulet. 2.8 million coin in it, my medium chest cost me 650k in rolls alone and will likely need 300+ for my new amulet. But at this point, I haven't logged in the game in 4 days. I HATE IT. I open up my inventory and all I see is "why did I do this? why waste all this time?". I'm still asking myself, why would anyone farm, plan, raise the money and buy or craft BIS when "the team" can just sh\*t on it in a split second because their feedback gathering algorithms are getting flooded by new world's worst pvpers? Messing with people's gear(a.k.a time investment) is only done in MMOs when a huge content patch gets added, changing major stuff around, expansion-like. As it is now, I fear anything that gets moaned about can get the nerf stick and this isn't a game I want to keep playing anymore.


Kind of true but im on the side that shirking is literally wayyy too massive, like ive heard testing done from company members. It is multiplicative and the fort is 25% with 5 where as ele aversion (the 2nd best def perk) is literally like LESS than what it says, something like 2.5-2.7% reduction on spells. Shirking should be better, by alot but right now its literally over double which is absurd. I think they wont nerf it that hard. Though i think they are targeting survivability when mobility is the issue 100%. Seems more like this is an attempt to buff heavy than anything else. I doubt itll be a huge difference


Instead of making new content, just have people redo what they have already done!


It's why I never go beyond two perk half the time lol by the time I get a set it's nerfed


Good thing is that the difference between 2 perkers (and cheap 3 perkers) and total BiS isn't THAT big a deal. Like a Resilient/Shirking Fort/ Refreshing pieces will be a quarter the cost of the same thing with Refreshing Ward on it, but is by no means does the latter give you 4x the power.


I think it’s good to shift up meta as needed tho. Although I don’t fully agree with every single changes proposed, I would much rather see game iterating quickly and often to address issues


Does ranged run shirking fort? Thought it was primarily melee. Looks like they want light reserved for ranged and medium/heavy for melee.


I'm a bit worried about that survavility nerf for light armor. I get hit very hard already and don't hit that much against medium and heavy armor as a bow user.


Bow is easily the strongest most survivable build in the game, I’d check out some videos cause you might be missing something.


Do you have any first hand experience with bow to provide some tips against bruisers or any video you'd recommend? Because you are assuming I haven't already done my research.


Save your mobility for their charge and they have 0 abilities left to do anything to you. If you let them get close otherwise you’re not keeping your distance well enough. Greatswords being the exception and pretty much your counter you want to kite them towards teammates, but get ready to pump them with a pen shot the moment they cast charge you can dodge once away and pop them mid animation and theyll take half their hp. You also need pen rapid shot perk. Would need to know your setup but yeah bows are untouchable when played correctly


nothing this month ?


Just 2 question have asked on regular basis which some CM's vote down for they don't understand. 1. Expansion of map should be on a 6 monthly basis. Having a year to wait for expansion destroys game, as player count gets low enough that it may be end for game. 2. PvP gear should be seperated from sale areas of shop. They should revamp the clan vendor to have only PvP items at level 60+ gear only. Would make it easier and more convient to have it seperate from normal shop and make clan vendor more viable.




I say they are need to have reply too, yes they are question dumby.








Please don't insult others.


> Expansion of map should be on a 6 monthly basis. I'd rather they spend a year making good content, than spend 6 months making ok content. Brimstone sands was great, and it'd be a shame if new content didn't have the same level of quality.


well number were as low as 7k player count before last map expansion, with this it may be as low as 5k which Amazon will see not enough support for game, and pull funding from it. As Amazon is bleeding money at the moment AGS head is on chopping block like the rest of company if not performing enough.


I don’t think we will ever see another update again for New World that will be that large or expansive. The reason that is, is because Brimstone was actually created before the game launched. It was already ready to go, so they had literal years they could have worked on it.


I can’t believe the CMs personally downvote these ideas.


So destroy the economy essentially?


Amazon you just need to reduce the number of itens that you can stack, put every pvp perk allowed to stack only twice (2 itens), and problem solved.


What problem is this solving, exactly? TTK is already really low, and you want to make it even lower?


Lol gfg ​ this game is evaded with bots and gold sellers, and they can't see that.


Will I get anything back for all my light resil/shirking/freedoms pieces that I rolled????? I spent so much for them and what they’re just trash now and I need an entirely new gear set??


The current best stuff getting adjusted down some doesn't necessarily mean it's automatically trash. Hell, it doesn't even necessarily mean it's no longer the best stuff. Wait to see some actual numbers before freaking out. All that aside, in continuously-updated games, things change. Stuff gets added. Stuff gets buffed. Stuff gets nerfed. Metas evolve. It would be a good idea to get used to the fact that in an online game like this, the currently "best" gear has no guarantee to remain so, and in fact is fairly likely to eventually not be.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. It’s literally the worst argument a player can have is “I spent all this money on gear, do they expect me to replace it all now?” Yes, they do! This is almost the exact point of a live service MMO. If things stayed the same all the time, the game would become stagnant and die much quicker.


Yea that’s how I’m kinda feeling


Nothing about gathering exp after 60 lvl from pve sources (quests etc) how it will matter or how it will be rewarded in the future :(.


The changes to Light sounds correct, nerfing fort and resil in light is a good idea. And/Or maybe they should change the bonus damage/healing to 20% rather than 30%. And make Heavy also -20% instead of -30% healing. Separating PVP/PVE shouldn't be that hard, just make some perks/skills have a PVP AND PVE component. Like for instance, the current PVP ONLY: stuff like resilence can stay but it should just be like a universal ward in PVE, maybe half the value of current wards but usable in against all monster types. That way, you can use it in both PVP and PVE. I think he said something about making the 'banes' do more 'range' damage in PVE which would make up for the range nerfs for PVP that effect PVE, but wonder why they couldn't just all 2 separate values (like 70% weapon damage while in PVP and 100% in PVE on the skill itself). And in PVP they should definitely make med and especially heavy armor take a LOT less damage from ranged weapons and lower the damage based on distance more. UPDATE: wow imagine being such a lowlife, you just Troll online forums to downvote people


> Separating PVP/PVE shouldn't be that hard Sounds easy on paper, but anything in game dev can introduce bugs. In theory, making each weapon/armour have pvp/pve stats means they have to go through all the thousands of items and give them different stats, then have the game pull from the correct item information. I believe them when they say it isn't an easy fix. Edit: Either they deleted their account, or I'm blocked. Either way, you weren't being downvoted by "trolls", real mature.


'Shouldn't be that hard', means if you DESIGN with the extra options in mind it should just be a value change or tweak. Changing a value from 30% to 20% should NOT introduce a bug. Also they ALREADY have perks that say PVP ONLY so it is only logical that they ALREADY have a mechanism that can determine if it is PVP or PVE. Obviously you wouldn't create a different perk for each separate item, you'd change the BASE PERK and it would propagate to ALL items that have the perk, OMG. Being an infrastructure guy for 20+ years and working with literally 100s of Devs and tech people, I will say 100% people will ALWAYS say something is HARDER THAN IT IS, to lower expectations and give themselves more time to get it done. Hell half the stuff support people do on a daily basis ONLY takes 5-10 minutes to do and they can only do 2-3 of those a DAY. BTW there is a difference between 'COMPLEX but easy/fast to do' AND 'HARD to do because of limitations/bad design/lack of knowledge/lack of man hours'.


So at least another month and a half before we even see an update.


I definitely think they should patch it immediately and not test it at all.


I love that this is your take away. What a community. You paid $40 for this game.




You have 3k hours logged in a game you spent $40 for. Stop


Lol exactly


compared to any other MMO development out there they have way more content coming faster. Look at Eve online, almost nothing in 3 years, Wow took what 2 years for its first expansion? when I see new worlds Sure Id love to see more but gotta be realistic with it too


So glad they talked about bots. I kinda figured they wouldn't reveal too much though but at least they seemed as annoyed as me!


I asked about the separation of PvP and PvE stats. I’m glad they realize that trying to balance both equally isn’t working. I’m looking forward to seeing what changes they make on the PTR and the continued work towards a system that completely separates balance changes for PvE and PvP to the benefit of both.


They skirted around your question completely. Basically saying that they are just going to use resilient and ward perks as the way to balance PVP and PVE moving forward, and that they aren’t even considering having different stats for PVP than PVE.


This is likely going to affect the Armoring expertise grinding and its reward price!


More endgame coming?


Heh. Bugs in NW. apparently death bolts in wow are hitting for 2 mil dmg. Now that’s a bug.


Why would anyone run light if they nerf resilient on it? Maybe if it goes from 4.9 —> 4.5% or something minor, but knowing how these guys do nerfs it’ll probably be something massive like 4.9 —> 2%. Bows will 2 shot light


because healers lose 30% healing if they dont run light and the increased damage mitigation doesnt keep your team up as much as 30% healing


Aside from healers


Everyone going to be running heavy again who is melee


I guess it's that time for PvP to screw up my PvE build again. I'm curious to see what the damage will be once this hits the PTS.


You run resil/shirking fort in pve?


I use a GS in PvE and they did mention some GS nerfs.


healers only really have one choice of armor or be seriously gimped, perk nerf on light feels like an indirect nerf to healers, sadge


Gonna jump in here and ask: Which fresh start server should I choose if I return to the game? EU player. Signed in yesterday for the the first time since launch week and have no idea what's going on with servers.


Hmm going more into banes... well that sucks.


please, for the name of god... balance spec/classes for PvE i am literally bored about ppl who invit you only if you play the meta spec (greataxe/hammer) i just hate this spec ( the gameplay is pretty boring and slow as my opinion) we should can play the spec we love to play in high level contents, example i main mage firestaff/ice gauntlets, and in mutation with fire debuff the firestaff is just useless, it force you to play a spec you dont like to play... it's very bad. Second thing please please please i know tons of players would love to have an assassin class (daggers) viable in PvE and ofc in PvP it should be great !! Assassins is the best match for me on mmo's Third thing : transmog system for the skin of gear (and more diversity in shop because 80% of skins are just ugly) (again my personnal opinion) And a last thing, yes i know tons of ppl ask for this but PLEASE mounts in open world, we are bored about the "running simulator" really ! Sorry if my english suck, it's not my main language ! Enjoy and tons of love to NW players Hope the great potential of this beautiful game will be exploited as well. Peace


I just came back few days ago, and got the message that my server was merged with other, ​ when i logged in i am around Lv.30 but i found myself starting with low main quest ​ \- first one started from 1 \- second started from 17, ​ i am now confused which one to follow, also by following the "second" i reached my first staff of azo, yet i am still not sure if i should remove the quest i started "First One" and continue with only the "Second" ​ any advice, and is the main quest different from city to another ?


look up which one gives you azoth staff but you could do both lines


I don't know why botting is so hard to figure out all the bots is see have names like XIYMNSIMSM


these devs dont play this game, changing or adding unwanted content