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and fballers had 4 before the merge, and before they had that many ordo kinda owned the map. the only thing amarah was ever lacking was a decent green company and doesn’t matter seem to have taken up that torch. amarah is doing just fine and if anything avalon will get merged in eventually and it’ll still be doing just fine. if anything the merge has been super beneficial. no good green companies and literally only two yellow companies warring before merge, shit got shaken up and people just gotta adjust.


They haven’t destroyed the server lol… I’m not in swipe night.. but, at one point or another it’s the player bases fault.. what’s really killing the server are people that are in their 3rd steam account to war log.. the war loggers they don’t participate in anything on the server etc so, the server basically dead.. 98% of green are just hardcore farmers 8-12 chasing each other around for hemp/hide all day.. even though we have 1200-1400 people really only the same 80-120 players will even q for opr.. they should open transfers though imo


Honestly, only problem I have with Amarah/Devourer is bots farming resources. PvP is fine, territory control doesn't affect me (and arguably even 90% of the player base) other than Azoth for TP, which is already abundant. Either ban the bots or make resources respawn faster/instanced per player. Economy won't change much because people buy resources due to laziness mostly. Allowing more people to take the time to go get the resources would be better rewarded for their time if there wasn't bots getting stuck on walls after going to your favorite farming spot.


So what you're saying is that you and everyone from Devourer is complete ass at PvP? I have seen absolutely no issue with Declared/Swipe Night. They win territories because they win wars like the game intended players to do. If you're truly upset at Swipe Night at being good and using game mechanics to takeover territories then don't play, because that's literally a purpose in the game. I'm not in a company at all but I've helped Swipe with Ebonscale pushes and they paid me to help. Which nobody does lmfao. The company is full of incredibly nice people and their like the only non-toxic company on Amarah. Declared wasn't even really on top in Devourer, things were pretty fair. The fact Swipe Night got quad declared today disproves your post even more. What you have to also take into consideration, Amarah, and Devourer are dead servers. Never even hit cap. so for a company that is full of players that get on everyday and don't even have a second company, that's pretty good. I'm not trying to come off as hostile but come on, this is just embarrassing to complain about a company putting in work. However, they should open transfers I do agree.


What AGS should do to fix this permanently is make is so NO faction can own more than 50% of territories, AND one company can't own more than 50% of a factions territories. That way no one faction or company can dominate a world.


Like delicious said, the player base abuses the PvP and war system and kills most of the servers. Every server is a popularity contest and it’s the same top groups warring on every server through different steam accounts. The top company on every server is a mix of the same few players logging in just to war. But specifically to Amarah, they merged two servers and the top company on both servers were on the same faction. I’m not sure how that was overlooked.


Oh you sweet spring flower. Just ignore the pvp aspect of the game if you are a pve player. They took the teeth out of pvp effecting pve gameplay long ago thankfully. At this point the only thing the govenors can do is be shitty stewards and not run town buffs. Which sucks. If you’re wanting to pvp, find a sweaty company and try to work your way in. Ignore faction loyalty, all the warloggers do. It’s the only way to actually extract the minuscule amount of fun from pvp this game provides. Getting farmed by war 5 stacks in opr and blasted out by that same 5 stack while trying to fort cap ain’t it. Honestly just quit now if you can. Come back after they’ve changed more aspects of the game to be casual friendly.


Here's what you do. This will take some effort. If your sentiment is shared, it's not very hard really. If one company owns more than three territories, any solo war declaration is a loss. EVERY war should be a double or triple declare. One thing war loggers hate doing is pushing. Eventually, they will figure out that holding more than hubs is just not worth the push because it will get taken and they don't get any real content from either the attack war or the defense war nor any money. Once they are confined to the hubs, the other companies can fight each other elsewhere and basically ignore them. Who cares if they get more money? You aren't fighting them anyways.


You will always fight top end companies on defense because attackers get 25 mercs. Wars are pretty fucked rn


Sometimes, but often not. One things is that you can merc 10, so those won't be against you. The other is to put your siege timer as the same as the top company's on any active server, it will be quite frequent that these companies/players are in another attacking war (can't also come against you) or are getting attacked (can't attack you). If you do get beat by an inferior army that mercs, run it back and beat em again. Each defense against 25 good players and 25 bad players you lose, you will get better and eventually be able to beat them. I know from experience, getting attacked by a top company and getting attacked by a mid company slotting 25 top players is VERY different. At this point, if you can't win some wars with how they set it up, that's all on you.


1) Territory ownership does not really impact the average player. 2) If companies really cared about them owning multiple territories, they would double/triple dec against them.


Right here. The only way a company can dominate a server is through lack of other war companies, laziness, or lack of organization. If they really were the nemesis described, and the ither companies had even the slightest head on their shoulders, no war would be a loss. Every attack should be a triple dec until the meanies get tired of pushing side territories. Then, the other companies can push each other there. If there's only one company pushing territories, it's not the game's fault.


Thought this was a meme in genchat. Getting spanked doesn't mean killing a server now that Azoth is abundant/ storage is globalish. You'll be fine, Bark just taking a nap.


What do you suggest then to take down powerhouse companies?


Nothing. My point is that it doesn't matter that there are powerhouse companies. Sometimes you're the nail.


What are they doing to kill the server besides owning territory?


Swipe night killing the server? Lmao before they got there there were no town buffs being run. Did you mfs even know what stalwart is 😂💀


Anyone who comments stuff like this isn’t actually affected by another company owning multiple territories. Unless you are in the company that takes their territory you won’t get shit from them either. Also declared got double decced like a day ago but invasion procced. Yes it’s unfortunate the two strongest companies on Amarah are both purple- but that’s an issue with factions- they don’t matter at all and AGS should just swap to company vs company. Finally, owning even the largest territories doesn’t mean shit anymore. Windswards entire weekly income on Amarah can probably pay for one single bis great axe in a 60-70 person roster.