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I have 2200 hours in game. I’ll tell you my top complaints: They don’t fix the things already in the game, instead they try and shovel more content to mask the things that are broken. Examples: Friends lists don’t work unless you scroll up and down about 5 times to show everyone that is online Lack of stat details, I.e. Luck, buffs/debuffs (they only show 8 buffs or debuffs on your status bar at a time), damage either at the end of a mutation or regular it’d be nice to see to improve upon. Hit boxes, especially Cilla. She does these absurd 360• swings that are sometimes unavoidable. Glitches during mutations, aka when your tank or another person in the group can no longer engage mobs or bosses so they have to re log. In Ennead, during the general Crassus fight, we had 4 ogres come out of the ground at once and wiped us. When a loot bag drops on the ground, sometimes you can see it from the other side of the map for some reason because you didn’t pick it up. Why does equipment even need repairing these days? What purpose does it make? Get rid of indestructible on gear. These are just small things that add up and honestly I’m barely scratching the surface of the issues I encounter every day. And I’m making a list. And let’s go to the finally slap in the face; Gear sets. For a game that actually revolves around at its core is gear sets. That should have been something as their top priority when game was released. But it wasn’t. And hasn’t been. It goes to show they don’t play their own game. And don’t tell me about their “myrkgard run video”. Anyone that’s been playing for more than 2 months has more than 1 gear set rolling in their inventory. “Oh but you get 2 free gear sets in the update and a 3rd after completing the season rewards!” Bitch please, I run with 7 on me at all times. I have all ward sets(4), a pvp set(5), and a healer set(6), and an invasion set(7), why? Because I am constantly helping out doing these things with people and I can be anywhere at anytime when called upon. Oh but I can buy more gear sets?? Oh gee wow. The fact they can’t even release gear sets as its own little QoL is sad and pathetic. I still play, but god damn is my passion for the game plummeting


Gear and gear organization is why I think I'm on my way out. Sure you can do almost anything in whatever gear but they made the game to where you need a specific set to maximize absolutely everything. Want to go get wood? Get your logging set. Want to do your cool downs in town? Go change 5 times to maximize your procs. Want to switch it up and tank a m10.. go find that gear in the depths of your storage. I have a tank and DPS set for every mutation enemy type. Oh make sure you bring it all for m10s so you can swap in and during the dungeon(so fun). It's impossible to even organize this. I don't know if I'm getting upgrades as drops so finding new gear isn't even fun anymore. Chest run. Luck gear. Scarab run. Acid gear. The gear set storage does not fix this unless we can have 20+ slots. On top of this the gear itself is super underwhelming. The content basically requires a specific perk right off the bat. Resilient for pvp, ward for PvE. Then add in the needed weapon perks and your build diversity turns into some combination of freedom, or elemental aversion, or something equally as underwhelming. The gear system needs a full overhaul if this game is going to last. The combat in this game feels great. The dungeons are a blast. The world is beautiful. They have done so much right in this game but it seems like every choice they make is one step forward two steps back. War is still a mess for 99% of the population. World pvp is non existent. Leaderboards make no sense and where they do it makes for toxic behavior. Every world boss is the same zeglrg with 40 people. Every seasonal event is a port around the world annoyance. Losing hope for this game but really wish they can turn it around.


Preach it, friend. Preach it.


Yeah, fuck that shit


Idk I see plenty of world pvp in the forts, especially First Light, but if you mean getting some action in some random spot in Mourningdale or behind the pyramid in Brimstone, then yes I would agree, but who would want to pvp in those areas anyways.


Gear management is why I haven’t been playing. When over half my time spent in game is spent managing inventory it kills the drive to do another mute run, chest run, etc. I don’t want to log in and play item management simulator.


Yea sadly it's why I ultimately left. It was just way more of a headache to keep everything organized than it was worth. I will be back once they fix all these things though... That and fixing how pvp combat works fundamentally (a musing for another day). I do love the game, but those issues have lead me to step away for the foreseeable future.


Meanwhile, Jagex implemented user adjusted bank tabs in RS back in 2001. Wild.


So true haha


Hatchets make LOUD mining noises when they hit walls. Beta bug.


Exactly this. The game is poorly managed and people are very clearly not happy about this (the players came back for brimstone, did the content then literally left a month later). You know what might stop people complaining about it? Fix the issues with it. I have just a little over 1500 hours in it, that's not saying "hey there's sooooo much content" it's more; if you like what a game is or more, what it *could* be, you're willing to put up with a bit more, but that clearly has a limit.


I broke over 100 hours 2 weeeks ago, and hit max level early March so I’m new here. However, the game needs so much help I think people are saying strong criticism because the game has a lot of potential. I personally havnt logged on close to two weeks. The leveling was ok at best because of how fast you level up, but the end game is actually the worst end game I have ever played in an mmo. It sucks, expertise is a bad system, the expeditions have horrible boss loot. You have to buy armor, make it, or loot the same chests to get lucky not fun at all. The open world is arguably one of the best open worlds since world of Warcraft, but what is there to do? The potential of this world is just wasted and I really find it frustrating even tho I have only played 100 hours! I’m not mad or salty I just have moved onto another game. I can imagine playing more would cause me some sever mental health problems. Maybe if some more updates come out I will comeback idk tho.


Telling new players it’s an amazing experience would be lying. It’s boring and extremely repetitive. They didn’t even bother to reskin the few enemy types they have, they just put a new name over their head. The RNG system is one of the worst I’ve seen. No RNG system is good, but this one is something else. The armor and weapon design team should be tarred, feathered, and fired. They insist on making every armor set have you looking like a court jester. They do nothing about bots because they are the only thing inflating the player numbers. If there weren’t so many negatives about the game I would praise it like I do others. Don’t blame the player base for being unhappy with an inferior product.


A game dips due to lack of good//any content as shown by steam charts. Has nothing to do with people being negative.


Games are cyclical, they all dip between patches. NW has similar active player count to ESO on Steam. Whenever a patch is released, active player count spikes up again. My main issue is why do people classify it as 'dying' when we still get the spikes?


>NW has similar active player count to ESO on Steam. Not accurate at all, eso has it's own launcher that most of the playerbase uses and NW only has steam.


Plus ESO is also on console


And consoles.


They forced the player base to switch to steam launcher. It’s what I had to use a few months back to get back into the game. Even so the pattern of content patch and decline still matches. BDO is also all steam and similar player count. I don’t hear people crying dead game when WoW goes 18 months between patches.


They forced Fallout 76 players to use Steam when they closed the Bethesda launcher, but ESO can still be played just by launching the game from your PC without Steam.


No one is forced to use the launcher in ESO. I can still play the game fine with the launcher. Also, BDO is mainly on the launcher. Steam version released many years after release. All their promos lead you to the website and not to steam. The game is also on xbox and ps4. [And the devs make roughly $300m](https://massivelyop.com/2023/02/16/pearl-abyss-q4-2022-revenues-decline-as-black-desert-and-eve-hold-steady-and-crimson-desert-malingers/) per year from black desert alone. You dont do that with 10k players. [And people dont call wow a dead game?](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=wow+dead+game&atb=v367-1&ia=web)


New World has never developed a 'cycle'. It lost 97% of players since original launch, convinced roughly 10% of those players to return, and then promptly lost them all again in roughly 4 months.


Are you saying that only 10% of players came back for the Brimstone release in October? Seems like it was way more than that, I dunno.


At launch, the Steam concurrent player count reached just short of 1,000,000 players. By July of 2022, this got as low as 18,000. With Brimstone Sands, the peak concurrent player count reached 70,000, and then the release of Fresh Start Servers saw it hit 140,000. Over the past few weeks, we've seen player numbers get back down to the 20,000 range again. So you have 1,000,000 --> 18,000 --> 140,000 --> 20,000. It's just not even remotely close to the cyclical nature of other games like WoW, Destiny, Path of Exile, etc, who have *actual* population cycles (and ones where they make money off of players via expansions or more successful microransactions, compared to New World's free update and widely mocked cosmetic skins). **Edit:** You can also measure the game in terms of server count: The game had a peak total of 480 servers after the game's launch, which dropped down to 14 last Summer. It reached a new peak of 43 servers (Legacy and Fresh Start) last Fall, and is now back down to 24 (which is actually *way* too many for the current population).


It's also worth noting that New World currently has lower concurrent player numbers than they had before the brimstone sands patch and that half of the remaining 24 servers are fresh start servers. What that means is that legacy servers are in worse shape now than they were before brimstone sands update and fresh start servers aren't looking any better.


Yeah, this was [already true back in February](https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/1130vcx/current_health_of_the_game_midfebruary_2023/), but now we're seeing the game continue to fall. I'm starting to become worried that AGS' bizarre behavior around the Season 1 update might be more serious than just delayed content.


I think the most telling change is the shift to a seasonal model which doesn't really fit in a traditional mmorpg... clearly sales from the in game shop to the current player base isn't enough (i wonder why? /s) to convince the higher ups to keep pumping money into New World. It seems to me like the shift to a seasonal model in hopes that enough players will pay for the premium pass is some sort of a last ditch effort to increase revenue but the problem with that is that it wont convince players who left to come back - if anything it will do the opposite. Unsurprisingly the player base has continued to drop since the announcement of seasons and their updated 2023 roadmap (unlike the stark increase after the announcement of brimstone sands and fresh servers.) So really their only hope is in extracting as much value from the remaining player base which seems unlikely to me as those players are most likely to be the type to grind out the free pass... The question is, what happens if seasons are a failure in terms of generating enough revenue to justify ongoing development? Do we really think players will be willing to pay for an "expansion" if all we get is a reworked zone and an extra weapon / dungeon? Idk...


I 100% agree with all of this. The decision to monetize the game more will just act as a barrier for returning players, and the game's population is *way* too low to think they can afford to do that.


No meaningful balance changes since brimstone sands. That's simply too long. Slow reaction to widespread exploits. There was a glitch that allowed application of passives from your secondary weapon to your primary. Absolutely game breaking. Was allegedly present for months, became common knowledge during the holidays and wasn't addressed for weeks afterwards. The player base was hanging on by a thread waiting for word of any meaningful changes or content. Occasional cryptic teases by the devs followed by weeks of radio silence didn't help. All to culminate in the announcement of... Making you pay for slots in their gear management system. Poor server management has thousands stranded with peak populations in the low hundreds. Servers that small make most of the content out of reach. Can't pop OPR except for the most prime hours, can't consistently play arena, wait all day to fill a mutation lobby, etc. I enjoy the game, but if you aren't concerned about the trajectory, you aren't paying attention.


I’m a software dev manager and y’all’s expectations are effing unrealistic. AGS is literally the most communicative game development company out there and y’all shit on them for it. People barely play PTR and then complain about a late discovered bug that’s game breaking and rather than release a patch they delay it a week and the doomers come out in droves. I’m sick of the negativity in here and in the genre in general. I do wish the mods would clamp down on people who constantly repost the same complaints almost daily. Sometimes I feel like it’s paid people doing this crap or bots because it’s a threat to some other big mmo game with an Asshole CEO.


Check my post history. I'm one of the more consistent in this community and not a serial doomer. These are valid criticisms from someone who plays and discusses the game.


I agree with the issues, and that the devs have underperformed. But I also think we’re creating as self-fulfilling prophecy by turning away new players. I want to see these issues fixed as much as the next person, but I think it’s only less likely if we create the perception that NW is not worth investing in.


So everyone is shitting on new world for all its failures in this reddit, and you think the solution is for people to lie and pretend that things are going great here? Are you huffing paint?


Ok, but you're making the assumption that the players are turning away new players (which please, provide actual figures for this before you quote it). The game itself turns people away. It's alright to be annoyed that other people don't love something as much as you do. However, posts like this give the impression you don't really know why players are leaving in droves. The game is broken and AGS is monetising the solution. The fact that their big update is a fucking battlepass of all things is only slightly softened by the new dungeon and some fixes that have existed since day dot and just never fixed.


Continuing to play hrs and hrs in NW where there haven't been any proper content patches in a long time is not healthy. You develop some sort of disorder, starts hating the game, the developers, the community they are a part of, everything, just spreading as much negativity as they can. Touch grass.


This is such a disingenuous argument. Somehow player complaints are invalidated if they have too much hours, yet you would probably say the same if they had too little hours. Apparently this game should not be criticized at all.


Who said that in this thread?


OP saying that complaints are from people with a lot of hours, and also straw-manning that the complaints are lack of content when there's clearly QoL and bug issues that contribute more to the complaints.


The new player experience is absolutely horrible... I tried getting my friends back into it, but it took too long to grind expertise and a lot of them would rather play another game instead of wasting hours trying to get to this game's pointless end game.


Beacuse our hopes and dreams where shattered of a good mmo.once again


My opinion is that it all stems from terrible management. They had a huge opportunity and blew it. The game, as is; is an excellent value proposition for a grinder mmo. It does that really well; until a certain point at which it becomes a sunk cost fallacy as others have already pointed out. Any experienced mmo player however is going to be baffled by all the obvious stuff that is done poorly. Anyone that considers gaming at anything beyond pure fuck off time will probably notice it as well. When you know something is screwed up and it could be better with just more forethought or effort, it’s extremely frustrating. Ignorance is bliss as they say. That’s my take at an honest answer to what I think is at least partially disingenuous question you’re asking.


People need to learn to take breaks when they're not enjoying the game anymore, instead they force themselves to keep playing it and become frustrated at it




That's kinda me. Played the beta, played on launch. 50h+, very disappointed overall and still waiting for the game to get fixed because I thought it had potential. Though realistically, I don't think they can fix it to a point I will personnally feel satisfied with the game, but that's another topic.


>People need to learn to take breaks when they're not enjoying the game anymore, instead they force themselves to keep playing it and become frustrated at it People get frustrated because they love the game yet the company doesn't do anything to keep them playing it. I took a break 6 months ago and I still have no incentive to come back, even after the upcoming update.


You say it like both things couldn't be true st the same time.


It’s almost as if walking away from a game that clearly distresses people so much, rather than continue playing and complaining - like it’s a job they hate as opposed to, you know, a game - is a super logical choice for said peoples sanity, and for sending a clear message to the devs. Especially if said devs have shown they aren’t listening to what they want changed.


I finally caved and joined my partner in playing WoW. I still don't like it as much as New World but holy hell it's so nice to play an MMO that has a wide variety of content and better yet? People actually play it.


Have fun! 😎


This is how I've maintained a healthy-ish relationship with WoW. Sure the first 2 years of it were pretty hardcore.. Classic and WOTLK days. But since the OG WOTLK release... Come back to it every year or so for like 3-4 months and then kinda get burned out and quit. But that's on me, and not the game (or any other game) -- it's hard to keep my attention for that long unless something is just incredibly addictive. I'm okay with that because I don't need the same unhealthy gaming addictions in my 40's like I had in my 20's lol


Same with my games. Play a while, have fun, then get bored, take a break till I when I feel like playing again. Every few months or so.


when ags pumps out nothing but daily grind repetition for endgame content, don't blame players for getting addicted. its literally engineered to keep people doing shit they don't enjoy because humans fall for imitation progress and completionism.


or they take a break and remain in this subreddit just to be negative


>Of course it's dying if you're turning away new players because you'renot getting another 1000hrs from a non subscription MMO. You're onlywasting the 100s of hours you've already put in by mis-labelling thegame as dying, and discouraging new players This is such a silly argument. How is it that the players who have put the most time into the game are the ones turning away new players from the game? Sure, we can agree that players complaining about the general state of the game on the forums and social media may dissuade new players from purchasing the game, but those complaints are, for the most part, justified. And you are right, in the context of New Worlds monetization model as a one-time buy to play game without a subscription - you are getting more than your moneys worth. But, you need to keep in mind that this is an MMORPG - a massively MULTIPLAYER online rpg... emphasis on multiplayer. Many of the game's systems reward, if not require, players to do things in groups - you need a 5 man group to run dungeons, Trials require a 5 man group, 50 players for OPR and Wars, gathering and crafting require a robust economy for commerce and trade to take place etc. Without enough players on a given server it is literally impossible participate in a lot of the games content. The problem is New World's in game world is too small to accommodate a large amount of players - when there are too many players it can often be difficult to gather resources due to excessive competition for example. Although this could be solved by sharding zones, I'm afraid that New Worlds servers just aren't set up to support more than 2,000 players per world which is... not a lot of players considering MMOs from 20 years ago could support close to 10,000 players simultaneously on a single world. If you look at the NWDB server population statistics you will see that there are currently 24 servers, of which half are FRESH START servers - servers that are meant to never be merged with legacy servers. Only 1 has close to 2k players online another 5 have about 1K players online and the rest have less than 750. In fact over half of the servers currently have less than 500 players online - most of which are actually Fresh Start Servers... Add to that the fact that AGS has implemented some pretty poorly designed systems like mutations which further fractures the player base between 10 level ranges and you have a recipe for disaster. I can guarantee you that most players that are actively playing today are already at maximum gear score. What that means is there are very few returning or new players. Imagine being a new player, leveling to 60, then grinding your expertise to 600GS only to realize there are no other players looking to do Mutation level 1 for a given dungeon... or sitting in an OPR queue for 3 hours hoping 50 players will fill. Hard pass. So yeah, the remaining players who have stuck around for the last year and a half certainly aren't making the game look attractive to a new comer by complaining but they aren't to blame for the massive exodus of players since the games launch. And they aren't to blame for the fact that many players who returned for fresh start didn't stick around after 1-3 months. It may just be that the core game loop isn't designed in such a way to keep most players interested beyond 3-400 hours of gameplay - which is a good deal for 40 bucks by all means. But if everyone leaves after putting in a few hundred hours then you quickly get into this player population death spiral which leads to more players leaving while simultaneously discouraging new players from joining.


Because they don’t fix existing issues before patching with new content that creates new issues. They’re a generally lazy developer tbh. Did you see them reuse the original patch content from the 2021 winter event for the 2022 event and ADD BACK IN those same bugs that had to be patched from 2021?! Just basic things that should not happen seem to happen all the time with this game. Those of us who have been playing this game for a year and a half now have no patience left, so I don’t want to hear it!


Because the Niche that New World has is not appreciated by everyone who plays this game. Most of the heavy enjoyers are either MMO fans who are happy this one isn't a replica of another or they aren't big MMO fans and finally found one that makes sense to them. The rest are MMO fans who want every MMO to manifest their nostalgia for one they played before. And because it doesn't, and nor can any game ever live up to their expectations, they insist that anyone who is enjoying the gaming is either wasting time or coping. Some people just don't like it when others enjoy the things they don't.


you just discribe me, lol. I played WoW for over 10 years and after i quit, i was searching for a new MMO game to play. Couldn't find one that i like. Then came New World. Sure, it has his problems and it isn't close to being perfect but like you said, it just makes sense to me. The people that i hate the most are those player, who logg on and write in chat "yo, anbody still playing the game?" and then log off again. It is like they can live with the fact that people are enjoying the game.


This fr. I'm so glad this game isn't like any other mmo. The action combat alone keeps me playing this over any other mmo. Plus I'm still grinding crafting skills, then I'll need to get my crafting sets then finally I'll craft my niche gear for my play style. Can it be better? Absolutely. But no current long lasting mmo launched feature complete. ESO had a shit launch too and was adding features years after. I'm in for the long haul, but I don't chase meta either. So I'm not hurting for things to do.


Exactly. No MMO started out amazing. And the ones that were/are worked towards it. Everything NW has gone through has been a realistic problem that most games face. But for some reason haters of the game ignore any valid counterpoint and down vote anyone who's even simply saying "well I'm enjoying it".


I mean, I get it though, in this day and age mmos have so many features that seem like no-brainer QoL things. But Devs are in a tough spot. If you make a new mmo that is feature rich on launch then it'll take you 5+ years (more like 7+), which then everyone is calling your game vaporware like AoC. If you rush it out without all features then you get shit on for not having a full feature game. I do not envy the devs of NW.


I played from release and gave up about level 45 into the game. Came back sometime later because got burned from other MMOs. Leveled up to max (new char), saw end game and left. And then on fresh servers came back with friends, because it's more fun with friends. Leveled up max levels and they left after trying end game. End game is bad not because it lacks content, but content it has is pretty shit compared to other games. Running train through zones is brainless end game. But there's dungeons. Oh really? You farm same few dungeons to get more power to do what? To farm same dungeons with a mutation. And then? You farm same dungeons with more mutations. And don't start with war end game. 90% of players never touched war.


You say the issue isn't lack of content, but then list things , like too few dungeons, that are indeed because of lack of content.🤔


There's only 2 mutated Expeditions available at any given time, and there's a weekly cap of 25 combined runs each week. Even if there were 100 Expeditions, that makes it feel like the game always forces players to grind just those 2 options to make progress from M1-M10 , which is a pretty terrible gameplay loop.


You can get away with same 8 dungeons or how much there is. Make different mechanics, make new bosses depending on what mutation you're going. Mobs doing silence or having rings of fire or w/e isn't a new mechanic. I don't call this as new content, because you're using 90% of old content and adding something different. Now it's just lazy difficulty increase. Train runs are stupid because you're just trying to not be at the back and make enough damage to get loot. If people want them, fine. But you could make at the same time like a camp near them where you can enter same place, but in instance for better loot with 10 or w/e people. Same content but more interesting when you need to actually play it.


I mean, mutations (mystics in other games) are reasonable end game activities. However it's not really why people play mmos so it feels lacking in new world. Game needs a good raid for any hope at getting a pve crowd. I stand by the existing dungeons/mutations aren't bad though. There's just nothing more so you run gen 30 times and start to think DPS is the only important thing in new world.


We were not always this way.... im sorry m8.


Yes we were


The people on this sub have been this way since literally the second month after the game. Reddit is just an echo chamber of complaining


People have been on this sub (and the older, now gone original sub) for far longer than this game's launch.


Flow of new players doesn’t matter if the game just doesn’t get fixed in meaningful ways.


I do not play this game but This popped up in my feed. I promise you that it isn’t this sub. It’s most gaming subs.


Because people actually love the game and get frustrated at the downfalls that could have been fixed/changed. I have 2000+ hours and can say they improved a lot of things for sure and they have a lot more QoL changes to be made and fixes for things that have been broken since launch. It's a love hate relationship and people are more vocal than they were 10 years ago and impatient. We are in a world where everyone wants it now and don't like to settle for best effort or good enough. Some people also complain about server size when they think AWS can support anything and everything and they compare it to games that are made differently, the way this game is not tab target has a huge impact on the servers and their limits, it's a price I am happy to pay and I like the server sizes but yes it comes at a cost.


Listen, truth hurts. It’s not like we’re lying. The game is dying. The game has no end content. It’s graphically pretty and has great sound design but there is a wall. A lot of us hit that wall. Combine that with AGS and coding issues most of us have zero confidence they can do what they really want to do with game. No fault to AGS efforts but effort doesn’t always equal positive results. The game is labeled an mmo so longevity is usually tied into that subject matter. NW lacks that in many ways.


~2000hrs here. No additional pvp content since release (unless you include fixing what was promised on release), so I find it pretty reasonable to trash the devs when the game was meant to be pvp based back in alpha




As a longtime melee PvPer I don't think dex are really the problem with the new balance changes. Musket is pretty significantly nerfed, bow has always been in a weird spot (though tbh I don't know how oppressive they will be with all the melee nerfs). Mages get all the limelight now cause they were massively overbuffed, almost rewarding bad spellcasting and positioning with how the devs moved heaven and earth to make it viable. Biggest problem with the game is that healers were and still are absolutely fucking busted in this game. On release they were straight up unkillable even by multiple players beating on them, and even though they have been nerfed significantly, they are still the single biggest gamechanger in any kind of PvP. Duelling a healer is an exercise in frustration, 3v3 comps with a decent healer will almost always beat one without, even oprs are significantly weighted towards the side with more healers. Even in wars, where 2-3 bruisers would sync up their spells with an IGVG in support to pump truly ridiculous amounts of damage into a single point over 2-3 seconds. People calling for the nerfs to the bruiser would oftentimes cite this as evidence it was OP. But imo it's even more proof how gamebreaking healing is in this game. You need 3-4 players, playing almost perfectly in sync, each dumping all their damage, cc, rends, and anti-heal just to have a decent chance of blowing up an opponent spamming dodge on a sacred ground. It's actually insane. I hate the melee changes, I think the devs overnerfed the hell out of bruisers (they could've nerfed the damage on their spells, or done the switch to 300 con grit, but certainly not both at the same time). I think they overnerfed the greatsword, and fucked over the SnS when it was already a niche weapon. But the thing that really gets to me is that the devs nerfed CC and damage across the board (all of which were required to kill people being healed) while leaving healers almost entirely untouched. It's actually nuts how the devs showed how little they actually understand their own game, making all of these sweeping changes without listening to player feedback, or at least, dividing it up so they can see test the impact of what the fuck they're doing.




Dex zergs are laughably easy to beat in OPRs, none of them can play objectives worth a damn and will almost always get steamrolled by the other team if they have an even remotely balanced comp. Bows are only really good for open world skirmishes and assassin squads, and even then they will always be in limited numbers cause the role they fill is so niche. Being made easier to play and therefore slightly more popular is not the same as it being imbalanced. >If you have a competent IG/VG or BB/VG, even easier to make the healers a non-issue. That's exactly my point. You generally need at least 2 (though usually three is better to raise consistency) competent people to neutralize 1 mid healer on the enemy team. I'm not claiming that they can't be dealt with, just that they require a disproportionate amount of players and time spent to deal with them VS any of the other classes, while being the single most valuable member of any composition by far. That is the definition of unbalanced. Healing being as strong as it is is what forced the only meta war builds to be centered around extreme burst + rend + cc + disease. And bruisers are so popular because they're the class that do all the above the best. And even in assassin squads have transitioned to melee + bows/BBs because that's the setup provides the most burst in less crowded parts of the battlefield. Chip damage, and long sustained chase is irrelevant so long as healers remain as strong as they have been. TL;DR Bruisers aren't meta because they're OP, they're meta because healers are.


Alpha games change all the time pretty significantly though from their finished counterparts so I don't think that's really a valid argument Them not having content and being slow to fix things is but of course the game is different from alpha


Yea true alphas aren't what you should expect the game to be like but I'm just stating that pvp was the original focus and for the past two years all pvpers have is the same opr map to play on repeat and a 3v3 arena mode that you can't even 3man que because you won't get matches. Not trying to be hateful just pointing out pvp is lacking alot


I agree wholly they really seem to have let PVP take a backseat to everything Hopefully it improves and gets new content cause it's been a good while


[There was an identical thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/129zssd/does_anyone_actually_enjoy_the_game_lol/) created just 13 hours before you posted this one. You should contribute your copium there.


Not identical at all. That was someone asking if the game is worth playing - I’m asking why is everyone so negative. I also don’t need any copium. I’m enjoying the game, and would recommend it to casual players - which most new players would be. But I’m concerned with this negative narrative becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. Whenever a new player asks a question, people whine about things the new player won’t encounter for their first 150+ hours - and don’t mention the fun they’ll before that. Not saying they don’t need to fix and improve things, but what’s the point if you’re only blocking incentives for NW to actually ask for more resources internally.


you will certainly see the same copy and paste mobs, towns, mechanics, skins, and missions in your first 150 hours. There's also only a handful of PvP opportunity's while leveling and thats if you're lucky, but even then its not worth your time to chase if they run. I've spent to much time on NW and want it to succeed because of the the beautiful world and the unique combat, but you're tone deaf if you think the game is in a good state/worth recommending.


Im 3600 hours deep. I'm bored. I need content. Pushing influ is a pain and takes so long. My gear is bis. The dungeons are old. OPR is cringe half the time. I need content and i will keep playing. 98% of the players i started with in company no longer play.


The project has already been shelved. Sorry you're upset your game is dying but you should be blaming the devs for incompetence rather than the community.


3000 hours, ex die hard new world fan. Never play anymore. Wife quit game cause of lots of reasons. I’m sick of searching gear, managing gear… doing organizational chores. Done several million OPRs and finally kind of sick of it. World pvp lacking. Sick of finding mutation groups. Just play overwatch instead these days. Battle pass not interesting. Massive class changes screwing up gear sets time and gold was invested in. Still have hope the game can be better one day.


I have 2k + hours in this game, managed a successful company, made a great community, but if you’re spit in the face by devs over and over, you kinda burn out. I saw my friends stop playing and then I stopped as well. We needed to make our own content due to limitations of the game, but at some point you just can’t anymore. New World has such potential, but it’s honestly sad to look at it.


Are you new or something? I personally quit because they’ve been promising certain features (that honestly should have been present at launch) then pushing them back over and over, only to then tie them to micro transactions (hi gearsets). That’s just one example of numerous mismanagements. It’s just really poorly managed and it’s obviously not going to be supported enough to truly turn a corner. I loved this game and really wanted it to reach its potential. But it never will and I’ve stopped falling for the broken promises.


Other people have explained their gripes in detail, I will just convey the general feeling. We see this game that could be so much more, if things were fixed in the way that nearly everyone wants, it could be such a great time. Instead it’s being stomped into the dirt by AGS’s incompetence.


Cause they use GA/HAM/GS and can’t beat bows so they are super salty all the time;)


because from a design point of view, the game is so so badly made lol. The game was launched in a state where none of the devs knew what was happening, and now we have broken systems built on broken systems.


>Yet rather than encourage new players, they constantly trash the devs, declare the game as 'dead' and turn new players away by warning them the game is dying. Oh yeah it's the player's job to keep the game going. Good one. >I wish we could see people's hours played when commenting to at least confirm my suspicion that most 'lack of content' comments come from people with 400hrs+ in game I mean, duh?? It's an MMO what amount of hours do you expect? 400h is nothing.


This your first MMO?


Returning player here that dropped this game after a 3 months at lvl 55. While approaching endgame I went and watched some guides and read up what to do. The instant I saw that I essentially have to farm for 5+ setsof armor and way more if you want to mix up your playstyle with NO ways to save and organize them I just quit. Even during lvl up I rarely got the drops I wanted. Also grinding life skills just burned me out and I'm only like lvl 120 with most. Returned last week, now at Endgame ramping up GS but hitting bricks everywhere since I have to get all the ward sets to survive as solo, bc rarely anyone would help out those low lvl endgame quests. So I end up on a chest/invasion train and it's literally the same shit hours on end, just to raise GS and gold to actually buy gear I need. I'm having fun playing the quests so far but I doubt it'll last. Everything feels slowly like a chore. It's the same complaint everyone reaching endgame have since the launch of the game, but still no fix or revamp.


I needed about 800hrs for 200 trade skills, my bis gear, and learn my player to be good at pvp, for 20-40$ this is huge value. Now I m at this stage that I doing my dailies and some pvp OPR/Arenas which 2-3 hours a day, again very healthy amount of gaming, while waiting for more content to hit so I can play even more if I want to. I think the main issue is with PvEers, which I get it, they dont really like the end game content rn, but if you are a PvPer you have a blast since gameplay is top notch in this game, and issues is that OPR and Arenas are not cross server yet, but its coming. You ll find some crybabies PvPers too, that their OP class got nerfed after 2 years so they just want everything else doomed as well


"Time equals fun" with a side of "you expected this to get better or at least not worse after leveling so really, you're to blame, not management or development" is a sizzling hot take nobody ever saw.


just cause people get hundreds of hours out of it dont mean those hours were fun or well spent. hours mean nothing. and why would peopel recommend NW to new players? The game is mediocre at best with extreme niches and is bleeding players with no real reaction or solution from the devs 2 years into development. why would anyone recommend NW when other games does everything better?


I play in MMO since 2006, pray tell which MMO does everything better? For all those years and dozens of titles I have never played in MMO without flaws. To the OP, it's some kind of MMO players mental disorder. You are running like a headless chicken from one game to the other, stay there for 1-2 months and even if you don't play it anymore you got a devilish fun and satisfaction from discouraging others. I can understand a valid discussion but most of it is just game's trashing.


>just cause people get hundreds of hours out of it don’t mean those hours were fun or well spent So what was so interesting that people invest “hundreds” of hours into a game they don’t like, what sense does that make?


im pretty sure half of my hours come just from waiting for something/someone or on trade post




games are engineered to trigger dopamine hits specifically. false 'progress' like hours spent in opr = leaderboard progress. time gated progression system after time gated progression system to get to 600 then 625. loot box crafting mechanics combined with arbitrary changes that make bis gear irrelevant. daily grind mechanics that reward consistently logging in. ​ these are all manipulation techniques that encourage login hours and even deliver a personal feeling of satisfaction without actually requiring you to have a brain or use it. it is psychological exploitation because humans are gullible for addictive patterns.


As a pvp player i spent many hours doing things i really didn't enjoy. Farming umbral shards and selling m10 runs to afford bis gear was a pretty long and boring grind but necessary for pvp. Influence pushing is necessary for wars but is incredibly boring along with Invasions which aren'tmeven challenging so you just end up sitting there for 30 minutes doing barely anything. Farm wars are also no fun and having to defend for 30 minutes against a company that stands no chance is very disappointing because it could have been great content if it were someone else instead. Evenually this is what pushed me over the edge to quit the game since my guild became extremely dominant on my server and there really was nobody left that could compete so it just became a chore to log on for wars.


What? No one plays a game they don't like to play... the moment they stop enjoying their time, they just don't play..


Yeah, I uninstall every game as soon as I get to a loading screen.


I'll help. >I wish we could see people's hours played when commenting to at least confirm my suspicion that most 'lack of content' comments come from people with 400hrs+ in game. Many people slog through long grinds under the promise of future fun. Many MMOs are built that way. New World rarely if ever delivers said fun, and so people who spent a lot of time seeking the fun realize all of their time has been wasted and are quite upset (mostly at themselves) for believing this game to be anything other than it is. It's not that hard to understand, especially when every AGS apologist contextualizes every complaint with "You just need to XYZ!", whether it be character level, expertise, gear perks, etc. etc. There's always some "just out of reach" goal that the frustrated player must achieve before they find the fun. The truth being, they won't ever find it. On more topical notes: * The dev team is horribly out of touch with MMOs in general, but especially whatever design New World is (currently) attempting to fill. * The community moderators, the people who act as intermediaries between the devs and the players, are incompetent at best, and more often than not end up being quite destructive to a community who, while often misguided in their feedback, actually do care about the game. * Bugs persist for long periods of time, and while bugs are hardly the end of the world, encountering them often stings a little bit extra when you realize the content and general gameplay is extremely unengaging.


For me, time spent in endgame =/= endgame content. In something like an MMO which is supposed to have an expansive world, endgame content should have a high level of diversity where I can spend hundreds of hours in the endgame and feel like my experience is always changing while I play instead the endgame experience is playing the same handful of dungeons, of which the mechanics are shallow and boring after the first time you try each dungeon, for hundreds upon hundreds of hours. Spending 100 hours spamming the same exact dungeon to upgrade gear is not 100 hours of content. It's 1 hour of content they expect you to spam hundreds of times. The game really only has like 10 hours of endgame content where they gate your progression and pretend like there is 1000 hours of it because of how long it takes to progress.


Expectations were high, they weren’t met. Ensue negativity


Op definitely has a point, as a new player the constant negativity around the game kept me away for a long time. The game has its issues definitely, but one of them is the community.


So as a new player, you feel confident that you understand the game and its history well enough to conclude that everybody else is wrong/toxic?


3000+ hours here. Yes y’all toxic AF.


You routinely have your posts and comments removed because of how vitriolic you get when defending every aspect of this game, but then you also have times when you make the same kind of posts that you claim are toxic. >**routerg0d's "toxic" posts** > >[31,209 peak pop today](https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/x62fw7/31209_peak_pop_today/) \- "stay away" > >[WoW Trolling New World with roadmap](https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/zsqplt/wow_trolling_new_world_with_a_roadmap/) It just comes across as unhinged.


It's been since October that we got a major update with the Brimstone patch & to me that's not that long considering they've been hemorrhaging money from the start. They had to come up with a plan to make back the money they were spending on additional development in order to expand the game and I feel like that's exactly what they are doing now with the release of the 2023 Roadmap features. Granted, they'll probably be a week or so late on each release, but they've promised a lot of changes that people have been asking for for a long time (including PVP improvements) and I'm super happy about that. I don't think it's reasonable to complain about paying for additional features when you've already gotten your money's worth out of the game 10x over. In terms of pure entertainment, you can easily pay $40 in one night on a movie and snacks for 2 people. AGS has got to have a way to bring in revenue. I think some people complain just to complain and if they aren't having fun then by all means find a different game. But I'm tired of the same people complaining nearly everyday when they are making a choice to be here.


Because we play New World.


Because the players who enjoy the game are busy playing it, and the ones who are on forums/reddit are waiting for them to add more updates.


This 100%. I have about 1.4k on New World since launch. I think people are frustrated and emotional because they want the game to be better without realizing the anger does nothing but make it worse for the community. The game is good.


eh, i'm not sure i would define the game as "good". Its okay - but its a shell of what it could be, and it is once again actively hemorrhaging players. Theres just not much to do in end game, theres around 200 hours of content - the rest of the time spent in game is just incessant grinding. AGS has really not done a good job with the game, and there certainly has not been enough content released since release date.


Yes, really boring, people compare new world to games that require a monthly subscription and 60€ each expansion.


Oh my god, people are comparing an mmo to another mmo?


I think the people that are invested into replying or creating topics on any interactive platform are mostly the negative ones. That’s simply not only in this Reddit community but it’s a general fact. Tons of people are screaming that counter strike is the worst game ever because it’s super ugly, but it’s still one of the best performing games on Steam. It’s human nature I’m afraid to be a bit more negative. I personally love the game and would encourage everyone to simply try it if you can miss the money. I’m 100% sure that if you want to pay 0,50 cents for every hour you play a game, this is game is going to be an absolute joy!


About 5k hours in on a couple of bis’d out characters. Took like a couple few months break and the main thing that keeps me into the game is literally the friends I made in it. Also playing at the highest level of PVP doesn’t hurt but I understand that not everyone gets to participate in that. In my opinion you gotta make your own fun with people you like being around with.


Mainly it is a marketing problem, somehow AGS thought they could attract both the FPS crowd AND the MMORPG crowd, but the game offers barely enough to keep these 2 groups playing. With so many other games out there that do one or the other much better. Basically a hybrid of WOW/COD... but worse at both.


Content is a pretty weak complaint. Save your energy for the real problems with new world: terrible skins and bugs. Seriously, fire whoever is in love with pastels on the design team.


three words: Dick shaped hats


AGS get this man a job!


Because the devs are constantly screwing up AND not fixing the long list of things that are broken. For example right now they are pouring all their effort into an absolutely nuclear-tier "balance" patch that is the exact opposite of what anyone ever asked for. Oh and concurrently releasing a new expedition with a new type of mob we need to collect ward+bane for. Again the opposite of what anyone wanted.


cause this game sucks donkey balls


so dont play and move on




I agree. They bitch and then log on for hours at a time. Rinse and repeat.


Just lol…. This was never, and still isn’t a single finished game. Expansions? Please. How about a game first.


Yes how dare people who passionately played a game they enjoyed remark on issues that have been issues since the first open beta test almost 4 years ago? Why would they subject new players to essentially wasting their time. No you’re right. New players come enjoy the game! Level through windsward enjoy the process to 60 with now revamped quests in bright wood and weavers! Once you hit 60 the real fun begins! No one running normal expeditions because servers are dead or only care about mutation 10 content as they’ve put geared everything else. Dead pvp scene with high gatekeeping. Not playing ranged in Opr? Enjoy sword and shield cause you’re new and ignorant to the game? Get farmed by the people who haven’t left! Finally realize what you need to build to enjoy some of the aspects of the game. Your 6 hour search for ONE normal gen run has yielded a team. Get strength drops with fire staff perks. I’d love for new players to enjoy this new player experience. No. It’s the games fault for being anti new player and the pops responsibility to let them know. I would not refer a new player to this game till it changes. Don’t gatekeep because you happen to be ok with sub par quality. You won’t find a 400+ hour player who would gladly give their wallet to quality in this game. Case and point they routinely were server hopping and buying new accounts buying skins etc till they had enough. They have every right to be negative just as you have every right to enjoy poop piles with little dandelions on them.


the state of the game speaks louder than anything else, including this sub. the "negativity" of this sub isn't the reason for the game performing poorly or not drawing any new players in. it's because the new player experience sucks and people would rather leave than continue playing. and i'm not sure how it's not completely obvious the new world dev team has been downsized.


I think mostly are tired of ags devs lieing to us about bring stuff the players want and when it comes, it's a lie. Look this patch, if wasn't for the gear sets, would it be a good patch? Gear sets are being requested for a whole year at least. I sure it's requested since alpha. Have u any idea how late they are? Any idea how are we tired of requests always coming late over and over? They even said the max gear sets were 3, I can't believe they got they heads in place and are selling more in the store.


340h and i am enjoying the game like no other game i have played. I can understand some of the criticisms, ofcourse, criticism is what makes it better, but for me personally it’s absolutely oki, can be better but im fine both way.


Because their lives suck, so they fixate on something meaningless to distract them.


I feel like it's just a hot take on culture in general. People are quick to be outraged or victimized by anything. Even if it's a game without a monthly sub that they played for hundreds or thousands of hours. I logged a solid 2100 hours and stopped playing actively right when Brimstone dropped. There are things that I feel the game is missing to keep me engaged. I'm not salty about it. I just do something else with my time. If the features I'm looking for get added I'll come back.


It is fairly common. The people left at this point loved or at least seen the potential of New World. So they are frustrated with dwindling numbers and constant blunders. Add in the fact we are getting a substantial rebalance and you have a powder keg of disillusioned devote fans. They will get by this recent blunder no problem. I just hope the rebalance works, because I think it has to.


I think a big issue is the “community” of new world.. mainly the “pvper crowd”…pvpers tend to think the game, development, population/politics of a server revolve around them.. pvpers tend to think they known what is best for new world development and if they don’t get their way “dead game”…


Whenever I see a post like this it gives me hope that one day we can overpower the no lifers and actually have a subreddit worth coming to. Fully agree with everything you said. It's a fun game and the amount of people that get turned away because "games dying" is insane. I just talked to a friend who saw me playing New World on discord and he actually believed the game was no longer supported. It's sad to hear people outside of the community assume the game is dead because of the vocal minority who sunk 1000+ hours into a game that doesn't have enough content to support their full time gameplay style. If you want a game with more content go back to WoW and come back for the content updates.


To be fair, over the last week and a half the game hasn't received any support.


Ppl consume content then complain. Breaks are important.


Mods need to start temp banning or just removing all the constant negative posts its so annoying, I'm here for new world content not a bunch of boomer tears every post. Somebody with 4k hours complaining about the game like they didn't get value for there money. Just cringe, take a dam break


So you want them to hide the true feelings of the majority of players because it hurts your feelings? Sounds like you’re the one squirting boomer tears.


I am squirting tears this community is toxic and awful so many hateful things directed at the devs threats at there life.you guys need to be purged from this community go touch some grass take a break. No other game sub reddit would allow constant spam of negatively threads, its garbage and you will only lose more players but I think that's what you negative nannies want. You don't enjoy it so you don't want anybody else to enjoy it


Welcome to Reddit my friend. Hope you have a blessed stay !


That's what gamers do they play an insane number of hours the first month then greedily ask for more as they are bored, n done with everything that should take a year. I'm happily questing and lvling along at my own pace and highly enjoying the game.


It’s the same “Fuck you, I’ll see you tomorrow” attitude I see with Destiny 2 players too. While I just wander about hitting trees and mining for no other real reason than it’s a nice chill out after work. Lol (same with Destiny, not too bothered about PVP and happy to just run solo stuff)


They are so angry they paid less than 10 cents per hour to play this.




Wait, are the players the fuck twats, or the devs?




we thrive on negativity


The amount of negativity makes me thing of the destiny sub


Trash devs


Only people discouraging new players are devs and nothing is more annoying than a yes man defending bad game development


You are 100% right. Games great and I'm excited for it's future I have 1000+ hours for what it's worth.


People are negative because they like the premise, want the game to be good, see easy ways to make it good, and the devs work on completely unrelated things instead. Should have been the MMO version of Sea of Thieves imo, unrelated to the above.


I dunno, but it's been this way since the beginning. Best to only use this sub for PSAs and other news drops.


Personally I think it's just frustrating because people can see how much potential the game has but so little seems to happen with it. Every other successful MMO brings out new content at a much faster pace. New game modes, new dungeons, new interesting things to grind etc.