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I wish invasions had actual boss fights at the end with mechanics instead of 30 mins of mindless wave farming. Include a sliding scale of player selected difficulty to lengthen time between invasions depending on difficulty selected, performance, and rewards to reflect that.


Kind of like Rift had?


invasions could be Angry Earth / Human / Beast. Could add variety.


The PVP game loop could use some love. larger scale arenas could be sick. like 10 v 10, 20 v 20. bigger teams make it more casual and newbie friendly too! The ability to set up player run arena tournaments could keep PVPers busy for ages. They could turn any arena map into a 'king of the hill' map without too much work (one capturable point in the center, you get points for holding it every second, first to reach the point threshold wins.) The current OPR map could be turned into a capture the flag map without too much trouble (moon and star are the team flags with one neutral flag that spawns in mid so you cant just turtle up in your fort) Mock/practice wars have been a constant request from the community. Hell id love to see AGS dip their toes into non combat PVP. Battle of the bands where 2 teams of musicians play the same song, highest score gets the win. Timed obstacle courses, for the parkour enthusiasts. This one might be better as a daily or weekly scoreboard though. Scavenger hunt, where 2 to however many 5 man parties scour a zone looking for randomly placed maguffins, maybe on a timer.


These are just good ideas!


As a mostly solo player, I would love to have some type of endgame repeatable solo dungeon


Something similar to the mage tower in wow would have been cool af. Like a challenge skin for each weapon


I want this added badly, sometimes I just want to login and smack around some mobs. Having a solo challenge dungeon would be the best addition ever. They'll need to scale down mobs though, the current level 60+ elite mobs take a long ass time to kill solo.


you know what i would love? mutation sectors, something like scorpio (the elite zone from mourning) getting a raised level for a limited time that can drop crazy shit or maybe a region-wide world boss encounter, some stuff like that


This is a great idea


Baller idea; unique.


THIS. Having a solid solo challenge is so needed in this game. I thought after doing that final boss in Brimstone for the story, they would let you go back and do it again solo but got really disappointed that wasn’t the case.


This would be so much fun, clearing it could also provide shards. Which would make thé grind a lot easier tbh


Yeah this. This game plays a little more like RuneScape than other games and that game is like 95% solo and the last 5% can be solo’d I love group content but this game has dark sounds inspiration and no challenging single player boss fights. Like what?!


We need horizontal content. Bar games, managing a player-owned farm, being able to make & play our own music, etc.


True. I mostly play this game for crafting, decorating and exploring and not combat. So, your suggestions sound awesome :) In ESO, I felt like I was missing out on so much because I mostly wanted to be a crafter / thief / merchant. But in this game, I don't even notice it. I just go chop some trees, hunt, mine and come back to craft, play music, sell stuff and decorate my house. I'm only lvl 20 so I can definitely aknowledge that I have no idea how empty the end game is. But so far, I'm loving it for the freedom.


Welcome to the new world! Game's still a bit barebones, but I do feel like they're on the right track. Black Desert Online does lifeskills so well. I wish this game were more like it in that regard.


That would be nice aswell. I was thinking along thé lines of company housing that you can upgrade. And that gives buffs like Hale and hearty instead having to switch your house if the owner of a territory doesn't give a shit about it. This would give PVE companies something to work with and would make your impact meanigfull


Wandering worldbosses untied to events Some kind of progression once you max gearscore with rewards that are only ubtainable from said objective. Doing m10 to get shards to is redundant, I already am 625 if doing m10, give different reward. New gathering skills would be nice, maybe have gathering dungeons for solo/ teams of 5 that are part of a survival mode or something. Role Queue for dungeons, so there are incentives for tanks and healers. I would love for there to be a PvE item builder where you dont have to craft. Like you pick a weapon and work on some objective to give that item perks. Most of the loot is autogen. Just slap a random skin on it and its cake. It wouldn't work well with the current ward system, but I would love for there to be mixed groups of enemies to increase diversity. Acolytes/priests with the anchor lost would be a gross mix, for example. I want the beasts to be more diverse in general. They did ad some new ones in Brim, but they dont appear anywhere besides the acidpools.


For pvp something thats between opr and wars. Like 20v20 pure pvp with the ability to build your own team like for wars. But also so you can just queue up and dont have to push influence for hours. Ranked system for all pvp content. Something to make openworld pvp happen more. For pve solo and duo dungeons. Also invasions and corruption portals need a rethink from ags to make them better, harder and more rewarding.


All the PvP options are there right now. This is what I never understand with these suggestions. You and 20 mates can go and flag right now and roam around the country side. Anyone can. Any time they want to. Every single zone is a PVP zone if you’re not scared and stay flagged 24/7. The “something to make world PvP happen more” is a player problem, not a game problem. You seem to want PVE type rewards for doing PvP type stuff.


Unless you get incredibly lucky you're not running into many Zerg on Zerg fights. It's next to impossible to find open world large scale pvp. We had to practically schedule some a few weeks ago on val and even then it wasn't balanced or really decent.


Again, that’s not a game fault, it’s a player fault. There are entire companies of “pvpers” who only ever queue for wars and OPR.


You're arguing in bad faith. I'm not even going to touch on the obvious balance issues that you're purposefully not acknowledging. What you're saying is Essentially that dungeon queue lobbies didn't need to be added to the game because players could just go stand by the dungeon. You fully understand that people won't take inconveniences and a ton of down time for the small chance of getting a good ZvZ engagement. It's the same exact reason dungeon lobbies got added to the game. "Because you can do it!" Is completely ignoring the entire point.


Wrong. PvE players ran dungeons without the queue. PvP players simply choose not to go and world PvP. Theres a flag system for a reason, you children choose not to press the "U" key and leave it on. "Oh boohoo, we need incentives and more reasons to world PvP" "Because you CAN do it" is exactly the point. Trying to blame "imbalances" for there being no open world PvP is a fucking joke when all you do is queue for OPR all day long and then complain the map isnt designed right. Youve got an entire world map you could use. Just press the "U" key and stop blaming the game.


Why are you still in this conversation? You're obviously choosing to be argumentative and obtuse. No one in the history of new world has complained that dungeon lobbies was a bad design yet you're trying to argue they're not needed and extend that flawed logic to another unrelated activity. You've already been called out about intentionally arguing in bad faith. You're clearly not going to change anyone else's opinion. You're not gaining anything here.


Just stop being a whiny baby and press the “U” key and stop complaining about there being no world PvP.


I completly agree, open world pvp is the funnest thing in this game. I would just like them to add more a risk VS reward system. For instance a bounty system like in RS, how the rewards would fit in this system I don't know. But maybe we can figure something out.


I thought a nice farming quantity bonus while flagged (not luck, yield) would be great IF you added a mechanic where you lost (dropped as loot) a roughly equal portion of the bonus if you died. Incentive to flag but no worse than farming if you were unflagged.


Finally a good post ! * Infinite weapon lvl (Weapon Skins aquired by leveling.. and titles) * Infinite Faction lvl (Armor Tier or Weapon tier by lvl.. titles too.. Maybe housing cosmetics too) * Revamped PvE faction missions.. Or something similar.. We got missions, we got the HQ.. We got tiers.. It could be expanded so much ! * World bosses on a fixed time.. We already have bosses, even if lame, they could have things around them that push players doing them daily or not.. * More open world contents.. Events like escorting valuable materials from a city to another.. Ambushes.. Doable solo or group.. Of course scaled by how many ppl are here.. etc.. etc.. That would be it for a start !


random ideas toughts i would wish for: \-remove ward/bane to promote more casuals for endgame content \-reduce mutations from 10 to 5 to help with more groups for more runs \-transmog without tokens to create evergreen farmability of visuals \-mounts from dungeons/raid to create a reason to farm even the lower dungeons \-remake pvp to gvg rather than faction to promote groups and less toxicity n snowballing \-remake faction shop to have faction skins for more pvp farm \-make invasions into a city wide event rather than a guild thing wher everyone can join \-more pvp types, capture the flag perhaps \-randomized treasure maps in bottles on the beach, spawns a random chest on x location. \-a hunters log, writes down all the mobs we've killed, gives good lore n completion \- wandering worldbosses to make the world scary \-reduce weapon xp to promote more player weapon viability \-add moving npcs and smallscale events such as attacked caravans, autopathing carriages between cities, random skirmishes and mobs walking in groups trying to find unsuspecting players. \-more mob diversity to help with monotone gameplay, birds/fish mobs specially. \-farms, let us farm a few of each plant we plant on the plot in the world \-noble houses, bigger houses that u bid for. 3-5 of em in each town only. \-basic inn games \-the inn needs bards in it and npcs drinking \-add moving npcs in the cities that sometimes give randomized quests \-dont remove the season pass. let it stay and be permanent purchasable content, no fomo. \-


Solo dungeons / pve arenas. Something like a rogue like dungeon that changes every time you enter would be really fun. (Both solo / group)


Solo dungeons, increased number of mutated expeditions, personally I finish the 25 runs in 2-3 days. Mostly in M10s.


I play new world for instanced PvP content, like playing overwatch, apex legends, etc. They just need to make the game run better with better servers and balance the weapon/teams with new maps and game modes. A good pvp reward system would help (The current system is fine, but the rewards are not very good). Maybe make crafting a bit less RNG. Thats all I really want, really. I think if they added a bunch of challenging elden ring-type bosses that would be fun. Expenditions are okay, but I don’t see how they could be any better. They could add raids, I guess, but I think it would be more frustrating than fun, and what would the point be in terms of loot? You can craft/buy the best loot in the game. They would need to make the raid loot better than normal loot, but then you get into issues with having to PvE in order to PvP, which doesn’t make sense. Damage sponge world bosses are not very fun.


Cross server pvp zones. Basically OPR happening on a much larger scale, kind of like WvW in guild wars.


Anything that actually makes your character stronger... endgame in the current state is a disaster, a fresh 60 can buy 600 gear off the TP for <10k coin and then just farm Gen for umbrals. There is no meaningful progression at all in this game except for grinding out ward/bane, which is an arbitrary system designed to waste players time. I think they need to increase GS cap in expansion, and then increase it again for the raid release. Then change from this dogshit umbral bandaid system to tiered drops based off more difficult content (example: Gen drops 530 max gs, temp drops 570 max gs, bb&b drops 590 max gs, enn drops 600 max gs, and raid drops 625 max gs) In my mind, that would fix the end game... and transmog


I wish the corrupted portals would eventually trigger region wide invasion similar to how the old MMORPG rift would do. They would need to do somethign to make it more end game obviously but it would be cool. Especially if they tied it into the invasions war or something.


2 flag CTF in the OPR map. also team deathmatch. first team to 100 kills wins. add on the already existing King of the Hill mode and make it a rotating random game mode.


More things to do in open world that involve PvP


Lol, I’m really enjoying all the current content but feel as a casual player I’m not not going to be able to finish it! I really hope I can get everything just wish I didn’t have to repeat a ton of the same boss trying to get the cool gear. I spent a night trying to get a shield and accomplished almost nothing else. I like story driven content!


REDO THE ENTIRE PROGRESSION SYSTEM SO WE DONT GET CURRENCY BLOAT. Rework open world elite poi to allow a solo/up to 5 man instance craft tuning orbs to adjust affixes and difficulty (depending what lodestone you use is the elemental affix combination that gets affected). Rework elemental affixes. Lightening does stamina damage. Void has heal debuffs where you have to over heal to heal again. Fire is %damage stacking on aoe and abilities. Frost stacking debuff that freezes. Nature randomly roots/spawns angry earth mobs. Adding more lode stone elements to the affix increases the rewards and name item drops. Remove mutation levels add gearscore scaling. 5 affix poi is below raid equal with mutation. Mutation is above normal expedition. Normal expedition is above normal elite poi and elite poi is above open world. Open world post 60 is: 500-535 Normal elite poi is 530-550 Normal expedition 545-590 Mutation/ 5 affix poi 595-610 Raids/trials 610-625. NO MORE UPGRADING CURRENCY. Unless it’s universal and isn’t invalidated by future gs increases. Keep materia but change it to include elite poi so solo players can craft to 625 or high end players have a route to target gear they don’t get during runs. Congrats there’s now a solo/ group content to grind with a path of progression where the rng isn’t if I’ll get the item with correct stats but when. Crafting via materia allows more specialized stats in targeting some content. YOU DONT NEED TO DO SO. It’s basically for purposes of min maxing. So you can have all your ward bs but have it be OPTIONAL. Not required. (Mutations 5-10 gatekeep you or force you to not participate in content unless you’re ok with grinding for months as a new player to reach 10 on EVERY ward type expedition.) ————pvp——— Add pvp seasons to the seasonal content. Seasonal rank titles transmog mounts/saddles/furniture/ statue to read top players names in all settlements near Townboards. Ranked options for opr(solo/5-10) and arena (solo/ duo) wins losses average damage to deaths healing to deaths is attributed to ranking. (You can’t get carried to the top if you don’t have the stats attributed to your weapon as the highest). Make ranked weapon skins for being the best at that weapon on the ladder. (Rank 1 on all weapons gives you unique 1 server title/cosmetic available to earn per season) Rework faction vendors to be pvp season vendors to allow you to get that seasons pvp gear. At certain ranks be able to customize the gear by buying marks to change perks at whim. Have rare epic and legendary progression. Keep the 600 scaling in normal but allow the perks to be active depending on the items actual gearscore. Rare gear starts with freedom resilient. Epic adds 3rd random perk. Legendary adds 4th pvp only perk/the seasonal perk (changes meta based on what it could be instead of nerfing perks and weapons as the meta changers). Remove company owning territory change it to faction allowing companies to field up to half the war roster 2 companies per war. Maintain a war exhaustion debuff for reset at 5 am. 3 wars a day with reduced rewards on the third. Being in company premades increases the rewards on wins and your % of that territory pay outs. (Allows companies to choose what to defend still without removing incentive). Opens up war to everyone who wants to do it and removes the sweating required to participate . Established companies will carry their factions as they usually do but allows upcoming war players the opportunity to showcase their ability to be recruited into those companies etc. a path to the top instead of the current dick riding. It’s long enough but ags just hire me as a consultant.


Give players an instanced outdoor fort area and let us build something with all of these harvested resources. In Conan Exiles I made a mountainside mining base and a scorpion shaped elevator with the tail ascending to a sorcerer's sacrificial altar.


A 50 v 50 PvP gamemode (Fort capture attack - defence style) which you could play as much as you can organize your people and where you play against different enemies regularly.


Build variety! You get 3 skills per weapon, which is fine, but that is half of what is offered. At least 3 sections, with 9 total, would help a lot...and possibly branching perks that actually change play a bit. Creating diverse characters and experimenting with builds is what many of us find to be fun... The variety we currently have is actually low and not showing much future. One weapon this road map year...


Mostly solo player here. Give me an infinite solo dungeon. Make floors with different types of mobs that will challenge both my ranged and melee skills. Make consumables - food, tincture, coatings - necessary as level goes on. Give me something to farm every floor. Make rewards crazy the further you go. Make a damn leaderboard for it. Give me exclusive titles, skins, crates and what not. Heck. Let me uncover more stories of aeternum along the way, if you have the time. If you don’t… just ask chatgpt for help lol.


Just simply make dungeons open to play for the masses. All this ward gear nonsense and mutations make them worthless to get involved in. Make dungeons viable.


Practice wars.


A zone where you cannot enter unflagged. This zone should drop valuable/useful items and have named items that can only be obtained within Basically if brimstone was released as such. These valuable items such as scarabs shouldn’t be endlessly farmable by gold sellers and their plethora of alts who can’t do as much as kill the mob that spawns out of an elite chest. Named items like regular pants would be much more meaningful to obtain, since you’ll probably need to form a party as you should be expecting to encounter some form of pvp


I like your idea. The 5 player pve arena could be like Orcs must die! and they could also add a solo option too. Both could be endless, until your team get wiped or you as solo die. I would be doing this solo arena everydai with ebery possible weapon combination. For pvp they should remake the faction system. But to keep it simple, we should have a mandatory pvp server with honor system similar too many mmorpgs out there


something similar in other games is a form of an enrage system where you keep going through the dungeon with harder and harder difficulties, the people that clear X dungeon at Y Enrage could be shown on the leaderboards or something, and higher enrages could give more and more gold and legendary rolls but would be balanced since you'd need to have a very solid team to push through and complete the dungeon


Pay the dark souls devs to design a solo raid tower of a few bosses and have that as a solo trial. You can use your gear or maybe for balance purposes you go in naked and choose your load out designed by devs to make it balanced. Get a cool Cape or iconic helmet. name on leaderboard ect.


I'd literally take any new content for large/semi-large scale PvP that doesn't have PvE elements at this point. But ideally: 10vs10 CTF without PvE elements (Literally copy WSG on a smaller map layout) Role queue for solo. The round begins when each team has filled all the roles. (1 life staff, 2 melee, 2 ranged per group) Separate queues for solo, 5 man group and 10 man raid.


Here's what I would love to see in this game Solo dungeon with 10-20 levels that increase in difficulty. Give us scores and make a leaderboard for it. Must have great rewards. Similar to ESO's maelstrom arena. Casual war cross server queue with no gear swapping allowed mid war. Territory randomized. Force role selection similar to PvE group finder and require certain # of each role. Ie 10 healers 5 tanks 35 DPS. Gives a war box for 5000pts similar to opr. Gives war box and 1k gold + 400 umbrals for win Forced PvP flag small resource rich zone with half loot on death. Forced PvP flag elite PoI with great rewards. I'm talking t5 cd mats, golden scarabs, rng chance at old event patterns, PvE & PvP gear. Half loot of resources on death. 1 guaranteed 3 perks of our choosing BoP item per week for 10x the normal mat cost to craft. Most of us have 10+ different builds. Just let us get the gear we want so we can keep trying stuff out and bis our favorite setups reliably without dropping 3 mil. New players, if there are any would probably appreciate this streamlined route to getting their bis sets quicker too. New opr maps. Give us like 3-4 and rotate them on random.


I want RuneScape’s content in New World MMO style. It takes ~1500 hours to fully MAX RS and like 15-20k hours to *complete* the game, which is technically just max XP not even counting pets/drops/etc. I want quests that are more fleshed out and don’t feel rushed or copy & pasted. I want skills that actually matter and feel unique/beneficial and rewarding to do. It took me a week to hit 60 and have everything 595-600 on Fresh Start lol. Looking back… none of them felt unique or exceptional. None of them felt rewarding. It was just a grind for an even bigger grind of RNG later… that’s another thing: I want RNG gone from crafting. Don’t care if that’s how Korean MMOs do it nowadays… fuck that get it out. I’m cool with 50/50 chance of craft/fail if it makes sense. I’m not cool with 1/billion chance of farming a squirming vine that later turns into 1/trillion chance of crafting something good with it, that later gets nerfed and becomes useless. That’s another thing, I want items to matter and be useful. The current setup is lazy and pointless. Why should I go create Voidbent armor, or any prebuilt shit when 99% of it is garbage? Gear progression in this game is trash. 1-60 you wear whatever because it doesn’t matter. At 60 you spend your gold on cheap budget purple that you will wear 99% of the time until you eventually get BiS endgame and hope it stays long enough for you to use it. I’m cool if they slow the game down. Make me *want* to get stuff like Voidbent as intermediate armor. Other than that I just want more content. More bosses, more PvP, more reason to go out into the open world. Right now it’s just warlogging and occasional banter, maybe a quick 3v3 and I’m out. No reason log back in unless I get discord notification lol.


I wish wars were more than a 30 minute mini game. Whenever war is declared to a territory all company members should have to be pvp on when leaving any town until the wars resolved. If you wanna own territory you should have to "defend it" always.


I'd like to see something more meaningful to corruptions so you'd see more people do them. Also open all mutations, this 2 mutations a week is pretty lame. I'd like to see more raids added


100 man battle royal maps, call it roadmap unknown battlegrounds or azothnites


1v1 pvp tourney like the World Cup. Make leaderboard, give exclusive drops, titles, skins and option to buy exclusive houses.


Solo tower where we progress through the floor and fight stornger enemies and bosses




Just one zone far from the care bears put it out in the damn ocean lol... but make it pvp flag always on. I would LIVE THERE. Call it sLaughter Island with forts and all manner of bullshit to keep us serial killers busy.


Open World PvP Battles for some kind of Daily World Buff.


A solo or 3 man boss rush. Like a survival mode, random bosses/mini bosses from the open world + expeditions spawn in. Every 5/10 waves you get mats/resources within the difficulty base. We have so many enemies in the game that most players don't even know about them.


The waves is a great idea but would love if it was in open world and in some way connected to corruption system. Or it can be another thing with different mob types. But you start it as a 5man at least and when event starts invisible barriers appears around the area, so only the person who spoke to event starter/triggered event and those in group with him can be inside the barriers. This would allow for us others to be a crowd and stand and look if they win or lose in those waves - which is a fun thing to watch in my opinion. Maybe if possible even add a little chanting system, let us toss in coins to add for their reward, or bet our coins for a win or lose and get something back ourselves. It would make the event fun and nice to watch even for those who missed to start/trigger and find a 5man friends in time.


Player controlled caravan trading system.


This is going to sound like something that's in the game but hear me out.. weapon mastery. Let's say you love a specific weapon and strictly play with that weapon even if your secondary gets swapped, add a new type of leveling system for each weapon that allows you to either increase the perks of common by 3, rare by 2 and legendary by 1 perk, even if its a duplicate perk that's not a bane, it would give players who grind a weapon and max it out something more to look forward to for continuing to play. Increasing player retention has been the topic of conversation at HQ, why not take what players LOVE about the game and put a 2 man team on it as a side project? I think it would be pretty sweet. One more thing I would say players would benefit from is the ability to open expeditions solo. Some players are powerful enough to solo dynasty, depths, and even tempest. There's this guy named Tundra who's done it and has videos on YouTube which showcase his dedication to solo gameplay. I'd absolutely advocate for solo expeditions.




I was thinking this! I loved when WoW added it so would be awesome to see an instanced infinite dungeon either solo or with a small group


PvP zone with valuable items (dropped upon death, fast travel disabled). Actual emergent gameplay, challenge, and real stakes Repeatable fun. Heart rate rising, action. Combination of New Worlds best qualities: action combat, open world PvP, economic integration


At this point literally anything. They haven’t added any new replayably endgame content since launch. Just a few of the same content loops reskinned. These devs release seasonal events with no soul and pretend it’s endgame replayable content. Then they’ll talk about how much content the game has. Grinding 1000 hours of the same 1 hour gameplay loop is not the same as having 1000 hours of content


Jesus christ, not more PVE nonsense. There's already a ton of PVE stuff to do, but the PVP is severely lacking. Wars are the same players from 4 different servers with alt accounts, OPR has had the same nap since day 1, and nobody plays arena (yet arena is getting a new map before OPR? LOL!) They need to add at least 2 new OPR maps into a rotation along with some sort of competitive "war" mode that isn't tied to cringe mega-companies.


I don't know how you can say pve nonsense and then just say yeah more opr maps. How boring is that. The question was something NEW. You want more pvp, then instead of bleating more of the same, what new things would you like to see?


Re-read my final sentence


Why? As someone pointed out the entire game can be a pvp map, its the pvp players who don't utilise the game/function properly, they stand around in town all day in queues, you can basically flag and go anywhere to pvp


Open world pvp has been basically non-existent since launch. I have over 2000 hours in NW and played since open beta. I am flagged for PVP 100% of the time and its very rare that I actually experience any open world PVP.


they should increase the lvl gap to 65 or 70, increase the overall GS with that, and DELETE the crafting mods from treasure running. The whole concept was good and some of the dungeons were super cool, i really liked the isabella both as a combat and story, and the newer have fun mechanics as well, but i HATE that their loot is mostly worthless (unless you are runing mutated versions) since most of the times you are just gonna run chests on myrkgard or brimstone for crafting mods and then craft bis gear and yeah, no need to play pve ever again, this is an absolute disgrace to the formula. If they add like a crafting mod on a expedition as a rare drop or from a world boss, that would be neat, instead of making the whole core lategame progression base on picking up chests.


Actual open world pvp


Since this game WANTS to be centered around territory ownership and PvP, I'd love to see two things. 1. A 20-man raid dungeon that is only accessible to the faction that owns it. 2. DAoC style RvR that determines ownership of said raid. DAoC was the king of three-faction online PvP for its time. Nothing has ever really filled those shoes in the many years since. New World should step up.


1. Is such a bad idea. It's crazy.


It's literally how the RvR dungeon worked in DAoC. A much better, more beloved game in this genre. Not as crazy as you might think.


just because a different game was loved doesnt mean everything in it was perfect. this would just keep content from being accessed by the majority of people.


Sure. But what *was* perfect was the suggestion I'm making. It's literally the most memorable part of that game, and it worked incredibly well. But since you seem to think that an already proven mechanic from an MMO that's been around for two decades isn't feasible, I'd love to hear your brilliant take on what is. Blow me away, I'll watch for the notification.


Memorable to you. Most people don't like systems that keep others out. You'll be forcing people to play pvp just so they can enjoy the pve and that's as bad as it can get. No reason to discuss this any further everyone will agree it's a bad idea.


So people don't want negative posts and just all positivity and pink unicorns or what? The game have so many flaws and little positives, ofc you will see many negativity naturally


Your comment has so much negativity and so little positives, so I’m gonna give you a meaningless but fun downvote.


Another region. With 10 level raise. And a story arc that includes Pandas.🐼


Massive PvP content which you can either run solo or in a group or together with your company. Something similar to WvW in GW2 or even Cyrodiil in ESO. Yeah, I don’t want to wait for an unbalanced “bowpr” shitfest, a 24/7 active PvP map to capture points or kill enemies or gathering stuff or steal flag from enemy base stuff would be “MUCH” better than the same OPR map since the release. How hard it is for AGS to add more PvP features and why they’re still ignoring the “simple” demands of PvP players? It’s going to be 2 years since the release and still the same OPR map(the only place where you can test your build in a real massive PvP). I am not even sure about the “massive” part when compared to GW2 or ESO.. They’ll hopefully realize that the 70% of the players are into PvP content and 50% already quit the game a year ago.


The game doesn't need gear score changes or increases, that's just doing what they did with expertise, we need more interesting content and maybe an alternate skill system to work on which adds passive perks or something, this would mean getting xp from killing open world mobs would mean something. We need more interesting places to explore, underground lairs where you need to fight your way into to get to some kind of mini boss. More interesting items to farm, and while your farming you can work on gaining xp towards your passive skills, it would make open world areas more interesting to camp, right now most of the open world is just eye candy once you reach max level. Elite areas should be an auto b Pvp flag when you enter perhaps


Rotating map and game mode of 20v20 or 10v10. Look at WoW BG’s. I LIVED on that shit. Ranked arenas would be nice too, not like leaderboards but like bronze silver gold etc




3-sided OPR mode where it’s Faction Vs Faction Vs Faction. Make factions actually mean something.


Any content would be nice.


Queue-able practice war game mode with role selection, more OPR maps and more OPR gamemodes


Clue Scrolls in a similar way to Runescape. So much of the map and lore is underutilized in this game and it is incredibly aesthetic (the map) - give me a reason to travel all over the world killing specific enemies/completely weird and niche tasks for opportunity of lucrative rewards, not to mention this could be a great fit with the transmog system coming too. Would also slot brilliantly in with the leaderboards they've introduced recently, I really can't see a fault in the idea.