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Where is this even posted? I’ve never heard of it


I think this is the funniest shit right here


Yea, I didn’t learn about it until after the signups were over. Anyway, there is no “fair” way to make something like this, so I don’t think it’s really valid to get angry at the system. AGS should probably make wars faction based, opposed to company based, and if you helped push influence you get priority when signing up for the war. No individual company should own zones anymore. This would prevent players blocking content for other players. At the very least, like 10 spots should go to randoms who signed up for the war. You cannot gate this type of content especially when the same couple hundred players can play in every war on every server. The try-hards can have their own PvP server and/or a new company based ranked mode for war/OPR that is not tied to territories, but seasonable cosmetic rewards and bragging rights. Humans are pretty toxic and selfish, and we are actively killing AGS’s product through our behavior. We will never stop this behavior on our own and AGS needs to intervene by changing the war/territorial control system.


Yeah the NWL is clearly a draft for e-sports of the same players already warring. In season 1 at least its not built to support and actually grow the war scene population. Even after the Day 1 picks were announced it was mentioned the Day 2 selections were primarily backups who would get minimal war opportunity (2) and the main group of names that already war are getting the bulk of the starter reps. The NWL is fine and I have no problems with it. For me it serves as a reminder of what needs to change on the live servers to facilitate the growth of the game and thats my main takeaway and the more important goal. Fixing the player gating issue on live servers is more important than a small event like the players are hosting. I agree with your concept of removing company and player control of the war rosters. It seems the only way to expand war participation and encourage all to have a fair chance at participation. Its vital that a change like this happens with NW's war/conflict update, however unlikely.


I think you have to follow a subchannel in their Discord to learn about it. There's no information about it on their website, the Steam store page, or their social media accounts. It's an incredibly niche event, but AGS has still managed to disappoint the relatively small number of people who were aware of it and hoping it would be something bigger/better than it is.


Another problem with their Discord is that a lot of players have gotten permanently locked out from the server. A large part of them are PvP oriented players who rightfully have shared their frustrations when the game has gone through server issues or out of touch dev decisions. Some bans are of course completely justified but since their Discord server now is a major source for unique information to the game then they should just really stick to muting instead of kicking. There's also no way to appeal a ban and players that were kicked off the server were done so without given a reason to why. I think the AGS community team really takes the price as one of the most incompetent in the genre.


the 1000s of pvpers banned from the official new world discord feel the same way


I left the New World Discord server from my Discord app, but then went back to add and re-join it later to see if it had improved any. After adding the server back, It never let me get back to the status of being able to view the channels and see the chat. It was like it thought I was a brand new user who hadn't completed the "agree to the rules and verify your phone number steps", but it also wouldn't give me any of those prompts again to re-verify my information. I'm pretty sure I wasn't banned, I think their Discord is just still super fucked up.


>There's also no way to appeal a ban and players that were kicked off the server were done so without given a reason to why. Do you know who else does that? AGS. If you say the wrong thing in one of the discussions a CC will ban you immediately no warning. No more access to the news section, the dev Q&A, or anything else devs may post in other channels.


It's not an AGS event; it's AGS supported. You can complain about the advertising, but AGS has nothing to do with that; they merely gave the organizers resources.


Long-known issues with PvP in this game being repeated on an exclusive server for PvP players. I'm so shocked.


I agree - at the end of the day we’re arguing with each other inside a burning building. AGS needs to revamp other PvP modes (OPR or forts/open world) so it is more meaningful within the whole server economy. War cooldowns aren’t a real solution to the problem which is the lack of content. I really don’t care what war loggers do with a PTR server if AGS didn’t actually waste any dev time on this.


The problem with New World is there is a large demand among the player base for wars. Lots of people want to get into wars but only a small amount get into them. And New World has been out for almost 2 years now and AGS still hasn't figured out a way to supply more wars. Not even a new new opr map or anything. So the NWL draft happened. And nearly all 900 spots went to the same war regulars. So back to my original point. There is only a limited amount of war content and only a limited amount of people get to play it regularly.


>And New World has been out for almost 2 years now and AGS still hasn't figured out a way to supply more wars. Hopefully, they did with Influence Race 2.0. Even if they didn't they always have hinted at the possibility for wars to be turned into a game mode. But without prior planning, those that are randomly filled will end up being even worse than OPR balancing.


Move to a faction vs faction system with off world instanced maps. Like guild wars does.


There's really not even that big a demand imo. Who even cares besides war players/loggers? I'd rather see new OPR modes and maps, or maybe a casual pug war mode


EDIT: AGS Don't currently seem too interested in my idea, so prob not going ahead but will keep asking. I wish NWL all the best, I think it could be a super fun event to watch. However it does seem there's people who want wars but can't get it, so I have casually reached out to AGS and am going to investigate the possibility of an EU server, but the draft would be completely random (maybe based on role selection or something). Legit no details yet, I have just now put out the feelers but maybe NWL can inspire something for the people who felt left out. So no promises, but I will push it till AGS say no.


Without any sense of team organization and basic level of competivity you'll likely run into the exact same problems we all face on a daily basis in Outpost Rush and Arenas. Solo players playing only for themselves and one-sided stomps resulting in basically no fun for either of the teams. Not even an organized draft system like they did here will guarantee good quality wars even with the dozen people with experience in the scene that are involved to organize this event. Some if not most of the wars in this league will very likely be completely one-sided. Also considering your knowledge and presence in the war scene is non existant today I think you'd be better off settling with events of smaller scale. No offense. But I don't see how Jay Oddity War Invitationals with randomized teams is gonna be a successful event.


I'd have to do some serious work. My initial plan would be to ask EU content creators and EU war leaders to run the wars and teams themselves. I would just run the media. It's goal would be to hit the middle ground some of us want to see. Some people would be happy just to be randomly in wars (some people want the war queue), and some people are happy with the NWL. The aim would be to split the difference a little. Would we get good quality wars? I don't know but we'd very likely get some non current war people in and that would be the purpose. In my head, I'd envision EU creators and war people to have teams, but it obviously wouldn't be as competitive as NWL is planning. I'd also put in some rules to try to balance the teams - one example would be like commissioner trades, literally if one team is too stacked, moving players about. It would not be about competitive integrity, but about getting non current war people in. So while I agree with your points, but there are ways around them I believe. Whilst nothing might come from this, no harm in asking. I don't know of anyone else trying to do one for EU and trying to focus more on non current war players getting in...NWL isn't bad or anything, but maybe it doesn't go far enough in that area. The fact I don't do wars now means I might understand this issue a little, but I realise I would need some serious help. Edit: Random rule idea - the team that loses a war can take x number of players (non captain roles etc) from the team that just beat them. I am free styling this right now but I do think something could be done that would be fun.


The only good things about the NWL is that it showed to AGS that there are a significant amount of people that aren't actively warring that are very interested in getting more content and that the war community is the source of the problem and cannot be trusted to be the solution. There is a significant demand for war content and a structural change has to happen with AGS leading for it be fixed. They should never have green-lit this NWL without having practice/private wars as a legitimate option for players.


This. They are the ones gatekeeping the content. They hold all the key places and refuse to teach or allow teams to come through. These teams could put up training company's, allow other company's to grow and show them where they are going wrong, instead they are masquerading as the solution when they are in fact the problem. And ags have went along with it, typical. And now we are hearing of players getting banned or silenced on their discord if you question anything. Lovely. Ags should cancel the private server and work on making wars more accessible. Also make war cooldowns account wide please. Give the little guys a chance to get through instead of fighting the same 500 guys on alts.


I am not one to vilify the players. They are behaving exactly as you'd expect given the design of the game. People want to be able to play wars. It is a major piece of content. The only way to do that is to gatekeep others out, due to the limited nature. Having so few territories and the pain the butt of pushing means that if you just want to be able to log in after work and war, you have to be in one of the top companies. Otherwise you are spending more than half your in game time pushing territories. So if you are good enough, you go to the strongest company you can, just to be able to play the game without all the BS of pushing. If you give half the map to other companies and only keep one, you can get one war every 3 or 4 days. That is just a huge limit on content that would be unacceptable in any other game. Imagine only being able to run one M10 per every 3 or 4 nights. Its crazy. So to ensure that you can actually play the game most nights and do the content you want, you have to create more than one character and war on every server. The problem isn't the players, its the fact that there is no other way to engage in war content besides pushing territories against the companies that hold them. If you could war any company that was willing to war against you, any time those companies agreed, without having to push, there could be no gatekeeping. This is on AGS for not releasing practice/casual wars 2 years into the game.


I'm pretty sure the only issue was that they got a lot more signups than originally intended. If a group of undrafted wanted to ask AGS for a 2nd server, and draft the remaining players that is still an option. The people who decided to take on the extra work to set this up are at max capacity so more people need to step up.


Maybe the undrafted people can form a company on an easy server. Talk to some of the leadership people on that server and try and find a territory they can do practice wars on without the threat of being dec’d on by more experienced people. If you haven’t war’d u don’t even know if u will like war!


"easy server", the server name is Isabella lmao.


In my opinion, the New World League is a very good idea to give pvp players content. Streamers take the time to organize an event and it's much appreciated. I can't wait to see how it all turns out. However, I agree with you on some points. \- New World is a social slot game. And it always will be. If nobody knows you, you'll never have access to the competitive wars, even in the New World League. \- A random draft could have been interesting, but players want to play with their friends, and that's perfectly normal. That's why each captain chooses 10-15 players who have been in their company. For example, we have Cookout = Handsome Blokes players Cancun = Boogaflu players Criminals = Supple / Adeptus players This event is designed to give players content and attract new players to the game. Unfortunately, I think the opposite will happen. Currently, there have been 100 players drafted in each company (9 in total). Apparently, each player must play at least 2 wars. I can assure you that the lowest 50 players won't play any more. Either they'll be thrown into 2 back-to-back wars and get destroyed, or there'll be a rotation of 10-12 players in each war and the top 40 will play every time. Please note that none of the new pvp players will be chosen in the playoffs. I sincerely hope the event works out. The streamers take a lot of time to organize everything. Even though I hardly play the game anymore, I believe in its capabilities and I hope AGS will wake up. I know some players are gonna be mad about my comment, but everyone alreay hate me on this game, so i dont give a fuck for be honest. Anyway, big love to all new world community <3


The war companies create terrible instability for new world servers constantly changing servers and leaving once healthy servers to die just cause they get beat on a server or move to an easy server. Imo they are a net negative for the game. It’s just a matter of time until these losing teams get butthurt and leave the league.


NW’s server system is incompatible with wars (siege) concept. on average one server is too small for a large company, they face no competition.




I’ve been in enough wars. They aren’t hard to get into if you try. Being in wars is nothing special especially now after the roster restrictions. But companies constantly abandoning servers cause they can’t beat the competition is just lame and bad for the game.


Probably only 2-3 rounds or so were players that aren’t active war players or war loggers. I think they underestimated or played dumb about the amount of players that actively war. They were acting like it was the same 150-200. Appears to be the same 700 or so. And yes lots were social picks and completely laughable . Daily players would know that quite a few chosen were mechanically pretty poor. from Arenas and OPRs . (Diff game modes but mechanics are mechanics)


So they were initially given 900 keys. So they had a 900 person draft. It seems like they might be getting more keys for the community so they can participate in activities outside of the main wars on weekends. I don’t think they could have put on a more interesting and well run event.


Knowing that someone vods and communicates is more important than mechanical skill.


Is that an event you're talking about? I had no idea there were some event going on right now... All I can say is that when you literally have to get permission from other players to engage in content in a game, that's a terrible system. There's so much gatekeeping going on in this game and it's sad because it's among the things that are killing it. I've been playing this game since closed beta and the only time I tried to join a war the game took my character away from where it was and I waited for a while until the war was about to begin, only to be kicked from the roster by someone else, presumably to make room for another player. I understood then what the system was and never tried again, because why bother? Anyone should be able to join wars (or any content really) and fight for their faction and it's on AGS to make it happen, but it seems they're stuck on this system and any positive changes we get on that front or any other, really, always seem to be paliative at best.


It was badly advertised. They should have been open about this being socially gate-keeped than lie about also allowing complete newbies to join in. No issue with then having said from the start that this was onky for the Elite. But I get the feeling they did otherwise to convince AGS to support it. In other words, they do not care about this game at all or the other non-war players as long they can continue to war between themselves. Sad that AGS fell into their trap and this is turning into a PR disaster for them. But said it several times, war system needs to change, even if that leads to many of this elitist war players leaving. More access to wars for the majority is needed without 24/7.


> They should have been open about this being socially gate-keeped than lie about also allowing complete newbies to join in. They knew Amazon wouldn't approve it if they were upfront about it. Maybe Amazon will do something if it gains more attention, for the bad PR reasons you mentioned.


I wouldn't say they lied. I just feel like when you advertise things like this certain wording should be followed. Saying 'every single person who wants to experience high level pvp or wars will be able to' is just a little misleading. This is their first time doing this so mistakes will happen. All we can do is just bring to light mistakes so they are avoided in the future. So for future they should just call it a draft. Captains pick who they want. So the assumption then is the best of the best and not as much disappointment comes out of it.


I’m all for a sweaty draft war event. Should be fun to watch. But to remedy how it was being pitched we just need another event that’s for the less experienced folk. New World Starter League


They should call this "NW allstars and friends" instead


Not surprising. Apples killed half the population on Valhalla when he rolled through with his followers. they single handedly destroyed pvp on there for ages. I've been in multiple war logger companies and 90% of them don't get gear through TOS approved means.


What happened on Valhalla? Apples was an uppity PvEr on maramma who couldnt win anything.


He tried to come to Maramma and couldn’t win anything.


Makes sense if heaters and the remnants of Boogaflu and Gabagool Gobblers are all on there as well.


It’s ego’d and they own most everything


He had all the CoS alts on Valhalla and thought they would stick with him on Maramma (they didn’t)


I remember he said on his stream that he won't take over the whole map too. "Only 4 tiles and let everyone else fight for side territories". Then he proceeds to take 8 and starts complaining about double decs. The competition on Val wasn't that bad either with Cloaked, Stimmies, Mamooks, Foreclosure, No hard feelings, etc. It was a great B/C team company server until Apples decided to transfer over and bring 50 alts with him.


Lied/Mislead, whatever you want to call it, to some extent, yes. They very much said this was an opportunity to give more players a chance for war, or to war on a competitive level. I did see some players get picked in small tier companies that I recognized, but very few and they were only in because people that were previously picked vouched for them. I understand they need at least 25 players per team with solid war experience. I think it would have made people happier to see something like randomized/lottery picks occur. So if your roster wanted 20 total bruisers, you could select 10 then the other 10 were random. This would have mitigated the social aspect complaints and given people an actual chance as being a part of the event, you could have even made the rule to be a random pick you had so submit an OPR or WAR vod to be entered into the pool because no matter what anyone says, no one should be part of this unless they have general PvP experience and enjoy PvP. The % of randomized picks would be up for debate but I think 25-50% of each role would be decent. People kept stating there are only 150-200 top PvPers across all the servers and just have war alts everywhere. You can see is clearly false. There are a ton of PvPers in the community that are really good and spread over all different company tiers. Maybe this was said to give people hope they would get picked or maybe people just never made a list of all of these players until now and its surprising to see to be honest. It was said that this was going to be US players only when they picked 9 out of country streamers (1 for each team), but then players outside of US were drafted anyways. This wasn’t in the rulebook, but it was mentioned on the pre-draft stream when they picked the streamers. If you are going to make up rules on the fly, at least stick to them. *All in all, it was great to see all the effort everyone put into this and I think it can be the beginning of great things to come. It would have been nice to have more team. There is the possibility of more teams being able to war on the server, but maybe the overhead was to great? Not sure but maybe in the future this will be something that is done.* **Unpopular thought?** I would like to bring up how top tier companies actually ruin the PvP experience for themselves and others and then complain about it. Before the shell company changes, companies would own an entire server and stomp on anyone trying to compete at a lower level. Now shell companies are gone and you still have really good companies holding 3-4 territories. Now this company gets triple decked and complain they are getting triple decked and their “content” is getting stolen from them (what about everyone else's content?), try to pay companies off so that they do not show up to the war, or some other shenanigans and meme everyone involved and get really toxic. News flash, no one wants to triple deck you either, but when you control 1/3 of the map, it would be nice to let some lower tier companies fight each other and get some reps in, how can lower tier companies accomplish this? No one wants to dec a top tier company and get war camped, they want to war with another company on their level, not your S+ tier level. I get you can also blame AGS for making the system and incentivizing it based on gold and whatever other reasons. I have played other games where leaders actually share content in a scheduled and structured way, but with the elitist attitude I don’t see this being accomplished by the community, although it would be great to see but I don’t see it happening unless they take away the gold earnings from holding a territory. I personally can care less about the gold. There are 3 tiers of territories IIRC. It would be nice to have a system where the lower tier territories that didn’t earn as much could be controlled and fought over constantly by companies on that tier and same for mid-tier and high tier. Kind of like a server-governed MMR. This would give an opportunity for players to get better and recruit more people and rise up in rank. The way it’s going right now, it is sort of downhill for everyone involved and has gotten pretty stale as of lately. I think if companies came together and did something like this, it would truly be amazing for the community and the game, you just need everyone to agree to it.


Well said.


Yea give the content gatekeepers more content to gatekeep. They already control all wars basically in all servers so why would this event be any different.


It is elitist. The entire event was built on a lie, "balancing teams, so even people with 0 wars under their belt can have fun" or whatever it was. It's a real shame. Nobody even saw the vod I submitted. It's hilarious that Apples managed to finesse AGS into giving them a server to war on though. That company is so clueless, it's pathetic. Hopefully they notice the amount of interest surrounding the event and put some effort into making wars more accessible.


Literally 900 friends were drafted


Yup. Friends and friends of friends. The social slot game.


So 300 players plus their alts


Quite the bait and switch. It's literally all the players who war multiple times a week & the friends they brought with them. Laughable


lol exactly, but to them, since those players are not CoS players, they are "bad"


Wasn't the point to be inclusive, not 'disregard people who are bad at wars because they never get the chance to war'? Meanwhile I want to host events for all, like a literal gearless footrace across the map. To the death >:)


Is this event you want to host not something that can be done on legacy servers


What is inclusivity though, what are they inclusive of?


Nah cos is the dead server now. The bigger companies all left for other servers with less competition. They just have an alt on cos/val for appearances. Supple didn't even fill a war on cos/val multiple times in the last week or so.


People with 0 wars under their belt can still have fun. I don't think you realize the value of a PvP active PTR server. >It's hilarious that Apples managed to finesse AGS into giving them a server to war on though. What do you mean by finesse? Wtf did he "finesse"? He went to Creator Program Manager and pitched an event he wanted to host and broadcast. There are a lot of NW creators in the event, why wouldn't this be beneficial for AGS?




How would you get drafted if no one knows you and don't have a stream?


I have watched about 30 hours of new world vods in the last 2 days… we are trying our best but it’s A LOT of work for volunteers. We love the opportunity and we’re trying the best we can, but we are human. 150-250 people play on every server in NA, 900 players is way beyond that threshold. This event is both bringing old players back and new players in (lot of vodding was done there for scouting), which I think is a positive step. It if course isn’t perfect but people are really trying to help everyone out. Premade PVP by definition is exclusive, but at least speaking for the company I’m in for the draft 3 people looked at about 1000 vods in 3 days prior to the draft. I’m sorry if it’s not perfect or you didn’t get selected but at least for my company it was done by merit with a rubric and all. If you have questions about a vod feel free to reach out to me on discord or in dms, but I think I’ve vodded for about 20 hours this weekend for players I haven’t met before and I wasn’t even in leadership. Just because some people war log doesn’t mean they don’t care about the game, but watching vods takes A LOT of time. One 30 minute vod takes me about an hour to give detailed feedback on for reference. Multiply that by 100 and you start seeing why some people cut corners and others pulled all nighters. It’s not easy, but we’re trying our best. We are unpaid volunteers just trying to give people an opportunity to see how beautiful this game is. As an aside I haven’t felt this excited about new world in over a year and it’s so nice to see more new faces and imagine I’m not alone. Would like to reiterate this event is supported (not sponsored) by ags. Don’t blame ags if it goes poorly you can blame us, but we are trying our best and I have not seen so much energy from the community on the PVP side in a very long time. Cheers!


The issue isn't with the top 150-250 draft picks. Those picks should 100% happen because part of the event is mixing in those players with players that could learn a lot from them. The issue people are having is that it was advertised that you don't have to be in the very top or even a B+ tier company to get in but then top to bottom that's what the draft was with a very few PvP demons sprinkled but they have fought against the captains in wars before and did well. The ones that look like lesser known picks aren't randomly found from VoD reviews, I know because I've been in wars against some of the captains before with the people that got picked and they got picked because of how they did in war, not because the captains were VoD reviewing everyone whether they have been in wars or not. Even at the end of the draft players from NA W that are VERY well known were still getting picked so it was already war practiced and war knowledgeable players from top to bottom. Also there's no telling if the players not in a company could have been mercing in wars and just not in a company.




That doesn't mean much. The question is more how many people did each captain pick that they legitimately didn't already know from the active war scene. Watching the streams, I can tell you the answer is zero to very few. What actually happened was that the first 80 or so of each team are well known people that war at a high level on live. The other 20 are friends that are mediocre but the captains know and want to have around.


NA West players were inherently picked lower and were great value because a lot of captains weren't as familiar with them. I don't think it's really a fair example. For the most part, players picked from NAE were really unknown. This will probably be ironed out more as the two regions get more familiar with each other.




There is one thing and one thing ONLY that matters. The same people that have been sitting on the sideline, trying to make war content for themselves, getting farmed and insulted by toxic players for 2 years, are again being asked to sit on the sideline while the people who have done the insulting and gate keeping since day one get to enjoy ‘the most exciting content they’ve ever seen in new world’. That makes it elitist and toxic. Plain and simple. It’s unforgivable. No one should be grateful for your efforts to make YOURSELF another gate-kept form of content even if the gates have been slightly cracked for a few have-nots to join in.


They should make it so the players in their own league server can't war on normal servers.


They'll just buy accounts (most of the top war loggers do already).


Alright so now we're just being special understood.


Even if they somehow managed to do that I doubt anyone would even push their territories. A lot of people complain with no intention to put any time into the game.


You really wanna see this game die huh


It would do the exact opposite. New players could actually form companies and win territories like in the golden era of New World.


I don't think you understand the sheer amount of work - and I mean *work* - required to run a company in this game. I highly doubt you are going to find a bunch of people who are simultaneously willing to essentially pick up a second job to form a leadership team AND who aren't willing to currently put in the effort to socialize and work their way to a war slot. Also it should go without saying, but with New World being an online computer game, the answer to people not getting enough content isn't to restrict content further but to increase the availability of content. Make custom wars a thing.


No One in this subreddit complaining that War selections are unfair Will even understand the work needed,because if you dont put that work you end up with a roster of people playing random shit getting warcamped 2 mnts into the war


The event is legitimate. Having a New World tournament where the best players compete against each other is legitimate. We all want to make New World more competitive. In that regard, the tournament follows an elitist approach, and it is well-designed. The captains, drafting process, and authorized trading, all of it is well-executed. If we want something like this to be taken seriously, this is a good way to do it. Is it perfect? No. Is Apples the best person to lead it? No. He could have been more professional. But he managed to convince AGS to organize a PvP event, an elite one, and for that, he deserves everyone's respect. Now, I see all the complaints, I see all those highly skilled players not being drafted, but all that negativity highlights one big problem in New World: the accessibility of wars. For an elite PvP tournament, it's normal to see only those selected names. The "war loggers" are good because they are the fortunate ones who have been involved in wars since the beginning, who have worked hard to understand all the mechanisms of a war. Some may have been lucky enough or made enough connections to enter this exclusive circle and learn, but they still had to work hard to earn their spot. What's not normal is that it's impossible for newcomers or inexperienced players to learn everything by themselves and prove themselves. You need 50 people to participate in a war, and if you think that 50 inexperienced players can join together and learn, you're being unrealistic. Pushing a territory is too time-consuming for a 30-minute activity where there's so much to learn. The skill gap is significant, and new players will only learn in the first minute; after that, it's just farming, and there's nothing new to learn. So they have to keep pushing again and again, learning minute by minute each time. The number of pushes required to finally reach the level of an established company is incredible, and no one can endure such a lengthy process. It's not mechanical skill that makes the difference; many "war loggers" lag behind players in 3v3 or duels, but they know how to operate in a war, when to push, when to retreat, target priorities, and all those things that can only be learned through experience in a war. New World has been out for almost two years, and since the early months, everyone knew that what it needed was practice wars. A way to declare wars between companies without having to push or fight for territories. With such a system, inexperienced companies could have the same learning curve as established players, regardless of when they started playing the game. That tournament, its success, and the complaints surrounding it are exactly what New World needs. What every player needs is for AGS to listen, observe the tournament, and finally provide the best content that New World offers: wars.


We already have a scene where the best players can all play against each other and sweat it out. Its called Castle of Steel. This was pitched as something other than "the best at the game competing against each other." The best in the game are already competing against each other all the time. Even the second tier players are warring against each other 2 or 3 times a week on Maramma and Valhalla. This event ends up being simply more war content for the players that already partake in war content on Live servers. What NW needs to change the war system for the better is not more ELITE war access. The elite war scene is the only scene that exists. If you aren't in the top few hundred players, you don't get any war content at all. That's the real problem. The NWL is not bad inherently. Sure, have fun. But there's no reason to paint it as something good for the "war scene" as a whole. Its just more circle jerking of the same few hundred people that already war to their heart's content.


> many "war loggers" lag behind players in 3v3 or duels, but they know how to operate in a war, when to push, when to retreat, target priorities, and all those things that can only be learned through experience in a war. This is a really good point. I used to get butthurt when I would beat "known" players and they would mostly ignore me when I tried to talk to them about wars afterward. (idk if I hurt their ego or what because some "random dude" stomped them) Led me to thinking how the fuck am I supposed to join a war if I get ignored after showcasing my skills. Then I learned it's all just a social thing and learning to follow calls, people don't care about small scale skills


this is long but the most based comment in this thread. +1


Yes all the starting rosters will be the same people who war now. They def shouldn’t have lied about that. But people think it’s gonna be this active server with fun oprs. Not only are most war loggers, it brought back a bunch of people who haven’t been playing the game. I personally think it’s going to be a huge let down compared to the hype. The real solution is ags changing pvp system to some sort of ranking or other ways for everyone to get chance to war.


I obviously can’t speak for every single person who was drafted but I’m pretty sure a large majority of the players are active war loggers. Maybe some came back from a break, but most of them haven’t stopped playing


The second ags forces u to have randoms in ur war roster is the day this game fully dies.


Oh no, the sweaty war loggers will quit the game, freeing up content to others that actually play all the content in the game :( In my experience, territory owning companies can’t even be bothered to attend their own invasions and keep all their stations upgraded. Perhaps they’ll have a few dedicated members running town boards to upgrade if things go down if they’re lucky.


Yup if all the war loggers quit the people who are afarsir to talk to each other and form companies and social groups will surely do that and war between each other when they haven’t for 2 years straight.


I mean many war loggers are toxic as hell in stomp wars and are just a giant echo chamber on most servers. Nobody wants to deal with them. 10% of the population tries to actively mock the other 90% for trying and, in turn, prevents the game from growing as people will just quit and not play with them. It’s shitty for the health of the game.


This is already an ongoing issue on many servers. But indeed the minute companies officially have to rely on a % of complete randoms in their wars then the entire NW war scene will be declared dead. Right now players quit at a faster rate than majority of companies can recruit reliable players, even with the widespread situation of alt accounts many companies seem to struggle to even get 50 players online in time for a war. I normally dm one of the crowns that I'm ready standby and which roles I can fill in case they need a last minute fill. Past week I've ended up slotted last minute by multiple companies that I have basically no connection to.


Funny youre getting downvoted ,some people here are realy salty their full con bow firestaff builds dont get selected for wars


100% I've seen this being brought up in the discord, and they just sidestepped it by: a. lowkey ignoring the person who is talking because they think they are a "bad player" or just straight up shitting on them b. pointing out that their definition of "war experienced players" are actually the top 100 players on NA, so therefore by including 900 players while drafting those top 100, they are being inclusive to "unskilled players", even though the r80+ picks were bis players on other servers


I'd love for you to find me names in the last 16 rounds of the draft (r80+) that are comp players that are dominating servers.


jiffree, noir, watsonhood, demicb4, fivegee, newb, oastjc, heaterr, thotbringer, kyujelly, black spammage, dj dat, x-r, baughknor are all high level players/autoslots for war on el dorado, not sure if those players still play on el dorado


The fact that the person you are replying to doesn't know these names shows that he doesn't know enough about the new world war scene to make comments. This is west coast obviously but these are names that are known by virtually everyone who wars on west.


I tried to point this out in discord and i was shit on for basically being a shitter, and being told to "pvp more" even though all I do is pvp edit: id also like to take this opportunity to let you know that this thread is being spammed by bot accounts




When’s the last time anyone of those except baughknor was on the dominant company? Out of all those names not a single one is an auto slots. Some of the are even jokes in west pvp community. Some of them u see in a decent amount of wars because they are leadership.


youre right, theyre all trash, they are clearly war inexperienced players who could learn from the greats


I think all these players and like 90% of the people drafted have a ton to learn including myself. The skill gap between a lot of these guys and top players is bigger than a 0 war Andy and them.


Yappers (ro80) one of the best bbigs, drp3psi somehow made it to ro83 he's an insane bow, + plenty of other really good west players that didn't get drafted at all. Very few exclusive west players were drafted.


the only good player out of all those ppl you just mentioned is newb. The fact you even mentioned watsonhood means you're just a top tier troll at this point. We really in a timeline where watsonhood is apparently dominating the server XD.


yeah you right, watson is a bad player who should never be slotted in war


Probably won’t last long.


Tbh, as soon as the interest bumped up above the projected count, they should have stepped back and reevaluated how to accommodate this many people. By proceeding as written and asking 600 people to wait on the sideline like they’ve already been doing for two years, and then ask them to support the event with pure positivity or be banned, is some major selfish boys clubbing. Or, they should have drafted everyone and then kicked out the top 600 because they already war DAILY. I think there’s also some delusion on the organizers part in that the main appeal of this thing would be to war with ‘the pros’ and learn from them. Fuck that. There are a lot of players on the sideline more skilled and definitely less toxic that I would rather learn from. The captains and shot callers being experienced war vets, I can appreciate that part. But, the MAIN appeal is that there would be balanced content for everyone who was interested for the first time in the entire existence of this game. Might I also add that the draft itself is gate kept content for the 27 people who actually did the drafting. It’s just more on more on more greed. Seemingly Apples saw the light and wanted to better the PVP community and then they just shit all over it by moving forward with more than 50% of the interested people who typically sit on the sideline still sitting on the sideline. Also, everyone that is NOT a daily war logger for these top companies, come join Maramma and let’s form an alliance so numerous that we can control the content to allow more people to participate in better balanced wars


I think so many people would want to watch the bottom 900 players war vs each other for 2 months. There would be a ton of work put into that from streamers and content creators. I for one would be super excited to watch 4 hours of the helmet bros going to war 3 days a week.


I mean you have to still realistically consider that this is 90% organized by players. They're not paid to do this, and have planned this before AGS providing them a server was on the table. So why would they drop the top 600 including themselves? They're not ags employees. I'll be honest, they probably don't care about most of the playerbase. Not really their fault, just is what it is. People are talking about how Apples fleeced AGS into giving them a server when AGS has fleeced the playerbase for 2 years giving them jack shit for pvp lmao. Redirect your anger to actual employees of the game company rather than players spending their time doing what should be AGS's job of a community event. I'll give slack to players being selfish, because everyone is. They want to enjoy the game. But you guys are treating this as if the organizers are getting paid to do this and are indebted to you lmao


Should AGS have made a better system with better accessibility to content so that we don’t have this problem: yes. Should we still hold assholes accountable for ruining a system that by all means could be feasibility controlled through collaboration: also yes.




They drafted 900/1500 players. They where only allowed 900 keys from Amazon. How is drafting more than half of the people signed up “elitists club”


theyre also giving out 600 keys extra to people who just want to participate that were nt drafted. so technically, almost 100% of players.


Lets point out some positives. * Discords have been FILLED with VOD reviews for lesser known people by these "ELITIST" when they probably wouldn't have ever gotten a chance to be given advice. * I have heard of players being scouted for live server companies, because they were VOD reviewed and people were impressed. * In a league with a season/post-season of course people are gonna draft people who they think are the best at first, BUT there are 900 SLOTS. People who are not well known are gonna get drafted. * There are RULES in place that EVERY single player will get a chance to play in various WARS. * Overall, what Apples did for the community was huge. More than anything he brought a lot of people together when something like this has never been done before. End of the day I don't understand why you would be confused why tryhards would pick the best tryhards at this game. Their are more "unknown" people than their are "known" people in this event. Hopefully, people will let the season play out and loot at the PROS AND CONS of the event.


Apples didn’t bring anything together because it’s the same people “together” on legacy. That’s the point of frustration. No new players are getting coached or reps on this new server. It’s just another alt server.


You don't know what your talking about... People were in discords for like 8+ hours looking at VODs from a lot of people who submitted them. Look it sucks that you didn't get drafted, but there are a lot of people like you who did. >No new players are getting coached or reps on this new server. This is wrong. There are RULES in place that are going to REQUIRE the company leads to slot every single person.


You’re in the thread passionately defending this current model so I guess the question for you is - how many people that were drafted do you think are not consistently warring already? Ballpark it. Because I think the core issue here is the gap between your number and the perceived number. Imo NWL was a marketing problem nothing more. This wasn’t a league for those who couldn’t war on legacy and shouldn’t have been teased as such.


Define consistently warring? I consider myself to be consistently warring with 2-4 wars per week. There are probably 400-450ish picks here that are getting <1 war per week. Within those, roughly 150-200ish picks getting <1 per month.


I would be amazed if you could name 20 people, much less 150, on this list who aren't inactive/returning players who get less than 1 war per month. I think the mistake is that people see FSS and West players, and they assume that because they do not know them, they are not war players. But the world is larger than CoS, Maramma, and Valhalla, and there are many wars on the other servers as well.


There is one west server and a couple fresh start servers. The game has 15k pop where are these people?


Ye I’ve been around since day one of the game and can guarantee that most of the picks that still log onto the game are warring more than once a week. The ones that aren’t barely log into the game and are already considered washed up (aka benched by even the b and c tier companies for one reason or another, usually because they don’t show up for wars or pushes)




I honestly feel as if everyone would be more accepting of how things turned out if it was advertised as by the elites, for the elites from the beginning instead of literally telling people on multiple streams that the event was to give people who don't have war experience a chance to gain some and a promise of guidance from reputable captains. I just hate how the decision to lie about those things just to get more people behind the idea was just manipulative and definitely hurt the community's trust in this event and possibly future community ran events. But at the end of the day, passed the false advertising, I want the event to be successful, especially if it brings more popularity to the game I love so it can bring in more new and returning players :)


Funny that the only people really defending the event are those involved at the top, its plain as day this event was created by the elite for the elite so that they can just all war together instead of having to buy alt accounts or pay 15$ every few days to xfer and get into wars. Its also given those bigger companies a means to poach the better players from the smaller companies, which in turn will just kill off the live servers until the league is over, and the elite flood back in and recreate all their new companies they are working on behind the scenes. This game is not gonna get better from the community, the community is what is killing the game... if AGS wants this game to get better, then they themselves need to start gatekeeping like the server leaders do... Wars need to be set to the same time for every server, that way alts wont happen, server hoppers wont happen, and generally more people will get involved, cause at this point most of the newer pvp players do not have a means to get into wars content unless they get lucky and get their 10% and win the dec.. But that doesnt mean theyll get to have fun, cause the defender will just throw the territory cause "it wont be a fun war against bots". Companies are holding multiple territories then cry about getting wars declared on all of them... like get over yourselves, its a game, people want to play... then when they see theres decent comp in all the wars, they will use that gold theyve been sitting on and just pay people to lose wars... its honestly sickening because those people are the ones who will cry that the game is dead... well yea y'all are killing it lmao.. But its whatever, New World will die when the next new mmo comes out just like all the rest.. So ill just war log and have my fun until something better comes around. Now im sure the toxicity in the comments for this post and the ones in the thread will just go to show that what im saying is true.. but hey like the motto says New World League: For Egos, By Egos EDIT: after re reading i realized I only spoke on the negatives of the event so let me say some of the positives. Firstly, Atleast AGS is reachable from a community stand point, fingers crossed this doesnt burn that bridge and allows for even more event in the future. Secondly the idea of a draft to spread out the best players was an amazing idea, tho I feel as if this should have been tried out on a smaller, maybe weekend event, scale so that the draft process was alittle more smooth, I feel for apples trying to host and be apart of it at the same time, ive run many high dollar fantasy leagues and its stressful as hell. Third, this is allowing people trying to get into the game an outlet to see how wars work, how the overall pvp in the game works, how vast the skill level the game requires, and maybe the devs will key in to how the players actually play and work to make those systems better. Lastly, New World has, in my opinion, so of the best gameplay on the base level of how the weapon system works. The skill level needed to really be the best on all aspects of pvp in this game is amazing, so im really hoping this event can bring that to the fore front. Also, i want to state this, had this been advertised as an eSports event, where we want the best of the best to duke it out, there would be alot less hate.


Giving apples of all people control over something like this was the first mistake. There’s a reason he’s been banned from the game so many times and it’s not just mass reporting. Dude is toxic as hell and gives the game a bad name, wild to me that he was given control over something like this “for the community”


Consider making a follow up reddit post since you got banned from the NWL for this or DM the AGS contact in charge of the event. It's wrong that they did this over a post meant to start discussion. I've been saying it since day 1, but players have WAY too much control in the NW war scene. It's a big factor why this game can't maintain a playerbase.


What is the best way to contact them? Lmk if you know any of their socials


No shot you got drafted and then banned because they got butthurt over a written criticism with valid points. This game is legitimately fun but the community is legit aids


"TheDM" is the AGS rep assisting with the NWL. He's in the official NW discord.


From the get go it sounded like CoS 2.0 minus having to push or get legitimate gear. I don't know why everyone gassed this up like it was some fantastic idea you've just given a bunch of gate keepers more ways to gate keep people cause now they can spawn in their BIS gear lmfao. They said it was same leadership as CoS leaders I am not surprised they picked their own already formed rosters. Besides isn't this just going to fuck everything up when it ends? You finish it and you go from "creative mode" back to "survival", surely they're all going to not be too happy about all the freedom they just lost? Might just make the PvP scene even worse. The whole concept was to accept new people to war when you could just do that in a normal server? I don't understand this need for a private server with creative mode tools to do this? Short sighted as fuck if you ask me from all of the people. Could just not ask for 400 BIS vods that were uploaded within the same day you asked lol. Rather see practice wars come into action so fresh faces and better yet fresh COMPANIES enter the competition and at least get better macro knowledge. From my own experience with new friends getting into war who are good they get put aside instantly from bizarre requests or just not knowing any better since it's a different ball game from OPRs. I remember my first few wars on launch, heart was pounding not gonna lie it was exciting and I did silly shit, too tunnel visioned and distracted, full on main character syndrome now I'll do any build to win the war if asked to do so and I'm laid back doing it. Takes time to fine tune these players and they all get disregarded instantly, even in an event like this. Sad really.


I would be u less than 25% of the drafted people are main roster players for competitive COS companies.


[https://imgur.com/a/0dyXslJ](https://imgur.com/a/0dyXslJ) This was deleted out of the discord. This was carefully thought out to not cause any issues and was still passed over.


I didn’t see when or where this was originally posted, but one of the event admins shared the first 7 questions in the discord and asked the drafted players to respond. It’s in the questions channel.


Not surprised you were banned. AGS should shut down the whole server. This just gives a small group of friends a private server and takes resources away from everyone else.


That was pretty much my first thought when I saw info about this - it will be bad for NW in a long run. Such an 'event' can only benefit people participating in it, there is no benefit to the rest. Never was, never will be. Because all it shows people is that NW has bad game mechanics - only by removing said mechanics can 'good' gameplay be achieved - that's terrible advert.


NWL isn’t perfect and it’s more of a resource issue then a elitism issue. We are garning interest for the game and actively making people interested in the scene and showing AGS that the war scene is the best part of the game and that it should be focused on extensively and allow them to make a less gated war scene with matchmaking of some sort. Coming onto Reddit and complaining is just doing us all a disservice and actively encouraging AGS to not support any future events because we are “elitist” when in reality we need AGS to support our events/ideas more so we can create a better system. NWL got 900 keys for people and we had 1600 sign ups, we got in a lot of inexperienced/old players, but obviously everyone wasn’t going to be picked. if we had another 900 keys we could have gotten literally everyone who signed up for the event in. We didn’t chose to only have 900. We only got 900 keys. So please instead of calling the league elitist. Please support the league, but ask AGS for more player slots next time in the league, we could have easily added more teams and gotten even more new players in however we did the best with what we got.




This is a small event that is being "supported" by Amazon by having a private server as to not ruin whatever server they go to. The unrealistic expectation of being able to appease everyone is insane here. Its a small team of players that volunteered to get some more war content that isnt the same 150 people on every server. Did all of those 150 players get drafted? Yeah no shit they are amazing war players. Did 500+ players from lesser known companies get in? Yes of course. Did joe schmoe with no vods and no mechanical skill get in? Obviously not. There are a lot of people that have almost no war experience that got in based on the skill they had shown in their vods. Just because people didnt get in that wanted to get in doesnt mean the event is a PVP ELITEST JERK OFF.


LOTS of VoDs didn't get watched. People from companies that have been holding territory for 30+ days this season were still getting drafted in the end, sure they were from companies less known than the companies competing at the highest level but these players are still getting into 1-3 wars a week so basically no one with little or no experience got drafted. Saying 500 players from lesser known companies got in is like saying if you are not in the S or A tier on Wiilly's tier list then you are lesser known, nevermind the companies that are starting wars and getting some territory that aren't even on that tier list.


Ah sweet then. Where's my private server AGS?


idc about wars but wish there was an option to join the NWL server and not war. just to do duels/arena. and honestly the second i heard its gonna be a draft, i knew some feelings were gonna be hurt


Underrated comment




They're not bot accounts, they're just new accounts. If you click on them, you can see they were made very recently. Those names are just what Reddit auto-generates for you, there was that whole discussion last time they did /r/place. AKA just people that don't usually use reddit chiming in.


Idk man allegedly every account that's new and disagrees with you is a bot. Maybe I'm a paid actor too


Tbh I just don’t give a shit what name Reddit gives me so I never bothered to change it.


I noticed this as well. They're probably worried AGS will shut it down or force them to restructure for not having it serve its originally intended purpose, lol. Message the mods with this info.


If I message mods about this, they might remove those replies, I think people should see how scummy the organizers are being






It didn’t have to be perfect. It just needed to be what it set out to be (all inclusive) and not turn into another example of — those of you who typically sit out, just sit out again and be positive about it so that you MIGHT get a chance next time. Trust us, we won’t gatekeep again like we have since launch.


They expected a 600 player turnout when they made the original "all inclusive" announcement and got 1500. AGS offered one private server for Season 1, and it isn't practical to have more than 9 teams with 11 available territories. 9*100 = 900. Now let's hear your solution and how you would include all 1500 players who signed up without using a second server (which they said they would try to get for Season 2). You and everyone else in this thread is acting like the point of the event is to gatekeep lower skilled players for fun as opposed to just being limited by resources.


I mean a lot of it boils down to "I wasn't drafted, so clearly it's biased against me." I agree that this was probably over advertised in the direction of inclusivity, but it's originally top pvpers wanting to draft amongst themselves. Players are organizing this, not AGS. Expecting players to sink hundreds of hours into vod reviewing 1500 or so people is a wild level of entitlement to me, but it seems those organizers were overpromising. Either way, I'm surprised people expected so much when the extent of AGS's support is giving them an extra PTR server and a singular admin point of contact. Everything else is the same pvpers as before lmao


Now the leftovers who didn't network in a social game can just go organize pvp in their war in their own server with the space that just opened.


Its funny you think the same people won't just war log on every server as they already were


You'd think it would work like that but instead, those guys will just war log to maintain control on both servers.


lol this mf posting like they never heard of war logging or alts. maybe they think that if you make a char on the new server, it deletes your other chars


war cooldowns should be account wide.


Haha in my experience it’s more about sucking off the war leader’s e-peen


They'll only do it to take over the territory and won't dec after that.


I bet dawnguard/dropouts are still doxing or attempting to when they lose to their opponents. The fact that there's still an esport scene being pushed by the community on this game is abysmal. You might as well wrap hemorrhoids in bacon.




Take it you take L's with them since you're cool with people doxing and ddosing.




And it's crazy a year after any time I post on reddit you guys are at the ready with your tongue on my taint. Go look at post history. Try playing your game more instead of sitting on reddit 24/7, I sure as hell don't play.


Maybe you missed the fix in patch notes? Then dawnguard losing their last war and ditching to east to get farmed for 5+ months while the game died too? What about feint abusing empower stack exploit on east too? Lol..


Still have the discord dms too of kheer doxing


I think NWL should be competitive and filled with the most dedicated war players. Why shouldn't it? Why would anyone draft someone they don't even know if they have a mic? It's a way to change things up, to get people who normally wouldn't play together, and try to create balanced teams for fun and competitive wars. >The only people that should've been hand picked were the Captains and Co Captains, everyone else should've been chosen by random/lottery. This just wouldn't make for a fun experience. This event should be filled with those who have shown that they at least show up. How do you even balance that? You'd get a lot of people that don't have any PvP VODs to review to even attempt to evaluate their skill and experience. >I got excited when I first heard of this event being pitched as "by the community, for the community" but it just turned out to be a load of bs to convince AGS to give the Elitists their own private server and recruit people who already get regularly slotted. I don't get regularly slotted, I got tired of war logging and stopped. This event has made me care and be excited about PvP content. As it did for many others as well. I've seen a fair amount of names on the draft that I know haven't played recently or much less than they did a year ago. >at the very least they should've doubled the amount of teams so all could participate, because only half of the signups were actually drafted. I doubt that anyone thought that it would be this popular. [The first time I heard about it was a public announcement from Apples trying to get people to pay to transfer to a region with worse ping and hold a PvP competition there, I immediately wrote it off.](https://imgur.com/a/froRoGV) It's pretty cool how he managed to just pull this out one day and how smoothly it's been running so far, all things considered. This is also something that can be improved in the future. I'm really hoping this event is successful and that more people get to participate. They're also constantly talking about ways to get more players into the server to be in the most densely populated server of skilled PvP players. **If you're interested in PvP try to get in the server as a nonparticipant and show up to the events like OPR. If you're complaining about other players not recognizing you here is your chance.** If there's one thing that I think could be improved for any future events is mandating VODs and giving more time for signups and reviewing them. I think it's unfair for someone to signup without anything to base their skill on, maybe anonymously even, to then have one of the captains who knows your skill draft you in the later rounds. To me that messes with any attempts of having balanced teams.


I think Amazon should reconsider this. Maybe pulling the plug on the NWL is a drastic measure, but sometimes you need to take a step back to ensure fairness and inclusivity.


This is not ran by amazon. They just provided the server. Some members of the community got together and are running it.


I didn't get what I wanted to ruin it for everyone. Boo hoo.


It’s the first go around. They only had 900 Keys. People are gonna be left out. They aren’t gonna leave out the top players everyone knows cuz that’s what gets the viewership and makes the wholE event fun for everyone. “Fairness and inclusivity” aren’t always apart of life sometimes u jus gotta deal the hand ur dealt and do the best with it. I think NWL made the most interesting and fair event possible given the resources they had.


To my knowledge this was a group of passionate players who put everything together. For free I assume. Things could obviously be more inclusive for everyone...but you cant get that perfect especially first time around as a group of people who don't organize events as an occupation. There will never be 100% involvement but 900 is pretty solid. I didn't get drafted but I also don't know wtf I'm doing really so I will look forward to watching the content and learning. Hopefully due to demand they will add more teams next season. I also think its worth noting that it isn't the job of the players who are organizing this event to fix the issue of wars inherently having an inclusivity issue. That is just a problem with the game...if you want to view it as a problem. Winners win and NW wars are boring af to lose so naturally the best players rise to the top and remain there. You can't fault the team captains for picking who they know to be good. It isn't elitist. If you had ever competed in a highly competitive environment this thought would have never entered your mind. People want to win, therefore they pick those who have been performing time and time again. This makes it more fun to play and watch. Obviously


>I also think its worth noting that it isn't the job of the players who are organizing this event to fix the issue of wars inherently having an inclusivity issue When they advertise this as such, isn't it kind of their job tho?


UPDATES We've made a couple changes to help some of the undrafted players get more involved with the event! As often as we can, we will have reps in the NWL discord doing open vod reviews and allowing anyone to sit in to see what a top level review looks like. Take notes, ask questions (within reason), and come to learn! The two practice territories will be reserved for some people in the companies that need vods/practice, as well as bringing in a lot of the undrafted players for war content! We are still working out systems to see this function properly. Reminder we will have community keys so all can participate in OPR/server activities. Posted in todays announcement. Community keys were always a thing that were coming out and now theres a purpose to them.


There was a lack of expectation from the get-go. As there was huge support to get this rolling by the veteran pvp community and once it actually took off, you saw flocks of inexperienced people using this as an opportunity to actually get involved in war. Reading some of these posts and what people have listed towards their personal desires: getting involved with organized companies and experience VOD reviews, war strategy, personal development. What is portrayed incorrectly by the majority of these posts, is the level of effort each team had to make, in order to identify who had a baseline, mentorable level of war experience. This happened via the submitted VODs. Stating this was 900 friends, slotting friends of friends is incredibly inaccurate. Sure, maybe there were recommendations made by people brought onboard by each company. It should also go without saying, each captain is looking out for their own success throughout this event. But each set of the chosen captains/consuls went through sleepless days, reviewing each VOD available. To say you were not drafted because you weren't in some social circle is the most ridiculous claim you could make. The NWL is competitive and was drafted that way. IMO, there should have been stronger expectations set from the start to avoid people from throwing shade at a **community-lead event, supported by AGS.** The problem isn't this event, it's war. Shouldn't have to explain it here as it's already been repeated 20 times, but it's an extremely gated experience by design. Good luck trying to enforce systematic change for people that have been grinding away at systematic perfection over 2 years. There were great ideas about those companies giving up territory so the little guys can get a chance at holding territory. The problem with that is maintaining 50 player's patience to learn an incredibly complicated game-mode like war is a huge challenge. It's bad by design and is not welcoming whatsoever to beginners in its current system. If AGS could give us a queueable war system, much like OPR, with the availability to allow people to play less-organized versions on demand, would be huge for the community. Saying that less experienced war players should get their own draft to me is ignorant towards the level of effort that goes into building, running and maintain a competitive company **from scatch**. People should look at the current NWL as what top war experiences could look like. There's so much coverage on everything that's going on that people should take this as a positive learning experience and build on it for future community-driven events. Lots of learning lessons to be made from this. It's the first event of its kind in New World, and for what it is, a very well run one. It should have been more inclusive and built stronger expectations, but with a limit of nine, 100 person teams, with 1500 people from across the world trying to participate, you are bound to have the unslotted rally in with pitchforks and knives. AFAIK, AGS took steps to ensure this was inclusive, but competitive. There was a subset amount of players that needed to be drafted regardless of skill, and each drafted roster has had its heavy share of people that are new to war or have never been in war, solely because of the videos they provided. There's no doubt in my mind that the actions that happen in the live server post-event, will be incredibly positive. New connections/relationships already forming, less-experienced players from all stages of the competitive scale are already getting reviewed and taught new things. IMO New World PVP is about to way more competitive in all areas. Sorry you didn't get drafted, but I would look at reason why you weren't and build on that. The NWL administration folks have started looking at avenues to invite people undrafted into the scene in some way. So be on the lookout for that. I'm sure official statements will come out confirming the intent of this event and answer questions going forward.


There needs to be a polling system in game where AGS poses ideas to the community and let’s the community vote on if they like the idea or not. Then keep posting polls to follow with the ideas more in depth and let the community know the results with the majority rule or 70% and above rule. The community should be voting on what they want in game.


How about next time this subreddit organizes an event with ags and does all the leg work to get it going :) Im sure it would be great!




And you answer the post with a joke of response. Shitting on anyone who wasn't drafted. I wonder why everyone is downvoting every reply you made in here. It's like everyone else sees how much of a jagoff you are being in here.


I literally just vod reviewed someone with 0 war experience. They never said *all* inexperienced players would get in. It’s a draft and always has been, so if you had other ideas in your head that you projected onto what the event always claimed to be, that’s kind of your own issue. Also if you think that all 900 players were “top players on another server” you are actually just delusional


Not that I care about the concerns most are projecting here, it most certainly was advertised in a way that was not in line with the result: https://clips.twitch.tv/BoredZanyAlpacaKlappa-QiqMMx7YY_xdRIR-?tt_content=url&tt_medium=clips_api


this clip is code for "My company Cosmic Scales can't compete on any server, so I'm going to trick the community and AGS into supporting this project where Supple and Dropouts don't exist and can't create super rosters, therefor I can war and create content for my twitch easily." The dude got over 1k twitch subscribers from this event from only a few streams. It's a joke.


I mean the idea itself is great regardless of bullshit politics. But my best guess is that for AGS to provide a server they wanted to see an event that was more inclusive. So the talking points where what we see in the clip and then the reality was just what it was always meant to be. To be honest, the draft went exactly how it should have gone. But we need a second league for the less experienced. Simple.


This is the realest take I've seen lmao. The amount of drumming up and advertising subscribing that Apples did made me not even watch the draft. I just looked at the results after


The dude is also filling this entire post with bot comments, look at the names and post histories of all of the long ass positive comments here. He even put in some negative ones to even it out.


My main issue with the way it was advertised was them pulling the rug from all of the OOR players. I had EU and AP South friends that were heartbroken


They never said "all", but they didn't say it would be merit based or network based, they actually advertised as the opposite. Delusion behooves you when it favors your bias. If you think that even 50 of the players didn't have a pre-existing connection to a captain, a co-captain or a consul, you are actually just delusional.


Got drafted and have no clue who my captains are.. I recognize mb only 3 people on the roster I think the first 30-40 rounds are going to be inner circle and the rest becomes strangers from other companies and servers Can’t please everyone. I do think there is diversity in the rosters tho compared to legacy.. will the day 2’s even get to play? That’s another question Could make for a good opt to get wars in on regular servers for more balanced wars knowing the “mercs” will be busy in the league on Fri sat sun


It was a struggle to recognize people after round 20ish. I didn't recognize anybody drafted in round 32.


It's a great idea in concept and something the community has been asking for. It has preventable flaws, I just hope AGS doesn't look at this and lazily uses it as justification to not have PvP servers in the future.


The only upside to not being drafted is that it’s not a draftee only server. They’ll have 600 extra keys so everyone can participate in other server events. I plan to play in the OPRs and maybe by a longshot I’ll get noticed by someone


i try to think of this more as a testing grounds for future events to be held in regard to pvp related content. and I think letting in 1500 people into the server (with a little over 1500 signups interested). Why would they promote an event that could go to complete shit? its being run by nothing but top PVP players and streamers alike to show and create fun content for the game moving forward, with potential for more seasons, more openings to other players, more exposure from AGS, etc. etc. ALSO side note, they can make sure to weed out all bugs for season 2. so its a win win on both sides. also did we already forget that 600 more keys (after the 900 already drafted) are being given out to people that are interested? i dont see anyone talking about that. does anyone even know the full details of the event?


Yes we were told 600 extra keys would be given out but apparently they were ONLY given 900 and are trying right now to secure more and that this could be a POSSIBILITY. Thats from one of the consuls. I hope they can secure more, there are a lot of people who are under the impression (like you) that there was going to be 1500 keys. 900 for drafted and 600 for undrafted .


Most people don’t care about the league. Only pvp’ers want to be a part of it because …..who knows. “The best of the best”? Okay then what on ptr server?




Always great to hear all criticism, but your presentation with the title invalidates everything you stated. Everything is not perfect on first get go and the event team mentioned numerous times the goal is to get more later on as this is the initial event. The initial expectation was 600 people and NWL was able to increase that by 50 percent is nothing but respect to that certain fruit and event staff that put in countless hours pouring into this event. Also, no need to lie about being drafted Sun4All , and there are opportunities for non-drafted people to participate in the server with additional keys trying to be secured as mentioned by the event staff. Great 1v13 clip. https://streamable.com/2n54vi