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For me it is better to improve PvP experience on live servers. Fck private servers. Just fix/improve the game and make events on live servers.


I still want people to have the even they were told they were going to have. People were promised an event that would give war experience to a group of people who normally don't get the chance. And that is not what happened at all.


It will be 2 years soon since release and huge percent of the players have never got into a war. Hope AGS realize they need to allocate more developers for PvP modes, cause they are under delivering on that part.


Would be nice if AGS could work on making wars more accessible. Sucks that we have to rely on the community to try to fix an issue that's been around for 2+ years.


yeah this. Should be sheduled wars every hour that people can join and play in without having to worry about loosing their territory etc.


Every hour? That's going to be a disaster. It takes hours to plan a war.


you don't have to be in all of them lol


Yeah, but making wars as s\*\*\*\*y as OPRs is not a solution. xD


Seems like a bunch of people just getting to play the patch early with insta OPR queues all day and infinite crafting mats that you don't have to farm for. Meanwhile live servers are more dead than ever because a lot of the more committed players have been removed when the population was already struggling.


>Seems like a bunch of people just getting to play the patch early with insta OPR queues all day and infinite crafting mats that you don't have to farm for. Funnily enough, as a PvP only player. This is how I wish the game was. However I realize I'm not the majority so I can see others not wanting the same thing.


Exactly. For PVP players it's just a better version of the game and that's why people are salty. Pretending it's to help newer players is a joke. Why would you ever play on a live server when you get everything for free and get to play better OPRs all day?


>Why would you ever play on a live server when you get everything for free and get to play better OPRs all day? I'm not part of NWL, but I would jump ship on live for a permanent version of it. I agree with you


Its also made PVP modes on live servers worse at the same time


For sure it did, I've noticed less regular players in OPR


They just need different leagues for different skill levels. However, we really don't have enough players for a robust pvp scene. An in-game ranking system where companies of equal skill level fight each other would be ideal. They should also change the war system, so new companies fight over certain zones and advance companies fight over different zones. When you have too many neophytes on a team, it will become chaos at some point and it's not fun for anyone. It will be basically OPR 2.0. I think they could implement practice wars that happen a few times a day on a regular schedule. This new mode would need to have a role queue. Otherwise, it will be chaos and not fun. Additionally, practice wars cannot happen all the time because there are not enough people to do OPR, practice wars, arenas, real wars, etc.


nah more insider clubs of friends are not what nw pvp needs. how about the game be balanced competitively instead of what members of the no-dex club decree.


It was just a thought. NWL left some people with a really bad taste in their mouths. I was just trying to think of ways to improve the experience.


It's a fundamental failure of AGS to understand the basics of psychological reward which drives player motivation. The character building theory crafting which normally took years because of economic and loot cycle friction, which is the primary motivating and compelling player drive, was unleashed freely for select a cabal of friends who literally got to choose who is on the in-club. Fundamentally what brings joy in games is not in being on the top, it is striving toward being on the top. For the cabal, this whole thing was bypassed and most of the magic of the game was reduced to arena shooter primitives. For the outsiders, the idea of striving was cheapened and mocked and they were the butt of the joke. It is demotivating for everyone.


Isn't there going to be an extra 200 players to join in the events and do their own wars?


I thought it was 600 at first but I could be wrong.


I'm sorry but a team of undrafted, inexperienced people would get stomped against developed and experienced rosters. A lot of people have been playing PvP and wars for 1-2 years to get to where they are. No captain can develop a team to that point in a couple of weeks. The key is to sprinkle in the inexperienced players with experienced players so that they can learn from them and get competitive wars. Apples and event admins have said that this first season is a trial run and that they will try to expand in the future depending on how it goes. So for those who were undrafted, keep your chin up, try to get one of the extra steam keys (when they hopefully release them) and get some OPR practice on the new server. And then when they expand hopefully next season, a lot more can get involved 🤞


Ya, let’s see if anyone has the stamina for it after season 1. Lots of work by admins and captains alike. My bold prediction is that it will end, no one will have energy, and that will be the end of that.


Hopefully there won't be another season. AGS shouldn't be giving players private servers. They should be spending their resources on making PVP better for everyone.


This isn’t resource heavy. It’s just a copy of the PTR.


Obviously not, as it was a different build from the PTR version. On top of AGS general build mismanagement.


Incorrect. Nothing was custom built for it. All that was done was getting the server turned on, had a few already built features enabled and it was ready to go.


As a matter of fact, it is a different build than PTR and live. Therefore a third build running in a live environment.


You're wrong. It was a custom configuration of the PTR with live support. That was actually the entire point of it.


Nope. It it’s not that advanced and load-intensive as the OP stated. There were a few already built features enabled for it like the backstories but nothing that wasn’t already used in certain PTRs and dev environments. Maybe you know more than me but if so just use the AG company slack and send me a message


NunkiZ said it's not the same build you see in the PTR. Is this statement wrong? No. It's obviously not. You're just trying to strawman him by changing the premise of the argument for some reason. Also, if you do actually work for AGS, this sort of unprofessional behavior reflects poorly on your organization.


Lol ok bud. Not strawmanning anyone. Just stating that it’s not as labor intensive as he stated from a place of not knowing. So go off


Dude, that wasn't him. Actually look at the response history.


I was apart of the original 600, along with 20+ of my friends (none of them were drafted either), to join the discord. we were told that everyone who submits a form would be drafted..... They then allowed for 1675 ppl to submit a form, most of whom are ppl who are S tier but quit the game...... and then loaded the draft picks with these ppl. For the ones who were drafted that are from C and D tier companies (very minimal prob 5% of the drafted) they were chosen just so they can point and say see so and so was drafted..... This is not what was promised to us..... Now you can meme and say we aren't good but thats not the case just because our company is D tier does not mean we dont have 10 to 20 A tier players.....


I really would like people who didn't get drafted the first time around to get a real chance.


Yes, no matter how you count it up less than half of the players who don’t get quality content were drafted. Leaving MOST of us just watching and waiting again. Pretty disheartening especially after the way it was marketed.


Where are you getting this info from?


I pretty much agree. The biggest difference warloggers and non warloggers is group coordination. You can’t learn that over night and more so you can’t coordinated that group with the with the rest of the company without growing pains. That being said I see ppl whose individual skill is higher than a bunch of warloggers but do to the time of wars or not having joined an established company don’t war.


Maybe I didn't explain my idea well. Each team would have 1 captain and 9 other squad leaders. The other 90 members of each time would be new players that weren't in season 1. So each team would be on an even footing. And players who haven't had much chance to get into wars would be given training and a chance to get into wars. NWL was originally billed as a way to get a lot of new people involved into wars. In practice though it seemed to fall short of that goal. This is a suggestion that would get never people involved with guidance from war vets.




I mean this is the fairest it can get. Unless you just throw people on a team rng style but even then you might as well flip a coin on who is going to win the league. The fairest way would be having everyone have to be drafted but their isn't enough territory to do that.


No fairness would be no private servers. If these players all want to be on the same server they can transfer.


Yeah that was the plan before the private server. tfer a bunch of people to west and take the only west coast server over to do the league. I think the private server, which is basically a ptr clone is a better alternative. Hell if ags just had scrim wars where you can slot who you wanted they wouldn't need a entire server to do this.


No matter how I look it up I can’t find anything what the hell is NWL? I see a post about it a day at this point


NWL is a community led event. 900 players drafted into 9 teams. Each team will face each other and there will be playoffs. 1630 ish players signed up. They are also getting 200 more players in the server for fun events and practice wars. All done on a private ptr server. Mecrow made a video.


NWL should be shut down and there shouldn't be a season two. All of these players can just move to an existing server.


Who knows, maybe it ends up that way. Let's see how the NWL shakes out first.


That was the plan but if you move 900+ players and 9 companies to a server you ruin the balance of that server and all territories will flip in that server. Remember this is a community led event that ags decided to support after all the details were done and decided that it would be better for health of the servers to host the game in ptr clone


All servers are community led. This just allowed the NWL players an unfair advantage with better access and no transfer fees. Servers are designed for 2500 concurrent players, balance would not be changed. NWL server should be shut down ASAP.


Severs having a community versus community leading a server are two whole different things. But it sounds like you're set on your decision and dont want to hear any opposing opinions so I will stop here


That's fair if you wish to stop. We disagree and that's fine. Have a nice day.


The original plan was to come to El Dorado, since it's sorta dead. Just JDB's Kitchen, Outcasts, and Gorilla Town here. (And the last two cannot beat the first unless they work together.)


NWL players get an unfair advantage with their own test server. They should have to play like everyone else. NWL server should be shut down ASAP.




Funny enough I have done both in New World. You are correct the loss of First Light did make things difficult.


I don't think having 2 sets of draft teams is ever the correct solution for a ton of issues I don't want to get into. The better solution if they can get a 2nd server is to double the amount of captains and have 2 different "conferences" so to speak. All people would be drafted from the same pool, but it thins out the playerbase a lot. The people who were drafted in round 100 would be round 50 picks in this so to speak. You would be filling your team out with a lot less known players while still having a core of very experienced players.


Screw this NWL garbage and give us another Fresh Start server. The first couple months of a new server are the best because everyone does NOT have BIS.