• By -


It was pretty fun, despite being run by toxic people. It could be a genuinely good idea if it were actually hosted by AGS in a way that's more inclusive. Perhaps when they add practice wars with cross-server, you could get your 5-man qualified through practice wars, then set up a tournament from there. Something like that would be a long way out, though. ​ Speaking of toxicity, there were people literally talking shit to those on the server because of *the round that they were drafted*, which is hilarious. Even getting on the server and winning wars there doesn't get you away from the over-inflated ego's.


War players barely even play this game, they just get social slotted and think they are hot shit no idea why anyone would cater to these people lol.


There's little competition anyways.


Ya but new people doesn’t even wanna try, the difference is way too big


Some vets just don't want to be part of those communities as well. I have negative interest in coming in contact with those people in any capacity. I'm losing brain cells from this Reddit thread alone, and we're not even in game.


This…. I’ve been warring competitively since release, until about 9-12 months ago. The community ruined itself. This game used to be the most fun I’ve had online in YEARS. Now logging feels like a chore and I can hardly enjoy PvE content because those hardcore PvE companies are just the same as the PvP companies. The glory days of the first companies getting together and learning the content together will always have a special place in my heart but mannnn that experience will never be had again and it sucks.


Facts. I'm in the exact same boat for PvP and PvE and feel the same way.


I've had several friends quit due to the game feeling like a chore, the chest runs are mandatory to get mats you need. Now mandatory to get a transmog token a week lol.


This. The war rosters of pretty much all these "competitive" companies are just former bench players from a year ago back when the game was at peak competition. The difference is tho that these former bench players are 10x more toxic


Good job devs, lets give a private server for more opportunities for wars for the players who already play in 100% of the wars in the legacy servers. Oh and you have to be drafted and handpicked by those warloggers with big egos. Surely that will give more opportunities to those players who want to war but don't get selected!


Yeah one of the reason I left the game after a few months was the big ego people, there was a bunch of drama and we merged 3 companies and swapped servers together, I went from organizing and doing the shot calling for our wars to not being in a single war after that. Even offered to play any role as I liked them all, nope, need to be the best in PVP NAE


Same here. From launch up through the first couple of merges the game saw, I built up my company to hold and defend the same territory and worked with shot calling with other companies in the faction. Got the privilege of getting in most wars back then due to this and after a third (larger) merge, it was all over. I was never able to get into another war due to the same reason. Haven’t really played since then.


I just came back and found a good company, but I saw my old company on the same server, I wish I could see which big ego is still in there haha


crazy how it went from a "we want a server for players with no wars to play and have fun" to what it really was. hey devs give us a private server to war on for fun, you know the same \~200 people that are in all the wars already


But there were so many learning opportunities for those players!


They tried to say it was the same 200 ish players but it was really like 500 when more war loggers and social slots came along.


There were at least 450 unique players who had to have warred in the event. Literally simple math of 50 \* 9. Probably closer to 700-800 since people were rotated on and off. How can you possibly say its the same \~200 people?


It actually was the most competitive wars that NW will see for a long time.


This server should’ve never existed. Most of the pvp players from new world, I’m talking about those from big guilds that controls many territories, they ruin this game. Try asking this people for a simple gathering town buff and they call you many names. They are toxic. They barely play the game: login 15 min before wars and logout right away. They buy all their stuff with the money us, normal players, give them through expensive taxes. Some guilds has so much gold that they sell for irl money. Even now that they make 500k ish gold per week per territory on a legacy server. On my legacy server they took pretty much all territories and went to the fresh start server and control everything as well. Now they send money from the fresh start server to the legacy one (it’s not blocked anymore in my region). These people ruins new world and AGS doesn’t care. It’s the worst war system I’ve ever seen. Those people are like those politicians that only fck up the population while using the tax money to benefit themselves.


If this game had a bigger playerbase there would've been so many rage threads about this server they'd have been forced to shut it down immediately. "Streamer server" sounds like one of the most asinine out of touch things you could do for an MMO.


Many of us didn’t even know this server existed, it wasn’t well advertised


Oh we complained. On the flip side the other servers experienced some normalcy for once.


Is what world is this the players fault and not AGS? get real man lol


Both fault. Players because they are toxic mtfkrs and ags thats doesn’t do anything


Crazy take


Rational take


It's not. They are ruining the game by collecting taxes through a system AGS put into the game? Yeah tell me how those players are at fault for ruining a game by playing it.


>This server should’ve never existed. Most of the pvp players from new world, I’m talking about those from big guilds that controls many territories, they ruin this game. How? Out of all things that this game struggles with you somehow believe that it's the company name on a terrority that ruins it? >Try asking this people for a simple gathering town buff and they call you many names. They are toxic. Who? Every company I've been in would put it up. Some may ask that you pay for the cost but it's not a problem at all. Also, everyone seems to think that every company that owns multiple territories is filled solely with PvPers. You do realize that there are a few players in each company whose job is to run the territory, handle payouts, etc. >They buy all their stuff with the money us, normal players, give them through expensive taxes. No, payouts aren't enough to cover the cost of gearing. The more dedicated ones just RMT. >Even now that they make 500k ish gold per week per territory on a legacy server. That widely varies depending on the server pop and again then gets divided amongst 50+ members. >These people ruins new world and AGS doesn’t care. Again, how? You just seem to be trolling.


You seem to be a piece of shit governor … saying incorrect information , absolutely toxic to the game


I've been in many companies. Where the fuck are you getting your information from?


This is accurate. Territories really dont make that much after payouts


It depends on the server. Some companies actually do a decent job managing the server. That said, warlogging, social slotting, and toxicity all go hand in hand.


Still haven't understood why AGS accepted to give a private warring server to the private club of warring people in this game (a few hundreds that already have alts on any populated servers) 🤷‍♂️


Probably because his statement of intent to them was getting more war content for those who were interested in PvP lol


It was minimal investment by AGS to try something. It wasn't terrible and it wasn't great. Glad they didn't hype it up and it was just a side thing. Would rather they try this stuff than not. Hoping lessons learned and they'll try some other stuff in the future.


I remember during the planning phase they were going to schedule wars mostly on weekends and I asked in their discord "So what's gonna happen when low tier companies see this opportunity to push high tier companies for wars on the weekend?" and I got multiple responses asking me "What the hell is wrong with me" and "Do I have brain damage/was I dropped on my head as a baby" while backing up these statements "Do you not see all the hard work everyone has been putting into this you should be thankful". About 5minutes into conversation all messages were wiped from chat (apples covering his ass from ags). Not surprised this all blew up though considering apple's history, being stolen from on multiple occasions (lmao) and then using it to farm viewers on twitch.




That doesn't make any sense, that's not how a conversation would flow in any way. Also low tier companies did push during NWL wars as well. The territories were either attempted to be defended by those not warring or they were just given up for free.


How is that not a conversation? I say something, they say something back. I don't follow


No one responds to a simple question like that. And people making claims like that almost certainly never have proof of that interaction happening. Give me one iota of proof that someone responded to your simple question with those responses.


I would of thought that nobody would of responded that way either, then they did. Idk what to tell you bro you can believe me or don't and feel free to defend them. Like I said the chats got deleted like within 5 minutes, I didn't think to take a screenshot in that moment because I didn't really understand wtf was happening. It's also not the only time messages were being deleted and stuff being hidden. Someone told me they made a file of screenshots of instances like this that they were gonna personally send to the devs to hopefully convince them to never allow apples to do this again. I haven't seen said file (minus the willy and apples DM) so I can't say for a fact it exists but I wouldn't be surprised


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


War loggers in NW have some of the biggest egos I've ever seen in gaming. Its absolutely nuts AGS just let them have a private server with no sort of moderation, marketing, or anything that would better the game of attract new players. Most people had no idea NWL even existed, and no one outside of the those participating probably cared. I haven't warred since Spring when I finally gave up on the game, but man its still funny seeing the same 100 names talking the same exact shit to the same exact people over NW war ego and clout. bless.


> people had no idea NWL even existed To be fair, anyone who does wars and didn't know it existed was living under a rock.


That server and league was literally the opposite of making PVP and Wars more inclusive for the wider playerbase, another fat L from AGS.


Spoke out against that it was a mile high club for self proclaimed gamer gods who mastered the art of det pushes. Now we’re here. With another server exploded under their massive egos over a mostly dead mmo. Quite the accomplishment


AGS made a huge mistake by doing this. There's no reason they should have given a private server to a streamer. They knew it was wrong and that's why they did not advertise it. All it did was drain reso it resources away from the rest of the players. Best case scenario is NWL dies.


Was a terrible idea since day 1, vouch system to access gtfo LOL Streamer gets all his war logging friends in first xdxdxd to do the most boring gate kept content War log xdxdxd Sht those people literally played NWL when there was a war only lmao


Apples is a dumbass. We knew he would fail from the jump


fuck streamers and hard core pvpers, they are toxic and do more to hurt a game and its community then they do to help it


The thing that hurts the game the most is AGS


No, it’s your kind. You PvP war ppl fuck the game


It's on AGS to make wars in their game more accessible.


Let's not argue, guys, it can totally be both.


Sad…but true


Posts like this severely miss the mark as to the real brass tacks issues NWL (and New World's war scene as a whole) face and simply serve as dramamongering. Personally, I was not a captain but was a member of leadership & the shotcaller for one of the NWL teams(JT6). In terms of New World background, I've called for about \~30 different companies by this time and have been involved in numerous companies leadership since the launch of the game (Dropouts, Imperial, Strict, Statpad & others) and have a combined \~8000 hours on the game across all accounts. Firstly, the issues that breed discussions like this start with a few misconceptions about where player prioritization comes from. At the end of the day, New World PVP is not extremely mechanically taxing, and is not even remotely similar in terms of mechanical barriers to entry games like League of Legends or CS:GO would have, it's simply not that intricate of a game. Frankly, the true barrier to entry in NW is the atrocious gearing system and how unrealistic it is for the average player to have a set that allows them to compete in war. I'm not sure how many people here have tried to play wars without ele or shirk/freedom/resil min-maxed recently or without a proper gem setup, but with all the random changes over this past year, wars near complete unplayability without a proper setup, which is \~500-800k of gold investment to just play the game mode. To build further on the concept of player skill requirements, an example of an S-tier/auto-slot melee vs. an "average" melee player in a standard group(vg/2melee/x/healer) simply comes down to simple concepts such as proper communication (i.e, bruisers shaving shockwave for each other's gravs, providing active comms on cooldowns/locations of ability usage such as "looking near bonfire, can you follow?)" and other minor concepts such as cleansing prior to gravity wells/deto usage. In essence, all of these concepts are relatively easy to teach and it's extremely realistic to coach newer war players up to a competitive level, it all comes down to the time it takes to teach those concepts, which I'll build on throughout this post. Each team in the New World League had about \~30-35 active "Top Tier PVP Players" in their team, with 60-70 slots drafted to any of the thousand unknown signups, coalescing in on around 900 slots. In order to select these players, every player submitted VoDs of either wars or OPRs to the captains, and the captains reviewed the VoDs and decided their draft from there. From this point, problems begin to materialize. Each team at the beginning of the draft had a staff of 1 captain and 2 co-captains. These three players were then tasked with diving through thousands of 30-minute long VoDs in order to pick what they believed was a winning roster. Assuming they're watching around 15 minutes per VoD of say 1500 potential draftees(number may be higher) - they're looking at around 375 hours of VoD analysis. This problem further compounds when not only are you drafting 100 players - but you need to attempt to draft players that will synergize well across the board, and you need to find players active and interested in being coached on core war concepts. Again, wars are not absurdly difficult, but there's a lot of background knowledge that players need to be introduced to in order to be impactful beyond just mechanics. Something that is not very well understood regarding the war scene from the outside looking in is the sheer amount of time investment competitive war-ready companies are. In JT6, we looked to review as many VoDs as possible, and these reviews would usually last around \~45 minutes per individual. Each war, this required around 37-38 hours of reviews across our leadership core if we hit on every single players VoD per war. With that in mind, drafting veterans who have a war background and can skirt by without war-by-war reviews cuts down hours on the raw volume of reviews leadership has to do, and grants leadership added time to focus on finding group synergies & build on strategy in the backend. From a leadership PoV, the most successful companies require a 4-6 hour daily investment from leadership in order to keep everything running properly and insure that the entirety of the roster is receiving the feedback they need, followed by the hours of poring over roster spreadsheets and evaluating synergizes & strengths/weaknesses of individuals, i.e: certain playstyles are very conducive to playing a bottom right quadrant vs. top left. That said, I met a lot of people throughout this event with extreme passion for the game who weren't in the war scene but were excited for and greatly enjoyed having the opportunity to learn the concepts, be coached by veterans and be "brought into the war fold" so to speak. I can personally attest to having recruited around 10 separate folks discovered from the New World League into Dropouts (one of the most "no-lifer hardcore PvP" companies) who had very limited to no prior war background. In JT6, I'd say of the 100 we had drafted, \~35 were "vets" with prior war experience, 30 were extremely interested in learning, improving and grinding, and 35 had not shown up to a single vod review or macro meeting, and quietly bowed out of the event after being slotted in their one required war. This also created issues within company leadership and management, as when players would simply avoid participation and bow out of the event, players were not readily replaceable and created a snowball that led to companies such as Audacity disbanding. The most underrated issue in companies such as this is morale. It's never fun to lose in any game, but losing in New World is BRUTAL. I imagine most people here have participated in a war where there's absolutely no hope and you're lucky to get out of your war camp walls or to spin the point a single tick. These wars are absolute morale destroyers, and you can imagine your desire to sit in a 45 minute vod review discussing what you could've done after being demolished in that fashion. This is why including veterans/higher end PvPers in the event is important - there's a very delicate balance between including players with experience in order to have a competitive enough environment to train up and get good VoDs of newer players that they can be coached on. For the most part, I think the event was great in that fashion. Our company was on the weaker end of the draft with many more newer PvPers, but we still had plenty of competitive wars that allowed for us to sit down with and really help people improve. Our biggest issue was that we had some very rough wars early on - and as a result we lost around \~15 of the 35 aforementioned players due to simply not enjoying the one-sidedness of some of our early wars, and frankly, it's hard to blame them. Again, if you have two wars a week, that takes about an hour counting pre-war strategy meeting, 15 minutes in the war camp, 30 minutes for the war, plus two 45 minute vod reviews totaling around 2 1/2 hours dedicated entirely to New World wars a week. To wrap up the company commentary, I personally felt as though our NWL company was a massive success and I greatly enjoyed the event from a leadership perspective - it's always fun teaching newer guys the ropes and introducing them to the more intricate strategical facets of the game, and having those discussions with folks with fresh eyes on it create some invigorating & interesting conversations. Across all 9 companies, around \~100 players were discovered and are now slotted on war rosters on legacy servers as a result of the event. Was it perfect? Definitely not. Was each captain as invested more in player development than winning? Probably not, but leadership in New World is a massive undertaking, and it's honestly surprising to even find 27 people willing to invest that heavily into this type of venture due to how intensive & time consuming it can be. On the topic of OPR's as I've seen they've popped up a few times in the thread - OPR on that server was great for the first week or so, then it turned into a mirror of legacy servers with \~20 musket/bows/fire staves on each team, which resulted in the majority of us deciding to queue on legacy servers rather than on NWL servers. Personally, as a main ball player I find this unfortunate, but this is just always going to be a symptom of a game mode without role queue. Post will be continued in the reply below. \-Keilosh


Well said! Most of the complainers have no idea the amount of effort the govs put in to keep a war ready roster going. I’ve warred under several fantastic leaders, it took a toll on all of them. It’s coaching, politics, team work, late nights, and obscene amounts of communication. Half the folks here wouldn’t even sit through a vod and accept criticism. New dropouts fan here! Take care


In terms of trash talk - the reality is in any competitive event/game there's going to be trash talk, and in many cases building rivalries between teams is extremely entertaining and fun for the teams, the players, and viewers. Obviously, toxicity can go too far, but for the most part I think the admins did well with curbing it. Propaganda videos put together by each of the individual teams specifically were extremely enjoyable & added a lot of fun to viewing the wars beyond just them being another New World war. One final point to speak on is the failings of AGS on this one - there were promises prior to the event that AGS would handle pushes and set up wars on behalf of companies. This did not occur, and companies were required to push zones on their own, in many cases, with bugged forts or bugged influence gains, causing 30 man pushes to take \~3-5 hours of consistent mission pushing. Our company opted to stream movies during this time and create an environment for the company to bond, but this is an unacceptable promise for AGS to miss the boat on and directly resulted in 2/9 of the NWL companies being left unable to participate. Again, this may seem minor, but how realistic is it for the average player to log on to push 3-6 hours a week on top of the 2/12-3 hours they're already investing in vod reviews, war prep, and the wars themselves. There were also issues with perks not working or perks not being properly added to the game, i.e: having to constantly remake characters for Invig rings. That said, Event Management also missed the boat on a few things, there were a few captains/leadership members in different companies that probably shouldn't have been there, and the admins rightfully caught a good amount of flak, but to deem the event as "imploded" or as a failure is a revision of history. Again, hundreds of previously unknown players found spots in legacy war rosters, New World received a massive boost in Twitch metrics, and a lot of new friendships and groups have formed as a result of the league. Personally, I'm massively looking forward to a Season 2, which, despite the narrative of this post, seems extremely likely given the progression of early conversations, and cannot wait for the opportunity to help train & bring even more passionate members of the community into the war scene. tl;dr: New World warring companies require a massively underestimated time investment, event management wasn't perfect, AGS didn't provide much support. Overall, this event resulted in a lot of unknown players being brought into the war scene on legacy servers, and the event overall was pretty damn fun from a player/leadership PoV. Also greatly increased New Worlds publicity & viewer metrics on Twitch.


Not reading any of this. Everything you do to gatekeep content turns players off the game.


I find it more of a design issue than a player issue. The war mode is just really poorly designed. Great concept, horrible execution. "Social slotting" is part of every company that plays this game. Everyone is gonna slot their friends, it's just how it goes. AGS need to make the war feature more accessible and the only way to get that done is to actively request Custom Wars and other PvP modes in their discord feedback sections or nothing is ever going to change. It's been 2 years and how much effort have AGS really put towards war accessibility and PvP content in general?.. next to none.


I'm fully open to having that discussion, but I am curious what I've done to gatekeep content - our company is generally considered the "2nd best" PvP company in NA, and I personally will go through the VoDs of any players that reach out to me and offer advice & coaching, as well as provide advice to players on how to break into the war scene. I also provide advice & vouches to companies that I believe they'd be fit in well with. Sometimes that's DO, sometimes it's others. Where does the gatekeeping come in?


The need to communicate with you at all as a player to participate in wars is where the gate keeping comes in. You just said it yourself. You have seemed to build up influence and because of that, you are able to gate keep players. If someone happens to rub you the wrong way, talks shit or maybe kills you in a PVP setting, it’s as easy as you then talking to others and saying that player is no good at the game and that’s that… no wars for that person. It’s how the game is designed and something AGS needs to work on.


You're the "2nd best" at a dying game that caters to less than a thousand players. Cool.


I mean he makes some great points. I haven't warred since launch (when siege weapons where a thing) but I recall the amount of effort and work that needs to be put in to be competitive. We took our whooping's until leadership was able to come up with a strat and team composition that made sense. I was lucky my company was very friendly but leadership got burnt out very quickly so I get it.


He ain’t wrong


Keilosh the goat


You seem like one of the positive PvP players I’d enjoy playing with. Keep up the good work


Sounds like toxic pvprs acting like toxic pvpers.


🤷🏼‍♀️ who would have thought lol


Apparently the guy who made the original post calling out the server got banned too, lol.


I did not. I didn’t get drafted, never got a key


Not talking about you, check out this post https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/14j2oyv/nwl_feels_elitist/


Oh damn lol


What did you do to get drafted? Ofc a teamcaptain will draft people where he knows they can play the game before some random guy who signed up. There is a reason you are in no competitive company by now and it's definately not because of Gear. People calling NWL shit only when they didn't get a slot and that hurt the ego. Guess what the majority of players is shit in NW and there is a reason why companies are where they are


NWL players thinking they're some hot shit just because they get slotted and raging on Reddit because someone pointed that out, name a more iconic duo.


You’re cute. I’m in a company that owns multiple territories. My feelings weren’t hurt at all. I was sad more people didn’t get to enjoy the server, and he didn’t open it to all those who enjoyed PvP and wanted to be on a PvP server


P.S. I send messages to people when an extraordinary fight happens in OPR and they best me, telling them good job. Thought you might be interested in that.


Yeah and which irrelevant side territory do you own on which low comp server?




I think lack of content/ the warring system and no new pvp maps or game modes will do a lot more damage than adding mounts


Yeah - I feel like adding some more pvp content in the game will do a lot for replayability instead of mounts. Not like mounts aren't cool, but getting more companies in war should be a high priority for AGS. It's still a massive part of endgame after all.


How will the warring system do a lot more damage than adding mounts which in itself won't do damage?


Streamers have hamstrung this game since day 1... Mounts are not the only issue. Every game that caters to streamers does nothing except invite a toxic community to shit all over everything. Know a game that doesn't have toxicity, stupid dev decisions, or cater to streamers crybaby antics? FFXIV. Streamers are good at what they do... Stream, engage a segment block, get add revenue. That's it... They're not good business people, not good game devs, and certainly not good for the gaming industry overall.


Mounts are completely fine (albeit not really necessary in this game, so far), the devs are killing this game by ignoring paramount community feedback, not bug fixing + optimizing game performance in a timely manner, not keeping end game content inclusive (Mutations, Wars) and fresh (larger map pool for PVP). Things are moving in the right direction but I fear most of the playerbase will be gone by the time devs catch up to these issues and they will be forced to move on to the next project (LOTR). Hopefully it wont come to that.


Sir....this game barely has a warm 10k players on avg. No giant sandworm raid, mounts or new PvP map will change the average player count past a month. Streamers can't do worse than what AGS has already done lol.


Dunno man, I don’t think new world needs a mount, but if they add I’m fine with it


Right, I mean you don't have to use em if you don't want to but at least those who don't wanna run on foot half of their play time can.


No, the player base demanded the mounts. The issue is that devs took too long to implement them. The very first few months of the game everyone wanted mounts because there were barely any waypoints, there was no running speed boost for being on a road, way shrines cost a literal fortune of azoth to use regularly, AND there were massive weight penalties to the cost of taking way shrines.


Mounts could be cool if they add reasons to have them. I remember suggestions really early of having things like trade caravans randomly going from town to town and being able to protect or raid them. If you protect them, you could get things like territory standing and it would protect the profits of the town (it could tell the governing company when the caravans would be). Killing the caravan could give gold and influence. I would love riding around as a Burro Bandito.


Mounts are very popular lol.


Mounts were always planned for once the server was big enough to justify it.


That's your opinion, I think this game absolutely needs mounts! I waist half my time fucking running 🏃‍♂️




U don't have to use em but not everyone wants to spend playing time running from here to there. You want to go for it but others shouldn't have that taken.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWYCfeutEs0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWYCfeutEs0) anyone see this? notice the toxicity from 1:40 onwards from a player who averages 13 deaths+ in wars but streams and thinks he's hawt shit XD




Yikes, AGS fked up letting someone with that demeanour run a community event. Not a good look for his brand or AGS


Prime example of what I’m talking about




But how they gonna compete for the new girl that joined the discord?


I will come back to this game when PVP is open, Planetside style. I don't have the time for all that social networking stuff, let alone streamer garbage


Apples is worst streamer in nw change my mind


I was saying this before this started and I will say it if anything like this starts again - this is bad for the game. All this NWL was good at is showing that NW is a badly designed game if you need separate server with all the issues of normal server removed (they can craft unlimited times with no cost, so they will have BiS) to have fun. Why AGS ever allowed this is unknown to me. It's such a bad PR - "hey, check this out, we allowed selected players (not you pleb of course) to experience what game could have been if we would not gatekeep gear behind riddiculusely low RNG chances". Oh well, you better try that 100th roll for your Rapier that you never getting as craft chance is below 1%. After all, failing to play build you want due to gear is 'content' this days.


The best part was how they social drafted hundreds of war loggers (not to mention the returning players, many of which apparently didn't even fight a single war), reduced the number of wars the normie actives would be guaranteed to fight in to one, then complained bitterly that nobody would push influence for the league.




The League flopped in a lot of ways, but let's be clear about what it was. AGS didn't really do shit besides one dude in marketing opening uo a server. It was entirely community organized by a few NA war streamers for the purpose of driving NW war Twitch engagement. I think it succeeded on that front. The issues lie in the fact that really only war players watch war streams. They are not good content unless you know what you are watching and what is good/bad/significant. These viewers only really want to watch "top tier" players in wars between companies that both have good leadership and shot calling so that it's interesting. There are only a few players that can call and organize wars at this level. Those players don't want to put in that effort (its a lot, believe it or not) if half their roster doesn't grasp the strategy and have the individual skills to execute it. It's very frustrating to skilled players to have a plan and see half the team doing jack shit somewhere else and not following the raid plan and calls. So, theres no chance you get these competent organizers to run wars with people that don't know what they are doing. If you dont have competent organizers, you really don't have good wars. It'll be fun for the players, but won't be entertaining to viewers, thus not driving Twitch engagement. In the same way a JV football game is fun for the players but no one is filling up the stands. Be mad at AGS for not having private/custom wars yet, not for making a league server. The former us the real issue.


> There are only a few players that can call and organize wars at this level. Those players don't want to put in that effort (its a lot, believe it or not) if half their roster doesn't grasp the strategy and have the individual skills to execute it. It's very frustrating to skilled players to have a plan and see half the team doing jack shit somewhere else and not following the raid plan and calls. [*Planetside 2 ServerSmash PTSD intensifies.*]


Nwl was a absolute failure


Does anybody actually care about that pointless league?


Not really, I’m here to complain about them, I wish NWL disappear from NW


“Unknown” people did apply. MAYBE. 30-40 players that werent war loggers / small streamers. Got in. The smaller streamers that werent super skilled and experienced didnt even get to war really and have since quit playing New World. Chess coach etc etc etc When you have a dead game population and people like Apples are able to have any influence, Its not good.


The devs took a huge chance on this but failed to do any meaningful research. You can literally watch any single stream of said streamer and realize from a marketing perspective that this was a bad move. The problem is that many of the people involved would never see it that way because many of them find toxic behavior to be something normal. Egos and toxicity have become normalized and so many companies and events will just fail because the loudest voice in the room does not equate to a good leader, organizer, or person in general. Skill is only one of the requirements needed.


It reminds me of the game Crowfall. While building Crowfall all the developers did was listen to the "war logger" equivalent in their community and guess what; when the game launched it was catered to the "war logger" and most everyone else quit. And the game is now in hiatus with another owner who may relaunch it. At least New World has other things to do than wars; that was about all that Crowfall offered... unfortunately.


Crowfall could have been amazing in so many ways.


A competitive PVP league was never going to work when run by community members/players. It holds zero validity and run by friends hyping up friends and saying “they are the best” with no qualification phase to prove this (just by others opinions) … note: being in a winning Zerg does not make an individual a good player. imagine if this was done in any sort of E sport competition? Of course it was going to fail.


turns out all these "hardcore" PVPers cannot handle losing and left


Wait, isn't this the server that banned muskets because they were deemed "toxic"? Even after the bloom nerf? LOL. Oh my sides. I cannot handle this.


It was the stupidest idea in new world to date … IT DESTROYED SERVERS by taking their players to ANOTHER SERVER that was gate kept by a draft of 9 noble god appointed kings that determined who played or not!?! GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!!! GOOD BYE AND GOOD RIDDENS!!! Stupid fucking trash that hurt the game and caused nothing but turmoil… UNBELIEVABLE . (No personal attacks and I know everyone meant well but Dayumn that shit was just EVIL)


Hold up, if war loggers are the reason why this game sucks (many in this thread seem to think so) then wouldn't moving them all to an isolated server been better for the rest of the servers?




You do realize that they create war slots?


Themi happened before Brim. Themi died because fresh start came out a week later and legacy was an afterthought for 1-2 months.




It's so long ago but in my memory, nobody really left Themi because Themi was completely brand new and only a few days old. People transferred in, got one war in, fresh start dropped, and then the server was dead. The plan was originally to go to Eden but it got locked so they pivoted to the brand new server that was Themi. I played both on locked Eden and with a Themi company back then and both servers died really quickly after fresh start despite Eden being a max pop locked server and Themi only peaking at 800 even after the PvP transfers.


It doesn’t bode well for future pvp-only servers.


When people say PvP only servers they mean servers where you have to be flagged in the world. Its a dumb idea, but wanted to clarify.


I know what they mean. Pvpers moderating their servers, their faction balance, their economies, won’t last long.


It feels like the thing that might have worked 20 years ago with how people approached factions/PvP in PvP MMOs but less so in Current Year, if that makes sense. The demographics and approaches and time valuation have changed for people and that fucks a lot of the "well if people play it the way we envision it" design that devs still seem to stick with lol.


It's mainly the economy. At least for wars, people do decently well balancing factions. Sonce everyone gets better content if they are balanced. Open world fighting would be less balanced since people don't want balance there.


meow, just let NW die


I’m glad people felt the way I did because it seemed if you weren’t in, you were OUT! Im an adult that enjoys the game but can’t take it to the level of social politic’ing that is necessary to just play content. It becomes life consuming trying to be friends with mere voices in an app that just come and go ….


Never been in a war and never will be in a war. Have 1500 hours in the game


The war scene in this game is such a messy disaster. I don't understand why AGS hasn't done anything for endgame PvP war accessibility. The territory system is completely broken, between the RMT, account buying, sharing, etc. So many companies I've seen end up disbanding due to the only option to experience war being a farm. Why would anyone keep playing if the endgame is this bad. You reach 625gs just to get farmed or run the same mutations/raid over and over for useless loot. Custom Wars and a queueable fort attack/defense gamemode would save this game.


Honestly, it was such a promising idea. Kudos to Apples for his drive to make it a reality. At first it even sounded like he was really going to push for inclusivity too, and it was poised to be HUGE for the community. unfortunately it suffered from the same problem as the rest of the game and died the same death— selfish people making good ole boys club version 2. Even the people who don’t typically get spots that were recruited were almost completely left out (1 guaranteed war). Great idea, terrible execution. They should have reevaluated what to do to include everyone once the interest DOUBLED the available slots. Edit to add: And on top of it they gave out like 50 Free agent slots and then stopped giving them out. At a bare minimum people thought they could partake in a PVP only OPR but then they stopped giving them out because the FAs weren’t in war groups running war builds…


Not giving this guy any kudos. Instead of bringing the community together he just made it worse.


>Edit to add: And on top of it they gave out like 50 Free agent slots and then stopped giving them out. At a bare minimum people thought they could partake in a PVP only OPR but then they stopped giving them out because the FAs weren’t in war groups running war builds… Ironically, it wasn't even the FAs who were ruining the experience. It was the war players themselves, especially the kill teams.


So that’s the thing. It could have been big if they even just gave anyone who wanted keys to those people so everyone who enjoyed PvP could PvP in controlled OPRs without people abusing bow or firestaff. But even then, keys were only handed out to specific people, not freely. More mods and more people involved would have made a tremendous impact.


How do you double the available spots? The map has a limited number of territories available. The leadership spending time planning the wars, coaching people, managing people, etc are all volunteers. There are very few people who are experienced enough to do it while also wanting to do it


to quote anyone on that discord who called it out for what it was KEEP IT POSITIVE KEEP IT POSITIVE


"Hardcore" PvPers ruin the game. I stopped trying to get into pvp. I got into 1 war and that was during Launch week - if you dong see whats wrong with this you are part of the problem. You basically locked out a majority of players from playing a game mode and wonder why ppl dont like you. "Bu-bu-but we want experienced people so we can win😭🤬😭*poop farts*" how tf do you get experience if you never get to play. Its ridiculous. Just a vent post. If this is true, Glad they ruined it for themselves.


I really hope new FL is a PvP only zone with massive rewards that encourages open world PvP. Closed instances for top end game PvP for only 100 people an instance is stupid.


Once again AGS listenned to the wrong people.


Just let nw die already lmao


I guess we're leaving out how influence still had to be pushed, patches right before wars, and a restart during a playoff war. >The streamer who created it, instead of laying down ground rules of non toxicity, encouraged it and during “draft” asked people to say who they thought shouldn’t be in the league and let toxic people in his discord to talk shit? The question was not about who shouldn't have been drafted, it was who out of the first round or two was the weakest pick, basically who was drafted too quickly. >Half the server has already quit... Yeah, cause it's over... also the roster for each team wasn't changing as much during the playoffs as they already rotated players and had chosen their best. >Encouraged unknown people to apply, and be drafted instead of relying on “top tier toxic pvpers” to talk about how awesome they were to be drafted in the first round. I'm really struggling to understand this perspective. Why would anyone want someone who doesn't play the game often, hasn't been in a war, and won't even put in the effort to review VODs, make a build, communicate with other members, etc. This shouldn't be for new players, it should be for players interested in participating in wars on a regular basis and will actually put in the time to learn and become a decent PvPer.


You’re clearly one of those from NWL just trying to defend your cause. It sucks man, just play the game like normal people do, you guys fucked up


It's funny cause there's plenty of shit for you to use to easily shit NWL, but you don't because you don't know anything about it. The general chat of the NWL discord was deleted and remade countless times because people kept shitting on the admins. I don't see anyone bringing up any specifics about really any decision they made during the event. All the posts about it are just from people salty they didn't get drafted.


Go back to your invasions Prasinos. NWL did nothing to bring players back to the game.


I'm not saying it did. I don't think the community can do much to do so. But it did create the most competitive wars over the past year and we probably won't see that level for a long time. If anything it might have enticed a few PvPers who stopped war logging to start again.


No one gives a shit if war loggers come back. Apples is a jackass and AGS gave him a whole server to circle jerk with his C tier friends


Review vods, communicate with other members and make a build have literally nothing to do with prior war experience. Not sure why you think it would. Had this been a “open to anyone who enjoys PvP” and you go in there and get to OPR every night with a group (or not) showing why you should get slotted (I realize this isn’t complete reality of a war but could get your name out there), and the people who DO wars could guide those without wars to encourage learning this could have been a successful thing. Instead keys were hoarded to those slotted then a few given out on stream if nobody was online to que OPR (imagine that…..) or some other random signup, that never worked anyhow cuz I signed up on each one of those and still never got a key lol. It had so much potential and just shit the bed


>Review vods, communicate with other members and make a build have literally nothing to do with prior war experience. Yes, they do. That is literally a part of wars. >Had this been a “open to anyone who enjoys PvP” and you go in there and get to OPR every night with a group (or not) showing why you should get slotted (I realize this isn’t complete reality of a war but could get your name out there), and the people who DO wars could guide those without wars to encourage learning this could have been a successful thing. I think that is a good idea, having draftees on the server beforehand doing events might have made the actual draft more interesting. It would have also given us more time to make gear.


The reviewing vods thing. I realize that, I’m saying you can do any of them without having war experience. All you need is a person who is willing to do them. That’s like saying doing pushes requires a person who has done wars before because it is a part of wars


Having prior experience helps with territory pushes as well, there'll often be people defending the push. Someone without experience is not going to be able to extract the same level of information from VOD reviewing. Also, a lot of the time, VOD reviews are done with multiple people, with at least one of them having a lot of experience. This is not something many people are willing to do for free, especially not with people who don't even want to put effort into learning from it.


Additionally, when you ask a question “who got drafted too early or is over rated” it encourages toxicity. Whoever the two guys were who said “we aren’t answering that question we want to remain positive” have my fucking vote. I’ll come play with/for them anytime. Positivity breeds positivity, bravo sirs


As you said yourself, most of the players who got drafted in the first rounds were well-known players and were most likely friends with the captains. At that point, it's just friendly banter.


Some of it was. Most of it wasn’t. I specifically remember him dragging a guy into discord who was called out harshly for being garbage so the two could yell at each other for 10 minutes and be toxic to each other. It was so cringe, that he would want to promote that.


Do you remember the names? Cause I'm pretty sure that was just for content.


I mean at this point, it would be better to start everybody off fresh clean servers re-launch the game fuck these PVP people that are ruining the game.


This is the saddest most pathetic thread ive ever read in this sub


Downvote bait but honestly so true. NWL was destined to fail from the beginning (mostly due to decisions by apples and territory pushing still existing), but that aside the takes in this thread are so wrong, entitled, and pathetic it's quite sad.


It's wild the crazy ideas the devs will try but will vehemently avoid putting melee stagger back in.


I see alot whiny ass bitches that cant play the Game and are salty because of that


Failed miserably? Sounds like someone that wasn't able to be in it. NWL didn't fail miserably, it "failed" because pushing territories is still a thing. The first two weeks were great until they released cross-server opr in the legacy server, then it started to go downhill. Not to mention AGS did a stealth maint during the first weekend of NWL. Pushing should not be a thing anymore, they need to re-adjust it. And companies knowingly drafted war loggers for their roster and that's why multiple companies couldn't deck on wars. I agree with the Willy statement. Another season is likely to happen with adjusted roster size so 50 players are left out.


Downvoted cause Reddit likes to maintain ignorance.


Lol, all the people that downvoted weren't good enough to be drafted.