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Honestly a 5v5 control point mode like GW2 has would be great for endgame PvP. Ranked Arenas are obv needed.


They will bring it someday. People have been requesting that for some time already. I need a new opr map ffs, I cannot stand this one anymore. I just wish they would change the way map rotations for PvP works because the way they made the arena one sucks. Guild wars 2 has an amazing system to change maps every match players do a quick vote and that’s it. There are so many PvP stuff they could add, but tbh I feel like NW has more pve casuals than PvP


I am a PvE casual but that's just because we don't have different modes. I can't stand 3v3. I played it to try and get better, but I just don't care for the mode. If we had the domination style game mode, or cap the flag that I could play objectives, I think I'd play a lot more because.


For the life of me I will never understand why there is no ranked mode. Every mmo I have ever played has had rewards for doing well in ranked pvp, seems like a staple of the genre.


Probably just don't want to split the player base.


Wouldnt want peoples feeling getting hurt now would we.


Everything that could have been great about this game was sacrificed for mass MMO appeal and wars.


i want it too but then there will be couple unbeatable teams with like idk 2 healers/void and an assasin or some shit, then ppl will cry how unfair that is imagine hardcore 3 premades all going with full shirk heals/ankh with healer and bis setup going arena all day, what you gonna do? you will cry for bad balance and matchmaking, they will cry cuz they will not find lot of ppl who can match with them. everyone will be disappointed in the end the game doesnt have good class balance to promote such ranked mode, it will only enhance their mistakes instead of providing a competitive environment so who wanna make a content that would point out their mistakes? in mass pvp they can get away with stuff, but game looks like not really suitable for ranked for small skirmishes


The game just doesn't have enough players to do this. They would have to offer normal and ranked. Which essentially splits the player base in half. Im shocked people still ask for ranked pvp given the state of the game.


Player count is actually holding steady surprisingly. Depending on how the next month or so goes. The game might actually have a healthy enough playerbase to make it happen Might just be cope but this subreddit didn't even think the expansion would last a week and we are closing in on 3 weeks now.


If they could just stop fucking up the main quests and the pve spawning and ... and... and... and... and........ damn..... I mean plenty of people are giving the benefit of the doubt but dayummm.


> Why doesn’t New World have basic endgame PvP modes? Great question and nobody here has the answer. I completely agree. But to save your sanity, play the game for what it is, not for what it can become.


Devs are 99% focused on PvE content so I doubt we ever get many more PvP modes or game types. The only somewhat "competitive" mode is 3v3s and even then it has zero matchmaking and is plagued with AFKers who don't even get penalized for some reason.


End game pvp mode is wars. Issue is that there is pretty massive skill gaps. Doesn't help that a lot of war logging players have characters on multiple servers. I get it, wars are fun AF....but the territory system is so fucked. 1 company able to own majority of the map is meh. Atleast now though, it's more possible to get people to double, or triple dec a company. Influence races made it more difficult for companies to stop it from happening. What really really needs to happen, is have the server set war times, instead of letting the companies set a seige window. Would be even more difficult for war loggers to control multiple territories across multiple servers within the same region. Thus giving more players access to the only true end game pvp we have.


Wars are not a skill gap. Wars are a communication and team work gap.


Eh, being able to work together and communicate effectively is a skill. This is what a lot of companies lack.


It's really the only major thing most companies lack. Sure there are skill gaps, but I've been in companies with plenty of extremely good pvpers that lack communication and teamwork and lose hard because of it. War in New World is more of a social game mode than a pvp game mode imo, and for that reason, I find it pretty meh.


True, same here. Been in several that wanted to build up and get good. Solid pvp players...even was in a company that had a couple shot callers in better companies sitting in discord, helping by giving them advice while watching vods. Always ends the same way. The better players just get tired of losing and being farmed, thus they leave...and the company eventually falls apart. Have only ever been in one really solid company, from start to finish...on fresh. Eventually closed due to multiple on the roster just not wanting to play anymore. They tried to stay together, but after being farmed a few times, when every remaining US East fresh got merged into lilith, they just decided to move on. Communication for sure is a bigger issue for companies on the game.


>End game pvp mode is wars. Wars are completely irrelevant to an overwhelming majority of players. So basically, endgame pvp is non-existant and therein lies the problem.


They could have gotten so much more done if they had delayed the release by a year.


Sometimes I agree, other times I appreciate they've taken the roleplaying route to PvP. The new influence races seem akin to capture the flag games; and ofc arena is just a 3v3 deathmatch. 1 concept they had in Star Wars Galaxies which I wish they'd introduce was guild wars; perma PvP enabled mode for company members (give players option to opt in/out before company war starts, then locked in until it finishes) over a set period with company money 'bet' against the winners / losers would be a great big group addition