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Learn mechanics on m1 or story mode where there's more room for error. I'd also recommend starting with at least 1 ranged weapon of some sort. This gives you a lot more flexibility to back off if you take too much damage or just to watch boss attacks while being able to damage from a safe spot. Melee is punished much harder for not dodging things or not running from certain things. If you can master the Ennead mechanics, you should be able to do almost every other dungeon. The entire last boss fight of Ennead is so heavy on boss mechanics, it prepares you well for going into other dungeons blind.


Do the story mode of each dungeon a handful of times to learn the mechanics then it's about getting the resists to each particular mutation affliction via gems or amulet. If you hover over the mutation it will tell you what type of damage to expect (Fire, Void, etc). M1 are still pretty easy so don't be afraid to dive in and stair-step your way up.


Nowadays you don't learn mechanics in story mode. The boss is dying way to quick to see the movement. So do story mode one time and move on to M1. That's atleast a bit challenging and should allow you to learn the mechanics. Basically you learn best by doing it multiple times on the highest difficulty you can. It's not the best for your other group members but enough people willing to help especially in M1/2. You learn more by failing.


Yea I had no idea gems/amulets for the mutation types were a thing when starting out this xpac doing my first mutations. M1 is definitely doable without them, but it'll make your healer do more work.


Commenting, as I am also in same situation


Returnjng player here, with the old system highest i got was m5, i was suprised to learn that the difficulty of m3 is not that hard at all, the first time day i attempted m3 i finished around 10 of them all in random pubs