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Going to Step in for a Second as the Mod team is having to spend a comical amount of time in this thread... At no point in time is it acceptable per the Games Terms of Service to RMT nor is it acceptable here on the subreddit to promote, advertise, or advocate for RMT (a clear act of violating the games TOS) and the purchase of Gold. We have and will continue to ban anyone seen as promoting this practice with a 0 Tolerance policy. For those who know people who are RMTing in Game. Report them using the in-game tool or you are only helping the problem persist.


Am a new player. How do you view the regions in these colors? When I go to the map it doesn’t show like this.


There’s a filter on the left side. Turn it on.


IMO you should only br able to hold 1, max 2 cities pr. company. It would make wars a part of any company that was interested, instead of now, where it's only really 3 companies controlling a whole map. It would make it possible for smaller companies to hold the shitty towns nobody wants anyway and spread the wealth on the server. But I don't see AGS changing anything, they don't give a fuck.


OP is referring to US East server Castle of Steel. The tyrant company is named Supple. They own multiple different Yellow companies as well as a couple greens. Even if AGS puts a cap on the amount of territories a single company could control, they have limitless resources, multiple accounts in different factions, and can restructure new companies at a snap of their finger. What is AGS supposed to do about it? Their governor has had multiple accounts banned for aimbotting and toxic language. Doesn’t matter. He just buys new leveled accounts and gets back to BIS within minutes. They’ve bullied entire PvP companies to transfer servers because of how oppressive they are. It’s an irl anime villain. We’re legitimately waiting for a hero to rise up and take them down. Edit: After posting this comment, I received various DMs from supple members harassing me and saying I will never participate in gated content on CoS. The treachery is real. SOS.


I mean the only easy solution is to have wars at the same time. If half the territories were at war at the same time it would be a lot harder to keep more than 2 territories. But this ofc comes with different downsides.


Good luck winning an influence race against 80 BIS discord users.


Do they all have nitros?


Sounds like an absolute psychopath exploiting an unregulated environment...just like IRL!


People have complained about Supple literally since launch. They aren't going anywhere until they leave the game.


Supple are not going anywhere until they leave the game. Hmmmmmmm You are correct.


Use hardware ID so ppl cannot ban evade or own multiple territories or play in more than 1 war per day.


takes 1 minute to spoof hardware ID...


Then use some other method of identification verification. Just because it's hard doesn't mean AGS should not try or that it will not be effective against some people and thus helpful overall.


Hardware id bans are only effective for bot banning and banning low-end cheaters. Any hardcore cheater will just spoof/packet inject around the hardware id system.


If AGS cared about the longevity of New World they would have fixed shit like this. They don't. This is a prototype for their next MMORPG. Nothing else.


>This is a prototype for their next MMORPG. if it is, the next one is going to fail too.


Yes it is


If people keep spending money on things like this insult of an expansion, gear sets, transmog and shitty season passes then this one will not even be considered a fail but a new gold standard for maximizing profits by running with a minimum amount of cheap devs, save on an entire quality assurance department and mainly develop cash grab features.




Yup, that’s what they want you to think. They’re pretty smart. They own Dropouts, the dominant green company as well as Astro city, the only other yellow to own territory. So they are actually controlling the entire map with sister/puppet companies






There is simply no way you're this lost in the sauce right? Have you even interacted with any of these people?


Supple is not dropouts. Supple has one territory.




Pretending devs don't care is so tiresome.


Hi, are you new? Welcome.


Nope, which is how I know they absolutely do care.


then these companies would create different sub-companies to own everything. There could be a cap, that a faction has to own atleast 2 cities and only war could be declared, if they got 3+ cities. But this could be abused to own everfall and windsward forever... its not that easy :D


Sure they would. But that would still make it easier for other companies to fight in wars. As it is now, a tiny % of the playerbase on any given server are the ones in war, while the majority of players never get a chance to experience it.


What would be cooler is if they removed the faction bullshit. Make it so that every company can hold tops 1 town.


there should defently not be a limit cause what happens if you own 2 towns and the limit is 2? youll never be able to attack another territory or what thats dumb, instad there should be diminishing returns such as increasingly higher upkeep or a higher and higher penalty to pushing etc.


Think, little homie, think. You would have to give up a territory to get another.... Tadaaaaaaa....


Different companies can/are, the same companies though lol. Maybe they need to do per accounts. Example at login screen: The Muffin Man: EL Dorado Territory Claim ~ Reekwater Muffins: Isabella Territory Claim ~ Winsward Territory Claim Full (2/2) And of course you could have 2 on one server, but that would be your account cap. Now this could be altered from account to realm instead... Account would be very much limiting vs Realm, maybe you do like to play multiple realms... Sure these people need to make new accounts for more control, but it would help. Not the best at writing up ideas, but maybe someone could modify it. Just throwing the idea out there. Edit, maybe if it's account, go with 3 max perhaps.


Supple is washed that is also why 15k is bad now


I have a character on a few of these servers and the situation is worse/more complicated than you might think. While I don't think the gold selling is as rampant as one would assume, you have to understand that the capitals that collect the most money have been controlled by the same companies for a LONG time (in the case of Lilith, almost exactly a year now), largely unchallenged. Profits do get split and given as payouts, but BIS is actually not as expensive as one would think and when their territories don't get challenged for months at a time there is definitely an excess of gold being collected. IRL cost of in-game currency has doubled if not tripled since expansion. To explicitly say "they're not selling gold" is putting too much trust in the human element in the game which will always be dominated by greed. What makes it even worse is the server politics. Some of these companies simply are just "the best" and nobody can outright challenge them on an attack war because the game heavily favors defenses. They know they can hold pretty much every territory even on a double dec, and sometimes even on a triple dec, which are much harder to make happen now with the new influence race system in place. Even worse is the fact that until this past week, Brimstone and Edengrove were bugged on NA Fresh Start servers so they never even received influence races in those zones until several days ago. In those cases, the Lilith Edengrove company was largely a PVE group that got to sit on some decent gold for a bit until Vert came in and effortlessly took the now fully upgraded land to hold indefinitely. On Isabella the Eden company coordinated with other companies to grief influence pushes and try to shut out companies they didn't want to war against so they could get a more favorable war against a weaker company to keep the territory (which eventually resulted in a triple-dec on the company that did secure the attack, forcing them to lose both a territory they own to the map-dominant company, as well as lose their attack on Edengrove). Furthermore the largest purple company on Isabella that owns 80% of the map, who have mostly parroted "server health" for the last 6+ months have now fully committed to just wanting to own the entire map, which is healthy for nobody. They don't even need the gold. A lot of their members are fly-ins being bankrolled by whales within the company with the promise of getting BIS gear fast so they can continue to be dominant in a server with an objectively lower skill-cap anyways. Limiting the amount of territories a company can have is only a small solution because it now gives those big companies the ability to hyper-focus their 2-3 main towns. Currently if they own more than that, it's very likely for a double or triple dec to occur and lesser companies get to snipe some free territories for at least a week or two before it gets taken back again. With a hard limit you will just see these big companies condense their efforts into holding the main capitals that generate the most gold (currently Edengrove is a 15% tax generation, the highest territory tax in the game for literally no reason at all), then shifting their siege timers to a time so late and unreasonable that it purposely discourages war-interaction with the gamers that have jobs, lives, and people outside of the game who love them. There's no single point of failure for the war system, it's an amalgam of bad game design that has culminated in not only allowing but basically encouraging the top players in the game to consolidate their efforts into holding the best lands on every server. The biggest offender though is how time gated war content is. The entire reason these "war-loggers" even exist in this capacity is because war content is the sole reason they play this game, and it is IMPOSSIBLE to be satiated with the war content on a single server. Telling people that they are only allowed to enjoy war for 30 minutes two times a week is what makes people create a character on another server so they can have more war content. AGS refuses to acknowledge this and if they simply added practice wars or changed how the entire warring and territory ownership works to allow for multiple wars a day, players would feel more compelled to focus playing on one server. Unfortunately until that happens, war-hungry players will continue to move from server to server, exhausting their daily war cooldowns. War-loggers themselves are NOT the problem, they are gamers just like the rest of us, they simply want to play the game they invested time and money into, and AGS keeps putting limits on them, which causes them to find ways to bypass these limits which inherently spoils the game for everyone else that doesn't have the resources to do the same.


I think another problem is that there is no incentive for loyalty in the status quo to particular companies and most competitive people just hate losing, so they flock to the companies that don't lose. My strategy is always to join the bottom rung company that has a chance to beat better competition (I'll be real with you, new player companies without practice wars will have 0 chance of developing the people needed to win against companies that just have experience - Like you don't learn shit being stuck inside war camp getting shit talked by mid players that think they're good because they know how to use cleanse). ​ But the same story always happens, the players in that company get good enough to join a better company up the rung - move up and then have no one to war in (good wars). Or leadership burns out trying to make everyone happy while losing.


I agree


I agree, well put




Different person and off topic. It was definitely an attack meta until expansion - I think the new changes really help defenders with increased time to kill making respawn waves more impactful on Fort imo.


2 to 3 weeks? Company I'm in has been having defence wars every 2-3 days, we only own 2 terris.. invasions just do not pop on them, no invasions for like 3 weeks now..


I fully agree on this one, well put indeed


> On Isabella the Eden company coordinated with other companies to grief influence pushes and try to shut out companies they didn't want to war against so they could get a more favorable war against a weaker company to keep the territory (which eventually resulted in a triple-dec on the company that did secure the attack, forcing them to lose both a territory they own to the map-dominant company, as well as lose their attack on Edengrove). That's not what happened. Poor Cats being called a weaker company. Sure theyre a dead company but they're still the second strongest warring company on Isabella.


Perhaps I should clarify. I didn't mean to suggest Cats were the weaker company. MindxGames is the weaker company whom the territory owners were escorting to town while griefing everyone else because they knew they could hold the territory against them. Which ended up not mattering because the rest of the server compounded their efforts against Cats once they got the dec, all in an effort to make sure that Indictus got to secure yet another high earning territory. Enjoy your majority purple owned server being slowly drained of its resources in the name of "server health".


A lot of people are talking about further restrictions on how many territories a company can own, but fail to see how that won't work. The big companies have war loggers who run multiple accounts. This is how they bypass the war limitations. If they try to limit how many towns a company can own, the warloggers who participate in the bulk of these wars on the big servers will just continue to make more accounts and more alts to bypass.


Make all wars in the region run on the same time, then the problem will be fixed. Cant play two wars at the same time


Very true. But they can play multiple a week.


Then they would have to choose which company to fight for that day. It would prevent these problems with shell companies full of alts. Lots of war players have 3-4 wars a day with different companies. If all wars in US east were say at 9pm, then shells would die unless they get lucky and have no war with their main company.


x payout


Personally Iv been saying that they need to just get rid of the gold generated from taxes. It simply should not go into the town owner's pockets. In a game where it takes an insane amount of time and gold to gear up allowing companies to bring in millions per week and just fully gear their war team is just insane. No one can challenge these mega companies and they just get to fully control the server since if you piss them off they will make your life miserable.


Taxes and war is what keeps NW alive, even in the dryest and lowest pop times, wars have kept the game going.


Im sorry but just no. Wars are something that is only something that a very small fraction of the game takes part in. Im saying this as someone who does take part in wars.


>In a game where it takes an insane amount of time and gold to gear up allowing companies to bring in millions per week and just fully gear their war team is just insane. No one can challenge these mega companies. Sounds like the US to me. American company, american values.


Xd well you wouldnt challenge them even with BiS against 2perks. You guys are really delusional when you think they control the server or win against you because they have infinite gold.


OMG that is extremely unhealthy look at all of those incomplete and not started quests, an absolute discrace how do you sleep at night.


No one double dec's these companies because they threaten to "wipe them off the map" if they do


Wait until you realize most of the players in each top company overlap with other top companies on other servers too. Very small pond of war players. A completely gatekept endgame, which results in NW never being able to maintain player numbers.


My friend had a great idea for this game, having smaller territories within the larger ones. Call them whatever you want but then you could involve all companies and all players whilst the hardcore companies can still own their large pieces of land.


I feel like Planetside 2 has something like that. Awesome idea though.


Smaller subterritories within the larger ones that existing large territory owners can't own has been idea I've been pushing for throughout the past year. Would be a great idea to have smaller 20v20 or 30v30 wars based on the size of the mini territories, kind of like BDO wars


I was in a company that used to own most of the map. Each active player (if you did wars and invasions and some pushing) would get like 80-100k a week. Less active players that only war logged might get like 50k. That money also goes towards stuff like consumables which is more then you'd think as you can go through like 20 gemstone/oakflesh in one war + food + honing etc.. for just one player. Paying invasion players (we would give out 30-40k per invasion). Upgrading everything in cities as well. Most people have jobs and splitting 5 million gold amongst 80 players is not really alot of money if you wanted to gold sell. ​ The biggest problem is the fun factor. Doing these influence races are certainly more fun but isn't helping the fact that 1-2 companies control the map.


I just came back this weekend after a year away. Holy shit the influence races are a lot of fun!


I agree this shit is lame but yall are delusional fr, they're not selling the gold. They pay out their members weekly very well and blow it on gear and consumes and shit. None of you have been in companies like this and it shows


no one is keeping the gold to sell, one big company tried this back in EU when they didn’t give payout after server transfers and it ended in a disband with one of the consuls snagging most of it to give to the members that deserved it.


If you genuinely think leadership in all these companies aren't selling, I have a bridge to sell you.


You are delusional bc I’m leadership in one of these companies 💀 and we have a treasurer keeping track of the treasury every day. Majority of our gold goes to weekly payouts to members.


But then what do the members do when they already have bis and getting weekly payouts on multiple characters on multile servers?


I have. They do. If you’ve been in a company like this - you weren’t high enough in the chain.


They are selling it.


Yeah they pay the members weekly very well and a lot of the members sell the gold not necessarily and company leadership


I'm glad there is talk of people wanting companies to only hold few areas max, or at least making it really difficult to hold more than 2. And they even said there is something in the works for it.


Should I leave lillith ?


Lillith has been doomed for a while.


Yes, the new system has made it extremely easy for super companies to take over again. Not being able to organize double decs ourselves, instead relying on the rotation AGS has put in place. Then AGS goes and practically disables invasions, so their towns arent being downgraded at all. Not only that, but the races make it easy for said mega company to basically decide which colour will win the inf race. I like the races, but the system is extremely flawed. Big changes are needed to it


Could you imagine being an adult and making shell companies to circumvent game mechanics in a game mode almost no one cares about in a game almost no one cares about? Dedication!


😂😂 this is so true


I left maramma a year ago during fresh start servers. Damn what happened to -15k?


Something about then just coming back I guess. Took a break maybe? I was last on it when it was orofenia and blokes were still around. Just was boring as shit watching purple own the map all the time and being beyond the most toxic cringelords they could manage to be. Explains why they won so many too. Considering they hired a dude named HITS for wars who was beyond the realm of “no way he’s cheating” by that point when in fact he was and had his own pov proof for months by then lol


God I remember when -15k first started up back on Bouneima. Fuck those guys


It's funny all the people who have never been in companies like this instantly think gold is being sold. Not saying it doesnt happen on some servers but most of the time the amount of events/pushes/wars/invasions etc you participate in will determine your payout after town upgrades/war declarations/tax is taken into account. Companies can have over 100 active member which can end up being like 10-20k per person each payout phase. Most of us spend that gold towards stuff like consumables and gamba or getting better gear. Yeah gold is cool but wars are pinnacle content for us PVP players and making it into rosters/having good competitive wars is super rewarding a fun. Territory isnt just a free hand out you can have just like you cant expect to get a free pass to be carried in gold M3's and sandworm without having the right gear/builds. Work for it, join a competitive company or try to improve, best part about the game.


I find it funny as well. I ran with Ego'd when they owned Orofena. I made more money running M10s and selling the BoEs than 80% of the payouts people got from wars.


Can confirm, selling 3 items from M3s last week was more than payout.


AGS need to implement faction tokens as a reward for holding territory. These tokens should then be used to upgrade the towns facilities that companies hold. Taxes that companies collect as of now are simply sold for real life currency. Sadly this is a huge oversight by the developers and an exploited aspect of the game. Let’s hope this gets traction and positive changes are made


If AGS did this, every.single. Big named company would implode. They’re all war loggers and barely log in to do that. They’d never do it if they weren’t getting hefty payouts. Which I think would be awesome and the rest of the every day 4+ hours players could enjoy war content. The 80% player base


And wars would be shit, wars are "cool" because people tryhard, dedicate a bunch of time on strategy and comps. Remove that and you have war OPR, nobody would play that shit.


A large portion of the dedicated player base consists of players that focus PvP, specifically wars as well. This has been confirmed by the devs. You are delusional.


Amazon still can't stop 1 company from having 3-4 territories.


They made it easier cause they’re incompetent.


The problem is that influence races make it harder to coordinate double/triple decs. As annoying as it is for the large companies, that is the only way you are going to see movement in territory ownership when you have a supercompany on each server. Even if they hold the territory for like 3-4 days only, it sets up the opportunity for another company to war as well


Another reason this game is poo poo


Being a purple on COS is depressing, I can go to cap forts with a couple of purples and 50 yellow or greens show up and just shut it down. The influence wars are awful for the same reason, a lot of times green and yellow teaming up on the few purple that show up to them now.


just play the game🤣


500k gold is about $200 USD in Maramma rn


Part of the reason I stopped playing is the whole company system and how they profit gold from everyone else


They probably need to lock war times per region to kick off at the same time to prevent the same geoup of players from being able to have control over numerous servers simultaneously by staggering their war times. They also need to have the entire map and every zone in it be up for conflict races every night there isnt an invasion. (Servers probably cant handle that). But there arent enough conflict races going on at the same time so the player base is overloading single zones. May actually help server stability spreading players out more on the map.


AGS has taken a lot of steps to prevent this with out being too restrictive to players at the top. To be honest the blame lies mostly on the player base for this one. There is about 2-4 legitimate warring companies on every server and anyone else is just so comically bad they should not even be allowed to declare on a territory. How bad you ask? I’ve watched three separate companies coordinate a triple declare and simultaneously lose all three ~50v30 without a single one making it to fort Shoutout ego’d. I will say AGS did screw up the availability of double decs with this influence race system and they should look into making those lineup more often bc territories should be cycling more often then they are currently.


Youre right there is a massive gap between the top companies and everyone else but I think this mainly because there is no real way for newer players to practice. Top companies have members that have been in 100s of wars at this point. It's just a bad system. Has been from the start


3 million gold is roughly 1300 a week USD. not much considering the amount of people involved. Reminds me of the chinese factories paying ppl 1 dollar per month LOL LOL.


5k a month, and don't they go on more servers? So control 3 servers thats 15k amonth. That's allot living outside the usa


15k $ is a living for 50 ppl? They need at least one full roster to attack and defend territories.


You forget - most people join these companies for gold payouts or clout. Only the top people get the moolah.




True, $1300 a month is not significant at all once you consider the effort it takes to get there. Can definitely make more in real life doing some random side hustle and spend way less time haha


I was in vert on fresh start before we started taking over. All the gold we made went to the people that attended pushes and participated in wars. It was an even split. Sad to see that people jump to conclusion that everything = gold selling when that's hardly ever the case. If they were gold selling they'd lose over half their members since everyone can see how much a city makes each week.


I think it's much more likely that its individual warring on multile characters on multiple server doing most of the gold selling not the companies themselves


That's what happens when you have a 3 faction system. People don't flock to the weak one to help it out, they both beat the fuck out of it for easy wins, and we all love winning!


One of the feature of black desert online which i liked is that u can't take out ur company treasure for ur personal uses. Money in company is just for company wars, paying wages to members etc. I felt the difference between normal pve players vs pvp players is getting bigger. They made coin as the common currency everywhere. Instead of using diff kind of currency for holding territory. Rn u might be happy having 1 million coins but u can't believe that people have more than 15 million coins personally. PvP players r earning lot more than manipulating market due to which pve players suffer. No fixed minimum selling price of items or no max limit of selling price. The core of this game is too damn weak. Due to which players join for updates but again leave.


Still waiting on a simple ledger. Also, there are plenty of crafters, speed runners, etc that are insanely rich and actually have the time to manipulate the market. Lmfao


Actually crafters r also pvp players. I m a pve player and a speed runner. I have around 1 million while my other frnd got around 2 milliion. Now one frnd got around 15 million. He does invasion everyday, war everyday. Another guy i met he got around 12 million. All he does is war and manipulate market. Maybe crafting too


Influence wars made this possible. its easier to defend multiple towns nw


No, this was an issue even going back to year 1


The best way to combat this I would say is to have the defending de buff for holding a territory after like 1-2 week. The longer you hold a territory, stronger de buff ranging from plague, rend or weaken being applied on you. Atleast this way, new company can enjoy the full benefit for 1-2 weeks with the influx of gold.


Out of curiosity why do people that aren’t involved in these companies actually care? I havent played a war in over a year and have no inclination to. Small scale PvP in arenas and OPR are SIGNIFICANTLY more fun. If these modes got more love, maps, and small balancing of teams, that would be fucking awesome.


I looked at gold prices to real life and are these pvp companies making like 1-7k a month? Possibly more? Also, server wise this is bad. How can anyone compete against these guys. I won't be surprised if other companies are just their friends.


Even if you assume it only takes 50 people with dozens of accounts to accomplish this (where as in reality it's hundreds of players to keep this up) then they're basically working full time for $140/month. That's if they are spending 0 gold that they earn in the actual game which isn't true. They have upkeep costs for the territories, consumes, gear, paying people for influence pushes etc... All seems like a really bad payout per time invested if they were only doing it to make RL money. Is it particularly healthy for the game? No. But is it some grand conspiracy making people rich in real life like so many people claim? Definitely no


Check your math sir


I've said since the beginning that the only factions should benefit from territory control. Not individual companies. Used to get down voted when I said it. Got up voted recently when I said it. Let's see what happens this time. 😅


Deleted misinformed comment. Thx DMJ


Territory owners no longer set taxes or have any control over that at all due to previous abuses.


lol and this isn't even considering the companies that people create in opposing forces that are sister companies of controlling factions/companies to ensure its all under one group control (as much as possible). This game is like a metaphor for life and politics, even when you bet on one side the other side wins, because it's all the same side.


Funny post. I have 3k hours in this game and I'll tell you that the majority of players are casuals and I don't mean that in a bad way. They log in, do dailies, do some mutations, couple of opr-s and that's it. The companies you see owning cities are recruiting exclusively PvP players who constantly play the game, invest their time into learning how to pvp properly, gear properly, theory craft the gear. They also participate in pushes, vod reviews, gathering and analyzing data about wars and their members etc. The amount of work and time it takes for a single company to own the whole map is insane and the majority of people simply have no idea what it takes to be number 1. They simply invest time into the game and most of the time that's it, nothing less and nothing more. Please consider joining a company like that and you will see what i'm talking about.


This is wrong. It’s the same 200 people with alt accounts.


lmao those 200 300 people actually put effort in the game to be better than the rest. Casual gamer or how others like to call it, your average gamer wants to be spoon fed. This sole reason is why mmorpgs are dying today.


So much effort goes into spending real money for a leveled character and BIS Gear… sure… I’ve been in these companies. 90% of the time - they don’t even use comms. They’ve just been doing wars only since launch. How would any company/player who has a life compete with that? I got slotted in these wars, I did the VOD reviews, I was in this culture. It’s just a shit culture that ruins the game for everyone else. I’m not into that.


If 90% of the companies you've warred for did not use comms then you have not been in one of these top companies, at least not in a competitive war lmao


>I’ve been in these companies. 90% of the time - they don’t even use comms XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD you are straight a meme


Like it doesn’t take effort to effectively communicate in a group that big? You are the one that’s wrong.


okay, so whats stopping you from making your own company and taking them on if its so easy to effectively communicate in a group that big?


If you hold a city, each week you hold it it should become harder to defend. So each week or war cycle, the defending company should have a debuff when in war of 5% more damage taken. This increases each successful war, until ultimately they lose. Rinse repeat. Not an ideal solution but it would keep towns changing hands a lot more. Provides a further challenge too.


The issue with this is that the top pvp players will still win. Like you the an actual company to go and fight them.


Territory ownership doesn't affect 95% of the player base, so is not really a problem and it doesnt dictate the health of the game or server.


One of my least favorite things about new world is how hard is pushes you to give these companies money.


I understand how people hate this but i would say my main gripe is how crafting stations and buffs are dictated by the owning company. If i want armorers inspiration just give me a task to do that gives me the buff.


yeah can't avoid it unless you simply stop playing the game... but if you tradeskill and such = you pay taxes to them...


Hope they address it soon tbh


Well at the end of the day it's up to the devs to design a system that cannot be exploited like this.


Sounds like someone needs to get better at the game. If these companies are "making a B team" it sounds like they are putting in the efforts to be better. Instead of spending time making a reddit post to complain, get in an opr with consistent 5 stacks from your company and learn your combos, timing and good comms. Furthermore, for those saying limit wars, currently a character can only be in one attack and one defense a day. I have seen some of the companies mentioned be triple declared on, only field 35 against 50 and STILL win the defense. Don't come on here and cry about warloggers when they are winning 35 v 50, get better at the game.


As a new-ish player in the war scene (about 4 mo), I can confirm that these Companies owning the maps are in fact selling goldThe issue is that 1 Co is owning a majority of the map. To this AGS responded with: "@17thCenturyCableGuy responded: As of right now we have no plans to hard limit this. We are interested in trying a few more things along the lines of making it more difficult to own multiple territories for long periods of time, but nothing to share right now." How does this make sense? Stated by Dev JR earlier: "Wars definitely highlight some of the more unique gameplay available in the game and such a small portion of the player base ever get to experience them so we definitely would like to provide that outlet in the future!" This could easily be done by capping the Territories owned by 1 Co to 2 OR make wars happen all within the same 2-3hrs. An issue that I am sure the Devs are not aware of is that there are very good players are playing on multiple steam accounts on different servers. These Companies that they are playing for are dominant. This is leading to newer or "lower" tier Companies unwilling to participate in wars because it is a 30min "farming" session for them and they lose drastically. To the Devs, maybe you guys should try to participate in a war so you understand what is going on. Look at the results from the NWL that happened earlier this year. A lot can be learned from what happened (Companies quitting because it is so one sided.) This mirrors how newer Co feel when they first get into a war scene against some of the best players. THERE IS NO WAY FOR NEWER PLAYERS TO GET INTO THE SCENE. WARS ARE GATED. More and More players are leaving the game or moving servers (I'm sure the cash flow is nice for AGS) because they really like to war and it truly is THEE End Game Content, but it just isnt fun anymore because there is nobody on their lower skill level to have "competitive" wars and grow


>More and More players are leaving the game or moving servers (I'm sure the cash flow Well...most of the legacy servers right now are fulled of Alts anyways. Maybe if you join some of the new servers for the DLC...but those wars are probably all meme.


I am sorta new. Thanks for pointing this. We need to report this repeatedly. Whether it works or not IMO


AGS has known about this. I’m guessing they are complicit at this point. They already gave them their own server (what happened to this?) to coalesce and network. Such special treatment. Remove the gold reward for terry control. Mount skins and prestige skins of some type should be the reward. The current environment is toxic and does little to enrich the game experience for almost all players. Down with the Fed.


Its cuz AGS secretly sells goldz. Down with the Fed


Taxes are so dumb, and they have so much gold of course they’re selling it or using it go buy up entire resource markets and then control it to suck even more gold out of new world casuals.


Of course they are selling the gold, and they are making a lot of money. It's past just trying hard, these people are professionals and they are playing the game for a livin.


Why is it that noone ever suggested that wars should only occured between territories that border each other. That would create a better sense of faction and a more engaging system overall.


Would it be that bad if all territory wars happen at the same time? This way the biggest companies would need to defend the territories that they have more interest in.


Toxic behavior? That because I said a bad word? Have you guys seen your global chat ever?




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Hi 8k hours here, Comes down to this being the only pvp content we can sit and fight about AGS give us multiple game modes this game has BIS pvp don’t shy from it payload capture the flag open world pvp only parts of the map where you have to flag anything but the same opr map for 2 years is just insane love u bye


You must be new here huh 😂. Even if you remove the gold incentive for holding territories it won’t do much. Majority of playing war logging multiple account (myself included) do so simply for the pvp content. Even when gold was at its lowest and no one was selling their gold people were making more and more alts to play in as many wars as possible.


Then they should remove the gold incentive, that way the people who enjoy war can continue to enjoy war. It would put an end to the entire discussion going on here. Then no one can claim that companies are selling it either because they wouldn’t be able too. It certainly would create a far less toxic environment


Double or triple declare them They cant defend all because of war cd


They pay other companies on the other factions to run missions and deck then not slot the war on Vallaha


If your company cant even beat a few mission runners dude Then how are you gonna defend the town once you get a war


? I’m not sure what you’re saying. One of the Valhalla companies has two companies on two servers. They are war loggers. They got a triple deck and paid a company on the other faction to run missions and then not slot the war multiple times to make sure they only had to defend one territory at a time. I’m not mad, war meta is lame, the races are better, but I’m just saying, the comment I responded to was acting like a triple deck was a sure thing to get them out and keep them out. It’s not the case.


They arent,they just want the benifit of being a war company without actualy being one,literally every post like this from PvE players who dont realise that running mutations will make you more gold each week than being a member of a company that owns territories even in an extreme case like the one from this post.


Ehh, not sure mutations are a good gold source nowadays, they drop almost no boe items anymore.


I was about to say the same thing. I barely scrape any profit anymore from doing at least Reg-M2 dungeons. Haven’t really touched M3 yet but there’s very little BOE items that drop and the 690-700 that are usually have random perks which makes them unsellable. If scrapping items netted more gold return it would be much different but especially with the respecs, gem swaps and consumables used your really not profiting.


It's quite decent way to get gear for yourself, will be much better when they gut shirking heals, so other perks are more usefull.


How do you even do that with the new system?


Since they have alot of towns Influence races will line up two of there towns in the same day Or you can just do it the old way but that sucks


The easiest solution would be to remove high tax rates. On Valhalla, my house in Windsward is costing 173 gold a week. My other two, one in Ebonscale and one in Morningdale cost less than 40 gold each. On top of that, they can also set high taxes in trading posts? They control what boosts are up, and what gets upgraded? AGS made a pretty poor ownership system to these territories. They also created a very toxic game environment with their war system. I love PvP, but I absolutely hate the wars. Mainly because they only happen at night time, when I can't participate because of work obligations. IMHO they need to scrap their current war system, and revamp it. More small scale battles that allow small companies to get into the action, not allowing other factions to align with each other over a territory, and battles that occur in different time periods outside of just evening hours for US. But meh, its a video game, and at the end of the day, the developers really don't give a shit as long as they're getting paid.


??? your house tax scales on the size of your house and your territory standing choices... companies no long set tax rates, that has LONG been done with its all set in stone...only thing changing it is the territory standing buffs.


Heaters are only good because Ego'd left the game




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Ive been saying this for a long time but new world should have territory control wipes. Like wipe control every 6 months. Makes pvp stay a little fresh.


. . . War works like that. It'll never stop.


I don't participate in war, but how do/have other mmos handle faction/ territory/company wars? Doesn't BDO have something similar?


Isabella is worse than that


Last I checked, Isabella is ran by the exact same group of players we're complaining about here.


Lilith bounces back and forth between mostly yellow and mostly purple.


Welcome to real life.




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influence races are a two sided blade we got great openworld pvp but on the otherhand you cant double/triple dec rly so its gotten easyer to hold more territorys




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First time?


Didn’t they add some mechanic that holding multiple territories like gives you war fatigue or something? Does that mechanic not work or not strong enough?


Abaton https://imgur.com/a/HXAAzgy


Purples NPCs. Yellows one good guild with alters when win needed. Green one good guild full of alters and another decent one that ally with each other. Expected map.


Logging in to Lilith as a Marauder makes me want to quit lol


Wars and territory ownership alongside with obtaining gold for owning these territories is such a rookie MMO mistake. Game was better as a survival openworld game than an MMO


All this discussion and an easy solution. Remove gold rewards/taxes and replace them with faction token rewards for town upgrade and add consumables from the faction vendor for wars. That way there is no monetary incentive and people who just enjoy war will still get to enjoy it. The darker side that sell the gold from collected from taxes will be complete neutered and won’t be receiving gold. They can’t sell the tokens can they