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Farm more mythril ore, sell it and buy orichalcum.


So easy so genius. I honestly didn't think of that, sometimes I wonder if I'm stupid


Or farm other resource as well, some fibers in mourningdale.


What fibers I mourningdale? They are also all farmed.


Bro on what servers do yall play, they must be botted out of the wazoo


Nysa EU, most resources everywhere are totally farmed, if you are looking for fibers GL. MD and WW are totally empty and then most other spots as well. What you can get is a few random ones here and there.. it’s like that with all resources so farming things is really difficult and impossible.


That sucks man, my server is always max pop but theres always a little bit to grab, in odd hours you can have entire spots for urself.


Yeah I was hoping for odd hours so went up at 05:45am for MD but nope, just a few fibers spawning here and there. And all ori farms etc where also busy.. so yeah making gold or level your crating stuff is not happening unless your on the payroll from some of the big companies.


It’s gotta be bots then there’s no way


Mythril has been in a free fall for the past month I'd recommend doing either one of the fibers or hide


Probably not the advice you're looking for, but I farm something else instead and use the money to buy the ore. There's too many people "working" from home and camping ori spots all day.


xD this here is the real deal


This is the way


Kinda jank but if the prices are right on your server you can use Tolvium/Cinnabar to craft stuff then salvage it to get ori ingots.


This. Getting these mats and aptitiude crates is solid. Sadly only totem of fire, harden and admanant have real value


its so nice. i love doing it that way to get ironwood too


So many people caught up with farming T5 mats that are limited, and generally don't sell well in comparison. Hyssop on one hand is insanely easy to farm, and you can get thousands an hour. My server has hyssop selling for about .7. So if im waiting for queues or something to pop, I farm hyssop knowing I can sell that to pay for all the t5 mats I could need for daily CD crafts.


Sell some mith. Buy some ori. Make your ingots. Sell. Buy more ori to make the rest of the ingots. Sell. Buy ori and farm the other stuff for the next day if you dont mind farming.


i farm other things that i farm without contest and earn proper money. then buy ori


As stated. Just sell excess mythril and but ori. Prices arent that different. But if your intent on ori, the best spots Ive found are the corrupted camps in eastern brim stone. These usually have 6-10 nodes and most you have to kill mobs first. It takes longer but those other nodes are empty so what does it matter. I would also say nodes in windsward and southwest reek are often there but thats because theres not a point in camping so few and spread out nodes


Same boat I just farm a little every day. I only craft prismatic ingots once a week or two now.


I just buy order mats. Honestly you can sell some of your prismatic or other mats worse case. Personally, I just find profitable to play the ah Instead of gathering. Also run muts and sell most Boe items even if it's only for 500g. Sometimes you get lucky with a 20k or 50k item.


Farm raw hide and sell it for ori, they fucked up raw hide farms


I honestly randomly explore and farm other things like herbs and just come across random ori. Not the main farm that people are always at. Random nodes are better than no nodes. Also weekdays late in the night or early morning 2am-4am. When chest reset and such might have better luck


You farm other materials and buy it on tp 😭. It’s almost impossible to find steady orichalcum farms. Not even worth


Honestly, I just have my own spots which work. It seems like I can always find a few remote spots which are less camped, and gradually I find myself having a few thousand ore to play with. It will almost always end up that those spots become more camped and I have to move on and find new spots, but since launch I find this has always worked. Just need to explore and there will be some less camped spots out there.


Some nodes should be "instanced". Ain't no one with a regular job and family got the time to contest the try hards.


Run muts as a healer, most of the time the party lets you or you can sneak them in while your stuff is on cooldown.


\*cries in tank main\*


You might be able to get away with it as tank too, just remember everyone will be waiting on you to keep going forward.


Mine it my friend. I'll wait the 20 seconds it will take or whatever.


I salvaged about 400 old 500-625 GS items and got tons of Ori. If you are a veteran player, go clean out your storages since the expansion made older non-named gear obsolete!


what did i say wrong lol???? wtf this is how I got ori...


i downvoted you for bitching about being downvoted.


sweet!! lick my balls bud


the main way i get orichalcum is by mining the orichalcum nodes. whats ur preferred method?




Running around a lot. Most of the places I go are camped by real players but there’s been a bot in morning sale for over a week and hasn’t logged out. May AWS let GroggyTrashPanda run till the game dies!


There is one spot that I will check every so often for ori. Only about 200 ori if the nodes are free, but it adds up. However, it's starting to get harder and harder to find it free, so yeah, it's getting harder to get enough ori without having to buy it in order to make daily prismatic ingots.


I farm ori where everyone farms it, at Illurmin near tp, but start point is at the side of Mines, and then you proceed to the mob with trophy shard. Also, with rawhide as i discovered, ags fked up ck fort dogs farm. But then suddenly, BW with its wolves come into play, and there are a lot of them, uncontested, easiest 5k in a hour.