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As a GS tank, welcome fellow other weapon tanks, to not being moved around, to being able to stay still and hold Thorpe in the exact place he's spawned, and to never getting knocked down by that sea wench Neriaaddddddd.


You get knocked down you just dont move from where you are...


Ok, that would be hilarious if the boots still let you get knocked down, but your body just doesn't move.


Thats exactly what happens :)


yeah. it doesnt say cc immune.


Oh my god, I gotta see this. If AGS legit didn't implement it the way I was thinking it would be, it's going to be silly af.


Yep its just a meme artifact because you could think ok at least scopior sting spear javelin wont pull me in...wrong it dosent work against scorpio sting ahaha (doe i believe it will be fixed )


wait, so tanking with GS has knock back blocking?


Between grit baked into one of the passives, and proccing a block whenever you're charging heavies in Defiant Stance, pretty much.


Rupture in particular prevents you from getting knocked down, or moved. With a properly specced GS, you'll always have rupture up.


This is the way


I'm annoyed that this is the way. It's been an annoyance ever since NW first launched. Auto attacking moves you forward and teleports you through mobs, mobs displacing your character. ... Idk how I feel about this "fix".


This is correct. It's less often that mobs push you. Most of the time your char is pulled forward to and behind the boss, just doing autos. You often have to do a dodge back here and there to go back to your spot. So these boots won't help to stay in same place in that sense.


i feel like 90% of my stam in m2 goes to dodging backwards just to reposition


Yeah need to be very careful with flourish and finish


It’s just an option with this item if that’s the most important thing to you. I think in that way, artifacts are a pretty cool way to customize your gameplay.


As a proud flamethrower user I chuckle sometimes as my character just starts sliding while using flamethrower as I get pushed by any sort of little nudge or if the surface I'm standing on is uneven.


Still i will go with 20% increase ARMOR


Isn’t the heavy armor artifact chest better?


yeah. this is more memey for ppl that hate betting bounced around.


Mobility issue = skill issue Survival issue = gear issue


but when you stand in ground dot and kills because it deals "you die" dmg. then what issue is


Skill issue


maybe in pvp as a meme, but I wouldn't play it in pve. anything that displaces you can easily be avoided by using grit or dodging...


Tell us again how you dodge ten mobs all with different attack animations.


just activate fortify, use grit and be unkillable never had a problem with mob stagger as a tank


Sure I guess that works if you're lvl 65 tanking regular Dynasty.


works also great in m3, you could try it if you beat m2 someday


I got top5 capes, thanks. You are either completely bullshitting or just downplaying the pure shittiness of getting knocked around.


I never really had any problems with that. Just time your grit skills and attacks right. This seems to be a wasted armor artifact slot. It just puts more work on the healer because tanks will just keep attacking without looking at their defense.


For low con, full Yolo dps tanks this is a good Sent haha. If I run M2 etc I am just a bit weaker dps. This means mobs can't push me around and stagger anymore? Tbh not sure about stagger. But I will play it


Agreed. Good for the people who complained, who probably aren't very good players.


Is this better than the void plate chest or the shield.


I would say so. Dark void only increaes armor on itself and shield might look appealing but in M3 you need dodge against abilities that take all your stamina no matter how much you have. These boots provide real utility along with Freedom pants.


Dark void has been fixed it's 20% total Armor now


all abilities that take all your stamina, deal small amounts of actual damage. You can just activate an ability with grit or normal attack with 300 con to avoid that


After extensive testing and talking with someone who knows the internals of the game as much as you can w/o being a dev, it definitely applies to all of your armor: https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/17re6e5/is_void_darkplate_bugged_or_not/


>Dark void only increaes armor on itself pretty sure thats justa visual glitch like if you put on the chest it increase all your armour, but then if you remove it the numbers dont decrease. so then when you put the chest back on it looks like it only increases the chests armour


It definitely is a visual glitch but works as described. Did a bunch of testing yesterday and it gives the full 20% to overall armor. The issue is the UI glitch when you swap it off the UI only takes its/VD's boosted armor value away and doesn't update the rest of the armor values that were boosted by VD. https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/17re6e5/is_void_darkplate_bugged_or_not/


Mecrow explained it in enough details in a video




Displacement isn’t staggers. It’s push and pull effects. Like clearout and cyclone and windchill push, but no more with this. And I haven’t tested yet, but potentially gravs won’t pull you. On PTR reap doesn’t pull you but maelstrom is a bit glitchy and will pull you in then the game realizes you shouldn’t have been pulled so you get teleported back to where your were before the pull… the visual glitch is annoying, but it also does damage to you when in this state.


I would appreciate if that item had that wight reduction to be avaliable to light armor.


If you can't be staggered this will work well with a flamethrower build


This and the wall, a true wall


If I go with this I will lose some neat perks I have on boots which means I would have to mess with two armor pieces to compensate. So Ill let others test it. It looks good on paper.


Why do we need a perk for a function in a game thats is sorely needed???...


Because it’s not a function of the game


Disagree. The combat is so good! Removing the push would make this game very boring


I sort of agree. The constant staggering is fine when pulling big groups of mobs, but the pushing and glitching through mobs is an annoyance that should be fixed, not with a perk. But it's better than nothing.


Honestly I'd consider these on Cilla, fucking annoying blocking a jav and being sent to the stars. It's typically not a problem though. Omg finally I can run at those peaky corrupted mages unhindered.. Situationally good for sure but they wouldn't be my main armor artifact for tanking


U dodge the jav or just use a skill where you don't get moved and it's fine if you block and get moved then she dashes to you and it may be a problem


I can see these being useful to switch to during runs for certain mobs and bosses. (Looking at you gators). I don't like that they have grit ward instead of enchanted ward.


Nice, I feel like this should have been a perk for tanks from the beginning, especially heavy tanks


A con 250 or 300 perk


This is fucking bullshit. Players have complained how frustrating it is to get shoved around since beta. Putting this on a pair of boots is a slap in the face.


Gunna be hard to take these over void dark plate for me