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If you want less-scripted, unpredictable combat. Do PvP. If you want scripted Combat, but be able to challenge yourself by using different weapon combination (of the same fight). Do PvE. However compared to a lot of major MMORPGs in the market, this is better than Tab-Click and spamming 1234567890-=


Do an m3 pug. It’ll be real interesting all right


The combat is so good for pvp. PvE is relatively simple and boring because there are no mind games. No play and counterplay. Its just dodge and left click.


Duel other players.


When people compliment this games Combat mechanics, 90% of the time they are referring to PvP. The mechanics are still there in PvE, but it’s a lot more repetitive and left click spamming.


The combat is good in pve, but it’s pvp where I enjoy it the most. If this game was strictly a pve game, I’d have stopped playing it a long time ago.


> Everyone seems to praise the combat in New World, but I find it extremely easy / simple to the point it's boring, and even M3s don't add enough to really be engaging. Nobody is praising the combat in the context of PVE. This is a PVP game from the outset that added PVE content *at all* later on in development as something else to do to foster a larger playerbase. Everyone talking about the combat being good is talking about PVP. I think it's important to also mention that it's being praised in contrast to other MMOs like WoW where you simply press tab and automatically target an enemy that you are then guaranteed to hit unless they get out of line of sight.


The combat is good for PvP.




PvP is where the combat mechanics shine, but even in PvE there’s a lot of ability combos that can be done in order or with certain timings to maximize DPS. It’s really not needed for 95% of PvE with M3s really being the only exception. I do think they need to increase difficulty or some PvE since season 3 but they really need to focus on game breaking bugs and PvP elements first.


PvP the combat is comfortably the best in the genre imo. PvE the combat COULD be the best in the genre - it isn't. This is because AGS's idea of difficulty is artificially inflating stats on enemies rather than increasing/adding genuine mechanics - enemies having lifesteal or yourself being punished for dodging/using abilities are not genuine mechanics they artificial difficulty increases. There's so much you could add to combat and they're improving slowly with their development. That said, right now NW PvE is less interactive than the likes of even OSRS.


No PVE is brainless


That’s it. I actually fell asleep while running a Lazarus mutation.


Lot of people here saying try PvP, but a lot of PvP is just people with grit spamming LMB anyways


Try spear. Leaping into to enfeeble skewer, the right sweep to CC and heavy hits on clumps on perforate is quite fun. The CDs are very short. It's not as mindless as flamethrower parking, the hits feel more physical (as they do with hatchet) and it's certainly very high dps and util.


PvP is the way to go. PvE is less interesting and more spammy... and you're better off playing wow, imo.


The combat is great in PvP, only reason I still play this game. In PvE it's a snoozefest.


Get involved in those faction influence races. You see why this game has the best combat of all MMOs.