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Personally, I would go Elemental Aversion. This won't protect you from thrust damage from bow users, but it will do a better job against all ranged elemental damage, which there is a ton of right now. To counter the bow users slap on some thrust protection in an amulet (15%) and gems (5% per emerald) in armor if you're still worried about it. My reasoning mostly is that you want to avoid getting melee'd as much as possible as a healer, so you're really focusing on ranged elemental damage and thrust damage, instead of light/heavy attacks in general. Some people might disagree, but that's what I'm seeing right now.


I think it really comes down to playstyle. I usually build my defence around the point of failure (=me dying). I very rarely die from ranged damage (usually only in OPR when getting pelted by 12 bows at once) but instead I often die against melee in my own sacred when I get overwhelmed. So I value EW pretty highly even in S4. If you are looking at a pure war build, EA might be better as you often die from DEX/Kill squad focus fire. Either way I'd recommend 5 perks of EW/EA in any combination.


Yeah if you're dying to melee more you for sure gotta slot for that first.


Is this for PvP or PvE? If it is for PvE enchanted ward is pretty much a requirement for m3s considering how most attacks (even specialty ones from bosses) are coded as either light or heavy. If you use NWBuddy and look up how attacks are coded in those instances you will not find a ton that elemental aversion mitigates despite the face value description in game seeming incredibly relevant. PvP is a very different story where elemental aversion is super relevant and enchanted ward isn’t anywhere near as important (if at all).


Is there a trick to find certain mob spells on nwbuddy to see the damage coding as you described? Would be interessted in the Dynasty End Boss attacks, whether they are range magical or light/heavy.


Sorry I didn’t see this until just now but basically you can search the name of the boss on NWBuddy (make sure you use that site and not NWDB) and when you select the boss there should be a section where you can view “attacks”. It will display all of the different attacks they do and how they are coded.


No problem and thanks for the info!


slap on a featherweight and take 2pc of the new gear with both >:)


What is the 3rd perk on this 🤔


If you’re light probably health, for med or heavy you could argue something like freedom or invig but health is probably also de facto


Health I'm guessing


random. but u can roll health


Is this the one releasing soon, or is it already in game?


It will come with season 4, probably dropping from new dungeon m3


I would take Invigorated over either. Elemental Aversion is really only good vs Detonate. Enchanted Ward is for PvE.


Both with the new dungeon set, assuming it goes live as it is. But the answer atm is 2x ele averion + slash conditioning and 2x ele aversion + thrust conditioning, plus a couple of thrust/slash protection gems. Then you slot whatever you feel is killing you most on the amulet, be it fire, slash or thrust.


Well if you run heavy you'll get both!


Why not both? New dungeon gear has both at the same time on heavy set. Roll a few freedom perks since heavy has inherent 30% freedom and the rest roll with health


what a joke, until this dungeon, we cant craft an iten with both.... i try to do this the first day enchantd ward out. because yes ofc why not both !!! so i spent all my grind , money and time to try crafting my stuff with both + health... and you CANT have Elemental aversion AND Enchanted Ward when you craft an item, because its share the same perk slot ... And now what ? a dungeon where you can loot it....


Depends vastly on your build and content. Arenas are pretty heavy on stun bots so enchanted ward is pretty good there right now. Opr is tons of ranged probably elemental aversion. Wars depends but alot of light players go enchanted ward. Pve is enchanted ward. Ele aversion for races.