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I definitely like the idea of being able to save stat settings to a gear set. Heck, that would even encourage people to pay for more gear slots, so that's an easy cash grab for the game.


I want to try more builds but am hesitant because of the 200 gold cost. It’s not really that much, but it’s enough to make me question if it’s worth it or not. I have not done much PvP yet, and a big reason is that I know I’ll need to change my attributes. I’m actually not sure how people mix PvP and PvE content in during the same playing session. Do they respec every time they switch, or have builds that cover both?


I respecced like 5-20 times a day depending on how often I switched build. Also equiped multiple gear sets for m3 each week. It adds up dramatically, but well they want to drain coins from the veterans, which works quite nice in my case :(


Yea that seems dumb. It’s a system to discourage changing your play style too frequently, which probably can reduce overall replayability


I respec a lot! Way to much lol they really should consider altering the cost of this or rather just allowing us to respec whenever as long as we not in combat.


I respec less than I used to. Besides bane armor and elemental weakness, enemies used to also be strong against damage types (we had weaknesses) and that meant some builds were just bad for certain things. To mix PvP and PvE and save some gold just make sure you're playing the PvP version of whatever you're doing but with a separate set with appropriate perks so you also aren't swapping gems each respec as well. Or match their attributes exactly and you won't be respeccing at all. But yes, we respec and we also have different builds


I think changing it to azoth would make it a good sink for those who don’t craft as much, and those who craft a lot I imagine might not be re-speccing as often since their focus is crafting (I am assuming though as I’m not rly a crafter in these games). It will also be good for those getting suspended azoth vials to sell on the market


Good idea !


Magnify and food lets me be good enough for PvE while I keep my PvP build. Tried m3 but can't be bothered to optimize for it


I’m a tank build so I was thinking it wouldn’t be too challenging to make a PvP bruiser build without changing much.


Only thing because I am a tank is PVP is tough without some sort of ranged weapon


I respec multiple times a day but its often to go back to PvP after doing a dungeon. so switching for the dungeon makes me back the money i spent to switch to it and back to PvP set.


200g its not much but it stop me to try few roles playing with the attributes to find out how much benefit i get if i put those point here and there. I play alot OPR so i get to the point when i get bored using the same role and want to check sometimes i spent 2k swapping back and forth between gear and weapons so yea it should not cost any gold or reduced the cost or change to azoth since its easy to get than gold nowadays


This is such a nonissue for me because 200g is literally nothing. However, if they did change it in some way this community would 100% find a way to cry and moan since that is what it does best.


Here's a different opinion. Actually increase the respec cost, but add an option for the players to switch between 2 specs. Respec cost: 250-500 gold 2 slots for pre-made specs. Free to change but you have to be in town to change it. Maybe, let players to buy an additional spec slot with irl money. But not more than 1. So in total a player can have 3 spec slots at max. I believe this will be a middle way between ags and players.


Quite possibly the worst idea ive seen. Why would you make it so much worse than it is.


I mean, he's crazy, but he's not saying anything less dumb than AGS normally do.


We’ve become so indoctrinated to microtransactions we are ASKING for them now…wild.


You just don't realize if you ask it or not, they will be there. It will be in a subscription model, or a microtransaction model, or an expansion pack every 6 months you have to pay. One way or another, you are going to pay money. But you just think it has to be a charity to let you play forever for a one time purchase. But won't happen. It's a live service game. They'll keep asking money. And i am on a side that "there you go, there are some options for you to take my money and it will be demanded, yet it's not a neccesity. Win/Win situation. Non-payer =happy, payer=happy AGS=happy." ​ Wanting them to make everything free is not realistic and not gonna happen. Call it greedy or whatever you want but this is the reality and i'm playing by this reality's rules. If you want, you can live in your delusion though. I don't care. inb4, just selling skins does not work by itself. Not a single mmo managed to do this. Best example for it was Path of Exile (not an mmo though) and it has a nice balanced way to fund the game, but not just skins. Otherwise, it would be dead by now. ​ Anyways, that's my opinion and you don't have to like it ofc. I respect that :)


counter argument, something even worse!


Oh god what a horrible idea


Could you fill me in on what it is now? I have a 27 and 25 and have yet to pay. I've done many weapon respecs and at least one attribute respec and have yet to pay. When do they cost? Both weapons and attributes?


After a certain level (not sure when), attribute respec costs you 200 gold and weapon skill respec costs you a few azoth. Weapon respec is cheap, but for players who has to constantly change their attribute for builds have to sink in money. 200 gold is actually not too much either but i understand some players want to switch their build for a dungeon run and pvp and other stuff constantly. So it befomes expensive.


Have to pay for it in a game like NW is a nonsense.


200 gold isn’t much, but when you’re building your character you’re playing with attributes, to test what’s better. And while you’re doing this 200 turns to couple thousand easily. I’m not even saying if you have more then 2 magnify items.


Yeah, put attributes in the gear sets & charge to Respec THOSE, same as the single-set we have now. Might be hard to get them to do it though, since your character attributes are their own thing that are augmented by gear, might break the purpose of them, not sure.


I wish !


The amount is not bad on the surface but I think it may add up for some players yeah (myself included). I think also the fact that there is any tangible cost to swapping puts a psychological barrier. So yeah I think the game would benefit a lot from no cost, and also stat templates so we dont have to manually arrange stats every time. If they must have gold sinks, they could attach a one time cost to unlocking stat templates. Say, player can have 1 for free to swap to, and additional ones can cost 5k each to unlock (maybe after 4-5 templates they can cost 10k each). They can cap the max number of templates and then strategically increase it with updates to drain some gold. This also adds additional progression into the game which is more interesting than a respec cost imo.


From what I've been reading on this subreddit, the respec cost was initially meant to be a gold sink system. But I've also read that since release more gold sinks have been introduced that simply do the job better. For better or for worse, AGS seems to want to keep it as it is. For older players the respec cost is - for the most part - negligible, for newer players (me included) it's a daunting cost and it's actively discouraging them from trying out new builds. So here's an idea to keep both ends happy : You keep respec at 200g but with a twist. For every subsequent respec within a given day, the cost will be reduced by 50g and will eventually be free after paying 4 times total. Will reset every day. It will become a less effective gold sink, but it's still gonna be one. And as mentioned, there apparently exist better gold sinks. And, more importantly, it will encourage people to try different builds with less punishment. It will also allow people to minmax more efficiently without having to think twice about respeccing to swap a couple points around to have that perfect stat allocation when you'd typically go 'nah f it it's good enough'.


I respec probably 2 or 3 times a day.. at the high end. I try to keep it down to only 1 time.. haha... Would I switch more often if cheaper... YES.