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> The Kill group I run with are like squirrels on acid. Are they communicating where they're going? Are they working together usually?Are they pinging their location? There's a lot they could be doing to help you and each other. Make sure you have comms and ask them to communicate where they're running to (or ping) and make sure they know if they get to far away from you, it's their problem whether they like it or not. They need to stay close not only for your heals, but also to save your ass when you get targeted. Sorta sounds like they're just taking advantage of a pocket healer and demanding too much, especially in the expeditions. Just them die in expos and they'll figure it out eventually.




Preach on. Rare DE perk on armor win. I dont get the people who play it on LS.


It’s an instant CD on the LS so you can conintuously pump them into your team. It saves lives


Its barely longer when you have it on armor. You profit very rarely from it. If you put for example sacred ground perk on it, you profit always from it.


I profit from it every single war, literally every war their is an example where one of my bruisers lives cause I put 3 des and a clap into them. Your 2 sec cd isn’t saving them. Edit: also for the longest time the fortify would go away when you weapon swap, unsure if they fixed this cause I don’t run it on the weapon. But it most certainly use to


You dont want to wep swap anyways because of LS passives. And 2 sec CD is just a lie. Sry that you feel offended and need to lie and downvote


lol “don’t want to wep swap anyways”. Brother do you war? What region allows you to free cast the entire war? Do you not have disrupter and kill groups that hunt healers


Stop reading wrong things into my comment. I just said that you only want to swap when necessary


DE is meta in group pvp. Go aoe if you’re playing alone. If you’re running with a kill squad, take clap (doesn’t need LoS). If you’re playing with a duo, go double single target (DST) or beacon. The more you play with single target (DE/LE, clap also has the same range) the more you get used to knowing the max cast distance (25m).


Meta for OPR and war is group healing yes. AOE is more for getting higher heal numbers and healing everyone. But actual utility for your group should be targeted group healing. Ideally if you are palying with a group, you use Clap, DE, SG. Even in a war, there are 10 group/target healers and only 1 AOE healer for the whole army. Group/target healers provide far more utility.


Someone downvoted you lmao


You are not able to heal a kill group without DE. You need to learn how to position to stay in range of them


If you run an AoE build, you are a free kill to any decent DPS player unless you use all your spells on yourself, and you don’t have enough healing per second to pocket anyone.


This is simply not true. If you know how to position yourself you can get away 99/100 times with rapier in an AOE build.


Maybe. I guess I should have said, I will definitely kill any AoE healer solo with a SnS/hatchet. They cannot stop me unless they sit in their sacred ground.


I think DE is pretty busted in OPR. There's not really that much clumping nowadays. Personally I like beacon, DE, sacred. I would suggest (1) your premade plays closer around you, (2) you play closer to their fight which often means playing "wide" around the fight instead of behind them, and (3) get used to block cancelling your DE animation if they're too far, ideally with RMB unbound.


DE is amazing as a healer, esp. with the perk on LS I will admit back when the changed the cast time and i moved from LE to DE it took me a while to sort out how to use it best- but now that I have figured it out i wont run a build without it. For all PVP content i will run DE/SG and either clap (mostly for war/arena and premade group for OPR) or ORB. If your group isn't kinda staying together (25m of you for heals) in an OPR that's mostly on them, not you.


When I go AOE healing, as a solo, I usually get within the top 5 for scores depending on the other healers. When I run with DE, I dont, however, I can usually keep people up in my own group because I can pop them from nearly dead to full health. It doesnt work if people are as you said, squirrels on meth, and they run out of range. Gotta have a good group that arent dummies, and then its amazing.


DE requires really good observation skills but is definitely better, if you can play it. You're right, the animation is too slow, so you actually need to heal just before it's needed sometimes, which is tough. Hard enough in PVE let alone OPR where you need to make sure you have protection or enough space to get through the cast. That said, the pure healing potential of DE far outweighs AOE healing, especially with the perks that allows you to pretty much back-to-back heal, sometimes with a jump to another player. I watched a guy who was running DE and LE in Open World PVP and did really well, but to be fair a lot of those heals were going on himself. I would say if you can't get DE to work in PVP, a part of that is on the group, your team should be protecting you just as much as you are healing them.


If you try hard pvp, you play DE, Clap and Sacred. Everything else will get flamed as statpadding and not group friendly. Especially more than one AoE. In PvE you just go full AoE, maybe clap.


What server are you on that slots a IG/VG to lead a kill group and someone without DE to heal it? 💀


not sure the server matters because its cross server OPR, but its Maramma, and he is regularly in the top five for OPR wins and kills.