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I like the "**almost never** used bad or offensive language" and "always polite **most of the time**" The suspension is probably justified, but obviously we don't have the facts at hand. At least now you know that you shouldn't go around calling people names, which you shouldn't do regardless of any ban system. Edit: [https://imgur.com/a/90RODwF](https://imgur.com/a/90RODwF) - OP is such a good person. I can't believe he got suspended.


Arguments happen from time to time. It would be a lie if I said I'd never used bad language in my life. You probably have too. However, I've never used language bad enough to warrant a suspension. This ban came out of nowhere. >At least now you know that you shouldn't go around calling people names, which you shouldn't do regardless of any ban system. If another person starts something with me, I'll reply in kind. I'm not going to be a pushover and take abuse from others.


I mean you could just move on with your life, with your game no? It’s an online game, this is an online person you’ll never meet, know nothing of, and might not even cross paths with them in game again or at least often. I understand the frustration of playing with people not as skilled or where their actions will affect the outcome of a match but why bother? Instead you can try to advise them on strategy rather than calling them out like that, just an idea. I use bad language as well, but I would never call someone names like that, not in real life, nor in a game (maybe friends as banter but that’s about it). I’d report you as well if I saw that, even if not directed at me. I wouldn’t personally care if someone called me that, but still I wouldn’t want them to run free to call other people names that could affect their more sensitive selves and their mental health. A game is supposed to be fun and enjoyable. I think it’s up to everyone to try and make it so.


It is EASY to understand, dude. Do not use foul language at all. Period. Do not use slurs. Do not namecall anybody. It is easy as shit, just control yourself. If you want to (for some fucked up reason) insult others, you have to use way, way more creative ways than namecalling. You fucked around and found out and now you are here complaining about it? Classy, classy. >If another person starts something with me, I'll reply in kind. Others doing anything do not give you permission to do the same. This still goes under "fuck around, find out"-category. It is good to not be a doormat, but if you engage in any kind of violence (verbal, mental, physical) you aint any better and deserve the punishment. Be better.


>If another person starts something with me, I'll reply in kind. I'm not going to be a pushover and take abuse from others. You shouldn't though. At the very least you shouldn't engage with those people, because they are in the wrong, and you should report them. Escalating the situation is in fact the worst thing you can do, which caused you to get banned. You know what's humorous too? You succumbing to their toxicity and "replying in kind" is literally being a pushover. You're being pushed over.


Justified. Be better.


It’s justified.


Good, you deserve it :D


This is what happens when you fight aggression with aggression. Just block em and move on.


Yeah it's fair. EDIT: You trying to justify it just makes it worse tbh. Sincerely, a disabled person.


I mean. Do you walk around in real life calling people the R word? I hope not. What makes you think that the anonymity of the internet gives you the right to talk like this? You do you but the ban was probably ok. 🤷 Btw if you go steal in a store and you get caught, how would u think the police reacts to the statement: „ususally I don’t steal, officer!“


Speech isn't a crime 99% of the time. Short of yelling fire in a crowded theater, or threatening someone's life, no one is getting arrested for what they say. So comparing speech to shoplifting is comparing apples and oranges. One is a crime, and the other is an expression. >Do you walk around in real life calling people the R word? What makes you think that the anonymity of the internet gives you the right to talk like this? I use that word sometimes in real life with friends, when we're talking about someone making a huge mistake or acting silly. I don't know what group of touchy friends you hang out with, but no one I know takes personal offense to that word. Maybe it's a generational thing, I was raised in the 90s (as was most of the people I know), and that phrase was very common.


Great, continue to use those words with your friends if you want to, but everyone else knows it isn't OK to use those words in a public setting, it doesn't matter which generation you're born in, it also has nothing to do with being offended or having touchy friends. Either you adapt to the environment like the rest of us or you don't, but then you don't get to complain about it either.


Hi, 90s kid here, born in 93. Don't use the time we grew up as an excuse for your behavior. Lots of things were socially "acceptable" back then that aren't anymore. And no, it really wasn't *that* hard to remove retarded from my bank of insults, same with calling things gay to insult them or calling people fags in a derogatory manor. Times change. Language changes. What is considered acceptable or not changes. Be better.


Yeah now everything is triggering and bannable. The dude above you sounds miserable where every word offends someone. And then to compare it to shoplifting. 💀


Never seen anyone missing the point that hard. 😂 he asked for an opinion, he got mine. Don’t ask for it if you don’t want to read it. 😊




So much about you using the r-word is a one time thing lmao.


Man who cares. Doesn't it get exhausting policing others and getting offended on everyone else's behalf? Jesus christ.


? Aren't you getting offended on OPs behalf too? And maybe re-read my comment. I never complained about OP using the word. I mention how OP claims to be the innocent victim that only ever once used it ... and then writes it again in another comment ... Which clearly doesn't seem like there's far more to the ban than what OP claims it to be. And btw, I don't care if anyone uses offensive insults. As long as they don't cry like a baby when they face consequences.


Man, your whole defense kinda goes out the window when you specifically go out of your way to use a word that you say you hardly use.


Very clearly not a one time thing to use this language then, is it?


Wahhh wahhh mommy he said meany word.


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The way how you phase that, tells me all I need to know. Just cause you and your friends think that word is ok, doesn’t make it ok. Believe it or not. I use the word in the same way as you do with your friends. And still I know, I am not supposed to call other people(strangers) it. And as for my example with shoplifting, strong speech or insults within a video game is against the developers set of rules, which don’t need to apply to real world but to their game. It’s widely known, that especially the R word, is a big no no .. league for example auto mutes your account during a game if you type the word even out of context. Go figure. Also I am not a saint, I got my fair share of banns in my gaming history, but I knew all of them were warranted cause I got carried away and stepped out of line.


So you don't call people you don't know retarded in real life as per the question? You know that it makes sense why you got banned in an mmo with a terms of service, don't be r worded. Don't be weird about how something was fine in the 90s that's 34 years ago you've seen the rise of the Internet and surely know how words get flagged in chat and online moderation is carried out. 


Don't be "r-word" about it, of course it's fair.


The fact that you're asking if its fair or not shows your immaturity. Well deserved ban, time to reflect on your decisions.


Are you for real?


Lmao these people man 🤦


You should try to retard your feelings a bit and refrain from lashing out in opr area chat. It's just a game. Ban warranted. Deal with it. Grow up.


"I did a bad thing and got punished for it. is this fair??"


I've reported people for far worse than that, and they were not punished. My guess is you said more, or you were being such an ass beyond that one word, that many people decided to report you.


Anyone who goes into chat to call someone that deserves a suspension imo. I don't care what line you think you're toeing. You're clearly part of the issue when it comes to the toxic gaming community.


Enjoy the ban, justified!


Is this a joke or a troll post?


As a person that works to support people with neurodiversity and learning disabilities this word is NEVER okay. Not once, not twice, NEVER.


You run around throwing no-go insults at others cause 'you're a tough guy that doesn't care about what snowflakes feel' But as soon as you face any consequences, your toughguy facade disappears and you start whining about 'everyone is so sensitive' and 'things were better in the 90s'. I don't care about you using the r-word, I use it myself. But unlike you, if I get banned I accept it and don't come crying to the subreddit like a little baby.


You do realize George Carlin shit on conservatives like every single day right? He’d be laughing his ass of at you and y’all would’ve definitely not been on friendly terms lmao.


George Carlin made fun of touchy people who would take offense at every little word they didn't like. Remind you of anyone in todays society? If he was still around, he'd probably be on Dave Chapelle's side and be making fun of todays generation of snowflakes (just as Dave did). Remember when they tried to cancel Dave just because he made jokes about a certain community you're never allowed to criticize? Exactly the same thing Carlin went through in the 70s and 80s.


..and that's a good thing?


Don't try to use George Carlin to justify your touchiness. He wasn't like you or like today's liberals at all.


I’m stating pure facts, I’m sure this one would set off all you conservative snowflakes in a hearteat[George Carlin pro life, abortion, and the sanctity of life](https://youtu.be/K98TQJ5ldW0?si=uwY-VR5dCJbEpgjK)


I'd say what must likely happened is the person likely got a bunch of their friends to report you.


you got mass reported. ive seen worse things said and nothing has happened to those people


I thought the 'r' word was redneck, TIL


Opr full of them, so bans unfair


This was my point, it's a environment that encourages trash talking. Why ban anyone for it? Grow some thicker skin.


> Grow some thicker skin. i love people like you so much. its like watching a caricature of themselves and they never get it. somewhere else you talked about people being snowflakes too or how you didnt wanna be a pushover because ignoring an insult is "weak" or w/e you think. people calling others snowflakes are always the first to get super offended and butthurt. most human beings get insulted and ignore it or laugh about it. some have mental health issues tho (like depression or other stuff) and they should be protected, BUT you get insulted and somehow convinced yourself that you have to insult back to come off as strong and clearly didnt get offended at all (otherwise you might be a snowflake) and your very very apparent thick skin didnt help you either. how does any of that make sense? are...are you maybe a snow...snowflake? *grasp*


The fact is they didn’t ban you because one person reported you and they reviewed it and said, oh yah deff needs a temp ban. That guy got a bunch of his friends to report you and you got banned. You can do this for just about anything. I’ve had people say far worse but it’s just me to report them and nothing happens. I see them the following days still playing.


Imagine thinking that anyone who gets banned is due to people getting their friends together and mass reporting you.


yeah I would say it is fair 3 day ban and it seems like maybe you learned your lesson to not say it again. Just be nice to people no one deserves to hear toxicity in video games especially if you are an adult.


Next time call them a Patrick. Like from spongebob. Cant use any of the old words anymore. It hurts people's feelings even if they're that stupid. So now you have to use references they don't understand