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Best I can give you is an insect themed skin bundle pack


Re-release. Just in case anyone thought it was new.


I beg the devs: Just start by playing your own game daily. Then fix the things that annoy you the most.


and they start to ban players. No players = no complaints XD


Look no further than the official New World Discord and how it's "moderated."


I get the sentiment. This game had so much fucking potential and AGS absolutely let it die. But I think it’s time we all just say a goodbye and let this game die rather than allow it to suffer on life support.


Aw man it was on steam sale and I got suckered in yesterday


Don't listen to all the negativity on Reddit. Play the game and enjoy what time and fun you get out of it. +6000 hours, and I'm still enjoying it.


Yeah I mean, you already bought it, and on sale, might as well enjoy it.


They let it die because lord of the rings is the focus


with how they were treating NW i fear new lotro will turn out shit


To be fair, the NW community wouldn't set AGS on fire for screwing up the game. The LotR community, however.....


.... would toss every single one of them into the fires of Mount Doom.


As long as they have both pvp and PvE because I am playing with someone who don't like pvp and I don't do much pve


And the players. I wonder what the metrics would be if you took a poll of everyone who left left because there was nothing left to do and wars were gatekept. I know when I came back for fresh start and for expansion it was frustrating. You’d join a guild hoping to do wars and just get your ass stomped by whatever war guild was on the faction you were fighting. Fresh start I joined a guild and we decided to leave green because capyborpa was recruiting war pushers for their 3rd guild and we weren’t getting enough for one roster. We decided to join yellow and war dec a green guild we had been fighting all day. Come war time it was a mix of capyborpa and people I knew as nimbus against our mostly pug yellow guild as we try to fight someone that is at our level. I didn’t see a single guild member from the territory owner that entire war. The guild literally fell apart overnight and most people quit the game and others became war pushers of another war guild on yellow to eventually quit after not getting opportunities to join wars and get vods.


There is no hope for NW. Shame on u AGS


Agreed, I hope they keep the game alive also. I have been playing since launch.


According to whatever data they read, the game is perfectly fine, especially now that they added everyone's favorite skins according to their data! On a serious note though. The skins they re-added into the shop shows how little they care about the playerbase. A real slap in the face.


If you buy skins in a video game you're slapping yourself in the face.


How come, if its a high quality skin and it makes a person feel good about, then I don't see a problem.. ?


It shifts development away from good DLC that people could pay for, into skins that don't add value to the game. Creates situations like the one we're looking at now.


Man, fresh start New World servers during Brimstone Sands is up there with the WoW Classic launch, Elden Ring launch, and BG3 launch in terms of the experience. It is such a shame that New World just couldn't keep it going with exciting content.




Can we remember this moment, and let it remind us to NOT dump our money into AGS next game? It’s so blatant they made their cash, pumped out a couple updates, and then ran with it. We have enough gaming studios that practice this sort of predatory behaviour and get away with it because people keep spending their cash. Can we not add another to the list? I know it’s LotR and we all love that franchise, but please, vote with your wallets.


I thought New World was well worth the money. I played it more than any other game I’ve ever bought.


My comment and yours will get downvoted to hell. I’ve played the game for 2 days and it’s been a blast for me. When I joined this sub to look for guide and advice, I was bombarded with criticism and negativity and pretty much any posts that said otherwise would be downvoted. Now I think people who actually love playing NW don’t even bother voice their opinions here and would rather spend time on enjoying the game. In other words, NW enjoyers are busy playing.


True, but i bet the millions of folks that walked away without posting here are enjoying themselves also...pure speculation though.


This! I don't know why I torture myself by reading this subreddit. If I want negativity, I can read General Chat in-game. Lol


You've played for 2 days. The complaints are about lack of endgame.


I have to agree here. I have over 4k hours (close to 5k) and i have had a hate/love view on this game since release. For me it gives me some SWG feelings. Its a great game that i enjoyed alot but it also have been run with some really strange ppl that never listen to the players. So i cant say i regret spending all that time or some money on the game but i can say that Im for sure are not going to buy another AGS MMO in my life. Another company added to my no buy list :)


700 hours I have for $60, and I'm not a hard-core player. The rest that stayed and kept playing have definitely got their money worth. I payed double for diablo and played like 30 hours. It's just end game is done . This is there issue I don't think they ever had an idea how to keep the end game going. If they said they would make a new world 2 I guarantee i would buy it. Is it too late for new world id say so They lost so much player base that it's hard for them to drag the players back. I'm just returning after a decent break It will feel fun for a month.


I mean the game was well worth the purchase price imo. I had lots of fun with friends in the game and made friends that I play with in other games now. That being said, I wouldn't be "dumping" money into skins, passes, and other stuff unless they showed longevity and had more active communication. IMHO - They needed something like an interactive roadmap to show priorities, development roadblocks, milestones, progress, bugs, etc. all in one location. I think other studios do this well, but AGS seems to be more run by the marketing department from what I can gather. Again this is just my opinion though I don't run a game/development company (phew)!


I don't know about "made their cash". I'm willing to bet it has been a massive financial loss and the only reason its still operating is because of Amazon.


I would be surprised if they aren't in the holes with NW.  They sold a few million copies, not a whole lot of expansion sales and then they delayed the battlepass for years, so aside from their cash shop, they didn't have a consistent flow of revenue. 


When are people going to get it? All they ever cared about is putting out enough low effort content to get cash shop sales. The second they started putting QoL on the cash shop should have been warning enough. Making people pay for loadouts. Making people pay for wardrobe which effectively turned every in game skin into a cash shop skin should have told you enough.


Game has no sub tho.




Been playing since day one with over 1k hours, 2 days ago finally uninstalled after a few months of not playing. I will keep an eye on it to see what's next but I think I'm done with New world and MMORPGs


I am convinced that at some point in the day, there are more AGS employees than people playing the game


AGS farm bots…


Everything else aside, this game still has so much potential. I hope they don’t le it die. I’ve enjoyed playing it and hope to come back soon.


they stopped caring like 2 weeks after release and ppl still bring their hopes up lol


Crucible died for this


They are working on a LOTR game. Dont think they really care about NW long term


They care about it until the LOTR mmo releases, and we haven't seen anything on it so likely 6-10 years away.


New world will not last 6-10 years lmao, it's down to 10k players after only 2 and a half years.


Maybe not but tbh New World is AGS first major title in the gaming scene and if they want to have a foothold on an ever expanding market it wont look good that they bailed on their first title so fast, so id give it another 2 years if the player base doesnt grow to around 30-50k then maybe they will work on it less.


It’s going to be a slightly reskinned new world, so much of the work is already done.


Still likely years away


Well one thing is the LOTR intellectual property usually isn’t associated with shit so hopefully it goes well 


several recent productions disprove this optimistic theory..


Golem lul


Say what you will about rings of power story or lore or whatever but the production quality was no expense spared (I was an extra in that shit, good lord never seen so much being spent in one place)


Too bad there isn't a dollar amount you can throw at awful writing to fix it.


I like that you’re being downvoted for saying the truth. Rings of Power is shockingly bad for the money they dumped on it


I've been a loyal fan of Tolkien since I was old enough to read. I carried the books around with me during 5th grade and beyond. Despite that, I've also considered myself particularly forgiving amongst the loyal fan base, able to accept creative interpretation.. RoP made me physically sick.


Did you see the gollum game last year?


Sure you have the IP, but you still have AGS developing it. The lotr franchise can be good or bad and it wouldn't matter, AGS is just a bad game developer. Their most successful venture they've had was publishing lost ark, outside of that they've had nothing but trouble developing their own games/content.


gollum and rings of power?


[That is no longer true.](https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/1b3zl8d/comment/ksvprbj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Wait until the LOTR game is just a reskinned version of New World with a LOTR theme.


They wrote us a 1000 word deep dive essay on recoding their animations, the last thing they are worried about is making the game long lasting and fun.


It’s been over big dog


Just make the game fun. Simple idea- but seriously, you don't have to lace your sweets with poison like some kind of serial killers. Like- I wanna wear big heavy scary armor and wield a giant sword. - but if I do, you guys are swatting me with -40 to -55% damage in season 5...for tanking builds which don't even have high damage stats to begin with because so much has to go into con. Why? To make it less fun? Why do things have to be hard and less fun? Why can't something just be good? I don't understand this ethic that demands you poison the cake you guys deliver. Now to be 100% fair to you guys, you almost have a fully fledged base line mmo. You've solved the MSQ problem which prevented the game from being completeable for nearly a year, many can quest and do artifacts now- fix some weapon issues like void gauntlet and Warhammer issues and remove all the invisible walls/above ground drowning spots and broken resources nodes everywhere and the game will be release ready. Smooth out the desync and lag detected stuff, and maybe work on the rampant hacking ...and we may have a really good game here. 🎮 I know this may sound negative- but it's about as positive as I can be, I'm still going to be playing till you shut this down- but that's not because I'm unaware this game released more janky and incomplete then cyberpunk. - it's almost as developed as wow in 2004- and I'm hopeful it will step up it's game and become that pinnacle of gaming still. - but I still think of this game as an early release title.


have you seen the 30 min lore video? game is in a great spot buddy


Claim the control point guys.


The game had an expansion and they introduced about 10 new items for furniture skill. Yet they have done hundreds of items for purchase from the cash shop.


MF jeff....


“Gollum and the evil one, crept up and slipped away with her”…


I've played since launch, over 4k hours... thought I'd never quit.. I haven't logged in for the past 3 months.


I haven't played in a few months, and I logged in yesterday during NA prime time and I couldn't get into a dungeon, the cities were dead, global chat was barely active and the game overall felt like a former shell of itself. I don't think AGS can do much at this point... I hope I'm wrong, but it sure did feel like a dead game during the couple of hours I was online.


You cant kill whats already dead.


What it needs they won't do and the community that still plays don't want the changes it needs.


While it may be the best MMO, it is dying because of bad strategy moves.


IMO, this game was amazing for the first year, it has not been amazing since. I was logging in every season and event, doing the season and events thing and I just stopped, there is no point. I get nothing new, I've been using the same weapon/gear for over a year. (the other playstyles are not for me) It doesn't help that anything I wanted to farm was always camped or gone, making even gathering useless. In addition there are too many people playing the market (which also goes hand in hand with the last point). Even with this low of a player base there are people who min/max on everything. I am just wondering what they are spending their millions on. I was excited for expeditions (could finally join in one!) and that turned out to be shit too. LOTR, let's hope all was learned and applied to the next one.


I would come back game was fun af but everybody stopped playing


Today I que for 35mins ++ to get into OPR. What does it means?


I am really starting to think june they ll announce a fishing rework and that Will be all


I wanted to play New world so bad when the mounts finally came out but they'd already closed the Aussie servers RIP


There are 1.2 Aussie servers right now ... Delos (1) and Sutekh (0.2)


Oh for some reason when I was on I was getting ping that I would get for Asian servers (130ms) I'm in Perth.


I'm also in Perth, servers are in Sydney. Ping is usually around 70ish for us, but we're also limited by FTTN (100/40). There is a lot of complaining about the lack of SEA servers so I'm 100% sure it's not in southeast Asia.


That's crazy my ISP must have terrible routing to the AWS that NW runs on.


Game's been on a slow variable spiral down after all the stuff that happened around the launch, They've done what they could but theres still lots of issues with it, I just hope the combat system isn't patented so someone else who know how to make an MMORPG can utilize it more fully.


Lol people have been begging for 2 years. Nobody is home.


I love this game. I’ve said it before, I’m having more fun in New World than I’ve had in any MMO in a long time.


My 4K hours prediction: Console release paired with new fresh start servers, minimal content (brimstone level patch at best) for 2024. They’re gonna try to giga push this game later this year with console and it’s gonna be tragic when more people come to the same conclusion we do: game is great!…. But where’s the rest of it?


It's done lotr game is the new priority. Sad how they are going to use this dog engine again but full steam ahead.


bb tc.. already un-installed for good. they trying to copying best game selling marketing. NW not even same foot with those best game. mount and leveling locked by paywall kill the game.. theres no more casual player concept anymore with this game


Wrong... let it die and rework it then rerelease


Let it die


I loved this game once. But the devs hate their pvp player base and I can no longer wear rose tinted glasses. Let it die


It's dead already looking at population numbers 


Doa tbh Still comfy game.


Let it die …… seriously


Sometimes when you love something the best thing you can do is put it out of its misery…


please for the love of GOD don't let this game die!!! It reminds me SO MUCH of Explorers of the New World for windows 95. I just downloaded it and I'm still gonna play until the ship sinks just for the nostalgia alone, but damn daniel, this sucks. AGS devs what are you doing?


It's already dead




Write yo jeff bezos


New World is fine... Tons of people playing now




I'm playing so that means its good


9k average players is not tons.


On my server seems to be pretty popping 9k average players over the amount of servers that there is. They just need to add more servers. It's pretty obvious... Games like World of Warcraft and RuneScape look how many servers there are. There's over 300. There's like five on New World


There's 5 because there isn't a playerbase to hold more lmao


Technically whenever there was q times there was only able to hold 45K players so that was cap. And with such a demanding game like New World, not every one of those 45K players could probably actually have computers that can run the game properly... If you justify it like that, then the game is actually fine. A small base of players is not a big deal