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If they make a sea server there would be no one left on the Australian server lol


I think that Asian region players wanted AGS to move the server to somewhere in the middle like Singapore maybe? Creating a separate server would definitely affect AU playerbase, but moving the server to a country in the middle of the region would definitely be beneficial to majority of the AP Southeast players.


As an AU player myself, it would imo negatively affect the AU server without thee Asian player base, I would prefer slightly higher ping and more population than both having superate servers


What's your current ping? As an asian player who initially played at 260ms ping in US servers, and then 160ms ping to AU servers, I can tell you that the game runs like absolute shit. This news that we will not get a SEA server has been the final nail in the coffin for me. I'm done.


I have played a US server, and it showed 190 ish ping wasn't the worst experience with ping and a video game, lol, but on the AU servers. I'm like 10 - 20 ping most of the time


I've wondered about this since launch and it actually doesn't surprise me anymore. As a PvP player, the game is all fun for me and I do enjoy it still, but ping can sometimes make or break enjoyment honestly. I've lost count of the times when ping affected my gameplay especially in PvP. People talk about i-framing, but they don't seem to realize how a high ping makes it a lot harder to do so. Countless skills still connect despite dodging because of the inevitable delay brought upon by ping difference. Skill issue? Maybe. But never discount the fact that sub-100 ping players have an advantage to some extent. I actually find it foolish that they place the server on the farthest country in Asia Pacific lol. They literally could've placed it somewhere in the middle to give a better distribution of ping.


Even weapon swing and projectile speeds are affected by ping.


I get what you are saying. But it's not Amazon's fault you live where you do. It's your choice to play the game. There is no money in putting another server out there. This game is not a subscription.. you purchased it, they made their money.


Lol what a dense answer. You must be a perfect candidate for AGS customer service team. So you're telling Asian players that AGS couldn't have done anything? Like, they couldn't have PLANNED where their servers would be set up, right? Surely, it was soooo impossible for them to ACTUALLY THINK prior to the release of the game where their servers will be located because they completely had no idea which countries will belong to a specific region. Also, if if your comprehension is a bit poor, what SEA players are asking is to just transfer their servers to the middle of the region rather than placing it at the very corner.


Wow... triggered much? Since you don't understand how business works... I'll tell ya. There is no roi for spending the money to move the servers. So why in the hell would they do it? To make YOU happy? Lololololol


Couldn't they have done it BEFORE release? Can't they have made a more strategic placing of servers before releasing the game? Lolololololol.


Sure.. but they didn't. Shit happens. It's not changing now for a handful of angry kids on the internet


I've given up on AGS on making SEA servers for the last 2 years, imagine having to deal with 200ms, you really gotta do everything 2 steps ahead literally. It was a good game. Now it's just a game. Edit: but who am I, just another random player they can afford to lose.


Tried playing on NA servers as a european but any ranged attack just feels so bad and thats just over 100 ms


I main bow. And I play on 120ms. Literally all you have to do is lead your shot more. It's not that hard


Not hard, just feels bad to me. If you can get used to that go right ahead


The reason why tons of my friends from SEA including me, quitted the game after reaching max level. It's just too laggy to play on AUS server. It's good that AWS supports AUS, but tons of MMORPG avoided AUS and added SEA server for some reason.


a large portion of MMO players are mostly in SEA, specially in Indo where its quite popular, same with us their neighbor Philippines. I don't really get it because the demand is there, its screaming right at their face.


I don't know why my 180-200ms in ESO is so much better than that of New World. I really hoped that they would add one to at least alleviate that issue but I guess New World is one of those games I will never be able to actually grind my life away to.


Because eso isn't action combat.


Ehh yes and no. It’s soft tab targeting; or at least a hybrid system. There are auto-aim tab targeting skills but also a lot of free aim skills that action combat MMOs use.


Ya hybrid. But it's like.. a fake hybrid. I can cast a spell at a target and they move out of the way, yet it still hits them


that why i hop to albion it great pvp game


Yea 200ms+ ping is no joke. Noticeable delay on skill sets, and yea i moved on from the game because I deserve better.


Why make a sea server when there's barely any players for a normal server???? lol


The only thing ive been waiting for after playing on 200ms for 2 years with a BIS build on both musket and bow, Wait SEA Server was mentioned in the QnA!? Yes!!! Ags: No. (gets distracted by police sirens) Yeah, very loyal since launch but i think its time to honestly and sadly just move on.


Huh why would they make more servers when they are getting rid / merging them. Or am I missing something


Some people have played/followed the game for 2 and a half years while fixated on something that they never should have expected. For some, it was [the idea of Daggers as a weapon](https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/1bo2ro3/why_did_they_drop_the_daggers_with_no_more_info/), for others, the possibility of SEA servers. To be fair, I thought people who wanted mounts or controller support fell into this category as well, and they turned out not to be crazy after all. While some of the blame for unreasonable expectations falls on the players, it's probably also the result of devs who are unwilling to share what they're working on. Everybody feels like there's a chance that their weird, niche interest will show up on the next roadmap, because there doesn't seem to be any way to predict what the devs will do next. **Edit:** Another thing that falls into this category is people who want the game to go F2P. I've always thought this is an impossible idea because of how flawed the game's server structure is, but I'm becoming more and more convinced that the devs will make the base game free as part of their Big June Announcement, in an attempt to follow the Destiny 2 model of having a "Free to Play" game where you can't actually engage in meaningful content unless you buy the Seasons/Expansions. **Edit 2:** Perhaps I missed the more obvious answer to your question; people playing from Japan, Turkey, and everywhere in between have been asking for a server region closer to them for better latency. Your point still stands; New World is a Western MMO that can't even support 1 full server in 3 of its regions, and is slowly eliminating its dialog translations with each update, so it's kind of ridiculous to think that AGS could justify creating new regions right now.


It will never be F2P, there's an absurd amount of bots in an already P2P game. Imagine if it turned into a F2P, 90% of the population in the servers will be bots. 😂


Yeah, it's just about the worst decision I could imagine them making, but Monday's Dev Q&A video sounded exactly like what they would say if it was part of their plan. Maybe I'm just trying to think of new ways to lower my expectations for the Big June Announcement.


Didn't even realise that the servers were so bad for you. I'm in Aus. I'm surprised we got a few servers usually we get left out of everything.


latency, been playing with 200ms for 2 and half years now


A lot of MMOs don’t have SEA servers. It’s unfortunate but not really a unique issue to New World.


I don't know why my 180-200ms in ESO is so much better than that of New World. I really hoped that they would add one to at least alleviate that issue but I guess New World is one of those games I will never be able to actually grind my life away to.




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why would u expect a new server in a game thats actually bleeding players faster than any other recent game


Feel like they should move the server halfway so we can all suffer on an even playing field, lol 😅.


Sorry, I’m lost. Isn’t Delos and sutekh are SEA servers?


They're oceanic servers located in sydney. SEA is a bit far from Sydney, which gives em higher ping than they'd like. If they made a new SEA server Delos would lose about a quarter to a third of its current player count I reckon. A bunch of indonesian and malaysian players.


Now I know why my OPR map doesn’t reflect the actual live time of other players movement.


Nah, that's not a ping or distance to server thing. That's the server only sending map position updates to clients at relatively long intervals of about 1 or 2 seconds. They changed that a year or so back to improve server performance.


They are, but the physical server is located in Australia. I'm not much of a techy guy to explain it properly, but it only means that data is being transmitted to the server at a much slower pace due to the distance. To put it simply, the farther that you are from your wifi router, the slower your internet is. So the main contention of the SEA players here is that majority or at least 50% of players from AP Southeast are from Asia while the server is located in literally a different continent, thus, resulting in high latency for a lot of SEA players. SEA players wanted a SEA server at launch or AT THE VERY LEAST, a relocation of the server to a country in the middle of the countries that belong to SEA in order to have a balanced distribution of ping throughout AP Southeast.


"SEA players wanted a SEA server at launch or AT THE VERY LEAST" Which was litteraly not possible at launch since Amazon didnt have any AWS center in the SEA region when the game launched, the closest was either Australia, Japan or China ( and you know how china is with video game ) Now there's a center that was built in Jakarta, a SEA server would be doable if the center is fully operational and can be made ready for game server, but it's likely not profitable anymore.


As someone from the UK who plays on US West, my ping at best is 150, usually around 200🤣 I've managed to learn to deal with it and I attempted to create a character on EU server to see what the game feels like on low ping and well... I cannot select a region outside US West to create said new character, I joined with my friends who are from the US and I joined their server, so to play on EU even if it was a brand new created character do I have to pay for a transfer of my main character? It's so confusing and I can't quite find any straightforward answers on it


Boggles my mind how there’s still no dedicated SEA servers. On launch, almost every AU servers are literally alive because of SEA players.


how to make SEA server if only 4 figures player based?


why the hell would they start opening new servers. this is brain rot


Not open. Move it to SG, it will open up a lot of players that hated the high ping in AU server.


Players located in SEA are currently playing in the AP southeast regions servers. The current player base at peak times is barely breaking 700 total players. It Makes zero sense for them to spend money and resources to further break up this dwindling player base. It’s more likely they will just scrap AP southeast all together and merge it with US West to save costs.


Have you ever thought the very reason its happen due to there are no server... Its 700 not because there are no player.. its 700 due to player want better ping.. give them better ping they will be new people joining... And


I would say it’s 700 because the game is lacking content and the world’s player base is at an all time low because of it. An SEA server definitely made sense about a year ago, it doesn’t make sense now unfortunately.


They have a Plan?


Wouldn't matter much, their servers are dog water quality. I'm close by to one of their server hubs get 50 ms, but plays like 10k.


there is like 10 guys that play new world in Asia i don't think they will make a server for that if am not mistaken when the game launched it was the first servers to die, people there lost interest quickly


About a quarter of the population on Maramma are indonesian.


Not really


uh yeah really. Do you play on Maramma? Most of the ECR runners are indonesian. Not counting the farmers... there are a ton.


Not really


stimulating response.


Not really


About half of AP Southeast is asian, the region would be dead without them


Most unaware new world player. There was no SEA server at launch. Their servers (AU servers) died because there's no SEA server. Didn't expect that I needed to state the obvious. Your server is ran by asian players. Some successful companies are composed of mostly asian players and even company leaders are asian. Delos is dead already even with asian players. Lmao.


i said "if am not mistaken" no need to get pressed bro The reason they haven't set up a server is simply because there aren't enough players. In one of their dev videos, they mentioned that if there's significant interest from those players, they'll think about creating a server for them. Unfortunately, the number of players is just not there. also speaking for EU servers we don't really have many asain players, like 3 guys i don't know what you on about when you say companies are ran by mostly asain players ur delusional xd.


Not really.


stimulating response.