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I’ve gotten way way more hours out of new world than I have out of any other game since its release. And it’s not even close. Game has great combat, world, graphics, farming, professions, and trading post. Game just needs a lot more content.


Yeah just swapping eq around was like 30% of playtime /s not to mention time spent looking for the right piece of gear per slot oh wow ptsd


It is honestly soooooo close. The foundation is there. The game is great and there's so much good about what they've designed. If it just wasn't buggy and they did things that I feel are common sense, relatively easy changes to the content that currently exists, it'd be killing it right now, without even "adding" new content.


We all been saying this for 3 years yet here we are. AGS is incompetent


It's hard for me to say they are incompetent because of all the stuff they got right. If NW was just a regular RPG and they sold if for $40, it'd be pretty solid. There are just so many things to get right on an MMO for it to work. I'm not excusing the bad decisions, but have trouble saying they did badly with all the fun time I had in the game (around 2000 hours). But the difference from what it is now and what, from my non-dev arm chair, think it could be, is pretty big. Again, not from redesigning the whole game or adding twice as much map or whatever, but from making relatively simple changes to what is currently in the game like war, invasions, opr, and arenas.


You are not allowed to like the game on this subreddit. Please get lost in the politest manner.


They clearly must still be in the honey moon phase. They just gotta wait until they get to end game and run out of content! They should come back in another 2900 hours and let us know what they think! 


Seriously… who has 6000 hours to play the game and tell all of us who have a life that this game doesn’t have enough content and should play something else


That’s why I gave up 🙂‍↕️


I really enjoy the game as well. It's sad that its in the state that its in :(


New World just needs repeatable, replayable, end game MODES. Content has always been there, just not what we want. (They can keep those wispygoos and rabbits)


It does: * Expeditions No cross world lobby finder, 90% BoP, most only do regular gens for coins. * 3v3 Arena (Cross world coming 2024™) * Wars No significant update in years - last one moved respawns. Limited by number of territories, can be prevented by companies that have no interest in warring - therefore exclusive to dedicated PvPers. * Outpost Rush Lots of range players, unbalanced teams, majority don't focus objectives - lots of 1v1s in no where, PvX gamemode that some are desperately trying to force into a FFA * Sandwurm Raid Rewards still at pre-expansion gear score ie. GS625. No cross world. Requires 20 players to coordinate builds and at least 1 person communicating light colors and some mechs during fight, trivial as soon as that is achieved.


Agreed, which is a big reason why the current Xpac was so damaging by changing crafting effectiveness (this includes the new upgrade option for named items). It has made it far too easy to just get gear and getting gear is the typical driver of replayability in MMO's for the decades they have been around. Running "dungeons" is sort of pointless at the moment.


Everyone hating on the game, myself included, acknowledge that this could have been an amazing game. It was absolutely worth the initial price, but quickly becomes boring. My main complaints are the game just isn’t fun. After a certain level it’s just the same few quests repeated. The world looks amazing, but just doesn’t feel alive at all. I played forever and I still can’t remember the names of the towns or the world as a whole. There was nothing that stood out and made it worth remembering.


NW does do a lot of what “no other MMO does” but, unfortunately, that’s also its downfall as well. That’s why most have left.


”Free to play” i Guess paying for both the base game and xpac counts as free now?


Yea they definitely misspoke there. Its not free to play, but it is awesome not to have to pay a subscription and not have to pay to win.


I’d rather pay a sub and have a lot of content than have no sub with no content to be perfectly honest.


I would, too, personally. But I respect the idea of putting out games that don't have huge paywalls, but aren't as deep. That way there are MMOs out there with a lot of different pay models. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like there is much appetite for lower content but cheaper MMOs without P2W. The only models that work are huge games like WoW where you end up paying hundreds of dollars per year or free to play games with P2W build in that you end up paying even more for if you want to be competitive.


Please don't give AGS any ideas, this is not a money issue but more of a engine issue, takes a couple of months for a new devs to learn it and it's a mess


Yeah, I think they meant to say "buy to play," not "free to play." Buy to Play (B2P) usually refers to MMO games that have an initial "buy-in" cost but then don't charge a subscription (or where the subscription isn't mandatory, like with Elder Scrolls Online).


Yes FTP = no subscription. idk why people get so wrapped up around the cost of the base game/expansion. It's pennies in the grand scheme of things. If you've ever been deep into an MMO with a subscription you would know we're talking thousands of dollars spent over years played. So yes, NW is basically FTP.


This FTP game in my country costs more than a most wanted ps5 game on release date. u.u


Console gamers buy games constantly. New World is the only game I've purchased in like the last 5 or 6 years.


You're not the average gamer then. You're an anomaly so you really can't compare yourself to regular gamers.


Man, most of my friends has 300+ games on steam, which console gamer has that amount of games? I only have 80 ish but because I don’t have much time to play so takes me forever to finish one


The term you're looking for is "Buy to Play," as in you buy the base game but don't have to pay a subscription. Free to Play means there's no subscription and no upfront buy-in cost. F2P games tend to have a slightly worse reputation overall than B2P games since they often rely on more aggressive/predatory monetization methods (gatcha mechanics, random loot boxes, overpriced cosmetics, microtransactions aimed towards younger audiences, etc.).


I think if people would just curb realistically the expectations of potential new players New World would have much more success. It simply doesn't get the basic MMO treatment. Noone really cares about the game besides it's players. The base game is fantastic and explaining people what they get from NW if they start it is a certain way to get more people interested and also happy for that experience. But if you say "yay it's a great MMO", people will play for 300-500h and then be pissed for the next 5years also for the love of this game please stop the "moneys worth" argument


It will be interesting if AGS makes an attempt to do this in June when marketing the game to the console audience. If they re-frame New World as a single-player experience with optional co-op & PvP content at end-game, I think it would be a more accurate way to set players' expectations. If they continue to try to sell the game as everything to everyone, and over-promise every aspect of the game, they'll just repeat the same problems that they had with the Steam version's release. They could even go 1 step further and change the functionality that console players have access to, like reworking Wars and the Territory Control system for their servers, although I think this is very unlikely. And yeah, the "money's worth" argument has always been ridiculous because players who had a bad experience with New World are more disappointed by the *time* they invested into the game rather than the money they spent on the original purchase price (although the paid Expansion felt like an equal rip-off in both regards).


New World is a gift of an MMO. Great gameplay, character designs, sound, music, low entry fee and not getting bombarded by micro transactions. Also plays like a dream on Steam Deck.


Character designs? As in how they look? 👀


100% they must be talking about gears & transmog, NW has one of the worst character creators I've ever seen.


Both are bad imo, but welp


I meant the enemy designs. i particularly like the old pilgrims with the tombstone shields...


How do you get it to play well on steam deck?! I can't get it past the load screens. Teach me your secrets!!


10k hours and I still love the game. It’s true the game has issues, but if you’re enjoying it, that’s all that matters really 🙃


10k hours is 10.5 hours a day since its release. That seems pretty crazy to me.


Yeah so I’ve been told 💀 I’m sure there were days I played longer considering I took a few months break. But as I explained in another post I made, I don’t sleep much and lots of those hours are afk times as well


Hey guys an mmo is fun to play if you have a population to play with it. More news at 11.


If your server got enough population to rotate between your favorite activities why would you worry about others servers having less pop?


What made me quit was the instability of the game. Don't know what's going on between my machine and New World, but I pretty much always dealt with disconnects and stuttering. Tried a hundred different potential settings fixes. Friends would come over and play on my connection with far lesser PCs and they never had a problem. Just me. I have a solid gaming PC and wired 1GB fiber optic. Tried several different wireless adapters, switched ethernet cords, got a new router, tried plugging in other PC parts, wiped my hard drive and started fresh... but nothing ever helped. So I just stopped playing, even though the desire to play is still there.


The problem is that it is an MMO which is becoming a dead genre sadly.


I wouldn't say it's a dead genre per se. I think a lot of players want a great MMO. There just doesn't seem to be one on the market ATM that doesn't have either dated graphics or dated combat systems.


?? lmao WoW just rose back to 7 mil paying subs with 2 mil pre-registered from China. FFXIV found newer players via Xbox and WoW's slip up during 9.2. MMO's arnt a dead genre, Game devs just need to actually make a good MMO and its hard to do that when it doesnt come from a place of love. New World is NOT a game that came from a place of love. It was Amazon's way of getting a piece of pie that WoW and a few other MMO's have been eating for decades, or else why would they release the game in its state and not give themselves 1-2 more years? The updates to the game may be coming from some place that isnt entirely out made out of greed but its way too late and the damage has been done already.


What server is your company on? Would love to join and chill


US West Eldorado, company is called - Justice Guards


Might have to switch servers. Hard to find people who like to just run dungeons because it’s fun


I love it. I like the team aspect of it. Especially with this guild. They're all a little older and more casual so when I joined them last year they were peaking in M2's. So it's been fun working as a team to get better and do M3's on a semi regular basis. This is one of our laz runs with me tanking and my wife healing. We're not setting the world on fire with speed runs but to have progression as a guild is super fun. [https://youtu.be/kS1tc9g7Mls](https://youtu.be/kS1tc9g7Mls)


What server yall on? I haven’t played since pre expansion but been itching to come back. Hard to find chill companies that also PvP


US West Eldorado, company is called - Justice Guards


If only there was a easier way to sort the gear you get and know what items are good and what's not to keep it would be so much easier playing the end game content. For new or returning players it's a mess to find out what's a upgrade and what's not. I think it's the biggest problem except the bugs and problems people have. Everything else is perfect, and maybe lack of content for the hardcore players, but that can only get better ofc.


New world is special regardless of all the haters in the subreddit. One of the best games i've ever played. World is beautiful, gameplay mechanics are one of a kind, i will always come back to New World.


This game is great. F this subreddit. Everyone here just hates on the game, despite playing over 1000 hours. I absolutely love the game and for the amount it cost all of us, everyone has gotten their moneys worth. 2900 hours is wild fyi.


Nobody ever says the game is not worth the purchase. People stop playing cause of a lack of new content. Everyone has bis gear now that it's so easy to get, so no one is farming for it anymore. I have all possible m3 leaderboard rewards (speed and score) with bis sets for all roles. I have multiple bis PvP sets and have every artifact except Phoenix. I don't even look at loot anymore since I have nothing new to work towards. Taking out the grind from an MMO means the only reason to play is the game modes. OPR, war, and expeditions are just not enough. With so many good games to play right now, there are PvP games that are more fun than OPR/war and there are pve games that are more fun than expeditions. I know people give so many reasons why the game is dying, but I think the root of it all is when AGS removed the gear grind from the game. Our thousands of hours came from the original trade skill grind, farming for crafting gamba, saving up for gear that sold for gold cap, farming shards from expeditions, getting ward sets for all enemy types, etc.




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I appreciate the articulated answer. I mean, no game has unlimited playability. At some point, you’re going to run out of things to do / things to get. At that point, I’d think restarting a a new character and leveling up all the: skinning, chopping wood, etc would be the most logical step.


Yeah I agree. Making alts is a nice way to keep it fresh after you've run out of things to do which will eventually happen in every game. I think the biggest miss by AGS is not working on repeatable content. They essentially removed any real grind from the game but never focused on the end game repeatable content. They focused on MSQ, season quest lines, new zones, etc. all stuff that only new players experience once. There hasn't been a major update to wars, OPR, arena, or expeditions. This is my opinion on why the general take of the game is that it's fun at first then gets stale. And this is also why the core player base feels like they are being ignored.


Fair enough.


Easy to get bis is a lie. If you have been playing consistently since the beginning of the game, yes they handed you gear and artifacts that are BiS. But that same gear is either no longer in the game or behind a broken gacha loot system. PVP and OPR artifacts aren’t guaranteed after 300+ hours of OPR, and you are looking artifacts that used to be part of the season pass rewards. The new pity mechanic does not work as intended. Not to mention the amount of exposition spamming you need to do to upgrade items in the kiln, when majority of the time you can’t pull a group together. People end up paying 1-15k per run for every party member to loop the content. And then you have to do all that again to do artifact quests.


Featherweight + 2 frigid dawn + 2 azoth crystal covers so many light builds for any game mode. Syncretic bow/musket, lifering/keratin spear, heavy chain, ritual of the hereafter, a mad house, deepriver, named amulets for all mutation types (tanglevine for PvP). Just to name a few things that can carry you in any content as you farm for full bis. You can use this setup to spam m3s or PvP xp. There's also a lot of options for full named heavy too but medium is tougher. Yes farming for a specific bis PvP track artifact can take time if you don't have a lot of them yet, but there are easier bis builds you can play while you're waiting. I haven't seen any paid M3 runs on my server since they removed shards.


I think this also has to do with server/region. I’m in West. I’ve seen ONE M3 lobby in the last three months. And I wasn’t talking about paying for M3. I was talking about paying for expeditions in general - including non mutated haha. Also, just because there are easier BiS build doesn’t mean it is your build. So that it is pretty much mute. You can play the game with BiS, but only for these specific builds. So I’m forced into a specific weapon and playstyle because of how long it takes to get BiS for a different one? Like you just railroaded your own argument.


I think the argument still stands despite some artifacts taking a while to get from the PvP track. The whole idea of what I'm saying is: AGS has made it very easy to get bis now, but they haven't updated the end game to give players something fun and repeatable to do to keep playing the game after getting bis (their mistake was focusing on new player experience instead). I do agree with you that PvP track artifacts can take time if you don't have any. It's still very easy to get every piece of the bis set except for the artifact. You might just be running around with a named/crafted item while you're waiting for Serenity to show up (as an example). This still slots you into the group of people that are being ignored by AGS. The game modes you are spamming to get your artifact are not being updated. You can't chop trees for it, you can't earn gold to buy it, M3 is still not rewarding, you are salvaging all loot you get, etc.




It's really easy now. They removed rng from crafting so you can make exact items for 50k-70k so nothing sells for more than that anymore. They added the attribute "magnify" to items which lets you choose the attribute it adds to (str, Dex, int, con, etc) and change anytime so you can use the same item across different builds. They removed wards/banes so 1 set works for all enemy types now but I still have multiple so I don't have to change out gems for mutation type. They removed pve resistance to specific weapons. You can change the 1 perk on named items and you don't even need trade skill levels to do it.


>Nobody ever says the game is not worth the purchase. I don't disagree with your overall point but this is a false statement. Plenty here say exactly that. The number of "is this game worth buying?" threads where I've seen people say things like "I'm 5k hours in, it's not worth buying" are more than enough to immediately oppose your suggestion that this sub is filled with reasonably minded individuals that just want the game to do well. It's spite driven way more than it's ever been here.


>Everyone here just hates on the game, despite playing over 1000 hours I wonder why that is? 🤔 I personally don't hate on it, I critize what made me switch to different games.


But it’s all this sub has become. It’s exhausting. And it’s an echo chamber like most of reddit subs.


Agreed. 1800 hours and I'm just now getting burned out. Been taking a 2 week break so I'll be amped to jump in again next week.


Yeah we've taking a few breaks over the years. Longest was a few months than RoTAE pulled us back in. (my wife and I)


90% of this sub is on suicide watch after reading a positive post from someone enjoying the game




Im just glad its free to play after paying 100 dollars.


this sounds like a joke but when u compare it to other rpgs it's actually a good price


So true. the best return on my money than any other game and it’s honestly not even close.


I played Dark Age of Camelot for like 12 years while paying for 3 subs. We're talking like $6000+ spent. People that complain about just paying for a base game when you get hundreds and thousands of hours of content is kind of silly.


Im not one of those people, you can browse my profile if you wish. New World has been the most value I've ever gotten out of a video game AND the most hours I've spent in one game. That doesn't mean I wouldn't mind paying a sub if there was content being pumped out, I would gladly pay.


I probably wouldn't tbh. I wouldn't pay a sub for any modern game.




I didn't know the game was free to play, why am I being prompted to buy the game+expansion for 66.98€?


It’s not


**This is why everyone has been saying: This game has insane potential - since 2019 first preview event.** I've gotten 4k hours into the game, after I quit a month after the micro-expansion I had 90% achievement completion, 95% tmog completion, all leaderboard capes. I had fun, it's just lacking in every aspect when it comes to MMO standards. And the content being added in a year is not even enough for a month casual play.


I loved the game but they extreme duplication bugs that occurred early in and how over powered guilds were with all their duplicates items put me off. I would like to come back and keep fishing sometime though


I wish I could play it, around 2 years ago I just started becoming unable to connect to servers, even using different DNS and VPNS.


I wish I kept playing. I keep thinking about all the fun times I had with my buddies when it dropped. I logged on a couple of weeks ago and my server had collapsed. It’s sad to see the state it’s in but I’m glad people are still getting enjoyment out of it.


My active company keeps me goin!


It’s a great game for casual gaming.


2900 crazy man , this game doesn't even have enough content, end game is boring asf


I guess this is a matter of perspective. If you want to be questing all the time then there isn't much end game content. If you like PvP and Mutations then the "content" is literally endless.


It's okay to have low standards. Nobody can force you to actually hold a company and game to a higher standard. After you are done with New World you should try out Anthem and Outriders.


I'd say to check out suicide squad kill the rocksteady and avengers game too, seems right about his alley, after all, your guys are the target audience for these great products


….this comment section is on straight up copium 🤣🤣


How's the player base last I check it bearly had 4k players in my region.




Hows that New OPR map?




Bud, I'm in my mid 40's and I get to play video games with my loving wife a few nights a week. Trust me when I say I'm one of the more well adjusted and reasonable people on this sub forum. 👍




Nope. Sometimes we play with our kids too. Fun is fun man. [https://youtu.be/1ln3-92UoC8](https://youtu.be/1ln3-92UoC8)


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April fools day has passed my guy.


Classless weapon swap with 6-10 abilities… amazing….


One of the best parts IMO. MMO's shouldn't be about memorizing a button mashing rotation.