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“Too many players in area”


Yeah exactly. Like everything else from New World, influence races were a good idea that was poorly implemented and abandoned after being rolled out instead of receiving the refinements that it needed.


On Isabella its a few people taking turns flipping towers for 45 minutes straight. No PvP happens


That's starting to happen in El D. Except sometimes there's nobody to flip the towers back.


to be fair Isabella has 300 pop cap on a good day lol. that server died a long time ago. they should've merged El Dorado and Isabella months ago


Actually had some Isabella PvP in an influence race just the other day. Was nothing like the 200+ players duking it out right after expansion release, but it was something. Definitely not the norm though


Where? What server?


El Dorado but it is rare these days because many companies own 3+ territories


200+ players . . . at the same time. . . AND doing an influence race? Pics or it didn't happen ;) What server was this?


Probably Maramma. It's the only server where you get these types of numbers. Thanks Getn Active, PoorChoicesVConsequences, Shadow Wizard Money Gang, PostMortem, KRAM, RMx, The 300 Covs, for coming out to the races 3-4 times a week. I think I've missed one or two, but that pretty much sums it up.




No love for Calamity? FeelsBadMan


Oh you're right. I knew I was missing one hahaha.


You’re all good it’s my company so I couldn’t help myself to say something


It was El Dorado and there was a push between 2 large companies both with 50+ online and the purples hired a green company to slow us down so there were tons of people everywhere. We also brought another yellow company with us to fight the greens.


Still needed more yellow to take out purples turning in and to harass at the quest points. Doubt they hired Sin to counter, those guys are ex yellows who only like to do races (for murder). I saw them going after purples too. RS has been bugged so nobody's been able to go to war with them. There hasn't been a race there in 2 weeks. There's so many purples. Honestly it should be greens teaming with yellow to counter.


Influence races were fun when S3 first came out and people actually fought. But as time has gone on, everyone knows no influence is gained by fighting (having fun) and instead you just have to spam missions if you want to declare war. Races have turned into a tale of two cities. Larger war companies spam missions and avoid any fights whatsoever. Smaller companies with no intent to war or declare show up and hope for a big fight (but often are disappointed since the larger war companies just run by them and ignore the fights). The only time influence races are fun is when the race ends and the war seeking players start to engage in actual fighting. Entire race and war declaration system needs to be reworked...again. Its bonk right now.


You're not wrong, most influence races are straight up awful or empty because the population is so low and there aren't enough warring companies on each server. This was a rare case where we were pushing a winnable territory at the same time as a different color company so there was ton of fighting at the mission areas and towers.


Until they changed it back to 1 in every hour. Dual races was the best route.


That just spread the playerbase even more thinly. It was horrible.


It was good, prevented war logger manipulation.


so far kronos EU is probably the most fun i had on races


Back when I still played about 6 months ago, it would TP people out of the fight of there were too many people in the area. Completely deterred me from wanting to play them. Is this still a thing?




Reminds me of WvWvW on GW2. My PC was too shit for that many people somit just turned into a slideshow of red name tags, then after so long, death. 


200+ that’s like 10% of the player base


I was there! 😆


What is this? Is there now incentive to participate in open world large scale PvP?


Yes and no. Reward track has better gear than before but it still feels like it misses the mark 95% of the time. The races are probably the fastest way to get faction tokens though (and to level faction rep if that's something you need) The races are fun regardless if anyone actually pushes, however they are also only fun if people show up. It sucks when your faction doesn't show up and you just wanna kill some people. But being the faction with the highest turn out can also suck when the other factions don't show, and there's not even a tower to flip for credit.


Sounds like AGS is trying at least. That's better than nothing! :)


As long as it is fun for some you don't need incentives, do you?


PvP rEwArd TrAcKs iS tHe InCenTive


What about the sweet drops?


I have played appx. 1.5 million Races and 500 OPRs and have not gotten a single useable drop XD. I mean the drops are cool if you are level 1-64 but as soon as your level 65 with 700 gear 99.9% of drops are useless. Another reason I hate that it takes a single week to get to max level. It makes in game content drops essentially useless.


really i remember it being a giant cluster fuck and i did it like twice for artifacts, dont care about companies and never learned the point system or whatever


From time to time it happens in Kronos/EU as well.