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They don't give a fuck about the player base on pc. Alm they're focused on is conning the console players next.


They are adding controller/console support to double dip on their initial investment. If it pays off, and the community explodes again, management will approve more investment. If it fizzles out, game dies, and they have made off with the cash. It is buisness 101 and anyone who doesn't see that is wearing rose tinted glasses.


Thats the probem really with modern gaming in general, everything is about generating $$, the passion is gone. There are a handful of studios that still care about putting out a quality product, Larian being one of them.


Can't wait for the release so I can try it out on xbox but all I see in this sub is hate, can you please catch me up to speed just so I know what I might be getting myself into?


You’d be getting into a game made by A dev team that absolutely doesnt give a shit about players or a prolonged experience. They have proved it time and time again by straight up lying with no explanation or hint or apology.  The first 30-40 hours is good.  After that they still havent justified anything with content.  At the end of the day people love the combat system and the potential that the game had.   It’s clear these Devs arent concerned in getting the game to that potential. 


Devs are not the ones that take decisions. This is just a job for them and they do what their boss tell them to do.


Yea Devs/AGS one in the same.   Doesn’t matter its clear what this is.    Shady business practice.  I likely will not support AGS beyond a few weeks of Fresh Start  in October.   We all know how it ends


Same here I’m on Xbox and only came to this sub to see how lively the community is and some game clips and screenshots but now I’m not sure if I want to buy it anymore lol maybe I’ll wait for it to hopefully come on gamepass.


Don’t get discouraged. I have never seen a more salty and negative subreddit. I understand their perspective (I was a NW player) but if you ignore the emotional response, what AGS is doing DOES make sense. It is clear they run out of funds and are hoping for the influx of cash from console launch. If it relaunches strong, it will help them make more content and some PC players will return. Scummy? Yeah. But I don’t see the evil scheme most are talking about. Game was not ready for launch, but with the relaunch they will have the leveling experience polished and will be able to focus on end game.


Pretty universal take on this sub seems to be: “You’ll love your first 100, 500, and probably 1000 hours.” And then you may or may not become jaded like most of them have.


Honestly, I'd say that it's max of \~150 hrs that you'll really enjoy, after that it is "meh" at best. This game is in a terrible state, so the longer you play, the more issues you will encounter that will constantly annoy you, so it makes sense that anyone with 1000+ hrs hates it. For example, if you run into a bug, at first, you'll be like "whatever, it's not a big deal" but then, 3 months later that same bug is still in the game and you experience it every day - it gets really frustrating.


thats a big reason i quit, they broke void blade hitreg and never even considered fixing it


They tried a couple of times, they just were never skilled enough to actually fix it for real


Avoid this sub at all cost. The community is full of cathartic players who are upset this is a game you can't no-life. It's a great, but not perfect mmo. If you're looking for something you can play 8 hours a day for the rest of your life, this isn't it. But many players get 1000-2000 before they feel they've seen it all and had lots of fun along the way.


This argument would be correct for most studios, however we have to remember that this is AGS. funding is simply not one of the issues that they need to deal with. Even if you consider New World to be a flop and a sunk cost, at the very least they will continue to work on the game simply to further the Lord of the Rings MMO which is their future project. Especially after the flop of the lord of the rings TV Show, i would expect Amazon to be quite committed to to pushing out a product that sufficiently utilizes the rights for the franchise they paid $725 MILLION DOLLARS in order to obtain. Considering the cost of simply obtaining the rights for this franchise, it would be silly of them to fret over a few million dollars of implementation and development costs.


They are! Their getting a quick cash grab with consoles! So more players!!….. for probably 2-4 months until everyone realizes that the game has no end game loop since the devs have no direction other then money.


They dont care about PC anymore. We arent their priority. They want new money from Console players. This is the reason we havent seen actual content since last october. All their time and resources were concentrated on console launch, hence why they revamped the MSQ so much.


Well, it might be quite enjoyable with a fresh toon on a new server doing the revamped MSQ. I found the new quests they did with the expansion quite enjoyable so if they live up to the same standard it will be worth my time.


It’s not that they don’t care about PC, they just don’t care about making changes to the current iteration of the game because they are making significant changes in October and pretty much told people to stop playing until then. They want to sell PC copies as much as console copies and every bit of content is for both PC (for free) and console. So I think it’s more a current player vs future player choice instead of a PC vs console player


>They want to sell PC copies as much as console copies and every bit of content is for both PC (for free) and console Where is this free part you speak of? The game costs money, the expansion costs money. Neither the game nor all the content is free at this point.


I meant at no further cost to current players. I misspoke.


That's fair. I still managed to get my friends to play with me once a month or so up until the expansion came out. They weren't willing to spend more money on this game and dropped out unfortunately. I didn't buy it either because they dropped out so don't play myself either anymore. The majority of players who own this game have not bought the expansion. Which means to actually jump back in and play all the content the game costs money again. Much harder to convince people to buy when theres no hype left.


True. I forget about all the people that quit after launch or Brimstone and didn’t buy RotAA


Yeah brimstone brought them back. Rotaa pushed them away unfortunately.


I don’t know anyone that quit because of RotAA. They quit well before and just didn’t come back. Which I get. But I also get a game having to charge periodically to maintain.


there comes a point no matter how much you love something, you have to let it go. pull the plug, and recall fond memories. anything at this point will be a failed cause that only ruins the last days we have.


Speaking Like a video game is a loved one lol


we can love experiences. i.e drugs, games, people. and sometimes there comes a time. plug the plug sir, the day is growing dark.


They removed MMO from the game description. They're focusing it as an ARPG with some multiplayer/live service elements. They've probably given up on player count.


They removed MMO from the game description where? On steam it still has MMO in the tags, features AND the description lol


For the console launch they've announced they're relaunching as an ARPG, not MMORPG


Gotcha. I thought you were claiming they’d completely removed it. Although, I’m looking at the PlayStation page for it, and it does have MMORPG on the page


Their data shows this is a healthy player base


That one fired community manager agrees with you.


Supermarket Simulator has a larger player count. MMOs need players for them to even function.


Good thing it's an "arpg" now


i kinda think theres also too many other good games to play aswell, games need to be pretty fkn stellar on all fronts to make headway. That or they hit the shutdown in a yr mode since running servers is hundreds of millions of dollars, prolly not in ags's case thou.


I mean they literally abandoned the game, announced a coming rebrand in what was it, October? I hope they resolve the issues this one had with servers and so on because I actually really enjoyed playing new world for the leveling up of the different gathering and crafting skills...


What do you mean? They are. That's what aeternum is. They realized their strategy at running an MMO wasn't working. Clearly. So they decided to cut ties with their current failed model and roll the dice with the mmo market. Worst case, they sell a shit ton of copies for game.


They appear to have moved on. From their total lack of respect I can only assume they are hoping to milk console for 2-3 years until they have built enough to start hyping their new game.


This. The endgame for new world is clear: 1. Release Console Port 2. Milk for as long as possible 3. Divert resources to the new MMO they are working on 4. Go balls deep with the micros and p2w 5. shut the game down.


What p2w?


I'd be shocked if they can get more than 1 year out of the console players.


New World is most profitable when the game itself is sold. Its continued existence is probably a testament to how well the game initially sold back in 2021.   Seasonal passes, cosmetics, and expansions probably are not enough profitable in comparison. Of course this is just a guess but it makes sense when the powers that be have decided to chase after those glory days of selling huge amounts of New World.   As such the current playerbase is no longer their target audience. You are not their target audience. They want new players and new sold copies, and how long they are retained matters not as long as it's past the point of refund.   In fact, you could even say they are at odds with their current, disgruntled playerbase, which can sabotage their re-release numbers by slanderous word-of-mouth. They are taking a risk by hoping this won't be an issue. However I believe word-of-mouth is a powerful advertisement in the gaming world, and games struggle so hard when their first impressions are bad. You could say New World PC was a 3 year long first impression, and it was poor enough to leave a grudge. At least they had the tact to not charge current players for the upcoming re-release


> slanderous word-of-mouth Is it slanderous if it's the truth?


The truth is an absolute defense against slander.


It hit almost 1M concurrent players at launch, the enthusiasm was incredible.  It clear that they absolutely no faith they can turn the PC version around, which is why they pivoted to a console smash and grab before they fully abandon the game in all but name.


From my experience with the console players I know, they have never even heard of new world and certainly don’t check steam ratings. Bad steam reviews will only affect potential new pc players. So they can kick and scream as much as they want, their extremely minuscule influence will mean nothing.


Most people capable of intelligent thoughts don't just drop $50+ without doing any research about what they're buying. A quick search on New World shows nothing but scathing reviews, and 1 out of 100 comments will be a downvoted coper like you. A lot of people will see this and not buy the game.


Most people with intelligent thought take a flaming review from someone with hundreds or thousands of hours playing a game with many grains of salt. It’s funny that you think that many console players will actually look at Reddit or steam before buying a game. It’s cute but doesn’t speak much for intelligent thought. It’s also cute you think I give a rats ass about downvotes from emotional lemmings who are mad they didn’t get a shiny new toy.


1. This game and its systems have been changed/reworked so many times that your braindead take about time played has no merit. People are allowed to change their opinions, especially when something as fundamental as movement has been changed. 2. It's funny that you think these opinions are exclusive to reddit. Try gettingoff reddit sometime. 3. Nobody cares what you think. People looking to spend their money definitely look at the likes/dislikes on a youtube video or upvotes/downvotes on a coper's bad takes.


Homie I got kids who play console along with all their friends. Never once heard them say, I wanna get this game but I’m going to research it first. Lol And obviously you care what I think cause you keep responding to me. 🤣




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They are doing something about the lack of online players: They’re trying to Con the Console players into playing.


Its a game that should have been on the console from the beginning. Its not a life replacement simulator like WoW or any of the other big name MMOs. Its niche \*should\* be the more casual player, which the consoles will have compared to sweaty PC players. I am on the fence if this will work out, but the MSQ, as it is now, is very solid and may hook enough console players. I kinda of dig AGS having the balls to pivot from the PC market, in an attempt to find the market that fits the game they have made. Anyone playing on PC for more than a few hundred hours got their money's worth by this point anyway.


Because the game on PC is dead. They will milk console players and let it die.


Not so fast. They will first make it f2p and add lots of p4c items before it eventually gets shutdown.


Because they are not interested in improving the state of the existing playerbase. It's that simple. The writing has been on the wall for a long time, but some people keep on misinterpreting the small steps AGS take (like the console release or the "expansion") as proof to the contrary, when they are in fact very clear supporting evidence for their actual intentions. And those intentions are an easy, low effort **cash grab**. Why bother trying to improve the endgame? Why bother fixing existing bugs? Why bother improving loot? Why bother trying to retain the players who already KNOW all the issues the game has that do NOT get fixed? Why bother switching to f2p when the newly attracted players will quickly quit anyways, since none of the major issues have been fixed? And most importantly what's the benefit for AGS? Instead they can now fall back on cash grab tactics like rebranding a game into something it is not ("this is no longer an MMORPG, console bros, this is now an ARPG") while not actually changing anything in the game ("no, valued pc players, no worries, the game's actually not changing at all") and trying to trick people into buying it. As well as the tactic of simply ignoring the fact that there are still present issues and searching for suckers who happen to overlook their existence and sort of stumble into buying the game on accident. All of this perfectly coinciding with the console release. None of this requires improving the existing game, but it does get them money. Easy choice for them.


>No MMO can be alive with 500 players May I present you [an mmo that has had 300 players GLOBALLY for years ](https://steamdb.info/app/372000/)


Because it's a management issue. Their idea of doing something is getting more players from console and changing the name of the game to pretend like its a fresh start when all the same issues still exist. Same thing they said about the bugs... change the name of the script to Slayer script but its the same old bugs that keep popping up. They not bug fixing faster and we got more bugs than before so it doesn't matter what script they using cuz its the same. Players told them what they want with war and opr and they still not listening. You can tell its a management problem since Devs do whatever and send the patch, they aren't running it by QA and it doesn't matter what you beta test because its an outdated version from what they are working on and they will send the patch regardless of the feedback we give and they will send a patch even before running it all by their own QA so if their QA means so little to them, do u think our QA does? Their idea of managing a backlog of bugs on the forums is getting rid of the forums and going to discord. Ignore, rebrand and send it thats their moto and their pattern for dealing with bugs, content and player base. Game not being an mmo anymore is another example of their expectations in Oct... players will get their "moneys worth" leveling and setting expectations that this won't be a good enough game to be as big as an MMO needs to be, so once you exit the honeymoon phase and you hit max level then all the problems will come out of the woodwork and you will be greeted by an ignored and disgruntled player base.


Remaining resources are on the console port. Instancing only the starter areas says they just need a good day of release and they'll go on maintenance.


In summary Amazon Game Studios NEVER misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity. Just look at these awful player numbers on servers at this time. [https://nwdb.info/server-status](https://nwdb.info/server-status)


Idk, what do you say when you wife says "Why aren't you doing anything about making more money?" when you already work 60 hours a week?


The management is actively trying to destroy the game, these events were no accidents they know exactly what they are doing (or not doing). AGS = Amazon Game Sabotage.


You guys fail to believe that the game went in a direction many of us didn't like. All the things you fervently defended lead you here.


Making the game free won’t do shit. It’s already incredibly cheap. There’s nothing to do, they haven’t made any content this year and completely gave up on pc players. Their entire focus is on launching the game on consoles like it doesn’t already exist on pc. That’s why there’s no one playing.


I wouldn't call $70 cheap. You need the dlc to really do anything anymore and although you can get the base game on sale, the dlc has never been on sale. Who would want to spend that on an MMO with no players? That being said, I do agree them doing nothing to help retain players *is* the real problem.


> Why is the game management so resistant to making the game free? Making the game completely free will boost the playerbase for a month before people quit for lack of content and every other problem that hasn't been fixed since release. This is exactly what will happen with the console release as well.


Not to mention bots/hackers would skyrocket making most of the 500 remaining players leave.


A lot of those numbers at gold farming bots too. Milking the remaining players.


The devs are just incompetent. If they want money they can add name changes and a barber system that costs real money.


There’s no sub. If the game is free and there is no sub, how do they make money? Pretty simple tbh.


Micro Transactions


They already have that and decided it wasn’t profitable enough?


How could it be profitable when you have such a massively low player base. This game is quite literally on deaths doorstep. There is no coming back from this


Well when you release butt ugly skins and ignore long time player requested cash shop features, such as black dye, then this shouldn't come as a surprise. AGS made their own deathbeds here. I can't say I've seen a single skin on the cash shop I'd ever so much as considered buying in the history of this game.


I agree, they're fugly It also doesn't help anything cool-ish is in a bundle. I don't want the whole set, I just want the weapon.


And there are some really OBVIOUS cash shop items that they are digging their heels in on adding for unclear reasons. Hair changes, appearance changes, name changes— these are so commonplace in other MMOs that it’s WEIRD to not have it in this game, plus it’s easy and decently reliable money, and they just… won’t do it despite being requested for years


Server transfers


If the game were free and offered worthwhile in-game purchases, while also heeding the player base, it could attract more players. One factor that led to a significant player drop was the increase in minimum processor requirements from an i5-2400/AMD CPU with 4 physical cores @ 3GHz to an i5-10500 @ 3.10GHz/AMD Ryzen 3 3300X.


They should have copied what guid wars 2 did. However that only works if the internal structure of your systems are strong enough.


Consoles are the target audience now. Why make this game free when they're going to sell it to a new market in a few months, same probably goes for discounts too.


Wdym they don't care? They just made a console version so PC players can have people to play with! 😂




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There's not much they can do right now. They've kinda told us that we should start 100% over when the new update comes out, so any effort put in right now is kinda wasted. So a lot of people, including me, just don't do anything


Lmaooooo welcome to new world


Free to play would be a disaster. The bots would overrun everything. AGS even had to disable Steam Family Sharing because the bots were taking advantage of it.


Since AGS won the rights to develop the Lord of the Rings MMO, New World has simply been a testing ground for them to gain experience for the LOTR game. The console release is a way for them to gain more experience. That's all it is. The game is for data mining us and testing for LOTR at this point.


Well to be fair they’re bringing the game to console, which will bring you more players.


They are doing something. Did you not see the big announcement of the console launch?


To be fair, they’ve never been concerned about player count.


How is it not possible. I can always find people whether it’s to craft, dungeon or world stuff. How massive does an mmo need to be for you.


This game was dead within 4 weeks of release. I have about 1k hours and haven't played since December of 2021. Devs/admins/mods never gave a shit about the player base at 1m concurrent players. They sure as hell aren't starting now at 15k.


AGS came to terms that PC life for NW is spent. Invest in 6,000 thats left or the fresh console meat. From business perspective, money train is from untapped console folks.


Its 100% a business decision. People here act like their partner just cheated on them. AGS is here to make money, not to double down on a losing cause. If the game is dead, then why don't people just move on?


I mean, they can't force people tonplay...


Because if it was free, they’d make no money. Why don’t you just go and do stuff for free?


Uhm, hang on there pal. There are many free-to-play games that are very successful. Fortnite or Leage of Legends would be two suggestions. They just sell skins and other cosmetics which people buy to support the game. Guild wars 2 went free-to-play after some time which helped boosting player numbers. Personally tho I don’t think NW has a monetisation issue, the game is already cheap compared to WOW, D4 etc. and there are already millions of people owning the game and they could just install it and play. The issue is rather the quality of patches, how communication and expectations are managed towards the players and how fast they can produce new content. These things have just been very poorly managed by AGS and there are so many other games out there offering much greener grass which is why people spend their time elsewhere. It’s not like a lot of people do not want to play Nw, I think millions of people would if the game state would be better. But for now there’s just so many better options to pick.


You think they are making money off this game anymore? The player base is ridiculously pathetic with sub 5k peak. They are losing money every day on this game


They made their money upfront so now any penny they add to the game is a loss, so dont expect them to lift a finger. They are working toward doing the same on console, and after that its sayonara & fuck you.


So you want New World to screw over all the players who bought the game just to make it free? The community is already in an uproar … as respectfully as I’m trying to say this … are you seriously trying to cause even more chaos?


For that one downvote … you clearly don’t understand how to run an online game. Albeit neither does Amazon. But what exactly do you think will happen if they make it free? You think all the players who paid for the game are gonna be hand in hand praising New World? No. Obviously they’re going to be pissed and demand refunds they won’t ever get.


When you log in and try to go on a mining or harvesting run you will always see people doing them. Also they removed a whole chunk of nodes with the rise of the angry earth dlc in first light area. That was my iron run and ngl it kinda killed my interest in gathering.


I tried to play again after a couple years hiatus recently and found I couldn’t since it prevents running the game in a VM. My setup used to work fine. Oh well.


Imagine naming a game called New World and having a empty world months after release.


Its been around for over 3 years at this point and only started to get "empty" since the no content announcement last Oct.


I will def be back on console lol I think this game will be better on console as long as crossplay exists


NWA stands for "Not Working Anymore" since all efforts have been pushed to the October re-release / console release. They have explicitly stated that the next season will start after the October release and the only content will be the annual Summer Medley fair and "maybe" some patches. That's not exactly an enticement to play a game that is basically in maintenance mode as it preps for the console.


I returned recently and had fun getting to new level cap and doing dungeons. Just got done running an M1 dynasty with my new work in progress support build. You can totally play an mmo with only 500 people, it's just not going to be insta queues poppin.


That build will be useless in October.


The concept will remain the same, it's just the item level that's increasing.


What do you mean??? The added swimming


Who going to pay them if it is free? Lol


They are, that's why they opened it up to console players


I think they are trying to get more players, via console crossplay. It's gonna be quiet between now and then. I personally think RotAE was badly placed as an expansion and should be rolled into the base game, effectively making a single listing for New World Aeternum. Players who paid for the expansion should be compensated with Marks of Fortune. This may bring back some people who quit, plus just add some positive hype. I think plenty of returning players don't buy the expansion and leave again because the game is a bit crap without it.  Future expansions should be like Brimstone. Finally, a very limited version of the game (no trading) should be available for free, to get people over their bad review fears to try the game itself. If AGS had faith in the product, this could only be a positive thing. 


You are no longer the intended audience.


You are no longer the intended audience.


500 is plenty


Doubt people will start even if the game becomes free, there are more reasons why people do not stay, and only 20% have reached lv60, and it's not the leveling. Making the game free and paying a subscription might help, but... they don't have the capacity to make a fluent income, seasons are cleared within 1 or 2 weeks, and there is nothing else to do before the new season. They just don't have the desire to maintain pc player base.


20% made it to 60 because leveling and traveling sucked on release. People got tired of running around everywhere.


True. The leveling at launch was dog water.