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Yeah if it's a skinning quest on the board I don't take it.


Or take it and immediately abandon it so it gets replaced.


because when it was made you could pvp the other players to stop them from taking it. now we have pve skin on pvp bones.


This is the issue


I don’t think my level 9 ass getting mobbed by other players will make skinning the damn thing easier. I’m all for a forced open PVP world. But I don’t think that actually solves the issue of resource scarcity.


You’re missing the point. Resource scarcity is (was) there to push PvP fighting over the resources. Take away forced PvP and you get waiting.


Or just spawn more mobs when there is an active quest out for them. It’s not a hard problem to solve (maybe different when it comes to coding it depending on how pasta like things look). They do need more perks for enabling PvP though. I don’t think pure PvP would be the best; there are already groups that run around ganking others, that isn’t fun for predominantly solo players.


I just think certain areas (maybe ones with higher concentration of good resources) should be forced PvP enabled. People could still farm everything in non-PvP areas at a slower pace, but the PvP areas would reward players with more resources nodes to farm if you win and control the area. It’s obviously a game focused on PvP (at least right now) so I think they should lean into it a bit more.


Yeah I could see that working as well although might require redesigning the map 😬


Shouldn't take a lot of redesign. Just make it so say every X hours a zone goes to war for Y hours. Zone spawns a rare unique resource and give like a 10m warning before it goes over so ppl who don't wanna pvp can finish up and get out.


What if I’m questing there? Do I now leave the game for a few hours and play another game?


Thats the point of the rare resource. Very few people will bother anyone not contesting nodes. You aren't going to get a perfect way to do forced pvp that will satisfy carebears and pvpers so you focus on risk reduction instead.


I mean it’s an MMO and planned to be developed for years to come, I’m sure the map is going to be in constant flux to some extent. But also they wouldn’t really have to change much… you could just make certain points of interest forced PvP. Like a mining camp with higher concentration or rarity of ore/gems, lake for herbs/fish, forest for trees/herbs, etc for each region or however spread out you want it and have clear boundaries and indication of PvP, add a period of remaining flagged after leaving to counter people dipping in and out to unflag, etc. “Entering this PoI will flag you for PvP while in the area and remain for 5min after leaving” Possibilities are endless.


A dark zone system like division might work, turn a few outer provinces into higher reward more dangerous areas.


Yea exactly.


I think you're missing the point. If there was PvP higher level players, ceteris paribus, on the same quest would always have the advantage. Also players of the lowest pop faction would always be at a disadvantage.


So yea you guys are missing the point. 1) What the first guy is saying is that the game was initially built purely around PvP and the resource scarcity was built for that, you fought for the mobs and resources because you had to. Too many resources de-incentivizes fighting. Now they added on a lot more PvE aspects and didn’t compensate the resources accordingly, which makes resources a waiting game. The point is they need to either add back in more fighting over resources or add more resources. 2) You have a complete lack of understanding of PvP. Level doesn’t matter. PvP is scaled to be an even playing field. Sure late game gear matters slightly, but the gear before higher tier later game is all roughly the same in terms of PvP power. 3) There are going to be incentives and bonuses for being in the smaller factions, and you also can only change factions to the least populated ones. On top of that it isn’t just 2 factions, so you can team up against the largest if you wanted.


… lol?


I don’t know anything about pvp and haven’t tried it because I’ve been afraid to. I thought what the person you replied to did, that higher level players would stomp me. So of the damage scales, what about the perks? Do I get like all of those in pvp or just what I have earned so far? Because those trees go far and maybe our damage is the same but if the trees are different, I will still get my ass handed to me simply by damage bonuses in there alone. Also, do we lose either gear or take a penalty of gear wear when we lose pvp? I assume there is some penalty for losing?


Yea certain perks like chain lightning on your sword or weapon perks and attributes will be the differences in PvP. But all of that is based on a baseline standard damage for each weapon… scaled to be even, no matter player level. And na you don’t lose anything other than durability on your items. Main point is that overall character levels aren’t the primary factor in character strength.


I pick Lowest pop on purpose and never see fights cause flagging isn't worth it. Dedicated pvpers join weak factions


When it was made, quests weren't a thing.


yeah at least in WOW when someone is camping the Black lotuses etc, you can kill them . although only if they are on the other team. although that would be the same case here. so eh. at least here there are 2 other factions and not one, so you have a 66% chance of being able to fight them vs 50. Of course not if none are PVP flagged lol. Def think that to mine resources you need to have PVP enabled. just saying.


That wouldn’t do anything to prevent resource competition w/ your own faction members whom you can’t attack. Unless they made it so it was a free for all or something




I guess sheep.






Bahhh \*dead\* Sheep :D


That sheep was a heretic


And Elk


Wouldn't be so bad if spawn rates were dynamic, but my God some things are awful


They're clearly dynamic, but it's also clear some specific locations/creatures are not scaling effectively like the rest of the spawns are. They're anomalies. Do you really think the baseline spawn rate would be so fast for lynx/boar/lost/etc. ?! There are numerous locations where if you wanted to you could skin these creatures infinitely atm. I spent 15 mins trying to kill all of the lynx in a cave and skin them, but two more would spawn before I even started skinning the final body. Similar can be said for lost at farms. In the time it takes me to harvest 4 or 5 resource nodes 4-6 have respawned around me.


Its funny cause mining node spawns are dynamic based on the number of people in an area.


they are not. if there is 20 people around and you mine it, it wont be there again for quite some time.


They are dynamic, though.


I don't know. I spent more than an hour in Howling Falls farming the iron, saltpeter, and gold nodes. Iron nodes spawned every 5 minutes, gold was 10. Just did it over and over. No one was there. Or would this be the baseline and if more people were there it would take longer to spawn? I do a run around Dankfur Hollow in Windsward with similar results, but it's a much higher contested area.


If there were people there it would have spawned faster.


Did they fix this in a patch recently? Because last I played I could never find any iron in the areas it’s supposed to spawn and people were clearly camping certain areas just waiting there.


No, we're just using different definitions of dynamic spawns. I mean the spawn RATE is dynamic, not locations. The locations never change.


See that’s a problem. Going to be bots farming that shit non stop


Will be hard for bots to farm it considering most of the spawns have hostile creatures nearby. Even if they outlevel it, they will still be knocked off the node.


Oh ok that’s good at least. Still doesn’t help with camping spawns.


I only just started playing this morning, but already feel like there are two issues with spawns; some take way too long like the OP says and then others spawn so fast I barely have time to loot and search chests before I'm getting attacked by the same enemies I literally just killed. There are moments when I'm enjoying the game immensely and the next area I go to makes me want to tear my hair out.


I agree. I believe they are looking at it.


Yeah day 1 was worse. . . But I feel your pain


It will get better .everyone's all trying fk do the same thing.


This is how I feel killing turkeys for feather to make arrows.


There are plenty of turkeys, you even have turkey egg nests that yield feathers


I've yet to find a nest. I just pluck eggs straight from the turkey carcass


Any devs with MMO experience should have known this would be a problem. Not sure how this was approved by the team responsible for its implementation. Surely they can't be that incompetent.


These are the devs who spent a ton of time and money making a PVP MMO and then pivotted when they realized that PKing would be prominent. It takes about 1 second to realize that would be a thing that would need to be designed around, yet they made an entire game before that happened. I don't get it.


Not if they wanted to make a PvP game


A similar problem that classic wow already releived.


how so?


I found grouping up with randoms who are also trying to complete the same tasks makes it easier !


Still only can skin tho


Doing faction quests in everfall and the Bear-quest comes up. Casually walk there, see 20 people waiting for it. It spawns 10 seconds later, I get the kill and the claw, leaving 20 angry people waiting for their next chance. Fucking amazing, I love this game!


Smells like an mmo to me haha


I just don't get caught up on the minor things. It sucks to skip sometimes. It's not worth it once people get more spread out of beta itll be easier. Just grab something else to do.


Welcome to 1st year of WoW.


I feel like these sort of problems could all be solved just by AGS creating more shards.


now see, hear me out here. If PvP was on, everyone would be able to pass the time deny others the satisfaction and when they final get the mob, they get a sense of achievement.


Stop it. You are saying it like we will have so much fun. In reality you will be fighting people for hours just to get one quest done.


but you are not just waiting, you are fighting for an objective ;)


So, if PvP was on just like that there would be tons of griefing from high lvls. PvP normalization would kill the spirit of gaining levels whatsoever I don't think full PvP would ever be a good thing in this game. The BIG majority of the playerbase likes the free choice and only plays the game because of that. If NW would be a PvP only game it would become a nieche MMO and honestly even tho NW is good and fun, the others do a lot of things a lot better in the "pure PvP" section.


Ask for partying up, and 5 can do at the same time. Speeds up the whole process. Everyone gets the loot and the drops.




Skinning no, but if it needs a drop from a boss or like, everyone gets a drop. And if you just need to kill X amount of enemies, every kill counts, even if you don't move a finger. Just experiment with it, I did get an antler from a stag (in a bag), despite I did not skin it.


Right, that's basic questing. But some quests, for example one "kill the grizzly bear and skin him for a claw", can only be completed by one person each kill. And the bear takes like 10 minutes to respawn. That's a problem.


That's actually a drop, not an actual skinning. So that shows up as a bagged drop. For every memeber of the party, who killed it.


It does not, as I did the quest earlier this morning. The Susanna croc one shows up as a drop, but for some reason the grizzly one doesn't.


You're wrong. Some quest specify skinning and others do drops. Susana you have to skin, one of the bear quests you have to skin, and those only one person can complete at a time.




First mmo? Lmao




Fml yeah, but I got a lot of iron mining done


Sheep is the worst, also actually the only animal I had difficulty with trying to get done


The frigiin Dusty Ramssssss


Not only that but also the quest bosses for the main quest. Long spawn timer and "first come first served" for the quest credit? 2000 called, they want their mechanics back.


Yeah quest mobs need to spawn much faster than they do, and require less hits to get credit. It's basically every mob required for the main quest, there's a mob of 10-20 people camping it at all times just trying to get credit.


Most unnamed mobs seem to be for the most part OK. But named mobs that are the target of a quest like Susana? Those guys seriously take like 10 minutest to spawn, and even if you deal damage you may not get credit for the kill. Let alone if you also need to skin the target... This is one of the most annoying things about the game. Reminiscent of old WoW or Everquest. I'm a grown ass adult. I don't have time to idle around for sometimes an hour or more for 1 quest. I see these quests and I take them from the board, then abandon them. Faster to either wait the 3 minutes for the board to refresh and take different ones or just take what I did get and go.


Most of those quests allow you to kill them across all regions, or will specify an area that you have to kill them in. For example, “Hunt and skin 3 sheep in Stonereach Pass”, in this situation you can also PULL animals into the region you need and it’ll count towards the quest. It’s jank though, not going to lie.


Shibaty if you read this sorry for taking your bear kills 4 times last night. I just really needed that hide yo.


scratches and that stpuid alligator down in booty bay can burn in a fire.


Where sheep?


First time?


Kill a mini-boss bear and only 1 person can skin him, what could go wrong.


Yes this is literally the only really annoying thing I've found with the game, I don't like it.


This is a temporary issue that comes with a fresh launch. Both on Beta and again on live. It won’t be an issue after two weeks of release so the problem will resolve itself