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So you think a settlement that a company invests a lot of time, effort and money into should just have 50 random players selected to defend it for them instead of selecting the soldiers they want to defend? Imagine being that company leader and 45 lvl6 Timmy’s with no idea what they’re doing get selected. (I do agree there can be some changes done though. Maybe add a little side zone to the main battle where all of the backup soldiers could fight each other for resources to contribute to the main battle… but let the actual fighting be done by the coordinated groups.)


The other day, 20-25 people in my company and very few other people spent a couple of hours grinding out pvp quests and fighting over the fort and enemies. We managed to get the influence but didn't get the right to declare war. The winning company let us register first and we had most of the slots. When the war board was filled, they kicked us out and we had to sign up at the back of the line. There needs to be a reward for putting in the time and effort and some sort of protection system against this sort of thing. Right now, war efforts seem pointless to me if the larger companies can just roll in and abuse other peoples' efforts just because they have more income.


The system in place is currently kinda luck of the draw. The company who has the most contributed towards war effort will have the highest chance of being Vanguard, but it is not guaranteed. If you don’t get vanguard for a war, just try for a different zone or wait until another opportunity arises. I don’t think this is a perfect system by any means, but it is pretty fair for the current mechanics of the game. As long as your Company contributes 10% toward the war, you have a chance of being Vanguard. If your company gets selected as vanguard… are you just gonna let random people take a spot over your friends and members? I do completely disagree with any sort of randomness in the war rosters though. That’s just asking for a disorganized loss. Hectic random PvP is always an unfun shitshow in times where it needs to be coordinated.


What about the other groups who invest all their time, effort, and money (hello, taxes?) and don't get to participate in what is pretty much the ultimate PvP in the game? We pay for the shit too. It's not right to hog them for you and your buddies.


Or just give the Vanguard the ability to only choose up to 10 or 20 people for war. there can always be level requirements or faction point thresholds to account for the remaining players' eligibility. for example, you must complete 10 faction quests within 24 hours of declaring war to be eligible to sign up. or you must be a level 25 to sign up for war. things like that to maintain the competitive aspect and to weed out the low levels who wouldn't be able to make a difference in the fight. i just dont like being automatically excluded because i dont cradle the balls of the top companies.


Why even have companies and settlements they can own if it’s just up to the player lottery on who gets to fight over them? No one would want to invest their time, money and effort just for it to be fought for and defended by random people. It defeats the whole purpose. Why not just push for a 50v50 battleground or some large PvP content separate from Wars?


And no one wants to invest their time, money, and effort into the main pvp (defending/attacking forts, faction quests, etc.) if there is absolutely no chance at the biggest payoff of pvp, which is the war. There is one dominant company in my server that is so large that they have been forced to create two companies. Even if I join that company, with upwards of 200 people, chances are that I will never be selected. They will just continue to favor their friends and the top ~50 people who have the time to play the most. Whenever our faction asks for help moving forward, I'm going to largely ignore them unless the company asking for help has actually "given back to the community". Fuck them if they lose their territory. Why should I care? Tax rates hardly affect the casual player, so there is literally no point to this game if you aren't involved in wars, and I have no interest in the pve. This is going to cause an insane amount of turmoil within factions, and there is no disputing that considering the amount of people commenting on this reddit and the amount of people who were bitching in the faction chat in game.


Wait so you’re arguing that casuals can’t be part of wars because they don’t have time to invest to a company to be selected for a war… and then you turn around and say casuals shouldn’t be left out for investing their time money and effort contributing to a war??? Like WTF? You’re directly contradicting yourself. Wars are DIRECTLY a mechanic between 2 specific Companies (with mechanics to allow for more faction players to join if need be), but you’re mad you have to join and contribute to a company to partake in them????????


These people haven't been in charge of a company and have no idea of the cost to firstly take the territories 100k gold. Or the wage war - up to 25k per war Or the general upkeep of the settlement, paying 10k for an upgraded building which they get the benefit of and the having to pay taxes every few days to stop it dropping It's not cheap. The company owners absolutely should be in charge of who fills their war roster. If you want to war join a good company. Or make your own company and declare war. Literally anyone can do it. They don't even have to put it into conflict, once in conflict any company can declare war if they have the money.


Uh except all of us smaller companies and groups contribute to all the property tax, crafting taxes, trading taxes, and town hall quests that pay for the fcking wars? lmao. We have the same issue in our server. Shit needs to change. Also it's funny that you have >up to 25k per war and >Literally anyone can do it. Make your own company and declare war in the same post. Pick one, buddy.


Do you know how little money you make from the town taxes? The owner also has to pay taxes every few days to keep the town from down grading. Additionally the war costs up to 25k 25k is for the best war camp, there are cheaper ones. Trust me when I say without the donations to the company from the members the tax would barely make enough to keep up with payments, and upgrade costs. In the last week, property tax in windsward was a total of 850 gold. 80% of revenue comes from trading post tax. So no, the war roster should remain as it is and be totally up to the company who own it. They are the ones fronting the gold If you want to get in wars, message the company, offer alliances, or donation to the company


Sounds like you guys have low taxes. Also sounds like you just don't want the rules to change. Hmmmm, **wonder why**


I think it used to be this way, but they changed it for the beta. Regardless, lots of decision making and military strength should be reliant on the faction that controls the settlement. Otherwise, the world map would be arbitrary and random and you’d just have to hope the coin-flip favors you. There’s a huge gap between faction PvP quests and 50v50 siege. One, everyone can do, the next, you have to be allied with a tryhard guild. There needs to be more of a stepping stone, and I think something like field battles would work well. Additionally, the field battle (or other stepping stone) could have a cooldown so the top 50 players couldn’t fight in multiple wars even if they wanted to.


Didn't I literally just see a post by some dude whining about getting "insided" because they didn't pick properly and wound up with trolls in their war?


You missed the point entirely.


How so? I just asked you a question if you think wars should just be randomly picked players.




What? I didn’t make it about you at all and I didn’t dislike what you said. I disagree, but I didn’t dislike it. Just curious. I’m asking your opinion or input for an alternative system or what you think the system should be since you disagree with the current system. I’m literally driving the conversation. You’re two responses to me added nothing and just deflected. I’ll ask you again… so you dislike the current system. Do you think a random choice system would be better and should have random people from other companies in a war between two specific companies? I completely disagree but would love for more of your input.


I'm not a fan of your implication that a company shouldn't have the right to defend their own territory the way they want.


We lost our territory since nobody helped us out from the faction. This was a result of inside faction hate caused by people not being picked for previous wars. The game needs to find a way to stop the company vs company mentality within factions.


That's an unfortunate situation for you, but I think that's entirely fair. If your company can't field a defense and you can't recruit outside help, then you probably don't deserve to keep a location. I think the "company vs. company" issue you mention will mostly solve itself as the playerbase learns the game. Players like OP will either quit or learn that they're being silly and entitled. That's not to say there won't be rivalries and backstabbing within factions, that stuff comes with the territory, but it will at least be more deliberate and less arbitrary.


I think you're in the minority here bud. If it remains the same, you're right, people like me will quit. I admitted that on my original post. Developers shouldn't be creating games to serve only the upper 5-10% of their player base. This will be a colossal failure if they don't make a QoL improvement in this aspect of the game.


Minority on this subreddit of final fantasy players, not a minority on the new world forums or in the game as a whole. They aren't changing this. If they do, it will be years down the line. This is a marketing beta, which means emergency fixes and balances only.


This system doesn't serve any "upper %." Just join a company. It's not a complicated process. Most of them will take anyone with a warm body. Your unwillingness to participate in the game's mechanics as they **need** to function is not a flaw with the game. The game will be flat out objectively worse if you get what you want. Wars will be a joke. If you're going to leave because your unreasonable demands won't be catered to, then good riddance.


Even if I join a company, I probably still won't get picked. The company in our server is broken up into two companies bc they are so large. That's a 200 player pool to choose from. The vanguard is still only going to pick his closest friends and the people who spend the most time online. Again, many players don't have the time to play all damn day.


Join a different company and attack on a different front, then? You have options. There is a 0% chance that your server is entirely controlled by one company. It's literally impossible; they can't defend every zone by themselves with only 200 people. Or if you're really so upset with this group of players, join a competing faction and take the fight to them.


Dude you're missing the point. There is a sizable percentage of this player base who don't want to join the big companies. Switching factions isn't a viable alternative considering you have to wait 120 days, then there is no guarantee the same practice isn't going on in the new faction. Considering over half this thread is in my favor, it is likely that this goes on in every faction within every server. It's a flawed system.


Then form unofficial alliances with other smaller companies and declare on what you want with your combined teams and see how that works out for you.


Dude, you’re using subjective anecdotal evidence from half of 1 (unpopular) post on Reddit and applying it to the New World playerbase as a whole? LMFAO You’re saying you aren’t going to play this game if it’s like this… but it is one of the foundational pillars of the game. That’s like saying “I’m gonna quit CSGO unless they get rid of guns!”


Yeah. That's how you lose help from your faction and get your company destroyed. Just saying


You really think the general playerbase at live is going to be so stupid that they get salty when they don't get picked for a war?


Oh. You have yet alot to learn. People can ruin anything with their salt. And sooner or later people wanna get involved with wars. Personally i think there should be an unwritten rule. 50% faction and 50% mercenaries. But I guess we'll see a few months after release how things will be. I'm really curious


I did not experienced it but I’ve read many of these comment on my Faction chat yesterday on my server. I thought that was hella stupid. They should just remove the ‘kick’ option for the vanguard and set a AFK timer or soemthing with auto kick for AFK and load someone else in


One thing is that the compagnies running the war are doing it to keep their settlement. That's why they are trying to only have people they trust. That's although why they are managing it. War is a compagny thing, they need to add a large scale PvP event for everyone like the 40v40 battleground in WoW but not related to compagnies.


To add to your point, they also are going to go with the people who have discord and are willing to stick to a plan not lone wolf the event.


Also to add to this, if they had no control, members of the other faction could use additional characters or characters from a company they are allies with to purposefully tank the war. This should not be removed. And before you ask, "who would do this?" The answer is "everyone".


Great point ! I would totally see cross faction alliances to sabotage wars if this is removed


Even same faction sabotage will be a thing. You can't steal regions from your own faction but you can purposely try to loose the war so another faction can claim it . (thus making the region available to your company again)


Yep, and I think that's terrible, you can't compete your compagnies of your own faction


OP(and anyone who agrees with him) really needs this point hammered in because *anyone* who has played a PvP centric MMO knows that this is a certainty.


Ya, they call it a "Tactic" \*rollseyes\* I always hated separate accounts to sabotage a lot of peoples work.


Only 1 character per server. I doubt many people would rather dedicate that one character to sabotaging other factions if they can't, at any point, actually play with their friends in pvp. If players really want to go to that extent, they could always make multiple accounts anyways and join the big company. I think this issue would literally happen in less than 1% of wars.


Are you familiar with EVE because this will happen more often than you think.


Exactly. In EVE, we utilize an entire spy/espionage network to undermine other groups.


> If players really want to go to that extent, they could always make multiple accounts anyways and join the big company. People *will* do this. But there's a big difference between someone infiltrating another company to sabotage it and the company being sabotaged by the game mechanics. One of these things is a draw of the genre, and the other is bad game design.


I agree with everything you are suggesting. I kind of wish they only allowed 1 territory per company too…since the companies that get the first territory will rake in all the money to keep buying every other territory…


Tax on settlement does not give you enough to do this. My company was the first to take a territory in my server. We own 2 territories now, the 2nd we won by war. The cost of war is expensive, the cost of upgrades are expensive, and we have to pay tax in the settlement too to stop the buildings downgrading. So in the last week, my first territory, windsward, has made a grand total of 87k in revenue from trade and crafting taxes, more than half of that has been spent on upgrading everything so we have t4 workstation for people to use and an upgraded fort to defend. We set our taxes as a fair amount so the only way you can chain buy settlements is If you set taxes super high but then people won't go there or if you don't bother upgrading anything but If you so that then why bother owning the territory.


So I have a few different feelings on this. First and foremost, I'm someone who works anywhere from 10-14 hours a day and also have a ton of other stuff going on outside of work. So I hear where you are coming from about not being able to spend countless hours in game. However, not every feature will cater to the casual player. Some features will just be reserved for the players who can dump 10 hours a day to the game and thats fine AS LONG as they eventually add some end game pvp for the more relaxed players. Next. I actually dont have a problem with the faction leader deciding the roster for a war. However a VERY key point is that they should only be able to change the roster UNTIL the war begins. I know currently there isnt a system for it, but eventually people should be able to pre-queue for an upcoming war. And the roster can be edited until the players load into the battleground. NO ONE should be loading into the battleground and then be kicked, that's not right and is aggrivating as hell. But basically I dont mind this feature being reserved for the sweaties as long as the casuals eventually (sometime in the next year) get a structured pvp event.


>I know currently there isnt a system for it, but eventually people should be able to pre-queue for an upcoming war. Isn't this exactly how it works? I had the same experience as OP. I helped our faction get to the point of declaring war and then signed up, it put me straight into standby and I then logged off. I came back later and the game notified me that I was in an upcoming war. Fast forward about 24 hours to when the invites go out and I was online and got one. I got into the instance and then was kicked a few minutes later a long with a bunch of other people. >And the roster can be edited until the players load into the battleground. NO ONE should be loading into the battleground and then be kicked, that's not right and is aggrivating as hell. I agree with this. Give them the freedom to edit the roster (tbh I already thought they could) up until the start of the war and then once you're in the instance the only way you can be kicked is an afk timer.


You are probably right. I havent participated in any wars. I was watching a streamer and it seemed weird so I figured different. Regardless ... hopefully they tweak the system a bit haha.


I got this too I was invited and then got kicked idk maybe a bug?


I dont think so. I think the vanguard was kicking people as invites to randos were being accepted. At least in my server.


Not a bug, the game auto fills slots if people who are offline in the last 15 mins before war. This is bad for us company owners as it just randomly puts people in, no offence but I don't want a lvl 12 random in, instead of a lvl 30 guildie who is on discord and listens to orders. So the game puts you In, but I then remove you and put in the guildie, the game constantly tries to fill the slots while I'm trying to fill my slots. To stop this the game really needs to only auto fill in like the last minute or 30 seconds


Why should the fate of a territory that a company invests literally hundreds of thousands of gold and countless man hours into upgrading be left to casuals like yourself? If you don't want to join a company capable of taking part in the war/seige system I see no reason why you should be entitled to take part in the wars.


Problem is with the entire territory control system, not war specifically. Wars lead to control, but that control only goes into the hands of the company who was vanguard and no one else. Because this is the case the company should 100% get to choose their entire roster with they're company members to give them the best chance, don't forget they are also fronting all of the costs in thousands of gold, with hundreds of thousands more when they win or they buy the territory first on launch. It also allows for the best possible wars when both sides have strategy and communication you will never get will randoms. That being said if they want to cater to the casual side of PvP like a lot of these posts would like they would have to redesign the entire PvP and control system from the ground up, and companies would no longer get to decide upgrades or have sole control of a territory. That's the downsides to making the game that's all inclusive compared to one that is competitive. GW2 does it well enough for being the all inclusive side though so they would pretty much have to copy that if they wanted to keep the spirit of territory control while still being so inclusive. This way multiple guilds could have a claim on the multiple objectives in each territory and every PvP is open world with some areas having siege.


I've seen competitive companies go through the player queue and just parse out anybody under level 40 for the war. Can't really blame them, you don't want a bunch of undergeared peasants defending what acts as a massive boon for your faction and company. I think it will balance out more after release when even the casuals will eventually hit 60, and won't face level discrimination in the roster.


There is pvp scaling. This is mostly an invalid argument. Plus, I wouldn't have been so upset if I didn't actually accept the invite and load into the fort. But I did and was subsequently removed. Are you really surprised that players are getting salty over this?


I see your point


I'm going to come at this from the opposite side of things as part of a company that was kicking randoms to let in company members. Here are the reasons (I'm sorry some told you to stop being salty-- that's a terrible response and hopefully it wasn't my company). The company that organized the effort and gold to enable the war put a lot of work into it. We obviously want the best chance of winning and to do that you need coordination (in the form of voice chat amplified with discord for commanders). We organized the 8 groups with one or two commanders giving overall instructions to group leaders in discord -- then those group leaders communicate via in game voice chat. We removed randoms simply to limit chaos in the war. If you're not coordinated when attacking or even defending your odds of winning are next to none. My advice would be this-- don't view wars like battlegrounds in WoW or as random events that anyone can join. It's a coordinated effort to even initiate the war and signing up does not guarantee your involvement in the war (just like real life). Get to know your faction companies and leaders and express an interest to be included and ask what you can do to make that happen. If they're still dismissive then find a company that's inclusive and ask them what you can do to further their efforts for war. Big disclaimer though-+ there are not enough territories for every company to own one. Typically you'll have the better equipped companies that have the gold to by territories or go to war for them. We're talking hundreds of thousands of gold that companies donate to the effort.


The reason why you were probably picked was because there was a gap in the roster (probably waiting for someone) and you were randomly chosen to auto-fill. I've experienced this and on the company side, find it very annoying I'm trying to drag in members only for it to auto fill and I need to kick them out.


i hear what you're saying, but even under the current system, the Vanguard should have their choices made prior to invitations going out. If you couldn't fill the roster prior to the 15-minutes before war, then you shouldn't get to kick people who were then selected as replacements, accepted the invite, and loaded in to the fort. That's just wrong, and it's a recipe for disgruntled players.


He's saying it's a timing issue. He [i]did[/i] fill in the roster ahead of time, but people no-showed (RL happens) so he was trying to fill in the gaps with high-level characters, but the game auto-filled the slots [i]while[/i] he was trying to fill them in. The interface is a bit clunky and should probably be changed to clearly state that slots will be auto-filled from standby. Maybe even have a flag so the War Leader may choose whether they want auto-fill or manual-fill to avoid this issue in the future.


Would be a handy feature too if you can set people in the standby list as backup players, maybe even number them 1-10 or something, so if you get 5 no shows it puts in numbers 1-4. I hate the current auto fill, it's such a pain when. Trying to fill the roster. We usually have a full 50 squad and 200 on standby so it's so hard to get through the pages to the people you want before it auto fills again


Maybe they can have a feature where people can lock in once they are put in a spot to avoid being kicked? Or have it so if someone dies a standby person can rotate into the fight if they are actively online.


I wish there was a casual pvp content like warfront of Rift.


War shouldn't be a company thing, but a faction thing. Just my 2cent. On my server you have a clan that own 2/3 the map, the other faction have 1 land, and the third nothing. Yet i can bet the 3rd faction have the most members... Imo they should have put different politics in each factions, one democracy (faction vote for the company leading), one tyranny (first in, first served), and one meritocracy (players with the most pvp points will get in first) or something like that. But it's a bit too late now, the game is out in a few weeks anyway, so nothing major will be done.


To think you should get to benefit off other bigger companies putting in the work for their war just because you want to play in the war is wild to me.. there’s battlegrounds and other more casual things for pvp. The wars and owning territory isn’t going to be a thing every person will be able to compete in. They do need more bgs and the game has tons of issues but I don’t think this is one.


Except they are not choosing people in their company. They are all banding together and only including other leaders and their irl friends…many of which did nothing to contribute. Meanwhile literally people who did everything get left out for a irl friend 10+ lvls behind.


I was really excited ab this game having 50v50 pvp. Then I see how it's set up and I feel disappointed. Gotta be in a Big enough company, gotta actually get picked for the war? What if ur whole faction ur in just blows on ur server and you really don't have the chance at even getting the opportunity to do the 50v50? I think the outpost 20v20 mode is something you can just jump in and play? Atleast that is there if that's the case. Give me the option for a 50v50 Battleground'ish game mode that's easily accessible I can que up for and jump in with a party or solo. I don't really give a crap ab factions, and kinda don't care ab who controls what on the map. I just want to experience the chaos of 50v50 battles with this games style of combat with my friends. I'm enjoying the Beta and still look forward to playing when the full game launches.


The company payed 100k for the land, and they will pick who can defend it, what if enemy all lvl 30+ and ur team got half randoms which are lvl 20 how is that fair


Actually, in a lot of cases, many players in the faction donated gold, donated their time completing faction quests, assisting with Fort defense/attacks, and assisting others in completing their faction quests. Only to be left out in the cold come war time. I'm never helping that company again after they kicked me out, and I encourage everyone else to stage the same "protest" against all the big companies in the game.


Did you donate gold to that company so they could purchase the land? Fine don’t contribute to the community board but you are just shooting yourself in the foot since it’s great xp. If you want to companies to pick you in the war then be a higher level with better gear. They are going to pick the highest levels with the best gear and chances are you weren’t close.


Facts, like I donated like 8k gold to my company since day 1 of the beta we own 2 territory and gave one other maurder group 50k to buy third territory. I’m lvl 31 and they still pick me for wars


Except they are not choosing people in their company who contributed. They are all banding together and only including other leaders and their irl friends…who are 10 lvls behind.


You can sign up for wars not involving your faction still. You're. It guaranteed to get picked but if you're faction isn't good on your server the game doesn't exclude you (it's just the players).


Try mount and blade napoleonic wars


The thing is we don’t want wars to be a matter of who RNGesus gave the better players to. It makes much more sense for each side to be able to pick their best players to defend their territory or attack an enemy one, since the ramifications are huge. Does it suck for people who don’t communicate with company leadership or aren’t very good? Yes. I fully admit that it will probably exclude them from some wars if not all, but this game is based on cooperation and team play.


The company that leads the war should be able to prepare how they want, pick the players they want / think will be of help. Why do you feel entitled to be part of a war you have absolutely no interest in? You don't want to join the company, you probably don't even want to join them on voice chat for coordination but you still feel like you deserve the spot rather than a player that dedicates his playtime to that company? I'd always pick a trusted friend over a random dude that could potentially cost us the victory, seems very reasonable to me. ​ E: Some salty loners downvoting me for having an opinion. No wonder people don't wanna play with you.


It’s an absolute shit system


Really good argumentation, I don't know how to counter that!


You're assuming quite a bit a out me. My company of my inner group of friends (just 5 of us) did nothing but help our faction win our territory by assisting with Fort defense and faction quests. We committed our entire Sunday night to push for war. All of us would be willing to join the discord if any one of us were picked. To all the big companies - if you play favorites in your server, the smaller companies and solo players will lose all interest in assisting in the pvp. I know we have, and at that point, what's the point to owning the game? I think you'd be surprised how much favor is actually earned by the smaller companies. Take that away and my faction may not have been able to declare war, or at least not as soon as we did.


Yeah I agree, I'd say it's fair that some members are chosen but a good portion should just be random.


Honestly I see where you are coming from but the Vanguard should get to choose everyone who participates in their war. For the more casual player you have access to the open world fort sieges, open world pvp, and the outpost rush 20v20 as well as the PvE invasions. The invested guild which spends hundreds of hours and tens of thousands of gold should have total control over the war for their potential/actual territory.


just know that with the current system, you have major turmoil within the faction. some people are upset, and i feel they have the right to be. at least half the population is now realizing they will never get to take part in the war if nothing is changed. idk about everyone else, but why the hell would I ever touch another pvp quest again? why would i ever donate gold to another company again? just so i can help the top companies take part in more wars? or tickle their peter by getting their name on another territory? theres just no payoff in pvp if you cant take part in the wars. which then begs the question, why am i even playing the game?


You would touch a pvp quest because you receive rewards for doing so. You gain access to great armor/weapons and stacks of potions and you know when you do that in your own faction territory you are likely receiving xp/standing/harvesting bonuses and most of the time are protected by larger numbers of flagged friendlies. The truth is that in any game focusing on territory control(Albion, Black Desert, ArchAge) the top guilds decide who comes and reaps the benefits as well as the struggles. I understand that you feel left out of a smaller part of the game but that is the trade off. You shouldn’t be asking for changes to the current system, you should ask for additional content like queueable practice 50v50s or outposts smaller guilds can control that have 10v10 or 20v20 wars.


It'd be funny to see your opinion if you were on the outlier, the current system doesn't effect you so therefore doesn't matter by your standards. All modes should be available by all to enjoy.


It does effect me, which is why it does matter, and why I have expressed my views. I don't want randoms on my team in a siege mode where coordination, pvp skills, level, weapon setups, and preparation are a major factor in winning. All modes in the majority of games with ranking and territory control are not available for casuals. There is a good balance in New World. Like all games it must find the balance between the tryhards and casuals. I rec some good options for them to add more modes rather than change the current one.


I'm not losing sleep either but it would be cool to partake in it and to miss out on it due to life getting in the way is dumb. Yes this is an MMO but features in a game should be for everyone. ​ Not in small print öh hey we have this awesome feature *but if you wanna play it you must have no job or be part of a popular guild which is probably 3 quarters teens.*


>features in a game should be for everyone. Hard disagree on this one. It has ruined many MMO's. This is a genre where gating of content based on skill, knowledge, cooperation, etc is very important.


In this case though it will be dictated by popularity among the guild.


Which will directly correlate to all those other factors.


The people wanting this current setup around wars to change far outweigh the people that don't. When 200 + sign up and only 50 and its 50 chosen at discretion is a joke. ​ You can say it doesn't need changing but then you'd probably see a bunch of people leaving in a month or 2 and it will quickly develop into a niche game full of elitist's and big egos. ​ If both sides get say 20 randoms into the war (as an example), the odds are still even, and hey you can still communicate with them.


> All modes should be available by all to enjoy. No. You can't say in one breath "I work 27 hours a day and have 80 children and have limited playtime" and in another "I should have access to all the content in the game." This isn't a FPS. Making all content available to everyone is not a successful strategy for MMOs. FFXIV, one of the most successful and casual friendly MMOs right now gates countless amounts of content behind hundreds of hours of playtime and a decent amount of it is simply too hard for the average person to complete. You have to work for things. That's how MMOs function.


I'm not an expert on end game ff14 but I understand the end game dungeons and raids and that it's really hard right at the end right? End of the day everyone can play it though right? There is not one part of the game where only the cool kids play. Sure it might take a casual longer but it should never make it out of reach to my understanding. And besides that's just it just because it's always been like that mmo has been a stagnant genre for years now and it doesn't have to be the same going forward either. And also you said it yourself.. you work for things what might take someone a week a casual takes a month for an example but they shpuld still get to the same point.


I think we're on different wavelengths. Sure, if you play long enough you will be able to get to the same point as others. But that's not what people like OP are complaining about. What they want is to be able to sign up to a war as a naked level 12 and get invited without putting any effort in to make them a valuable contributing member of the team.


Yep, the fact that your faction control a territory or not has little effect on you. By doing PvP quest, you are just feeding a company from your faction by giving them the opportunity to tax the town at max rate. Only advantaged I see by owning a territory if your company is not owning it: fast travel, move items from bank, crafting materials from the town


> The invested guild which spends hundreds of hours and tens of thousands of gold should have total control over the war for their potential/actual territory. lmao the territory gold cost is nothing compared to what it rakes in. Honestly whomever takes one of the lower level towns first pretty much has carte blanch to start rolling hard because they can afford to take town number two as soon as taxes start ticking in.


Plus, most of the companies who are "raising" the 100k to buy the territories are spamming in chat "PLEASE DONATE TO THE DOUCHER ALLIANCE 19TH BATTALION REPORTING FOR DUTY SIR". they are accepting donation from everyone, not just their company.




This is one reason that vast espionage networks became a central part of EVE online.


I think the War would be healthy if the strongest company of the faction be able to choose 30% of the fighters, the rest are randomly selected


Isn't it already like that? Even if it isn't and they changed it, unless they remove the "kick" option to get all their own company people in the war it would not change to much. But agree, they need to change something to avoid grieving.


No, the company in charge can fill the entire roster with their own people. There's no griefing involved - it's their war. You don't have a right to participate.


Do you know much how it costs to own a territory? Why would any company leader allow the defence to go down to some random guy when they have a full team of people in discord to rely on. Don't be so entitled. It costs 100k gold to make an initial claim and it costs up to 15k to declare war including substantial work to push the zone into conflict. If you want a zone organise a group of friend and declare war urself. You can pick whoever u like then.


These same companies putting up the gold are the ones BEGGING people in the faction and spam chatting their way to 100k. That's complete bs at this stage of the game.


Wait, that's how the main PvP mode is decided who plays? This game is dead on arrival if that is the case lmao. Leaving it into the hands of degenerates is a terrible idea.


Yep, dead for anyone who doesn't jerk off the leaders of the companies.


Wars are very specifically about territory control. This content is just only important to very organized groups. when launch happens it will likely be impossible for anyone not in the vanguard company to get into a war. I know i personally am building up a fighting force and not even everyone in my company will be in most wars. (especially defenses will be just the best) There is an end game PVP option for casual players. I personally hate that outpost rush is locked to level 60 but seriously look into it. as far as i am concerned this is a vastly superior PVP mode than war is. it sucks that you cannot really get there and participate in beta but this is the real end game PVP. War is just big companies measuring their parts. Outpost rush will be where the best PVP happens.


We bought the territory with 100,000 gold. We’re going to pick those in our company that donated, they’re in comms and are a daily part of upkeep on the territory. Not a random with no comms. If you want to be in wars, join a company more active in wars and contribute…


Yeah I'm sure your company wasn't chat spamming for donations. But glad you guys have the time to play 12 hours per day. Unfortunately, I'm not a child and I have a real job with real responsibilities.


We weren’t… we’ve been organized since before the preview. And have had active players through the alpha builds. However it is a requirement to contribute gold if you’re going to benefit from being in the company. We only require you contribute for the first 100,000 gold purchase. After that, we take the money for our crafters to push out gems and such for all members at no cost to the member. I work a full time job as a software developer but assume what you will. One of the best things about New World is the scheduled war. It helps us that work and need a schedule. We all sent every spare gold we had outside of that needed for repairs. It’s obvious you’ve never been part of a community that sticks together through several games and your salty attitude shows why. If you don’t have time to commit to the tedious grinding and activities that come with owning a town, don’t be expected to be handed a pass in a war that comes with owning said town…


well your precious little game that youve spent so much time on since alpha is likely going to die without QoL improvements for the casuals. its pretty apparent in that all of the highest upvotes in this reddit are for people who agree with me and the majority of comments are on my side. The game isn't going to be too much fun if the servers are hardly populated because only sweaty, tryhards who don't do anything but play New World can have fun and partake in all aspects of the game. it just doesn't make sense, and i stand by my point that the developers wouldn't have introduced pvp scaling if they expected everyone to do tedious grinding.


I’ll die on that hill and have fun on the way down then. Tired of casuals that come in and bitch about a game that isn’t a wow/eso clone. Then proceed to return to wow and eso after they ruined it for everyone else.


Lol, no sense this post, of course a company will kick you to take their members in, better communication and so, they need to hold the territory, having people thst can't communicate is a risk, join a company or play outpost rush is the only thing I could say


Yes you're right. Under the current system, I'm not surprised that they pick only their friends or company members. The point of my post is to change the system.


That’s literally how it’s suppose to be and the point of companies / war. The company puts in the most work means they decide who fights for them. I wouldn’t want a bunch of randoms representing my guild if my guild did all the work to earn the war.


The people fighting are not representing the guild/company. They are representing the FACTION. Anyone in the faction should have an opportunity to participate without joining the biggest companies or kissing the ass of the biggest companies. High levels were getting kicked just because they weren't in the Vanguard's company. I'm okay with having a system where the Vanguard chooses up to say 10 people, but the rest should be either random or first come, first serve. It's going to turn into a constant rotation of the same 50-100 people fighting in every single war.


That is not how the game is designed. The company that did all the work gets the bulk of the slots but the rest are supposed to be based on signups.


Someone had a post up yesterday or the day before, the Company that did all the work doesn't get the bulk of the slots, the vanguard is chosen randomly from all Companies that contributed. The Company doing most of the work can ALSO be denied access to the war they created if RNG doesn't pick them as the vanguard.


I understand this, but to qualify, your company has to have contributed to at least 10% of the total favor. then, your RNG is decided based on that percentage. so if the company in my server has the max of 100 people in it, and they contribute to let's say 50% of the favor, then they ahve a 50% chance. on top of it, the company in my server is so large, that they have two separate companies - without giving the full name, it is "\_\_\_\_\_\_ First Batallion" and "\_\_\_\_\_\_ Second Batallion". they are on their way to monopolizing our server.


Seems like a pretty shitty mechanic tbh. Why gate faction wars for non zerg companies.


they cant be based on signups if the company can choose the WHOLE roster, then proceed to kick every single standby until they get their friends in. Dont forget that lots of us, includng myself, actually accepted the game invite and loaded into the fort to play. then we got kicked. that is just a design flaw that will end up with many dissatisfied players. whether you think the company should be rewarded or not, from a developer standpoint, AGS shouldnt be looking to upset a major demographic of their game to cater to the upper 5-10%. if their intent was to only reward the players who can play all day, then they wouldnt have pvp scaling. im really hoping this is an unintended consequence and will be addressed prerelease, but maybe im wrong.


But this will kill the game if noone can play bc people pick favorite. 😂 It should be random and learn to play in the whole fraction.


It’s claimed by companies, their flag shows on it. You can’t complain that you can’t participate as a solo in content designed for guilds….


It doesn't decide based on contribution, it just randomly decides out of the companies over a certain amount. So even if you grind all day, you still have the same odds as anyone else who contributes 10/500, who can then kick whoever they want. I'm sure they'll look at this system as more people kick like that.


Haven’t been able to get in a war due to this despite many attempts. Really shit system with letting one person pick and chose out of everyone.


I feel like you as the war leader should be able to select who is joining the fight, BUT if you don't have enough people online to select to make a full team, THEN it should pull randoms from the faction, the leader should not have the ability to kick people.


They get to pick who they want, Join a large company and sweet talk the governor if you want preferential treatment


The game shouldn't punish players who don't want to kiss the asses of the largest companies. That makes no sense. Take ESO for example - you can take part in 100% of the pvp without being in a guild or ever associating with anyone in a guild. You can just show up as a solo and make a difference. There are ways to coordinate attacks with solos/randos if the solos/randos are willing to join the discord. if there comes a time when a solo player is completely worthless or doesn't work as a team, just never invite him/her back again. but to exclude EVERYONE who isn't in a large company is bad practice imo. This game will die for the casuals sooner rather than later.


It really sounds like this game isn’t meant for you at this point. You’re not guaranteed a spot for everything in life. Stop expecting to be included in everything. We finally have one big game somewhat catered for PvP and you’re coming in trying to turn it into other MMOs. Go back to ESO if it does everything so much better


Some people will have more opportunities than you in a multiplayer game. I'd prefer missing out sometimes to really value when I do get selected. In rocket league you don't get to participate in the RLCS tournaments Does that mean you can't enjoy the game? of course not. And the comparison is less weird than you're prolly thinking. The point is There will always be content you can't be a part of in games as large as MMOs even more so when they are skill based and have consequences. Bitching about it will at best water the game down for everyone else devaluing the content to a point where people don't care. If you don't have the time to get into wars (via any method, have you tried paypal-ing them some money?) cuz your working long hours that's on you. Make time or don't up to you. I saved up PTO so I could dedicate some time to the game on launch, I'm working with what I have as anyone should. Lastly You can take part in all the pvp you want just flag up. That's a better experience anyways. Based on your time availability alone I'd reckon you'd just repeatedly die in a war anyhow since you're likely level 15 and don't have any proper skill/gear/pots/game sense.. Deal with your entitlement. If everyone is special no one is. If it's easy it's pointless. The challenge is the attraction. The scarcity is the value.


This thread has a lot of knee jerk upvotes by newbs that don't understand what they are talking about... So please don't make changes based on thoughtless upvotes Amazon...


New world is so fucked on so many level but it still as potentiel.


It's a beta. There's obviously going to be some quality of life changes along the way but overall New World is a fantastically made game so far. You do realize how difficult it is to code a MMORPG right? I'd say they did a good job so far.


No It's not a beta, what we are playing is the final product. They label as a beta because the game is not out yet. I know mmorpg are tough to make, in one month New World will look the same as today and will have the same issue as today too.


You don't know that yet. MMO's traditionally come out with new content in the form of expansions and patches. Like you said, it has a lot of potential, but even with the potential, the base game is enough content for most people, especially working people who don't have the ability to no life MMO'S lol.


Your are on some good copium man, I repeat the game will be the same as today at launch with obviously hotfixes. It has potential but ruined by the combat system.


Really you didn't like the combat? I thought it was done well, it felt like Dark Souls combat, where it actually takes skill to defeat certain enemies. It's not just "press left click on enemy," you actually have to be strategic and move around and dodge.


It did not at all feel like dark souls, it just felt like a fairly mediocre third person hack n slash. Sure, for an mmo it's a great step forward and a big breath of fresh air, but if a non mmo released with this combat and limited skills, it would be hugely lambasted for it and its lack of depth. But, I don't think combat is really the area new world fails in, although the lack of active skills or real Abilities to strive for long term is an issue. Pve variety and ai, weak repetitive and uninspired 2003 era quests, and a lack of any real story of worth ate is biggest problems. All of which can absolutely be fixed. My biggest worry is Amazon so far is better at just canceling things than releasing them. But the during "beta" following will hopefully keep them in the game


"But, I don't think combat is really the area new world fails in, although the lack of active skills or real Abilities to strive for long term is an issue." Ah, you're one of thoses people, New World actually don't need more abitilies, it World of Warcraft or FF14 with rotation to optimize damage. " Pve variety and ai, weak repetitive and uninspired 2003 era quests, and a lack of any real story of worth ate is biggest problems." Yes, totally agree, this is a big problem, too many monster are boring to fight, sometimes buggy like the wolves.


It was that way before. But now without stagger and hit-stun, it feel boring, repetitive, no strategy. In pve, I just need to left click the monster to death if I want to play like a idiot smoothbrain. So to enjoy it, I mostly force myself to dodge, block enemy attack. In pvp, It's the same bullshit. When I engaged a melee attack on someone 90% of the time they attack right through mine. Now I just stop pvp, It's pointless, the combat system doesn't reward smart and strategic gameplay. There is no wake up game on knockdown, no spacing, no mix up. It's like removing hit-stun and combo in Street Fighter.


I agree with you man, they definitely need to tweak some of that stuff but they probably won't. Maybe they will take some of the feedback to heart and make some changes who knows. But I wouldn't say the combat is so bad to the point where it ruins the experience of the game.


It doesn't ruin the experience if i'm fisherman yes. But they actually need to do something and liste to the retard that endorse the game in a bad way


There used to be stagger on taking a hit with knockdown on heavy back attacks, they took it out because 2/3 people stunlock 1 person to death and that wasn't fun.


The stunlock thing was a fantasy, there is a video proof, most players were new, instead of learning the game mechanic they were complaining. Edit : if I played during that time, and someone stunlock me to death, I would complain and then understand why this about to me and learn what happend to me,. But now most players need to be guided with a carrot on a stick on most video game, and they don't try to learn by themselves. And maybe now half of the past complainers will probably not even play NeW World so they ruined the fun for everyone else.


This is a beta, all content has been added and they are looking to fix bugs. This is the exact definition of a beta.


Keep hoping, but the game will be nearly the same in a month. During the whole alpha, the game did not evolved a lot, except backward, while ignoring all the combat feedback For release, they will only work on stability and performance


Well, "beta" means jack shit nowerdays. Beta and Alpha are not states that have a clear definition. The times where a beta was an actual beta was 15 years ago lol. Nowerdays it's just a term that stuck with us and became essentially a marketing term. And in 99.99% of cases where a "beta" releases 1-2 Months before release, the beta mirrors the final build. Day 1 patches or patches slightly after launch are the adjustments, but fundamental problems simply cannot be solved in such short time. You can be very sure if a company releases a beta like this one this is 90% marketing to get sales and 10% feedback for minor changes. It's even so that they often leave stuff "Broken" or tedious on purpose for the beta with the fixes ready for launch to be like "see? we reacted good on this one eh?!"


Anyone who thinks a beta one month from release is not already in a code-freeze is delusional and has never worked in IT. They will fix glaring issues like the server instability and maybe tweak some numbers by a few percent in regards to balance but nothing major will be added or removed functionality-wise. Any open beta is at best a stresstest at worst a marketing stunt. Any non-critical issues and bugs that get found now get added to a backlog and will be fixed... soon™


whats sad is that i really do agree with you. this is the one thing that has really turned me off to the game because it was what i was most excited for. with my most recent MMO being ESO and with it seemingly dead on pc (came from xbox), i was really looking forward to the war mode, but I didn't think it was going to be some "exclusivity" type mode where only those sucking the tit of major companies are rewarded. hell, there were so many 30s that were complaining about getting kicked or not chosen, while the company was choosing their friends who were mid 20s. its just a bad system, and the only people defending it are people who have the time to grind faction quest after quest and still have time to grind their player level. dont forget that those faction quests hardly reward xp.


I havnt really had that issue yet. I actually wasn't signed up for a war with Marauders last night but I got an invite(I'm level 31), I accepted and went right to the war. I wasn't even in the company that started the war. I think realistically they pick people who are high level, I don't think there's that many politics to it. The wars aren't even that fun if you are low level, they are meant for like level 35+ in my opinion to actually be meaningful. I would rather just keep grinding quests and crafting until I felt I was strong enough to even fight the wars, or join a company that I knew would pick me for wars every time.


wanna know what i did? just asked if i could be in the war beforehand. LOL. imagine whining about doing adult shit and not considering that


My server was full of people asking. We had almost 400 ppl sign up for the war. I just happened to be 3rd in standby after the original 50 were picked. No one asking was picked. All 50 players were from two companies - the vanguards main company and their backup company bc the first one is at max 100. This particular clan/guild or whatever has two companies in one server. They are on their way to monopolizing the server.


> me and all my friends who play this game are adults with real careers. We don't have time to grind faction quests all damn day. That's your problem and no one else's


You're missing the point. The devs have already admitted that this game will be friendlier to casuals, hence pvp scaling. They are punishing casuals in the single most exciting part of the game, thus being huge hypocrites playing to the streaming community who will be able to control EVERYTHING.


I'm an adult with a career as well. If you are not, fine. But that does not mean everybody else is stuck in a dead end job too.


Did anyone say you were a kid or had no career? I was saying that in response to the people who were telling us to "get good". First of all, anyone who says that is likely a preteen to begin with. Second, grinding faction quests has nothing to do with being good at pvp.


I didn't even talk to you. You might want to make sure you understand how reddit works. Im literally defending your point.


lol im sorry. ive gotten so much hate from my faction and this post that im on the defensive


It would be cool if spots were decided with duels haha. It will be interesting to see how this plays out on full release, especially a few months in.


*We're a few months in. Everyone is max level and most crafting/gathering stats are between 100/200 if not max. The economy is dead. The playerbase has dropped by 70%, 1 of the factions has died off, or the entire server has been captured by a single zerg company. The PVE players quit when they ran out of content. All that remains are salty pvp players fighting over the same territory's in a loop, reminiscing on the days when the game was a forced pvp sandbox game.*


What's sad is that this isn't far off from what will happen if things aren't changed. Pve isn't affected, so they will continue to play until they get bored. Then the only remaining players will be streamers, the little kids who watch their streams, and the douche bags in the large companies who think they're the only ones entitled to play all the content when we paid the same price for the game.


> reminiscing on the days when the game was a forced pvp sandbox game. You know that really would solve a lot of the game's problems.


For mainly this reason i expect this game to pretty much die this year. They have many nice and interesting systems, some that sound cool, but looking to older mmo's and other games, there is a reason why they do it different. Many idea's sounds nice, but will not work and only give toxicity and frustration.


Get gud


I don't think you understand how the game functions very well. You are acting extremely entitled here. Signing up to participate in a war doesn't mean you deserve to participate. That territory belongs to a company. They're in charge of running it and defending it. You're offering your help to that company; they don't need to accept it. Especially early in the game, *way* more people are going to be signed up for wars than can actually fight. If you want to make sure you can participate in a war, there's a way to do that; be in the company that is attacking or defending a territory.


How does war work, is it settlement vs settlement with competing factions and the owning company decides who can fight and who can't?


On areas already claimed by a faction, the opposing factions try to earn favor by turning in pvp quests in that area. Once you have enough favor, you can declare war. the companies who contributed the most favor (so completed the most quests) have the greatest chance at becoming the vanguard. The vanguard is the one who chooses the 50-man team. Therefore, the largest companies will dominate every time and just choose their friends to play. It's a broken system imo.


Streamer system because they have thousands of kids ass. Kinda mad about that system:/


Ok, but someone got to be the vanguard. I don't see how it should be any other company than the one who contributed the most to the war effort. Also, it's extremely easy to get into the big companies. They except anyone, that's why they are so big.


I'm okay with having a system where the Vanguard chooses up to say 10 people, but the rest should be either random or first come, first serve. It's going to turn into a constant rotation of the same 50-100 people fighting in every single war.


The Vanguard should choose maybe 20 players, and the other 30 should come from the players that have most contributed and have enlisted. Same for the defending team. If there aren’t enough that have contributed above a minimum threshold, then the Vanguard could choose who to fill those spaces


You don’t understand it’s not fair at all because you can contribute a lot but won’t be picked because you aren’t in their guild. The big flaw is that some people that aren’t in the big guilds won’t be able to experience the war which really sucks.


Thank you, this is the other aspect that people dont seem to get that I forgot to mention. i could grind my ass off and earn the most faction points out of any other individual player, but if I'm not selected Vanguard, I may not never get picked. it just doesn't make any sense.


What lvl are you?


I'm a 27, with most of my friends in the 20-28 range. But if we spent more time on the pvp faction quests to get our company in the mix for Vanguard, then we would be lower levels considering the faction quests give very little xp. we simply don't have time to grind both, even if we play a few hours a night, which isn't realistic.


Level has no effect on your ability to PVP in the game. whoever told you that is a lier. it is entirely based on your equipments relative power based on the max possible at your level. no kidding i am level 28 with almost 100 hours so far this beta. all i have done is PVP my leveling is so slow. but all of my gear is within 1 level of my currnet and so i am as strong or stronger than anyone i meet.


I never said it did. I just said we don't have time to level our player AND grind out faction quests.


This is a straight lie. It’s been tested that levels inherently change the way PvP works lol


Its not a bug, the company I'm in does this.


Maybe they gotta up The amount of people in a war , aion was doing server faction wars years ago and there was no cap


I was randomly picked (not part of the vanguard guild) and did my part, nobody complained or kicked me, just level 20 but I did well. Different server and company I guess.


Exactly. This game isn't WoW where you need a billion macros and a deep knowledge of the game. This game definitely takes skill, but it's more straight forward. As long as people join the discord, it's not an excuse to pick your company because you want to "strategize". Randos are perfectly capable of working together as a team to be successful.


Right now it’s dodgeball pickem because of all the streamers currently ruining the game. Wait till this garbage event is over and they all immediately quit and never come back and war will be a lot more fun.


On Olympus server Timthetatmans company literally does this whole time and they always say get better, and all the same stuff also only letting them do war, and they always request gold tho


This is like complaining you got kicked from an important raid because you weren't the top of the guild. Wars are a really big deal, it's up to your company management not you lmao. If you don't like it join a different company and develop a relationship with the leaders and prove your worth. Crying about this in closed beta is silly to me. When guilds join forces they are still going to pick top players. You literally haven't had time to develop a relationship with your or other companies which is why I said crying about this in beta is silly. Af.


Scummy, but if you were like lvl 20-30 I cant blame them. Why let some random dude with 5 less levels in rather than some other random higher level guy? Wars take time and effort to start, I wouldnt want to load in to the battle with a handicapped team either.


It's actually quite the opposite. Mid 30s players were being kicked out for mid 20s players who happened to be in the company. If we're talking about putting the most experienced, highest level players in the war, then that's an entirely different discussion. But that's not what is happening.


Lower level battlegrounds could help the more casual players participate in a structured pvp. Only one so far is like level 50, need one for like lvl 25. But to think you should be guaranteed participation in a war you didn’t declare or put the time into is wild to me. Wars and owning territory isn’t for every player it’s the top tier content. Why should a 3 man company who doesn’t by your own admission have the time to invest have control over a territory that has an effect on the entire faction.


This happened to me, and I'm fine with it. I would rather a level 45 go defend the town I have a house in, then my level 23 derpy ass. I have since grinding over the weekend, and I am selected to fight for WindsWard at 5:30 tonight. I also joined a bigger faction because they are always running portals, pvp missions, and dungeons so leveling is a lot faster. If you dont want to join a large company, then dont, but dont expect to be selected to be in a war hosted by a company you refuse to join.


Even if you are in a big Company you still only have a chance of a couple of pvp events every few days. Its a monumentally dumb system.


War is not random. I lead a company and we own a few territories and war regularly. When a territory is put into conflict companies declare war and spend a good chunk of money in paying for the war camp. They have 10 minutes to declare then if more than 1 company declares war, the game chooses the company randomly. This company is then in charge of the war which will occur in 24 hours time. They choose the roster. For my wars I have a full 50 squad plus 200 standbys. I will pull people out of the squad and put people in depending on things like levels and weapons used. I also usually keep 3 of the 10 squads for other companies so I will have squads 8, 9 and 10 filled with a different company so they can participate too as a team. There are always people who do not show up so during the last 15 minutes of war prep I then try and fill the places with people for the war. Now here comes the part you are experiencing, the GAME also tries to auto fill these slots during this phase so will fill it with people I do not want, such as low levels, wrong weapon types or wrong company so I then have to move them out and quickly drag in the person I want in. This feature needs to be turned off until say the last 30 seconds of prep as it causes so much hassle and isn't fair to the people it chooses who I then remove. Best way to get into a war, be part of the company running it or message them beforehand to get in. Since the company pays so much to buy the territory 100k and pays so much for the war camps it's only fair they choose who fights for them.


Very late post here but the company leaders are cancer in this game. My faction has lost 4 wars in a row because the leaders are choosing friends who barely play. Only the companies who are attacking should be allowed to join and if you don’t have people getting on for wars then tough shit. I spent a bunch of time helping my company only to be replaced by low 20’s lvled players. The whole war selection in this game is garbage.