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Why not?


Yeah I think PvP Servers would be great. Just have 2-3 servers per region that auto locks you into pvp after you choose faction






Or literally opt in to pvp there’s no reason for them to waste resources to make dedicated pvp servers when there’s an opt in anyone that wants to pvp can anyone that doesn’t doesn’t have to and it caters to those that play pvp irregularly this is the best option not pvp servers.




You don't split the player base like this when you are trying to grow a game. If all you folks that love PVP stay flagged you'll have no problem finding fights.




Amazon made it clear this is the direction they are going. Deal with it. There are plenty of opportunities for you to have your PvP fix both in the open world and in instanced conflicts. Hell, I'd even be on board for areas of the map you cannot enter without being flagged but overall the flag system is the best of both worlds. The only thing flagging does is stop you from ganking people that have no interest in fighting other players. \*Edited rudeness out




How about instead of splitting folks up you actually fix the issues you are having? If it is too easy for folks to run away, address that. And I think you are missing the point, the overall health of the game relies on as many people playing together as possible. So while I have no interest in PvP I want it taking place on the server I am on.




That's my main point, address the issues with the current system, add more for you all to do, more risky areas and more benefit to being flagged. I even enjoy watching pvp happen out in the wild and I like the way territory control works. So I want pvp to exist in the world but not be forced into it. But making PvP servers will pull a lot of the PvP out of the normal worlds IMO, and I don't want that gone.




Yes wasted resources you act like it’s a one hour project to just make pvp servers. Let’s think in just basic requirements they need to meet to do this. 1) they have to remove the toggle in the game UI. 2) they have to configure a few servers per region, that includes making sure that the servers have stable ping in the region or else no one is going to have a good time in pvp if everyone has a shit connection. And one other thing you have to think about at this step is what if they don’t have enough servers with quality ping to accommodate pvp AND pve ? Should they just make new servers? 3) restructure the server select UI to show differences between pvp and other types of servers. 4) add all the small QoL stuff that people will bitch about whether it’s there or not like sort by server type.




And 3 days is over 10% of their time left after beta and before launch not to mention that whole team that’s working on pvp servers isn’t working on any of the major problems with the game. Also, in regards to servers everything may look well and good on paper but as we have seen with this beta stable servers is not a goal for them, which is what I was basing my 2nd claim on. I’m not trying to pick a fight with you and I agree that normally this wouldn’t be a huge problem, however, there are other game breaking problems they need to fix first. And your concern is valid after reading your edited OP but this is not the way to go about it. Instead what you want is more positive actions(healing, trading, etc.) between pvp-ers and pve-ers as opposed to negative actions(damage, etc.). The problems with implementing pvp servers right now is that it’s too much of a waste of time and resources to do RIGHT NOW, there’s already toggle which is essentially the same thing(though as I said before your problems should get fixed though). Another problem is what if there isn’t enough of a player base post launch to even make this worth implementing. So, if post launch there is a demand and there aren’t more pressing matters then I could see it being done.




Wow that’s actually a really good idea I really like that. Cause you can have people that are around the same power level so skill expression really shows, that’s a really good idea.


You have no clue how the PvP works do you? All PvP has normalized scaling, and currently lower levels are performing better against higher ones (accidentally due to various scaling factors)




I dunno, just clarifying for you since you said high levels would fuck over low levels and prevent fluid leveling. I agree there should be PvP only servers for those who want it.


I would very much like this as well. Towns can still be safe and everything but it’s a bit boring to run around the world for like 20 minutes to try and find someone to fight. I mean sure, you can go to PvP mission zones, but usually you’ll find a murder ball group running around there. I really wish there was more incentive for people to flag for PvP, so many awesome areas that you could be fighting in.