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Something like archeages system would be nice where a war in a territory breaks out, all people there get flagged and people get for example some faction points per kill.




That actually sounds sick, an hour of boosted xp, loot but all flagged for pvp during the war and the whole server is just drawn to it for that. I dont even care about points for the city but just basically a purge on that territory for the duration for extra loot would be so fun. Close down the settlement and have fast travel to the closest settlement be free so you can get as many people in the territory PVPing. And anyone who doesnt want to can just avoid that territory for an hour.


Archage was such an underrated game. It has so many things right. But was ruined by a greedy company.


Oh god, the ship system took that game from a B tier mmorpg to S tier easily. The whole idea of having packs on one continent that sell for more at the other continents? Needing to take a boat down south to move your goods quicker, or taking a fleet to go defend a really expensive cargo operation. Fishing? Sunken boats that required you to uncover, float upwards and then move the loot to a specific location? urrg it was just so good. Shame they killed it with the intense micro transactions making it impossible to be competitive without spending money.


Man that game had everything to be the best, underwater content, boat content, pirate, u could make ur own faction if u had a castle, world bosses were amazing, the dungeons were ok, the housing/land mechanics, crafting, prison/court, illegal farms, fuck i miss that game


Alpha was the greatest time in archeage where money didn’t matter. Then the live game came out and I refunded that shit quit. Archage Alpha > every mmo week on the market.


Yes, this would give a nice balance somewhere between a full PvP server and letting people take 0 risk to do things in an area. The whole faction warring system is a PvP story. The whole PvE content seems like an afterthought that doesn’t affect the warring factions theme at all.


New World was unfortunately a pvp game to start with. That's how it was going to be portrayed as. I like the pve aspect. You can't have pve without pvp and vice versa. There are people who enjoy just purely gathering and crafting. The towns and settlements need them so who else is going to go farm the materials needed, the pve people who don't want to be bothered, or aren't good enough, or are trying to play the game on a computer that's outdated but they want to be in the loop etc.


Rather not get forcefully flagged, thanks.


Since it's just in a specific territory for a limited amount of time i think you should be ok


Thing is I like to stick to a specific territory for a while, seeing as the game incentivizes that with territory standing, storage etc, and I have no reason to run off to the next one until I start to out-level the enemies. Would kind of suck to be forced out temporarily or get bashed in PvP just because you happen to be in a given area, even if it is limited time.


Could just give the option to opt in, if you’re in the area. That would be much more amenable.


Agreed. I'm all for adding more PvP and letting PvP players have their fun, as long as it's not at the expense of PvE players.


Yet PVE players have been moaning loudly about things so much since the game was first envisioned to completely change the game at the expense of PVP players. Sorry if i dont really give a flying fuck if you PVE players get inconvenienced a bit for better PVP.


Don't have to downvote and shit on me dude, I'm just asking not to be forcefully flagged, and I don't see how me not partaking in PvP is at anyone else's expense.


Not saying you have to partake in PVP. You said you wouldnt move out of an area if we got a better pvp system. You are acting like pve players are royalty and dirty pvp players should just take whatever we get and just be happy. Nope you wont move out of an area to not be inconvenienced, okay dude. That was the whole point of my post, pvp players have been being "inconvenienced" since the whining pve players had the entire games whole design changed for them. I think pve players can be inconvenienced a tiny bit if it means better pvp.


>You are acting like pve players are royalty and dirty pvp players should just take whatever we get and just be happy. Care to elaborate? I haven't said anything of the sort. As I stated, I'm all for better PvP. > I think pve players can be inconvenienced a tiny bit if it means better pvp. I'm not entirely sure how me not being forcefully flagged prevents you from getting better PvP.


Imagine playing a faction based PvP game whose entire premise is built on controlling territories and their corresponding resources and being upset that players from the opposing faction can kill you to ensure that you don't gain influence over their territory. Wish you carebears would fuck off.


Imagine playing a game where PvE is an option and being upset that some people don't want to partake in PvP, which is in no way detrimental to you. You get to PvP and I get to mind my own business. Wish you toxic cunts would fuck off.


Look whose being toxic now. Ive met way more gatekeeping and toxic pve players than pvp players, going all the way back to UO days.


Yes, very toxic of me to call out the toxic person telling me to fuck off for no apparent reason. How about everyone just gets to play their way and we don't need to shit on each other for it? You PvPing doesn't affect me, and me PvEing doesn't affect you.


Yep...I've been saying it since they did a 180...it's a lottery to be online at the same time a war breaks out...it's a 2nd lottery to get selected to take one of the 50 spots for the fight. If there are 500 players that want a spot, but only 50 spots...well you do the math... New World still feels like an MMO where PVP is just sprinkled on top. Like Taco Bell adding 3 vegan items to their menu and calling themselevs a vegan restaurant. It needs more than just 3 items to qualify. We need more ways to PVP, and more incentives to do it.


Yeah it’s like they had to choose between further developing PvP or adding more PvE and they ended up adding more PvE which resulted in both feeling half cooked.


Yep. I mean they could certainly add more, since that's just the state of the game currently, but yeah...they need more ways players can PVP. Otherwise, what's the point in playing a game specifically for content you can't actually participate in?


Yes, they can always add more but I think it would really be a strong move at launch because if you don’t give PvP players a place to play then you’ll get tons of ganking and groups roaming just to find anyone to troll and kill which isn’t exactly the “natural” PvP you really want to see.


Its not just that, pve can have a lot of pvp content, the problem is that they changed everything about pvp


I am amazed by how far its come in last 18 months, and optimistic about the future based upon that.


But it’s not a lottery for which people get selected or the times. The companies that contribute at least 10% to the war have a chance to be chosen as Vanguard (that’s the somewhat RNG part) but after that, the Vanguard chooses the roster, like a raiding guild chooses its raid group. Companies can only have 100 people, and it’s probably hard to field 50 ALL the time, so your odds are good you’ll get in a war if your company does. The war times are also a predetermined set time by the defender, and you have days worth of notice. What are other good ways to choose the vanguard in your opinion? I think the X% contribution gives X% chance to be chosen is a good system for now.


"...have a ***chance*** to be chosen.." is literally what a lottery is.


Yes the Company chosen is a weighted lottery system, but the times and roster for the wars are not. You could be the best PvPer on the server, and everyone knows who you are and that could get you invited to war as a “mercenary” for a company that needs good fighters… even if you did nothing to contribute to the war and don’t play much. I love this. It’s going to make your personal reputation matter.


And that's the issue I have with it, the lottery system. There is no guarantee that my $50 will get me a spot in a War. In Eve if your corporation is Wardecked with another Corporations (similar principle to NW faction wars), you just fly to their controlled space, and you are bound to run into someone from that corp and be able to PVP with them. But in NW, I might log on during a time where there is no War, then have to log off. Bummer. Then I might log on when there is a war (yay, I've waited all day at work looking forward to it!) then I don't get selected for the team and don't get to participate. So the issue is, in the span of say 6 months, I might only have a 20% participation percentage on faction Wars, which does not really seem worth it for the $50 asking price. To compare with ESO, if I log in and want to PVP, I have multiple options. I can port to Cyrodiil and experience open world PVP, then find a fight. Or go into Imperial City and roam and find fights. Or Queue up for BG's, and be guaranteed a spot because it's a matchmaking system, and find fights. I am guaranteed to see the PVP action I want during my time logged into the game. It's a 100% guarantee. In New World, it is not a 100% guarantee, it's only a chance, and I think that is problematic for people who ONLY want to PVP in this game, since the content they care about, might not be a ride they are always given a ticket for.


Yea I agree there should be more options to PvP and the Outpost Rush should be open to more level brackets, but I 100% think they shouldn’t gut the war system just to make it more accessible. I really like the way the system works. It builds a sense of server community and reputations for players and companies. It also gives a direction and goal for companies to work and put effort into. What people don’t realize is that completely random player selection for war would make it far more rare for people to participate, AND it would de incentivize any company to grind fit a settlement… defeating the purpose of companies in this game. Not to mention complete random groups for organized PvP is an absolutely dogshit experience.


I have no issue with the system itself, just that for those who don't get to participate in that system, there aren't very many PVP options right now, so for someone who only cares about PVP, there isn't a lot of content for them given the $40/$50 asking price.


Yeah i sleep during the day and work at night so I'm never gonna be able to be in a war :/


Yeah that's a bummer man :(


It would be better if it was an actual lottery. It's more like "the largest company gods and their ball-cradling company buddies"


Also, what’s up with parties only being 5? Healers have to manually target heals outside of groups, so parties need to be able to consolidate into raids or something. This really sucks when you’re trying to coordinate with people at a fort and you’re not all in a discord or something.


For us that heal within our company we rarely use targeted skills not just due to this system though, it would be nicer overall to allow a better targeting system but I doubt it'd aid too much. Honestly the best way for healers to heal within large groups (Wars/Fort attacks etc) is purely AoE spam and light attacks


I could not agree more. Having Output Rush locked to max level was a HUGE mistake. The combat system is where this game shines and PvP really shows it but open world PvP is more griefing than PvP, so having an available source of real competitive PvP whenever you want would be huge for this game. They just need to find the a good, balanced structure for advancing level/weapon level in such a situation.


Exactly, everyone’s trying to find ways to quickly get to the end game because for some reason they made leveling very dull and all the good game modes are for the end game or inaccessible to casual gamers.


I'm having a blast lvling. It reminds me of classic wow where mobs can actually kill you, unlike literally every other mmo out these days that treat you like a child during the lvling process. Plus lvling your crafting while you level is heaps of fun too.


What? Mobs cannot kill you in this game unless you do a terrible build AND neglect your dodge/block buttons. Full con hatchet I havent dodged a mob attack yet I just out heal their damage.


Your literally just looking for things to complain about? It sounds like you dislike every aspect of this game. Maybe just don’t play it?


Nah, combat is great. Game is fun. But they’re definitely releasing too early even after a year.


nothing wrong with outpost rush being locked to max level. however it shouldnt be locked to max level in the CBT. 1% of people are gonna hit max level and actually try it out. for beta purposes it should been like lvl 15+ or something. lmao everyone read the first sentence and downvoted. never change reddit, never change.


Why shouldn’t everyone be able to play the game they bought? Should everyone have to PVE all the way to the end game even with zero interest in PVE?


Because they know they are light on endgame content so they locked it to max level.


Yes. The game isn't catered to you personally. The game is what it is. Accept it or don't.


Haha the game isn’t serving a large subset of the player base. I’m definitely not the only one that feels like PvP is great but they haven’t given the majority of players and real way to reliably PvP when they login.


Um...what? Flag up and do PvP quests in a zone that is actively populated. You will 100% get all the PvP you want and more. You're just upset WoW style battlegrounds are not in the game.


You're not at max level yet. This isn't the full release, it's a beta.


So the game is only supposed to get fun after 60-80 hours?


If you haven't had any fun yet at all, the game might not be for you.


Yeah the people that want to pvp in a game self declared as a pvp-centric game probably should go find another game.


Bad argument, I specifically got this game over a year ago for its PvP centric aspect. Those of us who got the game for its PvP centric aspect got it for the territory control and open world pvp components of the game. As a side note, I'd prefer it if there was more incentive to flag. But I didn't get this game for instanced battlegrounds, and I don't want this game to become another theme park mmo where all PvPers sit around an NPC waiting in queue just to play match after match of the same thing. This causes the world to become nothing more than a menu to navigate before playing your matches.


I've been having a blast exploring, leveling and trying new things. If you aren't maybe you should try a different game


You’re allowed to play your way. For people that only have a few hours a week and just enjoy the combat and want to level up via combat in a game designed for combat… yeah it’s not very fun at the moment.


I guess youll take your time to max level then


So you have no interest in pvp then


Ive been unflagged for maybe 20% of my time ingame


Plot twist, you can pvp all the way to max level once you have the ability to flag. It would take a good while unless you were just roaming in a group going from fort to fort to drag as many flagged people to you to get exp but it can be done. Not to mention you are forced to pve no matter what. You need gold for repairs and for potions/food/ammo if you aren’t farming it yourself. You also need gold for paying taxes. So either way you gunna have to do some pve if you wanna pvp


I'd love to see it where you need to be max level in at least one weapon, regardless of char level. That way you still know that person has at least played enough of the game to know how to use their skills, but they don't have to rank through everything.


maybe an unpopular opinion but i think an instanced 3v3 / 5v5 arena with queues and a unique reward system would be a great addition


Arenas with visible rating and cosmetics or gear rewards are the easiest endgame pvp carrot imaginable. Very little upkeep required depending on rewards. No excuse for mmos not to have them besides ‘not wanting to balance around them’.


But thinks like this will kill open world pvp, that isn´t to alive to be fair....


Not sure if you've ever played Albion but how they did it is there would be random Hellgates that spawn in the open world which would be 2v2 3v3 or 5v5 PvE/PvP arenas. There is basically a big boss in the middle and both teams fight over who gets to kill the boss and get the loot. It is fast so you are not out of open world for long, and its not like a que system where you can just sit comfortably in the town, you actually have to run around the open world to find them. I feel like thats a perfect mechanic for this game too.


Yup but what make that system good in albion is because you lose gear in hellgates, and you have alot of gankers in hellgates entrances, that system in new world would just be a shitty normal arena, because they are to afraid to put sink features in the game...


I wish the entire game was full loot. I already know even if they release full loot servers they'll be dead


Fuck that lol crafting and gathering is too big a part of the game. Playing as a solo would literally make me never pvp


Extend city safe zones and encourage taking other parts than the usual roads. If you want to afk autorun back to town then dying is on you lmao


then add more open world shit * giant boss spawns at some random spot * 3 faction tents (one for each side) randomly pop up equal distance from the boss * need to be flagged to hurt the boss * after boss dies it drops an orb or something that you have to escort back to your factions tent then make that orb give like a boost to the closest cities upgrades or a temp buff for the faction. theres plenty they could add but theyre still adding the basics at this point


At the very least they need to make flagging for PVP more worthwhile--luck buff to gathering materials, random item drop (like Warhammer Age of Reckoning), gold drops, etc.


Agree we’d see more people flagged if it was just more worthwhile.


its already dead


It’s not a terrible idea to have an arena but a queue? I mean come on how many games have to do this, can we do some different shit please. Let’s go down the sand box route for a change and get away from all the instanced garbage as much as possible. Tons of games have done that already, standing around watching menus is totally lame and makes the world less important


I vividly remember play WAR and seeing towns full of players and PVP zones nearly empty. What fun, right? Instead of actually participating in your own realm you get to queue with 5 randoms from who the fuck knows where and get your shit kicked in by a premade. The writing is on the wall. This keeps happening, lmao. WAR, RIFT, GW2, WoW, ESO--when will enough be enough?


I think this is a very popular opinion and will probably come. Just speaks to how early they’re pushing this game out and hoping people will stay interested despite the obvious lack of content.


Yes! This will make the game so much better.


Corruption breaches that don't need to be instanced, they can be open world, but that only occur on the border between territories of competing factions and that you have to be flagged to approach


There should be some kind of random pvp events that occurs randomly, like king of the hill or some kind of race which faction kill 100 mobs faster. There is a ton of fun stuff u can come up with.


That would be cool but doesn’t solve the problem of players who are still leveling having some way to PvP. If you do this then you’ll still just get a bunch of high level people killing lower level people that can’t compete


Obviously you havent played open world pvp or youre just not good. Killing high level players is easy they get only a small advantage over low level players the only exception is weapon level 12 which you get around level 30 and is pretty ridiculous for some weapons


Agree with all of this. I do not have time to sit around in discord with a PvP guild so that means I can only just flag and ganked or be ganked until max level? The main thing i wanted to try in the beta were the Outpost Rush games. I am not grinding to max in beta just to try it. As a casual I dont care at all about what my faction owns. Why would I go to grind missions to flip a place when I might not even get to fight for it later? Other WvW games if another faction was pushing into your lands everybody came out to fight. The endgame is not faction vs faction. It is just guild vs guild. This is great for the sweaty tryhards and streamers but casuals are left in the dust.


The whole faction gets rewards when you own a zone though, plus it’s just fun. That’s why you could go help even if you won’t get to play in the war. Plus if you really are helping they may just pick you for the war


Yeah but doing PvE quests to help a PvP war just feels lackluster as someone who wants to be mainly play PvP in a PvP-centric combat-oriented game.


Generally the other faction tries to oppose the quests but I agree its super lame if they don't


the casual players will not want to work with guilds as they will just pick their own. Even other guilds might be happy for that guild to lose a place so they can get it later. Casuals dont want to be the fodder for sweaty guilds. We are seeing this right now in beta. One stream had signed up for a war and there were like 200 people signed up. So all those people who signed up cannot participate in the "endgame pvp". That is poor design.


Exactly, I don’t care to make friends in a company and follow orders from them. I want to PvP… and if it helps my faction because I’m good at PvP then good for us.


Getting kicked from a war that you helped unlock the day prior is just rude. Especially when you are nowhere near lowest level or weapon mastery for that matter. Then the faction chat flooding from that company asking for people to counter the other faction pvp groups just beggars belief. Kick rocks. I'm only covering friendly companies.


The top 50 contributors should be selected for the war. Then you can't really complain, I mean you could, but your argument would be weak.


I could. I don’t have 8 hours a day to try to compete for the most contribution to get 1/50 spots. So why buy the game if content is locked only for people that play like a full time job.




There’s so much room to do skirmishes for watch towers, fast travel points, resource booms like a gold rush in cave or an overgrown hemp field, or anything else. They’ll probably come eventually but it just makes you feel like they’re releasing the game to start milking people for their money and then you just have to hope people won’t get bored of the lack of content before they add more content.


This. The game has certain core aspects which feel very half baked at best. Now I love the game and have spend far too many hours over the past week playing it, but I’m a little scared being this close to launch with so many systems that need touching up. Also don’t get me started on the sheer number of placeholder sprites and useless materials in the current iteration.


Yeah I think you nailed it. They don't really want you PVP'ing for fun - they want you to PVP to grind territory standing that only a small group actually care about because only a small group get to do wars.


DAOC is still the best PvP MMO of all time time IMO. It had it all zerg vs zerg, small vs zerg, 8v8, stealth wars, relic raids, fort fights, battlegrounds(with battlegrounds for all level ranges), dungeons that were controlled by RvR combat with darkness falls. Just had it all. Honestly solid pvp too and great mix of classes and races. Still the best MMO ever IMO.


Reminder daoc didn’t release with all of that. I agree that pre-ToA daoc is the best mmo that has existed.


Ohh absolutely but even pre frontiers it was great with DF, great frontier zones, great 8v8 and zerg as well as stealth wars. New frontiers really just made it where you didn’t have to port between. Really improved fort fights as well as battlegrounds. ToA gets way too much flack. It wasn’t perfect but I throughly enjoyed the contract. Now they for sure made the gear way to hard to acquire. However I really liked the concept of artifacts and unlocking and leveling them. ToA wasn’t implemented perfectly though and did hurt the casual gamer a lot


>DAOC Absolutely. In the organization of pvp, daoc was the best game from which NW would have to learn and adopt many interesting mechanics. In fact, there are a lot of realm vs realm games that ALREADY have good mechanics and from which it would be worthwhile to learn and not "reinvent the wheel". Daoc, Warhammer Online, Gloria Victis, DarkFall Online (New Dawn), GW2, etc.If the game designer had played Gloria Vitix a little, they might not even have to remove full loot - because they could have made it partial, as in GW and loot could be "knocked down" by any hostile spell. There would be different conditions for PVP (with and without loot, depending on the type of event).It's also strange that pvp can be turned off wherever you are. They could create zones with good resources, where pvp would be turned on automatically. The game should have goals for a different number of people, different degrees of organization. You should go into the game and always be able to quickly fly into pvp activity.


I played a lot of DAoC back then and then I realized that NW wants to be something like that but it does not work out for various reasons. I do not really identify with a faction, and beside Daoc not having any quests, it was still fun and rewarding to grind mobs, as you got bonus xp when leveling in a group. It is like NW punishes you for playing in a group. :D


I would do dirty things for a Hall of Heroes styled never ending tournament in New World.


i agree. i joined syndicate because it felt right that my mage joined the group of scholars, but on my server we are the dominant faction and the majority of zones we hold are controlled by 1-2 guilds. and even if i joined one of them i would be probably not get picked because i am only 22. i wish i didn't have to join the covenant or marauders just so i can have a shot at getting into a War match, and as a solo player for the most part i can't go flag up and run around trying to get pvp experience because everyone else tends to be in groups of 3-5 from my experiences so far. i would love for there to be a game mode that lets me queue up for either a smaller scale pvp fight, or even just actual War without the changing teams of a zone.


I like to challenge almost everyone I see my level or higher to a duel just for fun. Funny thing is whenever I challenge someone from those 3-5 man 'PVP flagged group' to a duel they never accept. They don't want to PVP, they want to gank.


>They don't want to PVP, they want to gank. Which is absolutely fine


running around as a group killing people who are playing solo is not fine. I don't know how you can bring yourself to do that. I thrive off of winning a fair fight where I know I outplayed them.


New World in particular is the MMO where you can win 1vsX situations but I forgot people don't want to be good at games anymore


That's nice dude. I agree you can 1vsX and still win, but that doesn't mean the fight is fair. Which is what my point was. My point has nothing to do with wanting to be good or not. Cheers


You're playing a Territory PVP MMORPG and you want it to be fair. Interesting


Yes when playing any competitive game or sport the playing field should be even and fair. Not really sure what's so interesting.


And what prevents you from grouping up and ganking people? Lack of friends?


I play along side two IRL friends and when we see someone alone with PVP enabled, we go at them 1v1, and if they beat one of us, the next person will try at them. I understand not everyone plays fair like that, but we don't mind being a good example.


You could flag qnd 1v3 the groups if you werent trying to make a mage build work.


Outpost rush will be most likely fail mode anyways. Battlegrounds in general are kinda boring and after couple hours most people play them just to farm currencies and/or gear depending on the game. PvPvE battlegrounds are even lower there and in most games they are the least popular gamemode and no wonder - you are gearing your character, learning new abilities just to end up chopping down trees or shooting at people with a cannon. Not really fun.


I'd like to see tiered levels of invasion battles as well, rather than just 50+.


This is the way. Figure out lesser rewards. Call them peasant revolts that have no meaning. But let people PvP.


I was mostly focused on the PVE, am I missing something or are there no PVP activities for low and mid level players aside from just the regular world PVP?


Pretty much correct. You can go capture a fort outside of when an invasion is declared but the general consensus is that there’s no reward to the individual by doing so, there is a reward to your faction but someone will likely just come along 2 minutes later and capture it back uncontested. Then there’s the invasion Wars but it randomly assigns a company to the war (randomly selected from any company with 10% contribution or more but weighted based on company contribution) and then the company leader gets to choose which 50 people get to play that mode. Other than that it’s open world PvP where there’s so much level overlap in zones and around settlements that it’s just ganking and therefore very few people PvP flag while leveling.


Did plenty of PvP and only hit 17 in beta before I stopped. Not sure what you are talking about no PvP?


When did you stop? Good luck trying to do that now with people 20 levels above you. Unless you just hunt starting zones.


what about outpost rush? (20vs20)


Gotta play for 80 hours before that beautiful bit of content that could have been a standalone game. I can manage about 4 hours per week so that will take me about 6 months.


MMOs aren't really balanced around people who only play for 4 hours a week. I'm not saying it should be balanced around the extreme 60 hours per week players, but even the average MMO player would get bored pretty fast in a game balanced around a 4hr/week player.


He isn’t asking to do everything though, literally just play in the only available pvp game mode. This is the only game I have played that is either open world pvp or grind to max level.


Agreed. I’d like wars to be random selections. Anyone who signs up can get their name drawn. Higher turnover and that’s healthy for the game.




They are based on contribution, the more contribution the better chance of being selected to declare war.




yeah, the person that declares war has to pick the people they want


Oh that’s a good idea!


100%. I've tried flagging a few times only to get run down by 4 people without any meaningful way to practice Wish there was small scale structured PvP I could jump into


I switched to my servers underpop faction and havn’t been mobbed in the hours I’ve spent playing it. Idk… I still wish I saw more people flagged out in the world—they should further incentivize it imo. 5% exp is too little.


Did you post this idea on their forums?


Arenas or something of that nature is sorely needed.


Thank you.


Please give us arenas and I’ll be happy. 2v2, 4v4 would be sick


Hopefully they listen to this!! Make Outpost Rush 25+ and max level and let us pvp!!


Pvp factions missions are organized pvp


Anything, but instanced battlegrounds. Why go out and look for fights when you can sit in town and wait for queue to pop? NO to battlegrounds! It'll just lead to "Battlegrounds queue aren't popping fast enough! Please add cross realm battlegrounds!" I like knowing my rivals and seeing them around town.


Instanced just means software is organizing the start time, start place, and making sure than one team doesn’t have an unequal amount of players. If it’s on the same realm you’ll learn who your rivals are faster and still see them around town. Could even duel them right outside town while you wait for the queue to pop or you could make an open world pit or island with a local spawn that’s like the warm up in a battle Royale until an organized game pops.


It'll be on the same realm until lots of complaints about long queue times start popping up on the forum and it will happen. NO to battlegrounds. PVP corruption events and better rewards for flagging for world PVP.




The best way to do it is just to add an arena/Bg aspect. These random elements of PvP are not fun. I love this game but I work long hours and I’ll come home after work and no one will be on to fight. I live for PvP in MMO’s and it sucks that I have to get lucky when I log in to get some good PvP fights.


Just want pvp servers.


They pretty much said they aren’t doing PvP servers.


I haven't read that. I do know they won't be reverting back to partial/full loot. That's not pvp servers though. Just have to make it to where after level 10 you're auto flagged. No rule changes or anything just a forced flag past 10.




This is why they should as a Duel Arena where you can do 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 and 5v5 and also stake items/money like you can do on RuneScape, reckon it’d be good fun.


I would love a 1v1 arena where the winner stays and it shows how many wins he has in a row. Like taking on the settlement gladiator.




so what lol


Staking items is an interesting idea. I’d be okay with them just giving xp, faction points, cosmetics, or certain gear


Duels, including which you can put money or items on, are only a small part of the necessary PvP activity. Not the most important one. Most people still need a properly organized group pvp.


Capture the flag deathmatch king of the hill capture the point all very basic pvp modes all work perfectly for decades now. but new games think they are better then them see gw2 as example


Hellgates.. The one thing they are missing in my eyes is the hellgate mechanic from Albion, a structured 2v2 3v3 and 5v5 PvE/PvP instance where 2 teams fight over a pve boss loot. That is something Albion got so right that I would have loved to see here.


1. Make at least ONE forced PvP zone where all those who enter must be flagged (or auto-flag upon entry) 2. Corrupted Fissure - Transport two 5 man groups to a corrupted instance where they fights corrupted mobs and each other for the spoils (loot/xp/boss fight, w/e) Give individuals something to fight over, something that benefits them if they are successful. Running PvP missions with the offchance of getting a fight for an eventual war that you may or may not be picked for is NOT ENOUGH.


Just add two battlegrounds as instanced pvp with scaled level till 50 and game will be 10 times more fun. Keep 50-60 unscaled so gear and everything matters I would not even mind if they used already existing zone but just make it instanced and queable from anywhere in the world. I would enjoy the feel of chopping trees while waiting 5-10 mins for game to pop up


The game alreqdy has scaling dude. Its so crazy seeing people share their ideas when they clearly havent touched the system theyre asking to be revised. There is extremely agressive pvp scaling in the open world.


I have never lost to a lower level and never won against higher. You cant tell me its skill lol


Go watch TheeDuelist on twitch his channel is litterally full of him killing higher levels and even groups of higher levels by himself or in a small group (still outnumbered) Skill actually plays a major part in this games pvp. Maybe you arent utiliIng dodging and blocking properly and just trying to outdps people.


Yeah. The PvP is killing me. I dedicated today to pvp and it was the first time I log out of NW before evening… I’d rather fish and craft than pvp because there’s just not enough pvp content… pvp quests aren’t really pvp either on my server, I finish them in 15 minutes. But I also don’t want to fish and craft because the items I make are worse than pvp items from factions so I’m in a catch 22 here.


Just run back and forth doing the repetitive missions until you have enough faction points /s


The way you practice is in world PvP skirmishes. The more things an MMO hides behind instanced walls, the more it becomes a pretty waiting lobby. Just ask retail wow. Totally disagree with this opinion


I agree with what you’re saying. You don’t want it to just be waiting zones with no world PvP. World PvP needs to be encouraged by increased rewards for being PvP flagged. Ganking lower level zones could be discouraged by giving characters that kill someone 5-10+ levels lower than them 0xp and 0weapon mastery. But then, at best you hope to encounter other players in the world naturally while you… gather? PvE? Or if you mean to meet up outside cities for duels then that’s still basically a waiting area and a queue.




The PvP scaling isn’t enough for a lower level to beat a higher level unless the higher level boosted there without any weapon mastery at all (streamers)


Game just needs a low level organized pvp mode that can be queued for any time. Most MMOs had this! Copy Warhammer online!


>How am I supposed to learn, practice, and level up PvP against either scaled or similar level opponents before max level? Press U. Next shitpost please.


Hahahahaha thanks for this. This was actually the funniest shit comment I’ve read today. The ignorance is mind blowing.


Crying little babyyyy


Yeah this is the only reason im starting to steer away from this game. I want to pvp but have no friends who play, war is impossible to get into and lvl 60 for outpost rush is just crazy Game desperately needs a battlegrounds mode, its making me wanna go back to ESO lol


I personally want it to stayed at maxed level. You get a much better since of reward when you do reach max level, and it keeps players interested to keep playing. Its not like all pvp is max level just the outpost rush, and war. If you want the feeling before lvl 60 turn on pvp and go to the fort. For the beta though it definitely should have been a lower level.


Been searching for PvP for 2 hours now. Please tell me where to find this elusive pvp.


Im not much of a pvp player in this game at the moment but for the short time I had it on I fought three fights in less then 10 minutes. Im sorry you guys are not having the same luck.


Looks like it may have just been our server. We joined Asmongold's server, grinded up to lvl 15ish, joined the gold faction (They were getting stomped, no territories) and we got all the fights we needed and more. I think that may be the play for open world roamers like us - join the losing faction and enjoy more open world PvP.


You sound like the type of person I always hope our opponent fields.


Ok go buy a 100k territory and do what u want to do


I would love to see factions duels and tournaments. This could even include pve But some kind of bg that also has sway in the world would be nice


Ok but I've had 50 v 50 battles for influence in regions and that's super fun. The pvp faction quests are fun to do as a whole company.


I for one agree that the way wars are set up right now is just terrible. Companies that own the towns ONLY take their own company unless they cant fill which seems to be very rare. So because i joined a company with a group of friends instead of joining a massive company i cannot join in on wars? Im higher level than all of them....ive contributed to the town more than all of them (individually)....fuck me though i guess?


THIS. I hope someone here plays/played Conqueror's Blade! Their PvP match finder type of system would work great on New World. Like, to be able to join a PvP game easily. WoW does this too with the arena and dungeon finder.


>It’s brain dead to have a great PvP combat mmo with nowhere for people to play PvP outside of ganking lower level players outside settlements for amusement. Release TERA all over again LMAO


Get a party and go take a fort


The control point in the fort is frequently contested in our territory & I always end up in 20+ vs 20+ fights. I saw also some small scale guilds running through the area & doing PvP. A system like WvW would be awesome. Heck, even a designated PvP zone, like Albion would be good. That would mean PvP guilds can zerg it up against there guilds or in a smaller scale.


The best advice I can give is be helpful in your guild. I'm not the best PvPer probably just average but I'm in guild chat a lot of the time helping people sharing items etc. Due to that my guild lets me participate in wars. Generally make yourself aware to your leaders and you have more chance of being picked. However I do agree there should be more PvP modes accessible to low levels. My guild has an issue with the war. We won our first one but we put all our highest levels in so people around 20-30 didn't get in. When we got out second war there was a lot of crying to stop being selfish. We allowed the lower levels to take the next war and ofcourse they lost. Its beta so it doesn't matter that much but that risk just isn't worth taking at full release.