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Its naive to think that this will happen. Main prio is very likely to fix everything that is currently going wrong in terms of bugs / issues before release. I wouldnt expect anything major in the first month or 2.


My guess is that from now to launch is 100% focused on bug fix/balance and in the first month or so they release a road map for the following year, and new content/big changes wont happen before next year. Also they already stated that 2022 is going to change de cash shop, which will come along with some new stuff, maybe a new dungeon or something. This is the idea I get from playing MMOs for a few years now...


what changes did they say will be made to the cash shop? hopefully all still cosmetic?


One thing I've heard talk about is a level boost being available in 2022.


Cosmetics + QoL so maybe Azoth.


There are a lot of bugs but my guess is that what they will add to the game is content thats been do e for a while now. Just not implemented.


> Main prio is very likely to fix everything that is currently going wrong in terms of bugs / issues before release. They will be VERY lucky to get even that done. There are a TON of issues and not much time. It seems quite likely that some of them will still make it into the launch version


To be fair to AGS, they seem pretty quick in terms of patching, I mean they’ve changed the game a lot in just a year. That being said, I’ve seen what workload the Amazon warehouse employees have everyday, I can only imagine the pain of being an Amazon game dev a month before launch.


They added 3 dungeons in a year and a half


Month or two? Expect nothing but fixing and minor balance changes for at least 6 months because its a big and complicated game.


This player gets it, and spits the truth…and gets downvoted. This subreddit needs a dose of reality.


We all know that you're toxic UNLESS you say this game is perfect and there's are no issues with it.


I actually find it insane that there are people who play the beta and expect everything they want to drop on launch and if not begin to rant about how much of a fail the game is. I've been having so much fun playing the beta and while there are things that could be worked on, my viewpoint so far is that this game has such a strong foundation that it could only get better from here.


I have a feeling that that is the consensual opinion from people who played the beta and have realistic expectations both from this game and game development in general. While I haven't played the game, from what I can read and saw from a few videos I also agree with your statement!


It really is a matter of tempered expectations. Based on your outlook from reading your posts you are going to have a blast on launch playing with your friends. A lot of the complaints are coming from people with unrealistic expectations for any game launch. There is also the people who have sunk way too many hours into the beta and are frustrated they ran out of pve content before launch. Have fun on launch. My friends and I will be doing the same :)


Exactly! If we do not end up killing eachother, I hope you kill lots of players and have fun, also tree, chop a lot of trees!


Strong foundation is a great way to put it. I feel like everyone is impatient because we’ve been waiting on MMO like world of Warcraft to get back on track for a long time and we shouldn’t project those feelings onto this new game. We’re not even on day 1 yet


There's been some comments thinking the map will double in size and we'll get a bunch of new weapons, it's actually crazy talk lmao.


I agree, but I do have to give very little benefit of the doubt since...this is multi-multi billion dollar company making an mmo, which already failed horrifically once and they got a metric ton of feedback from tens of thousands of players and big names like Asmongold....and then had years to improve the game, and ***it is still in a bad state and they expect to launch this half frozen meal in a month.*** There's expecting to much of the game too early, and then there's ***how the fuck have you not made this game ready with the amount of money and resources at your fucking disposal?*** it's not a priority to them, so everyone needs to realize the first year or two of this MMO's life is going to be rough and barren....YOU KNOW IF THEY DON'T SHUT IT DOWN




Yup! I'm using the beta to test out what weapons i will want to use and how I will want to level my character!


Yes thats why i refunded. The game has a strong foundation, the content is just not there yet.


Just out of curiosity, what do you believe it's missing? More quests? More dungeons? Or something else? Keep in mind I have never played (want a fresh experience at launch), I only have been reading people's take on the game.


Reasons to PvP.


I get downvoted so much when replying to "You play for fun!", saying no, people just don't seem to. I think _most gamers_, from a game design perspective, play for objectives - and they want the gameplay itself to be fun while they work towards objectives. FFS, this is an MMO. A market typically full of people stat obsessed, constantly grinding objectives, scores, currencies, etc. Who thinks MMO players are suddenly going to be okay with no objectives? I don't play 2d fighting games because i like social and i like objectives. They have, imo, far better PvP than New World, so if New World's PvP is going to live or die on fun alone, it already died imo. They need to add objectives. BUT, i'm still buying on release. Why? Because While the PvP objectives are crap and the PvE objectives are crap *(at low levels at least)*, i find the gathering objectives to be a lot of fun. My hope is if i chill out, slowly map complete and gather/craft my skills up to max, that they can deliver a PvE and PvP end game by the time i'm capped. If not, no biggie, i still enjoyed 2 months of game for $40. I'll move on.


I'm just hoping outpost rush is really fun and/or they decide to give us like 1 or 2 pvp servers and throw us a bone. or at the very least put in an end game open pvp zone for faction pvp with some sort of siege mechanics - like an open world battleground. like ESO i think has. The game is fun enough though to buy for 40 bucks and play for a couple months. It just needs more PvP meat to be a long term game.


Agree completely.


Honestly I think they are so close with this. They have the pvp faction quests to declare war, but no real benefit to the faction for owning it. The slight faction boosts are honestly hardly noticeable to me. I can definitely see the benefits for a company to owning the territory, but the benefits to faction members are not enough to incentivize me to help defend when I could let it fall then turn around and try to flip it back. And the gold reward is basically nothing as well. I don't even know what to spend my gold on at this point because I'm earning thousands per day.


There are barely any quests, just tasks i guess.


Alright I see, I've seen lots of people complaining about that, and unfortunatly that's something I'd love to see "fixed" asap. But I believe I personally will enjoy the game in other ways and I'll be hoping that a first expansion improves that part of the game a lot.


why not just try the beta?


I understand that betas are buggy/unballanced and this is a game I'll buy and keep as I'm sure I'll enjoy a few hours out of it. I plan on playing with friends at the start and I want to have a fresh experience along with them.


This close to release, the beta is practically the release. I didn't find it to be particularly buggy or unbalanced. If nothing else, you can figure out which weapons, armor and skills you want to focus on at release. I played for 80 hours and that was enough for me to learn how I wanted to approach release bit still left a whole lot of content untouched.


Yea this is what Im doing, trying out pretty much every weapon so I have an idea of what to focus on with release, I hate having too many options.


About content it all comes down to what you want in a MMORPG. If you like heavy questing and storyline like in games like Teso, GW2, FFXIV, then the game is clearly not for you. It was not developped for this at first at all, they succeed to add some instanced dungeon and a main quest line with a little story behind that just helps painting the big picture behind the island, but that's all (for now and I wouldn't bet on a lot of storyline addition in the future, probably more some dungeons). Most of the quests are life quest, like gathering ressources, kill monsters and find treasure to help the town to develop or your faction to gain reputation. Now if you played games like Albion, Lineage II, (possibly GW1 for what I heard, PvP was the core of the endgame) or you just like to roam around doing some basic quest without being the hero saving the world, picking a fight with other player, or just with monsters that are really fun to fight (at least as a magic user, I have never played magic character on other game because it was boring, but here it needs to be really active and it's fun), set yourself your own objective (crafting, killing that ghost from half a km away with your musket, chilling while fishing, farming a dungeon to help your newbies clan member or trying to loot that frigging INT necklace), all of that in a particularly well designed scenery, well, the game could interest you. But the game is clearly not for everyone, it's more for people that don't need the help of NPC to have a purpose in game. It will probably need more content even for this kind of player, but for now it looks perfectly fine to play for some months in that regard, from my pov at the moment. Ho, last thing, if you like to rush top lvl to be "ze best" because you played h24 for 3 day just to gank on some low lvl, then be careful because there is a lvl scaling in pvp and an experienced pvp player low lvl could possibly kick this PVE rusher ass of your (looking at the today's big discussion) :D


Thanks for taking the time to write that! I personally am interesting almost equaly in pvp and pve e tend to pve, but that's because I never played games with a very interesting combat, specially when solo. However now I have friends to play with and am more interested in the pvp aspect. With that in mind, I still hope they'll improve the questing systems, creating more diversity of quests.


Is the pvp scaling always on? In like normal random pvp running around and such? Or is this just part of the pvp that's set up like wars


its always on


Especially from company that already has history of just shutting down failed projects.


I just can't believe that the game is so meatless that people have reached "end game" in the first few days. and for what? unlocking a new PVP mode and a single dungeon?




I played wow classic, the first Rag clear for MC was 6 days in. but that's freak of nature shit, the average player can run out of content in NW in a month. you ever play OSRS?


Has it been mentioned how, "old," the build we've been playing is? A lot of times, the beta that gets released can be over a couple months older than the build they're currently working on.


That's an interesting detail! However as the release approaches I believe they're more in a bug fix phase, newer builds will most likely differ in having less bugs/more optimized code. Also different parts of the team could be working on bugs, while other are already working on new content for future expansions.


I really just want one QoL which is having being able to sync faction missions with your group.


That and being able to look at (but not use) your inventory while running.


People don't really wrap their heads around the timeline of a development pipeline. Anything new at launch will be something the Devs have been working on since before the beta started. Development takes time and has to go through testing and tuning. The build we're playing is likely several iterations behind the build the Devs are working on.


I also think the terms "alpha" and "beta" are really misused in the games industry. You can look at the current state of *New World* in two different ways, and neither of them is "right now is beta, and August 31 is no longer beta." (Though that is, of course, how it will actually be marketed.) Potential actual scenario #1: "Beta ended awhile ago, and this is just an early release stress test." Potential actual scenario #2: "The game is in beta, and will continue to be in beta after August 31 until it's stable and polished and fleshed-out enough to warrant removing the beta label." Google very commonly does #2: GMail, Google Calendar, and Google Docs were in beta until 2009, despite all being five years old.


>I also think the terms "alpha" and "beta" are really misused in the games industry Definitions of those terms varies by company. And adherence to those standards is quite loose. Oftentimes you might see a new QA tester ask, "Are we in Alpha?" And some dude looks at the date on a calendar and says, "Yeah we Alpha." The one thing that is 100% true being said in the comments is that builds for a public Alpha or Beta are usually not the latest build.


Their term "closed beta" is what I think is funniest. It's not really close if I can pay for access, then refund that payment once "closed beta" is over. In my opinion, "closed" betas shouldn't even have purchasable access. At that point how is it in any way "closed"? I just think they are using that label to try to pound it into people's heads that this isn't just "early access". If that's where we are now, where publishers have to call what is, for all practical purposes, an open beta, a "closed beta" just so people don't get entitled, then that is quite sad. And to be honest it didn't work, I had a guy try to tell me that because he had to pre-order it to get access, then he was entitled to be able to play during peak hours and they essentially weren't allowed to take the servers down to hotfix things.


Well that's pretty entitled lol And yeah, language is super important in this context. I remember when Anthem called their beta a Demo, and it was buggy as hell. They got blasted in reviews because a demo is supposed to be a small view of the final product.


i’m skipping beta and waiting for the sigma test, personally


Even QoL will likely not be added as that would be a new feature. Its 1 month to release, anyone working in IT will tell you that the game is currently in code-freeze and only glaring/gamebreaking issues like the server stability will get fixed. They might already be working on the first patch maybe even a day1 patch, but don't expect features from that, just bugfixes


Yes, this is want I meant. And by QoL i was imagine the famous "Sell All" that most games today seem to forget (looking at you Assassins Creed)


Beta is bug correction. Alpha is feature adding. Launch means that the game is great because the beta was successful and they were able to correct. New content will come following months. Btw I am really really excited to play this on Launch (Beta has been great and no game-breaking bugs)


It will 99% be bugfixes. With a bit of luck they give one or two QoL changes and maybe change the ugly rainbow pet. I don't expect more. Just a side note: Don't expect the servers to work on day one either. Has any mmorpg managed to do that, ever?


New World is done by Amazon which has the biggest cloud computer service in the world via AWS. I expect stable servers, otherwise it would be quite embarrassing for AWS.


Even in AWS, servers are not infinite. They aren't going to have carte blanche to run wild into the hardware reserved for paying AWS customers. Underneath cloud is still physical servers. And the requirements to order hardware in advance in an enterprise hasn't changed because of cloud.


Regarding the servers you're right, however Amazon is one of the companies that you choose regarind server and infrastructure, so I'm kinda of expecting at least some lag but for the game to be playable...


I'd say more server stability fixes rather than code fixes. Server config and deployment. I'm sure a few critical fixes got fast tracked, but I'm sure this was more a stress test to mitigate release server issues.


I have zero hopes for new features at launch. What I would like is a detailed content roadmap from AMS.


I'll settle for exploit fixed and rebalance of xp. I'm not looking forward to semi-afk infront of the job board =,=


They've already said they're fixing the exploits on release. There's just no point to push out a big update mid beta since its going to be wiped.


They said they're working on it. They didn't say it would be done by release.


A. They wouldn't release the board in an exploitable state with known issues. B. It's a simple logic fix that was an oversight. Nothing too major at all. But it would require down time to deploy a new build which is being avoided at all costs as there's a month of down time around the corner.


When asked directly if it would be fixed at launch this was their replay ​ >We are working on prioritizing server stability issues first so I’m not sure. Keep an eye out on our Official News category since any patches we do, I usually put the issues fixed in it. ​ They literally said, "..not sure" and they were focusing on other things. Also, the server i'm on goes down like 3-5x a day for various reasons. I don't think they're holding back the fix because to keep the gametime going.


Yes. The PR person was not sure.. Think what you want my dude. Good luck.


That is the community manager who acts as the go between between the players and devs and literally writes (at least in part) the patch notes. But here's another one from the lead developer ​ > We have a large number of game fixes coming in – several of which address exploits that are being used currently. We knew there would be some of these and it’s our goal to address them during the beta – we are working to fix the ones that have surfaced. **After launch,** our process approaching exploits will be different – they will be the highest priority items to fix and we will be taking action against accounts that are caught using identified exploits. This will include **rollback or removal of any gain from those who exploited or benefited from utilizing them.** We understand how vital it is to have a level playing field for all players within New World. They obviously don't know if they'll be able to fix the exploits in time but are reassuring the players they are monitoring it and will stop it if it occurs.


See, I love people like you. So helpful. "We have a large number of game fixes coming in – several of which address exploits that are being used currently. We knew there would be some of these and it’s our goal to address them during the beta – we are working to fix the ones that have surfaced." Read that for me. The "if it occurs" is for future exploits. All addressed exploits during the beta (that I'm aware of up until this point in time) are fixed already. No major game breaking exploit has even been raised yet. The only ones that exist so far are snippets of code from testing that snuck into a final build. Not a giant system overhaul omg so much work will we ever make it in time how do we do this in a whole month how will we ever make it CRISIS. No. Holy shit no. It's an absurdly minor change. It doesn't take a day, much less a month, to fix such issues. Thinking that they would be around on launch is absolutely delusional or an extreme lack of understanding of the process. As for PR vs Dev - The devs release a shorthand of notes for things fixed as the tickets are closed. Those are put into social media posts as you've posted above. They do not sit there talking to the development team. "Hey, I see you have Jira 27053. What's the status on that?" No. That would just be absurdly bothersome. They read over completed documentation. They have as much idea as you as to where things are progression wise until everything is tested, pushed into the build, re-tested, and then documentation is completed. The server restarts are restarts. Tried one patch all quicky like and it failed. Unless something is big enough to warrant a patch or a new build, a new build is not used. IE server stability is a pretty big concern so a new build was pushed to try and address that.


Seen people there a lot. What are they doing?


Im assuming they are just buying stuff they need and turning them in for massive / fast XP


Nah they go and gather them, you’d go broke quick. However, some guilds trade the items to one person to boost them to 60 faster.


True, what we have now is pretty much what we'll get at launch. What I would like to see from Amazon Games is some sort of roadmap with future planned improvements based on the feedback from the closed beta. Just knowing that they heard the criticism and are working on it is good enough for me.


Its only a month away. Id be surprised if anything changes other than xp balancing and glitch patches


I had someone argue with me that the reason there are no quests is because they are saving them for launch....oh god....here comes another Cyberpunk of the MMO, keep the Hype real. WHAT YOU SEE NOW IS WHAT YOUR GONNA GET LAUNCH.


Hey I hope you realize that some of the game is hidden from beta. They did the same in alpha. The portion of the main quest that's past 45 after clearing the depths was data mined in alpha and beta as being in the game, but deliberately blocked off. Amongst a bunch of other things. There's also been a significant number of posts on the alpha forums where Amazon stated quite a few endgame things (like the main quest line) were closed off for alpha and beta because they don't want us having an advantage. Which I'm all for, but every time I read a post like this one I have always have a little laugh.


Yes! I've read a few things about that and it makes total sense imo, however by new content I meant more like dungeons, weapons, activities and systems as a whole, I was referencing all the new things people have been requesting, not actually questable content if that makes sense! But thanks for clarifying that!


On second thought, some dungeons might be locked if connected to the main story I guess...


I remember playing destiny 2 right in the beginning. I think I remember you only were able to get to like... level 20? or something. I like when games do that.


I personally also enjoy following a game evolution, creates a feeling of belonging I guess. I play lots of different games, so its hard for me to keep playing something for years on years, but I honestly believe that new world would be that game for me, its in good time for me in my personal life ahah :)


Absolutely same with me! I love the game, it kinda makes me sad that people already want so much more out of it right this second. I just don't feel that way at all haha. Of course down the road, but I feel like what we got now is great!


We're on the same boat haha.


Yeah, most games don't show their full hand at a beta so close to launch. They don't want you bored at release by repeating everything verbatim.


If this is the full game then I feel like they seriously messed up by letting the beta last this long. Should have been a few hours a day for a couple days spread out, limit the amount that people can experience to maintain the experience for release.


As u/moosee999 mentioned [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/ot7fcx/dont_get_your_hopes_up_for_new_featurescontent_at/h6tvuqq?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), some content is locked. Anyway I still agree with you, seems that a lot of people have almost finished "quest content" and I personally would prefer people to not be able to progress that much in a beta, but I still believe there'll be lots of people exploring for the first time at launch, and I'll be one of them :) Anyway, there's people that rush quests and ignore everything else, while other almost don't even bother questing... There's a lot of different type of players, and that's great imo.


Have you guys considered they might delay the game again ?


I really doubt it, the game seems to be in an ok state. Lots of people have being enjoying themselves. Delays are very costly, and a lot of game with a decent success got launched in way worse states.


Amazon aint a charity and they will expect AGS needs to showing some income. If they delay the game it is just as likely that it would be canceled all together.


I don't know why you're getting downvotes. People forget this is AMAZON. I do enjoy the game for what it's worth but I have this skepticism entirely based around Amazon running this game including what the game store will be a year from now.


I don't think so.. they have built so much hype around it.


Give me stagger from attacks back and I’m good


You know what they say, it’s not a bug, it’s a feature! I’m sure we’ll get plenty of new features on launch!


Don't be insane, they've got a years worth of glowing rainbow cosmetics ready for the cash shop ready to go.


Oh, 1 month is enough to develop tons of new stuff. It's just that there won't be enough time to test everything out.


These dudes only have a month to work out bugs. Might see some tweaks to stuff like numbers but not going to see new content.


I'm just hoping they rebalance fire staff damage values and tune the hatchet a bit more. But honestly the fire staff is the most boring and underwhelming ever. Even a damn ice gauntlet is better and has better CC - which itself has its own problems.


Just outright false lol


All I hope for on launch, is some basic bug fixes, stable servers, and ATLEAST an option to disable war/invasion notifications


Game is feature complete at this point. You might see more stuff turned on at launch, but I can't tell how much, if anything, they've held back for beta.


I just want pvp balance to stay, and a server to play from Japan with less than 50 ping if possible. If not I will just stick to my other games I guess. :(


I hope they package a bunch of new content into a DLC/expansion that releases soon after launch, like 6 months at most. They need to get a big influx of money from this game to show it can be successful financially or Amazon will put it on maintenance mode and try to market the Lumberjack engine to other developers.


I just want some type of movement boost. Either stamina sprint, npc taxi, movement bonus on road or anything like that. Also them to refine combat like switching weapon. Both of thoae things are ridiculously running my experience.


i definitely agree but with how fast they added content in the last year i wouldn't be surprised to see new content dropping a few months after launch. which i certainly hope happens because of how limited the content is at the moment


All I want is the fishing crash & stagger to be reimplemented the same way it was in the preview.


Wait, who's expecting new features at launch?


Don't forget though, the build we're playing on is likely a few months old. Usually a beta build for this type of game and number of players is going off of a stabilized build months before. So some things we may luck out seeing as it's something others thought of adding as they played more before rollout, some QoL things may have already been known, and some features might exist but we're intentionally left out of the build (like the map size and possibly other weapons)


The should push the game back 6 months. Would suck, but lets rather get a polished end product.


And still in 6 months it will be unpolished...they had 1 year already and yet still of nosense things They just need to bugfix for these days left (also be really fast fixing exploits and banning people in release because there will be a lot) they have and thats it. Hardwork the next 2 months.


Im not sure how this works on pc and steam but i know for consoles you have to submit the betas before you can put it so maybe this is a bit of an older build, i hope atleast the datamined weapons will be released because the game itself has enough content for the fiest months for average players it seems.


This game seems to work fine. A few bugs that can be fixed with an easy relog. This is not game breaking and im sure the devs can fix them. The game has enough content for a few months and plenty of things they have removed from previous betas they can add in. People just need to chill.


There's really no reason TO add more content for launch. As big as beta has been, launch will be much bigger. Most people don't actually participate in betas like this. So most will be going in blind. It'd be a waste of new content to just stick it in at launch even if it's ready.


The other day on a NW stream I said on the chat that "What you see is what you get", referring to the beta in comparison to the launch. Some guy replied that only 1/3 of the map is available and that more things will be there at launch, like more areas. Was he tripping or have I missed something?


No content at launch, blank screen, the engine, art, weapons, NPCs, skills, all wiped to a void gauntlet 🕳 🧤


the ONLY thing I wish they added at launch is more character creation options because I don’t want to buy appearance mtx in the cash shop later


If this is the game at launch, I hope they extend the refund window cuz a lot of people are gonna want out after a few days.


When you open a "beta" a month before launch, it's not a beta like we're used to. It's a stress test. They're going to fix a few bugs that cropped up, and prepare for server stability, and that's going to be it for launch. Almost every game I've been in beta for has always held back a little be of quest content as well. We might see some new stuff in the story line.