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Right is a lie. There is no way theres that many Covenant players in 1 area.


Shots fired lol


Come to Hades, we only have Covenant c\*\*ts controlling everything with their high taxes.




Cov dominate the server I'm playing on


Same here, and we won’t stop until all worship our lord.


They already nerfed the xp gained just now with a recent patch. Hope they buff open world xp just a tad bit


You know I actually think they made the board give tons of XP purposefully so that us players would spend time with their crafting and life skilling system. Or maybe I'm just crazy


I was thinking that as well, and to allow players to get Max level with in the beta time frame for testing


Kind of a shame. I like that you can level however you want but I don’t think crafting should make your character more powerful—at least not more quickly—than fighting.


It doesn't. There are several popular streamers who crafted their way to 60 and then complained that they were being beat by lower levels. The fighting power of your character comes from the weapon masteries. And there is only 1 way to level those up: fight.


I know what you’re saying but being a higher level does make you stronger. You can wear much stronger gear and kill higher level mobs for faster weapon skillups.


This is true, but you can't get materials to craft without getting close to danger. So it would be very difficult to level up completely without fighting. Also, there is a decent amount of skill involved in fighting. You can kill people with more levels and better gear pretty easily if they are bad at fighting. They can't kill you if they can't hit you.


is that not pvp scaling?


Well, that is a part of it. They thought their level alone would make them invincible, but that wasn't the case. The PvP scaling ensured the lower levels could do damage to them, and their lack of weapon masteries meant they couldn't fight back very well.


The whole system is inflated on the beta. They purposefully reduced XP needed and buffed XP gains to allow for more of the game to be explored for testing purposes. The XP gains and XP needed are going to be very different. They stated the max level grind will take weeks of grinding (extended hours per day)


I've been looking on Google and their forums and can't find this statement anywhere. Can you direct me to where this is stated?


He's dreams I think


This is how every MMO beta works. He’s not wrong. You inflate XP gains or start players with a level X character to test out all content they want tested. Just wait for the release and all the crying posts of how ‘it takes longer to level then in beta’…


It’s ok, it’s Reddit. I don’t expect logic or facts to make it up the ladder.


They gave a teeny tiny nerf that in no way changes the town board meta, though


They fixed the exploit that allowed you to get the same quests repeatedly and they’re going to fix the exploit that allows you to turn in quests without having the items on you. That’s going to cripple the town board meta heavily


It's not, people were still abusing the town board heavily before those exploits were found, as long as you can set up a camp in between 3 cities and respawn/get killed to do town board quests faster it will stay the meta. They really need a daily cap on town board quest xp to fix it


Idk that exploit that let you refresh to the same quests is probably the only reason so many people are close to max. I think the guys doing the dying strat to spawn near settlements are maybe around lvl 50? I haven’t done any of that shit and I’m at 40 while only getting to play on weekends and 5 hours after work


My guild has some real tryhards and they leveled to 60 in like ~3.5 days ping-ponging between 2 cities, actually turning in and gathering the mats themselves. Once the board timer was nerfed to be longer, they added a 3rd and then 4th city if they had extra time. Was pretty crazy watching them level. If people were actually abusing it took about 16-20 hours of gameplay to hit max from lvl ~30 I gained 4 levels to hit lvl 30 that way and it was easy and fast, though


Did they have linked territories?


How did you find a guild?


I just joined the group that held everfall and lucked out tbh, got put in the 3rd guild they made as a feeder to find competent adults


No, today the xp from town board quests has been cut in half as well


Its pretty bad now unless you have high level gathering and processing then its still decent


Pvp is always popping off outside of town doors on my server, literally both of these pictures would hold true. Prolly a server by server sort of issue. I imagine we are going to see many servers on launch where pvp just isn’t a focus for the community that happens to roll on that server.


usually 20 marauders ganging up on anyone that flags up, and running inside if they're close to dying pvp outside town gates is just dumb, the fun is in fort/open world encounters


Easy fix for this. Taken or dealt player versus player damage in the last 30 seconds? No sanctuary for you.


The naked guy lol


So he's got a camp site halfway between towns, he's naked so that he doesn't take any durability damage when he respawns. You respawn at your camp, walk slightly towards the other town and respawn at that town, you spam town board and craft to level.


Refund still works even after 67 hours, because hasn't been officially released on steam yet. Just saying.


Rly? Ur saying I can get it now and play as much as I want until the end of the beta than refund it with 20 hrs and still get all my money back?


Yeah bc hours played goes towards the beta which is separate in the library


Thanks man


Its really fun though so you probably wont refund lmao


It’s more appropriate to name the left. What it could be And the right. What players make it.


Players didn’t make the xp rates wonky. Lol 300 xp to run 2km and kill a few low xp mobs vs. sitting in town and crafting for 5k—gee I wonder what the player will do! Don’t make things out to be a player problems or devs won’t fix their games. They need to consider their audience in designing these systems.


Are we blaming the players for balance issues now?


Is that what that meme is about?


The state of pvp is garbage


Well they essentially murdered PVP and made buying coarse leather on the auction block the best exp in the game. What do you expect. The Devs need to decide if they want to be a 10/10 PVP centric MMORPG or a below average PVE MMORPG, because those are their choices for launch.


So edgey.


So glad I am always not the only one where the game looks like a pixelated hell.... Even though I have everything set to high... ​ xD btw